What is the name of the computer system unit? System unit

In this article, specialists from the computer site kompiklava will tell you what elements a personal computer consists of, what devices are located in the system unit and what functions they perform.

This information will be useful to those who want to assemble or upgrade a computer themselves.

In a general sense, the concept of “personal computer” means a system unit in which all computing work actually takes place, and the input/output devices connected to it (monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer).

In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the system unit and the key elements that make up it.

Computer system unit

The system unit includes:

1. Motherboard

Motherboard This board is perhaps the most important element of the system unit, since it interacts with each other of all computer components. The motherboard contains devices such as a processor, memory, video card and additional PCI cards (network card, sound card).

Among the non-removable elements of the motherboard, the most significant is the chipset. This is a set of chips that ensure data transfer between all computer nodes. The chipset consists of a north and south bridge.
South Bridge

The south bridge ensures the interaction of hard drives, various storage devices and all peripheral devices with the north bridge.
North Bridge

The north bridge ensures interaction between the graphics controller and memory with the central processor, as well as communication between the processor and all devices for which the south bridge is responsible. The north bridge also determines the type of RAM (DDR, SDRAM and others), its maximum permissible volume and the speed of data exchange with the processor.

2. Processor

The processor is the main “brain” of the computer. It performs all arithmetic and logical operations. The performance of the computer as a whole largely depends on the frequency of its operation.

Also, computer performance depends on the number of processor cores and the command system, which determines how many clock cycles a particular operation will take.

3. RAM

Random access memory This element is often simply called computer memory, since it is directly used by the central processor to store data processed during calculations, and therefore its size significantly affects the performance of the computer.

Data located in RAM is stored only while the computer is turned on, and after each reboot the RAM is reset to zero.

4. Hard drive

Hard driveResponsible for long-term storage of data on the computer. It takes much longer to access information stored on a hard drive than with RAM, so the size of the hard drive only affects how many programs or files you can store on your computer, and not the performance and speed of the computer .

However, the hard drive contains a paging file that is used by the operating system to compensate for lack of RAM when needed, and the size of this file can still affect the performance of the computer.

And of course, if the partition of the hard drive on which the operating system is located is filled to capacity, this will certainly lead to serious problems in operation, such as freezes, slow operation of the computer, etc.

5. Video card

The video card is responsible for generating the video signal and sending it to the computer monitor. This is a rather complex device that has its own processor and RAM.

Often, an additional cooler is located on the video card board, although some models still use passive cooling, which only implies the presence of a radiator that absorbs heat from the video card.

A good video card, coupled with a large amount of RAM and a powerful processor, can provide maximum performance to your computer and allow you to run new video games or create 3D graphics and video processing without any problems.

6. Optical drive

Optical drive This device is designed for reading and writing information on CDs. More functional models have the ability to read and write various disc formats, such as DVD and Blu-ray.

However, due to the widespread popularity of flash memory, optical disks are gradually going out of fashion, and if we talk about office computers, they often lack an optical drive as unnecessary.

Perhaps, after some time, these devices will completely fall out of use, just like floppy disk drives (soft disk drives) once did, but at the moment, all films, music and video games on store shelves are distributed in the CD format.

7. Power supply

The power supply is in last place on our list, but it plays an important role in the operation of the PC, since this device provides power to all components of the computer, and the correct choice of power supply is the key to reliable operation of your computer.

Thus, in this article we examined the standard configuration of the average system unit of a personal computer. Also, the system unit may contain additional PCI devices, such as an audio card, network card, Wi-Fi adapter, etc.

Nowadays, almost every Odessa family has a computer. With the growth of technological progress, older people also have to learn how to work with modern technology. Experienced users are accustomed to calling people who are poorly versed in computers “dummies.” Our review will help you better understand the computer and its main components.

