Landing page templates. Data about the product or service provided. What is a landing page

Many entrepreneurs pay a lot of money for design development and corporate identity: choose a web studio or freelancer, make up technical task to design a landing page, look at dozens of layouts, agree on the size and placement of the logo and other elements - and can often be dissatisfied with the result.

When developing a design, a number of points are usually taken into account: page layout and layout, appearance and placement of logo, header, buttons and forms. In addition, it is important to understand where prices for services should be located, Special offers, product description, how these blocks should be designed, what amount of text and images on the page is optimal. Clients often leave websites, in particular landing page— the design “didn’t catch my attention.” A thought unconsciously forms in the user’s head: “If their design is not very good, and it is impossible to find anything on the site, then where is the guarantee that you can use their services?” To prevent this from happening, you need a beautiful landing page.

Service ready-made solutions 1C-UMI offers organic and stylish design landing pages for any type of business. The big plus is that each design template is responsive. This means that your website will be displayed correctly on all devices: both on a computer monitor and on a smartphone screen. Determine which color scheme is right for you and choose the optimal landing page design.

In 1C-UMI templates, all blocks are already located in in a certain order, in accordance with user behavior on the site. There is a menu at the top of the site. The user, by clicking on one or another section, will immediately go to the selected part of the page. This is very convenient from a navigation point of view.

Just below, across the entire width of the page, there is an image, against which there are blocks for the title and a form. feedback. Next you will find a description of the offer or product, complemented by a photo carousel. Only after entering the site, the user will see all up-to-date information. He will find the rest, less important, in the middle and bottom of the page: more detailed description company activities, employee photos, counter countdown until the end of a promotion or before the start of an event, customer reviews and more.

If you want to change the background color, buttons, font, style of headings and links, location and size of blocks, do it using CSS styles. This is a simple tool that allows you to expand the scope of a standard template, radically change the look of your website and create a unique design.

If you don’t have the time and ability to develop design yourself, just register on 1C-UMI in 2 clicks and create really cool landing pages!

From the author: Hi all! We continue to get acquainted with the intricacies of web design, and today we have a creative topic, without knowledge of which you can’t do anything in the profession. Landing design is the development of landing single pages with high conversion, that is, return for the customer. I think there is no need to explain that high-quality landing page design is very expensive, which means it can easily become the main source of your income.

What is a landing page?

The concept of landing page, as, in principle, landing page design, came to us relatively recently, according to official version from the USA, 10–12 years ago. Essentially, this is a one-page selling website created for one single purpose: to prepare and deliver potential clients to purchase a product or service.

Clients visiting such landing pages, called “leads” (from the English lead). Also, “lead” can be said about an application made from the site, a pre-order, that is, about active action, which the page calls for.

In professional slang, the terms “capture page” or “landing page” are more often used. In fact, these are synonyms; we will use them without any differences.

How is a landing page different from a regular website? Well, first of all, it doesn't have complicated navigation meshes. Secondly, there is no menu. All links that are on such pages lead mainly to the “order” or “submit a request” section. And thirdly, the landing grabs you from the first minutes and doesn’t let go until you scroll all the way to the footer. This is ideal, of course.

For whom are one-page websites created? For business, start-ups. The most popular landing page among:

But in fact, you can promote anything through the capture page, from household chemicals to jewelry and real estate. By the way, the target action may not always look as specific as a purchase. Alternatively, the landing page may encourage you to leave a request to calculate the cost of services, subscribe to the newsletter, reserve a place for free, take part in a survey or promotion, download a trial lesson, etc.

L-page is divided into:

Long and Short landing page;

One step and Two steps landing page.

The most common are One step Long, that is, long and one-step. Short - respectively, short; they are used to collect a subscription base, e-mail addresses etc. Two steps are extremely rare; they are divided into two pages: so to speak, building up the intrigue and the actual call to action.

How is the effectiveness of a landing page assessed?

