Black screen before windows 7 welcome. Black screen appears when loading Windows OS

Modern computers and their mobile analogues are multi-component devices, and the more complex the device, the greater the number of reasons that can lead to malfunctions. A quarter of all users experience the problem and see a black screen on their display. Faced with this popular failure, people often turn to specialists for paid help, however, practice proves that often the causes of problems can be quickly and inexpensively eliminated by anyone on their own. The material below will help you successfully complete the task.


Identifying the cause will allow you to specifically eliminate the problem when the black screen turns on. You just need to be attentive to the little things, for example, when you turn on the PC, is there any noise, whether the indicators on the case light up, etc. Even seemingly insignificant mechanical impacts on a complex device and the appearance of liquids on internal components as a result of temperature changes or careless user operation with the device are most often the causes of problems leading to a black screen.

Also, among the main reasons why a black screen appears, special attention needs to be paid to the following:

  1. Hardware or software conflicts, as a result of which the graphical interface cannot be displayed;
  2. Battery malfunction;
  3. Problems with video accelerator, RAM, motherboard, hard drive, etc.;
  4. Driver incompatibility;
  5. Device overheating;
  6. System failure;
  7. Problems with the display (monitor).

What to do if a black screen appears when loading Windows 10 or 7?

A black Windows screen indicates serious problems with the PC, so people who do not have sufficient experience are better off trusting a specialist.

I consider it my duty to note that all the recommendations below serve as informational material and not a call for mandatory implementation. Interfering with the operation of complex devices without experience can damage an expensive gadget.

It is better to perform simple actions, the meaning of which is completely understandable to a person, and not try to gain experience at the cost of causing unconscious harm to the computer.
For example, simply completely disconnecting the PC from power and then turning it back on in half of the cases leads to the successful loading of Windows 7-10.

Only when this does not help should you proceed to more complex measures described later in this guide.

After installing a utility or game on your computer, a black screen often appears when loading Windows. In these cases, using the restore point (TV) function through safe mode (BR) will help.

The following steps must be taken:

  1. Start the PC from a bootable USB flash drive;
  2. Click “System Restore”;
  3. For the PC to enter BR after reboot, use the command: “bcdedit /set safeboot minimal”;
  4. Restart PC;
  5. Log in to the control panel (in “Ten” this menu was called “Options”);
  6. Open the “Update/Security” tab and go to the “Recovery” section;
  7. Click “Start”;
  8. Next, choose one of the two proposed options for action (at the personal discretion of the computer owner);
  9. Wait until the process completes.
  10. Ready.

LifeCD will help eliminate the appearance of a black screen when starting a PC.
The sequence of steps is as follows:

  1. Install lifeCD into the drive;
  2. Next, while the PC is booting, enter the BIOS and set the priority of starting the OS from the drive;
  3. Close the BIOS, saving the adjustments entered into it;
  4. Wait for the PC to start from the disk;
  5. "System Restore";
  6. "Further";
  7. Click “Startup Recovery”;
  8. Wait;
  9. Ready.

If a black screen appears when you turn on the computer, it is recommended to use BR (safe mode).
To start in BR and fix the problem, you only need to complete a few steps:

  • Immediately after turning on the PC, press “F8” (another button may be used, so you must first read the accompanying documents for the PC);
  • Using the arrows on the keyboard, select BR and click “Enter”;
  • Wait for loading;
  • "Start";
  • “Programs” and go to the “Standard” section;
  • Click “Service”;
  • Click “System Restore”;
  • Specify TV (recovery point) and click “Next”;
  • Click “Done”;
  • Wait for completion;

Disabling unnecessary or conflicting programs

After loading into BR, open the control panel and go to the “Programs and Features” tab, where you sort programs by the time they were installed on the PC. Often simply uninstalling the most recently installed utilities will fix the problem. Also, CCleaner, which is available for free on the Internet, allows you to uninstall applications without leaving “tails” behind them.

If the user does not want to uninstall utilities, they can be disabled and excluded from the Windows autorun list:

  • In the search line (Windows key combination + R) of Start, type “msconfig”;
  • After clicking on “Enter”, enter Services in the menu that appears, where you can disable unnecessary programs, and from the “Startup” tab, remove applications that are unnecessary for everyday use.

For Tens users, to get to the startup section, just launch the “Task Manager” (TZ).

Video drivers are available for free, but during installation you need to be careful so that the software is fully compatible not only with the components of the PC, but also with the operating system running on it. To find out the exact information about which drivers need to be installed, it is recommended to use the “dxdiag” parameter.

By clicking on the “Windows and R” key combination, you will need to type the above word and click “Ok”. A menu will be displayed where, in the “Screen” tab, you can view information about the video accelerator installed in the PC. After searching for drivers, downloading them and installing the latest versions of the software, the black screen no longer appears. However, it happens that it is also caused by malicious applications that have infected the system. The next paragraph of the instructions is devoted to this reason.