The system unit is the basis of the computer. Its content determines the capabilities and technical parameters of a personal computer (PC). The block housings are made of plastic, aluminum and steel. Designer products are made from plexiglass and wood. The system unit performs a number of functions:

  • protects PC components from damage;
  • helps prevent temperature fluctuations;
  • the housing is a shield from electromagnetic radiation;
  • contains a chassis for installing PC components.

You can view current prices for good PC components by visiting the trusted online store of household appliances era-elektroniki.com.ua. You can also think about building your own computer, knowing the cost of the main components

Main components of the system unit

1. Body. All computer elements are mounted inside the case, which differ in size and configuration. The organization of the temperature regime and the quiet operation of the device depend on the quality of the case.

2. The power supply is the basis for reliable operation of the PC. Its components: transformers, radiators, fans are heavy. The power of the unit is determined by summing the power consumption of all devices.

3. The central processor processes microcommands.

4. Motherboard. Computer components are mounted on it. Sound and video cards, network adapters.

5. RAM today is from 4 GB and affects the speed of the computer.

6. The video card processes graphics and displays them on the screen. Equipped with its own processor for processing 2D and 3D information. Without a good graphics card, you cannot edit images and videos.

8. HDD or SSD disk stores PC work and software for a long time.

On the outer panel of the case there are power buttons, computer reset buttons, additional connectors, disk drives, microphone and headphone jacks.

Plugs and connectors are mounted on the rear side of the case. These are connectors for connecting input devices (keyboard and mouse), a sound card and a connector for connecting to a network.

Other connectors are also added for network cards, WiFi antennas, digital and gaming devices.

The system unit is selected depending on the tasks solved on it. For an office you need a budget unit with low requirements. Games and multimedia require a system unit with an expensive video card and a powerful power supply. The requirements for a computer will directly determine its cost, from several hundred dollars to a thousand or more.

Answers on questions:

  1. what's inside system unit;
  2. what it is and what is installed on it.

This is, in fact, the computer itself in the narrow sense of the word. The photo shows an ATX system unit purchased in the summer of 2008 (price about $400). The following controls and indications are located on the front panel of the system unit (from top to bottom):

  • computer power button;
  • two USB connectors;
  • jacks for connecting speakers and microphone;
  • light indicating the operation of the computer and hard drive;
  • DVD burner;
  • two empty sections for connecting 5.25" devices;
  • card reader (previously this place was used to connect floppy drives, but they have already outlived their usefulness);
  • decorative grille covering the ventilation holes.

Let's take a look inside this black (or gray) box. If your system unit is not sealed, and you are an inquisitive person, you can remove the side cover yourself (by unscrewing two or three small bolts on the back cover) and look “inside the computer.”

What do we see inside the system unit? Many may be disappointed - inside the system unit is almost completely empty - what to do, microelectronics has stepped far beyond the limits of our consciousness, fitting millions of transistors, capacitors, inductors and other radio elements into a microcircuit the size of a quarter of a matchbox.

At the time of writing this material (2010), computers of this class and configuration accounted for more than 50% of the entire range. This is a good office computer that allows you to comfortably work in various text, graphics, and multimedia programs. In general, you can do all current tasks “normally” on it. What does the system unit consist of?

A system unit is a computer case filled with computer modules. That is, an empty system unit is The computer case. The price of a “regular” ATX case is in the range of $30..40. The computer case is the frame on which other parts of the computer system are mounted. The computer case must provide good heat dissipation, so its back and side walls are perforated with small holes. Some cases provide for the installation of additional fans for cooling.

Not a single network-powered device can do without power supply(position 2 in the figure). At the time of writing, computer systems used switching power supplies with a power of 300 W and higher. Prices from $25 and up. The stable operation of the entire computer system depends on the quality of the power supply. In the photo below you can see that the power supply fan is located at the bottom (on the processor side). It is quite large in size and works by blowing, taking air from the system unit. On the rear panel of the power supply there is a connector for connecting the power cord and a toggle switch for turning on the power supply (don’t forget to turn it on, otherwise the computer will not work). A harness comes out from the front of the power supply to supply power voltage to all computer modules of the system unit.

