Register on Facebook. How to find a login to Facebook for a beginner. The last stage of registration on Facebook

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Facebook has now become a kind of universe populated by millions of users eager to communicate.

The audience of Facebook on weekends already exceeds the audience of such a monster as , and I consider not trying to bite off at least a small piece of this fatty pie a wrong and one-sided approach.

By the way, to increase the share of your presence on mobile market this company purchased for crazy money. This is also a separate universe with a multi-million audience, which I have already written about in detail.

So, let's start studying one of the most popular social networks. I will try to talk about everything as detailed and accessible as possible, accompanying the description with the necessary illustrations. I hope you appreciate my work...

Registration on Facebook, login to the page and first steps

Another thing is that to deploy a full-fledged and large-scale advertising campaign Facebook will only be affordable for very serious commercial people, or those who have already become popular and therefore earn good money information projects. But what should website owners do who also want to take part in biting off a small piece of the audience of such a monster?

Firstly, you will first need to simply register on the official Facebook website , then create your own page on it with the ability automatic adding on it with announcements of articles from your site, and, secondly, try to attract more people who click on the “ ” button, and somehow further popularize it.

We will talk about all this in this article, which promises to be voluminous, so sit back and tune in to perceive the information.

How the social network Facebook appeared and developed

The history of the emergence and development of the Facebook project turned out to be so interesting, dynamic and dizzying that a film was made about it in 2010 under the telling title “The Social Network”, which received quite a few awards at prestigious film forums.

In short, this company was registered by its main creator and ideologist Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and is currently one of the most expensive Internet projects (on par with Google, website project, etc.).

At first, Facebook was available only to students from one state university, and then all students in the United States could use it. After the prototype appeared social network Relatively little time passed in the public until the moment when it became a hit of all times.

But you and I are more interested in the Facebook audience, which is still growing. This is especially noticeable in the Russian location, which appeared and began to gain popularity since 2008. I think that it will soon crush its main competitor (at the time of its appearance, one might say that it was a clone) and will become the undisputed leader in the RuNet social networking market.

That’s why I advise you to pay attention to this social network in terms of using it for the benefit of your project. Just as theater begins with a coat rack, so does work on Facebook. starts with registration. As I already mentioned, the interface and reference system They have now been completely translated into Russian and, probably, a description of the steps would be unnecessary, but I have a resource for beginners, so...

Registration on the official website

Login to a social network and fill out your FB profile

The information you provide will be available to everyone, but will not be published in the News Feed.

Yes, and I’d like to take this moment to warn you against revealing too much when filling out your Facebook profile or any other social network. At first glance, all this may seem harmless and even cool, especially since you can very clearly configure the circle of people who will be able to view your personal data.

But we are all human and we are all prone to making mistakes, including when it comes to privacy settings. If your personal data, which may seem completely harmless to you at first glance, falls into the hands of scammers, it can play a cruel joke on you.

And if Internet scammers are not interested in you now, then they may well use the information collected on you in the future, when, for example, you achieve success in one of your endeavors and you have something to steal. In the article I gave four main reasons why mail is hacked, and this is done 99% automatically, and only then they figure out what exactly they managed to get.

And this does not at all apply to data that can later be considered compromising evidence. Of course not. These could be any little things from your personal life that will later help scammers carry out fraud using social engineering(you’ll forget that you ever posted this information publicly). Be vigilant, and if you want - paranoid, because not everything around is as rosy and sunny as it might seem at first glance.

By the way, on Facebook for some time it was impossible to delete information added there during registration. And only after numerous complaints from users did this opportunity appear. Now you can always (here is instructions), but the truth is not final, but only to deactivate it.

It’s just that your personal information will not be shown to any of the participants in the social network, however, this data will be saved and can be restored when you log into Facebook again using your username and password.

For permanent removal all your data from this social network you will need to go through here.

How to Update Your Facebook Page Cover and Profile Photo

After that you can do it with a light heart setting up your profile. Actually, about the importance of not advertising your personal information(the less scoundrels know about you, the more soundly you will sleep) I have already said, but, of course, it’s up to you to decide.

In the left top corner There is a faintly visible camera icon, when you click on it you can easily decorate your page by changing its cover.

