Chat system error. Why does a system error occur when paying on Aliexpress? Video: For security reasons this process cannot be continued

Failed payment - this situation can happen to any user of a shopping site, even the most experienced. Today we will tell you about the possible reasons for unsuccessful payment on

Why does the system give an error message “failed payment” when paying on Aliexpress?

There are a number of reasons why you are unable to pay for the desired product. A large number of people, both buyers and sellers, visit every day. Sometimes it is very difficult to cope with such an influx and the site begins to freeze, malfunctions occur, and at this time the buyer receives a notification that the payment was not processed and displays an error code. In addition to failures on the current resource, there may be failures in the payment system you use, as well as inattention and ignorance of the client himself.

What error codes can the system generate when paying for an order on Aliexpress?

Error codes and output:

  • I PAY_RS_10001_2606— payment is rejected by the bank. An error may also appear due to overload of the server itself. Call the bank and specify why the payment was rejected.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_2616 + IPAY_RS_10001_3012— there are insufficient funds in the account. This error affects any type of payment. Make sure you have the required amount in your account. Perhaps you chose paid delivery and did not take it into account. Please also note that the prices on the resource are in dollars (for your convenience, they show the approximate cost in rubles or hryvnias, and the dollar equivalent + currency conversion is debited from the account) and you have not taken into account currency conversion.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_2618— the bank rejected the transaction. Make sure that your card is valid and can be used to pay for goods online by calling the bank and clarifying this fact.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_2621— payment was not completed/rejected. Compare the expiration dates of your card with the ones you specified in the payment fields.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_2626 + IPAY_RS_10001_2903— exceeding the limit on one purchase. You or the bank may have set a one-time purchase limit for this card. Call the bank's hotline so they can change it for you or cancel it. All leading banks provide the same service in their Internet banking services.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_2906 + IPAY_RS_520000500— payment is temporarily unavailable. Try logging in after half an hour and try again. Sometimes AliBaba's AliPay payment system, which accepts your payments, also suffers from overload.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_2911— you made online payments a couple of minutes ago, there is enough money in your account, but this error code appeared?! This can happen for the reason that your payments may be regarded as fraud or, without the knowledge of banks, they set limits on the number of transactions per day. Call the bank's hotline and let them solve this problem.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_2917 + IPAY_RS_10001_3017— the online shopping service is disabled on your card. Contact your bank branch or dial the same hotline.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_3007- this error indicates that you entered the card details incorrectly. Try again.
  • IPAY_RS_10001_3010— cvv security code from the card was entered incorrectly. Try to re-enter all the data.
  • IPAY_RS_7032— the bank’s payment system is overloaded. Please try to complete the payment later.
  • IPAY_RS_7777— this error is often encountered by those who like to use the application on a smartphone. Place the application in the trash and download again. Then you will be able to make payment. Or pay from your PC.
  • ISC_RS_5100102051— the system has blocked your payment, deeming it unsafe. The way out is to pay for the order using any other method from the list of available ones.

Why did the payment on Aliexpress fail, how to pay?

First of all, don't panic. Compare the error code with the ones we provided above. If the payment is still not made, leave this idea for a while and then try again. Please be careful when entering data. Don't hesitate to contact your bank, as most often they do not include online purchases in the basic package of the card they issue you.

We have provided you with a number of popular errors when paying on this mass market, and also told you what you can do if you see this notice for each code separately. It is worth remembering that all operations on Ali are carried out by a machine that may experience overloads, so be patient. If none of our advice helped you, the bank responds that all services are available to you, write to technical support.

Or if you are doing this for the first time, there is always a chance that a problem will arise when paying for your purchase. There are quite a few reasons why such situations happen. Usually the payment is not accepted by the system due to a system failure that occurs due to overload. Let's discuss what are the main reasons that are an obstacle to making a payment and how to eliminate them.

Why does it give an error when paying by card on Aliexpress?