To evaluate the effectiveness of landing pages, the most objective indicator is used - conversion. Conversion is the ratio of the number of visitors who completed the target action to the total number of website visitors. It is considered like this:

today 250 people visited the site, 12 people left requests for consultation;

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This means that the daily conversion was 12/250 * 100 = 4.8%

Of course, for maximum objectivity, the indicator is displayed not only for the day, but also for the week, month, quarter. The broader the statistics, the easier it is to track trends in demand growth and decline, seasonality, etc.

For a complete picture, conversion is supplemented with indicators of abandoners, duration of stay on the page, and a situational click map.

What conversion percentage should you strive for? It depends on the business niche in which the landing page will compete for customers. Well, for example, for a tourist takeover, the conversion should not fall below 9–14%, but for luxury goods (the same fur coats, jewelry, cars), the conversion of 6% will be already beyond the upper limit. The absolute record holder for conversion is, of course, the information business. On sale of training courses in convenient format you can safely demand 22–30%.

So, let's move from theory to practice. Landing page design has its own characteristics and rules, by adhering to which you can avoid significant mistakes from the very beginning. What should a landing page not do without? Let's try to answer.

1. Purpose. Before you start working on the landing page design, you must have a clearly formulated goal: why the site is being created, for whom, what target actions it leads to... well, etc. Each element of the future layout should work for the result, for conversion, and the task designer - think through each element in advance.

2. Harmony of creativity and psychology. I will not be mistaken if I say that contemporary creativity is not always accessible to the broad masses and adequately perceived by all contemplators. Your design should be understandable to everyone, no off-putting or flashy colors, crazy fonts or complicated animations. Leave experiments for a more appropriate occasion; when choosing colors, use the advice of psychologists, listen to the advice of professionals.

3. Heading. Just as a book begins with a cover, the quality of a landing page can be told by its title. At bad option the percentage of page closing at 5-7 seconds of viewing will be very high.

4. Visualization. Maximum visual material. You can tell 100 times how your product works, but it’s easier to show it once short video video. Does your product or service require a video presentation? Then photos from all angles, photos of satisfied clients, happy customers...etc.

5. Review block. A sea of ​​positivity should flow from your site. Reviews must be linked to photos real people, signed (name, age, country, city - naturally as close as possible to the target audience). Impersonal reviews are repulsive and cause distrust.

6. Download speed. When uploading videos, photos, pictures to your landing page, do not forget about the weight of all elements. The page should work like a clock, load files quickly and efficiently, quickly respond to scrolling and transitions between blocks.

7. Call to action or call to action. The call to action should not be the final chord in the footer of the page. Buttons “order”, “subscribe”, “download”, “buy” should be evenly distributed across all blocks. I wanted to buy, but who knows where this button is hidden - this is a failure for conversion.

And finally, one more secret from fellow marketers, whose role in creating captivating pages cannot be underestimated. AIDA Rule:

Attention - attention;

Interest - interest;

Desire - desire;

Action - action.

This classic model consumer behavior, according to which it is necessary to build the design of landing pages for any purpose. How it works? The entire structure of the site is conditionally divided into 4 blocks, and each is responsible for its part of the capture.

In the first - attention is attracted (unobtrusively, easily), in the second - interest is stirred up (questions are asked, a provocation is caused, a problem is presented), in the third - a solution to the problem is found, a desire appears to buy something without which further life becomes simply impossible, in the fourth - All that remains is to press the “one click to your cherished goal” button.

That's it, friends. Let's learn to manipulate consciousness and become masters of web design! Subscribe to my updates, stay tuned for new products, and see you soon! Bye bye.

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The design of this page is unique, completely imbued with the brand's personality and is not similar to others.

The peculiarity of this design is that all the elements are visible, but at the same time very neatly arranged. The simple but beautiful slideshow also attracts attention.

Simple but nice design. The advantage is that you can log into the site via Facebook without wasting time on registration.

An excellent example of demonstrating the company's products. Every month the company updates the list of products shown on the page.

Understanding what is being sold on the site is not a problem thanks to well-structured content, beautiful slides and large font price tags.

Most successful pages, dedicated to the sale of goods, necessarily contain clear and easy-to-understand examples of products.