Even after the procedure for restoring the operating system, it is advisable to carry out a full analysis for the presence of “malware” in it, which again damages the OS files.
If the OS still does not start at all, you need to remove the hard drive from the problematic PC and connect it to a work computer and check for viruses. You can use “Dr Web CureIt” for this. It requires you to select the connected hard drive and start the analysis by clicking “Run scan”.

Restoring the Windows Registry and Explorer

Windows provides automatic creation and saving of copies of the registry in the “System32\config\RegBack” directory, which is located in the Windows partition.

You need to move the files from the specified directory to the “config” directory. Of course, in this case you will have to confirm the firmness of your intentions and click “Replace”.
This is easy to do when the explorer is functioning normally, but if not, you will need to restore it using the OS boot disk and the AVZ utility.

To this end, perform the following actions:

  1. Open the main menu “AVZ” (you can use the “portable” version of this free antivirus program, which runs from a flash drive);
  2. Click “File”;
  3. Click “System Restore”;
  4. Check the boxes for “Explorer Restore” and “Desktop Restore”;
  5. Click “Perform selected operations”;
  6. Log in to the “Control Panel”;
  7. Next, go to the “Add and Remove Programs” tab;
  8. Uninstall suspicious utilities;
  9. Install bootable media with the OS into the drive and then in the “File” tab click “DZ”;
  10. Click “New task” and then type “sfc /scannow” in the command line;
  11. Click “Enter”;
  12. Restart the PC by logging into Windows in BR;
  13. Open the directory located on the OS CD under the name “i386”;
  14. Copy explorer.ex_, temporarily removing one letter from the extension;
  15. Copy the created file to the system volume;
  16. Next, add the missing letter “e” in the extension;
  17. After typing “regedit”, click “Ok”;
  18. Open the directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
  19. Expand content “Software”;
  20. Go to the “Microsoft” folder;
  21. Open the “WindowsNT” subfolder;
  22. Next, from the “CurrentVersion” directory, go to the “Winlogon” subdirectory;
  23. For “Shell”, indicate the location of the file created when performing steps 15-17;
  24. Click “Ok”;
  25. Open the “DZ” menu again;
  26. Right-click on the “explorer.exe” process;
  27. Click “End process”;
  28. Then in the remote control “New task”;
  29. Type "cmd";
  30. Click “Ok”;
  31. In the console, type “Cd C:\”;
  32. Click “Enter”;
  33. Type “copy explorer.exe C:\Windows”;
  34. Input;
  35. "Yes";
  36. Restart PC;
  37. Ready.

How to remove the black screen after updating Windows 10?

If such a failure occurs after updating Windows 10, fixing the error does not take much time, since usually the mouse cursor and keyboard remain operational.
The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. CTRL + Shift + Esc;
  2. In the DZ, click “File”;
  3. Click “Run new task”;
  4. Type “cmd” and specify creation with extended privileges;
  5. Type “sfc /scannow”;
  6. "Input";
  7. Automatic analysis and error correction will begin.

Black screen when turning on the computer before Windows loads

If there are no signs of life on the display before Windows starts, that is, the monitor has a black screen from the very beginning, but there is sound. System sounds are heard when the OS starts and you can hear, for example, the noise of coolers, creaking of RAM, etc., which means you need to check the operation of the monitor and the elements connecting it to the system unit. If you have this problem with your laptop, check the cable connecting the display to the motherboard.

Desktop and mobile PCs are equipped with a VGA socket.
You can connect another monitor through this socket. If there is no such socket, then you will need to use the HDMI connector. The main thing is that the procedure for connecting an additional display is carried out with the PC turned off.

In case of normal operation with the additional monitor, you can make a diagnosis of a malfunction of the original one.
An ordinary user cannot cope with repairing a monitor on their own, so it is recommended to contact a specialist.

The most complex part of a PC is the motherboard (motherboard). There are dozens of components on it, any of which is a fragile and small element. It is not possible for a simple user to identify the cause of a motherboard malfunction, since this requires special diagnostic equipment.

Mechanical damage occurs when PC components, such as RAM strips, cards, and the processor itself, are installed incorrectly on the motherboard.
Even a simple case of a needle or a piece of wire getting on the surface of the motherboard leads to the failure of expensive equipment.
Upon careful examination, sometimes you can identify defects in contacts in slots, crumpling (swelling) of resistors, broken tracks (scratches), darkening of some areas on the motherboard, but without the skills and tools to repair the component, it is not recommended to carry out resuscitation actions on your own.

Sometimes even the burning smell coming from the computer case can tell you what the problem is.

