Inserting objects into a text document - practical work. Practical work inserting graphic objects and decorative inscriptions into a text document

Computer science lesson in 10th grade. Practical work"Insert graphic images in a text editor." It is proposed to develop a lesson and an assignment for practical work. The work consists of 3 levels of assignments, taking into account the interdisciplinary connection with the subjects of mathematics and physics.

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"Practical work on the topic "Text editor. Graphic images""

Computer science. Grade 10.


Topic name

Lesson type

Educational material. BY

Practical work

Insert graphic objects.

Entering new material


    Handouts for practical work

Practical work

During the classes

    Updating knowledge: Review the concept of document style with students. How to work with tables, how to insert formulas and symbols that are not on the keyboard.

Verification work - 10’

    Enter new topic. – 20’

Introducing students to a new topic. Often there are texts that contain some kind of graphic images. You encounter texts like this in almost every lesson. Demonstration of material using graphic images. How can such a document be prepared using Word programs. After this, ask students to draw a table “I know - I want to know” and for a few minutes individually write down in the first column everything that they already know about this topic, for example, what commands, how to perform these actions.

I know

New information

On the board, the teacher, together with the students, fills out a common table; you need to pay attention that you need to not only transfer individual notes, but also discuss them with the students.

After filling out, depending on the information in the first column, form the second column using leading questions. For example, how to make the text appear on background drawing or vice versa, how to insert a ready-made drawing or photo, how to add an inscription to a figure.

Finished drawing : Insert – Illustrations – Drawing.

Vector drawing from the collection: Insert – Illustrations – Clip.

Inserting shapes : Insert – Illustrations – Figures.

Adding a caption : select a shape – context menu – Add a shape.

Wrap text : select the shape - context menu - Text wrapping.

Actions can be selected on the ribbon Format or in the context menu Figure format .

When the discussion is completed, fill out your tables in your notebook (if there is not enough information in the first column, then write it in the second column of your table).

    Practical part.

Finish work.

Computer science. Grade 10. Practical work

Inserting graphic images.

Complete tasks in the program Microsoft Word.

Level A.

Type the suggested text.

Var x, y: Integer; Sa, Sg: real;

WriteLn('Enter numbers x, y');
ReadLn(x, y);

WriteLn("Sa = ", Sa);
WriteLn("Sg = ", Sa);

Level B.

Fill the table

Geometric figures

Figure name







S=a 2


Using a physics textbook, make a reference diagram on the topic “Electrostatics”

Laboratory and practical work No. 11
Microsoft Word.
“Inserting a finished drawing.
Working with ClipArt"

After completing this practical work, you will learn:

    Learn how to insert a ready-made drawing from the Microsoft ClipArt collection;

    Get acquainted with the basic techniques of working with graphic objects using the example of creating an advertisement according to the proposed model;

    Application of previously mastered skills to create the required document: table, page settings, formatting of various text elements.

Creating quite complex compositions can be very labor-intensive. In such cases, use ready-made libraries (collections) of drawings (Clipart), which are included in the package Microsoft package Office.

To insert ClipArt use the command Insert, Drawing, Pictures. There is a corresponding button on the toolbar. Drawing, Add a picture.

The dialog box that opens is called Inserting a picture.

ClipArt graphics are centered on the Pictures tab. They are classified into categories. Having found the desired picture, just select it and insert it into the document by clicking on the button Insert.

As a result, the selected picture will be inserted into the document.

Resize and move ClipArt objects.

You can resize and move ClipArt objects directly in the main document window using your mouse. In addition, these and a number of other settings can be made, as in the case of graphic objects and pictures, in the dialog box Object Format called up in the menu Format.

Before performing any of these actions, the object must be selected by clicking the mouse.

Exercise: Make an announcement about the next meeting of the astronomy club and save it on your hard drive. (My documents - Your group (class) folder.

Work technology:

    Create a new document.

    Set the following Page Options (File menu):

margins - 1.5 cm,
binding – 0 cm;
orientation – landscape,
paper size – 210x148 mm (A5 format).

The dimensions of the picture can be changed using markers by dragging them on required distance mouse (see Fig. 1). It is possible to symmetrically position a picture in a table cell by double-clicking on the picture, a window will open Figure format(Fig. 2), select the tab Position – Along the contour and move the drawing to the right place.

    In the right column, enter the text:

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
We invite you to the next meeting computer club, which will take place in the assembly hall on May 12, 2006 at 17:00.¶

    Select all text. Execute the main menu command Format – Font and set the following parameters:

font – Arial
style – bold
size – 26
color – blue
Modification (effect) – with shadow.

You should end up with a prompt similar to the one shown in the image below.

    If you're happy with what you see, click the button Close.

    If you are not happy with what you see, click the button Close. and continue editing the document until you achieve the desired result

    Save the file in your folder under the name Announcement_Petrov. doc

    Show the result to the teacher.

