Laptop black screen and windows 10 cursor. Disabling fast startup. Disabling Windows Fast Startup

It is rare to see a black screen when loading Windows 10, but it does happen. Various variations are possible: with or without a cursor. It doesn’t matter when the problem appeared: after an update, after a download, on its own, or caused by a virus.

The unified recovery tool is used to fix the problem. The installed instance allows you to launch the mode by turning it off (holding Shift), but in our case we will have to do things differently. Best to buy somewhere bootable media, although there is another way.

Built-in tool

If when you turn on the computer the system does not want to boot and the display remains black, try the following procedure:

How to roll back a driver

Usually ten does not warn you when installing new drivers. Therefore, there is a 99% chance that it is impossible to understand why exactly the system stopped loading. The second problem is that the system does not provide information about the installation date. But if the screen is black, then there is a high probability of graphics failure. From safe mode, enter Device Manager. Checking the installed driver.

If the Roll Back button is active (as in in this case), press it immediately. There is a chance that after updating the driver, the screen resolution is set to the wrong screen resolution when you turn on the computer. Sometimes the problem cannot be resolved after booting into Safe Mode. And instead of a desktop we see emptiness, although the speakers play a unique greeting melody. In this case, select the option with low resolution screen.

Installation media

If you see a black screen after installing Windows 10, immediately grab the installation media.

Starting recovery


Some will want to rollback to previous version. This is only possible if the top ten has risen recently. In fact, this option is not suitable for most citizens after August 2016. Because a rollback is possible within no more than 30 days from the date of update. Billy Gates provided the opportunity to update after specified date only to people with disabilities" This point may be relevant for them.

Restore point

Ten is constantly being cleaned, so restore points disappear. But this is the first system where in 80% of cases there is at least one slice. If the system does not start, use the very first menu item. The OS selection menu immediately appears. Of course it's a ten. Then a search will be made, and in the worst case scenario, this is what awaits us.

For this reason, the first thing to do when the boot screen does not show up on the desktop is to check the restore points.

Boot Fixer

It is not known exactly what this partition does, but after it, performance is often restored, the system boots and starts working. It is quite possible that the utility rewrites the system bootloader. We've already talked about this before. Showed several ways to rewrite a section when diskpart help. That's what the text is called.


Even powerful computer Sometimes it hangs for a long time after updating. Give him one more chance. As for netbooks, the authors updated this one to ten all night long. I did everything completely myself. After installation the bit depth increased operating system, and the computer began to play games with 3D graphics.

So, if shutting down resulted in a black screen. Before you remove this banner, be sure to get your bootable media.

Standard bugs

This is not stated directly, but many people complain about problems after the update. Perhaps this is a common occurrence and many are struggling with the same thing. Just look at this topic. Fifteen thousand people found it useful.

You will see that the problem is not isolated, therefore, it cannot be solved in this moment. The text contains both complaints and angry responses regarding the “raw” product. Just roll back as described above and don't worry about Microsoft's problems. What is striking is that the list of solutions is extensive, but there are relatively few people who are satisfied. This systemic problem, solved by rolling back drivers and using restore points.

Create a restore point

Ten is cleaning up little by little custom points. This happens whenever a system creates its own. But just in case, you need to check. Is there at least one point in the system?

Now we are not afraid of any failure, because we can rollback. Always make sure that the system has at least one working slice for rollback. This will save you from meaningless searches on forums and websites.

Upgrading to Windows 10 is enough simple procedure and on most computers everything works without any problems. However, there are exceptions to this rule and it may happen that after updating and logging in we will be greeted with a black screen. What then should you do when a black screen appears when loading Windows 10?

Unfortunately, in my case, the system did not update as I expected. Although the system detected updates and performed quick installation, after its launch, troubles began. Windows did not load the system shell, instead a mouse cursor appeared on a black screen, and a message was displayed in the upper left corner stating that the desktop personalization service was not responding.