The key to this design is simplicity. A simple menu and a bright slider go together perfectly.

The page successfully displays different sections. For more detailed information Just click on the image you like.

The design is not overloaded unnecessary elements, you can immediately see all the characteristics and prices of the product.

Entertainment sites

Simple and tasteful. The purpose of the page is immediately clear: watching a documentary video.

The page design is very well thought out, it fascinates and literally hypnotizes. Great combination of colors and shapes.

This site is above all praise. Brilliantly thought out design and abundance interactive elements will not leave anyone indifferent.

This Harry Potter franchise page is designed using colors, phrases, and names familiar to fans.

This page not only looks beautiful, it is also very functional: many interactive elements, integration with Google Maps, using tabs.

Uncrate, even after the redesign, does not change its tradition of arranging all sections of the site in a convenient top navigation menu.

This site shows the power graphic design and web development. It’s better to go to it and see for yourself.

An excellent example of a “tiled” design that allows you to stylishly arrange a large number of blocks with content.

The visuals of this site are stunning. Vivid images instantly capture the attention of users.

Jay-Z sure knows how to have fun. On his site, articles, images and other content are presented in the form of interactive tiles.

This design uses natural shades that go well with the main issues raised on the site.

Portfolio landing pages

On this page, the dominant role is again given to images that literally come to life when you hover the mouse.

This example has a very interesting color combination. Moreover, all elements on the page use the same background structure, wood-like.

The “old school” style is used very well here, the design of each element is thought out to the smallest detail and is unique. Thanks to endless scrolling on this site, you can enjoy such beauty for a long time.

A clear and thoughtful design helps the page most effectively convey the main information to visitors. Color scheme matches the brand and shows the designer’s style in action.

The page is an excellent presentation. Each banner is dedicated to a separate project.

An example of an unusual tile design.

Typography plays a major role on this page. Using different fonts helps in conveying ideas.

The design is laconic and concise. On the page we can see everything we need: a portfolio and links to other sections.

Icons and nothing more. Good example minimalist design.

The portfolio page displays the most important thing - examples of work.


The page contains many user photos that can be easily scrolled through using scrolling and hovering.

Large, bright photographs of the company's products make you want to drink a can of cold beer.

Nothing distracts the visitor from contemplating the most beautiful watch.

The highlight of this site is the slideshow at the top of the page, which showcases mouth-watering culinary delights.

The font and graphics combine perfectly, creating a unified perception of the site. There are only three menu items, and they are impossible not to notice.

Elegant style, high quality images, excellent presentation. Nothing distracts from the main elements.

Toyota has created a Pinterest-style site for Camry lovers. Here you can find many photographs, articles, statistics.

Despite the fact that this page fits into one screen in height, it contains many interesting interactive elements and unusual details.

The page design fully reflects the brand's style: colors, fonts, pictures are immediately associated with this company.

The design is made in calm, light colors; this color scheme is ideal for the product being offered.

This site is like a book that captures your attention with its unusual plot and illustrations.

The floating red button in the middle of the screen does its job: you really want to click on it.

To order a landing page design, visit the Yudu website. There are many experienced programmers, web designers, and developers registered on YouDo who provide a full range of services:

  • website design
  • creating layouts
  • development of individual web page design
  • installation of exclusive templates
  • adaptive layout websites for different devices

Programmers registered on Yuda will help you create a modern website and landing page inexpensively. During the development process, Yudu specialists use new technologies and effective methods CMS content management.

Yudu performers specialize in creating, promoting and technical support sites different types and modifications. They guarantee high conversion resource. Yudu specialists create websites and sales pages for the following purposes:

  • wholesale and retail trade
  • various types of service industries
  • unique (exclusive) goods
  • training programs (webinars, trainings, etc.)

Programmers registered with Yuda will turn your website into an effective tool for business development on the Internet, regardless of whether you are a manufacturer or an intermediary. They approach each order creatively and always achieve their goals.

Features of website development

Yudu specialists deeply analyze the task at hand. They convey the benefits of a product (good or service) thanks to quality content, text, correct wording and place important accents in the design.

