How to save a web page. The best tools for saving web pages. PDF Mage extension

Must be done local copy page (screen, text or HTML file) that will be stored on disk. This way you can study the information there at any time. Of course, if a computer with the necessary data is nearby. You can transfer not only text content, but also pictures, formatting elements, and structure. Learn how to take a screenshot of a resource page global network, copy it at once with all graphic and multimedia content or save its contents as a file.

You can transfer data from your browser to any text editor. Best suited for this Microsoft Word. It displays images and formatting correctly. Although due to the specifics of the document, advertising, menus and some frames may not look very aesthetically pleasing.

  1. Open the desired URL.
  2. Press Ctrl+A. Or click right click mouse over any area free from pictures and flash animation and select “Select” in the context menu. This should be done to cover all the information, and not some arbitrary piece of the article.
  3. Ctrl+C. Or in the same context menu, find the “Copy” option.
  4. Open Word.
  5. Place the cursor in the document and press Ctrl+V.
  6. After this you need to save the file.

Sometimes it turns out that only the text is transferred. If you need the rest of the content, you can take that too. Here's how to copy a web resource page in its entirety - with all hyperlinks and pictures:

  1. Follow the previous steps up to point 4.
  2. Right-click in the document.
  3. In the "Paste Options" section, find the "Keep Source Formatting" button. Point it at it and the name will appear in the tooltip. If you have a computer with Office 2007, the option to select this option appears only after insertion - the corresponding icon will appear next to the added fragment.

In some cases, graphics and formatting cannot be copied. Text only. Even without paragraph division. But you can take a screenshot or use a special software to transfer page content to your computer.

Websites with copy protection

Sometimes the resource has so-called “Copy Protection”. The problem is that the text on them cannot be selected or moved to another place. But this limitation can be circumvented. Here's how to do it:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the page.
  2. Select Source Code or View Code.
  3. A window will open in which all the information is in html tags.
  4. To find the desired piece of text, press Ctrl+F and enter part of the word or sentence in the field that appears. The searched passage will be shown, which you can select and copy.

If you want to save an entire site to your computer, you don’t need to completely remove the tags so that only helpful information. You can use any html editor. For example, FrontPage is suitable. No knowledge of web design is required.

  1. Select all html code.
  2. Open your web page editor.
  3. Copy this code there.
  4. Go to preview mode to see what the copy will look like.
  5. Go to File - Save As. Select the file type (it is better to leave the default HTML), specify the path to the folder where it will be located, and confirm the action. It will be saved on an electronic computer.

Copy protection can be tied to some js script. To disable it, you need to disable it in your browser. JavaScript execution. This can be done in your web browser settings. But because of this, sometimes the parameters of the entire page are lost. It will not display correctly or give an error. There's a lot of work there various scripts, rather than one blocking the selection.

If the service has such protection, it is better to figure out how to copy the global network resource page in another way. For example, you can take a screenshot.


  1. Go to the desired portal.
  2. Press the PrintScreen button on your keyboard (sometimes called "PrntScr" or "PrtSc"). The screenshot will be added to the clipboard - temporary storage used during Copy-Paste operations.
  3. Open any graphics editor. IN operating system Windows has its own - called “Paint”. You can use it. It allows you to crop and slightly adjust the screenshot. For more serious graphics editing, you need to install it on your computer. professional programs(Adobe Photoshop, for example). But to simply make a copy of the page, Windows’ own tools are enough.
  4. Paste the screenshot into the editor. To do this, press Ctrl+V.
  5. You can also add it to word processor(the same Word), which supports working with graphics.

The information will be presented as a solid picture, rather than a set of symbols. If you need to copy some part of the material, you will have to retype it manually. After all, a screenshot is not an article. To make the task easier, use utilities for recognizing text from pictures.

This makes it convenient to copy small pieces. But with voluminous content it’s more difficult. You will have to take a lot of pictures, scroll, and open the editor often. But you can figure out how to take a screenshot of the entire portal page, and not part of it. Use specialized programs.

Utilities for taking screenshots

There are programs for working with screenshots. With their help, you can cover the content completely, rather than screenshot it in pieces.