You will be able to select any of the pictures you have (if you have already published something on your page and there is plenty to choose from), or upload a photo from your computer, or select a design from the one available in the FB bins:

By moving the mouse cursor to the location of your future avatar, an icon with a camera will also appear and a proposal to update your profile photo:

By clicking on the message about changing the photo that appears, a window will open asking you to upload a photo from your computer, add one of the suggested frames to the photo, or edit an existing avatar:

Facebook home page and its 15 key components

On the left you will see a lot of interesting things:

  1. Newsline— here you can select the priority of news for display, unsubscribe from some people (their news will not appear in your feed) or subscribe to them again, find pages based on interests, and also view applications you have hidden from the News Feed:

  2. Messenger- this is something similar to, a kind of application for communication, correspondence with your friends and subscribers.

    On the left you will have a list of people in which you can select an opponent to communicate with. You can not only write a message to him, but also send him an emoticon (here, for example), boast about some video or photo, say a short audio recording (this is if you are too lazy to type out a large text):

  3. You can also see new correspondence requests there:

    On the right you can edit nicknames, start searching through correspondence, change the text or emoticon of your correspondence, and set up notifications about the arrival of new messages:

  4. Quick links— here you can add links to go to some of your Pages, as well as to groups and games. Quick links are automatically selected by default, however you can attach something to the list quick links to permanently show this object on top, or hide something from the list.
  5. Groups- you can watch here great amount interest groups that you can subscribe to or, conversely, unsubscribe to.
  6. Events— here you can mark your favorite events (exhibitions, shows, excursions, etc.) that you would like to attend. Facebook will definitely remind you and won’t let you miss your planned “public outing” :)

    Searching is also possible by date. For example, you can see what is planned for the weekend, or will start today:

    You can mark a friend as your best friend, just an acquaintance, recommend him to become friends with someone, or remove him from friends altogether (for example, he sent prohibited materials on your page, or simply):

  7. Live- on this tab you can see who is in this moment is in live. By clicking on any blue mark on the map you can see what it is currently broadcasting:

  8. Saved. Let’s say you looked through all sorts of different things in your feed and you liked something - you don’t want to publish it on your page, but you want to save it so that you don’t have to look for it later where and who you saw it from. In the upper right corner of the publication you like, click on the three dots and select “Save publication”:

    So, all your saved publications will be stored in the “Saved” tab.

  9. Create a photo frame- This tab has the ability to create frames for profile photos or for people to express themselves using the Facebook camera.

    Also available functional tools for developers and artists working with 3D graphics, which are customizable and help create masks, animations and complex augmented reality effects.

  10. — on this tab you can see the entire history of payments made on Facebook. For example, advertising bills. Or you are a big fan of paid games.

    Speaking of paying for games, the link goes either to bank card, or to your mobile phone - an SMS will be sent to your number with the amount of the debit and a request to send back a message with the number specified in the received SMS).

  11. — on this tab you can find out the weather for several days in advance, and also enable notifications about its display automatically. In the upper right corner you can find out the weather in another city or even country:

Using this tab you can enable story archive, i.e. your photos and videos will be automatically archived after they disappear from history. The archive will be visible only to you. By default, Story Archive will be disabled.

How to make the most of your timeline

To do this, you will need to click on the three dots in the header and select:

Privacy settings

The next step would be privacy settings the data you added.

Then select the item in the left column:

In the drop-down list you can quickly set the level of privacy you are comfortable with:

  1. Who can see your posts?
  2. Who can send you friend requests?
  3. Who can find you using the address you provide? Email?
  4. Who can find you using the phone number you provided?
  5. Do you want to search engines did your profile appear in search results outside of Facebook?

You can show it to everyone, only friends, or also friends of friends:

Security and login to my Facebook page

Here you can:

General settings - changing password and deleting account

On the tab Are common Can:

Timeline and tagging settings

This tab also has several in my opinion important settings. After all, it often happens that they start tagging you in all sorts of their publications without your permission. As a result, your page is cluttered with unnecessary content, and even your friends will “admire” posts that are not related to you. So, to prevent this from happening, let’s look at a few settings that the “Chronicle and Tags” tab offers us:

Blocking management

Let's look at what this tab gives us and what or who we can block using it:

