Comparative analysis of operating systems of the Windows and Mac OS families. Overview of Windows Operating Systems

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems to date. Now this is a familiar and convenient work environment for many people. But where did it all start and how did the world's most famous operating room improve? Microsoft system Windows? We invite you on a journey into the past!

Windows 1.0

November 1985

At the time of its first release, Windows was far from the full-fledged operating system that is familiar to us today. Previously, it was simply an "operating environment" for MS-DOS. And it was almost called Interface Manager.

Despite its simplicity, the first version Windows already contained many innovative tools: graphic Windows editor Paint, word processor Windows Write, and, of course, the legendary board game Reversi.

Windows 2.X

December 1987

The next major release of Windows introduced the famous Excel and Word - two more cornerstones in history software. But an equally important role in the success of Windows was played by the Aldus PageMaker application, which was previously available only to Macintosh users. This is the application that brought Windows big popularity in 1987.

Note translation It should be noted that the Aldus PageMaker application was released in version 1.0, but it was in version 2.0 that it gained its fame in Microsoft platform


However, a shadow was now cast over Windows as tensions grew: Apple, which had patented many user interface elements and ideas, felt that Microsoft was using too much of its original work in the design of Windows.

Windows 3.X

May 1990

Improvements in multitasking, the introduction of virtual memory, and design updates finally allowed the Windows user interface to compete with the Macintosh interface. Along with Windows 3.1, the concept of a “Multimedia PC” also appeared: a CD-ROM drive and sound cards

became all the rage in the 1990s.

Having reached 10,000,000 copies sold, version 3.0 became not only a major source of income for Microsoft, but also a huge success in the IT world.

Windows NT

July 1992

With improved networking support in Windows NT and the new NTFS file system, Microsoft overtook Novell to become a major player in the server market.

Windows 95

August 1995

Microsoft implemented ideas that had been around since the release of NT, codenamed Chicago, by introducing them to the consumer (such as a 32-bit system and improved memory management).

However, the need for backward compatibility and the fact that not all code was changed to 32-bit ultimately led to failures: Windows 95 encountered big problems performance and stability.

Later versions of Windows 95 introduced the famous browser Internet Explorer and USB support, which is familiar to us today.

Windows 98

June 1998

With Windows 98, codenamed Memphis, Microsoft greatly improved USB support. After all, Windows 95 never provided its stable implementation.

Although FAT32 was first introduced in an update to Windows 95, it remained a young file system and became even more popular than before. Thanks to this, disk partitions larger than two gigabytes have become more common.

1998 was also the year of the United States v. Microsoft legal showdown over the legality of shipping Internet Explorer preinstalled with every copy of Windows.

Windows 2000

February 2000

IN next version Windows NT appeared new service- Active Directory.

Although this version was aimed at the business market, Windows 2000 also came with an improved DirectX API. This marked the first time that many modern games ran on NT computers.

In one respect, however, Windows 2000 was the last of its kind: its successor versions introduced a new (and controversial) product activation mechanism.

Windows ME

September 2000

The ME version focused on multimedia: in it Microsoft introduced Windows Movie Maker and updated the platform's standard multimedia application - player Windows Media Player up to version 7.

In addition, the System Restore utility has appeared - a simple system recovery tool. Time Machine from Apple, of course, cannot be compared with new utility Microsoft, but nevertheless, it did not appear for several more years.

Windows XP

August 2001

Windows XP marked a special reunion: it finally combined Windows 95/98/ME and NT/2000.

At first, the new XP had several painful shortcomings, which concerned primarily security. It was they who forced Microsoft to publish as many as three service packs during the support period for XP.

However, this did not stop Windows XP from becoming the flagship operating system and remaining so for another 6 years - longer than any other version of Microsoft Windows.

Windows Vista

January 2007

Microsoft has unveiled Windows Vista with a completely new design thanks to Windows Aero- complex technical solutions graphical user interface. There were a lot of small changes, like replacing the familiar Start button with a Windows logo icon.

Additionally, Vista featured a redesigned and (compared to Windows XP) stricter permissions system called User Account Control.