The most important component of a computer system is the motherboard, shown in the photo below (approximate cost $50).

As soon as PC users do not call the system unit: a processor, an iron box under the table, and many more interesting names. Each of these names has its own grain of truth. Because, if you look inside, it is there that you can find the processor and most often the system unit is made of iron and stands under the table.

System unit. What is it?

Let's look in the dictionary and find the real definition. The system unit (unfolding case, system unit) is an element of a personal computer that protects the computer components located inside from mechanical damage and external influences.

In addition, it maintains the temperature inside itself necessary for stable operation and shields electromagnetic radiation that is created by internal elements.

System units for personal computers are manufactured industrially from parts based on steel, plastic and aluminum. In order to make the system unit original and unique, wood or organic glass are used.

Composition of the system unit

The system unit includes many parts and components. Let's take a quick look at most of them.

1. The case is one of the important components that is part of the system unit elements: all other parts are attached to the computer case. The cases vary in size and form factors. When choosing a case for a system unit, you should pay attention to some details.

The larger the case, the easier it will be to place the remaining elements of the system unit in it. And the heavier it is, the thicker the walls it has, which will allow for good cooling and low noise levels. Computer help Compolife recommends using cases only from well-known brands such as Thermaltake, Chieftec, InWin, etc.

2. The power supply is perhaps the most important part of a PC system unit. It is believed that it is better to save on any other part, but not on the power supply. It may seem a little strange, but with a high degree of probability the quality of the power supply can be determined by its weight - the heavier the power supply, the better. High-quality power supply components: radiators, capacitors and transformers; Quite heavy elements.

The power supply is responsible for providing electrical power to all other components of the computer. It directly determines how long all other components will last. Due to an insufficient quality power supply, the operation of the entire computer may be unstable, and this may also cause the breakdown of expensive components.

3. Processor (CPU - central processing unit) is the main computing element of a personal computer. All programs consist of a huge sequence of microinstructions, and it is the processor that executes these instructions.

The performance and speed of the entire PC primarily depends on the speed of the processor (this must be taken into account if you decide to reinstall Windows to a more modern version). The clock speed at which the processor operates, the architecture, and the number of cores determine the speed of the processor.

For many years, the global processor market has been dominated by two major competitors: AMD and Intel. And this situation is unlikely to change in the near future.

4. Motherboard is one of the PC components, which is one of the main ones. The motherboard combines all the components of the system unit. In addition, it includes additional components: built-in video card, network adapter, sound card, input/output devices, etc.


An incorrectly selected motherboard can negatively affect the performance of the PC as a whole, despite the fact that the other components will be powerful in themselves.

5. Case fan – used to cool the system unit. It is optional, but desirable to maintain an acceptable temperature inside.

6. Random access memory (RAM) strips are high-speed computer memory. After turning off the computer, all information contained in it is deleted.

Considering the ever-increasing needs of modern programs, games and applications, we can assume that the larger the amount of RAM, the better. Today, the minimum amount of RAM installed in a new computer will be 4 Gigabytes.

7. Video card - a device that processes and displays graphic information on the monitor. Each video card has its own graphics processor, which processes information: 2D and 3D. The video processor significantly reduces the computational load on the CPU (central processing unit).

Without an expensive and powerful video card, you can’t even dream of modern computer games. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to seriously engage in video processing or professional photo editing.

8. Network card is an element of the system unit necessary to connect a computer to a local network or the Internet. Recently, network cards have been integrated (built-in) into motherboards.

9. Optical drive (CD/DVD) – a device for reading and writing optical discs. They differ from each other in the type of supported disks, as well as the read and write speed.

10. Hard disk (harddisk, HDD, hard drive) is a long-term memory device. When you turn off your computer, your data is not deleted. The speed of the hard drive is much lower than that of RAM, and the capacity is much higher.

The operating system, installed programs, documents, photos, music and movies are stored on the hard drive. HDD (hard disk) capacity is measured in Gigabytes. It is believed that the more, the better. As they say, there is never too much free space.

