Safe start of windows. Loading safe mode from the operating system. Ⅵ Enter Safe Mode through an incorrect system shutdown

Computer in safe mode(in English Safe Mode) loads a limited set of drivers and system files necessary for the startup and subsequent operation of the system. This tool allows you to perform many troubleshooting tasks that are difficult, impossible to do in a regular OS session. There are plenty of ways to start Windows 7 safe mode on your computer, which are detailed in the instructions.

Safe mode is enabled in three options (see screenshot below).

  1. Basic - download all necessary components to keep Windows running.
  2. With network support - the same as basic version, only with the ability to work on a network or access the Internet. The mode is useful if, to fix a problem, you need to download updates, drivers, and other files.
  3. With the command line - requiring knowledge of commands.

Choose option 1 or 2, depending on the essence of solving the problem; you are unlikely to need option 3, because it requires knowledge using cmd. Before restarting Windows, remove the discs from the drive and USB drives. To get to the Safe Mode boot options, follow the steps below.

Launch via additional boot options

Extra options downloads provide a list of OS startup tools in various modes for troubleshooting. To display the list on the screen and start safe mode, do the following:

1. Turn on or restart your computer or laptop via .

2. If several operating systems are installed, on the system selection screen, use the keyboard arrows (up, down) to select Windows 7. Next, click the button top row F8.

3. If one Windows 7 OS is installed, immediately after reboot, quickly press the F8 key. If you don't have time to click and see Windows logo, this means the system has started. Repeat step 1 and 3.

4. The steps above will take you to a list of download options. Use the keyboard arrows (up, down) to select one of three options for starting safe mode, then click Enter.

Enabling via system settings (MSCONFIG)

You can enable safe mode on Windows 7 in the OS settings. Do the following series of actions:

2. There are 5 tabs available in the system configuration. Visit the "download" tab. If you see several operating systems, select Windows 7. Next, check the “safe mode” option and specify the boot option:

  1. Minimal – launches important drivers, services and GUI.
  2. Another shell - enable cmd and boot important components Windows.
  3. Recovery Active Directory– the same “Minimal” option, only with the Active Directory service.
  4. Network - the same “Minimal” option, only with network support and Internet access.

3. After changes, click OK. To start Windows 7 safe mode on your computer, in the message, click “restart” (the PC will restart immediately) or “exit without rebooting” (restart itself).

4. After working in safe mode, open the system configuration window, on the “boot” tab, uncheck the “safe mode” boot option. Next, click OK and restart your computer. If you do not complete step 4, then this mode will load constantly.

Using the BCDedit Command

To use the method, . Type the command BCDedit, press Enter. In the "Windows Boot" area, note the "identifier" (on the screenshot (current)) and "description" (on Windows screenshot 7).

For example, to launch safe mode: minimal, for the data shown in the screenshot above, you need to enter the following construction:

bcdedit /set (current) safeboot minimal

Execute or close cmd and restart your PC in the traditional way.

After good luck with your entry in one of 3 ways, you will see the inscription “safe mode” in each corner of the screen. At the same time it will disappear, visual design interface and many services will stop.

Fix any problems that arise. Then do not forget to restart the computer if you used the first method or change the settings corresponding to normal mode (2, 3 methods) and restart the system. After studying the recommendations, you can easily start Windows 7 safe mode using a method that is convenient for you.

Being special kind computer diagnostics, safe mode involves starting operating system with the exception of virtually everyone unnecessary components. This mode is very common during recovery user computer after the occurrence of certain breakdowns and malfunctions of various nature. Problems with the system occur quite often, so proper knowledge of the procedure for starting safe mode will be a significant advantage for the computer owner.

How to start Windows 7 safe mode

There are two commonly used options for opening safe mode in Windows 7. The first involves logging in during system startup, the second is enabled while it is running. The first option will work even in cases of serious computer malfunctions, because the need for full loading There is no OS, the user enters safe mode and carries out the required repair and recovery operations. Required condition The second option will be a running and active OS, so this method is not applicable in all situations, let’s look at how to start Windows 7 safe mode:

  • When the computer is turned on, you should restart it (if the PC is turned off, you need to turn it on).
  • Before the operating system starts, data about BIOS version, it is at this moment that you need to press the F8 key several times (pressing more than two or three times is recommended).
  • A screen will open with a window for selecting additional OS boot options.
  • Using the arrow keys, select the “Safe Mode” section and press the “Enter” button.

When, instead of a special window with a choice of system startup options, the message “Windows 7” appears, indicating a normal OS boot, the user should try to enter security mode again. It should be noted that the F1-F12 keys may have been disabled previously, in which case the F8 button should be pressed while holding the Fn key (often happens on laptops).

