FGIS "Mercury" and electronic VSD. The Mercury system: who should connect to it and how to prepare veterinary documents electronically

The deadline for issuing veterinary certificates in electronic form has been postponed to July 1, 2018. From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by Gosvetnadzor are required to connect to the Mercury system. From this date, veterinary accompanying documents (certificates, certificates and certificates) will be issued exclusively in electronic form.

Let us remind you that within the framework of the federal state veterinary information system “Vetis”, 14 subsystems for various purposes have been created and are functioning. Thus, “Irena” is used for registration of veterinary drugs, feed, and additives; Hermes is intended for licensing of pharmaceuticals for animals. And “Mercury,” which will be discussed below, was created for electronic certification of goods controlled by Gosvetnadzor and tracking their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to controllers, such a unified system of electronic veterinary accompanying documents (VSD) will improve biological and food safety. The number of electronic VSDs is increasing every month. In February 2018, 33.8 million units were issued through Mercury. This is 4.1 million (14%) more than in January 2018 and 29.9 million more than in February 2017. The dynamics of development of electronic certification in regions differ. Based on the results of February, 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation issued more than 600 thousand electronic veterinary documents monthly.

Who is required to connect and when?

From July 1, 2018, all organizations that deal with products controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision Authority are required to connect to the Mercury system. These include those who currently issue paper veterinary accompanying documents: farms, meat processing plants, poultry factories, seafood producers, their suppliers, distributors.

From July 1, 2018, this list will be supplemented by dairy producers, logistics companies and retail outlets that deal with any regulated products.

The full list of regulated goods that are subject to mandatory electronic veterinary certification is contained in Order No. 648 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015. The list includes about 25 large groups of goods (in HS codes). To avoid guessing, you need to check it: if you work with any of the products named there, then you need to register with Mercury.

Individual entrepreneurs can also submit an application either in writing to the Rosselkhoznadzor TU, or in electronic form to the following address: [email protected].

The procedure and data that must be indicated in the application are prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589. This document regulates the rules for issuing veterinary accompanying documents both in paper and electronic form. The application, in particular, indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the authorized employee; citizenship; information about the identity document; email address, and in case of its absence - postal address; telephone number (optional). Registration is carried out within two working days after submitting the application.


Application templates can be downloaded on the website of the federal state veterinary information system (Administering the list of users of an economic entity in Vetis.Passport).

What does retail need to do?

Retail outlets are required to cancel veterinary accompanying documents (VSD). When they receive products for which the supplier has issued a veterinary certificate, the store representative must enter Mercury and note that the product with this VSD has been accepted in full or in such and such quantity. This ensures product traceability, its path from the manufacturer to the final point - the shelves of a particular store.

If the store does not have access to the Internet, you can issue a power of attorney for the supplier so that he extinguishes the VSD in Mercury upon receipt of delivery. In addition, clause 61 of Order No. 589 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 27, 2016 provides for remote cancellation of electronic veterinary certificates. Even if a retail outlet does not have Internet access, it has, for example, an accountant with Internet access. In this case, he can go into Mercury and extinguish the VSD.

How to make your work easier

There are many times more electronic certificates generated per delivery than paper certificates. This is due to the fact that they are issued for each item of controlled goods, whereas a paper document could be made only one for the entire delivery. Extinguishing each received VSD in the web version of Mercury is labor-intensive and time-consuming. If the data needs to be corrected upon acceptance, processing one incoming veterinary certificate may take several minutes.

IT partners of Rosselkhoznadzor (the list is on the agency’s website), including SKB Kontur, have developed solutions that can be used to integrate Mercury with the company’s accounting system. This allows you to automate work with electronic VSD. In particular, special modules allow you to process the entire array of delivery VSDs in a few seconds in a familiar and familiar 1C interface.

Will there be delays and fines?