Similar problems apply to video cards, which usually need to be replaced with new ones after mechanical damage.

Although the most terrible situation, when the motherboard fails, has already been considered, an equally unpleasant surprise is the failure of the hard drive. Moreover, there is not even a cursor arrow on the monitor.
You should diagnose the hard drive and, perhaps, you will be able to save the important information stored on it. In case of negative diagnostic results, all that remains is to buy another HDD or hard drive for your PC.
You can tell that it is the HDD that is broken (if the PC cannot boot) by the smell of burning, strange sounds from the HDD when it is operating, or the absence of minor vibrations or heating during its operation.

The easiest and most effective way to remove a black screen

If you can’t start in BR (safe mode), then it’s easier to get rid of the black screen by standard reinstalling the OS. As a result, the user receives a stable working system. It is convenient to use a bootable USB flash drive for this purpose, creating it in the Rufus utility.

The application is free and fully Russified, and most importantly, tested by millions of users.

Why does a black screen appear when launching games or steam?

Gamers are the most likely to encounter glitches. Even purchasing official versions of games does not guarantee the absence of errors and black screens. Most often, the weak link is the video accelerator and problems with drivers, as already noted above in this guide.

Therefore, first of all, it is advisable to analyze the operation of the graphics adapter, for example, using the FurMark application. It will provide information about the video card model and its operating modes.
The Game Booster program has similar functionality. Gamers are recommended to regularly analyze the operation of the video accelerator using these software.

Based on the results of the analysis, the user will know what measures need to be taken, for example, upgrading drivers.
Also, failure to launch games occurs if there are problems with other PC components, which often overheat under increased load. It is necessary to clean them from accumulating dust and change thermal paste, otherwise heat is dissipated less efficiently.
Gamers for popular games have developed standard algorithms for eliminating failures in the form of a black screen. They will be discussed further.

Solving the black screen problem when starting Far Cry 4

To solve this problem you need to follow these 5 steps:

  • Open the page “” and install the patch;
  • Disable antivirus software;
  • Extract the contents of the patch into the “bin” directory;
  • Run “Extreme Injector v3.exe”;
  • Ready. Now the game will open normally and work without failures.

Getting rid of the black screen when starting watch dogs 2

Follow 4 steps to solve black screen problem for watch dogs 2:

  • Launch the toy;
  • After the black screen appears, click Alt+Enter;
  • Make adjustments to the screen resolution through the game menu;
  • Ready.

Simply lowering the resolution quickly resolves the glitch.

Black screen when watching videos on the Internet in Windows - what to do?

If a black screen appears when watching a video and prevents you from enjoying the online broadcast of your favorite content, the following steps will help:

  1. Right-click on the video;
  2. Click “Options”;
  3. Uncheck the box in the menu that appears;
  4. Click “Close”;
  5. Exit the Internet browser;
  6. After restarting the video in the browser, the crash will no longer bother the user.

Black screen YouTube: How to remove the black screen on Android when watching a video from YouTube (but there is sound)

You can get rid of the black screen on your Android phone when playing a video by installing updates for YouTube.

If this does not help, then you need to do the following:

  1. Clean the CoolPlay services using one of the “cleaner” utilities;
  2. Disable mobile data reception and transmission on the device and deactivate the Wi-Fi module;
  3. Enter settings;
  4. Go to Applications - all;
  5. Delete GooglePlay data;
  6. For the YouTube application, also clear all data;
  7. Next, delete the cache in the Memory tab;
  8. Close all running menus and reboot the gadget;
  9. Connect to the Internet;
  10. Ready.

What if when you turn on the laptop there is a black screen and cursor?

If there is an arrow on the screen, then you can fix the problem using software methods.

Adjusting the software settings:

  1. Unplug the laptop and remove the battery;
  2. Hold down the power button for about 10 seconds;
  3. Connect to the power supply (remembering to install the battery back; it is recommended to first wipe the contacts with alcohol);
  4. Turn on the laptop;
  5. Click start in normal mode;

Programs designed to remove the black screen of Windows

In addition to the programs mentioned above, the “RemoveWAT21” utility effectively allows you to fix failures in Windows 7 computers due to activation problems.

  • Install the utility;
  • Remove activation;
  • Reactivate and disable system license analysis;
  • Ready. Now a black screen due to failed activation will never appear.

The described utility is equipped with a manual, so even beginners will not have any difficulties after installing it.
Also, one of the most multifunctional programs is AVZ, the use of which has already been introduced above. An antivirus program can eliminate most of the causes of the error in question.

Sometimes, when loading the system, users encounter such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of a black screen on which only the mouse cursor is displayed. Thus, it is simply impossible to work with a PC. Let's look at the most effective ways to fix this problem in Windows 7.