How to fix black screen after upgrading to Windows 10

This error appeared earlier when installing and updating in Windows versions 10 Technical Preview. Luckily she is not (in most cases) fatal mistake and it can be fixed without losing your computer data. Since the mouse cursor is working and the system responds to key combinations, we will still be able to call individual functions to diagnose the error and make certain adjustments.

Step 1: Scan the disk using the sfc /scannow command

Press combination CTRL keys+ Shift + Esc to bring up the Task Manager window. There is another way to launch Task Manager in Windows 10, click right click mouse on the Start icon and in the pop-up menu you will see the corresponding item.

In the manager window, select “File - Run” new task" A window will appear in which you can call up individual programs.

Enter the “cmd” command in it, and then select the “Create a task with administrator rights” option. Thus, we launched the command line in administrator mode.

Enter in console sfc team/scannow and confirm your choice by pressing Enter.

Will begin hard check disk for errors - if a malfunction is detected, the system will automatically try to fix the problem. After checking, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Removing the key responsible for updating the desktop from the system registry

IN system registry During the update or installation of Windows 10, a key is created that is responsible for customizing the desktop. A black screen indicates that something went wrong and prevented the setup from being completed. In this case, you need to delete the key, which may be damaged and causing the error.

Go to the Task Manager again and select “File - Run New Task”. This time enter regedit command and confirm with OK.

In Registry Editor, navigate to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ActiveSetup\Installed Components\

In the "Installed Components" section you will find a list of keys with random names. We need to find the key that has a default value named " Windows Desktop Update". To do this, you will have to check each key until you find the specified value.

Once you have found it, you need to remove it. Right-click on the found key and select Delete in the menu that appears. After removal, you can close the Registry Editor.

Step 3: Restart your computer in Safe Mode

After these steps, you need to restart the computer in safe mode so that the system can boot into the system with a minimum number of processes enabled.

To do this, in the Task Manager, open “File - Run new task” and type msconfig command. Confirm its launch using the OK button.

In the new window, go to the Downloads menu and select “Safe Mode” at the bottom. Leave the remaining options as default and restart the computer.

The computer will start in safe mode and after logging into Windows system 10 the desktop should appear with a taskbar and a Start menu. Now you need to turn it off safe mode. Re-enter the msconfig command in the Manager, go to Downloads and uncheck the “Safe Mode” checkbox. After reboot Windows computer 10 should boot normally and the desktop will appear instead of a black screen.

I don’t want to be trivial, but the so-called “black screen problem” when loading the operating system after turning on the computer is one of the most common problems faced by owners of both desktop computers, so and . An operating system that will not boot or hard model disks are not particularly important in diagnosing the problem. We will tell you further about how to remove the black screen when loading Windows 7, 10 on a computer and laptop and the reasons for the failure.

This guide will be updated, so feel free to ask questions, I will clarify it as best I can. technical points and solve your black screen problems.

The most likely causes of a black screen on boot

First, you need to list the most common problems that cause a black screen, after which the operating system does not load (in other words, when you turn on the computer, a black screen). In rare cases, after loading the user sees not only a black screen, but also a cursor. Causes:

  1. There is a conflict in the operating system, due to which it cannot load the graphical environment normally.
  2. Video driver problem (incompatibility with the current operating system: for example, Windows 10 or Windows 7, up to XP)
  3. The hard drive on your computer or laptop has failed
  4. Windows OS has crashed and does not boot correctly (not in safe mode)
  5. Other hardware problems or system conflicts
  6. Windows can't wake up from sleep state

Start Windows in Safe Mode on your computer

One of the most probable causes, why Windows or another operating system does not load - a system conflict due to which the OS cannot work correctly after turning on the PC. This may be caused, for example, by the fact that the user installs an incompatible program or drivers that conflict with Windows, and when turning on the laptop/PC, the conflict will make itself known in an unpleasant way - in the form of a black screen. How can I remove it?

Fortunately, Windows developers provided the possibility of a safe mode for logging into the operating system, which is intended specifically to eliminate various problems compatibility. By entering safe mode, you can remove all problems on your computer, resolve conflicts, and then boot Windows into normal mode.