You can work with paper VSD until July 1 of the current year. From July 1, 2018, paper documents will no longer be valid. The originally scheduled date of January 1, 2018 (according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2015 No. 243 “On Veterinary Medicine”) was postponed for six months, so it is unlikely to count on a second postponement.
In mid-March (03/15/2018), a draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses on fines for violating the rules for registering VSD was published. For the production, transportation or transfer of ownership of controlled cargo, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all, the following sanctions are introduced for legal entities:
  • up to 100 thousand rubles for the transportation or transfer of ownership of animals, accompanied by incorrectly executed veterinary documents or without them at all;
  • up to 20 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to fish and products from aquatic biological resources;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles for transportation or transfer of ownership rights to raw milk and raw cream;
  • up to 5 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to heat-treated products;
  • up to 50 thousand rubles for production, transportation or transfer of ownership rights to all other goods, if they are subject to mandatory certification.
Repeated violation of the rules threatens with a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles. Until April 4, 2018, the bill is open for public discussion. The entry into force of individual articles varies from 180 days from the date of adoption to 01/01/2019.

In addition, we should not forget about the risk of ruining business relations with a partner due to non-compliance with the law.

On January 1, 2018, a system of mandatory electronic veterinary certification was introduced. From this moment on, paper certificates will no longer be used, and all veterinary accompanying documents for goods subject to mandatory veterinary control will be transferred to electronic form. We tell you how the new system will work.

NOTE! Federal Law No. 431-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the preparation of electronic veterinary accompanying documents as of July 1, 2018.

What is electronic veterinary certification

Veterinary certification is essentially testing products for suitability for consumption and safety. Currently there is also certification, but it is “paper”. From the beginning of 2018 it will be replaced by a fashionable electronic version.

The system of mandatory electronic veterinary certification is provided for by the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 243-FZ and is regulated by separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

The list of goods that are subject to mandatory veterinary control (controlled goods) is established by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2015 No. 648.

The procedure for issuing electronic certificates is established by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture dated December 27, 2016 No. 589.

Electronic veterinary certificates are issued in the federal state information system in the field of veterinary medicine (FSIS) "Mercury".

All participants in the circulation of controlled products must be registered in FSIS "Mercury".

Cheat sheet on the article from the editors of BUKH.1S for those who do not have time

1. Veterinary certification is essentially a test of products for suitability for consumption and safety. Currently there is also certification, but it is “paper”.
2. From January 1, 2018, a system of mandatory electronic veterinary certification will be introduced.
3. A list of goods that are subject to mandatory veterinary control (controlled goods) has been determined.
4. Electronic veterinary certificates are issued in the federal state information system in the field of veterinary medicine (FSIS) “Mercury”.
5. All participants in the circulation of controlled products must be registered in the FSIS "Mercury".
6. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production, transportation and trade of regulated products are required to issue electronic veterinary accompanying documents.
7. The application for an electronic certificate is considered by FSIS automatically within 1 hour from the moment of its registration. The period for registration and issuance of electronic certificates cannot exceed one business day.
8. You can work with FSIS “Mercury” directly through the web application, but then you will have to enter all the data manually.
9. The 1C company, together with its partner ASBK, developed and released a solution for working with FGIS "Mercury". The solution can be used as a completely independent configuration, or work in conjunction with standard 1C configurations.

Electronic veterinary certification "Mercury": who uses it

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production, transportation and trade of regulated products will be required to issue electronic veterinary accompanying documents (VSD).

  • During the production of each batch of controlled goods.
  • When moving (transporting) controlled goods. Since 2018, a separate certificate is required for each batch of transported products. And if there are several consignments of goods in a container at once, each item will require its own VSD. In this case, a batch means a separate article (name) of a product with a separate expiration date.
  • When selling goods. This applies to cases of resale of products for further sale. When selling products to the final buyer, if there is no movement of goods, for example from store to store, you will not need to issue electronic documents.

Thus, the electronic veterinary certification system covers the entire production cycle of products of animal origin - from raw materials to finished food products on store shelves. At each stage, you will need to obtain the appropriate accompanying veterinary document (certificate, veterinary certificate, veterinary certificate).

For whom electronic veterinary certification is not required?

