How to change photo type to jpg. How to change the extension of an image. Standard Windows utilities

Under format file refers to its structure, which determines the way the information contained in it is stored. The concepts of “format” and “file extension” should not be confused. Extension reflects part of the file name, which is separated from the main name by a dot. The file extension allows us to determine what information is stored in it - text, music, image, etc. The extension is inseparable from the file and simply changing it can lead to data loss. For example, if you decide to change the format of a photo, you need to use a specialized converter program.

Today there is great amount formats for storing information. All of them can be divided into binary and text. Binary files, as a rule, are used to store non-text material (photos, music, etc.). Among the most popular formats for storing images are the following:

1. JPEG- the most popular storage format raster images(drawings, photographs, etc.). This format involves a high degree of compression of the enclosed information, which ensures a relatively small size of JPEG files. IN in this case Compressing photos without losing quality is, unfortunately, not impossible. However, to post photos on the Internet or send them by e-mail, it is advisable to change the photo format to JPEG. It is economical and convenient format storing raster information. Supports 16.7 million colors.

2. BMP - standard format graphic files for Windows. As a rule, the BMP format is used for drawings made in the Paint editor, or, for example, standard “wallpapers” for the desktop. Photos in BMP format are stored uncompressed and can take up a lot of disk space. In this regard, it is often necessary to change the photo format to a more ergonomic one (JPEG, TIF, GIF).

3.TIF- raster graphic format that allows you to compress images without loss of quality. Supports 16.7 million colors and is considered a standard format for exchanging data between computers. Popular among professionals, such as digital camera users.

4. GIF- literally translated as “graphics data interchange format”. Files stored in GIF format, are small in size and can consist of several “frames”, which allows you to create simple animations. The main disadvantage of GIF is the limited color range of this format. Therefore, to store multicolor images, it is more advisable to change the photo format to JPEG or TIF.

Which of these formats should you choose? First of all, you need to proceed from specific practical considerations: where the image will be used, whether it is intended to be printed, etc. The format used must be common enough that programs (such as graphics editors) can read it. An important criterion is the ability to compress the photo. For example, to post on a website or send an image via e-mail using the BMP format would be a completely unjustified decision. It is much more convenient to change the photo format and convert it to JPEG or GIF.

How to change the photo format? Majority modern programs for working with images contain special converters, employees for information recognition various formats. For example, the graphic editor Home Photo Studio supports most popular formats raster graphics: JPEG, GIF, TIF, PSD, PNG, BMP, etc. The program includes all the necessary features for photo editing, supports retouching and photo correction, improving image quality, allows you to level the horizon in a photo and much more.

In order to change the photo format, go to the menu File > Save As and choose required format Images.

The Home Photo Studio editor includes batch processing capabilities and allows you to change the photo format during conversion. Select a menu item File > Batch Processing, add photos and press the button "Add photo to package". In chapter "Batch Processing" You can change the photo format.

The way image information is stored on a computer is determined by the file format and depends on the developers of specific programs. At the same time, a record in a certain format should be oriented towards the ability to read the information by many different editors. Home Photo Studio allows you to change the format of a photo and choose exactly the method of storing data that will be most optimal in a particular situation.

When performing operations with graphic files (photo, drawing, diagram or screenshot), you often have to take into account the file format. For example, transferring over the network will be faster and more comfortable if the image is saved from JPEG extension or JPG. When transferring data to a mobile device, it is better to use formats that compress files well without losing their quality, for example, GIF. And if data is sent to an unfamiliar device, it is wiser to create graphic document, the extension of which is recognized by popular operating systems, for example, BMP. Let's look at how you can quickly change the format of a photo in various ways.

Standard Windows utilities

In the latest 10th version of the Windows operating system family, there is actually no special applications, allowing you to quickly resave a graphic object. The only way is to use Paint. After opening the application built into the OS, proceed as follows:
  1. Select in horizontal menu"File";
  2. In the drop-down menu, find and select the “Open” tab;
  3. Specify the path to the required file;
  4. After the picture is displayed in the application window, return to the “File” menu;
  5. Select “Save As” from the drop-down list;
  6. In the block that opens next to it, select the future extension of the object.

