Self-installation of a tricolor satellite dish. Quick installation and configuration of a satellite dish with your own hands

Which satellite should you tune the Tricolor TV antenna to?

For residents of the European part of Russia and the Urals, the antenna must be tuned to satellites Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E. For residents of the Siberian District and part of the Far Eastern District, the antenna must be tuned to the satellite Express AT1 56.0°E. In the Ural District, which borders the irradiation zones, the antenna can be tuned to any of these satellites.

What to do when Tricolor TV channels do not work!

On April 2, 2018, all channels in the MPEG-2 standard were disabled. To watch the operator's channels, you must exchange MPEG-2 equipment for MPEG-4 equipment at the operator's dealers. Why do paid channels stop working on older models of MPEG-4 receivers? This is a question for the satellite operator Tricolor TV in St. Petersburg!

1. If all your Tricolor TV channels stop working, don’t rush to set up the dish and re-register the channels; your operator may be doing maintenance on the channels!

2. If the operator does not have preventive maintenance and the satellite is in place, and the packages are paid for, and the receiver displays “No signal,” then you need to check the connection to the antenna, setting the dish to the satellite, the converter, and then the receiver itself.
3. Sometimes it is useful to reset the receiver to factory settings (then turn it off from the network and turn it on again) and re-register the channels.
4. Snow stuck to the converter can completely block the satellite signal!

5. When the receiver displays “Scrambled channels”, “Error...” and something like that, but the info channel is working.
In this case, you need to check the availability of payment through the subscriber’s personal account.
Try resetting the receiver to factory settings (then turn it off from its network and turn it on again) and re-register the channels, then you need to leave the receiver turned on on the encrypted Russian channel and wait for the keys to arrive. If the channels do not open, then you need to contact Tricolor TV managers, and if they do not help, check the receiver for the latest firmware or malfunction.

6. If you did not update the receiver software from the satellite in time when the operator suggested doing this, then all or some television channels may stop working. In this case, the receiver must be updated forcibly via a USB connector using a flash drive. All firmware can be found on the website of the GS receiver manufacturer.

How to set up the Tricolor TV antenna for Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E satellites yourself

Coordinates to which the satellite dish is adjusted:
1. Azimuth.
2. Elevation angle.
What is the difficulty of setting up an antenna?
Very narrow beam of the antenna pattern, only a few degrees. Moreover, the larger the antenna size, the narrower the beam. Setting up an antenna for a satellite Express AT1 56.0°E is performed in the same way as setting up the Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E satellites, only you need to enter the coordinates of the Express AT1 56.0°E satellite into the program.
Setup process
1. Setting up the Tricolor TV antenna for a satellite is quite simple! At the initial stage, information is needed about telecommunications satellites, the coordinates of their location, the features of satellite television and satellite equipment. You can get information about this and much more on our website, in the article: "Satellite television".
2. Before installing and configuring the antenna, you must determine the direction to the satellite:
A). Using a compass (it must be taken into account that its readings can be affected by nearby metal objects), the sun, a GPS navigator or nearby dishes, approximately 0.6 m in size, determine the azimuth to the Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 satellites 36.0°E, ( 36 degrees east longitude). Be sure to check that the direction to the satellite is clear of high-rise buildings, trees, etc.
b). In order to accurately determine the location of the satellite, you can use the “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program, which can be downloaded from the website

