Group objects. Creation of a graphic primitive. Grouping shapes, pictures, and other objects

In the section on the question of how to group a WordArt object and a drawing given by the author in Word Margo the best answer is Grouping shapes and objects
Insert a drawing canvas. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and click New Canvas.
Cut out the shapes or objects you want to group and paste them onto the canvas.
Select the shapes or other objects that you want to group.
For more information about selecting shapes, see Select a shape or other object.
Perform one of the following actions:
For shapes without text, on the Drawing Tools panel, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click the button and choose Group.
For shapes with text, on the Text Box Tools panel, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click the Group button and choose Group.
If you don't see the Drawing Tools or Text Box Tools panel with the Format tab on your screen, check to see if a shape or other object is selected.
Drag grouped shapes or objects off the canvas.
Select the canvas and press DELETE.
After you combine shapes or other objects into a group, you can continue to select individual shapes or objects within the group. Select the group, and then click the shape or object you want to select.
You cannot group shapes and other objects from different programs.

IN Microsoft documents Office is available to work with autoshapes. You can create compositions, combine pictures, insert Word objects Art. But you will have to change them separately. This is very inconvenient if you are making a pattern from many various parts. To avoid moving each circle, figure out how to group shapes in Word.

For transfer or other operations with autoshapes, they can be combined

If you combine images, the program will perceive them as a single whole. This way you can change all elements at once, move them or apply certain attributes to them.

You have combined a drawing from several parts and decided to move it to another place. To avoid dragging autoshapes separately, connect them through the WordArt panel.

Here's how to group objects in Word:

  1. Arrange the illustrations the way you need.
  2. Highlight them. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the shapes you want to connect.
  3. The “Format” option will appear in the menu bar. Select it and WordArt will open. In Office 2003, these settings must be called through View - Drawing Panel.
  4. Click the Group button. It's on the right side of the menu. If it is not visible, expand or expand the window.

Word will then treat the separate objects as one. They can be modified, moved and copied at the same time.

It is much easier to combine a drawing through the context menu. To do this, select all images with the Ctrl key and right-click on them. In the drop-down list, point to “Group”.

If you want to change the color of the illustration or use attributes, you can do this with all the pictures at once. But some effects are applied not to the composition, but to individual figures. For example, a shadow - it does not appear on the entire pattern, but along the contour of each element.

In Word you cannot combine images created in different programs. If you add an image from a file and WordArt to your document, they cannot be selected at the same time. To get around this limitation, you need to change the flow parameters.

  1. Right-click on the picture.
  2. Hover over Text Wrap.
  3. Click on any value except “In text”. Now WordArt objects can be connected.

This feature was removed in Word 2007.

How to cancel grouping?

You shouldn't delete the entire composition and create a new one if you want to change something radically. It’s better to unmerge, make adjustments and create the overall picture again. It's time to learn how to ungroup a picture in Word. You can separate and combine patterns in the same menu.

  1. Select an illustration.
  2. Right-click on it.
  3. Point to the "Group" option. The required option will be there. It is also available in the WordArt panel.

How can I change an object without breaking the group?

If you need to work with one element, you don't need to separate anything. To avoid having to figure out how to group a picture in Word again, follow the instructions.

  1. Click on the image.
  2. Click on an individual element Word Art. Now there will be a frame around it and around the entire composition. Several elements can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting the next shape.
  3. Freely change autoshapes, move them instead of ungrouping them, use attributes. If you move a component outside the entire illustration, its frame will expand. But the drawing will remain intact.

Combine shapes and pictures in Microsoft Office 2007

In Word 2007, it is impossible to combine illustrations from other programs and WordArt objects directly. They cannot be selected at the same time. But there are workarounds. In particular, the use of tools for working with inscriptions. Here's how to group in Word 2007.

You can group shapes, pictures, and other objects. With grouping, you can rotate, flip, move, or resize all shapes or objects at the same time as one shape or object.

You can also change the attributes of all the shapes in a group at once, such as adding a fill or a shape effect, or Apply an effect to a picture. You can ungroup shapes at any time and then group them later.

Click the headings below for more information.

Grouping shapes, pictures, or objects

Rearrange shapes, pictures, or objects

The "Group" button is disabled

If you selected a table, sheet, or image in GIF format, button Group will not be available. PowerPoint button Group may not be available if a shape, picture, or object is inserted into a placeholder, or if you are trying to group a placeholder, because placeholders cannot be grouped with other shapes, pictures, or objects.