The front panel of the PC system unit usually contains two buttons:

  • Power – used to turn on the computer;
  • Reset - used when it is necessary to urgently restart the computer if it is frozen.

Also on the front panel you can find the following elements:

  • indicators – LEDs and light bulbs that display the operation of the PC: indication of computer operation, indication of the status of the hard drive.
  • floppy drives and optical drives are devices designed to work with storage media such as floppy disks and optical discs.
  • connectors - designed for connecting some external devices. Most often these are USB connectors, as well as a jack for connecting headphones and a microphone.

If you want to assemble a new system unit, if you want it to be made especially for you and not be like hundreds of others sold in stores, then the Compolife.ru computer help center will be happy to help you make your dream come true. By contacting our service, you can be sure of the reliability and durability of your future computer. After all, its assembly and configuration will be carried out by professionals with many years of successful experience!

Even more interesting and useful information

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How does a computer system unit work?

Good day, dear readers. Today, any person is at least remotely familiar with a personal computer. This useful device greatly helps in many areas of life. Advanced users will easily distinguish the system unit from the printer, and will also explain the difference. But for people who are encountering such technology for the first time, it is quite difficult. In today's article we will look in detail at how the computer system unit works.

What is it for?

Users who have never delved into the study of computer components believe that the system unit is some kind of box under the computer desk that provides image output to the monitor. And most of them call it a “processor”. What does the system unit do?

Its main task is to connect the components located inside with the monitor, keyboard, mouse and other peripheral devices. Well, of course, protection from external influences on internal elements.

Case size

There are two large types of system units: horizontal or vertical. The first ones are placed in a horizontal position under the monitor, but are rare today. The second type of case is more common, often called Tower, which is translated from English as “tower”. Vertical system units can be divided into several more groups: big, midi and mini.

Dimensions depend on user requirements. The most common are Tower mini (small), which take up minimal space but have enough space for subsequent upgrades. Fans of the most modern games need large ones to have room for several video cards. Compact cases are suitable for assembling a home personal computer, which is designed for undemanding tasks.

Another important point of the system unit, on which the subsequent placement of components depends. Currently, two form factors are actively used: AT and ATX. It is important to remember that the motherboard must have the same form factor, otherwise it simply will not fit.

What is included in the system unit

The basic package of the case, as a rule, includes a power supply, which eliminates the need to purchase it separately. Of course, if you want, you can replace it without any problems. So, the main components:

  • motherboard;
  • power unit;
  • CPU;
  • video card;
  • RAM;
  • HDD;


The most basic part of any system unit, without which work is impossible. Its main task is to connect all components and ensure joint functioning. It is the largest and most visible part of the block. The motherboard has connectors for connecting components and peripherals.

power unit

Responsible for distributing energy to each component. It has a set of connectors on the front panel, through which the rest of the system is connected. Usually comes complete with the case, but can be replaced with a more powerful one. In the picture above, the power supply is positioned at the bottom of the case, but most often it is located at the top.


It is considered the heart or brain of the PC. It is a silicon crystal grown and processed using special technologies. Responsible for processing information; processors from Intel and AMD are especially popular.

It is equipped with a cooling system, which is represented by a fan and a radiator or only the latter. Installed in a designated location on the motherboard. The cost depends on the tasks that will be assigned to the processor, and can reach several thousand dollars.

Video card

Without this component, you will not be able to work with graphics programs, and games will not start. Almost any modern processor has a built-in graphics adapter, which is sufficient for simple tasks. But gamers will have to buy a separate video card. How to connect? Of course, to the motherboard, which has special slots. There are many models on the market aimed at different user tasks.


Necessary for storing information processed by the processor. True, the RAM works while the PC is turned on, after turning it off everything disappears. The more there is, the better. A lot of memory ensures high speed of processing user data. RAM consists of small sticks that are inserted into special slots. In addition to capacity, an important characteristic is the type of memory.