The “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program will help you calculate the azimuth and elevation angle required for installing and configuring a satellite dish to any available satellite at the selected geographic receiving point. Using the program, you can calculate angles for all geostationary telecommunication satellites located on the “arc” at once.
The program remembers the geographic coordinates of the places for which the calculation was made. Subsequently, you can use these coordinates, because they are stored in program memory.
First, when working with the “Satellite Antenna Alignment” program, you must enter the geographic coordinates of the installation location in the “Coordinates of the antenna installation” section.
Legend: "N - northern latitude", "S - southern latitude", "E - eastern longitude" and "W - western longitude". After entering the coordinates, on the left side of the table you will receive the calculated azimuth and elevation angles (elevation angle) of the antenna for all satellites at once. Azimuth is the direction to the satellite (in degrees), defined as the angle between the north and satellite directions. Elevation angle is a direction defined as the angle (in degrees) between the direction of the satellite and the plane of the earth at the receiving point. A negative elevation angle means that the satellite is below the horizon and is not available for reception. Thus, at the location where the antenna is installed, it is theoretically possible to determine all the satellites from which signals can be received. Based on azimuth and elevation, you can quickly determine on the ground the direction to the satellite and the possibility of receiving a signal at the selected point.

If you do not have a tool for determining the geographic direction, you can use the determination of satellite coordinates by the sun.
The program allows you to calculate the azimuth to the sun. To do this, you need to specify the geographic coordinates of the area in the program. Estimated height above sea level - 0 meters.
The calculation is made for a specific date. The calculation results are presented on the left side of the table. Using the table, we determine the azimuth and elevation angle for the sun at a given point in time.
Procedure: first we determine the azimuth to the selected satellite, and then we calculate the azimuth of the sun on the day the antenna is installed. Next, in the table, we find the azimuth of the sun that is close in value to the azimuth to the satellite and determine the time (and date) when the sun will be in this direction. At the calculated moment in time, we turn the antenna directly towards the sun, because At this time, the azimuths of the sun and the satellite coincide. The elevation (elevation) angles of the satellite and the sun may not coincide. If they coincide, then reception from the satellite at a given time will be unstable, or not possible at all, because powerful electromagnetic radiation from the sun will “clog” the signal from the satellite. This phenomenon is called solar interference, it occurs in spring and autumn for several days.
When calculating, the time zone must be taken into account (for Moscow +3 hours to Greenwich).
If the country switches to summer time, then 1 hour must be added to the resulting azimuth calculations!
The program displays the direction to the satellite with a red line; the red line is not drawn if the satellite is located beyond the horizon and is not available for reception in a given location. The yellow sector indicates daylight hours; the diagram also shows the sides of the horizon.

For offset antennas, the focus is shifted relative to the center; if the antenna is installed strictly vertically, then it has an elevation angle (20...25 degrees). To calculate the satellite elevation angle and the actual antenna installation angle (in degrees relative to the ground plane), the antenna dimensions in millimeters (height and width) are entered in the program. The calculation is made only for offset antennas.

Also, using this program, you can calculate the angle between an obstacle in the path of a satellite antenna and the plane of the conventional horizon where the antenna is located. By indicating the height of the obstacle and the distance to it, you can determine this angle. If it is greater than the elevation angle of the satellite you have selected, then reception from the satellite at this installation location is impossible.

Another useful function of the program: when you activate the “Transponders” tab, the program downloads from the Internet all active transponders of the selected satellite.
The program saves all data in the file format of your choice.
To determine the location of the Eutelsat 36B & Express AMU1 36.0°E satellites, enter the coordinates of your locality into the program (data can be obtained from Yandex) and you will determine their azimuth and elevation angle. According to calculations of the Satellite Antenna Alignment program, the exact parameters of the satellites in Nizhny Novgorod are: azimuth - 189.592 degrees east longitude, elevation angle - 25.516 degrees.
3. Next, assemble the antenna according to the instructions, attach the converter to it and install the antenna on the bracket, which should be fixed vertically to the Earth on a flat surface. Connect the antenna to the receiver using a TV cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms, with the receiver unplugged from the network.
4. Turn on the receiver, you will see the message “no signal” on the TV screen. In order for the setup indicator to appear on the TV screen, press the buttons on the remote control in sequence: menu, setup, manual search. The setting indicator has two scales: “signal quality” and “signal level”. The setting must be carried out on the “signal quality” scale. It should be taken into account that the signal level is affected by the length of the cable from the receiver to the converter. For long cable lengths, it is necessary to use special satellite amplifiers (the signal level differs for different receiver models).
Next, we configure the antenna itself. Moving the antenna plane along the elevation angle with an interval of 3-4 degrees from the position in which the antenna plane is directed perpendicular to the ground plane to a position of approximately 80 degrees to the ground plane in both directions, rotate the antenna in azimuth on the bracket in a sector of approximately 20 degrees from the specified to the direction satellite (see point 2). The operations must be carried out sequentially: first the elevation angle changes, then the antenna rotates. The antenna must be rotated slowly so as not to overshoot the direction to the satellite; the working reception sector (directional pattern) of the dish is only 2-2.5 degrees. When an image appears on the TV screen, you need to set the maximum signal level in the circles of the signal level indicator by moving the antenna in azimuth and elevation, and finally tighten the antenna mounting nuts.
5. Enjoy your viewing!

