View Windows 7 startup. Replacing the shortcut for a program from the startup list. Using the msconfig command

Many users computer systems on Windows based(we’re not just talking about the seventh modification, which will be considered as the main example) quite often we are faced with the problem that the system does not work as quickly as we would like, or as it did after initial installation. This is partly due to applications that start with Windows 7. How to remove programs from startup that burden system resources, read on.

What is autoloading?

Based on the name of the term itself, it is not difficult to understand that startup is a section with programs in it that start when the operating system boots and continue to work in the so-called background, when the applets themselves are not physically called by the user.

The startup section contains not only important system services, but also some user processes associated with installed programs, although the user himself may not even be aware of their presence and functioning. And to solve the problem of system performance in order to reduce the load on the processor or RAM, you will have to figure out which programs to remove from Windows 7 startup and which to leave. But to understand the essence of this issue, you first need to know how it all works.

Where is Windows 7?

There are several ways to get to this section. The most simple method considered use msconfig commands, which is registered in the Run console, called from the main Start menu or by an accelerated method in the form of the Win + R key combination.

There is a corresponding tab in the settings window. If you look at the processes that are presented in it, many are simply amazed at how many there are in Windows 7. How to remove programs from startup? Yes, just uncheck the boxes unnecessary processes. And here it appears additional problem in the form of the fact that the average user does not always understand which process can be disabled without damaging the system (and whether it is worth doing this at all).

What programs start with the system?

It’s immediately worth noting the fact that the automatic start section can contain both system services and clients custom applications, and antiviruses that cannot be disabled, and sound or graphics management services.

Not all users realize that in terms of preset start, the matter is not limited to this section. If you look at the tabs, you can also find content related to executable programs. this moment processes and running services. We'll look at this in more detail a little later.

Which programs should I leave in Windows 7 startup or deactivate?

By by and large Whether on laptops or stationary terminals, almost everything can be disabled to improve system performance.

Most experts believe that there is optimal solution for any system, including Windows 7. How to remove programs from startup is already clear. But what to leave? Ideally, you can disable everything that is on the startup tab, leaving only the ctfmon process, which is responsible for displaying the language and keyboard layout switching icon in the system tray, and the antivirus module. Everything else, including even specialized video adapter management tools, can be deactivated without any problems. And the update clients seem to be Adobe Flash Player Updater - even more so.

Service and Process Management

But that's not all. The fact is that some components can only be stopped on the processes tab. There is no need to turn everything off.

First you need to check the box to hide Microsoft services, and only then deactivate everything else. Removing programs from startup in Windows 7 without such actions will be incomplete. Such programs may not be displayed on the automatic start tab, but in system processes will still be present.

Among other things, you can use optimizer applications that have startup control. By the way, some of them are able to display even those processes that Windows systems do not show. For example, programs like Advanced System Care or CCleaner show many additional components, which are invisible during standard access using operating system tools (the system hides them so that the user does not accidentally make critical changes to the configuration).

Other access and control methods

Finally, you can turn to the registry - the most important management tool for Windows 7. How to remove programs from startup using it? You need to refer to the Run section, which is located in the HKLM branch in the CurrentVersion directory (the editor itself is called regedit line in the Run menu or “Run”).

When it comes to adding processes, everything is much simpler. You can use the “Task Scheduler” (taskschd.msc), adding program shortcuts in the same “Explorer” to the corresponding startup folder located in the ProgramData directory, etc. But when carrying out actions through “Explorer”, you should take into account that the folder you are looking for is hidden, so you will initially have to enable the display of such objects by selecting the appropriate settings in the view menu.

In any case, to achieve maximum increase performance of the operating system, in sections of automatically starting programs, you should disable everything (except only the keyboard module and standard antivirus protection). When making changes you will need to make full reboot(the system, in fact, will report this on its own).

Are you tired of long loading PC? When you connect any drive, what happens is not what you would like? Are you experiencing random opening of programs when connecting flash drives? This article describes in detail and shows how to make friends with autorun and startup in Windows 7, 8 and 10.

Why does Windows boot speed slow?

Almost all programs are added to startup during installation. Over time, computer startup takes longer and longer. This happens because loading one or two programs takes 10-15 seconds, but loading 7-8 programs can take a minute. This explains the fact that after Windows reinstallation The loading process is much faster than after 2-3 months of use.