  1. List " Limited access» - If you add a friend to your Restricted list, that person won't see Facebook posts that you only share with your Friends audience, but will be able to see content that you share with your Public or Timeline audience. mutual friend, as well as in publications where this person is tagged. Facebook doesn't notify your friends when you add them to your restricted visibility list.
  2. Blocking users- If you block someone, that person will no longer be able to see content posted on your Timeline, tag you, invite you to events or groups, or start messaging you with you or add you back as a friend.
  3. Blocking messages— You can block messages and video calls from some user, but please note that in this case this person will also not be able to contact you through the Messenger app.
  4. Blocking app invitations- Here you can enter the names of friends whose invitations you want to block (all subsequent application requests from this person will be automatically ignored). In order to block invitations coming to you from one of your friends, click the “Ignore all offers from this friend” button under the last request.
  5. Blocking event invitations— Here you can also enter the names of friends whose invitations you are pretty tired of. If you block such an invitation from someone even once, all future event invitations from that friend will be automatically ignored.
  6. Application lock- If you block or delete an app or game in the App Center or app settings, they will no longer be able to access any information about you. However, if you specified your email address, it will still be able to send you messages on it. If you do not want to receive these messages, click the “Unsubscribe” link in the email you receive from them (usually the link is at the bottom).
  7. Blocking Pages— If you block a Page, that Page will no longer interact with your posts, like anything, or respond to your comments.

Language and face recognition settings

On the tab Language setting you can configure which language you would like to use Facebook in, which language you prefer to translate news into, which languages ​​you understand, and which languages ​​you need machine translation from:

It is also possible to publish publications in several languages ​​so that you can be understood large quantity of people.

On the tab, you can allow or block recognition of you in photos or videos in publications on Facebook:

To recognize you in a photo or video, the system analyzes your profile photo, as well as photos and videos where you are tagged. This feature allows you to be found in other photos and videos, which provides a number of additional conveniences.

You can also identify him in any photo by hovering your mouse over a person and noting who he is.

Setting up text and sound notifications

The name of the tab speaks for itself:

You won't be able to turn off notifications completely, but you can customize their display and theme:

  1. Setting up Facebook notifications

    *clicking on the picture will open it in full size in a new window

    To turn off some email notifications. email, just click “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email.

    Choose what We will receive it by email:

    1. All notifications except those you have opted out of.
    2. Important notifications concerning you or events you missed.
    3. Only notifications about your account, security and privacy.
    Setting it up live- You can enable or disable email notifications about new comments on your live broadcasts.
  2. Setting up notifications on PC and mobile devices:

    On PC ( personal computer) you can enable or disable the function of viewing various notifications in the lower right corner of the monitor screen, even when Facebook is closed. How to do this, see the screenshot above.

    Regarding viewing notifications on mobile devices Oh Let's look at it in a little more detail.

    On the main screen of your phone, you can set up to view notifications such as:

    1. Events to which you are invited.
    2. Publications in your Timeline.
    3. Marks on your photos.
    4. Tags in your videos.
    5. Comments on news in your Timeline.
    6. Comments on news in the Chronicle after you.
    7. Comments on posts in which you are tagged.
    8. Chronicles of friends in which you are tagged.
    9. Updates for the event you joined.
    10. Posts in which you have been tagged.

    Each notification is enabled/disabled individually.

    How to setup receiving push notifications from Facebook on your mobile device? Very simple!

    If you download the Facebook app, you can receive two types of mobile notifications:

    1. Push notifications are sent when you are inactive on Facebook (for example, they may appear on your device's lock screen).
    2. In-app notifications are sent when you use FB. They appear in the Notifications section of the Facebook navigation bar or on top of the Facebook app on your phone.

    To set up push notifications:

    1. Select the button with thermal stripes on your mobile phone (shown in the screenshot below).
    2. Select Notification Settings.
    3. Customize the display and theme of notifications.

    To set up push notifications on your iPhone or iPad, follow this path: Settings - Notifications - Facebook - Allow notifications.

    To set up push notifications on Android, also go to Settings, then select Applications - Application Manager - Facebook - Notifications.

  3. Setting up SMS notifications.

    On this tab you can both enable and disable text notifications via SMS. If desired, you can configure receiving:

  4. About comments on your status updates or posts on your Timeline.
  5. About friend requests or confirmations via SMS.
  6. About all other SMS notifications.

Mobile settings

When registering your account, you entered your number mobile phone, which will be displayed on this tab. Here you can remove it (I don’t recommend it, because after some time FB may ask you to log in via mobile phone, which may result in unnecessary difficulties logging into the social network).

Here you can also add another mobile phone number and confirm it in the appropriate window by entering the confirmation code that will be sent to you via SMS.

If you have lost your phone, tap Sign Out on Phone to prevent other people from using your Facebook account.

After activation Facebook app for mobile phones will be able send SMS messages to your phone. You will be able to receive notifications about friend requests, new messages, wall posts, and friend status changes.