Today we will learn how to quickly set up a satellite dish. We will tune it to the satellite EUTELSAT 36A/B 36°E . NTV Plus, Tricolor TV, Lebed are located there. But we are more interested in NTV Plus and Tricolor TV.

For this we need the antenna itself

with fasteners

And tools:

  • Several anchors 6 mm in diameter and 6 cm long, or you can take 8 * 8;
  • Keys;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Wire cutters or pliers.
  • We will also need a hammer drill to drill holes in the wall.

At home or somewhere convenient, you first need to assemble the antenna, i.e. Immediately fasten the rod that holds the converter, fasten the converter itself, all the fastenings and assemble the stand. We will mount it on the wall.

Before installing the mount on the wall, you need to decide on the place where we will actually mount it. The place should be free, there should be no trees or any additional wires around.

The fastening pipe must be attached to the wall so that it is as vertical as possible; you can measure it by level.

We place the pipe where we need it, use something like a screwdriver or a marker to make marks on the wall in the holes.

Then we remove the pipe and drill holes in the wall.

We install our mount on the wall, putting it on the 3 anchors already inserted in advance.

We carefully secure it all with anchor nuts.

Then we take the antenna in our hands, slightly loosening the mount on it, and put it on the pipe, securing it so that the structure holds well, but can move a little to the right/left.

To configure any satellite, arbitrary, there are a bunch of programs on Android and other platforms, as well as for computers.

For example, you can install the SatFinder program on an Android phone

The program determines our coordinates and shows the satellite settings.

We are interested in the azimuth and elevation lines (elevation is the geographic direction in which the antenna should be turned).

LNB tilt – angle of rotation of the converter, i.e. the angle at which the converter should be rotated as much as possible for better signal reception.

In addition to this, we are interested in another program on Android - Clinomet.

This is a program that allows you to find out the tilt angle of your phone.

There are many more similar programs, not on Android, that allow you to measure the angle of inclination; you can use any available one.

When installing the antenna, you should first look around, perhaps there are clues around - other already installed NTV Plus or Tricolor TV antennas that will help us determine which direction it should be turned.

If there are any, you can approach another antenna that is already installed and configured.

They all have the same design.

The bar that holds the converter should be at the same angle for everyone.

In order to measure what the angle of inclination of this bar should be, we lean the phone against it, having turned on the necessary program in advance, and we see the angle of inclination of 64 degrees.

The next steps are to get your bearings and figure out where the antenna is geographically directed.
To do this, you need to approach the antenna from behind, strictly in the center, and look in front of you.
It is necessary to find some landmark in the distance, to which we will direct our antenna during installation.

After which we return to our antenna and repeat the procedure, i.e. measure the angle of inclination of the bar.
It, as we determined, should be 64 degrees.
Then we stand behind our antenna strictly in the center, find our landmark in the distance and point the antenna exactly at it. And here he is:

Then we screw the antenna cable to the converter.

Do not forget that you can only tighten the cable when it is not connected to the receiver or the receiver is turned off.
Otherwise, there is a chance that the receiver will burn out.