Registration of electronic VSD is not required:

  • Catering enterprises for feeding people at a given enterprise (for example, canteens, cafes, restaurants), or if they sell goods to the end consumer for their food in any other place. If the company prepares products and distributes them to other facilities (schools, hospitals, etc.), VSD registration will still be required.
  • Manufacturers of culinary products and ready-made dishes intended for sale to the end consumer at a given enterprise.
  • In the production of products used for the needs of the enterprise itself.

Also, certificates may not be issued:

  • When transporting domestic, service, or ornamental animals, carried out without a change of owner and not related to business activities. If animals are transported to exhibition events, an electronic certificate will be required.
  • When moving farm animals for grazing (including transhumance), carried out by the owner of the animal or a person authorized by him.

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Implementation of electronic veterinary certification: connection to Mercury

From January 1, 2018, paper veterinary certificates and certificates are being replaced by electronic ones, which can be issued online through the federal state information system "Mercury".

In order to be able to work with controlled goods, organizations and individual entrepreneurs must register with the FSIS "Mercury". The procedure for connecting to the system is established by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589.

For registration purposes, it is necessary to submit an application for access to FSIS. The application can be sent in the following ways:

  • in writing to the FSIS operator, that is, to Rosselkhoznadzor or its territorial department;
  • in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

Organizations send an application by email [email protected], and IP – to the address [email protected].

The application must contain information about each of the registered authorized persons of the organization, their position and rights of access to FSIS, data on documents confirming that the registered authorized persons have veterinary education.

In the case of registration of an employee of an organization with access rights that provide the possibility of registering or canceling VSD, the service area of ​​authorized persons is indicated.

The individual entrepreneur’s application must contain access rights to the FSIS service functions that the individual entrepreneur plans to receive, as well as data from the individual entrepreneur’s registration certificate. If desired, the individual entrepreneur can provide information about his veterinary education. Registration is carried out within no more than 5 working days after receiving the application.

After registration, authorized persons of organizations and individual entrepreneurs are provided with:

  • password and login to enter FSIS;
  • personal electronic account in FSIS;
  • FSIS email address;
  • the ability to issue electronic certificates and certificates;
  • the ability to cancel electronic certificates and certificates;
  • read access to FSIS data;
  • access to enter data into FSIS;
  • access to other FSIS capabilities, according to the application.

Registered users are granted appropriate statuses and access rights, such as “certified specialist”, “authorized applicant”, “authorized person”, “administrator”, etc.

Each status has its own set of opportunities that can be implemented through FSIS. For example, only users with the access rights “authorized applicant”, “issuance of return certificates”, “authorized person”, “WBG catch certification” and “certified specialist” can apply for a certificate.

How the new certification system will work

Certificates are issued on the basis of an application. The application must provide the following information:

  • information about the controlled goods;
  • the purpose of issuing the certificate (registration of a production batch, sale, or movement);
  • information about the vehicle used for travel;
  • information about the place of departure and destination, as well as transportation conditions.

An application for an electronic certificate is reviewed by FSIS automatically within 1 hour from the moment it is issued.

The period for registration and issuance of electronic certificates cannot exceed one business day. This is a general rule.

If it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests, inspection and veterinary and sanitary examination of regulated goods, the period is extended. In these cases, the electronic document is issued within one business day after receiving the results of the relevant procedure.

In this case, the decision to send products for laboratory testing must be justified in writing.

According to the new rules, controllers will not have the right to demand paper certificates from manufacturers, carriers, suppliers and sellers.

At the same time, manufacturers, carriers and suppliers who have received electronic certificates have the right to request that the document be duplicated on a secure form. Such a paper document is not required to be received/presented and serves solely for the convenience of the manufacturer/supplier/carrier. A paper duplicate is provided solely at the request of the applicant.

In this case, as a general rule, to confirm certification it will be enough to provide the electronic VSD number or present a bar code generated by Mercury. You can also submit a printout of the electronic document. Any option is acceptable and sufficient to confirm the fact of certification.

Electronic certificates will be valid from the moment they are issued until the expiration date/end of transportation/sale. When issuing certificates for animals, they are valid for 5 days before the date of transportation and until the end of transportation/sale of animals.