You can also change your status, look up friends' phone numbers, or upload photos and videos from your phone.

Filters and tools for public publishing

Let's see what we can configure on the next tab, which is located in the “Chronicle” section:

  1. Who can follow me— subscribers see your publications in the News Feed (just like you, if you subscribe to them). Friends follow your posts by default, but you can also allow people you're not friends with to follow your public posts.
  2. Who can comment on my posts- Choose who is allowed to comment on your posts, but remember that in addition to the people you select here, all the people tagged in the post and their friends will also be able to comment.
  3. Public notifications for everyone- You can receive notifications when people who are not your friends follow, share, comment, or like your updates, which are available to everyone.

Just below there is a function that allows you to see how other people see your profile or certain friend. Attention! Content you hide from your Timeline still appears in News Feed, Search, and other areas of Facebook.

Video settings

In the “Chronicle” section, you can configure the display of videos in your Feed:

  1. Default video quality— here you can change the quality of the video being played by clicking on the HD thumbnail in the player window. Can I leave it as is, or show only SD? or show in HD (if such resolution is available in this video).
  2. Autoplay video— these settings are used only on the Facebook website (they can be turned on or off). Use this guide to change your settings mobile application Facebook.

    In the mobile application, everything is a little different. Videos require more data than other posts and may impact your mobile data plan usage as a result. In the settings, you can choose one of three options for displaying video:

    1. IN mobile network and via Wi-Fi- videos will play automatically using your internet connection and mobile data. The amount of data you use depends on the time you spend watching this video.
    2. Only via Wi-Fi— the video will be shown automatically only when your phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
    3. Turn off video autoplay— the video will only be shown when you launch it yourself.
  3. Always show captions- If this function is turned on, subtitles will be present on every video you watch.
  4. Sample subtitles— here you can adjust the background color, its opacity, text color and size.

On your page you can configure the display of sections, i.e. what you want to have quick access. Move the mouse cursor to the “More” tab and select from the drop-down list:

In the window that opens, uncheck those sections that are not very interesting to you (fitness, books, sports, TV shows, etc.). Some stories from hidden sections may still be visible on your Timeline, News Feed, and elsewhere on Facebook. By mouse you can drag and drop sections, changing their places (put more important ones higher, for example).

The sections selected and installed in the order you need will be on the same “More” button, above “Manage Partitions” (see screenshot above).

Facebook activity log

In the header on our page, select “Action Log”:

On the page that opens you will see all the actions you have ever performed on the FB social network:

Here you will see everything that you added to your page, what you liked in your friends’ posts, what posts you commented on, whose posts or links you shared, etc.

On the right you can sort your publications by year. And on the left - Filters in the Activity Log which will help you sort your actions:

There is a gear in the upper right corner - this is “Chronicle check” function, which allows you to select special mode, where all posts you're tagged in must be approved before they appear on your timeline. To check a post, simply click the Timeline Review link to the left of your activity log.

Just keep in mind that this setting only controls what you're allowed to post on your timeline. Posts you're tagged in will continue to show up in Search, News Feed, and other places on Facebook.

On the Notifications tab, you can check the box for who you want to receive notifications from when you are tagged (everyone, friends, friends of friends).

  • Photo check— photos that may be of you, detected using facial recognition technology, are displayed here.
  • Publications— here, as you can guess from the name, all your publications are marked.
  • Publications in which you are tagged— on this tab, accordingly, materials in which your friends tagged you are published.
  • Other people's posts on your Timeline- almost the same as the previous filter.
  • Hidden from the chronicle- any publication in which you were tagged and it appeared on your page can be hidden from the Chronicle. But keep in mind that this publication will simply be hidden, i.e. will disappear from your Feed, but others will still be able to see it, because... it is only hidden, not deleted.

    Let's say it came New Year and many friends congratulated you. Your entire page is filled with New Year’s cards and congratulations (but your publications have disappeared completely). This is why there is a “Hide from chronicle” button - your page will be cleared of the holiday, and among friends who congratulated you, you will continue to be tagged on New Year's card- it’s good for you and it’s good for your friend!