So, to enter safe mode on your computer:

  1. Remove from the computer all media and devices that may affect Windows boot (flash drives, disks, etc.)
  2. Restart or turn on your computer, depending on its current state.
  3. To enter Safe Mode, hold down the F8 key while booting. If your PC (laptop or desktop version) has several operating systems, then select the appropriate one from the list and then press F8 again to enter safe mode Windows boot.

Problems with the monitor or components

The reason for the black screen may be obvious: the monitor is not working. This may be due to the fact that the contact between the monitor and the video card is lost or the power cable is damaged/not plugged into the outlet. So be sure to check your connection.

As for the laptop, it is unlikely that the matrix “fell off” from the motherboard. To disable it, you need good reasons: for example, mechanical impact on the display. In this case, you will see that there is obvious damage on the screen: scratches, defective pixels and so on.

In addition to the monitor, we recommend exploring system unit. Check whether the video card is secured in the corresponding socket on the motherboard and whether voltage is supplied to all PC components. This should only be done if you have the skills to assemble/disassemble a computer/laptop.

Resolving conflicts with the video driver, if the computer does not start, a black screen is displayed

An example of a similar problem:

Installed Windows 7, 10, restored to factory settings (native Windows image). But nothing helps. Simply put, when you turn on Windows 10 for the first time, everything is good and everything is fine, but when the drivers are installed on the video card (intel hd3000 and radeon 7600), flickering and a black screen occur, after which recovery and safe mode do not work. That is, Windows 10 dies, after installing the drivers there is a black screen.

If you think that the black screen problem may be due to a conflict of video card drivers on your computer or laptop, then:

  1. On the menu secure boot select "Enable low-resolution video mode".
  2. After successfully logging into your operating system account through Device Manager or Control Panel, remove the conflicting ATI/NVIDIA video driver.
  3. Restart your computer
  4. There may be a conflict between the motherboard and video card drivers. You need to try various combinations drivers. In order not to reinstall Windows every time when experimenting, create a restore point and when a black screen appears, roll back to the previous one control point recovery.
  5. If the OS loads correctly in normal mode (the Desktop and Windows cursor appears), then the black screen problem is really related to incorrect behavior after installing the drivers. Go to the video card manufacturer's website and download to your hard drive latest version, try updating the drivers again.
  6. If the black screen continues to appear, try other solutions to the problem outlined in this guide - for example, uninstalling harmful programs.

We remove programs that conflict and block the OS from loading when turned on

Windows 7 does not start for me. When I turn on the computer, after the words “start Windows,” a black screen appears and the computer does not boot. There is no cursor. I restart my computer, I'm given a choice of how to boot Windows, I choose normal mode- and everything turns on, sometimes you need to reboot several times. Normally it doesn’t turn on at all, I have CCleaner, I use it, the antivirus is Avast, I don’t update any drivers. What could be the problem?

In this case, the sequence of actions to fix the problem will be approximately the same as in the above case. The only thing is that in Windows Safe Mode you need to select the “Enable Safe Mode” option. Next, in this download mode, you need to go to the control panel and in the “Programs and Features” window, sort by application installation date. Analyze what you installed in Lately: it is possible that conflicting applications are the cause of the black screen and inadequate loading of Windows OS with system disk on the computer. One of best programs to uninstall applications - free utility CCleaner.

Disable unnecessary programs and services from Windows startup

There is a wonderful msconfig utility, you can use it to speed up Windows boot. Although modern computers load the OS quickly, boot optimization can eliminate the black screen for a few seconds.

  1. Start - Run. Enter msconfig in the window.
  2. Services tab - here you can disable unnecessary services.
  3. Startup tab - to enable/disable programs during startup.

In Windows 10, startup items can be disabled through the task manager (Startup tab). The status column displays the status of the application.

We use a restore point to perform a system rollback on the computer and fix problems on the computer

It happens that the cause of the OS failure cannot be identified; removing drivers and programs that cause conflicts does not help: a black screen still appears when the computer boots.