  • A popular application with a variety of functionality.
  • Web browser extension. You can take a picture of the entire page by simply clicking a button on the toolbar.
  • Shoots everything that can be captured: arbitrary areas, windows, large web resources. There are tools for editing the resulting images and a library of effects.
  • Automatically scrolls, takes a series of frames and independently combines them into one screenshot.

There are also online services that can generate a snapshot. They work on the same principle: insert a website address and get a picture. Here are some of them.

  • Capture Full Page
  • Web Screenshots
  • Thumbalizr
  • Snapito

Save as HTML file

Here's how to save a global network resource page to your computer in html format. It can later be converted to another type. When copying in this way, pictures from the web portal are placed in separate folder, which will have the same name as the html file and be in the same location as it.

  1. Open the site.
  2. Right-click anywhere that is free from pictures, backgrounds, videos and animations.
  3. Select "Save As". IN Mozilla Firefox a similar button can be found in the menu. To do this, click on the icon with three horizontal lines. In Opera, these settings are called up by clicking on the logo.
  4. Set a name. Specify the path.
  5. Confirm the action.

IN Google Chrome you can create a PDF file from a page. This function intended for printing on a printer. But copying to a computer is also available.

  1. Click on the icon in the form three lines(they are at the top right).
  2. Click "Print" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P.
  3. Click "Edit".
  4. “Save as PDF” item.
  5. On the left panel, click the button with the same name again.
  6. Give the file a name and path.

This feature is available exclusively in Chrome. Other web browsers require plugins. Printpdf for Firefox and Web2PDFConvert for Opera.

Utilities for saving entire sites

There are programs for copying entire global network resources. That is, with all the content, transitions, menus, links. You can “walk” on such a page as if you were on a real one. The following utilities are suitable for this:

  • HTTrack Website Copier.
  • Local Website Archive.
  • Teleport Pro.
  • WebCopier Pro.

There are many ways to transfer a website page to a PC. Which one to choose depends on your needs. If you want to save information to study it later, a simple screenshot is enough. But when you need to work with this data, edit it, add it to documents, it is better to copy it or create an html file.

If you need to download a site or individual pages, we recommend several proven and reliable methods.

1. Load individual web pages


On Windows, Mac and Linux systems, simply press Ctrl+S on your keyboard while working in the browser to display the “Save page” window, from which you can save the page in the selected subdirectory. An HTML file and a folder containing all the information will be saved. You can open an HTML file to get the saved web page in your browser without the need for an internet connection.

On smartphones

Reading a website offline is possible as in mobile application Chrome for Android and mobile Chrome app for iOS.

In Chrome for Android, open the page you want to save for offline viewing and click on the main menu button in the top right corner. Here, click on the “Download” icon and the page will be downloaded to your device. You can open it to view the web page in your standard browser.

iOS users can also use the Reading List feature in Safari to save the content of a web page to read later, as well as to sync that page across other devices.

2. Using HTTracks (for Windows, Linux and Android) is a popular tool for downloading all website data and accessing it offline. This is an open-ended tool source code, which can be used on Windows platforms, Linux and Android. It will load the entire site, moving from link to link, i.e. it can present the archive as if you were browsing the site online.

Although HTTracks has a lot of settings, it also has a simple assistant that makes it easy for beginners to download website data. Here's how to use it:

Install and launch HTTracks and click the “Next” button to launch the assistant. You will be asked to name the project you want to create. This name will help you identify the data when you need to access it later, so choose one that makes sense.

On next page Click the “Add URL” button and enter the link to the site you want to download. You can add multiple sites if you need to load data from more than one website.

There is also a “Set options” button, where you can find very convenient options to customize to your requirements. However, you should first read the HTTtracks manual before changing anything in the settings.

This process can take a long time, depending on how large the resource was. It can even take days for massive sites to load.

In addition, this data can easily take up several gigabytes of your space. hard drive, so before starting you need to ensure enough free space. Once downloaded, you can open the project and start browsing the site in your standard browser.

Advice: HTTtracks starts downloading data starting from latest updates, and continues moving backwards. If you only need the latest data and not the entire site, you can stop the download process when you are sure that the required data has been downloaded. Even if you stop the download process, you can still access data that has already been downloaded.