Errors when paying on Aliexpress

Sometimes, when users try to make a transaction, they do not receive a one-time confirmation code, and then a logical question arises - what to do about it? First, you need to put aside all panic and do the following:

  • Open your personal account on a banking website or an electronic wallet
  • Check whether the money has been debited, as sometimes the code simply does not arrive, but the payment is processed
  • If the payment did not go through, try repeating the process a little later; perhaps the system is too busy and cannot process the payment
  • If you paid several times for one order, the site administration will return your money, but this may take more than one day

Failed payment: reason - Aliexpress system error

Payment by card does not work on Aliexpress

In some cases Aliexpress It turns out that it has nothing to do with it and errors with payment happen due to the fault of the buyers themselves. Here are the most common reasons:

  • There are not enough funds on the card. During payment, the password is not received and the order cannot be finalized. Accordingly, in order for the problem to be solved, you need to top up your account with the required amount.
  • The bank rejected the payment. Usually this error appears if the card has expired or you wrote something incorrectly. If all the details are filled out correctly, then in this case the reason may already be on the bank’s side. In this case, contact the bank's contact center.
  • The operation is prohibited by the bank. This situation sometimes occurs with cards Visa Electron or Maestro. The bottom line is that banks are trying to protect customers from scammers on the Internet and therefore prohibit online shopping outside Russia. Thus, if you try to pay for an item abroad, the transaction will be automatically blocked. As an option, you simply have the service of paying for purchases via the Internet disabled. In this case, you just need to activate it with the help of bank employees.
  • Transaction limit exceeded. Each bank or payment system sets certain limits for transactions. If you have already exceeded the permissible threshold within a day or month, you will not be able to pay for the purchase. To increase the limit you need to contact the bank or use another card.
  • Suspicion of fraud. Sometimes banks, instead of limiting amounts, set a limit on the number of transactions performed. If you withdrew money during the day and paid in a store, then your online purchase may be rejected because the number of transactions has reached the maximum number.
  • The bank system is overloaded. If on Aliexpress There is a major sale, then there are more customers and, accordingly, orders on the site these days than usual, and therefore the system does not always cope with a huge number of transactions. In this case, you just need to wait a little and try to pay for the order again.
  • SMS notification is not connected. As a rule, payments for Aliexpress confirmed by entering a code from an SMS message. Accordingly, if notification from the bank via SMS is not connected, then you will not receive a password. To resolve the problem, activate the appropriate service.
  • Wrong payment system selected. Even if you have all indicated the rule, but you made a mistake with the payment system, then Aliexpress will not accept payment.

Aliexpress server or network error when placing and paying for an order

Error when paying on Aliexpress

In some situations, the problem is on the side of the Aliexpress. The system may be temporarily unavailable. There is no need to do anything special in such a situation. You just need to wait a little and make the payment again. If the error does not disappear after some time, contact the site administration.

Another common reason is high system load due to a large number of purchases made at one time. The payment acceptance service may not always work correctly. This error can also be seen during scheduled or technical work. Try making a payment using a different method or restart your browser.

Why there is a payment error on Aliexpress - other reasons

Other reasons for errors when paying on Aliexpress

Some users receive the following message when paying: "It is temporarily impossible to process the order". Usually the error appears in the mobile application. To ensure that the order is completed correctly, you can use your computer to complete the operation.

If you saw the inscription "Payment declined for security reasons", then this indicates that the administration Aliexpress thinks you are a fraud. In this case, you can solve the problem as follows:

  • Send a letter to the site administration and attach documents to it to prove that you are really the owner of the bank card
  • If your card is corporate, then additionally attach a business registration certificate
  • You also need a statement of recent card transactions with at least one transaction made in favor of Aliexpress

Non-standard problems when paying on Aliexpress

Error appears very rarely ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. It appears when you log in to Aliexpress at the time of payment. To fix it, clear the cache in your browser and try logging in again.

Also, a payment error may appear when paying for the same order again. The point is that withdrawals and deposits do not occur simultaneously, but Aliexpress It takes time to check the translation. Therefore, you should not rush to pay for your order a second time if you see that the payment has not yet gone through. First of all, check your card balance and wait a bit. In rare cases, the payment may take up to three days to process.

When making a purchase, the user may receive a notification that his account has been blocked and payment has been cancelled. This may happen if you did not confirm your email when registering. Therefore, it is worth looking for a letter in the mail and going through activation.