  • Photo and video— here you can see all your publications to which you added photos or videos.
  • Photos in which you are tagged- here are publications that contain photographs in which your friends have tagged you.
  • Just Photo— here you can see all your publications to which you added only photos.
  • Likes and reactions— this tab contains posts by your friends (or friends of your friends) that you have ever tagged with an emoticon or liked.
  • Publications and comments- almost the same as the filter just above.
  • Pages and interests— here you can see whose pages you marked as “Like”.
  • Comments— on this tab you will see all the posts on which you left your comment.
  • Profile— here you can see when you made any changes or additions to your Facebook profile.
  • Added friends— your new acquaintances are noted here.
    1. Deleted friends.
    2. Friend requests you have sent.
    3. Friend requests received.
  • Life events- this is a filter for events that happened in your life and you shared them with friends by clicking the appropriate button when creating a publication:

  • Next comes filtering by songs that you have ever listened to on social media. Facebook networks, articles that have ever been read on the social network, filtering by movies and television watched in general, by games built into FB, played alone or with friends, by books read, by products that they would like to purchase and etc.
  • Groups— filter by groups that interested you and you joined them.
  • Events— here you will find all the events that you have marked yourself so as not to miss, or that have marked you, inviting you to visit something interesting.
  • Polls— filter by surveys, if you have ever participated in one.
  • Search history— here you can see what and when you were looking for using Facebook search.
  • Saved— here you can view what you once saved so as not to lose it on the vastness of the social network (link to interesting material, photograph, funny video, etc.)

  • Your places— when flying, for example, to vacation in hot countries, while at the airport you could leave a note on Facebook that you were flying from Sheremetyevo to some distant country. So FB will remember this and on this tab will remind you of your trip.
  • Security and Login Information- on this tab you can see:
    1. Active sessions - when and from what device your account was logged in (on a personal computer (PC), mobile phone, tablet).
    2. Log of inputs and outputs - your IP addresses are recorded here.
    3. Identified devices.
  • Facebook friends

    The FB social network, as well as other social networks, such as, for example, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, is intended for communicating with friends and people close to us in spirit. Now we will look at what and how you can do in the “Friends” tab, what settings to make in it and how to find the very ones with whom you want to share everything and anything.

    We go to the “Friends” tab (its location is shown in the screenshot above) and see that we have 11 friend requests:

    By clicking on the avatar of the person who is asking us to be friends, we can view brief information about him (how old he is, where he lives, where he studies/works, what his hobbies are, etc. - if, of course, he filled out his profile with such information) and decide whether to add this person as a friend. Accordingly, click either Confirm, or Delete request for friendship.

    We can also view the friend requests we have sent.

    On the right you can add personal contacts:

    This Find Friends feature downloads contacts from your device and stores them on Facebook servers. They may be used to help other users find friends or to create friend recommendations for you and other users. Professional contacts can also be imported, but friend requests should only be sent to your personal contacts.

    You can sort your friends to see:

    1. See who got it new publications on the page.
    2. Who from friends will have a birthday today or the next day.
    3. Sort friends by place of residence.
    4. See which of your friends live in your city.
    5. View yours subscribers and, if desired, subscribe to them by clicking on the “Subscribe” button.
    6. See who you are already following.

    You can also simply enter the first or last name of the friend you want to find among your many friends into the field:

    Using the “Manage” button, which looks like this (see the screenshot above where it is located):

    You can edit privacy settings(check the box next to Everyone, Friends, Only me, or mark specific people.:

    1. List of friends, i.e. select who can view your friends list.
      Remember, your friends are controlled by who can see their friendship on your timeline. If people can see your friendship on another timeline, they can see it in News Feed, Search, and other places on Facebook. If you select the "Only Me" audience, full list Only you can see the friends on your timeline. Everyone else will only see friends you have in common.
    2. Subscriptions, i.e. who can see the people, Pages, and lists you follow. Those whose updates you subscribe to can see that you are their subscriber.
    3. Subscribers, i.e. who can see your followers on your Timeline.

    Mastering chat on Facebook and making your first publications

    I hope everyone has figured out the settings, now let's start creating publications on our FB page, and also consider how to use the chat (chat) - correspond with one friend or a group of people at once, and what settings will be available to us.

    Creating a post on my Facebook page

    Our page has the following window for creating a publication:

    We can:

    1. Make a publication— selected by default. By placing the mouse cursor in place of the inscription “What’s new with you?” (empty field for writing text), we have the following:
      1. We are invited select a post background and add an emoticon:

      2. Add photo/video to the publication - find the folder with the desired photo or video on our computer and click “Upload”. You can also choose to add photos/videos using this tab:

      3. Adding feelings/actions:

        those. we tell, for example, what we are eating, what we are watching or reading at the moment, what we are playing, where we are flying, or we offer our own option (by scrolling the slider down). By clicking on the selected action (someone clicks on the arrow to the right of this very action), you can tell in more detail about your feelings, what exactly we are eating or watching, where exactly we are going, etc. The choice is large, using tea as an example it looks like this:

      4. on his FB page:

        Please note that live broadcasting can only be enabled if you have a camera (connect and confirm access to it in your browser). If you don’t have a camera at home, you can broadcast live from your mobile phone while logged into your Facebook account (by now everyone should definitely have a camera on their mobile phone).