Important! When changing the type of an object, its quality and size may change (or not change) either up or down. This depends on the selected data format. If the quality and colors of the graphics, as well as the size graphic object have values, you must first decide on the data type.

Third party software

If the user quite often performs simple operations with graphic data - sends by e-mail, edits, transfers to mobile devices etc., then it makes sense to install a small and easy-to-use converter program on your PC. Among the most understandable for a beginner:

Movavi Video Editor
You can download the software for free online. Installation is standard. May take some time. After installing Movavi, it is better to restart your computer. Resaving an object is done like this:

  1. Open the converter;
  2. IN top menu select “Add file”;
  3. Select “Add Image” from the drop-down menu;
  4. Specify the object in the folders and click “Open”;
  5. On the panel below, select the “Image” button;
  6. Find a suitable extension in the block that opens below;
  7. Click on the icon and then on the pop-up message;
  8. Select the “Save to...” folder where to convert the object (below);
  9. Click "Start".

Important! The program can simultaneously process multiple files of different types. When assigning the latter for conversion, you need to make sure that a specific object is selected from the list. The file that is currently being edited is highlighted by the program with a colored outline.

Snagit Editor
Conditionally free software, available online. The installation is standard. Software issued with English interface, but you can install the crack. But not necessarily, since the software is intuitive clear interface. To resave an image to another type, you need to do this:

  1. Open Snagit;
  2. Go to the “File” menu;
  3. Select “Open” from the drop-down menu;
  4. Specify the path to the objects and open it;
  5. Return to the “File” menu after the image appears on the screen;
  6. Go to the “Save as” item;
  7. In the “File type” field, open the list of formats using the arrow;
  8. Assign the desired one;
  9. Click "Save".

Adobe Photoshop
If the user often works with graphics that have to be seriously edited, it is better to use special programs editors. For example, Photoshop. This powerful editor, in which the procedure for resaving the file will look like this:
  1. Open the program;
  2. Go to the “File” menu (if the Russian version of “File” is installed);
  3. Select “Open” or “Open” from the menu;
  4. Specify the path to the object;

Good day to you, my dear friends. How are you feeling? I seem to have nothing. Although it could have been better. But today is not about that. I remembered one case here, when one employee came with the fact that her picture was not loading on some site. She says that she did everything as she was told, but when she wants to select a file, it seems as if it is not in this folder. She looked for this picture almost in convulsions, made several copies, deleted everything except this file in the folder. It turned out to be simple. This downloader required downloading files only in graphic format JPEG (JPG) and in no other.

Usually most pictures and photographs are in this format, but this does not always happen. Well, then I explained to her how to change the image format to jpg so that everything would meet the requirements.

In general, the procedure is simple. Quite the contrary, even very simple. So I'll show you today 3 various options, with which you can convert an image to jpeg or any other format.

Crack your fingers. Let's go! You need to stretch your fingers. Well, now let's go!

The most famous and easily accessible way for these purposes is to use any graphic editor. In this example, we will look at Paint, since this program is in every Windows, which means everyone can use it.

Open Paint in any way convenient for you. I personally prefer to open it using the “Run” line. I actually really love this line. In general, open it (for those who don’t know, press the key combination WIN+R). Well, write on the line itself mspaint and click OK.

In the editor, click on the “File” menu (the button that is responsible for the main menu items). And from the drop-down menu, click “Open”. Now find the image you need on your computer and it will open in the editor.

I decided to open the image in PNG format. You can, in principle, open the most common formats in Paint, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF. Well, in general, now all we need to do is click on the “file” menu again, only this time select “Save” how...” If you didn’t notice, it appeared a little to the right. extra menu with possible image formats.

I came here to make a JPG from a PNG, so I select "Save image as JPG format"and are looking for a place to save it. That's all. We didn’t even have time to sweat).