Most often, a black screen appears after the Windows welcome window has been opened. In the vast majority of cases, this problem is caused by an incorrectly installed Windows update when some kind of failure occurred during installation. This makes it impossible to launch the explorer.exe system application ( "Windows Explorer"), which is responsible for displaying the graphical shell of the OS. Therefore, instead of a picture, you just see a black screen. But in some cases the problem may be caused by other reasons:

  • Damage to system files;
  • Viruses;
  • Conflict with installed applications or drivers;
  • Hardware faults.

We will explore options to resolve this issue.

Method 1: Restoring the OS from “Safe Mode”

The first method involves using "Command line", launched in "Safe Mode", to activate the explorer.exe application and then roll back the OS to a working state. This method can be used when the device has a restore point that was created before the black screen problem appeared.

  1. First of all, you need to go to "Safe mode". To do this, restart the computer and when you turn it on again after the sound signal, hold down the button F8.
  2. The system boot type selection shell will launch. First of all, try activating the Last Known Good Configuration by using the arrow keys to select the indicated option and press Enter. If the computer starts normally, then consider that your problem is solved.

    But in most cases this does not help. Then in the boot type shell, select the option that requires activation "Safe Mode" with the support "Command line". Next click Enter.

  3. The system will start, but only a window will open "Command line". Type into it:

    After entering, click Enter.

  4. The entered command activates "Conductor" and the graphical shell of the system will begin to display. But if you try to restart again, the problem will return, which means that you should roll back the system to a working state. To activate a tool that can perform this procedure, click "Start" and go to "All programs".
  5. Open the folder "Standard".
  6. Login to the directory "Service".
  7. In the list of tools that opens, select "System Restore".
  8. The starting shell of the standard tool for resuscitating the OS is activated, where you should click "Further".
  9. Then a window opens where you should select the point to which the rollback will be performed. We recommend using the most recent option, but which was certainly created before the problem with the black screen appeared. To expand your choice, check the box "Show others...". After highlighting the name of the optimal point, press "Further".
  10. In the next window you only need to click "Ready".
  11. A dialog box will open where you must confirm your intentions by clicking "Yes".
  12. The rollback operation will begin. At this time, the PC will restart. After turning it on, the system should start in standard mode, and the problem with the black screen should disappear.

Method 2: Recovering OS files

But there are cases when the OS files are so badly damaged that the system does not boot even at "Safe Mode". It is also impossible to exclude the possibility that you simply may not have the required restore point on your PC. Then you should perform a more complex procedure to resuscitate the computer.

  1. When you start your PC, go to the boot type selection window, as demonstrated in the previous method. But this time, choose from the items presented "Troubleshooting..." and press Enter.
  2. The recovery environment window opens. Select from the list of tools "Command line".
  3. The interface opens "Command line". In it, enter the following expression:

    Be sure to click Enter.

  4. The shell will start "Registry Editor". But you need to remember that its sections will not relate to the current OS, but to the recovery environment. Therefore, you need to additionally connect the registry hive of the Windows 7 that needs to be fixed. To do this in "Editor" select a section "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
  5. After that press "File". In the list that opens, select "Load bush...".
  6. The hive loading window opens. In it, go to the partition of the disk on which your operating system is located. Next, go sequentially to the directories "Windows", "System32" And "Config". If, for example, your OS is located on drive C, then the full path to go to should be as follows:


    In the directory that opens, select the file called "SYSTEM" and press "Open".

  7. . Enter any arbitrary name in Latin or using numbers in its only field. Next click "OK".

  8. After this, a new partition will be created in the folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Now you need to open it.
  9. In the directory that opens, select the folder "Setup". On the right side of the window, among the elements that appear, find the parameter "CmdLine" and click on it.
  10. In the window that opens, enter the value in the field "cmd.exe" without quotes, then click "OK".
  11. Now go to the parameter properties window "SetupType" by clicking on the corresponding element.
  12. In the window that opens, replace the current value in the field with "2" without quotes and click "OK".
  13. After that, go back to the window "Registry Editor" to the section that you previously connected and select it.
  14. Click "File" and select from the drop-down list "Unload the bush...".
  15. A dialog box will open asking you to confirm your decision by clicking "Yes".
  16. Then close the window "Registry Editor" And "Command line", thus returning to the main menu of the recovery environment. Click here on the button.
  17. After rebooting the PC will automatically open "Command line". Enter the command there:

    Click here Enter.

  18. The computer will be checked for the integrity of the file structure. If violations are detected, the recovery procedure for the corresponding element is automatically activated.

  19. Once the recovery is complete, enter the following command:

    shutdown /r /t 0

    Click Enter.

