How to make the mouse click once. Open with one click. How to remove double mouse click

Accustomed to the fact that in the Windows operating system, basic commands are activated by double-clicking the mouse, someone may be surprised to learn that the same commands can be activated with a single click. This can be done after changing system settings or using an additional mouse button.


  • To configure a regular 3-button mouse to activate one-click commands, open My Computer or any other Windows Explorer window. If your computer is running Windows XP, select Folder Options from the View menu.
  • If you have Windows 7 or Vista installed on your computer, click the Organize menu in any Windows Explorer window and select Folder and Search Options. The Folder Options dialog box opens.
  • Under Mouse Clicks, check the box next to Open with one click, highlight with pointer. If you wish, you can also activate the “Underline icon labels on hover” option here. After completing the settings, close the window by clicking the “OK” button.
  • Now all commands that previously required double-clicking to activate will now be activated with a single mouse click. For example, to open any file or run a program, you only need to click once on the icon.
  • If you have a mouse model that has additional buttons, you can configure one of them to activate commands with one click. To do this, you should use special software from the mouse manufacturer, with which you can configure additional buttons.
  • Such programs are usually recorded on the disk that comes with the mouse. If you do not have a disk, you can download the necessary application on the official website of the manipulator (mouse) manufacturer.
  • Hello.

    I recently received a rather banal question. I will give it here in full. And so, the text of the letter (highlighted in blue)...

    Hello. Previously, I had the Windows XP operating system installed and in it all folders were opened with one click, just like any link on the Internet. Now I changed the OS to Windows 8 and folders began to open with a double click. This is so inconvenient for me... Tell me how to open folders with one click. Thank you in advance.


    I will try to answer it as completely as possible.


    Indeed, by default, all folders in Windows 7, 8, 10 are opened by double-clicking the mouse. To change this setting, you need to configure the explorer (sorry for the tautology). I will give below a mini-instruction step by step on how this is done in different versions of Windows.

    Windows 7

    Now if you go to any folder and hover over a directory or shortcut, you will see how this directory will become a link (like in a browser), and if you click on it once, it will immediately open...

    Windows 10 (8, 8.1 - same)

    1) Launch Explorer (that is, roughly speaking, open any folder that is on the disk...).

    2) There is a panel at the top, select the “View” menu, then “Options” -> change folder and search options» ( or just immediately click the options button). The screenshot below shows it in detail.

    "Options" button.

    After this, you need to put “dots” in the “mouse clicks” menu, as shown in the screenshot below, i.e. select the option " open with one click, highlight with pointer«.

    After that, save the settings and you're done... All your folders will open with one click of the left mouse button, and when you hover over them you will see how the folder will be underlined, as if it were a link in the browser. On the one hand, it’s convenient, especially for those who are used to it.


    In general, if you are tired of Explorer freezing from time to time, especially when you go to a folder with a lot of files, then I recommend using any of the file commanders. For example, I really like total commander - an excellent commander and a replacement for the standard conductor.

    Advantages (the most important in my opinion):

    • does not freeze if a folder with several thousand files is open;
    • the ability to sort by name, file size, type, etc. - to change the sorting option, just click one mouse button!
    • splitting and assembling files into several parts - convenient if you need to transfer a large file on two flash drives (for example);
    • the ability to open archives like regular folders - in one click! Of course, archiving and unzipping of all popular archive formats is available: zip, rar, 7z, cab, gz, etc.;
    • the ability to connect to FTP servers and download information from them. And many many others…

    In my humble opinion, total commander is an excellent replacement for a standard conductor.

    This is where I end my long digression, good luck to everyone!

    What should you do if the mouse starts making double clicks instead of single clicks (constantly or occasionally), although you only click the button once? The causes of this problem and how to solve it are discussed here.