The next method is also simple, although it requires the installation of an additional converter program. But it is done once and for a long life. If you don’t know, a converter is a program that converts one format into another. And it doesn't have to be a graphic format. Converters are created to work with audio and video formats, as well as others. I won't go deeper. More on this in a separate article.

Let's download Format program Factory. This is special universal converter, which works with different types files. You can download from here. Don't worry. This is a verified site and they will not take money from you.

Download, install and run. Here's a simple procedure. But this, of course, is not all.

  1. So, you're in the program. Now you need to select the file type you will convert to. We need images, so we select “Photo”.
  2. In a new window that opens, you see the available image formats. What format do we need? In principle, any, but in in this example We're looking at JPG, so click on the icon that says JPG.
  3. Next, another window will open. Here we need to upload the files that you want to convert ( compound word? Get used to it.) To do this, click on the “ADD” button, and in the new window that opens, select one or more files that you want to convert to JPG. As you can see, I chose 2 PNG file. Well, now click OK. And if you want, you can delve into the settings, but I won’t dwell on them.
  4. Well, now we see that our 2 files are already in the project. Now you can convert, but first look down. Opposite the inscription “Destination folder” is written the destination where our files will arrive. You can change this path by clicking on the corresponding “Change” button. Click and search the desired folder. Well, at the end we press the treasured OK button.
  5. Did you think everything? Not so. Now we will be transferred to the main program window again. just now pay attention that our files appear on the right side, their size and what they will be called after conversion (and of course, what format they will be in). As you can see, the name remains the same, only the format is different. It's true it's only preview. In fact, these files have not yet been translated. We just have to do the final touch, namely click on the “Start” button.
  6. After a short time, depending on the size of the files (it took me 1 second), you will see that everything is done (that’s how it will be written), and at the same time you will listen sound signal. Now we're all set, but to make sure, we'll go to the destination folder. Everything is in place. Everything is converted and opens. This means our task is completed.

But that's not all. Take a little break And those and we will find out another quick way.

Online converter

There's another pretty one easy way, which does not waste your time and effort. Now we will again use the converter, only via the Internet. What is the advantage of such a procedure? How do you think? Of course, the fact is that you don’t need to install anything, since you will be working with the site. Let's go to one such site, for example - As you can see, this converter is also universal and can convert not only image formats, but also much more. It’s just that in this case we will do everything using the example of transferring from PNG to JPG.

Well? Which of the presented methods is most convenient for you? Or maybe you have some of your own interesting way. Then write in the comments. Do not be shy.

Files can be converted to any format you like. But what happens if there is a failure, powerful virus, technical damage, incorrect human actions and other factors will destroy files that are so important to you. In this case, you shouldn’t really count on an antivirus. To be prepared for all this, I recommend that you watch a powerful and interesting video course on file protection. Everything is told in human language and is designed for any level of knowledge. In general, if you value your important data, then it’s better to be safe.

Well, this is where I end my article today. I really hope that you liked my article, so don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates, then you definitely won’t miss anything interesting. Well, I say goodbye to you. See you soon. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

The image format determines the weight of your photographs, as well as the image quality, and other specifics of working with graphic files.

How to change a photo format: basic methods

You can change the image format in several ways, let’s focus on the three main ones:

  1. By using standard program Paint. To do this you need to do next steps. Open Paint: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Paint. Next, open the image whose format you need to change (File – Open). Make changes if they are needed, if not, then immediately: File - Save As - the desired format.
  2. Using Adobe Photoshop. To begin with, we launch the program through Start, in the list of all programs we find Photoshop, or using the shortcut. If you do not have this program, you can use online versions. Opening required image(File – Open), then click “File” and select “Save As” from the menu, in the window that opens, select a location to save, write the file name, and in the “File type” line, select the format you need. Click “Save”.
  3. And one more, easiest option is to use an online convector. In this case, you need to do 3 simple steps. In step one, you upload the required image to the site. In the second step, select the format you need. And using the third step, download the finished image.

In addition, you can download a photo converter, but why would you waste time?