Unlike RAM, hard drives are needed to store permanent user data. Their main characteristic is their volume, which today is measured in gigabytes and terabytes. The size of the hard drive depends on the user's tasks. Recently, HDDs have been replaced by SSDs (drives without mechanical parts). They work faster, do not make noise and practically do not heat up.

Let's finish here. We'll talk about how to connect the components of the system unit together next time. Share the article with your friends. See you again!

In conclusion, I suggest watching a cool video about self-assembling a computer system unit from the “Good Choice!” channel.


system unit

Computer device. Composition of the PC system unit.

In this article, ITart computer service specialists will tell you what elements a personal computer consists of, what devices are located in the system unit and what functions they perform. This information will be useful to those who want to assemble or upgrade a computer themselves.

In a general sense, the concept of “personal computer” means a system unit in which all computing work actually takes place, and the input/output devices connected to it (monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer). In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the system unit and the key elements that make up it.

The system unit includes:

1. Motherboard

This board is perhaps the most important element of the system unit, since it interacts with each other of all computer nodes. The motherboard contains devices such as a processor, memory, video card and additional PCI cards (network card, sound card).

Among the non-removable elements of the motherboard, the most significant is the chipset. This is a set of chips that ensure data transfer between all computer nodes. The chipset consists of a north south bridge.

South Bridge

The south bridge ensures the interaction of hard drives, various drives and all peripheral devices with a north bridge.

North Bridge

The north bridge ensures interaction between the graphics controller and memory with the central processor, as well as communication between the processor and all devices for which the south bridge is responsible. The north bridge also determines the type of RAM (DDR, SDRAM and others), its maximum permissible volume and the speed of data exchange with the processor.

2. Processor

The processor is the main “brain” of the computer. It performs all arithmetic and logical operations. The performance of the computer as a whole largely depends on the frequency of its operation. Also, computer performance depends on the number of processor cores and the command system, which determines how many clock cycles a particular operation will take.

3. RAM

This element is often simply called computer memory, since it is directly used by the central processor to store data processed during calculations, and therefore its size significantly affects the performance of the computer. Data located in RAM is stored only while the computer is turned on, and after each reboot the RAM is reset to zero.

4.Hard drive

Responsible for long-term storage of data on a computer. It takes much longer to access information stored on a hard drive than with RAM, so the size of the hard drive only affects how many programs or files you can store on your computer, and not the performance and speed of the computer . However, the hard drive contains a paging file that is used by the operating system to compensate for lack of RAM when needed, and the size of this file can still affect the performance of the computer. And of course, if the partition of the hard drive on which the operating system is located is filled to capacity, this will certainly lead to serious problems in operation, such as freezes, slow operation of the computer, etc.

5. Video card

Responsible for generating a video signal and sending it to the computer monitor. This is a rather complex device that has its own processor and RAM. Often, an additional cooler is located on the video card board, although some models still use passive cooling, which only implies the presence of a radiator that absorbs heat from the video card. A good video card, coupled with a large amount of RAM and a powerful processor, can provide maximum performance to your computer and allow you to run new video games or create 3D graphics and video processing without any problems.

6.Optical drive

This device is designed to read and write information on CDs. More functional models have the ability to read and write various disc formats, such as DVD and Blu-ray. However, due to the widespread popularity of flash memory, optical disks are gradually going out of fashion, and if we talk about office computers, they often lack an optical drive as unnecessary. Perhaps, after some time, these devices will completely fall out of use, just like floppy disk drives (soft disk drives) once did, but at the moment, all films, music and video games on store shelves are distributed in the CD format.

7. Power supply

In our list, this element is in last place, but it plays an important role in the operation of a PC, since this device provides power to all components of the computer, and the correct choice of power supply is the key to reliable operation of your computer.

Thus, in this article we examined the standard configuration of the average system unit of a personal computer. Also, the system unit may contain additional PCI devices, such as an audio card, network card, Wi-Fi adapter, etc.