3. Using SiteSucker (for Mac OS X and iOS)

SiteSucker great alternative HTTracks for Mac users OS X and iOS. It works in a similar way to HTTracks and downloads entire sites, jumping from link to link. You can also pause the download mid-process to view the downloaded web pages and continue at any time.

4. Browser extensions for offline reading

There are several browser extensions that can be used to download website data and view it offline.

PageArchiver (for Chrome) allows you to save many web pages and access them from its interface. You can download all web pages that are currently open in the browser. Just open the pages you need and download them using PageArchiver.

ScrapBook (for Firefox) allows you to download single pages or the entire site at once. This extension also organizes downloaded content in its interface, and the presence of a convenient search bar makes it easy to find the desired content.

Mozilla Archive Format (for Firefox). This extension is essentially an improved version of the built-in page saving tool. It ensures that the page loads exactly as it is and compresses the file to reduce footprint. disk space. In addition to this, it downloads all the audio and video files on the pages.

Almost any web browser provides this opportunity to the user. Users save pages so that they can later view them in offline mode (when there is no Internet connection). In this case, saving can be done in full or in html format, that is, with markup and structure. Then download it to a storage medium, transfer it to another computer and view it in any other browser.

Let's consider this procedure using the example of 4 popular browsers.

Google Chrome browser

First– in the right top corner web browser there is a button with three dots. Click on it with the left key.

Further Additional tools– . The same can be done with the combination Ctrl+S or right-click in an area of ​​the site free from pictures and videos - Save As.

Here in the File Type area there are 2 options − save the entire page(text, markup + pictures) or HTM onlyL(text and markup only).

After clicking the confirmation button, the document will be downloaded to the specified location in the form of an html file and a folder with the same name, containing pictures and other information about the document.

By clicking on it double click The exact same page will open, but locally with the address where you saved it.

If you decide to copy the received file somewhere, then copy and html document and a folder of the same name.

Using Mozilla Firefox

In this browser, a button with similar functionality as in Chrome is located in the same place. Click it and select “”. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S will also work.

When saving there will be 4 options.

The option of text only (without styles and images) in txt format is added. This option will be useful if the page is protected from copying, and you need to somehow obtain text information from it.

Saving in Yandex.Browser

At the very top right there is a button with a gear, click on it - or Ctrl + S.

Opera browser

This browser saves information from web resources most correctly.

At the top left there is a main button with the Opera logo. Click on it and select Page – Save As.

As in other browsers, Ctrl+S will also work.

5 options will open.

Here, the HTML file with images option will match the option completely in other browsers.

If it is convenient for you to save in one file, then for these purposes there is an option Web archive. The archive will be created with the mht extension. It can only be opened through Opera.

Saving in pdf format

Web pages can also be saved as PDF documents. The easiest way to do this is through the menu button (for example, for Chrome) - Seal(or Ctrl+P).

Preview mode will open.

At the top there is an item responsible for selecting a printer, click “ Change" Next, select the item “ DF».

The Print button will change to a Save button. Click it and indicate the location.

In this case, you can edit fields (headers and footers), background, paper size and layout, and select specific pages.

We confirm. The resulting file can be opened with any viewer pdf documents(eg Adobe Acrobat).

As you can see, the text content, pictures and layout of the document have been preserved in the form in which they were on the web resource.

However, if you save in bookmarks not only regularly visited sites, but also one-day news or information that may or may not be useful later, then this section of the browser will become cluttered over time. And it will be difficult to find the necessary bookmarks in it.

There are many alternatives for saving one-time publications, for example:

  • note services,
  • delayed reading services,
  • standard or built-in browser extensions for storing unused active tabs and sessions.

However, these methods are only good if you have access to the Internet. But there are solutions that allow you to store web pages on local space computer, without the Internet - this is:

  1. leave a “memory” page in the form HTML file or
  2. Save the web page as a PDF document.

I would like to talk about the second method in more detail.

1. Why you should save a web page as PDF

Save to PDF – the best way capture a web page as it appears in this moment, without any distortion.