Basic Image Formats

  • JPEG is one of the most used formats. Images in this format are relatively light in weight and have good color rendition. Suitable for storing images in large quantities, with enough good quality, for use on the web. However, when processing images, or rather after compressing them, you will not get back the lost quality.
  • BMP is a standard image format for Windows. These images weigh more than JPEG images, the format does not have any special advantages, so it is advisable to convert it to save disk space.
  • TIFF is a format that allows you to compress an image without losing quality. Popular among experienced users.
  • GIF – this format allows you to make “live” pictures, that is, images with animation elements, due to the fact that an image in this format can consist of several frames. However, the color depth of the format leaves much to be desired. This format is in demand for avatars and animated pictures.

Now you know how to change the format of a photo, and how the main formats differ. If you change the format, it is better to save the image with a new name.

JPEG (*jpg) is the most common among others graphic formats. Files with stretched *jpg have a small volume and at the same time maintain excellent image quality. If the original photograph is recorded in a different format, it can be changed using special software.


1. Need to change format graphic file appears, as usual, if the camera is configured to record pictures in one of the following formats: BMP, TIFF or RAW. They are too large and take up a lot of space on your hard drive, memory card or other storage device.

2. If you need to change to JPEG files, which are recorded in BMP or TIFF, you can choose the most in a simple way and use the application that is on the computer with installed operating system Windows every version. Open the Start menu and under All Programs, select the Paint program.

3. Add to the graphical window Paint editor your file. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button and, while holding it down, drag the file into the program window. Now click on the left top corner window, a blue button, when you hover the cursor over it, the inscription Paint appears (in earlier versions of Paint the File menu section should be preferred).

4. Hover over the Save As menu bar. IN latest versions Paint programs a submenu will open in which you must select the “Image in JPEG format" IN previous versions The final file format can be specified in the dialog box that appears when you activate the “Save As” command.

5. In the dialog box that opens, select the folder in which to save the finished file. This can be any place on the computer's hard drive or external media(excluding CD and some storage media) mobile devices with incompatible file system, say, iPhone/iPod/iPad). The file will be saved as a JPEG.

6. If the initial file is saved in RAW, you should use a different program to metamorphose the format. This can be either the famous Photoshop or other special programs (Total Image Converter, Raw Therapee, Adobe Lightroom and so on.). Load the file into one of these applications and, preferring to the File menu Save command as, specify JPEG as the final format.

One method for optimizing video for playback on devices with small amounts of memory is metamorphosis size frame. In order to cope with this task, a converter program is absolutely suitable.

You will need

  • – Canopus ProCoder program;
  • – video file.


1. Upload your video to the converter. To do this, click on the Add button in the Souce tab. This tab opens by default when the program starts. Select video file, size frame in which you need to change, and click on the “Open” button.

2. Select a set of settings, on the contrary, a preset, for conversion. To do this, click on Target tab("Target"). In the tab that opens, click on the Add button. Select the appropriate preset from the list that opens. By clicking on the name of a preset, you can see its summary at the bottom of the window. Dimensions frame Presets from the Handheld and CD/DVD group have smaller traditional 725 by 576. Select the selected preset and click on the OK button. If you are not satisfied with one of the ready-made sets of settings, click on the System group in the presets window, select a file type from the list that appears and click on the OK button.

3. Configure or check the conversion settings. Without trusting the default settings, click on the button to the right of the Path field. In the window that opens, select the folder in which you are going to save the modified file. Check the contents of the Aspect Ratio field. It is desirable that this parameter coincides with the aspect ratio of the initial file, on the other hand, unpleasant surprises may await you in the form of an elongated or flattened video.

4. Crop the frame if necessary. Most often, this option is used when working with digitized video, in which the edge frame there is a line of noise. To configure cropping, click on the Advanced button. Click on the Video Filter tab in the window that opens and the Add button in the filter window. From the list of filters, select Crop. Click the button to the right of the Cropping Rectangle field. Adjust the cropping frame using the mouse and click OK.

5. Click on the Convert tab. Click on the Convert button under the preview window and wait for the video to finish processing.

Video on the topic