    Microswitch wear

    The most common reason is wear of the microswitch, which results in contact chatter. The left mouse button always requires more clicks than the right (and vice versa if you are left-handed and configured for a left-handed mouse), and the microswitch is designed for a very large, but still limited number of clicks. You can fix this yourself; it will require your accuracy and half an hour of time. If your mouse is several years old and you don't want to bother with repairs, the easiest way is to go to the store and buy a new mouse.

    Software problem

    Double-clicking instead of single-clicking is not necessarily a problem with the mouse. This could be a purely software issue with drivers or additional software.

    To determine what the problem is in your case, try connecting the mouse to another computer or laptop. If the symptoms persist, then the problem is obviously the microswitch.


    Solution for driver problems

    If you have Windows, this method may help: through the “Control Panel”, find the mouse in the list of devices, remove it from there and reboot. After this, the mouse should connect again. Perhaps the double click problem will go away (unlikely).

    Software solutions for microswitch wear


    There is a purely software solution to help with microswitch contact bounce: Daniel Jackson's MouseFix utility (for Windows). It intercepts clicks that occur a very short time after the first one, since such clicks can only be associated with contact bounce in the microswitch. This utility can be used at least as a temporary solution.

    1. Download the MouseFix utility and unpack it into a separate folder.
    2. In the All Programs → Startup folder, create a shortcut pointing to MouseFix.exe.
    3. Log out and log back in (or just run the utility manually the first time).

    Left Mouse Button Fix

    1. Open your mouse. Different mouse models open differently. Often two screws (for a small Phillips screwdriver) are located under the sliding pads glued to the bottom of the mouse in its rear part - to get to them, these pads need to be pryed off with something sharp and temporarily peeled off. In this case, there are latches located in the front part - be careful not to break them when removing the upper part of the case.

      Disassembling the mouse

    2. Locate the microswitch under the button. If it is still difficult to access when the case is open, remove the board on which it is installed. To do this, you may have to disconnect the cables and/or unscrew something else.
    3. Remove the microswitch cover by prying it on each side with something thin and sharp, such as a needle. At this stage there is a risk of breaking the latches, be careful. Please note that there are non-separable microswitches - in this case, the only solution is to resolder them.

      Microswitch under the left mouse button

    4. When you remove the cover, a small button (usually white) will fall out. Don't lose her.

      Microswitch cover and button

    5. Now you need to remove the spring-loaded copper plate from the microswitch - that’s the problem. Over time, the spring-tongue unbends, the button returns less well to its original position and the click does not occur clearly - this is when erroneous double clicks occur.

    In this lesson I will tell you how to add and remove double click.

    How to double click the mouse

    It's very easy to do. We go to any of the folders on the computer. In the top menu go to "File ->

    This applies to Windows 10. In previous versions of Windows, instead of this item there will be “Organize -> Change folder and search options.”

    If you are not looking for an easy way, then you can go to the “Control Panel”, then in the category view mode, go to “Appearance and Personalization” and follow the link “Explorer Options” (Folder Options).

    All this will lead to the opening of a new window, where on the “General” tab in the “Mouse clicks” block you just need to change the setting to “Open with one click, highlight with the pointer.”

    Additional settings “Underline icon labels” and “Underline icon labels on hover” are responsible for underlining the names of files and folders. In the first case it will always be, and in the second only when you hover the mouse cursor.

    Now, to select a file or folder, you just need to hover your mouse over it, and to open or run it, you only need to click once instead of twice.

    How to remove double mouse click

    In order to return everything to the way it was, you need to select “Open with double click and select with one click” in the mouse click settings. Those. again go to “File -> Change folder and search options” (Arrange) and select the desired item.

    Everything will work as before. Double click instead of one will open folders and files, and with one click you can simply select them.

    There are cases when these manipulations do not help and the computer still ends up with a single mouse click instead of a double one. To get rid of this, you can try removing the device from your computer. Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and go to “Properties”.

    After this, completely reboot the computer. When loading Windows, the device must be installed as new.

    If none of the proposed methods helps, then go and buy yourself a new mouse, because most likely it’s the problem.