Electronic VSDs are stored for 3 years, but not less than until the expiration date of the controlled product. Electronic certificates are stored by Mercury itself. When duplicating a document on paper, the completed spine of the document is kept by the person who issued the certificate, and the certificate itself is kept by the purchaser of the regulated product for 3 years after the purchase of this product.

Data exchange with FSIS "Mercury" via 1C

You can work with FSIS "Mercury" through a web application. The main advantage of this option is that it is free, you only need a computer and an Internet connection. In this case, all information is entered into the system manually. The second method is integration with FSIS "Mercury" through the universal gateway Vetis.API. This option allows you to automate the generation of electronic veterinary certificates. This significantly speeds up the acceptance and shipment of regulated goods and raw materials, which facilitates the work of both authorized employees of enterprises and veterinarians.

The 1C company, together with its partner ASBK, developed and released the 1C: Veterinary Certificate Management solution for working with the FGIS Mercury. The solution includes functionality that allows you to automate the exchange of data with FSIS to obtain veterinary accompanying documents, ensure storage, processing and retrieval of the received information on veterinary accompanying documents.

“1C: Veterinary Certificate Management” can be used as a completely independent configuration, or work in conjunction with standard 1C configurations, transferring the necessary information to the user’s accounting system. This eliminates manual duplication of information entry, for example, when issuing invoices (form TORG-12).

For trade organizations (wholesale and retail) in standard products “1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2”, “1C: Integrated Automation” (rev. 2), “1C: Trade Management” (rev. 11), “1C: Retail” mechanisms data exchange with FSIS "Mercury" will be implemented in 2018.

The federal state information system "Mercury" was developed by Rosselkhoznadzor, is part of the FSIS Vetis and is intended for:

  • registration of electronic veterinary certificates,
  • tracking the path of movement of supervised cargo,
  • excluding their falsification and smuggling.

In accordance with Law N 243-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, from July 1, 2018, all goods controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor are subject to mandatory electronic certification in the FSIS “Mercury”, which tracks them throughout the entire cycle: from raw materials to the finished product on the store shelf.

Certification is required for: meat processing plants, poultry farms, seafood producers, dairies, distributors and retail chains.

FSIS "Mercury" allows you to:

  • reduce the time for preparing veterinary accompanying documentation,
  • accumulate information about samples taken for testing imported products,
  • track the movement of a consignment across the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account its fragmentation,
  • reduce the cost of issuing VSD by replacing secure paper forms with electronic ones,
  • eliminate the human factor due to the availability of ready-made forms for entering information, as well as checking user-entered data.
  • create a unified database for quick search and analysis of information.

The system is intended for employees:

  • economic entities (ES);
  • veterinary departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (VU);
  • animal disease control stations (ADCS);
  • the central office of Rosselkhoznadzor (CA);
  • territorial departments of Rosselkhoznadzor (TU);
  • temporary storage warehouses (TSW),
  • customs control zones (CZC).

The following subsystems operate as part of FSIS "Mercury":

  • Subsystem of the Temporary Storage Warehouse (Mercury.SVH)
  • Subsystem of the State Veterinary Expertise (Mercury.GVE)
  • Business entity subsystem (Mercury.XC)
  • Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Mercury.TU)
  • Notification subsystem (Mercury.Notifications)
  • Subsystem for verifying the authenticity of issued VSD
  • Universal gateway (Vetis.API)
  • Subsystem of preliminary notifications from foreign countries (Mercury.Notice)

Working with GIS "Mercury": manual input or integration

The GIS "Mercury" Rosselkhoznadzor (FSIS Vetis) implements the ability to create applications for issuing veterinary certificates, but the company has to create applications by manually entering all the necessary data. With a large number of certificates issued per day, this method of work requires significant labor costs, and therefore additional costs.

In this regard, the urgent issue is the integration of the enterprise accounting system with the Mercury GIS in order to automate the process of creating electronic veterinary certificates. As a result of integration, they will be created automatically based on primary data from the enterprise’s accounting system, which will immediately bring tangible savings.

Solution from JSC "ASP"

"13" October 2016 A cooperation agreement was concluded between the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) and CJSC ASP.