If you don’t have a letter, then on the error page select "Appeal for account reactivation" and you will receive a new activation link within a few days.

There are probably very few Internet users who have never heard of the Aliexpress website. A huge selection of products at the best prices attracts attention, and therefore you want to buy products again and again. But what to do if for some reason the payment does not go through? You can search for information on Aliexpress for a long time, but why, if everything you need is collected in this article!?

What is the payment procedure?

The standard operation for depositing funds for purchased goods occurs as follows:

  • After selecting one or more units of products, you must go to the cart.
  • Next, you need to fill in your personal data and information about the place of delivery, and select a payment method: it can be a bank card (note that Sberbank cards are not always accepted for paying for online purchases), Yandex.Money, Qiwi ", WebMoney or any other available option that seems most optimal.
  • Click on the “Pay” button.
  • Receive a special secret code to your mobile phone number, enter it and thus confirm your agreement with the payment procedure.

After this, the product should go into the category of active orders - this is a hint on how to find out whether the payment to Aliexpress has gone through. If this happens, the client will be able to track the movement of the parcel. However, it often happens that the user does everything correctly, but encounters problems - the system “does not see” the payment. So why doesn't the payment go through on Aliexpress? We need to figure it out.

Why the payment to Aliexpress failed: simple reasons

If everything was done correctly, but you did not receive a one-time password on your phone to confirm the operation, do not panic. First, you need to determine whether money was debited from a bank or electronic account: visiting your personal account will help with this. If the funds have been withdrawn, most likely the order has been sent for processing - the seller and the tracking system will let you know about this in the near future.

If the status of the personal account has not changed, this means that the payment did not go through. In this case, repeating it again is not recommended. It is better to postpone the procedure for some period of time, after which you can try to make the purchase again.

The absence of a sent secret code, as well as an unsuccessful payment attempt, are usually associated with overload of the site and the appearance of some instability in its system.

If the product does not appear in the “Orders” tab or its re-ordering fails again, the reasons for this may be other factors - for example, personal mistakes of the client, malfunctions in the website or any non-standard situations.

Buyer carelessness

If a payment does not go through, Aliexpress, its administration and sellers do not always need to immediately blame them - this can also happen due to an oversight on the part of the buyer.

  • Thus, a one-time password may not be received due to insufficient funds in the mobile phone account, and therefore the operation simply cannot be brought to its logical conclusion. The payment does not go through, the goods, as a result, are not sent.
  • The payment receipt may be rejected by the bank. This may be due to an expired card or an incorrectly filled out form when registering products. If there are no reasons to doubt the correct data entry, this means that it is the servicing bank that is putting a spoke in the wheels. To resolve the problem, you should contact one of the branch offices.
  • The bank may prohibit the operation, which is typical for Maestro and . This is explained by the fact that banking conditions try to provide their clients with maximum protection and block online shopping, which is not legally connected with the territory of Russia. It is possible that a specific card can be activated for foreign purchases, but to do this you will have to go to the bank and clarify the details.
  • Exceeding the limit of funds available for spending, the total amount of which is also established by the bank serving the client. To raise the limit, you should contact a bank office or use another payment method for which there are no restrictions.
  • Suspicion of fraudulent transactions. The fact is that banks allow a certain number of transactions per day, and therefore transactions that quantitatively exceed the permitted value may be blocked.
  • Overload of the banking system, which is especially observed during the seasons of discounts and promotions. To successfully complete the payment, it is recommended to try again after a few minutes.
  • Lack of connection to the mandatory Internet banking mobile service in this case, which sends a one-time code.
  • Rejection of a payment due to an error in selecting the card type or incorrect completion of other fields.

Therefore, before wondering why the payment to Aliexpress did not go through, it is recommended to once again carefully review all the entered information, because even one single typo can cause a system failure.

Service faults

However, it is not always the buyer’s fault that the payment does not go through. On Aliexpress, users often noticed certain “mistakes”. They usually result from service overload, but this quickly passes. Therefore, after some time, the payment transaction must be completed successfully. If this does not happen, you need to write directly to the site administration, who will explain why the payment to Aliexpress is not going through and tell you what to do in this case.