  20. The computer will restart and turn on normally. It is important to take into account that if the system files were damaged, which caused the black screen, then it is quite possible that the root cause of this could be a virus infection of the PC. Therefore, immediately after restoring the computer’s functionality, check it with an anti-virus utility (not a standard anti-virus). For example, you can use .

If none of the above methods help, then in this case you can install Windows 7 on top of the working operating system while maintaining all settings, or completely reinstall the OS. If these actions do not produce results, there is a high probability that one of the computer’s hardware components has failed, for example, the hard drive. In this case, it is necessary to repair or replace the broken device.

The main reason why a black screen appears when the system boots into Windows 7 is an incorrectly installed update. This problem can be “treated” by rolling back the OS to a previously created point or performing a file recovery procedure. More radical actions also involve reinstalling the system or replacing elements of the computer hardware.

The desktop is a very important interface and the heart of any personal computer. It is on it that users work with numerous windows and create convenient link icons to organize quick access to the necessary programs. Some users are faced with the fact that the familiar and convenient interface partially stops working - a black screen replaces the wallpaper on the Windows 7 desktop. This article describes what to do in case of such problems.

There are two common types of this problem: the desktop disappears completely or all the shortcuts remain, but a black background appears instead of the usual wallpaper. The first problem is usually caused by damage to the Windows system due to virus attacks or software failures, and the second is a consequence of lack of activation. Next, we discuss in detail how to remove the black screen and return the original background back.


If you are using an unlicensed copy of Windows, the OS will try in every possible way to notify you about this. Numerous messages and warnings will be displayed on the monitor screen, active programs will be minimized, and a black background with the message “You may be using an unlicensed version” will periodically be installed on the table instead of your image.

There are 2 possibilities to solve this problem. Firstly, you can purchase a key for your version of Windows from the Microsoft online store and activate it. To do this, you need to right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Properties” from the drop-down list. At the very bottom of the window that opens, users can find an activation tool. You just need to enter the purchased key and wait a few minutes for Windows to contact Microsoft's servers.

An alternative method is more popular in Russia - you can use a special free activator program to hack your OS. The effect will be exactly the same, but you can forget about technical support or a free upgrade to Windows 10. A very popular activator is the small utility Chew7. Just download it, press a single button and restart your computer. After restarting, change the black screen to your desired background.

OS damage

If not only the background disappears, but the entire table, along with shortcuts and the quick access panel, most likely your PC was damaged by a virus attack. In this case, you need to solve the current problem, and then immediately protect your computer from viruses.

Since a broken desktop does not allow you to run programs in the usual way, you must resort to an alternative method:

Black screen after loading windows 7, 8, 10 - what to do, the desktop or explorer exe does not start

Sometimes, when starting a computer, the user is greeted with an unpleasant surprise in the form of a black screen. This behavior of the device is caused by:

  • pirated software;
  • malware;
  • incorrect operation of the discrete video card driver;
  • unfinished installation of updates;
  • damage to system unit components.

Such a malfunction can occur due to a number of reasons, so finding it is the key to solving the problem.

Starting Safe Mode

To restore correct operation, you will need to start safe mode. You will have to act by touch, which means you need to be careful. After pressing the Backspace or F8 key several times, you need to click on the Tab button 5 times and then press Enter. Next, press Up again, then Enter again, while holding Shift. These actions will cause recovery mode to open. The screen will still remain black, so you won't be able to verify this with your own eyes. Here you need to make the appropriate settings:

  • three transitions using the Down button, then Enter;
  • two transitions using the Down button, Enter again;
  • Next, you need to press the Left key twice;
  • after that, another transition with the Down and Enter buttons.

If the display display worked correctly, you would see the following picture:

After the above described manipulations, the OS will start with the settings marked with arrows in the image. Low resolution may help to see the image.


Windows is not activated

This situation is often encountered by users who have a machine with unlicensed software installed.

In order to no longer encounter the annoying notification and the resulting inconveniences, you need to get rid of the corresponding utility. It is included in the package of one of the updates. To do this you will need a separate software solution such as RemoveWAT.

After downloading and launching, you just need to press one button and the problem will be fixed.

Windows accounts - how to delete or change an account

The computer is infected with a virus

The malicious program changes the configuration of deep Windows settings, resulting in a change in the appearance of the interface. If no changes have occurred after removing the malicious program, this does not mean that the destruction of the virus was unsuccessful. The issue may be that the settings were not set before the initial version.

To troubleshoot the problem you must:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

There are two parameters here, Shell and Userinit, whose default values ​​are explorer.exe and c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe, respectively. If this is not true, you must reset the settings and restart the system for them to take effect.

It is also worth checking the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon branch, where such variables should not be located. Otherwise, they are subject to destruction.

