Generate combinations online. Checking the occurrence of series of identical numbers. Why is a random number generator the best?

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Online number generator in 1 click

Generator random numbers, which is presented on our website, is very convenient. For example, it can be used in sweepstakes and lotteries to determine the winner. The winners are determined in this way: the program produces one or more numbers in any range specified by you. Fraudulent results can be immediately ruled out. And thanks to this, the winner is determined by an honest choice.

Sometimes it is necessary to obtain a certain number of random numbers at once. For example, you want to fill out a “4 out of 35” lottery ticket, trusting to chance. You can check: if you toss a coin 32 times, what is the probability that 10 reverses will appear in a row (heads/tails may well be assigned the numbers 0 and 1)?

Random number online video instruction - randomizer

Our number generator is very easy to use. It does not require downloading a program to your computer - it can be used online. To get the number you need, you need to set the range of random numbers, the quantity and, if desired, the number separator and eliminate repetitions.

To generate random numbers in a specific frequency range:

  • Select a range;
  • Specify the number of random numbers;
  • The “Number separator” function serves for the beauty and convenience of their display;
  • If necessary, enable/disable repetitions using the checkbox;
  • Click the "Generate" button.

As a result, you will receive random numbers in a given range. The result of the number generator can be copied or sent by e-mail. It would be best to take a screenshot or video this process generation. Our randomizer will solve any of your problems!

The presented online random number generator operates on the basis of a pseudo-random number generator with a uniform distribution built into JavaScript. Integers are generated. By default, 10 random numbers are output in the range 100...999, the numbers separated by spaces.

Basic settings of the random number generator:

  • Amount of numbers
  • Number range
  • Separator type
  • Turn on/off the function of removing repetitions (duplicates of numbers)

The total number is formally limited to 1000, with a maximum of 1 billion. Separator options: space, comma, semicolon.

Now you know exactly where and how to get a free sequence of random numbers in a given range on the Internet.

Application options for a random number generator

A random number generator (RNG in JS with uniform distribution) will be useful for SMM specialists and owners of groups and communities in in social networks Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki to determine the winners of lotteries, competitions and prize draws.

A random number generator allows you to draw prizes among an arbitrary number of participants with a specified number of winners. Contests can be held without reposts and comments - you yourself set the number of participants and the interval for generating random numbers. You can get a set of random numbers online and for free on this site, and you do not need to install any application on your smartphone or program on your computer.

Also, an online random number generator can be used to simulate tossing a coin or dice. However, we have separate specialized services for these cases.

We have a sequence of numbers consisting of practically independent elements that obey a given distribution. As a rule, uniform distribution.

You can generate random numbers in Excel in different ways and methods. Let's consider only the best of them.

Random Number Function in Excel

  1. The RAND function returns a uniformly distributed random real number. It will be less than 1, greater than or equal to 0.
  2. The RANDBETWEEN function returns a random integer.

Let's look at their use with examples.

Sampling random numbers using RAND

This function requires no arguments (RAND()).

To generate a random real number in the range from 1 to 5, for example, use the following formula: =RAND()*(5-1)+1.

The returned random number is distributed uniformly over the interval.

Each time the worksheet is calculated or the value in any cell in the worksheet changes, a new random number is returned. If you want to save the generated population, you can replace the formula with its value.

  1. Click on the cell with a random number.
  2. In the formula bar, select the formula.
  3. Press F9. AND ENTER.

Let's check the uniformity of the distribution of random numbers from the first sample using a distribution histogram.

The range of vertical values ​​is frequency. Horizontal - “pockets”.


The syntax for the RANDBETWEEN function is (lower bound; upper bound). The first argument must be less than the second. Otherwise the function will throw an error. The boundaries are assumed to be integers. Fractional part the formula is discarded.

Example of using the function:

Random numbers with precision 0.1 and 0.01:

How to make a random number generator in Excel

Let's make a random number generator that generates a value from a certain range. We use a formula like: =INDEX(A1:A10,INTEGER(RAND()*10)+1).

Let's make a random number generator in the range from 0 to 100 in steps of 10.

From the list text values you need to choose 2 random ones. Using the RAND function, we compare text values ​​in the range A1:A7 with random numbers.

Let's use the INDEX function to select two random text values ​​from the original list.

To select one random value from the list, use the following formula: =INDEX(A1:A7,RANDBETWEEN(1,COUNT(A1:A7))).

Normal distribution random number generator

The RAND and RANDBETWEEN functions produce random numbers with a uniform distribution. Any value can be included with equal probability lower limit the requested range and to the upper one. This results in a huge spread from the target value.

A normal distribution implies that most of the generated numbers are close to the target number. Let's adjust the RANDBETWEEN formula and create a data array with normal distribution.