On the official website of the State Information System in the field of veterinary medicine VETIS, the ASP company is listed in the IT partners section.

CJSC "ASP" offers the integration of existing automated enterprise accounting systems with the GIS "Mercury" of Rosselkhoznadzor. The implementation of the ASP.Mercury software package will significantly reduce the costs of the enterprise. All work is carried out on a turnkey basis.

Automatic issuance of veterinary certificates from 1C and other accounting systems from 30,000 rubles!

Video presentation of the product "ASP.Mercury"

On our YouTube channel you can watch video reviews of the ASP.Gateway and ASP.Mercury products, as well as study video tutorials on working in the Mercury GIS program.

The company ZAO "ASP" has a number of successfully implemented projects for the integration of enterprise accounting systems with the GIS "Mercury" in various areas of production: meat processing plants, dairies, poultry farms, seafood producers, distributors, retail chains.

The implementation of "ASP.Mercury" will allow:

  • automatically generate VSD in GIS "Mercury";
  • speed up the receipt of electronic certificates,
  • eliminate manual input into the GIS "Mercury",
  • minimize the risk of errors when filling out data,
  • reduce company costs,
  • reduce costs for VSD forms.

As a result, you will have the opportunity, independently or with the help of certified veterinary specialists, to automatically issue VSD for the entire range of transported products, which means completely getting rid of the maintenance of the state veterinary service and the significant financial costs associated with them. At the same time, to independently register the VSD, the company does not need to hire additional specialists.

The main advantages of the solution from the ASP company:

  • All work is carried out on a turnkey basis.
  • Compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary supervision.
  • Integration with all existing automated accounting systems.
  • Open source.
  • Possibility of flexible configuration of integration taking into account the features of the existing accounting system.
  • Savings on VSD forms.
  • Reducing the time for preparing veterinary accompanying documentation by automating this process.
  • Comprehensive annual support.
  • The development of the software package was carried out in collaboration with the developers of the GIS "Mercury" and specialists from Rosselkhoznadzor.

The ASP company offers two integration options: “ASP.Gateway” (integration of any enterprise accounting system through a gateway, including “1C” platform versions 7.7; 8.0; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3) from 30,000 rubles and “ASP.Mercury” ( direct integration of 1C platform version 8.0; 8.2; 8.3 on managed and unmanaged forms) from 60,000 rubles. Each option is relevant depending on the size of the enterprise and the version of the accounting system.

The ASP company also offers comprehensive annual support. It includes maintenance of this integration, since the accounting systems of the enterprise and the GIS "Mercury" Rosselkhoznadzor are periodically updated, and accordingly the exchange format or requirements may change, consulting on the integration module with the GIS "Mercury", incident support, making changes and updates to processing.

Unlike other developers, the company ASP CJSC already has successfully implemented projects for integrating enterprise accounting systems with the Mercury GIS in various areas of production: meat processing plants, dairies, poultry farms, seafood producers, distributors, retail chains.

our clients

Federal State Information System in the field of veterinary medicine - FSIS VetIS.

Taking into account the direction of development of means of informatization of activities in the field of veterinary medicine and the goal set in the Federal Law “On Veterinary Medicine” of creating a unified Federal state information system in the field of veterinary medicine Vetis, Rosselkhoznadzor is taking practical steps in this direction.

The operator of the Vetis state information system is the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor). Rosselkhoznadzor carries out activities for the creation, development and operation, including automated collection, storage, processing, summarizing information contained in its databases, as well as providing this information to interested parties.

Special information systems FSIS Vetis

Special information systems are information systems whose main task is to automate a specific business process or a group of similar business processes.

Automated system Argus.

An automated system for issuing permits and monitoring the movement of regulated cargo across the state border of the Russian Federation and the border of the Customs Union.
Business entity subsystem (Argus.HS)
Veterinary Management Subsystem (Argus.VU)
Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Argus.TU)
Subsystem of the Veterinary Supervision Department (Argus.UVN)
Subsystem of the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the CIS country (Argus.GUV)
Subsystem of the Border Veterinary Control Point (Argus.PVKP)

Automated system Mercury.