The most important thing is that we installed and configured the antenna itself, copying the settings from neighboring working antennas.

To prove that the antenna is configured correctly, there is a special device called Satellite Finder, with which we will check whether there is a signal from the satellite.

After we have screwed the antenna cable to the converter, the arrow on this device deviates, i.e. we conclude that the signal sensor shows us the presence of a signal from the satellite.

Using this device, you can adjust the antenna to achieve the highest possible signal level.

We fix it on our antenna, namely on the pipe that holds the converter, and carefully turn the antenna together with this device to the right/left.

By doing this, we look at what position of the antenna, the device’s performance will reach its maximum value.

After we have found a position for the antenna that is more favorable for us, it can be fixed.

At the beginning, we left the nuts on the rear mount uncompressed so that we could adjust the position of the antenna by turning it left/right.

After we have decided on the optimal position of the antenna, the nuts need to be secured.

As a result, we installed and adjusted the antenna both horizontally and vertically, and achieved the antenna position in which the signal value is maximum.

All that remains is to secure the antenna cable, using tape or clamps, and the antenna is ready for use.

The newly purchased Tricolor TV equipment must be installed and configured. According to many, the most difficult part of the job is installing the antenna. There are many instructions with step-by-step guidance on how to set up the Tricolor antenna yourself.

The first step is to assemble the antenna according to the included operating instructions, and then determine its location.

It is important to ensure clear line of sight. Any obstacles are not allowed in the field of view in the direction of the satellite, since the signal will not pass through them. Neither trees nor various structures should be an obstacle between the signal source and the receiving device.

By following the step-by-step algorithm of actions, self-assembly, installation and configuration of the signal will not take much effort:

The location of the antenna should be chosen as close as possible to the installation location of the receiver. The clarity of the Tricolor TV broadcast depends on the accuracy of the antenna adjustment from a geographic point of view.

To determine these values, you need to focus on a special table in which you should find your city or the nearest settlement to it. The second way to set azimuth is using a compass. The difficulty of adjustment lies in the different manufacturers of equipment used to receive Tricolor TV channels.

Using the instructions from the receiver, the cable from the converter must be connected to the receiver. Next, to configure the satellite signal, the receiver should be turned on.

First you need to find any signal from the satellite, based on a special technique:

  • the mirror of the satellite system must be pointed at the sky at the location of the sun at lunchtime;
  • the plate must be moved a couple of millimeters and rotated at the same time;
  • the interval between steps is 5-10 seconds. Otherwise, the signal from the satellite may be missed;
  • You should remember not to stand in front of the receiving device, blocking the path of the signal;
  • if the information beam is not found and the antenna is moved from the 12 o'clock position to 14 o'clock, you should repeat everything all over again, first lowering it by 1 mm, loosening the vertical nuts. An image of the Tricolor TV channel or a strip with signal parameters should appear on the screen;
  • If you successfully tune to the satellite and receive a Tricolor TV picture, you need to make precise adjustments yourself, which will not interfere in rainy or snowy weather or in poor visibility. For a good signal margin there must be at least 70% of its quality and strength on each scale;
  • After completing the settings, you need to tighten all the nuts and loosen the converter clamp. Then scroll the converter to the right a few degrees, focusing on the scale. Having reached the desired level, the clamp should be secured;
  • when tightening the nuts, the antenna may move in one direction or another, so you need to constantly monitor the signal level on the receiver scale.

By aiming the equipment at the satellite, you can enjoy broadcasting your favorite Tricolor TV channels.

Working with receiving equipment

After turning on the receiver, on the TV screen you need to activate the “Received signal level” menu line. After pressing “Menu” on the receiver’s remote control, the “Main Menu” will open. Using the block of arrow buttons, select the “Settings” line. After entering the password 0000, a list will open in which you should select the “System settings” command and “OK” again. Then the name of the satellite is selected. In the European part of the country, information is transmitted from the Eutelsat 36B satellite. For other regions, select Eutelsat 36A. The signal parameter adjustment scales are located in the “Antenna Installation” menu.