The cost of product X is 100 rubles. The entire batch produced follows a normal distribution. A random variable also follows a normal probability distribution.

Under such conditions, the average value of the range is 100 rubles. Let's generate an array and build a graph with a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 1.5 rubles.

We use the function: =NORMINV(RAND();100;1.5).

Excel calculated which values ​​were within the probability range. Since the probability of producing a product with a cost of 100 rubles is maximum, the formula shows values ​​close to 100 more often than others.

Let's move on to plotting the graph. First you need to create a table with categories. To do this, we divide the array into periods:

Based on the data obtained, we will be able to generate a diagram with a normal distribution. The value axis is the number of variables in the interval, the category axis is periods.

Today, random number generators are actively used in the most different areas human activity. However, they have gained particular popularity in games, which are organized by the owners of online stores, beauty salons, cafes and other establishments for drawings. advantageous offers, bonuses and gifts among your subscribers. It is the random number generator, which works for free online, that allows you to honestly choose the winner.

If we're talking about about one-time use of the generator, you can use the most simple option such a program:

However, the computing capabilities and functionality of such a service are not always sufficient to obtain the necessary data. Today there are quite big number specialized online programs, which are distinguished not only by their simple interface for the user, but also by their wide functionality. You don’t have to look for dozens of programs on your own, since especially for you, in this article, we have prepared detailed review TOP 3 best online generators numbers, according to users:

First you need to get acquainted with the basic criteria:

  1. Select from a list. Possibility of user provision own list for generation, followed by selection of a random number from a given set.
  2. Select from a range. Generator ability random numbers make a sample from a specific range online for free.
  3. Printing multiple numbers. A function responsible for simultaneously providing several random numbers at once if the user needs to receive more than one value.
  4. Disabling recurrence. The ability of the generator to exclude from subsequent generations the number that fell before it, so that when receiving several random numbers in a row, they are not duplicated.
  5. Widget for the site. The ability to connect the generator to your website or page on social networks so that it is always at hand and available for work.
  6. Link to result. The ability to receive a separate link to the result of each individual generation, which confirms the accuracy of the information provided when providing the results of competitions or sweepstakes.

Before you prepare this article We have analyzed many generators that are available on the Internet. And out of all of them, we chose the 3 best:

TOP 1: Randstaff number generator

Description: The undisputed leader of our rating the best generators random numbers is the Randstaff service. It boasts a comfortable user interface, performed in gray color, which does not put pressure on the eyes at all. It is convenient to use not only on a computer, but also with the help of mobile phone, which is especially important if you need to generate a random number without access to a PC.

Advantages: Such free generator online random number generator has extensive functionality and offers the user the ability to display any number of random numbers from a list or range without repetition. You can choose the most convenient option using the Randstaff service through a special widget, social media application or official website. Having passed simple procedure registration, you will have access to your personal account, where all your results will be securely stored.

Flaws: No possibility. And you can save the generation result only for 3 days (but this is usually enough). If you want to save the result forever, you need to register with personal account(cost - 300 rubles).

TOP 2: number generator “Castlot”

Description: Second place rightfully belongs to the Kastlot random number generator. It does not represent independent service, and part of the portal with a variety of useful things that generate beautiful rhymes, unique logins and simply storing collections with interesting films or quotes. The interface is little different from similar services, but can boast of wider functionality.

Advantages: Castlot allows the user to select random numbers from a given range. This may be one or more digits. You can choose the mode of operation of the service with or without repetition. Convenient advantage generator Kastlot is an opportunity to obtain separate link for every result. There is an exclusive feature called “even more randomness.” When activated, the generation process does not begin until the user moves the mouse cursor to a certain position. In addition, the range additional tools The service has a widget for the site and a proprietary VKontakte application.

Flaws: The only obvious drawback of such a generator is the inability to select from a list.

TOP-3: generator “Random number.rf”

Description: The “Random Number” service allows you to generate online values ​​in the range from 1 to 99999. The design is minimalist, which is to its advantage. No distractions. It is equally convenient to use on a computer or smartphone. Large black numbers on a white background are clearly visible, so even people with vision problems will not experience discomfort while using it.

Advantages: The functionality of this online random number generator allows you to select a random value from a list and a specific range. If you need to get several random numbers online at once, the required number should be indicated in the appropriate field, where the default value is 1. Repetition is disabled at the user’s request.

Flaws: You won’t be able to connect such a service to your website or community on social networks, since such a random number generator does not have its own widget. There are also no links to the results, which, along with other shortcomings, makes this service last place our rating.


In our opinion, the best and optimal service to generate a random number is . It has all the features that other generators have. Its only drawback is the inability to disable the repetition of numbers during generation. But as we wrote above - this nuance not very important for the average user. Maybe we missed something in this article? If so, write in the comments!