The contents of the system unit largely depend on the computing system as a whole, its tasks, goals and form factor. If used rationally, the system unit better suits the needs of the computing system. Depending on the computing system, the system unit may contain various hardware components:

    A computing unit in the form of a main/system/motherboard with a processor and RAM installed on it. Can also be installed with expansion cards (video card, sound card, network card).

    power unit

    Compartments for peripheral devices filled with storage devices - hard drive(s), SSD, optical drive, etc.

    The front panel can be equipped with power and reset buttons, power and storage indicators, headphone and microphone jacks, data transfer interfaces (USB, FireWire).

Types of cases (chassis) for system units[edit | edit source text]

Main article: Form factor (technique)

The case, which protects the internal components of the computer from external influences and mechanical damage, maintains the required temperature conditions inside, and shields the electromagnetic radiation generated by the internal components, can be represented by standard chassis of different shapes and proportions (dimensions are indicated in millimeters):


    • Desktop (533×419×152)

      FootPrint (406×406×152)

      SlimLine (406×406×101)

      UltraSlimLine (381×352×75)


    • MiniTower (152×432×432)

      MidiTower (173×432×490)

      BigTower (190×482×820)

      SuperFullTower (various sizes)


System unit: composition and main characteristics

Sometimes, when discussing computer topics, people often call a computer a system unit, which raises many questions regarding the composition and main characteristics of all the devices contained in it. Many users do not know anything about the functionality and structure of a computer device, so the reader is encouraged to fill in the gaps in knowledge. An article on the topic: “System unit: composition and main characteristics” will allow the user to always be savvy in computer matters.

Metal box with light bulbs

The set of all computer components responsible for the operation of a personal computer is called a system. Accordingly, the combination of all elements on one platform, acting as one independent unit, is called a system unit. To put it in simple language, everything that is in a metal or plastic case, including the frame itself, is called a system. The composition of the system unit of a personal computer is known to almost any user: processor, motherboard, memory, video card, power supply and other components.

The basic functionality of the case is not only to unite all the elements of the computer, but also to provide free interaction - that is, physical access of all components to each other. It is customary on the market to distinguish cases by form factor, which determines the size of the device (height, width and depth). Examples of form factor: ETX, ATX, midle-ATX, mini-ATX, micro-ATX, Barabone, Notebook, Server and others.

Heart of the system

Many users consider the most important component to be the processor, which is necessarily included in the PC system unit. This opinion is wrong. The task of the central processor is to process data, i.e. complex mathematical calculations: addition, division, subtraction, multiplication. The role of the heart in a personal computer is played by the power supply, which not only supplies electricity to all elements of the platform, but also guarantees the quality of its supply (voltage and current).

When purchasing a computer, the user must correctly calculate the energy consumption of all components of the system unit and select the necessary power supply that will cope with the task. Ignoring this recommendation and purchasing a low-quality power supply can render all elements of the computer unusable. Naturally, the cost of one power supply is incommensurate with the losses when all computer parts fail.

Basic I/O system

It is impossible to assemble a computer without a motherboard, which is also part of the system unit. This device is designed to combine all elements of the platform, as well as to control the performance of installed components. The motherboard has built-in software called BIOS. It is he who provides the operating environment with information about the elements included in the system unit. The composition, device serial number, name and many other data can be found in this software.

In addition to various controllers and interfaces, the motherboard integrates various sensors that monitor the performance of the system. In case of any problems, the device is able to notify the user with sound signals, however, this is solved at the level of special sounds that can only be deciphered by IT specialists (we are talking about POST codes). Like the device case, the motherboard has a form factor and is determined by the same dimensions and markings.

Motherboard Features

In the computer market, there is a segmentation of components by cost and application. Thus, a user who chooses an inexpensive computer will find a decent device in the budget class, while fans of resource-intensive games need to choose spare parts for their PC in the expensive class. The basic difference between the existing segments for all the computer hardware that is part of the computer system unit is performance and compatibility.