In terms of new applications, Windows Calendar debuted in Vista, Windows DVD Maker and several new games.

Note translation

It should be noted that Windows Vista was presented back in November 2006, but in the form of a corporate version.

Windows 7

October 2009

Windows 7 is an improved platform in many areas: it boots faster, supports multi-touch, has improved window management, and much more. In other areas the system has backed down: new accounting controls Vista entries became less intrusive, and the newly introduced side panel

(along with several applications) was completely removed.

Windows 8

October 2012 Windows 8 - the most extensive visual update in the latest versions. Windows 8 features not only A New Look on the OS in general, but also a completely new UI and UX. She adopted the popular Flat style and introduced it into a trend full screen mode


Windows 10

In addition, Windows 8 provided support for USB 3.0 and launched the Windows Store.

July 2015 Microsoft decided to call its Last update


Windows 10 is distributed commercially. That is, in order to use it, you need to buy this right. But the company’s loyalty to its users is manifested in the possibility of using it either for a limited period for free, or with limited functionality. Windows 10 just uses the second approach. It is quite possible to use it for free, if you are not embarrassed by the constant reminder of the need to activate and the inability to customize personalization and even change the desktop wallpaper.

Where can I get the activation key?

Those who managed to update from July 8 to July 29, 2016 will not need an activation key. Even if the user updated and then decided to roll back the changes back on the servers Microsoft data information about the equipment has been preserved, and now he will be able to install Windows 10 at any time, but only on the PC on which the update was made.

Simply put, Microsoft remembered what hardware the license was installed on.

An activation key can be purchased and entered when installing the operating system, or activated in one of several ways.

Activating Windows 10 using a key

There are several ways to activate the operating system. If there license key, you can activate one of available ways. If there is no key, you will have to use Windows 10 as is, or look for pirated activators.

Via "Options"

During installation of the operating system, the user will be prompted to enter an activation key. If it is, you can enter it, and if not, skip this step. After installation, the system activates itself when connected to the Internet. You can check this through the Settings menu by clicking the Start button.

In it you need to select “Update and Security”, and then “Activation”.

By phone

This method is suitable if the servers are unavailable for some reason and activation via the Internet does not work. The fastest way to do this is to use the “Run” function, which can be called with the combination Win keys+ R. A command entry window will appear. Here you need to enter slui 4 and press Enter.

A window will open with a choice of country in which you need to indicate your own. The user will be offered one of the numbers to call. The answering machine will dictate an activation key, which must be entered in the provided fields. You can write it down just in case. Although you can always look at it in the system properties window.

How to activate the system without a key using programs

Enthusiasts have long come up with a whole set of programs for activation using a pirated method. This approach, although free, still carries two potential threats. Firstly, this is an administrative offense, although it does not fall under the large scale, but still carries a small fine. Secondly, the activator may contain malware, for example, Trojans or hidden miners. The problem is complicated by the fact that activators themselves are recognized as malicious programs. That is, for them to work, you need to disable the antivirus, which greatly affects security.

KMSAuto Net

Probably one of the most popular pirate activators, existing for all existing Windows versions. Interestingly, the program is constantly developing and acquiring new functionality. You can activate the entire Windows family, as well as some products from the Office series. The program uses several algorithms, selecting the most suitable one for a given build and version. Activation can occur directly through Microsoft servers, so the program can install own service, replacing the real one. This way the system will think that it is activated.

Re-Loader Activator

This activator has not been updated by the developers for a long time, but is still relevant to this day. In this program, you can select one of the algorithms used: KMS, OEM or AntiWPA. The utility's interface is very simple, and you can activate Windows in just a couple of clicks.


A working and constantly updated activator. The main algorithm is to replace the server with which the system contacts to determine the availability of a license. You can activate any version of the system. To increase your chances, it is better to use the latest version of the activator. The program itself is very simple and its appearance resembles the design of many other utilities.

How to remove the “Windows 10 Activation” message

Watermark with the inscription " Windows activation 10" reminds the user that it is necessary to activate the current copy of the operating system.