Satellite location

To ensure guaranteed and uninterrupted reception of packets from a satellite, you should know its location, since a satellite signal cannot pass through objects, unlike a terrestrial signal.

All spacecraft are located above the equator, so the antenna mirror should be directed to the south. In view of this feature, the mounting location of the device is determined.

A satellite dish is comparable to a lens that focuses the signal from the satellite and sends it to a converter for further amplification. The Tricolor TV operator uses a circular converter included in the receiving equipment set.

Along with most satellite operators, the Tricolor TV company offers configuration and installation services to buyers of its equipment. But most subscribers decide to handle this process on their own. How difficult it is to set up Tricolor TV on your own, and how to do it correctly - our article will tell you about this.

Beginning of work

First of all, the subscriber needs to register the received set-top box with the operator. This should be done even before installing the devices (including the antenna), since registration processing may take some time. And without entering data into the operator’s database, setting up the Tricolor TV receiver will be impossible, which means it will not be possible to track the correct installation of the antenna.

Registering the receiver

In some cases, the dealer from whom it was purchased can register the set-top box upon purchase. If professionals perform this procedure, they usually communicate it to buyers. Then you won't have to do anything.

Important! You can check whether the set-top box has been registered on the official Tricolor website in the “Checking subscriptions” section.

If the device data was not entered into the operator database by the dealer, the subscriber can correct the situation independently. Registration is possible:

  • on the company’s official website, through the “Subscriber Registration” button;
  • by calling the operator's customer support service.

Regardless of the chosen method, the user will need:

  • Receiver ID;
  • smart card;
  • instructions for the receiver;
  • own passport.

These documents contain all the data required for registration. You will need to enter them into the appropriate fields on the website yourself or dictate them to a customer service employee. When registration is completed, the subscriber will be able to configure the Tricolor TV set-top box.

Antenna setup

After registering the set-top box, the dish is installed, connected to the TV receiver, and then the Tricolor TV antenna is tuned to the satellite. It is better to carry out this process not alone, but with the support of someone at home. One person will change the position of the dish, and the other will monitor the signal level in the settings menu on the TV.

Advice! To quickly and efficiently configure the Tricolor TV antenna yourself, we recommend using the SatFinder device or the smartphone application of the same name. These auxiliary tools will allow you to select the optimal broadcast frequency.

Access to the setup menu

The procedure for setting up the equipment will depend on the method of connecting the set-top box to the TV. There are two connection options:

  • high frequency - using an antenna cable;
  • low-frequency – through ordinary “tulips”.

When using the high-frequency method, one end of the cable is connected to the antenna socket on the TV. Its second end is connected to the receiver's RF Out connector. After turning on the set-top box, Boot should appear on the TV screen. This will indicate that the download has started. Then, from the remote control, you need to start an automatic search for channels and cycle through frequencies until a message appears about no signal. This behavior of the equipment indicates that it is connected correctly.

If you used the low-frequency method, by connecting all the wires to the required connectors, the TV should be switched to video mode by pressing the A/V key on the remote control. As a result, a message about no signal should appear on the screen - this means that everything was done correctly.

Before you begin setting up the Tricolor TV signal, you should go to the signal quality assessment section. To do this, press the “i” button on the remote control. Two scales that appear after clicking on the TV screen will display the signal level at the antenna, as well as its quality.

Important! For normal TV operation, the values ​​of both scales must be at least 70%. Otherwise, it is necessary to change the position of the plate.

How to catch a signal?

Setting up a Tricolor TV satellite yourself can be quite difficult. As mentioned above, this operation is best done together. The position of the antenna is changed gradually, turning it a couple of millimeters every 5-7 seconds. After each rotation, the values ​​of the scales on the TV screen are monitored. As soon as the maximum value is caught, the plate is finally fixed.