Also, motherboards can be basic and integrated. In the latter case, special controllers are installed on the motherboard base, which are capable of emulating peripheral devices (sound card, video adapter, Wi-Fi module, etc.). Integration of components significantly reduces the cost of the system unit as a whole, however, it is not welcomed by buyers, since the built-in components use the production capacity of the processor, slowing down its operation.

Brains of the computer

Considering the basic devices included in the system unit, the user will certainly get acquainted with RAM modules. This component in the computer is a processor assistant. Working synchronously, both devices in the system perform calculations and fully manage all data, including the operating system and running applications. The more memory, the faster the computer will be.

The memory modules themselves differ in production technology (DDR4, DDR3, DDR2), as well as data exchange speed (measured in frequencies: 1333 MHz, 2133 MHz, and so on). The higher the number, the faster the speed, but there are some limitations. To achieve maximum performance, it is recommended that the memory and processor run at the same frequency (synchronously).

Warehouse of ready-made information

After processing, data needs to be stored somewhere, so the computer system unit must include a hard drive. Drives can be magnetic or solid-state and differ in the amount of data they can hold and the speed of operation. It so happens that solid-state drives have enormous speed, but their production technology is too expensive, so the capacity of such drives leaves much to be desired. Magnetic disks are cheaper to produce, however, they have serious limitations in operating speed. It is this limitation that is the weak link in the operation of the entire system unit.

Many professionals recommend combining the two types of drives. Use the fast SSD disk for the operating system, and use the slow HDD as data storage. This solution is assessed positively by many users.

Feedback from the computer owner

When figuring out which devices are included in the system unit, do not forget about the connecting link that allows the user to control the computer and also see the results of their actions. We are talking about a video adapter that is installed on the base board and allows you to transmit video in real time to an information display (monitor, TV). Video cards can be discrete or integrated and differ in performance and functionality.

Naturally, the integrated adapter is limited in capabilities and is used on the computer only to display images on the screen. But a discrete device is of greater interest to the user. Having its own graphics processor and RAM, the device is capable of performing its own calculations that are needed in all games.

Global World Network

The system unit must include a network adapter, which can also be integrated into the system board or be an independent device that is installed in a special connector in the computer. The market trend is such that an integrated solution costs a penny, so many owners have already gotten used to the idea that a network controller simply must be on the motherboard.

The controllers themselves differ from each other in data transfer speed and functionality. There are three speed standards: 10, 100 and 1024 megabits per second. And the functionality concerns only additional features: network loading, providing information about network loading and remote control of the adapter.

Sound accompaniment

When discussing what is included in the system unit, many users forget about the sound card, which is a peripheral device and not an element of the motherboard. The adapter responsible for sound, like a discrete video adapter, is equipped with its own processor, memory and audio signal processing controllers. From a distance, the sound card resembles a miniature home theater amplifier, which has both a receiver and a digital converter on board.

When choosing a system unit on the market that includes a discrete audio adapter, you need to be prepared for the disproportionately high cost of the computer as a whole. You always have to pay for quality. Many manufacturers have integrated the audio adapter on the motherboard. This solution was received positively by most users, since the difference in sound, when compared with an expensive device, is impossible to notice without having an ear for music.

Expansion cards and their functionality

You can judge the purpose of a computer by its insides; to do this, you need to remove the case cover and determine which devices are included in the system unit. So, in the database server you can find many hard drives and a RAID controller. This device is capable of organizing connected disks and creating backup storage on their basis.

In the editor's computer you can find a video capture card or a professional television tuner. Such a device allows you to convert the received signal into data and save it on hard drives. Game lovers can see several discrete video cards, while the system administrator prefers to install an optical drive and many network cards in the system unit.


As practice shows, there is nothing complicated in a computer - it is an ordinary construction set consisting of basic parts (mandatory elements) and peripherals. You just need to know what the final result (purpose) should be, and then it will not be difficult for anyone to assemble the system unit with their own hands. The composition, however, will have to be determined based on financial capabilities, because the computer market requires considerable investments from buyers.