But this annoying inscription can be eliminated. There are two ways to do this: fix the keys Windows registry or use software that will do the same thing, only automatically.


The register is huge base data, which stores all the settings of the Windows operating system in the form of key-value pairs. Using this tool, you can edit the configuration of the entire system or change the settings of a small element. The registry can be called regedit command in the “Run” tool, which in turn can be called using the Win + R combination. A registry editing window will open. It is worth noting that this is an important component of the system, so changing something needs to be done carefully.

The structure of the registry settings is presented in the form of a tree. Branches can contain sub-branches, which in turn contain sections with parameters. We need to go to the Activation section, which is located along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\. You can immediately enter this section into the search. In this section we are interested in the Manual parameter. We need to change its value from 0 to 1. That is, we switch the watermark display to manual mode. After changing the settings, you need to restart the computer.

Third party programs

You can also make changes to the registry automatically using third-party programs. One of them is Universal Watermark Disabler.

The program has only one window, which displays data about the current build of the operating system, and one button - Install. After pressing it graphical shell will restart and the watermark should disappear. If this does not happen, then you need to restart the computer.

What to do if the program does not activate?

Activators are the creations of enthusiasts and various creative groups. So count on them stable work no need to. In addition, interference with the system's defense mechanisms is automatically recognized by antiviruses as malware. Therefore, we can give only a few recommendations in the case when the activator did not work:

  • anti-virus software is no help in pirate manipulations, so it should either be disabled or its proactive protection deactivated;
  • If possible, it is better to find the latest version of the activator;
  • Popular torrent trackers usually value their audience and try to block distributions with counterfeit software, and users vote for such programs by the number of downloads. Therefore, it is worth looking for the required activator there;
  • Activation may fail after the next OS update. There are two options: either disable updates, or look for a new suitable activator;
  • do not use pirated software, but pay for a license. This will not only help you avoid problems with the law, but will also prevent you from infecting a fresh system with malware.

Windows users have always been worried about one question: will Microsoft release the Windows 11 operating system or not? Since the official announcement of Windows 10, it has been said that this is the last version of Windows. Despite this, users are excitedly awaiting the future arrival of Windows 11; there is a wish list of what I would like to see in it. New format with several new applications and no problems with software compatibility are the most requested wishes of Windows users.

About Windows 11

The tech world is waiting for news about Windows 11 and even minor information is causing a stir. Microsoft problem is that some users are not interested in the update strategy used in Windows 10, instead they want to see more global innovations in the form new version Windows. Microsoft isn't ready to announce a big new project while working on development of Windows 10. By the way, an update called Redstone is expected to be released in the summer.

Although many don't mind seeing emergence of Windows 11, Windows startup 10 turned out to be extremely successful. The reason for the success may be Microsoft's focus on developers, who are an important part of any platform. A full-fledged strategy was created that gave users reasons to download updates. In addition to attractive appearance a lot was presented useful functions, including with the aim of luring enterprises to Windows 10.

Microsoft says no to Windows 11: why?

Official news coming from Microsoft office they say: Windows 10 will be the last Windows operating system, there will be no Windows 11. Since technical resources mentioned Windows release 11 in 2017-2018, Microsoft decided to dispel these rumors and announce that they are not going to release anything new after Windows 10.

"We're working on Windows 10 now because Windows 10 is the latest version of Windows," Microsoft's Jerry Nixon said at the Ignite conference.

Windows as a service

Microsoft adopted the "Last Windows" strategy. At the press conference, Nixon made a statement in which he said that Microsoft has no plans to release a new Windows after Windows 10, so Windows 10 will be the last version for users. But this does not mean that everything will end there and there will be no innovations. Microsoft will not release a new version of Windows, but Windows 10 will receive regular updates to improve the user experience. Nixon was not the only one to make such statements; Microsoft itself said the same thing, promising to regularly update Windows 10 instead of releasing a separate new version of Windows. This was said in Chicago at the Microsoft Ignite conference. Microsoft will apply a specific Windows 10 update pattern using Windows method as a service to serve its users. Microsoft believes that this method is more useful in fulfilling user requests.