Important! It is advisable to catch a signal in good weather, in the absence of clouds and precipitation.

Necessary work with the receiver

To make using satellite TV more convenient, it is worth setting up some additional settings on the receiver. Tricolor TV gives its subscribers the opportunity to set:

  • the order of channels they need;
  • time and date;
  • region of residence and difference in broadcasting with Moscow;
  • the need for automatic signal recovery when it declines, etc.

Let's look at how some of these actions are performed.

Compiling a list of channels

Setting up the Tricolor TV receiver yourself allows you to completely adapt the equipment to your needs. For example, by distributing the channels included in the connected package into categories, the subscriber can significantly reduce the time it takes to search for them in the future.

To simplify content search you need to:

  • go to the general list of channels;
  • press the green button on the remote control;
  • In the column that appears, enter the first letter of the name of the desired channel.

After this action, only those channels whose names begin with the entered letter will remain on the screen. Then you can start watching one of them, or move the channel to the desired category.

To access categories, press the Fav key on the remote control. A list of standard categories will be displayed on the screen. The subscriber should select the one he needs from them, then go to the adjacent column with the list of channels, select from it the one that should be added to the section, and click OK. The channel will be automatically saved to the specified folder.

Important! To move between columns, use the arrow keys on the remote control.

Setting the date and time

The user is faced with setting the date and time immediately when setting up the receiver for the first time. When setting operating parameters, the device will display a window in which you will need to specify the following values:

  • UTC offset – closest to the time zone of the region in which the set-top box is installed;
  • update from satellite – “yes”;
  • date – in each value “current”;
  • local time – “current”.

After filling out all the fields in the table, click OK.

How to adjust the time on the Tricolor TV dish if it gets lost during operation? To do this, you need to go to the set-top box menu and select the “Settings” subsection in it. In this subsection you need to find the item “Time and date” and go to it. As a result, the table described above will appear on the TV screen (the same as when setting the parameters for the first time). You need to fill it out the same way as the first time.
Important! If any difficulties arise during the settings, we recommend that you first refer to the instructions included with the equipment. If there is not enough information in them, you should call the operator’s technical support.

Satellite television broadcasting differs from others in its high image quality, the ability to receive signals in remote and hard-to-reach settlements, a large number of channels and low maintenance costs. Therefore, preference is often given to satellite operators. One of the most famous is Tricolor TV.
Below are instructions if you have already purchased the kit and want to try setting it up yourself. In the section you can select the necessary equipment and call a professional technician for turnkey setup.

How does Tricolor satellite TV function?

The main feature of Tricolor TV is the use of satellites for signal transmission. Before you learn how to set up the Tricolor antenna, you should understand the features of its operation.

The principle of operation of the antenna.

The user manual and instructions that come with the antenna kit already give a superficial idea of ​​how to set up the Tricolor dish. To install the Tricolor dish, you will need the following kit: a receiver, a converter (or “head”), the antenna itself with a wall support (bracket) for it, a cord for connecting the receiver to the TV, a coaxial cable that connects the equipment, and F-connectors on the cable. The Tricolor antenna is a mirror that collects the available signal sent by the satellite. A converter is installed in the center of the antenna mirror, which is necessary to concentrate the signal and transmit it through the cable to the receiver. The receiver transmits the signal to the TV.

Types of plates.

Installing the Tricolor TV dish with your own hands or with the help of a specialist should be done after the dish has been selected. The quality of the signal depends on its size: the larger it is, the better the signal is captured and transmitted, the more stable the signal in bad weather and the longer you watch TV. The Tricolor TV assortment includes antennas with a diameter of 0.55 to 1.0 m; the dish sizes are selected in accordance with the distance to the satellite from your home. Based on their shape, antennas are divided into direct focus and offset. A direct focus antenna places the converter in the very middle, while an offset antenna places the converter towards the edge. Direct focus antennas are easily covered with snow and ice in winter, while offset antennas, which are located almost vertically, are protected from weather influences. In addition, plates are made from different materials: aluminum is optimal due to its high corrosion resistance and lightness, snow does not stick to steel, and plastic is inexpensive. Before setting up the Tricolor antenna yourself, you will need to thoroughly study its features.

