Rules for registration on the portal of state and municipal services. How to independently register a personal account for government services MFC, Rostelecom and post office

To use 100% of all the capabilities of, you must go through all stages of registration. You will only have to do this once, and in the future all your data will be recorded and you will not need to confirm anything. It is necessary to register with government services and create a personal account in two stages. First, you must create your own account, come up with a username and password, and enter your phone number. The second stage is account confirmation. After successfully completing the second stage, your personal account will allow you to use online services available on the site. Without account verification, the account owner is limited in what he can do.

Accounts are classified by type: simplified, standard and confirmed. Owners of a confirmed entry have a lot of opportunities provided by the portal, including issuing a foreign passport via the Internet. Below you will find information on how to get a verified account on State Services after initial registration.

How to create a full-fledged personal account on the official website of the portal?

After you have completed the simplified registration with State Services, you need to create a personal account. A simplified account allows a citizen to use a limited number of government services that do not require confirmation of the identity of the account owner, as well as reference information. To access all services, follow the instructions below.

Filling out information fields with personal data

The first step towards full registration of a personal account on the official website of will be entering the citizen’s personal data. The person will have access to the data entry menu immediately after completing the initial registration.


  • Go to the official website of the State Service.
  • In the upper right corner, find the “Personal Account” link and follow it.

  • In the menu that opens, enter your data, a field will open in front of you for completing a full registration.

In the menu that opens, you will be asked to enter personal data, including: last name, middle name, gender, passport details, citizenship and date of birth. Also enter your SNILS number.

After all fields are filled in, click on the “Save” button, which is located in the lower right corner of the menu.

If you change your mind and do not want to enter personal information, click “Cancel.” After completing these steps, your personal account on the official website of the portal will receive the “Standard” status.

If a citizen skips the step of entering personal data and goes to the main page, the account will be assigned the status “Simplified account”. You can return to filling out the fields with personal information at any time by clicking on the “Fill out profile” link.


After entering the data, you will have to wait from 5 to 15 minutes. At this time, the questionnaire will be sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service. There it will undergo an automatic check for compliance with reality. During the verification process, you can monitor its results in the corresponding menu.

In a few minutes, the account owner will receive the verification results. The result is sent to the citizen’s mobile phone or email. If successful, you will receive a letter of congratulations, and then the capabilities of a standard account will open. Standard registration of a personal account on the official website of will allow you to use services such as “Make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet” or “Register a vehicle.” But the list of online services will remain limited until you complete registration by verifying the identity of the account holder.

Verifying the identity of the account owner

In order to gain access to all State Services services, you need to complete registration by confirming the identity of the account owner. Full registration involves sending screenshots or photographs of your passport via the Internet. This operation is anonymous.

To confirm the identity of the account owner, the citizen enters a secret code into a special field on the website. A personal verification code can be obtained in several ways, all of them are free, but require some time investment.

To go through the final stage of registration, go to the official website of the government services portal, enter your username and password.

  • In person at the service center.
  • By registered mail, Russian Post.
  • Electronic signature or UEC.

Choose the confirmation method that is most convenient for you. Below you can familiarize yourself with each method in more detail.

Personal appeal

When applying in person to create a personal account and register with State Services, a citizen must come to one of the specialized service centers. Available service centers: branches of the Russian Post, offices of Rostelecom, etc. Read more about service centers on the official website of the State Services. When confirming your account, you must have with you an identification document, the one you specified during the registration process, as well as SNILS.

To find available verification centers in your area, click the Find a Service Center link. You will see a map with suitable offices marked on it. Here you can find out the opening hours of each center and choose the most convenient option.

Confirmation via Russian Post

If you select “confirmation via Russian Post”, then a letter containing a confirmation code will be sent to the account owner’s address. In the menu, indicate the exact address of your residence to which you would like to receive a letter, click the “Order a letter” button.

The code arrives by registered mail, which can be obtained by presenting your passport at the post office at your place of residence. You will receive an SMS or email notification in advance with the appropriate content. This is the longest way to complete registration, since the letter with the code will take at least two weeks (in some cases more than a month). There is also a possibility that it will be lost. The next day after confirmation of sending the code by mail, the option to track the path of the letter will open.

After receiving the code, go to the State Services website, enter your username and password. In the confirmation menu, enter your secret password. Click the "Check" button.

After this, if the password is entered correctly, the account will be confirmed and you will be able to use all the opportunities that the government services portal provides citizens.

Please note: This method is not complete, as it does not give the user access to an account on the website. A citizen who has confirmed his account through Russian Post will not be able to use the taxpayer’s personal account.

Using an electronic signature and a universal electronic card

You can confirm your personal account on the official website of the portal using an electronic signature. To do this, log into your account, select “Identity Confirmation” and click on the “Electronic signature or UEC” menu item.

Then attach the electronic signature key carrier to your computer. After successfully entering the identity confirmation code, the citizen will have access to all services of the government services portal. A verified account symbol will appear on your account page. An SMS will be sent to your phone number indicating successful registration.

What should I do if I have problems with registration?

Now using government services is very easy! First you need to go to the website, register and start using the convenient service without leaving your home.