This method can be used to, for example,

  • record the social accounts of persons who can presumably delete important information from them.
  • You can send statistical data from analytical resources to a PDF document.
  • Even regular news publications can be saved in this file format to view them from mobile or other devices at a convenient time, but when there is no Internet.

When saving in PDF format, the contents of the web page are optimally distributed on a sheet with default parameters set to A4 with portrait orientation– for ease of viewing in reader programs. If necessary, the default parameters can be changed to others that are more suitable for the reader on a particular device.

How does saving a web page in PDF format differ from other options?

PDF is universal, its support is implemented on almost every device, on every operating system.

However, a web page can also be

  • save in HTML,
  • or from the page.

The PDF format outperforms the HTML format, first of all, due to its versatility and abundance of readers with different functionality.

And a PDF file differs from screenshots that can be taken from web pages in that it can then be converted into Text Document, if needed. It is known that conversion from PDF to text is not always possible. Therefore, it is worth using conversion methods that initially recognize textual material on sites as text. Such methods are given below for the Windows operating system.

2. Print in browsers to save in PDF format

Almost all web browsers (in other words, browsers) have their own built-in function for printing website pages. And as part of this function, it is possible to save to PDF.

2.1. PDF in Google Chrome

Rice. 1. Google Chrome menu (three vertical dots) – Print open web page

  • Click the menu “Setting up and managing Goggle Chrome” (1 in Fig. 1);
  • Click “Print” (2 in Fig. 1).

Then “Print” opens through the Google Chrome browser (Fig. 2):

Rice. 3. Click “Change” to find the “Save as PDF” option in the Google Chrome browser

The “Select Destination” dialog box will appear, in which you need to pay attention to the “Local Destinations” tab:

What can be changed in the Google Chrome browser to save as PDF?

If the web page is not displayed correctly in the preview window, you need to expand additional settings.

Rice. 5. Open additional Google settings Chrome to save to PDF

And set the scale to 100% or another, more appropriate for the publishing style of a particular web resource.

Rice. 6. Zoom and options for PDF format in the Chrome browser

2.2. PDF in the Microsoft Edge browser

In the operating room Windows system 10 there are even two such mechanisms:

  1. described above (via Google Chrome browser) and
  2. implemented with using Microsoft Print to PDF.

The second is the standard virtual printer of the system, and its task is to provide the ability to save as PDF in any web browser, in any program that allows printing.

It is believed that printing involving virtual printer creates a more informative version of the saved site page, displaying its metadata. Whereas the usual function of saving to PDF largely clears the page of unnecessary web elements and shifts the focus to the publication itself. Which is better is a matter for each individual case, but often both of these mechanisms work in exactly the same way.

How to use Microsoft Print to PDF? To do this, in Windows 10, open the built-in one, standard browser Microsoft Edge:

Rice. 7. Microsoft Edge browser icon in Windows 10

Once you open Microsoft Edge, you need to

  • in the “Options and more” menu (1 in Fig. 8)
  • select “Print” (2 in Fig. 8):

Rice. 8. Print option in Microsoft Edge

If your computer is not using a real printer, then virtual PDF printer, as a rule, is installed by default.

Otherwise, click on the name of the connected printer. For an example, see Fig. below. 9, click on “HP LaserJet M1005”. A drop-down menu will open in which you select from the list available options print option “Microsoft Print to PDF”:

Rice. 9. Microsoft Menu Edge, where you can choose a real printer or a link to "Microsoft Print to PDF"

In Microsoft Edge, by the way, the printing mechanism involving a PDF printer is optimally configured. Here, in particular, the default compression option is set to fit the size of the web page. If other parameters do not require correction, you can click “Print” at the bottom:

2.3. PDF in Mozilla Firefox browser

Optimal PDF printer settings also include on-board printing in Mozilla Firefox.

  • Click the “Open menu” button (1 in Fig. 11),
  • then – “Print” (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. “Open menu” – “Print” in Mozilla

In the “Print” window, you can set parameters for saving a web page as PDF (Fig. 12):

  • number of pages required,
  • scale,
  • portrait or landscape orientation
  • and very useful option“Simplify the page”, which removes extra elements navigation from a web page. As a result, the pdf document looks neat and tidy.