Steve Kleinhans, official Microsoft representative, also confirmed that there are no plans for a new Windows. Creating a new version takes a lot of time, exactly 2-3 years - during this period the product already becomes outdated.

“There will be no Windows 11,” says Kleinhans. "Every three years, Microsoft would sit down and create a 'big new version of the OS.' Third-party developers did not have access to it, and the product that the world wanted three years ago appeared.”

About the next Microsoft operating system update

After the news that new Windows won't, several rumors have surfaced that have caught the attention of the tech world. This was information that Microsoft would release something significant in the summer of 2016.

It was about the appearance of an operating system update codenamed Redstone. Many experts believed that the update would not be so significant, but would bring expansion Windows support 10 on different devices, like HoloLens. At the time of these rumors, it was not clear how much this update would affect Windows 10. Many wondered what the name Redstone meant. As it turned out, this is a popular object in Minecraft game, used to create new technologies and improve items.

Next release date Windows updates

Microsoft had a surprise in store that the company was not going to share ahead of time. The company promised to regularly release useful updates Windows 10 for its users. Summer is next Redstone update, which will become the most significant since the appearance final version Windows 10

Some technology experts have written that Microsoft will create a new operating system not under the name Windows, but there is no evidence of this.


So, you might think that there is no need to wait for Windows 11, and you would be partly right. You just need to analyze everything wisely and understand that now there are other people at the helm, not Ballmer and Bill Gates. I do not rule out the fact that after Satya Nadella leaves, everything may return to normal. Moreover, progress still does not stand still. When the full-fledged 9th generation of consoles, DirectX 13 and new PC hardware are released, which may require new or well-modified software, then Windows 11 may be released, or whatever it will be called. Although, on the other hand, Microsoft wanted to completely abandon product numbering, as in Steam or Google Chrome, although there is essentially a product numbering there, it is not too obvious and intrusive.

Microsoft Windows release 8 wanted to do this, but the product failed in sales and the system itself was associated with inconvenient crap and no Start menu, so Windows 10 was released, which, thanks to its arrogant obsession, made great sales and massive updates. Who knows, maybe Microsoft is deliberately avoiding the Windows 11 conversation in order to hide the true truth of the development of the new OS, or maybe it will have to come to terms with new reality, from which we cannot escape.

Operating systems of the Windows family

Windows OS is an add-on developed by Microsoft over the DOS OS that provides a large number of features and convenience for users and programmers. Unlike shells like Norton Commander, Windows not only provides a convenient and visual interface for operations with files and disks, but also provides new opportunities for programs running in the Windows environment. Of course, to use these features, programs must be designed to meet Windows requirements.

MS Windows is an integrated environment that provides effective exchange of text, graphic, audio and video information between separate programs. Basic functionality MS Windows cover everything that is included in MS DOS, Windows 3.11.

An integrated operating system is an operating system whose kernel, loaded when the computer is turned on, activates GUI user and provides full compatibility with the MS DOS operating system.

Windows benefits:

1. Ease of device support. The main difference between programs for DOS and Windows is that a DOS program can work with computer hardware (monitor, keyboard, printer) directly, bypassing DOS, while a Windows program must access external devices only through Windows. Therefore, after installation in Windows drivers providing support of this device, all Windows programs can work with this device. This eliminates the painful problem for DOS of ensuring program compatibility with specific external devices. Programs (drivers) to support the most common devices are included in Windows, and for other devices they are supplied with these devices or controllers.

2. Unified user interface. Windows presents everything to programmers necessary funds to create a user interface, so programmers use them rather than invent similar tools of their own. As a result, the user interface of the Windows program in to a large extent is unified, and users do not need to learn new principles for organizing interaction with this program for each program.

3. Support for scalable fonts. Applications such as document editing, publishing, advertising, creating tables or presentations require the use of large quantities various fonts - text, heading, decorative, and the characters of these fonts may be required in the most various sizes. Therefore, support for scalable True Type fonts was built into Windows 3.1. Scalable fonts contain descriptions of character outlines, allowing you to build characters of any desired size.