If the computer does not start, use the previous point Windows recovery

We use a boot disk (Live CD) to fix errors and diagnose a black screen

When a black screen appears, it is advisable to check your computer and operating system for viruses. This can be done using a "live CD". We recommend using this to enter system recovery mode. In addition to the virus scan itself, livecd 4MRescueKit includes data recovery modules, Reserve copy files and a disk manager like PartitionMagic. Even if this does not help get rid of the black screen of death, you can at least prepare to reinstall the operating system or diagnose performance of hard disk in this mode. Live CD fixes problems regardless of the version: it can be both Windows and Linux.

The 4MRescueKit boot kit helps fix software errors on the disk

Black screen during Windows reinstallation

I get a black screen and a cursor, I reinstalled Windows and I still can’t completely reinstall it. After the first reboot, during installation, when loading Windows black screen and cursor.

Solution to the problem.

  1. Try using a different installation disk or version of Windows OS.
  2. The reason for the appearance of a black screen and interrupted loading can be either software or hardware. For example, a hard drive contains bad sectors or a USB flash drive or disk from which Windows installation, damaged.
  3. Try installing the operating system on a different one hard section disk.

Viruses have damaged Windows system files

Many computer viruses capable of removing or damaging important system files. As a result, after loading Windows OS, a black screen appears, although the cursor can still be displayed and respond to your movements. Removing viruses does not always help solve the problem, but you can try.

How to check your hard drive for viruses if? You need a working computer to which you can attach a hard drive. Once booted into Windows, install free antivirus Dr Web CureIt. CureIt utility contains current virus databases.

Video instruction:

Select the hard drive to scan and launch the scanner.

If, after detecting viruses, a black screen still appears when loading Windows, then you need to look for other reasons.

Burn a recovery flash drive and reinstall Windows

After Windows updates 7 – black screen in any mode: normal, safe – no difference. I tried restoring Windows via the installation disk - to no avail.

Answer. Install Windows 7 from scratch or immediately install Windows 10, thereby killing two birds with one stone: update and solve the problem with the black screen when loading Windows 7.

One of the best programs for Windows entries to a flash drive - Rufus. The utility is available in Russian, it is free and, as a rule, burns trouble-free USB flash drives for installing Windows.

The worst thing that can happen: the hard drive fails

Finally, one of the most pessimistic outcomes. If you see a black screen and the cursor is still visible, then the hard drive is working. If there is nothing but a black screen and the OS does not load, then it is quite possible that the computer does not see the hard drive and, accordingly, Windows does not boot. By following the link you can read the manuals that will allow you to diagnose your hard drive and find out: is it possible to repair, restore data by loading the operating system, or is it better to immediately go to the store and purchase new HDD for a computer or laptop.

Summary. In this guide, I tried to remember and collect from the Internet the most complete list of problems that cause a black screen to appear on a PC. The OS version doesn't really matter, whether it's Windows 8, Windows 10, or the outdated XP. If none of the methods helped, something is unclear, or you have your own ways to solve this problem, please ask questions and add your ideas in the comments.

Answers to readers' questions

I have a black screen after loading Windows, I tried everything, but nothing helps: I turn on the computer - a black screen, and nothing can be done about it. The bottom line is that the black screen appears only after I update the drivers for the video card. If you install standard VGA, then everything starts and works fine.

Before this, I completely reinstalled Windows and it all started somehow unexpectedly with “nothing”. How to fix black screen when loading windows?

Answer. One of the right ways resolve OS and driver conflicts on your computer - go to the website of the manufacturer of your video card and download to disk latest drivers or stable, not in beta. When downloading, make sure to specify your operating system in the same bit depth (32- or 64-bit). It is also possible that your video card is outdated and not supported by modern operating systems, in particular Windows 10.

If your laptop has a black screen, try updating the drivers

I have Windows 10 installed. An attempt to restore the OS from a system image failed. Now the screen is black with flickering on the left top corner cursor when turned on. All I can do is turn on the computer and enter Bios.

Answer. If you only see a black screen and cursor – sure sign that the operating system cannot boot (you already understood the problem).