Rice. 12. Saving a page in PDF format using Mozilla

If in Mozilla, the “Print” option contains the name of the printer (in Fig. 13 it is HP LaserJet M1005), but there is no PDF, then you need

  • click on the small triangle (1 in Fig. 13),
  • Select PDF in the drop-down list (2 in Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Search for PDF format in Mozilla

3. Two extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla

Non-standard browser functionality can save website pages into PDF documents with two advantages:

  1. in one click and
  2. with an automatically generated file name.

The latter, by the way, cannot be done by the standard, built-in printing function. IN Google stores Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have a lot of extensions for implementation in these browsers convenient way converting Internet pages to PDF, and the two proposed below are the most sensible of them.

Extensions are downloaded from official stores, then installed in the browser. As a result, an icon appears on the toolbar in the browser at the top installed extension. Then, if necessary, you can open a web page, click on the icon for such an extension and save the page as a PDF document on your device.

3.1. PDF extension Mage

PDF Mage implements on the panel Chrome tools And Firefox button, when clicked, the process starts PDF creation from the contents of the current tab. The extension itself generates the file name in accordance with the title of the publication. Names are formed in Cyrillic.

If you install the PDF Mage extension in Google Chrome or Firefox browsers, the icon marked with number 1 in Fig. 14.

  • open the browser, and there is a web page in it,
  • click on the PDF Mage icon (1 in Fig. 14),
  • look at where exactly, in which folder the pdf will be saved,
  • Click “Save” (2 in Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Save a web page using the PDF Mage extension in Google Chrome

3.2. Save as PDF extension

Save as PDF is similar to the previous extension. After installing it

  • a button will also appear (Fig. 15) on the Chrome and Firefox toolbar,
  • also works in one click,
  • It also gives the files names in accordance with the titles of publications. But with the difference that the names are generated in Latin.

Rice. 15. Save as PDF extension in Mozilla for saving in PDF format

4. Three online services for saving to PDF

4.1. PDFcrowd.Com

The Save as PDF extension discussed above was developed by the creators of the PDFcrowd.Com web service. You can use this service when working with browsers that provide for the installation of extensions.

The principle of working with the service is simple: paste the copied link to the Internet page into a special field, click “Convert to PDF” and indicate the path to save the file.

Rice. 16. PDFcrowd.Com service for saving as a pdf file

There are several web services similar to the one discussed above on the Internet, here are a couple more analogues.

4.2. Service PDFmyurl.Com

On the PDFmyurl.Com service website, insert the web page address into the center field and click “Save as PDF”.

Rice. 17. Online service PDFmyurl.Com saves the page at its address in a PDF file

The output file names are automatically generated in Latin.

4.3. Service Htm2PDF.Co.Uk

We do approximately the same thing when working with the Htm2PDF.Co.Uk web service: insert the address into the field in the center desired page, click “Convert!”, then “Download your PDF”.

Rice. 18. Online service Htm2PDF.Co.Uk saves it in PDF format at the page address

This service also generates file names itself, and also in Latin. It also has an extension for Google browser Chrome, it just works every now and then. The online service itself is more stable in this regard.

5. CTRL+P hotkeys for all PDFs in all browsers

To save a web page as a PDF, you can open it in any browser and press CTRL+P. Let me remind you how hotkeys work: first press CTRL key, then without releasing it, simultaneously press the P key (in English register). After this, the “Print” window should appear on the screen, similar to the one shown in Fig. 2.

If you have a printer connected to your computer, then in the “Print” window you will have to click on the “Change” button (Fig. 3), which is located next to the name of your printer. A menu will open (Fig. 4), in which you need to check the box next to “Save as PDF”.

This universal method with hot keys is good because it does not require installing additional software for the browser.

If you don’t like the option with hot keys, enter a query without quotes into a search engine like this:

  • “save extension in PDF Opera” or
  • “extension save in PDF Yandex Browser".

The search engine will offer you extensions; it is better to choose options from the official websites of the browsers. Installing the extension in the browser and further work described with it, all extensions are arranged according to a similar principle.