The sales page made by Yudu artists combines everything important nuances, which allow the client to immediately understand what it’s about we're talking about, and what benefits he will receive.

Properly designed landing pages will help expand target audience and improve site visits.

Yudu specialists perform the task in the following order:

  • preparing text and prototype
  • create a new one modern design or adjust the existing one
  • design and program the website
  • place the site on paid hosting
  • launch traffic

All of the above actions allow you to get better website performance. Specialists will help you track and analyze attendance and other indicators in order to improve them in the future.

Cost of specialist services

You can order a landing page design from Yudu specialists at an inexpensive price. The cost of work is influenced by a number of factors:

  • project complexity
  • site type
  • connecting an online payment form
  • website testing and integration
  • setting up the administration system

Find out how much the work of professionals costs from the price list on the Yudu website. Yudu specialists have the most affordable prices in Moscow. Make sure of this by reading the information in the performers' profiles.

Why should you contact Yudu specialists?

Yudu specialists have their own special approach to website development and promotion. They carefully analyze the customer's product to show customers its benefits. The overall aesthetics of the landing page creates a good impression of it.

After cooperation with Yudu specialists, you will receive a completely ready-made tool. In addition, programmers connect the administration system so that the content can be edited if necessary.

Specialists also monitor traffic and other indicators responsible for the development of the resource. They guarantee high conversion of all projects, thanks to their extensive experience and the use of modern technologies.

By collaborating with specialists, you will receive a number of advantages:

  • application of marketing techniques
  • use of advanced technologies
  • creating high-quality sales pages
  • unique design solutions

Yudu artists use innovative techniques in the field of Internet marketing and develop websites in such a way that they become constant source arrived.

Even before work begins, specialists will tell you how many clients they can attract. All their projects have an individual design, adaptive layout and many other important components for productive development.

As a result of cooperation with the performers, you will receive a simple website with easy navigation, simple controls and high-quality graphics. It will not only attract customers, but also collect their contacts, thus building a base of regular users.

To order a landing page design by affordable price, leave a request on the website or call the specified phone number, and free performers will immediately offer you their services.

2 votes

Welcome to the Start-Luck blog. Your goal is to create a landing page and you are researching different variants her achievements? Then this article will be useful to you.

I’ll say right away that a landing page can cost 80-100 thousand, but under good circumstances, it will bring a lot of clients. If the product is worthwhile, then the investment will pay off in a month or two, and maybe in the first week you will earn back the money. Already from this information it becomes clear that developing or simply using landing pages is profitable.

Today we will discuss with you what the landing page design should be, what basic elements simply must be present. For beginners, I will recommend several services for developing a sense of beauty that will help them learn how to create cool projects.

You can skip chapters, but believe me, if you read the entire article, your life can change for the better. Let's start with the structure.


In general, in each individual case the structure of the landing page will change. In the article, I said that it is very important to be able to identify important and secondary elements and organize them in the space of the page.

Everyone has a landing page common features. Professional designers may refuse some elements. But this is the difference between a specialist and a layman. It’s one thing for you to know and deliberately break the rules in pursuit of some goal, and quite another thing if you don’t know the basics.

If an experienced housewife adds cilantro to borscht, it will most likely turn out delicious. If a new cook adds a handful of sawdust just to try something new, it probably won't turn out very well.

So, how to make a landing page, what should it contain?


When visiting a page, a person must understand where he is, what kind of company is offering him a service. Most often used for this. A small picture that a person gets used to and understands: “Uh-huh, I’ve already seen this somewhere. I think these guys are pretty good."

Creating an image is the work of several specialists: marketers, PR specialists, content managers. Having seen a small picture, the person receiving the information immediately remembers all the pieces of information that he heard about this company, and in just one moment the impression is created: “I trust these guys,” “I like them,” or vice versa.

Even if the company is little-known, the logo should still be present. Having seen him for the second time and not remembering anything about the company, the person will still be impressed by it. This is the law.

In addition to the name, you need to place contacts on the one-page page. This increases the level of trust.