Many users often do not need the entire set of programs at once. Of course, there are those who surf the Internet, listen to music, download “heavy” files, work in Photoshop or another program that requires significant PC resources, at the same time. It all depends on the power of the installed equipment.

It also happens that startup programs simply get in the way normal operation. The computer starts to freeze, games and the Internet do not work properly. For stable operation It is best to run programs on your computer as needed. How to remove programs from startup standard means Windows or using third party programs? This will be discussed in the first part of the article.

How to remove programs from startup?

Editing startup using the msconfig command

One way to see which programs start with Windows and to turn them on or off is by using a settings option msconfig systems. This parameter universal for everyone Windows editions, since it is standard application. Therefore, it can be used in Windows 7, 8 and 10. To do this, go to the Start menu and enter msconfig in the search field. The found parameter must be run as administrator.

How to find the msconfig parameter

In the window that opens, go to the Startup tab. All downloadable programs are located here. Opposite those that are included there is a checkmark. In this way, the user can regulate the download and select only the necessary programs. At the end, you need to click OK and reboot the system. With the next boot, the new settings will be applied.

Editing startup via the msconfig parameter

Startup in Task Manager Windows 8 and 10

In the task manager in new Windows versions 8 and 10, an additional startup submenu was added, which is not present in Windows 7. This makes it easier to work with changing the settings of automatically loaded programs. Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager. Next, by going to the Startup tab, change the settings at your discretion.

Editing startup using CCleaner

The CCleaner program is very popular as a program for cleaning the system and registry from all kinds of “garbage”. In addition, the utility has advanced system configuration functions. By downloading CCleaner, which is distributed free of charge in many languages, including Russian, you can configure the system and browsers to autoload. In addition, through this utility you can remove programs, clean up disks and restore the system.

After opening the program, you need to go to the Tools section, and then to the Startup tab. Here you can remove both Windows startup and extensions launched with browsers. Moreover, for each browser you can configure the settings separately. In the same menu there is editing of the context menu. This menu appears when you press right button mice. Unnecessary functions can be disabled.

Having highlighted the necessary program left-click and click turn off on the right side of the window. We do the same with all programs that need to be removed from startup.

Editing startup in CCleaner

Autorun settings for USB drives and drives

When working with a computer, “mutual understanding” with the PC plays a very important role. For example, asking a specific command, you expect a certain result. When you insert a music disc into the drive, you want the music to play. About to reset latest photos from flash drive to HDD, you would like the folder with pictures to be displayed on the screen.

Very often, when incorrect setting, crashes begin. USB drives refuse to open automatically when plugged in, and for some reason photos don't import the way you'd like them to. When installing a program, it sets itself as the default for certain types of files, or for some other user actions.

In this part of the article we will talk about settings for setting up disk autorun and other removable media information.

Managing startup using Control Panel for Windows 7

The simplest and effective way control - go to the Computer Control Panel through the Start button. There, find the Autorun option and select settings for each media type.

Here you can see all the media ever connected. Even those that are not currently connected. For example, your digital camera or tablet PC. At the very top, you can clear or check the box “use autorun for all types of devices.”

Changing autorun settings for different types carriers

By selecting any media, you choose what the system should do when connecting this type of media. Next you need to save the settings. The next time you connect a flash drive or disk, Windows will perform the functions you specified.

Managing autorun in Winows 8 and 8.1

In editions 8 and 8.1, autorun management occurs a little differently. Through the Start button, you need to go to the computer settings, and then to the Computer and Devices submenu. There, in the list of parameters, you will see Autorun. By clicking on it, you will be able to select default autorun options.

Editing autorun in Windows 8 and 8.1

Just like in Windows 7, the settings need to be saved and the system restarted. Done, the parameters have taken effect.

Autorun media options in Windows 10

For Windows 10, AutoPlay settings are located in the Computer Control Panel. To do this, go to Start, then click Settings, here we see the Devices menu. In it we find the Autorun line. Just like in Windows 8 and 8.1, we edit required parameters and save them. By restarting the computer, the selected settings will work.

Autostart in Windows 10

How to disable autorun and startup through the local group policy editor

If you want to turn off autorun and autoloading completely, for any reason, this can easily be done in the local editor group policy. Press the key combination Win (the button with the Microsoft icon) and R on the keyboard. Next, enter the command gpedit.msc and press Enter. In the window that opens, you need to go to the Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows components- autostart policies. Select the last submenu with the left mouse button, and on the right we will see the option Disable autorun.