Through the government services portal, you can make an appointment with a doctor, stand in line for a kindergarten, find out about tax or legal debt, obtain or change a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a Foreign Passport, register a vehicle and much more. You can view the full list of services by following the link

So, first you need to register on the portal.


We go to the site and in the upper right corner click on the Personal Account button.

After clicking, the following window appears on your screen:

And at the very bottom you need to click on REGISTER.

You should see a registration field where you need to enter your data: last name, first name, mobile phone or email address.

After entering the data, click on the REGISTER button.

You will see the following window, which notifies you that an email with a confirmation code has been sent to your email.

If you indicate a mobile phone number, then after clicking the REGISTER button, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your number, which you will need to enter in the required window.

Here you need to come up with a password and write it 2 times, then click the DONE button.

Now simplified status your account and you can use a limited number of government services.

To use the full range of government services, you need to fill out personal information and confirm your identity, thereby increasing the level of your account.


After notification of completed registration, the system will automatically redirect you to a page where you will need to fill in your personal data: passport information and SNILS data.

After entering correct data, click on the CONTINUE button. An automatic check of your data will begin.


After you fill out your personal information, it is sent for verification, which takes from a few minutes to 5 days.

After completion, a message about the results of the verification will be sent to your email address or mobile number, and you can also see this in your personal account.

Congratulations! Now your account status is standard and even more government services have become available to you!


If the services you need are not on this list, then you need to confirm your identity. Which we will talk about in the next step.


To fully use government services via the Internet, you need to confirm your account by entering a confirmation code.

There are several ways to get this code:
1. Personal appeal.

This method involves a personal visit to one of the specialized service centers. You must have your passport with you, the details of which you entered in your personal account.

2. Via Russian Post.

If you indicate this option to receive a code, then you will need to enter the correct address and within two weeks you will receive an email with the code.

After receiving a letter with a code, you will need to enter the code in the box on the main page of your personal account or on the identity verification page.

3. Electronic signature or UEC

You can also confirm your identity using an electronic signature or a universal electronic card (UEC).

To use the UEC, you need a card reader and appropriate software.

So, if you have successfully verified your identity, the following services will become available to you:

We wish you success in working with the portal!

Since 2014, all residents of the Russian Federation have had the opportunity to use many services of government bodies via the Internet. So far, not everyone has appreciated the effectiveness of such a system, and sometimes there are shortcomings that are quickly corrected. However, now you can pay a fine, obtain a number of documents and much more without leaving your home.

The State Services portal is designed primarily for individuals who, after registering on the site, can use a whole list of functions, but this will necessarily require some documents.

Required documents for registration

Directly to register on the site you must provide the following information:

  1. Last name and first name;
  2. E-mail address;
  3. Cell phone number.

Notifications about changes in credentials, application status, etc. will subsequently be sent to your email and mobile phone.

Levels of accounts on State Services

In the State Services system there is a level system of accounts. It includes the following account types:

  1. simplified;
  2. standard;
  3. confirmed.

Check out also: LLC registration

The account receives the simplified status immediately after registering on the portal. However, its functionality is extremely limited - you cannot fill out an application or register with a government agency. In order to get this opportunity, you need to enter your passport and SNILS details in your personal account. After this, the account receives “standard” status, and with its help you can make an appointment with a doctor, register a trademark, etc.

To receive absolutely any service from the portal, you will need to confirm your identity in person at the service center. This procedure takes literally a few minutes and only requires a passport.

How to register for State Services?

There are two registration options:

  1. independently on the corresponding page of the site (located in the upper right part of the page);
  2. registration and service centers.

Service centers, as a rule, are regional MFCs, post offices, banks, etc. The nearest one can be found on a special map located on the website. At the center you will not only be registered, but also your identity will be immediately confirmed.

Filling out personal data

After registering on the portal, you will be able to log into your personal account and fill out additional data - this is necessary to obtain a new account status - “standard”, as well as to automatically fill out various electronic applications and applications.

In the electronic catalog you will familiarize yourself with the full list of services, the departments that provide them, their descriptions, and the terms of provision.

In order to be able to fully use the services of the State Services portal, you need to go through a simple registration procedure on the State Services website, which will take a little time. This step-by-step instruction will help you understand all the intricacies of the process.

  • passport

You will also need a mobile phone to receive portal notifications and restore access to the resource in case of loss.

Stage 1. Registration on the portal

At this stage, you have gone through a simplified procedure for registering an individual, during which you have the opportunity to receive only part of the services, for example, checking for traffic police fines.

You can enter the details of your driver's license, registration and residence address, international passport, vehicle, compulsory medical insurance policy, military ID.

Step 2: Completing Standard Registration

By completing your profile, you will be able to go through standard and confirmed registration, on which the number of services you receive depends.

In order for your account to receive standard registration, it is enough to enter SNILS and then the system on the public services portal, after checking the entered data, will assign the status. The verification time takes on average 15 minutes.

After confirmation, you will receive a notification on your mobile phone.

Stage 3. Confirmation of identity on the portal

To obtain the next account status, you must confirm your identity by clicking on the “Confirm” button.