Consider the option of launching during the active OS environment:

With the OS running, press the key combination “Win+R” and enter the query “msconfig”.

The above settings will present the user with an interface in which it will be prompted to restart the PC. The computer owner can enter safe mode by clicking “Restart”. If you select “Exit without rebooting,” the required mode will be entered after turning off/on the PC or after its first restart.

1. Features of Windows 10, how to enter safe mode?

Innovative Windows modification 10 did not include the legacy technique of opening Safe Mode by using the F8 key. There are three ways to activate it, the first pair of which are used during OS boot. The latter option involves the system refusing to start in the user’s usual operating mode.

Starting safe mode using the "msconfig" configuration:

Safe mode can also be started using the command line:

If your PC refuses to boot, you can activate safe mode as follows:

  • You must have a boot disk or flash drive with Windows 10.
  • Download from of this disk or flash drives, choose required language interface and other parameters.
  • In the window that appears, which will prompt you to install the OS, you need to press the “System Restore” button located at the bottom of the window.
  • Go to the “Diagnostics” section and in the “Advanced options” subsection, launch the command line.
  • In the window that opens, enter “bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true.”
  • Wait for a message that the operation was successful and deactivate command line, after clicking “Continue”.
  • After rebooting the PC, a menu will be displayed with available modes work, select “Safe Mode”. (It can be disabled using the command “bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions”).

2. Windows 8, how to enter safe mode in order to correctly troubleshoot problems?

Specifics Windows interface 8, suggests a method that is not the most common for launching safe mode compared to other systems. Let's look at the main options for entering this mode.

The first option is to enter using the F8 button.

However, this method may not work on all modifications of computers; its sequence is as follows:

How to start Windows 8 safe mode by changing boot options?

The method is considered quite effective; the following series of actions are used to implement it:

  • Press the “Win+R” key combination and enter the “msconfig” command.
  • Go to the section called "Download". In the “Boot Options” item, check the box next to “Safe Mode”.
  • Place the selector next to the “Minimum” entry, and then click “OK.”
  • A window opens in which the user needs to confirm restarting the OS.
  • After rebooting, Safe Mode will become active. After solving and troubleshooting, it is important to uncheck the previously selected “Safe Mode” option in the boot settings.

Another common way to activate Safe Mode in Windows 8 involves the following steps:

Using bootable media.

Of course, including the possibility of a complete failure of the operating system, there is the option of entering safe mode using boot disk or flash drives:

  • Insert bootable USB flash drive in the PC and launch from it.
  • Select date, time and other parameters.
  • In the installation window that appears, click on “System Restore”.
  • Go to “Diagnostics” and select the section called “Advanced Settings”.
  • In the “Command Prompt” section, enter the task “bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true”, then press “Enter”.
  • Close the Command Prompt, and then click Continue.
  • After rebooting the OS, press the F4 button in the window that opens.
  • Login in safe mode. To window with possible options system startup did not appear after each subsequent shutdown/on or restart of the PC, you must enter the following into the command line: “bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions”.

3. How to enter safe mode in Windows XP?

Considering the version of Windows XP, which is outdated but still relevant for many users, let’s consider the process of launching safe mode on it:

How to start Windows XP safe mode from the system? In some cases, this option may be an alternative to the above. Consider the sequence:

What is it for?

Sometimes after installing a new one software or as a result of exposure to viruses is normal Windows work 7 is violated. Due to abnormal behavior of the OS, it is sometimes quite difficult to detect and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. This is where safe mode can help (in non-Russian versions of the system it is called Safe Mode). In some situations, Windows 7 automatically enters it during its startup after the PC freezes. However, more often the user himself has to boot Windows 7 in safe mode. What kind of mode is this, and how to start it?

Safe Mode is designed to diagnose and determine the cause of abnormal operation of the OS. It differs from normal system startup in that applications and drivers installed after installing the operating system will not be loaded. At the same time, it becomes possible to remove the virus or application that in the usual way is not removed, or the driver conflicts with other hardware.

1st way to boot into safe mode

When you turn on your PC, without waiting for the OS logo to appear, press and hold the F8 key. In some laptop models, one of the following may be used for this. function keys F1-F12. In this case, a menu of additional boot options appears on the screen, looking like:

The first three options refer to the desired option, but you should choose the first one - highlighted in white in the picture. This is done with the arrow keys, after which you need to press “Enter”. The system will start, after which a black window with a resolution of 640x480 pixels will appear, and the words “Safe Mode” will be located in the corners of the window.