Other non-standard problems

A specific reason may not fall under any of the above situations. But why then does the payment to Aliexpress not go through? The issue may be an accidental duplication of an order or browser settings where it is necessary to clear the cache for a successful operation. In addition, the problem may lie in an unconfirmed account, because not everyone considers it necessary to go to their own email and activate their account by clicking on the link.

Purchase via phone

What to do if payment to Aliexpress via phone does not go through? As mentioned above, this may be due to insufficient funds in the account, blocking of the payment function from a mobile phone (here it is recommended to contact your operator), as well as a lack of free space in the phone’s memory or lack of connection. In addition, some glitches may also occur when making a purchase through special applications, so it is still recommended not to order goods through portable means of communication.

Full refund

What should I do if the payment did not go through on the Aliexpress website and the money was withdrawn? In this case, you can safely claim a refund by opening a dispute with the seller, who, not wanting to lose his earned reputation and profit from the difficulties of his potential clients, will return all funds in the original amount. If the funds are “lost” along the way, it is the fault of the organization responsible for the distribution of funds - the bank, the administration of Yandex.Money, WebMoney, etc. Then it is the client’s legal right to demand that they resolve the situation.

In this article we will talk to you about why an error occurs when paying for purchases on Aliexpress and what to do about it.

It doesn't matter if you are a regular customer Aliexpress or a complete beginner, there is always a chance that you will have problems paying for your purchases. You rarely encounter them, but there are quite a few reasons for this phenomenon. Most errors are related to system overload Aliexpress. Let's talk to you about the main causes of errors and how to eliminate them.

If with Aliexpress you are still new to each other and are just learning how to shop, then we advise you to further study the article on link. She will tell you how to properly register and make a purchase.

Why does it give an error when paying by card on Aliexpress?

In some situations, on Aliexpress You may encounter that you do not receive a one-time password to confirm your purchase. Of course, it immediately becomes unclear what to do next and how to solve the current problem. To resolve the error you need:

  • Log into your personal account in Internet banking or e-wallet
  • See if the money has been debited, because sometimes the code may not arrive, but the payment is still made
  • If payment was not made, then try to pay for the purchase again, but later. Most likely, the system is overloaded and was unable to process the payment
  • If it so happens that the system accepted payment for the same order twice, then the extra money will be returned to you, but this may take more than one day

Failed payment: reason - Aliexpress system error

Errors on Aliexpress may also arise due to the fault of the buyers themselves if they made a mistake in entering details or simply did something wrong:

  • Insufficient funds in the account. If you don’t have enough money in your account, you won’t receive a confirmation password and the system will display an error. The problem is solved by topping up the card account.
  • Payment rejected by bank. As a rule, you can see this error if your card has expired or you yourself have provided incorrect data. If everything was indicated correctly, then the reason is in the bank itself that issued the card. For example, a failure occurred and payments are temporarily not processed. In such a situation, you need to contact the bank's support service.
  • The operation is prohibited by the bank. An error may occur when using cards Visa Electron or Maestro. The fact is that every bank cares about the data of its customers, and therefore prohibits making purchases on the Internet and abroad. Because Aliexpress Since it is a Chinese platform, it turns out that the payment takes place abroad. Therefore, the card or simply the transaction may be blocked. You can rectify the situation by contacting the bank.
  • You have exceeded your transaction limit. Each bank or payment system has its own limits on transactions. This may be a certain amount or number of transactions. If during the day or month all permissible limits have already been exceeded, then you will not be able to pay for the purchase. To increase the limit you need to write an application to the bank. Or use another card.
  • The system considers your actions suspicious. If you enter your card details incorrectly several times, the system may consider you a fraudster and block the ability to pay for goods. In this case, contact support Aliexpress .

  • The payment system is overloaded. If you are ordering during a sale Aliexpress, then be prepared for the site’s mistakes, since the load on it is colossal, because during this period the largest concentration of buyers occurs.
  • You do not have SMS notifications. Usually all payments on Aliexpress confirmed using a code from SMS. If you have disabled the corresponding service, then you may not receive a password. To get rid of the problem, activate the desired option.
  • You have chosen the wrong payment system. If you incorrectly indicate the card payment system, you will not be able to make a payment. You will have to first select the correct system, and then re-enter the details.