Good day, dear readers. Today, any person is at least remotely familiar with a personal computer. This useful device greatly helps in many areas of life. Advanced users will easily distinguish the system unit from the printer, and will also explain the difference. But for people who are encountering such technology for the first time, it is quite difficult. In today's article we will look in detail at how the computer system unit works.

What is it for?

Users who have never delved into the study of computer components believe that the system unit is some kind of box that provides image output to the monitor. And most of them call it a "processor". What does the system unit do?

Its main task is to connect the components located inside with the monitor, keyboard, mouse and other peripheral devices. Well, of course, protection from external influences on internal elements.

Case size

There are two large types of system units: horizontal or vertical. The first ones are placed in a horizontal position under the monitor, but are rare today. The second type of case is more common, often called Tower, which is translated from English as “tower”. Vertical system units can be divided into several more groups: big, midi and mini.

Dimensions depend on user requirements. The most common are Tower mini (small), which take up minimal space but have enough space for subsequent upgrades. Fans of the most modern games need large ones to have room for several video cards. Compact cases are suitable for assembly, which is intended for undemanding tasks.

Another important point of the system unit, on which the subsequent placement of components depends. Currently, two form factors are actively used: AT and ATX. It is important to remember that the motherboard must have the same form factor, otherwise it simply will not fit.

What is included in the system unit

The basic package of the case, as a rule, includes a power supply, which eliminates the need to purchase it separately. Of course, if you want, you can replace it without any problems.
So, the main components:

  • motherboard;
  • power unit;
  • CPU;
  • HDD;


The most basic part of any system unit, without which work is impossible. Its main task is to connect all components and ensure joint functioning. It is the largest and most visible part of the block. The motherboard has connectors for connecting components and peripherals.

The motherboard connectors are located on the rear wall of the system unit. All of them are color coded. This is done to facilitate the correct connection of other devices (keyboard, mouse, monitor, audio speakers). After all, their plugs (most often) have the corresponding color.

power unit

Responsible for distributing energy to each component. It has a set of connectors on the front panel, through which the rest of the system is connected. Usually comes complete with the case, but can be replaced with a more powerful one. In the picture above, the power supply is positioned at the bottom of the case, but most often it is located at the top.


It is considered the heart or brain of the PC. It is a silicon crystal grown and processed using special technologies. Responsible for processing information; processors from Intel and AMD are especially popular.

It is equipped with a cooling system, which is represented by a fan and a radiator or only the latter. Installed in a designated location on the motherboard. The cost depends on the tasks that will be assigned to the processor, and can reach several thousand dollars.

Video card

Without this component, you will not be able to work with graphics programs, and games will not start. Almost any modern processor has a built-in graphics adapter, which is sufficient for simple tasks. But gamers will have to buy a separate video card. How to connect? Of course, to the motherboard, which has special slots. There are many models on the market aimed at different user tasks.


Necessary for storing information processed by the processor. True, the RAM works while the PC is turned on, after turning it off everything disappears. The more there is, the better. A lot of memory ensures high speed of processing user data. RAM consists of small sticks that are inserted into special slots. In addition to capacity, an important characteristic is the type of memory.


Unlike RAM, hard drives are needed to store permanent user data. Their main characteristic is their volume, which today is measured in gigabytes and terabytes. The size of the hard drive depends on the user's tasks. Recently, HDDs have been replaced by SSDs (drives without mechanical parts). They work faster, do not make noise and practically do not heat up.

Sound card

It is impossible to imagine a modern computer without the ability to reproduce sound. For this purpose, an audio information output device is designed, which is most often already integrated into the system board and has sufficient characteristics to reproduce audio information. But for professional sound processing on a computer, a separate sound card (internal or external) is required.

Let's finish here. We'll talk about how to connect the components of the system unit together next time. Share the article with your friends. See you again!

In conclusion, I suggest watching a cool video about self-assembling a computer system unit from the channel “Good Choice!”

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