To do this, select a method that is convenient for you to complete the identification procedure and confirm your account:

  • in person at the service center
  • by registered mail from Russian Post
  • Electronic signature or UEC

In person at the service center

Find the nearest service center on the map. Using the filter, you can select the service you are interested in. You will be provided with information about the opening hours during which you can obtain your account activation password.

When visiting the service center in person, you will need a passport and SNILS.

By registered mail of Russian Post

The home address form is auto-filled from your personal account settings; all you have to do is click the “Send letter” button. A registered letter will arrive at the post office at your place of registration.

Please note that if you choose this confirmation method, you will still have limited access to electronic government services, for example, you will not be able to access the taxpayer’s personal account on the tax service website.

Electronic signature or UEC

To do this, attach the electronic signature key carrier to your computer.

The activation code received by any of the methods will become the key to fully confirm your account.

After this, you will be able to use all the functionality of the unified portal of government services without exceptions.

Still have questions? Ask them in the comments and we will definitely try to help you!

The first step when working with the portal is user registration and logging into your Personal Account. Without this, the functionality of the site will not be available. All a portal visitor can do is view information about various services, but he will not be able to receive any of them. At the same time, registering an individual in the Personal Account of the State Services website takes very little time. The procedure for creating a new account has its own nuances, which will be discussed in this article.

How to register on the site?

If a person has registered at least once on Internet portals, then he probably already has an idea of ​​how an individual registers on the State Services portal. By going to the official website, on the main page the user can see a block with two large buttons - Login and Register. If you don’t yet have an account on, you need to click on the second button.

Important: anyone can register on the website and gain access to the Unified Identification and Authentication System (Unified System of Identification and Authentication), the service is provided free of charge.

Next, you will see a form that is standard for the registration procedure on most sites, in which you must enter your valid (real) first name, last name and contact information (email address or telephone number) in the correct format.

Attention: when registering, you will need access to the specified telephone number and email address.

After clicking on the blue Register button, an individual will be sent a letter to the specified email or SMS with a combination of numbers to confirm registration on the State Services website.

Important: if you use a mobile phone for registration, it is better to keep it at hand, since the code sent to the specified number will be valid for only 300 seconds, after which it will no longer be possible to enter it into the account confirmation column.

After activating your account in one of the following ways (using an SMS code or a link in a letter sent by email), you will need to create a password to log into the site.

Your profile on State Services will contain personal data, in particular information from your passport and SNILS, so it is important to protect your account with a strong password. For a password to have a high degree of security, it must be composed taking into account the following points:

  • minimum password length – 8 characters;
  • it must contain Latin capital letters;
  • the password must contain numbers;
  • identical signs should not be located next to each other;
  • The password must use punctuation marks, for example, !?;)
  • The special characters * and # should not be present in the password.

A hint will be visible under the password entry field indicating its strength. A password that meets all of the above criteria will have a very high degree of reliability, which means that personal data will be protected from unauthorized persons.

User account

After completing these simple steps, the user will see a message about the successful completion of registration and will be automatically redirected to the site after 3 seconds.

Simplified notation

At this stage, the person is the owner of the simplified account. It provides the opportunity to view information about services, contact the portal’s support service, pay traffic fines, find out legal debt and pay it off online. But all other services will be unavailable, so next you need to “upgrade” your account from simplified to standard.

Standard recording

As you can see, simply registering on the portal is not enough if you want to use all the functionality of the official website. It will be possible to receive government services only after entering personal data into your profile and confirming your identity. To convert the record to a standard one, it is enough to indicate your passport data and .

Note: foreign citizens living in the Russian Federation also have the right to create a standard type account. But the condition for this is to receive SNILS from the Pension Fund at the place of registration.

Owners of a standard account have access to a wider range of services, in particular, it becomes possible to issue an extract from a pension fund and register a vehicle. After entering the passport data and indicating the SNILS number, the information received will be verified and reconciled with the database in the Pension Fund and the Federal Migration Service. This procedure may require approximately 15 minutes of waiting time.

Verified Entry

After receiving a standard type account, registration on State Services cannot yet be called 100% complete. To get full access you need to have a verified account. After all the data has been entered in your Personal Account, you need to confirm your identity using one of the methods provided for this:

  • by visiting the MFC in person (you need to have your passport with you);
  • using ;
  • using the access code received by registered mail.

Attention! Registration on the single portal with a confirmed account allows you to use all the functionality of the site without restrictions. It will be possible to draw up documents (foreign passport, driver’s license, etc.), enroll children in kindergarten, register at the place of residence, and much more.

If you choose the option of confirming your identity by letter by mail, you need to keep in mind that the services provided by the Tax Service will not be available. In addition, to receive a letter you will have to visit the post office, so this method is considered the most inconvenient.

Since only some users have an electronic signature, the most popular way to confirm an account is to contact the customer service center in person. During registration, the government services portal State Services will offer to find the nearest MFC branches on the map.

Before registering on the State Services website, it is useful to read the step-by-step instructions presented in this article, and then you will not have any difficulties completing this procedure. You need to enter data into your Personal Account and get the status of a verified account. This will save much more time and effort on paperwork and receiving various government services in the future.