      5. We publish a life event:

        Here, the same as in adding feelings/actions, select an event:

        And then (I’ll show you using “Family and Relationships” as an example) we give a more complete assessment of the event:

    2. In the publication, if desired, we can tag friends, add a sticker, celebrate the event we are going to and much more:

      Adding all this goodness is possible by clicking on the ellipsis:

    3. View a post in list and grid view— by default, viewing is in the form of a list, but you can easily change it to viewing in the form of a Grid by clicking on the corresponding button:

      If we choose to view the publication in the form of a grid, then our Facebook page will look like this:

      If you publish, say, a lot of photos on your page, then in the form of a Lattice it is sometimes more convenient to find the desired publication. And so it’s a matter of taste, who likes what, you choose.

    4. :

      You will be asked to select one or more of your posts that you want to manage. The maximum number of posts you can select to manage is 50. You can hide posts from your Timeline, remove tags (i.e., remove yourself from posts that friends have tagged you in), or delete all selected posts:

      On the left you can sort publications by author (any author, just you or others), by publication date (select year) or show only publications in which you are tagged:

    Chat - write a message to a friend or create a group conversation

    In the lower right corner of our page Chat is on Facebook:

    Let's see what exist chat settings:

    When you are on your page (not on the Home page, where not only yours, but also your friends’ publications are visible), then when you scroll down, for convenience, a line with some settings will always be displayed at the top:

    Now let's look at the icon's capabilities create a new chat message:

    In the “To” field we begin to enter the name of our friend, as a result of which Facebook gives us hints - it shows friends whose names contain the letters we entered:

    You can also correspond with a group of people at once. Select a tab “Create a group” in FB chat:

    At the very top give the group a name, just below we select those whom we want to include in group correspondence (you can use the search box and find the right people in this manner). Each selected friend is marked with a checkmark and added to the “Selected” window:

    Click “Create”. Your friends will then receive an invitation to join the group you created.

    How to follow a profile or Page

    By subscribing to a person, we see the publications created by him in our News Feed. By adding friends, we automatically subscribe to their news (publications). We can also subscribe to publications of people who themselves are not very interesting to us as such, but their publications (Pages) are another matter.

    In addition, we can allow those who are not our friends to subscribe to our publications, but want to see our publications in their News Feed.

    We can also subscribe to the Pages of some companies, organizations, brands (for example, we can subscribe to) and people who are not on your list of friends on Facebook, but which anyone can subscribe to.

    If you “Like” the Page, you will automatically follow it:

    If a Page has a gray check mark, it means that Facebook has verified the authenticity of that company or organization's Page:

    If a blue label is assigned, Facebook has confirmed the authenticity of the Page or profile of this public figure or brand.

    To subscribe to a profile or Page need to:

    1. Go to the person's profile or to the Page you are interested in.
    2. Click the “Subscribe” button.

    To unfollow a profile or Page:

    1. Go to a person's profile or Page.
    2. Hover your mouse over the “Subscriptions” item.
    3. Select “Unfollow” (in your profile) or “Unfollow this Page.”

    To see a list of people and Pages you follow:

    1. Enter the "Friends" tab.
    2. Hover your mouse cursor over the “More” item.
    3. Select "Subscriptions".

    If the “Subscriptions” section is not displayed, it means that you have not subscribed to anyone yet.

    You can also prohibit to a certain person subscription to your updates - just block it (we discussed how to do this above). When you post a post, you can always select an audience for it.

    How to create a page for your website (business) on Facebook

    But your Facebook profile will not be entirely suitable for the tasks that we want to solve with the help of this social network. We need to promote our project there, and for this there are quite a few handy tool called "Pages".

    Those. After registering and filling out the profile, we are now faced with the task creation " official page on Facebook". This is not at all difficult to do and we will now look at it in detail.

    You can go straight to

    Statistics show that today, Facebook users are increasingly accessing the social network from their smartphones. This is very convenient considering the availability mobile internet and serious technical capabilities modern mobile devices.