Non-working video card drivers

They must be removed and new ones must be installed in their place. To do this you need:

  • call the context menu by right-clicking the mouse, pointing it at “Start”;
  • go to the “Programs and Features” section;
  • uninstall all elements associated with this video card;

However, this method is unsafe because some components may remain in the system even after removal, which can lead to conflicts during subsequent updates. Therefore, a more competent approach would be to use the specialized Display Driver Uninstaller utility, which is publicly available.

Why does error 651 occur and how to fix it

The final step is to download the driver from the manufacturer’s official website and then install it.

Black desktop without shortcuts

Microsoft works to optimize the software and updates it regularly. During the installation process, the system asks the user not to turn off the computer, but there is not always time or opportunity to do just that.

Terminating updates may result in a black screen upon subsequent boot. This process sometimes lasts up to 30 minutes, which is due to large updates or low hardware performance. When the process is completed, the computer will work properly again.

Computer problems

The first step is to turn off the device. After this, you should inspect the wires and make sure that they are not damaged. You also need to check the cables, as well as their interfaces, for mechanical damage.

The motherboard must also be safe and sound. But even in this case, it can cause a black screen due to a large accumulation of dust.

The board also has a CMOS battery, which is responsible for maintaining the BIOS settings. It may run out of power, preventing the system from booting. In this case, replacing it will solve the problem of the black screen. But most often the solution lies in operating system malfunctions.

If all else fails

There is a procedure for rolling back the OS to the latest working update. To save all files, you need to go to “Control Panel” → “System” → “System Protection” and enable all logical drives in the protection settings. Otherwise, during subsequent recovery, only the system disk will be restored.

Here, restoration occurs by pressing the appropriate button.

A panel will pop up where you need to select the “Next” button at the bottom.

After which a list of available system restore points will open.

Unlocking your phone's pattern key

If you go to “Search for affected programs,” you can get an idea of ​​which applications will be restored and which will be lost.

You must tick the desired point and click “Next”.

At the very end, you must once again confirm all actions and wait for the process to complete. As a result, the computer will restart and a dialog box with the results will open.

Sometimes after this procedure certain utilities stop working correctly, but such cases are very rare. After installing them again, the applications begin to work properly again.

Desktop won't load. Black screen.

September 8, 2014 Solving standard situations

It turns out that the fact is that the virus makes some amendments to the registry, or rather rewrites the shell. Shell is a shell that initially launches explorer, but the virus reassigns explorer to some random exe file.

Hence, when you turn on the computer, it is not the desktop that appears, but some kind of blocking sign or a black screen.

What should I do if the desktop does not load, just a black screen?

This situation can be solved without any particular difficulties: first, press ctrl+alt+delete and call the task manager.

Then we launch a new task: File -> New task -> Regedit -> click “Ok”. With this action we launched the registry editor.

If there is something different there, we fix it immediately.

After the actions taken, there are two scenarios for the development of events: the first - everything worked. This means that after the reboot the desktop appeared and the problems disappeared. We use the computer as before.

The second case - after a reboot there is no desktop again, checking the registry branches showed that the lines have changed again. This indicates that we have a virus on our computer. This virus may be in services or the task scheduler. In this case, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the computer, check for viruses, check startup, delete temporary Internet files, and so on.

On this, I think, we can end the article. Thank you for your attention, subscribe to site updates!

Activating Windows 7 or how to remove the black screen from the desktop

Windows 7 activation has disappeared, your desktop background has become similar to the famous painting by the artist Malevich, a black square? in our case, a black screen. The reason for this problem may be that someone is using a pirated copy of the operating system, or a licensed one, but for some reason the Windows activation key has disappeared and needs to be entered again, but before that you need to do some steps described in this article .

When faced with this problem, you should not worry, because it can be solved with a small number of actions. Let's look at the question of why this happened. When automatically downloading and installing updates, one is downloaded that checks your system for authenticity; it is codenamed KB971033. It is after it is installed that the background scan begins and the detection of a pirated copy of Windows begins. After this, if there is an unlicensed version, a so-called black screen appears, which says that your copy of Windows is not genuine. If the system is licensed, but for some reason the screen turns black, it means the activation key has been lost and you will need to re-enter it, but after some steps.

First, you need to delete the downloaded update; to do this, go to the control panel.

System and safety.

Here we need to log into Windows Update.

In the right column at the very bottom, go to the installed updates tab.

And in the list we find what was mentioned above, namely the update for microsoft windows (KB971033). Right-click on it and click delete. But if this update is not listed, it may be hidden. Then we will need to enter the command line and try to get rid of it using a specific command.

Open the start menu, write cmd in the search, right-click on the found file and run it as administrator.

In the line we write the following command wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033 and press the enter key. The update should be removed.

After uninstallation, so that this problem no longer bothers us, we will have to find this update using a search and hide it from re-installation, because after uninstallation, it can also be automatically downloaded and installed again. To do this, go to Windows Update and in the right column, click on the item search for updates.