Local Group Policy Editor

In the new window, you must check the Turn off and save settings box. By restarting the computer, the changes will take effect.

What should I do if Adobe Lightroom opens when I connect a flash drive?

If you edit photos in Lightroom program, then you may be familiar with the situation when, when you connect a USB drive, this photo editor opens. This happens because when installing the program, by default it sets itself as priority when connecting flash drives. This option is very easy to disable in Lightroom itself.

After entering the program, go to the Edit menu and select Preferences.

How to find flash drive startup options in Lightroom

In the Basic tab, you need to uncheck the box “Open the import dialog when a memory card is detected.” After that, click OK and close the program. After a reboot, when you connect a flash drive, the program will no longer associate itself with the drives.

Uncheck the box responsible for opening the program

Autoload is a function of the operating system that loads programs immediately when the computer is turned on. Very convenient because saves your time. Unfortunately, software manufacturers abuse this function to their advantage - they put anything into startup, thereby loading up computer resources. In this article we will look at material on how you can remove unnecessary programs from startup, thereby increasing the speed of the computer

I will look at disabling startup programs using the operating system as an example. Windows systems 7. This method applicable to the rest of the operating systems of this company (Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 10), it’s just that at the moment the “seven” is the most popular of all.

For editing startup we will use two programs: the first is standard utility, and the second - multifunctional program, one of the functions of which is to view the startup menu.

Where is startup located in Windows 7?

in the Start menu
  • registry
  • task Scheduler
  • startup programs as a system service
  • Startup folder

    To get into it, press simultaneously Win keys+R and type:


    and press Enter

    This is the folder for current user. To get to the folder for all users, you instead need to type:

    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    and press Enter

    Remove everything you don't need. If you want to add program to startup, then it is in this folder that you need to copy its shortcut.

    MSCONFIG program

    A convenient tool for viewing startup options is MSCONFIG utility. Press Win+R and type msconfig there. The following window will open:

    You need to go to the tab. In my case, the window is empty, because I have a test system and it works on virtual machine. Yours will most likely be different. Uncheck those programs that need to be removed.

    Go to the “Services” tab.

    Put a tick "Do not display Microsoft services» . Disable everything third party services, for example from Adobe, Google or services from the laptop manufacturer - Acer, Sony Vaio. If in doubt, it is better not to touch this tab at all.

    Click OK and restart the computer.

    We use the CCleaner program

    A good program for editing startup is CCleaner. Free version can be downloaded. Earlier, I already wrote about this program, when I gave advice on how to do it from a computer.

    After CCleaner installations we see the following window: (click on it to open a higher resolution version)

    Go to the tab "Service" and select the section We are interested in tabs:

    • Windows
    • Scheduled tasks

    Carefully study these sections and remove unnecessary items.

    Editing startup via the Windows registry

    For the most advanced, there is a way to edit startup via Windows registry. Press Win + R and enter regedit there

    Registry keys for the current user:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    • HHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

    Registry keys for all users

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

    To remove a program from startup, you need to delete the registry entry with its name.

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    Startup programs in Windows is a tool you need to automatic switching on software when the operating system starts. For example, when you install an antivirus, it is automatically “injected” into startup and turns on immediately as soon as the operating system is launched. This was done so that the antivirus always remains on guard of the system.

    However, the programs you need do not always “settle” in startup. For example, these could be ubiquitous instant messengers - when installing the program, it is not possible to disable autorun, so the messenger begins to load along with the system, which is quite annoying.

    Today I will tell you how to view programs that are in startup and, if necessary, disable them.

    Click the “Start” button and in the “Search programs and files” line, write the word msconfig (without quotes or anything else).

    A window will appear. In it, select the “Startup” tab - in it you will see all the startup items.

    By using this menu you can disable any of the processes. For example, if you need to disable the messenger, select its name and uncheck the box next to it, remembering to click OK. I have already talked about it in more detail.

    The second way is to use third party utilities, which also show a list of programs that load with Windows. For example, it could be such a wonderful program as . I have talked about it many times, so let me briefly remind you that it is free utility for cleaning and optimization operating systems Windows.

    Download the program, install it on your computer and run it. Click on the “Tools” button, then select the “Startup” section and see a list of programs. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that here you can also see those plugins and add-ons that run in browsers.

    Where is the Startup folder located?