In the lesson materials Inserting objects into Text Document presentations and handouts are presented, which is very helpful in teaching children with disabilities disabilities health.



Open lesson on the topic:

"Inserting WordArt and Graphics"

Goals: Explain to students the order and methods of inserting objects into the text. Acquiring skills in inserting graphic objects and symbols into text and formatting them. Practicing skills in working with the tools of the Image Adjustment panel.


  1. Educational
  1. To give students an idea of ​​the technology for creating slides and presentations
  2. Master the application interface Microsoft Word
  3. Reinforce the knowledge acquired in the previous lesson on this topic
  4. Master the methods of inserting objects into text WordArt, pictures
  5. Strengthen the ability to edit and format information objects inserted into a text document
  6. Continue to introduce students to the basics of design when creating a document.
  1. Correctional and developmental
  1. Development of cognitive interests
  2. Development of students' horizons
  3. Developing the ability to clearly and logically answer questions asked
  4. Development of skills to apply knowledge in practice;
  5. Development of cognitive skills (highlight the main thing);
  6. Correct switching of attention by changing forms of work during the lesson
  7. Replenishment vocabulary by studying special terminology by subject
  8. Development of fine motor skills of hands
  1. Educational
  1. Instill love for the subject
  2. Fostering motives for learning and a positive attitude towards knowledge;
  3. Instilling discipline;
  1. Ethics of conduct


  1. Computers
  2. Multimedia installation
  3. interactive board
  4. Textbook L.F. Solovyova "Informatics and ICT"
  5. Methodological manual for teacher L.F. Solovyova "Informatics and ICT"
  6. CDs:
  1. Electronic textbook L.F. Solovyova "Informatics and ICT"
  1. Folder "Lesson notes"
  2. Folder "Thematic planning"
  3. Folders “Practical work on Microsoft Word” - 12 pcs.
  4. Handouts Interface, Formatting, proverb options
  5. Presentation Repetition
  6. Presentation Inserting objects into a text document

Training material and electronic support

Book - Section 4. Topic 4.1.

CD - tutorial/Textedit/Textedit.pps. (slides 17-18, 24)

Microsoft Word Folders - Practice Proverbs


Lesson Plan

  1. Organizational moment 2 min.
  2. Updating knowledge 7 min.
  3. Learning new material 10 min.
  4. Consolidation of the studied material 15 min.
  5. Homework 2 minutes.
  6. Lesson summary 2 min.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time
  1. Checking students' preparation for the lesson
  2. Checking Absences
  3. Announcement of the topic, goals and course of the lesson
  1. Updating knowledge

Review with students the knowledge gained in the previous lesson usingpresentations Repetition

  1. What is the name of the program for creating text documents?(Microsoft Word)
  2. What type of program is Microsoft Word?(applied)

Answers at the board one student:

  1. Show the Formatting panel
  2. Show the Align text to page buttons
  3. Show the Font Size button
  4. Show the Font Name button
  5. Show the Typeface buttons, list them
  6. Show red line indent markers, left indent, right indent
  7. How to format text?
  1. Select with mouse - format answer - 1
  2. Select label - format
  1. How to create a background?
  1. Format - Background answer - 1
  2. Right Mouse Button - Background
  3. Insert - Background
  1. Name the main elements of a window Microsoft editor Word?- first, students mark the elements on the handout (Fig. 1), then, in pairs of alternating composition, they exchange completed pieces of paper, and then - one student shows the correct answer at the board, the rest check their classmate’s answers and mark them.
  1. Title bar
  2. Main menu
  3. Toolbars
  4. Working field
  5. State drain
  6. Rulers

Peer review


  1. Working with cards - 4 options.Peer review, teacher review.
  1. Learning new material
  1. Explaining a new topic using a video electronic textbook(slides 17-18, 24). Use of lecture material as well
  1. Lecture material

Add fancy text using WordArt.

For creating special effect You must click the Add WordArt button on the Drawing toolbar. The WordArt Collection window will appear on the screen. Microsoft programs WordArt for choosing a text style.

After selecting a style, click OK and open a window for entering the text itself. Enter the text, and after clicking on the OK button

It will appear in the slide area.

Inserting an image

Now we will look at inserting two types of illustrations onto a slide: pictures from the gallery and images from files.

Inserting pictures. By selecting Insert>Drawing>Pictures... from the main menu, you will be taken to a gallery of pictures, divided into categories or located together. When you click on the selected picture and then click on the Insert Clip button in the drop-down menu, that picture is inserted into the center of the slide. This operation can be repeated many times by inserting required quantity pictures.