We are waiting for this process to complete. You can have some tea for now.

After visiting the Windows Update Center, we will be provided with some important ones, where they are stored and those that need to be hidden. To do this, go to the important updates tab; as you can see, I have as many as 123 of them.

We find the ones we are interested in, right-click on it and select hide update. After it has disappeared, click ok. Now we can safely install the others provided, after which do not forget to restart the computer. Next, to fully activate Windows, you will need to perform a few more steps, which are described in the article Your copy of Windows 7 is not genuine. Assembly 7600,7601. Also, for users of licensed operating systems who are faced with a black screen problem, this article will help, but instead of the activator, enter your license key again.

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Desktop gone black screen

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Despite the fact that most system failures are quite normally tolerated by the computer, some of them can bring a lot of problems to the user, take, for example, a situation in which the desktop has disappeared, the black screen obscures the entire area, and the user cannot perform absolutely any actions with the computer. Naturally, the reason for this can be not only a system failure, but also the user’s actions that provoked it, or, say, the actions of viruses or malware, but as a rule, the effect does not change.

In the event that the desktop disappears, the black screen does not disappear when loading, but the user can still see the mouse cursor, then the problem is a system failure, and you can fix it yourself by performing a system rollback. How to do it? It’s quite simple, you just need to hold down the F9 key on the keyboard when you boot the computer, and wait until the boot menu appears with the proposed actions.

In this case, you need to try to boot into safe mode by selecting the appropriate menu item. If this action does not help, you can also try, after booting the computer, press the key combination CTRL+Alt+Del, thereby launching the “Task Manager” system program. If this option for restoring the computer’s functionality worked, then a program window should appear on the screen, in which we need to go to the “Processes” tab and check for the running explorer.exe program. If you couldn’t find one, then the next step is to go to the top “File” menu and select the item called “New task”. In the small window that appears, you need to enter the name of the process to be launched - in our case it will be explorer.exe, and then confirm the actions being performed. If there is already a running process in the “Processes” tab, you can try to terminate it, and after the procedure has been completed, restart it using the same “File” menu.

However, it is worth noting that launching the task manager is not always possible; take, for example, a situation where the administrator has prohibited the launch of this system utility, and then problems with the computer become really serious. Naturally, you can also try to restore the operating system using the installation disk, or, as a last resort, reinstall Windows altogether, but why do this if you can use the help of specialists. The staff of the HelpUser computer center are ready to help you solve any problems related to the inoperability of your computer, in particular the situation when the desktop has disappeared; a black screen does not allow you to run any software, which in every possible way limits the functionality of the computer. Stop trying to figure out the current problem with your computer on your own. When it is enough to contact the qualified computer specialists of our service center, we will provide the highest quality services, and we will do it quickly.

A black screen when starting Windows is a fairly common error in this operating system, and it is expressed in the fact that after loading the BIOS, nothing happens, but just a black screen.

This error appeared back in the distant days of Windows 95, but to this day, even in new versions of this OS, users around the world continue to encounter it. And all because there is no single error, no specific source of the black screen - it can be different on each computer.

Today we will discuss the sources of the notorious black screen, how to find them, and how to solve this problem.

  • The most popular reason for a black screen is the recent installation of any drivers or programs that disrupt the system.
  • Infection with viruses that can break system files
  • Damage to registry keys or system files, for example, when the lights turn off unexpectedly
  • Unlicensed OS version
  • System update failed
  • Poorly connected cables, such as the cable to the monitor or video card
  • Problems with hardware (video card, RAM, processor, etc.) when they become unusable

Solving the problem of starting Windows with a black screen

1. Load last known known configuration

The first thing to do is try to load the “last known known good configuration”, this means that we will boot the computer from the place when it last booted and worked normally. To do this you need:

  1. Turn on the computer and immediately after the BIOS boot logo, quickly and several times press the “F8” key or simply hold it down
  2. A window with OS boot modes will open (see picture)
  3. Use the arrows on your keyboard to select “Last Known Good Configuration (Advanced)” and press the “Enter” button

Selecting the Last Known Good Configuration

After these steps, the computer should boot normally, if that doesn’t help, then read on.

2. Boot Windows in Safe Mode and Solutions

In "safe mode", Windows works with a limited number of functions, because... most drivers and services will not be used. This mode is available in all versions of this OS (95, 98, XP, Vista, 7, and win8)

To start Windows in safe mode, you also need to press the “F8” key immediately after the BIOS boot logo, but this time select “Safe Mode” from the list.

Selecting to boot in safe mode

If Windows won't boot even in Safe Mode

In this case, check whether all cables are properly connected to the system unit and monitor. If it doesn’t help, then most likely some component of the computer has become unusable and will have to be taken to a service center.