If the recovery console or installation Windows disk 10 does not help for OS rollback to original state or restore point, create or new disk to restore or install the operating system from scratch.

Not a single folder opened, so I decided to run . A black screen with a cursor appeared on the laptop when turning on / starting Windows OS. I did everything according to your article, but the screen is still black. Help me please.

Answer. If a black screen appears when you start Windows even after recovery, it makes sense to reinstall the operating system on your laptop in another way - for example, in boot mode from a flash drive or disk. Since, according to your description of the problem, the cursor still appears on boot, this is software error, not hardware.

An external box was connected via USB to format ext3 using PartitionMagic. After the formatting was completed, the laptop restarted and there was no reboot, and the message appeared on the black screen: error loading operating system... The laptop no longer boots, does not respond to any keys... OS XP ... what to do, it has almost everything, there is a 2nd PC with Windows 10. In other words, the laptop works - but the screen is black.

Answer. Luckily, your laptop deals with software glitch, and not a hardware failure. All you need is to reinstall the Windows operating system. After this, the black screen of death will no longer appear. If your laptop has a disk drive, use boot disk to restore the OS. Otherwise, it will help you, it’s not difficult to write it down, read the instructions at the link.

I get a black screen when I turn on my computer. Nothing appears on the monitor when I turn on the computer and the system unit is running. I did one trick: pulled out the power, held down the power button for 5 seconds, released it, inserted the power cord, turned on the PC - everything worked fine. After 3 days the same thing happens, but this trick doesn't work. I think this is an incorrect shutdown. I turned it off the last time when some programs were still running (Windows 7 for me) and the Desktop did not appear after loading. What to do if your computer has a black screen?

Answer. You need to approach the problem comprehensively: figure out whether the motherboard and power supply are working correctly in general, whether all the wires are connected to exactly the right power connectors, whether the PC components are tightly connected to the sockets (for example, very often the “black screen of death” is associated with an incorrect connection video cards). Perhaps the problem is not hardware, but software (it’s just not clear from your question whether Windows boots). In this case, reinstalling from a boot disk or restoring to Live mode CD.

Help me understand what's wrong with the PC. I have Windows 7. After the startup starts, a black screen and a cursor appear, then I am asked to select Windows 7 OS and the recommended boot or the normal one. After clicking them, the download starts and throws you back into the same settings. The same problem occurs with loading in safe mode. It does not offer anything further, there is no window for entering explorer.exe.

Answer. If, when you try to boot Windows 7, a black screen and the cursor continues to appear, which mode you have not selected - most likely, system systems have been deleted or changed Windows files. A clean reinstallation of the OS or recovery from a Windows 7 boot disk will help. In the boot menu, select “System Restore” and then use the Bootrec.exe utility. Further actions described

I have a video card AMD Radeon on 512 MB of memory, it didn’t support new toys and I found on the Internet how to increase the memory of the integrated video card via bios. I changed some settings in the BIOS and installed 1 GB of memory, my PC rebooted and I looked at the characteristics of the video card and yes, in fact, the memory has increased. Then I started playing games, about an hour passed and my mouse began to freeze, turn on and off, and then stopped working altogether, I decided to restart the PC and after that on my monitor I saw just black picture with some number in the corner. The computer refused to turn on, after probably half an hour of clicking on the mouse and keyboard, “welcome” appeared on the screen. The PC turned on, but the mouse still did not work, I rebooted again - and again there was a black screen for a very long time when the computer booted. What could this be and how can I get rid of it?

Answer. This is what overclocking a video card leads to. You need to go into the BIOS and reset the settings to factory (default) settings. Perhaps it is because of the BIOS settings that Windows does not start.

You're in luck: with such overclocking of a video card, problems with the temperature of the video card may arise, up to the failure of one of the components (for example, the processor).

In general, trust similar instructions overclocking is not always possible. Even if it contains correct information, if you do not have the proper skills, you can get not only a black screen, but also black smoke from the system unit :).

