Download and install Yandex String latest version. Yandex.String - voice search from Yandex

Yandex.String allows you to send a search request to the Internet from the taskbar without opening a browser. Search tips and answers to popular queries are shown directly in the Line.

To find information on the Internet:

  1. Activate the Line in one of the following ways:
    • click on Row;
    • press hotkeys.
  2. Enter your query using the keyboard or paste text from the clipboard.
  3. Click Find - the entered query will open in the default browser used on your computer.

Search tips

When you enter a query, the following appears in the Line: search tips. Hover over the tooltip. Depending on the type of tooltip, the following may appear on the right:

  • list of links on request from Yandex search;
  • links to sections of the selected site;
  • answers to popular queries (about the weather, traffic jams or famous facts).
  • Search query
  • Website
  • Weather
  • Traffic jams
  • Known Facts

If Yandex.Stroke opens the wrong browser

Yandex.String opens search results in the browser that is used on the computer by default. To allow results to open in a different browser, override the default browser:

  1. Go to section Programs → Default programs.
  2. On the list installed programs select your browser.
  3. Click the button Set this program as default.

If the default is desired browser, but Yandex.String does not open search results in it:

  1. Change your default browser to any other one.
  2. Set your browser as the default again.

Internet connection error

Some users may receive the following error in the Yandex.Strings window:

This means that the proxy server or computer program(antivirus or firewall built into Windows) blocks Yandex.Strings.

Try disabling the antiviruses and firewall used on your computer one by one, checking the operation of Yandex.Strings after each disabling. If, when you disable one of the programs, the error no longer appears, the program blocking Yandex.Strings’ access to the Internet has been found:

  • Antivirus
  • Windows Firewall
  • Proxy server

Open in Windows Firewall Internet access for Explorer:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Go to section system and safety→ Windows Firewall.
  3. Allow a program or feature to run through Windows Firewall.
  4. In the dialog box that opens, click Change settingsAllow another program.
  5. Click the Browse button and select Explorer (c:\Windows\explorer.exe). Click the Add button.
  6. On the list Allowed programs and components next to the added file, allow programs to access the Internet through public and home network. To do this, enable the options in the columns Home or work (private) and Public.
  7. Click OK.

If the error persists, restore the default firewall settings:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Go to section system and safety→ Windows Firewall.
  3. On the left side of the dialog box that opens, click the link Extra options.
  4. In the dialog box that opens, click the button Restore default policy.
  5. Open Internet access for Explorer again in the firewall.

If you are using own settings firewall and don’t want to lose them, write to Yandex support. Describe the problem in detail and indicate your operating system.

If your computer is using a proxy server, you won't be able to use voice search, but text search will work.

Search. The first button allows you to select the main search engine for the Yandex browser; it can be “Yandex”, “Google”, “” or “Wikipedia” (or others, in different browsers various search engines). The first three are standard search engines general, but Wikipedia is a reference search engine that searches not for sites, but for information and descriptions. That is, by entering into the “smart line” not the site address, but what you want to find, the search will be carried out exactly in the selected search engine. Let's say that by selecting Wikipedia, a search will take place on Wikipedia.

Second button— setting up search engines. Here you can set the selection value if you use different search engines. That is, if your main search engine is Yandex, but you need to search on Google, then you don’t need to open Google page. It is enough to set the value of the search engine, well, let it be “g” (for brevity) and after that, if you enter “g” in the smart line and put a space, then the search will automatically be carried out in the Google search engine (but if after the letter “g” there is no space , then the search is carried out in the default search engine).

To set the search engine value, click on the “search engine settings” button, and then select the desired search engine. In the left section there is the name of the search engine, that is, for your perception, you can change it at your discretion, as long as it is convenient and understandable. The second section of the line is the search engine value, what was described above. If you select the search engine Google, and set the value to “Google”, then by entering the word “Google” into the smart line, followed by a space, the search will automatically be performed in Google search. But if you enter “Google”, the search will not occur in Google system(if it is not installed by default).

The third section contains the address where it is sent search query, it’s better not to change anything there. Next to the address there is a “Use as default” button, that is, set a search engine through which the search will be carried out in the smart line (the same as the first button in this section). On the right is a cross to delete the search engine if you never intend to use it. After making changes, you must click the “done” button, otherwise the changes will not be saved.

To add another search engine (a list of popular search engines is listed on this site under “search engines”), you can go to the search engine page, such as, and click in the search field right click mice. In the menu that appears, select “add as search engine...”.

In the window that appears, change or leave the name “”, keyword must be changed so that a green checkmark icon appears on the right. I changed it to “YouTube”, you can enter both Russian and letters and numbers. You cannot change anything in the “link” field! And press the “ok” button.

Now the search engine has been added to your search engines, this can be seen in the settings - the “search engine settings” button.

The added search engine can also be set as default by hovering the mouse over the necessary system and clicking the “use as default” button on the right. After adding a new search engine, you can immediately check its operation, the principle is the same - enter the keyword in the smart line, in my case “YouTube”,

If you're tired of typing search queries in your browser standard methods, clicking your fingers on the keyboard, have a microphone and want to give out orders by voice like an overlord while sitting at the computer, then we suggest you take a look at an interesting and quite useful tool from Yandex, called Yandex.String, created to significantly simplify the search for information on the Internet.

Today we will look at:

How to use Yandex.Stroke?

You can download the Yandex.String tool on the official website of this project, which you can find follow this link.

After installing the program, you will be able to see a panel appear next to the button Start where the inscription will be Search in Yandex and on your computer.

By clicking on the microphone icon, you will activate voice search, which works on the principle of the well-known “O’k Google”: say the required search phrase into the microphone, after which the program produces a result that may be a little interesting.

The fact is that using voice search from Yandex, the user can also open programs installed on the computer. So, let's say, if you say into the microphone Paint, then it will open immediately (if, of course, it is installed).

By the way, no one forbids using text input from the keyboard. Just click on the line next to the button Start and start entering the required phrase. The search results will be immediately displayed in a small window.

In order to go to the Yandex.Lines settings, just right-click on the line, after which a small menu will appear where you can configure appearance tool, configure hot keys or work with files.

Bottom line

Yandex.String can become great addition among others installed on the computer useful tools. This application is not demanding on the system, does not take up Internet traffic, and the speed of operation will please everyone. If you have long wanted to use voice search on your PC, then Yandex.String is perfect for this purpose.