4. Multimedia support. When connected to the appropriate devices, Windows can accept sounds from a microphone, CD or MIDI synthesizer, images from digital video camera or from a CD, output sounds and moving images. Windows is a highly efficient multimedia platform. This operating environment allows multimedia applications to shine at their best. Personal computers with multimedia on Windows platform provide excellent quality images and sound. Windows provides support for such multimedia devices, like videodiscs and VCRs. This support simplifies the process of preparing the system for time-lapse photography, the basis of high-quality video.

5. Multitasking. Windows provides the ability to run multiple programs at the same time and switch from one program to another.

6. Data exchange tools. To organize data exchange between various programs, Windows offers following methods:

Data exchange buffer (one program can place data in this buffer, and another can use the data from the buffer);

Dynamic data exchange (one program can use data associated with another program, and a copy of the data in the using program retains the link to the original);

Communication and implementation mechanism (a program using the embedded data can edit this data, for which the program with which this data was created is automatically launched).

7. Compatible with DOS programs. Working in a Windows environment does not force you to give up using DOS programs. Moreover, to run DOS programs, as a rule, there is no need to exit Windows.

8. Using Plug and Play technology. Windows makes extensive use of Plug and Play technology, providing new possibilities for integrating software and hardware. It is focused on supporting any type of device, including monitors, video cards, printers, sound cards, modems, CD-ROM drives, various controllers hard drives etc.

Plug and Play technology simplifies working with your computer through the following service functions:

– assistance in recognizing devices for their installation and configuration;

– notification of software products and applications and dynamic change system state;

– tight integration of device drivers, system components and user interface, making it easier to configure and manage the system.

In Windows, to connect a new device that supports Plug and Play technology, the user simply needs to insert it into the system. Redistribution and configuration of system resources then occur automatically.

Windows' Plug and Play technology also allows you to work with devices that are not Plug and Play certified, making it easier to set up and manage your hardware.

Windows Disadvantages:

1. The benefits described above are achieved through significant increase load on computer hardware. Often programs with approximately the same capabilities for DOS and Windows differ in their requirements for computer resources by tens of times.

2. Windows programs do not work effectively enough in applications where time is a critical resource.

3. Most significant Windows disadvantage– this is its very low reliability. Incorrect work Any Windows program can cause the entire Windows system to freeze. In addition, the limitations of these Windows resources make it impossible to simultaneously run more than three or four serious programs in Windows, no matter how much RAM and disk memory the computer has.

4. Windows provides virtually no protection against damage to the OS. When active using Windows Often the system loses its functionality, and you have to reinstall it or repair damage by working in DOS mode.

In OSs that have an interface command line, navigation through the file system is carried out by entering commands to move from disk to disk or from directory to directory. Due to the extreme inconvenience of such navigation (you need to remember commands and accurately type them character by character on the keyboard), special utilities, called file shells.

Shell programs provide the user with a completely new interface and free him from detailed knowledge of OS operations and commands. The functions of most shells, for example, the MS DOS family, provide faster and comfortable work with the file system. Like the OS, file shells can be non-graphical or graphical. The most famous non-graphical file shells for MS DOS are the file manager. Norton Commander, Dos Navigator, Volkov Commander. The role of a graphical file shell for MS DOS was at one time performed by the Windows 1.0 and Windows 2.0 programs, which gradually developed into the concept operating environment(in versions of Windows 3.x) and further to a separate operating system (Windows 95). Operating systems of the Windows family, although they have a graphical interface, nevertheless widely use shell programs, in particular shells Far Manager, Windows Commander, Total Commander.

Currently the majority personal computers in the world operate under one or another version of the Windows operating system (company Microsoft). Software products in this family have common characteristic features:

· unified graphical user interface;

· multitasking;

· support of work in network environment;

· Availability universal system means of data exchange between applications (clipboard, dynamic data exchange - DDE, object linking and embedding - OLE).