I don’t know why it started, maybe after defragmentation hard drive, after updating drivers or the like. Every time, before Windows boots, a black screen is displayed for 10 minutes and only after that the welcome window appears. The BIOS loads exactly at the beginning, I pressed F2 to check in BIOS priority boot device. Also, during a black screen, the console carriage (lower slash) sometimes appears. Why when loading Windows black screen maybe?

Answer. In the BIOS you can not only set boot priority, but also disable unnecessary devices(for example, a disk drive). However, this will not save the situation.

Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that when Windows boots, it tries to find the required library or load a non-existent component. Go to the startup menu and disable everything unnecessary elements. You can also disable unused Windows services via msconfig and delete unnecessary applications on the computer. In general, it is desirable to optimize the operation of the operating system and eliminate conflicts.

You can also analyze the stages of Windows boot using the built-in Event Log Viewer tool. This utility will show how long it takes to load each process when the OS starts.

If time permits, reinstall the OS. On modern computers reinstallation takes no more than half an hour, and this is a more rational way to solve the black screen problem than spending hours troubleshooting. Sooner or later, any Windows OS develops problems.

Black screen when loading Windows 10. This happened after installing drivers from driverpack. After the system starts, a black screen is displayed, with a cursor visible, and sounds from programs that were opened in the browser (VK). It doesn’t respond to anything, rebooting didn’t help, and it doesn’t enter safe mode either.

Answer. You can use a boot disk or Windows flash drive 10, select recovery mode and select a rollback point before installing the drivers. The black screen will disappear after loading Windows 10. Login securely Windows mode You can use the Windows installation disk; other OS boot modes are also available there.

If you can paste it in system board Another video card - you can try it in the system and remove the drivers manually. Then replace the video card with an old one - it should work.

I have Windows 7 on my computer. Everything was fine, but one day after entering bios password there was no Windows loading icon, and the monitor turned off (went into energy-saving mode), the f8 key does not work. I can't enter bios because the monitor doesn't work.

Answer. Try resetting the BIOS by removing the battery from the motherboard.

Let's move on. The energy saving mode will not work immediately after the computer starts; rather, the problem is related to one of the components. Check the connection between the video card and the motherboard, the video card and the monitor, etc.

If everything is fine with the BIOS and Windows 7 does not boot, reinstall the OS. Apparently, this is the easiest method to get rid of the black screen.

Windows 7 32bit OS was installed. After changing to Windows 7 64bit, a black screen began to appear. When connected to the TV, everything works, everything is shown, everything is fine. But it doesn’t see through the VGA monitor and the screen is still black.

Answer. Perhaps the 64-bit version did not install drivers for the monitor or video card. Check on the manufacturer's website whether the monitor supports this OS. There is a suspicion that your specific VGA monitor is not supported by this Windows edition. Try booting Windows in Safe Mode or with the "Enable low resolution video mode (640×480)" option.

I'm using VirtualBox. I installed Linux, worked on it, then turned off the virtual machine. When I tried to start it, after loading there was a black screen with an underscore at the top left. The laptop itself works, the virtual machine does not.

Answer. If you save the state (Suspend) on the virtual machine, in principle, no problems should arise. If you turn off the virtual machine, then Linux tries to boot when you turn it on. Why does a black screen with an underline appear after rebooting Linux? separate question. Check key settings virtual machine. If the error persists, try installing Linux on Vmware Player.

I have this problem. It's Windows 8.1, I installed a third-party theme, I decided to delete it, I deleted the entire themes folder from Windows, although not all the files could be deleted, that's okay, I rebooted the computer and after selecting the OS I got a black screen and, no, no, the cursor appears and disappears and bottom panels tools, tell me how to get rid of the black screen? There is no restore point, no image, and no disk with the OS.

Answer. If possible, find a downloadable one on the Internet. USB image Boot or the like, write it to a flash drive. Find the Themes folder on the Internet or on a disk and, with administrator rights, copy it to the previous location from which you deleted the files.

Without installation disk It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of the black screen in any other way.

When I turned on the computer, nothing appeared. The light shows that the camera is working and the computer is turned on, but the screen shows zero. What is the problem - RAM or HDD? How to check?