Steps to take after Windows boots into Safe Mode

1. If Windows managed to start in safe mode, then the most likely cause of the failure will be recently installed drivers or programs. Try removing them and restarting your computer.

2. Check the system disk for errors, to do this:

  • Open My Computer
  • Find the disk on which the system is installed and right-click on it, select “Properties” from the context menu
  • Select the “Service” column and click on the “Check” button
  • Restart your computer

How to check a disk for errors

3. It would also be a good idea to check the system for viruses, for example, with the Dr.Web CureIt program.

If the antivirus found viruses and removed them, but the system still does not boot and a black screen appears, then the virus may have changed the boot settings. To solve this problem you need to change the registry, to do this:

a) On the keyboard you need to simultaneously press two keys “WIN + R”
b) A window will open with an input field, type “regedit” into it (without quotes)

c) After “Registry Editor” comes out, in the left column, find the branch: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE /Microsoft/WindowsNT/CurrentVersion /Winlogon

What SHELL looks like

d) In the right window, find the “Shell” parameter, open it and make sure that the value “explorer.exe” (without quotes) is there without any additional lines. If they are still there, delete them, leaving only “explorer.exe”. Save the settings and restart your computer.

3. Restoring the startup and system from its “restore point”

If the steps described above did not help, then you can also try to “restore startup” through internal Windows tools, or restore the system to the state when it was still functioning normally.

To do this, like the last two times, when you boot your computer, press the “F8” key, but now, select the topmost item “Troubleshoot your computer.” Next, select your language and go to the System Recovery Options window.

How to Choose Computer Troubleshooting

Startup and system recovery

1. Startup recovery
Select the topmost item “Startup Repair”. An automatic error check will start. After checking, restart your computer.

2. System Restore
Select this option if startup recovery did not help. Everything is simple here: to show absolutely all recovery points, check the “Show other recovery points” checkbox, then select by date the point when the system was still functioning normally.

System Restore will complete, the computer will automatically reboot, after which Windows should boot normally.

4. Unlicensed version of Windows

If the system boots in safe mode, but in the corner of the screen there is an inscription that says that Windows is unlicensed, then you will have to activate it. In this case, you had a pirated distribution, which you updated and the protection worked. The “KB971033” update is responsible for this protection.

5. Reinstall Windows

In the most extreme case, you may need to reinstall Windows, but before that, you should make sure that the problem is definitely not hardware, i.e., not in system unit components or cables.


As you can see, whatever the source of the black screen when Windows starts, it can be solved. In any case, do not despair, try all the methods described in this article one by one and one of them will definitely help you.

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If, when you start Windows 7, you see a black screen with a blinking cursor or some message, don’t be too upset. This is a sign that a virus has entered your computer and is making itself known. UNpleasant - yes, but better than the blue screen of death when the system boots. I'll give you some tips on how to remove the black screen when starting Windows.

Virus and black screen in Windows.

Most often, the problem is that the virus corrupts the launch parameters of the system explorer.exe process, that is, it launches it with certain parameters, or modifies the Windows registry in such a way that not the system one, but a third-party explorer.exe is launched.

To make sure that the problem is caused by a malfunction of the explorer.exe shell, call the task manager (Alt+Ctrl+Delete). In the top menu, click “File”, “New task (Run)”. Enter “explorer” or “explorer.exe” and press “Ok” or the “Enter” key.

If the result is a familiar desktop, then everything is clear - the virus is the source of the problem. So we found out that the black Windows screen is caused by a problem in the operation of Explorer.

How to remove the black screen when loading Windows?

If a virus has entered the system, you should remove the program that caused it to appear and scan the operating system with an antivirus. If everything is clean, it is advisable to change the anti-virus program if it did not notice the uninvited guest.

To eliminate the consequences of the virus, you should adjust the Windows registry settings. To open the registry, go to “Start”, command “Run” (or “Task Manager”, “New task (Run)”), write the command “regedit” or “regedt32” and press “Ok” or “Enter”. The Registry Editor will open.

Go to the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

We are looking for subfolders named Explorer or Explorer.exe. If similar folders exist in this branch, you should delete them, since in these folders the virus has written its own paths for launching malicious Explorer with the parameters the virus needs.

I don’t have such a problem at the moment, so there’s nothing to delete.

The second stage of treatment, if there is a black screen when Windows starts.

We are interested in the Shell and UserInit parameters. The Shell parameter should have the value “explorer.exe” and that’s it! No additional characters or paths. The UserInit parameter should be set to "C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,"

If these parameters have different values, then correct them to those that should be. If after rebooting the computer or after a while the problem repeats, then you should take care of more reliable computer protection - install the best antivirus and/or firewall (firewall).

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