The method described above is only valid if only one OS is installed on the PC. Otherwise, you will need to press F8 twice to launch Safe Mode. The first press will cause a boot loader message to appear indicating which system to boot. You should also select it using the arrow keys, press “Enter” and immediately press F8 again. The above window will appear with additional options launch.

The second way to launch Safe Mode

This method can be used when Windows 7 is already loaded. It consists of performing the following steps:

Apr 19 2012

Hello dear guests and regular readers of the blog. Safe Mode or Safe Mode, in this article you will learn what safe mode is, why Safe Mode is needed and how to enter safe mode on your computer. In the last issue, we conducted.

Your computer does not turn on or the operating system does not start, errors appear or crashes when starting Windows, viruses have penetrated you or a ransomware banner has appeared.

With most of these similar problems Your computer's safe mode will help you cope, English language This is Safe Mode. For fans of video materials, I recorded short video lesson on how to enter safe mode through Windows.

Safe mode can help you. It is usually used to debug the operating system. It has limited features compared to downloading regular Windows, but it can eliminate some system boot problems if it does not turn on, does not work correctly, or similar problems.

What is Safe Mode

Safe Mode is special regime starting the Windows operating system. It is designed to identify and eliminate errors and problems with both the startup and the main operation of the operating system.

In Safe Mode you can use limited set commands, services and components. When Windows boots in Safe Mode, only the basic components, files and drivers that are needed for Windows start. When loading Safe mode Mode, then in the corners of the monitor you can see the corresponding Safe Mode inscription.

Why do you need safe mode?

Safe mode is needed to enter Windows if the normal operating system startup mode is not possible. Let's say your operating system does not load at any of the boot stages. Using safe mode, you can log into Windows and try to figure out what is causing the failure.

If you do not know the causes of the problem, then I recommend using the elimination method in order to detect and solve the problem.

You can turn programs in a folder on and off one by one<Автозагрузка>and in the Startup tab in the system configuration. In this way, you can find which program is causing the problem loading the Windows operating system and try to solve the problem that appears.

If you still cannot find the reason for Windows boot failure, then you can resort to system recovery using control points recovery if this option you had it activated of course. In my practice, there were many cases when the system restore function was disabled or not enabled.

I'll tell you a secret. Also, using safe mode, I activated licensed Windows XP operating systems with a special program. I realize and understand that now most users are using Windows 7 and Windows 8, but there are also those who are still on Windows XP.

If you have a licensed Windows disk XP, but there is no activation code, you can download special program activator on the Internet, activate one of Microsoft products and use licensed software.

How to enter safe mode

You can enter Safe Mode or Safe Mode different ways. Let's look at the most common ones:

There are other ways, but we will look at these.

Entering Safe Mode from Windows

First of all, your computer should already be turned on and the operating system loaded. After this, you need to click or go to the Start Menu and where it says<Найти программы и файлы>dial command .

You can also use the keyboard shortcut and enter the same command . If you do not know basic keyboard shortcuts, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information.

After this, the System Configuration window will appear in front of us, where you can select the launch option. But on at this stage we don’t need it and we go to the next tab<Загрузка>.

In downloading, go to the lower left part of the window to Download Options, check the box next to<Безопасный режим>.

After that, save all our changes - click<Применить>And .

If something is not clear to you, you can access help by clicking on<Справка>.

After all the operations performed, close everything open windows and programs, and reboot our computer.

The reboot has completed, a window should appear in front of you with a choice of safe mode parameters. You need to go to the one you need, in our case it’s Safe Mode and click .

The two modes I use most of the time are Safe Mode and Load Last Known Known Configuration<с работоспособными параметрами>.

A window will appear asking you to select your operating system. If you have several Windows systems installed, then you need to select the one you need and click again .

You will see lines in which the necessary system components are loaded, you need to wait a little.

After this, your Windows operating system should boot into safe mode, in which you can carry out troubleshooting work to boot Windows in normal operating mode.

In order for the next time you restart your computer, your operating system will boot into normal mode, you need to call the Run window again using the key combination , enter the command and on the boot tab uncheck safe mode. After that, don’t forget to click apply and okay, otherwise it will load into safe mode.

Entering safe mode when turning on the computer

This method can be used if the operating system on your computer does not load at all and you do not know what to do about it.

After turning on the computer, you must immediately press the key , before the operating system logo appears. It is this button on the keyboard that is responsible for calling context menu with choice different modes Windows boot. You can read more about the F8 key in the article.

Perhaps it will come out in front of you Boot menu(boot menu), where you need to select HDD ( HDD), press and press the button again .

After this, if your Account is password protected, you need to enter the password and enter safe mode to further actions on setting up your computer.