Aliexpress server or network error when placing and paying for an order

Sometimes problems arise from the site itself Aliexpress. Sometimes the system becomes unavailable. Especially in such cases, nothing needs to be done. Just wait a little and make the payment again. If after some time the error does not disappear, contact the site administration.

Another common reason is the high load on the system, since a huge number of purchases are made simultaneously. Therefore, the payment acceptance system does not always work normally. This error can also appear during scheduled or technical work. In this case, try making payment using another method or restart your browser.

Why there is a payment error on Aliexpress - other reasons

Another error that may occur on Aliexpress- This "It is temporarily impossible to process the order". As a rule, such an error occurs in a mobile application. To place an order without any problems, you can use the full version.

If you see an error like this, it means that Aliexpress considered your actions to be fraudulent. You can solve the problem in this situation like this:

  • First send an email to the administration Aliexpress letter and attach documents that confirm that you are really the owner of the card
  • If a corporate card is used, a business registration certificate will be required.
  • You will also need a statement of the latest transactions with the card, so that it can be seen that you have made payments in favor of Aliexpress

Non-standard problems when paying on Aliexpress

It is extremely rare for an error to appear. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. It may appear if you need to log into your account when making a payment. To fix it, you need to clear your browser cache and log in again.

Errors also appear when the system has already accepted payment for the order, and you try to process it again. The bottom line is that money is not always withdrawn and credited at the same time, but Aliexpress it takes some time to check the translation. Therefore, if you see that the payment has not yet gone through, then do not rush to pay for the purchase again. Check to see if the order has been debited and if not, wait a little longer. In rare situations, payments may take up to three days to process.

If you have not confirmed your account after registration, then upon payment you may receive an email message that your account has been blocked and the payment has been cancelled. In this case, look at the letter in the mail and go through activation.

Video: For security reasons this process cannot be continued

Payment was not processed due to security reasons on AliExpress

This week, global problems with payment for goods began on the Aliexpress website. And many buyers have encountered such a problem as " Payment was not processed due to security reasons".
And it would seem, why panic? But the big problem is that the buyers’ money has been debited from their accounts. And of course I want to return them.

Many say that this problem occurs only among residents of Crimea, and thus China allegedly joined the blockade of Crimea. But no, and again no.... Such a security problem on aliexpress arose not only in Crimea, but also throughout Russia.

Note to AliExpress buyers whose payment did not go through for security reasons:

“Your payment was not processed for security reasons. As a result, your order has been cancelled. AliExpress has not received payment for this order. However, it is necessary to remember that some banks hold the payment from 3 to 15 business days. To avoid order cancellation in the future, please submit a request to verify your payment information."

Why the payment did not go through, due to security reasons:

Official version: The reason is temporary system failures, which should be fixed within a few days.

Not official version: The online hypermarket AliExpress is famous for its System Security, which is why they have to develop new “Security Systems”.

And as we see the new security system, currently not working correctly

There is also another side to the problem: If you pay with a card that is linked to Aliexpress, then you just need to: SELECT OTHER PAYMENT METHODS, IN A NEW WINDOW SELECT PAY BY CARD AND ENTER THE CARD DATA MANUALLY! And you will be happy.

Will I get a refund for an unprocessed order?

Yes, of course they will return your money back to the account from which you made the payment.
And you don’t even have to worry, since a refund for an unprocessed order is much more reliable than a refund upon opening SPORE.

How to get money back for an unprocessed order. For security reasons?

You just need to wait 3-15 days, and the money will be returned to you to the account from which you paid for the product on the aliexpress website.
If the money is not returned, then welcome to the "ONLINE CHAT" of the Official AliExpress Support Service.

What can be done to prevent this from happening again?

To prevent this from happening again, you just need to confirm your personal data on the AliExpress website .
Provide the support service with a scan of your ID card and a scan of your card on both sides (if paying by card) by sending them by email [email protected].
Of course, these actions would seem dubious, but there is nothing wrong with that. I assure you.

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