Implemented in operating systems of the Windows family open architecture(Windows Open Services Architecture– WOSA), which provides mechanisms for solving the problem of transmitting information regardless of its location and presentation format. With their help, a computer user can easily connect to any of information services, located in various networks or operating systems. Currently, standard access to databases, mail, telephone networks and licensing systems is provided, network services and specialized services (financial systems and real-time data).

Microsoft's first developments in the field of creating new operating systems for personal computers were software environments Windows 3.x (Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11 for Workgroup), which were a graphical add-on to the MS DOS operating system.

Then the corporation introduced the first real OS of the Windows family to the operating system market - Windows 95 . It is a multitasking, 32-bit OS with advanced network functions and provides extensive capabilities for working with multimedia, processing text, graphic, audio and video information, and also provides built-in support for file sharing and protection, the ability sharing printers, faxes and others shared resources. Windows 95 allows you to send messages by e-mail, fax, and supports remote access. The protected mode used in it does not allow application program in the event of a failure, disrupt the operation of the system, reliably protect applications from accidental interference of one process with another, and provide certain resistance to viruses.

Windows 98 differs from Windows 95 in its integration with Internet browser Explorer, which displays the contents of folders in a browser window; improved compatibility with new computer hardware; plug-and-play support. Can be used on desktop and laptop computers.

Windows Millennium Edition(Windows ME) is the next version of the Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE operating systems. It is based on Windows kernel 98.

In parallel with Windows 95, Microsoft introduced a fundamentally new operating system to the market - Windows NT (New Technology), which became the ancestor of a number of operating systems. It is a 32-bit system with built-in network support and developed means of multi-user work. It provides true multitasking, multiprocessing, access control to hardware and information resources, data protection and much more.

This operating system is very convenient for users working on a local network, as well as for group users, especially a group carrying out a joint project and exchanging data. Comes in two flavors: Windows NT Server and Windows NT for Workstation.

Next generation operating system Windows 2000 focused on various computers: portable, desktop, servers and cluster systems, and provides tight integration with the Internet. It is a development of Windows NT 4.0 and is characterized by the following parameters:

· has a 32-bit file system with an architecture open for further development, which works faster and implements many new features;

· simplifies installation and configuration of equipment as much as possible due to support for the plug-and-play standard;

· has built-in tools for working with sound, video and CDs (CD-ROM); diagnostics, optimization and error correction, which help eliminate conflicts between devices and increase the efficiency of the entire system;

· includes effective tools for working with the Internet, which speed up work and search for information in World Wide Web.

Due to the presence effective means providing protection (saving the system state for recovery after failures, modified file system, encryption, access control, etc.) Windows 2000 was recognized as one of the most secure operating systems.

Windows 2000 implements many solutions designed to reduce the cost of operating the system in corporate networks.

The Windows 2000 family includes: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. Each of them is designed for its own purposes and has corresponding capabilities and functions. For example, Windows 2000 Professional is aimed at home computers or workstations.

Windows XP combines best qualities previous versions Windows: Reliability, stability and manageability from Windows 2000, plug-and-play technology from Windows 98. It features a more efficient user interface, including new capabilities for grouping and searching documents, the ability fast switching users, etc. A Windows XP user can create CDs in write-once or write-once formats (CD-R or CD-RW) using the usual drag-and-drop method or appropriate wizards. The Windows XP operating system is implemented by Microsoft in two versions: for home users Windows XP HomeEdition, and for corporate clients– Windows XP Professional Edition.

OS Windows NT, 2000, XP support file systems FAT, NTFS, CDFS.

Further development capabilities of Windows 2000 Server OS received in a 64-bit operating system Windows Server 2003 , versions of which are aimed at small businesses and the SOHO market ( Small Office/Home Office– small office/home office), servers for large enterprises, construction of Web servers.

Windows CE– operating system for mobile computing devices, such as pocket computers, digital information pagers, Cell Phones, multimedia and entertainment consoles, including DVD players and Internet access devices. It is a 32-bit, multitasking operating system with open architecture. Windows CE allows devices of different categories to “talk” and exchange information with each other, communicate with corporate networks and from the Internet, use e-mail. It is compact and highly productive, runs on microprocessors various brands and manufacturers.