    The easiest way to view the contents of the Startup folder is through the Start menu. Click on the "Start" button and select "All Programs" - "Startup".

    Please note that not all programs that start when Windows starts are displayed in the Startup folder.

    In addition, you can find the contents of the specified folder at C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

    It's empty here. You can see various programs in your own home.

    Caring for your computer definitely includes cleaning. random access memory from unnecessary programs, consuming resources and slowing down the system. Most of them are started by the user, but they often start working without the user's conscious participation. This also applies to programs in the Startup list. How to set up Startup in Windows 7, read our article.

    Why do you need Startup in Windows 7?

    The system uses startup to launch important components such as drivers installed devices or update tracking modules. In addition, antiviruses are placed here, which must be launched simultaneously with the system to prevent viruses from infecting the computer.

    Autoloading is also one of the ways customization computer. With its help, you can run daily used work applications, antiviruses, communicators, etc. This handy tool work background programs, such as torrent agents or disk emulators. Autoload is often used to work with “heavy” programs that take a long time to launch.

    And this is where many applications ask, when installing “just in case”, keeping the “Run automatically” checkbox, as well as malicious programs.

    Editing "Startup"

    Using the msconfig command

    You can find out which programs start on your computer when you turn it on using command line. To do this, press the Win keys (the button with the Windows flag) and R at the same time. In the “Run” window that opens, type the msconfig command in the input line and click “OK.”

    Enter the msconfig command and click OK

    In the “System Configuration” window that opens, go to the “Startup” tab. A list of automatically downloaded applications will open in front of us.

    Removing unnecessary checkboxes

    To remove unnecessary ones, just uncheck the line with the program name. To save the changes, you must click the “OK” button, after which you can restart the computer.

    Start Menu

    The list of automatically downloaded programs can be viewed by sequentially opening the menu items “Start - All Programs - Startup - Open”.

    Open "Startup"

    Applications are indicated by shortcuts; unnecessary ones can be deleted. All that remains is to reboot.

    Using a search query

    Open the Start menu and search bar At the bottom, enter the request shell:startup, and then press Enter.

    To do the same for all users, enter C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup in the search bar.

    All changes made will take effect after a reboot.

    Via the registry

    Press Win + R, then in the “Open” line type the command regedit.

    Launching the registry editor

    In the “Registry Editor” window that opens, we are interested in the following sections:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

    Remove unnecessary applications

    To change the Startup list for all users of this computer, edit the sections:

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

    Video instructions: where is the Startup list and how to remove programs

    How to add programs

    We open the list of automatically downloaded applications using the already known algorithm “Start - All Programs - Startup - Open”, after which you need to right-click and in the list that appears, first select “Create”, then “Shortcut”.

    Create a shortcut for the desired application

    After selecting the “Shortcut” menu item, click “Browse...”, and in the list that opens in the “Browse files and folders” window, select the desired program and click “OK”.

    Selecting an application

    The same result can be achieved through the above search queries in the Start menu. By typing shell:startup, we get access to the “Startup” of the current user, and Startup (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start\Menu\Programs\Startup) makes it possible to do the same for everyone registered on this computer. The changes will take effect after a reboot.

    Video instruction: how to add a program to the autorun list

    What to remove and what to leave?

    The main rule of editing the Startup list is to know what you are doing. Before removing the label, you need to find out what the corresponding application does and whether removing it from the system will harm the system. automatic start. The easiest way to do this is to use online search services.

    • It is dangerous to remove: device drivers, antiviruses, system applications. This may cause system performance to deteriorate.
    • It is not advisable to remove: modules for checking updates of important components, communication applications, the main browser. As a rule, these programs need to be launched regularly, so after removing them from Startup, you will have to do this manually.
    • You can delete: applications previously added by the user, application applications.

    Be sure to leave the firewall in the list. As for torrents, everything depends on the user’s activity on this network. If downloading and sharing files is one of your daily activities, then you can allow the torrent to download along with the system. Otherwise, it is worth deleting it, since it is a fairly resource-intensive application.

    Nowadays, it is rare to find users who do not use the Internet every day. Therefore, browsers ("Opera" Google Chrome and others) it is better to include it in “Startup” for ease of use. The same applies to communication programs (Skype, Viber and others).

    Putting things in order in Startup is important and useful. Although this is a labor-intensive process, more fast loading systems and speeding up your computer will be worthy compensation for your work.