Figure 1: In the example above, the blue square and green circle can be grouped. However, the blue square cannot be grouped with a content placeholder (Slide Text) or a title placeholder (Slide Title).

    Move the shape, picture, or object to another location on the slide outside of the placeholders, or remove the placeholder from the objects you want to group.

Click the headings below for more information.

Grouping shapes and objects

Grouping pictures

Grouping of drawing and inscription

Adding a caption to an image

You can add a caption to a photo in Office Word 2007, without using the inscription. To do this, do the following:

    Right-click the picture, and then context menu select Insert title.

    Select required parameters, such as preset text, signature position, and numbering, and then click OK.

You can then select the signature and change the text and its formatting.

Ungroup shapes, pictures, or objects

To ungroup a group of shapes, pictures, or other objects (for example, if you want to move the group but leave one shape, or make significant changes to one shape without changing the others), follow these steps:

Convert SmartArt graphics into individual shapes

If you want to arrange the shapes in your SmartArt graphic in a complex order, or to fine-tune their size and placement, convert your SmartArt graphic into individual shapes.

Important: Converting a SmartArt element to individual shapes is irreversible. Once a SmartArt object has been converted to individual shapes, it will no longer be possible to apply automatic marking. Additionally, the authoring and formatting tools provided in the tabs will no longer be available. Working with SmartArt graphics, including Layouts, Change Colors, and SmartArt Styles collections. However, you can format individual shapes using the options on the tab Drawing Tools.

    Select all the shapes in graphic element SmartArt.

    To select all shapes, click the shape and press CTRL+A.

    On the tab home in Group Clipboard click the button Copy.

    To convert a SmartArt graphic into individual shapes, click anywhere in your document, then click the home in Group Clipboard click Insert.

Note: Once the shapes are converted from a SmartArt graphic, each of them is in turn a group. Once inserted, each such shape contains two shapes - one for text and one for graphics. If a shape in a SmartArt graphic didn't contain text, the text you type in it might be a different size or color than the other shapes.

Rearrange shapes and objects

Rearranging pictures

Grouping shapes, pictures, and other objects

Once you've made a group of objects, you can still work on an individual element in the group by selecting the group and then clicking the element to select it.

Note: If the button " Group" is not available, make sure that more than one object is selected. If you cannot select an additional object, make sure that none of the objects you want to add to the group have the option selected Word wrappingin the text.

Text Word editor has built-in tools for inserting into a document various figures and objects. With their help you can build simple schemes and illustrations that will complement the text well. You can read more about how to use these tools.

Here we will talk about how to group shapes and Word objects. Using this grouping, you can combine a number of shapes or objects and subsequently manage them as a single whole. This feature can be useful in different situations, for example, you cannot do without grouping if you need to move a previously drawn diagram to another place in the document. Grouping will also be useful when changing parameters large quantity objects, for example, when changing color.

The article will be useful for all users modern versions Word, including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Let's say you have some kind of diagram or set of shapes that you want to group into one object. To do this, you first need to select with your mouse all the shapes that are included in your diagram. To do this, click on CTRL button or SHIFT on the keyboard and without releasing it, left-click on each of the shapes in turn. This way you will select all the shapes.

After selecting all the shapes, you can group them. To do this, release the CTRL or SHIFT button that you were holding and right-click on the selected shapes. In the menu that appears, select “Group”.

You can also go to the “Format” tab and click on the “Group” button there.

In any case, after grouping, the selected objects will behave as a single unit and you will be able to move them around the Word document without any problems.

Manage grouped shapes and objects in Word

You can also edit individual shapes in a group without separating them. For example, you can change the color of an object, add outlines or shadows. To do this, you need to select the grouped object with the mouse, and then select it with another click separate object within the group. Afterwards, the parameters of the selected object can be changed without dividing the entire group. To control the settings for individual shapes or an entire group, use the tools on the Format tab.

If necessary, already ready group shapes, you can add one more or more new shapes. To do this, simply draw the desired shapes next to the group, then select the new shapes and the group of shapes and group them as described at the beginning of the article.

If you need to group the drawn figures and the picture ( raster image), then the picture must be inserted inside the “Inscription” object. Otherwise, you will not be able to select both the picture and the shapes with the mouse at the same time. This is done as follows: go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Shapes” button and select the “Inscription” object.

After this, use the mouse to draw a frame that will limit the “Inscription” object. As a result, you will get a frame into which you can insert text or a picture (using regular drag and drop). IN further frame with the inscription can be grouped with other shapes.

In order to ungroup shapes or objects, you need to right-click on them and select “Ungroup”.