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    If you have Windows 7 or Vista installed on your computer, click the Organize menu in any Windows Explorer window and select Folder and Search Options. The Folder Options dialog box opens.

    Now all commands that previously required double-clicking to activate will now be activated with a single mouse click. For example, to open any file or run a program, you only need to click once on the icon.

    If you own a mouse model that has additional buttons, you can configure one of them to activate commands with one click. To do this, you should use special software from the mouse manufacturer, with which you can configure additional buttons.

    How will they open on a computer? folders, in what form they themselves and the files they contain will be displayed - all this depends on what settings are selected for the folders. All necessary parameters can be configured in the dialog box " Properties folders" To do this, you need to perform several steps.


    Open the window " Properties folders" There are several ways to do this. Open any folder from any directory on your computer. Select “Service” from the top menu bar. In the drop-down menu, left-click on the line “ Properties folders", - the required dialog box will open. Another way: Open Control Panel through the Start button. In the Appearance and Themes category, select the icon Properties folders" If the Control Panel is in classic view, the icon you're looking for is immediately available.

    In the window that opens, on the “General” tab, set the settings for the display and methods of opening folders on the computer. If you have a marker in the “Display a list of common tasks in folders” field in the “Tasks” section, the area of ​​your open folders will be visually divided in two. On the right side there will be icons of the files contained in the folders, on the left side there will be tasks that can be performed for these files (rename, copy, delete, and so on). Marker in the “Use regular” field folders Windows" means that the task field will be absent.

    Controlling a computer with a mouse is based on an event mechanism. And the simplest technique is pointing. Often it allows you to open a submenu or, for example, get a tooltip with additional information.

    Another close technique is the rollover. It consists in the fact that when the mouse pointer is held (moved) over a control element, it changes shape. For example, buttons are recessed and then pop up again; The counters rotate one revolution, the drawings are animated (“come to life”). This technique is not used in the Windows operating system itself, but it is used on Internet Web pages and in some programs. Sometimes it is useful to move the mouse over graphic illustrations to see something new that is hidden from the surface.

    For example, double-click the My Computer window and the Trash window. In the My Computer window, see how many disks are included in the computer, and in the Recycle Bin window, look at what documents and programs were previously deleted. If the Trash is empty, it means someone has already emptied it :). Don't close the open windows yet - they will be useful to us, but in the next article ;).

    P.S. I would like to remind you about the folder - My Documents - how do you approach it? Consumer or professional? Link to article: .

    Many PC users notice some oddities in the operation of their computer mouse. For example, the mouse strives to double-click instead of single-click. There is little pleasant in this, so willy-nilly you wonder: how to remove the double click of a computer mouse?

    Generally speaking, there may be two main reasons for the mouse to double-click, namely:

    1. Purely mechanical wear of the buttons that occurs over time.
    2. Problems with drivers or settings of the Windows operating system.

    So, let's see what can be done in this case, how to fix and repair a mouse that has begun to behave in an undesirable manner.

    What is the reason for the double click? How to fix? Let's try to disassemble the mouse

    In the most difficult advanced cases, only “surgical” intervention can help. To do this you will need to disassemble the mouse. One of the screws may be located under the sticker, another may be visible, and in addition, several may be under the legs.

    Don't be surprised if you see a decent layer of dust, debris and dirt inside the mouse. This is quite natural and should not scare you. To clean the inside of the mouse, take a piece of lint-free cloth soaked in alcohol or vodka. It is better to remove the mouse wheel so that it does not interfere with the workflow.

    How to fix button play

    In most cases, the problem of double clicking is associated with button play or, in other words, with a gap due to poor connection of parts. In order to get rid of the double click, you need to take electrical tape and, with pieces cut to the size of the buttons, carefully stick it on the upper inner side of the mouse, covering all the gaps, as shown in the figure. It is very effective to use unnecessary protective film from a PDA or smartphone in good condition, as it is strong and durable.