How to install the Tricolor satellite dish yourself?

Although instructions on how to install the Tricolor dish yourself are included with the equipment kit, it may be impossible to do this without certain technical knowledge and experience. Therefore, before installing and configuring the Tricolor dish yourself, you must carefully study the included instructions.

Choosing a location.

The location where the dish is installed must be open to the signal: no tall buildings or trees in the immediate vicinity of the equipment. It is recommended to install the antenna on the facade of the house near a window, on the external wall of a balcony or on the roof of the house - in places least exposed to wind and snow, and where the dish can be easily maintained.

Installation of the support (bracket).

Special attention is paid to fastening elements, especially if the plate is supposed to be located in a high and windy place. The antenna bracket is attached using screws, studs, nuts or anchor bolts, which are matched to the wall material. Before finally tightening the bolts, it is necessary to check the level of the correct installation of the bracket. If there are no distortions, you can tighten it.

Antenna installation.

The antenna is assembled according to the instructions, and its most important element is the reflector, which is screwed onto the bracket and subsequently makes it possible to adjust the antenna. The antenna cable starts from the converter, the rest of it is run into the apartment and connected to the receiver. The bolts on the reflector must be left loose for the first time, since the Tricolor antenna still needs to be adjusted. Mounts in this condition should allow the antenna to be moved in elevation and azimuth.

How to set up the Tricolor antenna yourself?

Self-tuning the Tricolor TV dish to a satellite is a task, the complexity of which depends on the equipment used.

Necessary equipment.

Professional installers use a special device to search and indicate signal strength. The cable from the antenna is connected to the device and the antenna is rotated, waiting for a signal. Such a device simplifies, significantly speeds up setup and significantly increases its accuracy, but it is quite expensive. There is a simple mechanical one that is suitable for those who do not know how to set up the Tricolor antenna. Help in setting up the antenna can be provided by special mobile applications that will show the required tuning angles and where to point the antenna.

Checking the satellite signal.

How to set up the Tricolor TV satellite dish yourself and check the signal largely depends on the type of the above equipment. The satellite signal is picked up by moving the antenna slowly and carefully: When searching manually without a special device, you need to have a TV nearby, focus on filling the scales on the receiver and search for channels each time until the Tricolor TV channels are found. With a mechanical device, the signal from the satellite must be searched until the needle moves and the sound (squeaking) intensifies. Only after this is the channel searched. Fine tuning with the device becomes even simpler and easier: the plate is slowly turned until the needle stops oscillating and the sound is high. After the satellite signal is found, all that remains is to disconnect the cords and connect them to the receiver.
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Setting up channels.

This procedure is simple and straightforward: you need to press the “Menu” button on the remote control and activate the search for channels (“Search “Tricolor TV” button). If the channels are already configured, a list of them will be displayed in the menu, and all you have to do is click the “OK” button. If the channels are not configured, the system will scan the available ones and display a list of them on the screen, prompting you to save. From time to time, the number of available channels on Tricolor TV increases, so it is better to repeat this procedure regularly.

Connect and configure the satellite dish tuner yourself.

To connect the receiver, you will need to follow the manufacturer's instructions and observe basic safety rules: when connecting, the devices must be disconnected from the network. You should know from the very beginning how to set up the tuner (aka receiver) of the Tricolor antenna, since its incorrect setting can disorient you when setting up the antenna. The tuner is configured using the menu. With the latest versions of the software, the setup has been greatly simplified and has become automatic: the default settings are basic settings that do not need to be changed. To save the data, you must click “OK”.