Inserting from a file.You can insert images stored on your computer as files into a slide. various formats. By selecting Insert>Drawing>From File... in the main menu, you will be taken to the Add Drawing window. At the bottom there is a window for selecting the picture format. At the top is a window for selecting a disk, and below is a window for selecting a folder and the desired image file.

  1. Reinforcing the material learned
  1. Carrying out practical work on a PC -Folders "Microsoft Word" - Practical work Proverbs, additional handouts
  2. Reinforcing the material covered using a presentation Inserting objects into a text document,propaedeutics of the following lesson topics to stimulate educational and cognitive interests
  1. Homework
  1. Write homework in diaries
  1. Book - Section 4. Topic 4.1. , page - 231
  2. CD - tutorial/Textedit/Textedit.pps. (slides 17-18,24)
  3. CD - textbook/Textedit/ practice/ 2_pract.doc. - inserting pictures into a text document, choosing a text wrapping method
  1. Show the technology for doing practical homework
  1. Lesson summary

Discussion with students about the course of the lesson and its results.

When summing up the lesson, pay attention to the complexity of this topic and the need to study it. Praise students and give marks.


Slide captions:


To use preview create yourself an account ( account) Google and log in:



  1. What is the font size?________


Before you is a Word program window. Define for the text typed in the program:

  1. What font is chosen?________________________________
  2. What is the font size?________
  3. What style (bold, italic, underlined)?_____________________
  4. What is the indentation of the red line?___________________________
  5. Position of the text relative to the page (centered, left, right, justified).___________________________

Completed___________________________ Checked___________________________


Before you is a Word program window. Define for the text typed in the program:

  1. What font is chosen?________________________________
  2. What is the font size?________
  3. What style (bold, italic, underlined)?_____________________
  4. What is the indentation of the red line?___________________________
  5. Position of the text relative to the page (centered, left, right, justified).___________________________

Completed___________________________ Checked___________________________


Before you is a Word program window. Define for the text typed in the program:

  1. What font is chosen?________________________________
  2. What is the font size?________
  3. What style (bold, italic, underlined)?_____________________
  4. What is the indentation of the red line?___________________________
  5. Position of the text relative to the page (centered, left, right, justified).___________________________

Completed___________________________ Checked___________________________


To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

Knowledge test What is the name of the program for creating text documents? What type of program is this program?

Test your knowledge How to format text? Select the text with the mouse - format 2. Select the label - format How to create a background? Format – Background Right mouse button – Background Insert – Background

– header line; - Main menu; – toolbars, – workspace; - status bar; – rulers 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name the main elements of the MS WORD editor window

  • They don’t seek good from goodness
    1. You can't hide an awl in a bag
    2. Every day is not Sunday
    3. Finished the job - go for a walk safely
    4. Steam doesn't break bones
    5. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched
    6. Time for business, time for fun
    7. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do
    8. The master's work is afraid
    9. They don’t seek good from goodness


    1. You can't hide an awl in a bag
    2. Every day is not Sunday
    3. Finished the job - go for a walk safely
    4. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter
    5. Steam doesn't break bones
    6. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty
    7. All that glitters is not gold
    8. The word is silver, silence is gold
    9. The sooner you get up, the sooner you finish work
    10. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched
    11. Time for business, time for fun
    12. Seven times measure cut once
    13. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do
    14. The master's work is afraid
    15. They don’t seek good from goodness


    1. You can't hide an awl in a bag
    2. Every day is not Sunday
    3. Finished the job - go for a walk safely
    4. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter
    5. Steam doesn't break bones
    6. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty
    7. All that glitters is not gold
    8. The word is silver, silence is gold
    9. The sooner you get up, the sooner you finish work
    10. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched
    11. Time for business, time for fun
    12. Seven times measure cut once
    13. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do
    14. The master's work is afraid
    15. They don’t seek good from goodness


    Take part!

    Children may find some lessons boring. And then discipline begins to suffer in class, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

    Case lessons were created to connect educational school knowledge with urgently needed competencies such as creativity, systematic and critical thinking, determination and others.

    Thanks to the cases, you can help the student gain benefit and enjoyment from studying, cope with his personal problems!

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    Read new articles

    Not suitable for modern students traditional methods teaching. It is difficult for them to sit over textbooks without being distracted, and long explanations make them bored. The result is rejection from studies. Meanwhile, the priority of visuality in the presentation of information is main trend V modern education. Instead of criticizing children's craving for “pictures from the Internet,” use this feature in a positive way and start including watching thematic videos in your lesson plan. Why is this necessary and how to prepare a video yourself - read this article.

    Lesson topic: Practical work:Inserting graphic objects and decorative text into a text document.

    Lesson objectives:

    educational – formation of skills and abilities, defined by the program, repetition of theoretical knowledge, practical use studied material;

    developing – develop a sustainable interest in the subject, develop students’ skills independent work, development of the ability to apply knowledge to solve problems various levels;

    educational – fostering a sense of responsibility, accuracy, and hard work

    Type of lesson: lesson in the formation of practical skills and abilities.