    When the glue is completely dry, the mouse can be assembled. Then just check if its parts are functioning normally. If the button is pressed extremely tightly, or does not want to give in at all, remove the excess layer of electrical tape.

    The reason for the double click may be in the button sensors

    If the device produces a double click even after the manipulations have been carried out, then most likely the problem of the double click is in the button sensors. First of all, find the sensors for the right and left buttons on the board. This is easy to do, since the sensors are small rectangles with a button on top. This is the button you need to press. If everything goes well, we will hear the usual click of a computer mouse. If after all these manipulations your computer mouse continues to double-click, you have two options:

    1. Most computer mice have 3 sensors: left, middle (under the wheel) and right. They are all exactly the same. However, the middle mouse button is often not needed by users. Therefore, its sensor can be re-soldered instead of the damaged one. If you have an old unnecessary mouse, then a working sensor for resoldering can be taken from there.
    2. But if you don’t have another computer mouse or don’t want to bother with the middle button, or don’t have the skills to work with a soldering iron, or simply don’t have the time and desire to repair the mouse, there is an easier way out of this situation - go and buy a new computer mouse.

    What should you do if the mouse starts making double clicks instead of single clicks (constantly or occasionally), although you only click the button once? The causes of this problem and how to solve it are discussed here.


    Microswitch wear

    The most common reason is wear of the microswitch, which results in contact chatter. The left mouse button always requires more clicks than the right (and vice versa if you are left-handed and configured for a left-handed mouse), and the microswitch is designed for a very large, but still limited number of clicks. You can fix this yourself; it will require your accuracy and half an hour of time. If your mouse is several years old and you don't want to bother with repairs, the easiest way is to go to the store and buy a new mouse.

    Software problem

    Double-clicking instead of single-clicking is not necessarily a problem with the mouse. This could be a purely software issue with drivers or additional software.

    To determine what the problem is in your case, try connecting the mouse to another computer or laptop. If the symptoms persist, then the problem is obviously the microswitch.


    Solution for driver problems

    If you have Windows, this method may help: through the “Control Panel”, find the mouse in the list of devices, remove it from there and reboot. After this, the mouse should connect again. Perhaps the double click problem will go away (unlikely).

    Software solutions for microswitch wear


    There is a purely software solution to help with microswitch contact bounce: Daniel Jackson's MouseFix utility (for Windows). It intercepts clicks that occur a very short time after the first one, since such clicks can only be associated with contact bounce in the microswitch. This utility can be used at least as a temporary solution.

    1. Download the MouseFix utility and unpack it into a separate folder.
    2. In the All Programs → Startup folder, create a shortcut pointing to MouseFix.exe.
    3. Log out and log back in (or just run the utility manually the first time).

    Left Mouse Button Fix

    The mouse that took part in the filming has been working successfully for a year and a half after the operation.

    For many, it is already familiar when folders or files are selected with one click of the Left Mouse Button (LMB), and if you double-click, they open or run. However, in Windows there is a standard method that allows you to select objects (files and folders) when you hover and pause on them, and open them with one click. Maybe this will be convenient for some users and after trying it once, they will no longer want to return to the usual way of launching files and folders.

    How to set up one-click opening of folders and files in Windows XP

    Open any folder (or you can just My computer) and go to the top menu Service -> Folder property:

    In this window, set the switch to Open with one click, highlight with pointer and click "Apply" and "OK"

    All. You can test it.

    How to set up one-click opening of folders and files in Windows 7

    Top Menu " Service" -> "Folders settings":

    And we do the same as in XP:

    You can try =)

    How to set up one-click opening of folders and files in Windows 8

    Top Menu " View" -> "Options" -> "Change folder and search options":

    and set the switch again:

    That's all. This method of opening folders and files with one click is, on the one hand, very simple, but on the other hand, it will be unusual for many. But this is a matter of taste. Personally, I have met a fair number of users who, on the contrary, found it inconvenient to open folders and files by double-clicking. Matter of habit...
    Write your opinion, comment...