Answer. To diagnose the problem, it is advisable to recall previous events. Has the computer shown any symptoms of failure ( noise hard disk), have you deleted system files on the disk, etc. This will help narrow down the list possible reasons. Next, watch at what stage the black screen appears. If the hardware initialization is successful, then the problem is in the operating system - that is, Windows does not start. In this case, we recommend reinstalling the OS from bootable flash drive or disk.

Some users have encountered black screen issue when booting Windows 10 during... free period updates. The update has finished, but the error has not disappeared. In this article, we will look at the most common solutions to the black screen error after loading Windows 10, from simple to complex.

Causes of Black Screen Error in Windows 10

Black screen after Windows updates 10 often arose due to Not correct operation video adapter driver (in most cases on laptops) and antivirus (Avast, Norton, old versions of Dr. Web), less often other software. At the moment, the reasons for the error have not changed much.

Most often, after loading Windows 10, you only see a black screen with a mouse cursor. Possible methods solution to the issue:

  • Removing the video card driver
  • Shutdown system services
  • Create a new profile
  • If there is a mouse cursor on a black screen and it is possible to launch the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc), then almost all of the suggested options can be performed without using safe mode.

    Black removal Windows screen 10

    Clean boot

    First, launch the Task Manager and in the Startup tab, disable all applications (Some antiviruses cannot be disabled - self-defense is built into the antivirus).

    Then, click on the file and select Run new task where we enter the msconfig command and click OK. A system configuration window will open, where in the Services tab you will need to check the box next to Do not display Microsoft services, then click on the Disable all button and confirm the reboot.

    *Installed on the test device clean system, That's why third party services are missing there.

    Removing the video card driver

    To solve the problem with the black screen, open the Task Manager and open the Run window, enter the command devmgmt.msc, after which the Device Manager will open. Let's open the Video adapters tab and see the devices that are used on the computer.

    Select the adapter and click on the red cross - Remove device, a warning window will appear with the option to remove video card drivers, check the box, remove and reboot.

    *On some laptops, for correct operation of two video cards it is sometimes required correct installation drivers, preferably clean install and the desired BIOS update.

    Also, for quick removal drivers, you can use the DDU - Display Driver Uninstaller utility. Download the utility, unpack it and run it, it will automatically detect the model of your video card, driver version and offer several options for removal. It is recommended to perform Uninstall and Reboot.

    Disabling system services

    Removing black screen when Windows startup 10 can be done by disabling system services. Open the task manager again and go to the Details and Services tabs, here you will need to end all RunOnce processes (and stop the service if it is running), then restart the computer.
    Also, on some laptops there is an error displaying the desktop with a delay of 10-15 minutes. In this case, open the Task Manager window and enter services.msc in the command window and get into the Services window. We need to find the Application Readiness service - AppReadiness, go to the service properties and set the Startup Type to Disabled, reboot the device.

    Removing faulty software (Antiviruses, crypto programs)

    It happens that old and not updated versions of antiviruses (Avast, 360, Avira) and crypto programs (CryptoPro, VipNET) can cause Windows 10 to not load, showing a black screen. This software contains drivers that may cause a crash during system boot. In order to determine the error, go to Event Viewer - enter the command eventvwr. Start by going to Windows logs and open the System log, you need to find system errors with code 0x0000005 (access error), by the name of the faulty module, you can determine the application itself. The Application log is checked in the same way.
    If you have decided on the application or you have guesses about the application that may interfere, then call the Programs and Features window - appwiz.cpl, find the right application and delete, but it is better to use the removal tool from the software manufacturer’s website, it is guaranteed to delete the application and its “tails”.

    Create a new profile

    Sometimes the reason why Windows 10 does not start, displaying a black screen, may be damage to the main profile account. In order to create new profile, open the task manager and in the command input line, check the box next to Create a task with administrator rights and enter cmd. A window will open command line, where you will need to enter following commands.

    net user <имя_пользователя> <Ваш_пароль>/add
    net localgroup Administrators<имя_пользователя>/add

    Then, log out of your account and log into your newly created profile.

    Have a great day!