    Equipment: handouts, multimedia projector.

    Students should know:

        concept of "decorative text"

        basic operations with decorative text

    Students should be able to:

        insert decorative text and change its shape

    Lesson steps:

      Organizational stage

      Homework check stage

      Preparatory stage to carry out practical work.

      Practical work

      Safety rules

      Physical education minute

      Summing up the lesson. Homework


    During the classes:

    1. Organizational stage

    Didactic task: prepare the external environment for work in the lesson and psychologically prepare students for communication and the upcoming lesson.


      reflection of mood;

      checking readiness for the lesson;

    Conditions for completing the task:

      short duration of the organizational moment;

      complete readiness of the classroom and lesson equipment for work;

      quickly integrating the class into the business rhythm;

      organizing students' attention.

    Hello! I'm very glad to see you. Smile at each other, send pleasant information to your neighbor and those around you, information of love, tenderness, kindness.

    Reflection on the mood at the beginning of the lesson: Choose from the proposed drawings the one that matches your mood at the beginning of the lesson and mark it.

    The purpose of our lesson is to become familiar with the possibilities of inserting images and WordArt into text editor MS Word.

    After today's lesson, you should know how to insert pictures, create drawings using AutoShapes and work with WordArt, be able to edit and format them. But in addition to knowledge, you must be able to do it in practice.

      Homework check stage

    Before conducting practical work, I would like to know your knowledge of the material covered. You have pieces of paper on the tables, you need to write your last name and first name in the top left corner, and also write your version which is indicated in your test work. The test consists of six tasks. You are given 7 minutes to work.

    So, let's get started with the task.

    We finish the work and pass the papers to the first desk.

    3. Preparatory stage for practical work.

    Word processor does not have the means to create them, so they are inserted as external objects from a file prepared by other means ( graphic editor, using a scanner, digital camera).

    To insert into a document raster objects (images) must be completed the following actions:

    Insert – picture – pictures or Insert – picture – from a file.

    If we select insert – picture, then in the Task Area window “Clip Collection” / Picture Collection or Arrange Pictures / Microsoft collection Office, where you can find the image we need. After we have found the picture we need, we click on it right click mouse and select Copy then Insert or just move it to the right place

    If we select insert - from file, a window opens where we can select from which file we want to insert a picture. We click on this picture and the command Insert.

    In this picture we can change: image, contrast, brightness, crop the picture, rotate it to the left by 90 degrees, change the line type, select the desired wrapping, object format, reset the picture parameters, i.e. return it to its previous state, we can also delete a picture by selecting it and clicking Delete, or right-click – cut.

    To create curly text, use the WordArt tool, which allows you to arrange text in the form of a picture.

    Has anyone already worked with curly text?

    To access this tool you need to run the command Insert - Drawing - ObjectWordArt or use the button Add objectWordArt in the drawing panel.

    4. Practical work

    Exercise 1.

    Now at the computers we will create greeting card according to the sample. Let's consider what elements a postcard consists of - decorative text and drawings. A picture can be inserted by following the commands: Insert – Picture – From File…

    Create a postcard for the Nauryz holiday using decorative text and drawings from the file

    5. Before we begin the task, let's remember the basic rules of safe behavior when working at the computer (students' answers)

    6. Physical education minute.

    Health-saving element of the lesson : f A cultural minute to strengthen vision in the middle of working on a PC.

    Teachercoordinates, directs, corrects the work of students,evaluates the performance of each student.

    7. Summing up the lesson. Homework.

    Didactic task: assessing the success of the learned material and students’ activities, informing students about the lesson, summing up the lesson.

    Guys, what new did you learn today?

    What types of graphic objects can we use in Microsoft Word?

    Students write down their homework in a diary. The teacher puts marks in the diaries.


      Reflection. Mood cards

    Let's return to our reflection cards. Choose from the proposed drawings the one that matches your mood after the lesson and mark it.

    Thanks everyone for the lesson! Goodbye!

    Students are given a crossword puzzle.

    1) Editing is the stage of preparing a document on a computer, during which errors are corrected and changes are made.

    2) Template – a set of elements with pre-selected parameters.

    3) Slide – presentation page.

    4) Formatting - change appearance text without changing its content.

    5) Presentation – created on a computer, intended for display electronic document.

    Verification work

    1 option

      What about editing tables?

      With which command can we reduce or enlarge a cell?

    Verification work

    Option 2

      Define the concept table

      What does it mean to edit tables?

      List the methods you know for inserting tables

      Using which command can we change the borders and fill of the table?

      With the help of which command can we reduce or enlarge a cell?

      Using which command can we add lines above or below the line where the text cursor is located?