    All you need to do is download the official app and register on Facebook from your phone or computer. We have already written about how to register in the web version. And in this article we will tell you in detail how to create a personal account using your phone.

    Step-by-step instruction

    The first step is to download the official Facebook application. iPhone users, Android devices and Windows Phone can find it in App stores Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store, respectively. If the technical capabilities of your mobile device do not allow you to run the classic application, you need to install its lightweight version - Facebook Lite.

    Not all users will have to register. If you already have a work account on a social network, you just need to log in installed program. If you have not used Facebook before, you will need to register.

    Regardless operating system your phone, you need to go next steps for creating personal account:

    1. Launch Facebook installed on your smartphone.

    2. Tap “Sign up for Facebook” and then “Get Started”.

    2.Enter your real e-mail, as well as the mobile phone number to which you have access.

    3. Carefully reading the accompanying instructions, enter your personal data: first and last name, place of residence/study/work, date of birth, and then come up with strong password(and be sure to remember it).

    Once all the required information has been provided, the system will send a confirmation code to your e-mail or number, which you will need to enter in the application to complete registration.

    Now you can freely use all the features mobile version social network - find friends and communicate with them, send directly pictures taken with your smartphone camera, like and comment on posts, and even play popular games.

    Of course, not everyone uses smartphones, but this does not mean that owners of push-button mobile devices cannot access Zuckerberg’s social network. They just need to install Facebook for each phone - a convenient and “lightweight” application in java.

    Registration will not cause any difficulties. It is accompanied by detailed and clear instructions. Consists of just a few steps:

    The system will send a confirmation code, by entering which you can complete the creation of a new account and start working on the social network.

    Facebook plans to introduce fees for using the service

    Facebook is free service , and will never require payment of fees for further use site. However, you can purchase Facebook credits, which can be used to send gifts or to purchase goods, applications and games.

    Also, if you want to use Facebook on your mobile phone, please note that fees may apply for internet use and/or text messages in accordance with the tariffs of the mobile operator.

    Minimum age to register on Facebook

    User age, creating account on Facebook must be at least 13 years old.

    Is it possible to create one Facebook account for several people?

    Facebook accounts are intended for individual use. This means they do not allow joint accounts. In addition to one email address, you can only register one account on Facebook, since each account belongs to one person, the social network management requires that each account be represented under a real name. This allows users to always know who they are talking to. When you create an account, you can use the data from third party services to see your contacts with any of your friends in one place.

    Why did I receive an invitation to register on Facebook?

    This message was sent because someone is inviting you join Facebook. Facebook allows its users to send invitations to contacts by entering their email address or adding contacts.

    If you're already using Facebook, this may mean that your friend has given out their email address, which is not currently associated with your Facebook account. If you want, you can add an email address for your Facebook account to ensure you don't receive invitations in the future register on Facebook.

    If you are not yet a member and want to join Facebook, you can use this email address to begin the registration process. If you do not want to receive invitations from friends, you can use the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of the email messages you receive.

    How do I know if I have a Facebook account?

    If you created Facebook account earlier - you can find it. You will need the email address, phone number or username associated with your account. You can also find your account using your friend's Facebook name. Once you find your account you can reset your account password. You can then resume using your account or delete it.

    Create a new Facebook account

    How do I register on Facebook?

    create a new account

    After filling out the registration form you will receive a message on specified address Email. Simply click on the confirmation link to complete the registration process.

    Difference between login and registration

    Facebook Registration

    If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one by following a few steps: simple steps. To create a new account, fill in registration form on by giving your full name, date of birth, gender and email address. Then choose a password.

    Login to Facebook

    If you already have a Facebook account, you can log in to it on the same page. Simply enter your email address and password in the appropriate fields at the top of the page and click the Login button.

    Facebook Password Requirements

    The generated password must contain at least 6 characters and consist of a sequence of numbers, letters and punctuation marks. If the password you entered is not strong enough, try mixing it with larger ones lowercase letters, or just make it longer.

    Ideally, the password should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to figure out. For security reasons, the password should also be different from other passwords you use on the Internet.

    How do I add a security question?

    The security question is in a useful way confirmation of rights to your account if you lose access to it. The security question for your account can be set to Security settings:

    1. Click the ↓ button in the upper right corner of any Facebook pages and select account settings.

    1. Click Safety in the menu on the left.
    2. Select the Fund Management section and follow the instructions.

    Note: This section will not appear if you have already created Secret Question.