The product or service you offer needs to be shown to the consumer. Sometimes they do this in a very unconventional way. In the example below, it is immediately clear that the site was created by a professional. The landscaping is vertical, which is why a geometric style was chosen for the sales page.


Every product is good in some way. Otherwise why create another company? You need to show these differences to a person if you want him to buy something from you. The more convincing it is, the more useful the page will be.


You've probably heard this a hundred times already: “We are not selling a product, but a solution to a problem.” The dentist gives a beautiful smile without embarrassment, instead of a fur coat we get luxury and caring warmth, mobile operators provide the opportunity to communicate with the most dear people. This is called an offer - what the client receives. Its a real benefit.

Feedback form

A person should know how to contact you. Contacts and addresses are sometimes not enough. The buyer must have simple opportunity contact a consultant. For this purpose, a feedback form, order a call or chat can be used. The simpler the better.

The client is almost ready to complete the application, there is only a small matter left, in personal communication prove to him that he made the right choice.

As you already understand, creating landing pages is a very profitable hobby. Already at the start you can ask for at least 10,000 rubles. This is an adequate cost, since the work requires certain knowledge. Over time, you will be able to track how much the client receives from your site.

Imagine, a product costs 2,000 rubles, and you spend exactly the same amount on something that attracts buyers. 100 clients visit the site. Even if three people decide to take advantage of the offer, you get double the profit.

The better the page is created, the more orders. How to learn to create beautiful landing pages? To begin with, I would advise you to practice on Wix . I already talked about him. You need to get better at it and this is a great platform to improve your skills. There is no need to learn the code, there are no difficulties, it’s the simplest visual editor to create very beautiful projects.

No one will let a person drive before he has been trained on a simulator. Here it is for you - use it. In addition, look, if you pay an annual tariff for Vics, even if you want to test the site in action, you will spend 4,500 rubles per year. As a bonus, you will receive 3000 rubles for contextual advertising V .

The only significant drawback of the system is that you are unlikely to be able to sell a website to a customer that you create in this system. Every fool knows that creating websites on Vicks is incredibly easy and you are unlikely to prove to the client that you spent a lot of effort, time and the benefits of the project will be real.

I have Alternative option. Adobe Muse. I also already wrote. This is still the same constructor, only a little more complex and without a “tarnished” reputation. By using it you will already prove yourself as a professional. The company that released it also created Photoshop, Premier Pro, which employs TV crews, and much other high-quality and cool software.

If you want to try to work in it now, I can offer you a course by Sergei Sadovnikov “ The genius of selling sites " Along with the training course, you will receive 80 templates absolutely free. Ready design, use it!

All that remains is to edit it a little and post it on . The costs for it will no longer be 375 rubles per month, but only 120. Significant benefits, plus the opportunity to reach the TOP of search results.

The best examples that break all the rules

Remember, I just recently told you that if you are a professional and know the rules, then breaking them is not a sin. I would like to present to your attention three best landing pages 2016, which violated all conceivable and inconceivable rules and laws. This is no Landing Awords; I don’t even know if prizes are awarded in this area.

The designers delighted me and I think some of these examples will make you want to exclaim: “WFT!”

I put it in third place advanced course of Glavred. It's just a bomb, I highly recommend watching it. A lot of dough, which is what landing designers are so afraid of, but...

In second place " Windows for people" The guys just took it, drew a landing page on a piece of paper, scanned it and posted it on the Internet.

The last picture shows a cat sitting on the window. Agree, such sites are not forgotten.

Well, first place - Alexey Zemskov (, who is engaged in repairs. You're just blown away when you come to this site. It seems that it was created by a schoolboy; it captivates with its masculinity, simplicity and brutality.

In case you didn't notice or can't read it, the logo says: "The site is very easy to remember - 32 teeth and 8 fingers."

Why is he in first place? Yes, because when you go down from the main screen you understand that the project was completed by no layman. It was done very cool, professionally. This is never a joke. The texts captivate with their truthfulness. It seems that you know this Alexey and really want to work with him.

Well, that’s all, create your websites and be sure to subscribe to the newsletter.