What to do if you can't enter safe mode

There are cases so advanced that Windows does not even enter safe mode. Most likely, the registry files that are responsible for starting safe mode are damaged.

I will list two useful programs that can help solve the problem of starting safe mode.

Safeboot program

To restore registry files, you can use useful program Safeboot, which already has these files.

Download, unpack the archive with the program and run the desired file, depending on your operating system.

If you have Windows XP installed, then run SafeBootWinXP.reg. If you have Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, then you need to run SafebootVista.reg. After that, reboot and try to enter safe mode.

CHKDSK program

More details on how to use CHKDSK program I described it in the article. It checks your hard drive for errors and bad sectors. Perhaps with its help you will be able to restore necessary files registries that are responsible for starting safe mode.

If none of the methods helped you solve the problem, you can look for answers on computer forums or seek help from qualified specialists in the field or service center for computer repair.

As promised at the beginning of the article, I’m posting educational video lesson on how to enter safe mode through Windows.

How to Enter Safe Mode in Windows

Let's sum it up

Today we learned what safe mode or safe mod is. We figured out why safe mode is needed, learned how to enter this special mode, and also learned what to do if safe mode does not load.

You may have questions related to Safe Mode or safe mode. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

Any computer running the Windows operating system can be started in safe mode. In this mode, only the most basic components of the operating system are loaded. This allows you to start your computer even if serious software conflicts or problems occur. From safe mode you can remove programs that block the operation of the operating system or cannot be removed when normal mode work.

If you are having problems and need to start your computer in safe mode, then this material should help you. Here you can find out how this is done in the Windows 7 operating system, as well as new operating systems Windows systems 8 and .

How to start your computer in safe mode (Windows XP or Windows 7)

If you are using Windows XP or, then starting your computer in safe mode will be quite simple. To do this, you need to restart the computer (if the computer is turned off, just turn it on) and when the computer starts booting, press the F8 key on the keyboard. You need to press the F8 key until a list of ways to boot Windows appears on the computer screen.

IN this list we are only interested in the first three points. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Safe mode– standard safe mode. In this mode, the computer will start using only the most necessary components. In most cases, this is the safe mode option that is used.
  • Safe Mode with Boot network drivers – safe mode is similar to the previous one, but with loading of network drivers. When loading into this mode you will be able to work with local network and the Internet.
  • Safe Mode with Command Line Support– safe mode without GUI. After loading in this mode, a command line appears on the screen with which you can interact with the system.

Please note that the F8 key must be pressed immediately after the computer starts up. If you are a little late, the list of boot methods will not appear and the computer will start in normal mode.

How to start your computer in safe mode (Windows 8 and Windows 10)

If you are using Windows 8 or, then you will not be able to start your computer in safe mode using the method described above. The computer simply won't respond to the F8 key. In this case, you need to start safe mode using MSCONFIG commands or using a Windows boot disk. We'll look at both of these options next.

Option #1: Start the computer in safe mode using the MSCONFIG command.

If your computer is in working order, then you can use the MSCONFIG command. Press combination Windows-R keys and in the window that appears, enter the MSCONFIG command.

After this, a window called “System Configuration” will open in front of you. In this window, you need to go to the “Boot” tab and check the box next to “Safe Mode”.

After that, close the window by clicking on the “OK” button and restart the computer. The next time you boot your computer, Safe Mode should start. In order for the computer to boot again in normal mode, you need to go to MSCONFIG again and uncheck the box.

In principle, this option for starting the computer in safe mode works in both Windows XP and Windows 7. But, using it is not as convenient as starting it via the F8 key.

Option #2: Start your computer in safe mode using a Windows boot disk.

The second option is to start safe mode using a Windows boot disk. This option will be useful if your computer does not start at all, and it is not possible to use the MSCONFIG command.

For this download option you need with that Windows version, which is installed on your computer. If it is Windows 8, then you need a boot disk with Windows 8, if it is Windows 10, then Windows 10.

Insert your Windows boot disk and boot from it. At the very beginning, a window will appear in front of you with a choice of language. Here we simply click on the “Next” button.

And open the “Advanced Settings” subsection.

After this, open the command line.

As a result, it should appear in front of you. In this line you need to enter the command “ bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true" After entering this command, simply close the command line by clicking on the button with the red cross.

After closing the command line, the Select Action menu will appear. Here we select the “Continue” option.

After this, the computer should reboot. After rebooting, boot the computer in normal mode (not from the boot disk). As a result, when you start your computer, a list of ways to boot Windows will appear on the screen, with which you can start Safe Mode.

It should be noted that now, every time you start your computer, a list of boot methods will appear. In order to disable it, you need to boot from the disk again, go to the command line and run the command “ bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions».