Using a computer in our life. The role of computers in the modern world. The influence of a computer on a child

Sitting at a computer for a long time negatively affects the body's functioning. The computer can become a certain component link, the cause of the development of diseases. The influence of a computer on human health can be called indirect, since problems with the endocrine system, nervous system, and vision problems can also arise due to an unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet.

With the advent of the computer, new opportunities have appeared in people's lives. For example, office work has become computerized, training programs have appeared, the Internet provides many different opportunities and various information. But at the same time, the computer negatively affects our health.

Internet addiction

On the Internet, in chat rooms, social networks, on forums, or while playing games can lead to manic addiction. People who spend time on the Internet often need social and psychological support. On the Internet they can find communication, support, people who share his views.

Computer addiction in people is noticeable when:

  • while at the computer, a person experiences euphoria;
  • he cannot stop and his time spent on the Internet or playing games increases every day;
  • family and friends fade into the background;
  • the person is irritable and stressed when there is no computer nearby;
  • there is an obsessive thought to constantly check email;
  • increase in spending on online services on the Internet.

The influence of a computer on a child

Of course, with the advent of the computer, many of our work processes began to be simplified. But most parents worry question about the influence of a computer on a child. Is it worth allowing a child to play on a computer, because radiation affects the eyesight and psyche of children and has a negative impact on their health?

You can install on your computer educational programs and games for children, which will give positive emotions for the child. But the influence of a computer on a mentally unstable child can be fatal. Computer fascination in children may be associated with several psychological problems: computer phobia and excessive dependence on the computer.

Computer phobia can occur in a child when he has just started learning to use a computer. The child may feel uncertainty, indecisiveness and fear of an unknown object. Children with weak mental health will perceive the computer as a threat to themselves.

A virtual colorful world can provide a strong emotional experience for a child. Over time, the child falls under the influence of the computer and becomes dependent.

The computer must be used wisely

To keep the computer's influence to a minimum, you need to use it wisely. The computer can be used to develop logical thinking, develop artistic abilities and much more. There are many educational and developmental computer programs designed taking into account the child’s age abilities and interests.

Parents need to monitor what their child is doing on the computer. It is necessary to exclude various types of games that provoke aggressive behavior in children.

The influence of a computer on a child's health

In addition to psychological problems as a result of the influence of a computer on a child, physiological problems. When a child spends a long time at the computer, pain appears in the eyes and muscles of the whole body. Older and slightly younger children experience health problems, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and visual impairment.

Computers should be used with caution when teaching students. Experts give their Recommendations for organizing your child’s computer activities.

  • Buy a good quality computer and monitor.
  • Place the computer in the corner of the room, with its back against the wall.
  • Furniture must be appropriate for the child's height. Feet should reach the floor or stand on a special footrest.
  • In the room where the computer is located, do a daily wet cleaning.
  • Place cacti next to your computer. Cacti absorb harmful computer radiation.
  • To minimize the impact of the computer on the child’s health, the time spent on the computer should be 15 minutes 3 times a week.
  • Do eye exercises with your child.

Computers have penetrated into all areas of human activity, from primary education to the study of the latest technologies, the study of new types of matter, still unknown to humanity. The use of computer technology facilitates the educational process in secondary and higher educational institutions for both the pupils themselves, students and working staff.

Thanks to the variety of software and hardware, today it is possible to use all the potential capabilities of computer technology. This allows you to store a huge amount of information while occupying minimal space. Also, computer technology makes it possible to quickly process this information and keep it protected.

The widespread use of PCs played a huge role in the development of the labor market. Automation of information processing allows you to do work in a matter of seconds that previously took weeks; informing managers about the state of enterprises and workplaces occurs instantly. The economic potential in the field of insurance and financial services is increasing due to the increased exchange of services. Introduction of computer technologies to introduce new forms of employment and labor organization.

Much less time is spent on developing new projects, because you don’t have to spend a lot of time on computational processes and you can completely devote your time to the process itself. Computer technologies play a major role in medicine, various virtual models of the development of diseases are created, huge databases of information are created on the basis of which new drugs for treatment are invented.

The computer today is a means of communication, and communication itself is currently the cheapest. For people with disabilities, sometimes this is the only way not only to communicate, but also thanks to modern computer technologies, such people can realize themselves and get a job.

Computer technologies have a positive effect on the development of children when used correctly. It has been noticed that with the proper selection of programs and games, children develop logical thinking better and improve eye-hand coordination. The child develops self-confidence and self-esteem, children are more focused compared to children who have no experience using a computer.

On the other hand, unlimited access to huge amounts of information sometimes leads to excessive computer use, mainly Internet addiction or addiction to computer games. And this causes both psychological and physical harm. People who are overly passionate about computer games are more irritable and quick-tempered in normal communication. Some develop addiction to games, and if they cannot satisfy their need in the ordinary world, their mood worsens, states of increased anxiety and sometimes depression appear.

Internet addiction occurs in people who communicate excessively on social networks, and, as a rule, it occurs in those who are not sociable in everyday life and have not been able to realize themselves. But we will not go into the essence of these problems, since these are mostly exceptions to the rule. And with the proper use of computer technology, the benefits are disproportionately greater, and we feel this more and more every day.

1. The role of the computer in human life

Every day the computer is entering our modern life with big steps. You probably won’t be able to find a field of science that doesn’t use computers. The purpose of the very first computer was to solve complex mathematical problems using a set of specific algorithms. An algorithm is a set of rules that are capable of solving a specific type of problem.

Because of this, they were called computers - electronic computers. After some time, people realized that a computer is a universal tool that is capable of storing, processing and searching for various information.

Calculate a flight path, send a satellite into the sky, design a building, solve a complex mathematical problem, perform complex medical operations, and much more can be done using a computer. Bright, colorful animated films are made on the computer. The computer will help you learn a foreign language, prepare for the Unified State Exam, and teach you how to correctly calculate your family budget.

These smart machines are capable of many things. Why cars? Yes, because they are not endowed with analytical thinking, compared to humans.

Nowadays, the computer plays a huge role. They are found almost everywhere from industrial plants to hospitals, from classrooms to research laboratories. And of course, now there are computers in almost every home.

A modern PC is a powerful and high-quality machine that can be easily used thanks to its convenient and beautiful interface.

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Computer in the life of a modern person.

The computer and constantly developing computer technologies have burst into the life of modern man at a rapid pace. Whether this is good or bad, many people argue about it. But, if we consider the pros and cons of this phenomenon, it becomes clear that without a computer we have nowhere to go.

In modern life, the computer occupies an important place. After all, now with using computers vital processes ensuring human life are controlled. This includes the management of all kinds of power plants, airports, supply and document flow, commerce and development, management of production processes, etc.

But the younger generation is also developing with the help of a computer, because the computer occupies not the last place in the education system. He helps children find new solutions, helps them learn foreign languages, and work in a team. After all, if we look at how our children play all kinds of games, without noticing it, they speak a foreign language, solve issues of working in a team, find all sorts of solutions to problems, and this develops them. They communicate using a computer, and if it weren't there, the big question is what they would be doing. On the other hand, computer help from professionals is now available, using which it becomes much easier for a person to work, play, and develop knowledge and skills. Perhaps they would engage in sports, music, drawing, studying nature and animals, and perhaps they would end up in an outdoor environment.

There are, of course, disadvantages. This is because children spend hours watching their pets, and parents need help here, because they can limit the role of the computer in their family and keep the child busy with something else. Then everything the child does will be useful and he will develop more rapidly.
So, what can we say about whether a computer is needed in the modern world or not, remains a controversial issue, and will remain for a long time. After all, the new age is the age of information, and information with a computer at this time is like brother and sister. And there is no escape from this.

Chapter 1.
Who created the first computer?

When did the first computer appear and who created it? Opinions vary.

Some argue that the first computer created can be safely called Pascal's invention (Pascal's wheel), created for arithmetic calculations in 1645.

Others say that the very first electronic programmable computer was the 1500 tube Colossus, which was created in 1943 by Professor Max Newman in the UK. It was intended to decipher the codes of the German Enigma encryption machine. Those jobs that took mechanical decryptors days to complete were completed by the Colossus in a few hours. Information about him was classified top secret almost until the end of the 20th century.
Still others believe that the first computer was created more than two thousand years ago. This conclusion was reached by a group of scientists from the USA, Great Britain and Greece, who for several years studied 80 fragments of gears and axles discovered back in 1901 on an ancient Roman ship that sank in the first century BC off the Greek coast.
The first “home” computer claims to be « Honey well Kitchen Computer» , introduced in the US in 1969. It weighed about 65 kg, cost 10600$ , was a pedestal with a built-in cutting board, a panel of lights and buttons. It performed only one function - storing various recipes. Working with the “kitchen computer” required a two-week course because recipes were displayed on the screen in binary code. There were no people willing to purchase such an expensive “cookbook”.

Chapter 2.
Computer in human life

Computers have been a part of our lives for a long time. They radically changed the world and people's opportunities. But we all know that a computer has both a positive and negative effect on a person.

The computer has made our life much easier. Sometimes we can no longer imagine our life without a computer and the Internet. Until recently, physical labor was more valued, but today the need for intellectual labor is constantly increasing. But this cannot be assessed unambiguously. Yes, many have significantly expanded their horizons, but the physical condition of many has suffered. Gradually we forget about sports and physical activity. But it is very difficult to regain health. Some people don’t understand this, or simply don’t care. Often (especially schoolchildren) they prefer to sit for long hours at a computer desk than to take a walk in the fresh air, and are not even aware of the harm they are causing themselves.

Therefore, in order to somehow improve the situation, you need to properly organize your workplace.

If we talk about a person’s daily life, then the computer has gradually penetrated there too. For example, numerous online stores. Today you can even make a purchase while in your own apartment. These days, everywhere we go, people talk a lot about the Internet.

2.1.Computer in education

Considering the versatility of computers, they can be used not only in computer science lessons, but also in studying other school disciplines, as well as independently studying certain issues and gaining additional knowledge that broadens a child’s horizons.

For example, special training programs in a foreign language can serve as an English tutor, and computer encyclopedias and dictionaries can be indispensable assistants for preparing reports, essays, projects, etc.

There are also various educational programs for children, where kids can learn the alphabet, counting and much more in the form of an exciting game.

The computer also helps in preparing school graduates for passing the Unified State Exam and entering higher educational institutions. You can find various types of resources on the Internet that contain a summary of the main issues for all school resources.

Many tutorials provide the opportunity to rehearse before exams and test your knowledge by completing test tasks on the computer.

Of course, the effectiveness of computer-assisted learning depends entirely on the quality of training programs. Parents choosing an appropriate resource for their children should first study it themselves and evaluate whether it can become a real helper for the child.

2.2.Computer in medicine

Computer equipment is widely used in making diagnoses, conducting examinations and preventive examinations.

For example, computed tomography and nuclear medical diagnostics provide accurate images of the structures of internal organs; ultrasound diagnostics opens up countless opportunities for obtaining images of internal organs and studying their condition; microcomputer X-ray technology produces digitally stored X-ray images that will be archived for comparison with subsequent images of that patient; Microprocessor-controlled radiation therapy makes it possible to use more reliable, gentle radiation methods.

There are also devices for diagnosing and localizing kidney and gallstones, monitoring the process of their destruction using external shock waves. It is possible to treat teeth and make prosthetics using a computer.

Computer networks are used to send messages about donor organs that patients need.

Computers make it possible to determine how pollution affects the morbidity of the population. In addition, computers can be used to study the effects of impacts on various parts of the body, in particular, the effects of an impact in a car accident on the human skull and spine.

Computer technology is used to train medical workers in practical skills. The computer takes the role of a patient who needs help. Based on the symptoms generated by the computer, the student must determine the course of treatment. If he made a mistake, the computer immediately shows it.

Computers store patient medical histories in their memory, freeing doctors from time-consuming paperwork and allowing them to spend more time with their patients.

2.3. Computer in agriculture

Having a computer, a farmer can easily and quickly calculate the amount of seeds and fertilizer required for sowing, plan his budget and keep track of livestock. Computer systems can plan crop rotation, calculate crop watering schedules, manage the supply of feed to livestock and perform many other useful functions

Before our eyes, a technological revolution is taking place in agriculture - computers and individual microsensors make it possible to monitor the condition and mode of each individual animal and plant. This frees up significant material and human resources and dramatically improves the quality of life.

There are computers that are designed for use in the most difficult conditions associated with agricultural work. These computers can be used either manually or mounted in a car. With their help, you can manage agricultural work, view field maps, record various data on the condition of the soil and planted crops, etc.

Chapter 3.
Computer and its influence

Scientists have long been sounding the alarm about long hours of sitting in front of computer screens, which are extremely dangerous to human health.

American researchers have found that people who have constant contact with computer equipment are 10-15 times more likely than others to develop cancer. It has been proven that among pregnant women who spend 20 hours a week in front of video displays, the number of miscarriages in the first two decades of pregnancy is approximately 2 times higher than among those employed in other industries.
Of particular concern to experts is evidence that seemingly harmless video games cause an increased likelihood of childhood leukemia.
Most people naively think that they can protect themselves from the harmful effects of a computer using protective screens or filters. Unfortunately, experts state that only 15% of the computers we use meet generally accepted international standards. For the most part, protective screens perform one, only function - anti-glare.
The computer also affects hematopoiesis. Studies show that in a ten-year-old child, changes in blood and urine appear within 15 minutes of starting work. For a 16-year-old - in half an hour. For an adult - after 2 hours.
These changes bring the blood composition closer to the blood of cancer patients. True, after stopping work on the computer, the blood composition also quickly normalizes.

3.1.Rules when working with a computer

Choose the right pose. Namely: directly in front of the screen, the top of the monitor at eye level or slightly below.
Maintain a distance from your eyes to the monitor - 55-60 cm (arm's length). The lower part of the monitor should be tilted at a slight angle to the person working (that is, located a little closer).
Choose a comfortable chair for working at the computer. It is desirable that it be an ergonomic (orthopedic) chair with an armrest and headrest.
The height of the seat of the chair (chair) should be such that the hands placed on the keyboard are positioned horizontally.
Take breaks for 15-20 minutes every hour. A break in which you simply surf the Internet or play on the computer does not count.
Watch your breathing: it should be smooth, without delays.
Do eye exercises as often as possible.
All these rules are basic - they should be known to everyone who works at a computer. Doctors can give you a lot of other interesting and useful information about proper computer work.


Based on all that has been said, we can conclude: the use of a computer makes the learning process intensive for any person, including children, increases motivation, and develops the ability to independently collect and process information.
Thanks to computers, medicine has moved to a higher, quality level. Computers are also needed in agriculture.
Many important discoveries have been made with the help of computers.
The computer is an indispensable assistant in human life. With its help, humanity has made a huge step forward in its development. Today, the economy of any country is impossible without the help of computers. But the computerization of human labor also carries great dangers associated with the health of people who actively use it. Communication with a computer is by no means safe. That is why we must be prudent about our health and carefully monitor how much time we spend in front of the computer and how we can protect ourselves from its harmful effects.