    Tips for choosing a good security question:

    • Choose a question and answer that you can remember;
    • Keep your secret question and answer safe;
    • Try to make the answer so specific that it is impossible to guess.

    Create a Facebook account using your mobile phone

    How to register on Facebook using a mobile phone

    Using a mobile device:

    1. Go to

    Click in the fields and fill out the form. All fields are required. The email address is entered twice (same). The password can be entered both with the Russian keyboard layout and with the English one. Date of birth is selected from the drop-down menu. Select your gender and click the “Register” button.

    “The first step” is optional, you can skip it; to skip it, click the “skip this step” button. The button is at the bottom of the page.

    If you need to add friends from your mailbox or Skype, you can select the desired section - Yandex, Mail, Skype or other mail. Enter your username and password, and then select whether you need to invite all contacts; if not all contacts are needed, then uncheck the box in the “Invite all contacts or add them as friends” column. That is, if the user does not have a registered profile on Facebook, then he will receive a notification via email or Skype that you invite him to register. And if you already have a profile, you will receive a notification that you want to add him as a friend. Then click the “Find Friends” button.

    After this, a list of possible friends appears. To add a friend on Facebook, mark the desired people with a checkbox and click the “Add Friends” button. If you don’t need to add anyone from the list, then click the “Skip” button or you can return to selecting another email again by clicking on the “try another email” link.

    The “second step” is also optional and can be skipped. To do this, click the “Next” or “Skip” button.

    Or you can fill in the required fields. When selecting a city, school or university, the first letters of the name are entered, and then the desired one is selected from the list; a non-existent city, school or university cannot be entered. On the right is a button for setting the visibility of information. You can choose to show this information to everyone, show it only to friends, the information is visible only to me, or use additional settings. After filling out the form, click the “Next” button.

    “Step three” - adding a photo. You can take a photo using a webcam, for this there is a “Take a Photo” button, or add a photo from those available on your computer, to do this, click “Add photo” and search for desired image. You can skip this step (photos can be added later), to skip, click the “Skip” button.

    After installing the photo, click the “Next” button, or you can delete the photo by clicking on the “Delete photo” column, which is located under the photo itself.

    After the third step you are registered and the home page Your profile.

    What to use it for

    Facebook is a social network with 2.5 billion users. It is not surprising that it is used for business and communication. What makes Facebook unique? Ability to share messages with friends. Thanks to its growing popularity, other services are being integrated into this social network. To register, you just need to have an account.

    How to register on Facebook for free

    If they ask you for money, you have fallen for a scammer. Check that the address is entered correctly.

    You must have Mailbox to activate your account. Better to use from Google.

    How to do it, abbreviated instructions

    To register on Facebook right now, follow these 4 steps:

    1. Go to the official website;
    2. Fill in special form registration;
    3. Add contact details;
    4. Confirm registration.

    How to register on Facebook for free in Russian

    To register on Facebook for free, go to the official website at:
    Fill out the registration form.

    Enter real data. This will increase popularity. Nobody likes fake pages.

    This applies to First Name, Last Name. Please provide a real work email address so that the administration can send you a letter confirming your registration. It is also useful for finding friends and colleagues at work and business.
    Create a password. Make it unique. This will protect your account from intruders. It should not be the same as the password used on other sites. Read how to do this in the article: "".
    You will be asked to fill out a profile. Indicate: city, school, place of work, friends and colleagues. This can be done later by clicking on the “Skip” button.

    We looked at how to register on Facebook from a computer. Registration on a smartphone or tablet is no different from that described. Enter your contact information and you will receive an email with an activation link.

    There are a few steps left to set up your account. Below the avatar on the left is a form. Write information about you there. Briefly write down answers to the questions: where do you work, position, school, university.

    If you wrote something wrong, please edit the entered information at any time.

    You will be asked to provide your mobile phone number. I recommend doing this. You will use it to restore access to your account. A letter with a code will be sent to your phone.

    Not everyone will want a phone number that is accessible to everyone. How to hide it? Go to profile settings. Find the section “ Contact Information" Celebrating “Only Me.”

    How to register on Facebook (Factbook) without a phone number

    It turns out that this is possible. You cannot register without an email address. It is necessary to recover your password if you have forgotten it. To register without a phone number, follow the steps described above, only instead of phone number register your email.


    Registering on Facebook is not difficult, just be careful. Use all the features of the service. Find friends and business colleagues. I recommend that those who do not have an account register on Facebook for free now.