System of electronic certification of regulated products, control of the movement of products across the territory of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union.
Subsystem of the Temporary Storage Warehouse (Mercury.SVH)
Subsystem of the State Veterinary Expertise (Mercury.GVE)
Business entity subsystem (Mercury.XC)
Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Mercury.TU)
Notification subsystem (Mercury.Notifications)
Subsystem for verifying the authenticity of issued VSD
Universal gateway (Vetis.API)
Subsystem of preliminary notifications from foreign countries (Mercury.Notice)

Automated system Vesta.

The system is designed to automate the process of collecting, transmitting and analyzing information on laboratory testing of samples of regulated products during research in the field of diagnostics, food safety, food and feed quality, quality and safety of medicines for animals.
Subsystem of the Sample Reception department (Vesta.Reception)
Subsystem of the Research Department (Vesta. Conducting research)
Settings subsystem (Vesta.Settings)

Automated system Hermes.

Automation system for licensing pharmaceutical activities and production of medicines intended for animals.

Automated system Irena.

Registration system for medicines, feed additives and GMO feed.

Automated system Cerberus.

System of control and recording of legally significant actions in the field of veterinary supervision.

Main purpose of the system:

The automated Mercury system is designed for electronic certification of goods supervised by state veterinary supervision, tracking the path of their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, increasing biological and food safety.

Goals of creation:

Reducing the time for preparing veterinary accompanying documentation by automating this process.
- Automatic accounting of incoming and outgoing volumes of products at the enterprise (refrigerator, warehouse, food processing facility, etc.).
- Entering and storing information about selected samples for the study of imported products.
- The ability to track the movement of a consignment across the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account its fragmentation.
- Reducing labor, material and financial costs for issuing VSD by replacing secure paper VSD forms with electronic versions.
- Minimization of human errors, thanks to the availability of ready-made forms for entering information, as well as checking user-entered data.

Creation of a single centralized database for quick access to up-to-date information, for generating reports, searching and analyzing information.

Gaining access:

For business entities

According to Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589, registration in the Mercury system is carried out as follows:

Individual entrepreneur
has the right to send an application on paper by mail to Rosselkhoznadzor or one of its Territorial Departments;
or in electronic form to the email address of Rosselkhoznadzor: [email protected], signed by an individual entrepreneur simple electronic digital signature .

The application is submitted by a person authorized for these purposes by this organization, in writing on the organization’s letterhead signed by its head (deputy head) to Rosselkhoznadzor or one of its Territorial Directorates;
or in the form of an electronic document certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature organization or its head (deputy head), sent by email [email protected].

Information about the Territorial Directorates of Rosselkhoznadzor is located at the link: http://www.fsvps.ru/fsvps/structure/terorgs.

The application must indicate:

Name of the organization;
Legal address;
Actual address;
TIN, checkpoint;
Type of certified activity;
Full name of the employee who will be assigned the Administrator role.

General system diagram

The Mercury system is implemented as a web application, i.e. users interact with the system via the Internet. Thanks to this, all users always have access to up-to-date information. The work is carried out using a regular web browser (browser), for example Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. Thus, the user does not need to install anything at his workplace.

The Mercury system is located on a central server, which is also connected to the Internet, and processes requests received from users and generates responses. Since the central server may be unavailable (for example, if it is disconnected from the Internet or there is no power supply), a geographically remote backup server is provided, which automatically replicates with the central one and, if it is disconnected, begins processing user requests until the main server is restored.

Rice. 1. Scheme of organizing the user’s work with the system

To work with the Mercury system, it is recommended to use the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser version 3.0 or higher. It also supports Internet Explorer version 7.0 and higher, which is included with the Windows operating system. Work in other browsers (Opera, Safari, etc.) has not been fully tested. To log into the system, the user must type a specific address in the address bar of the browser and enter into the system his user name and password, issued to the employee when registering in the system.

If the user temporarily does not have access to the Internet, it is planned to develop a desktop version of the Mercury system, which will require installation at the workplace and with which users can work in the absence of a connection to the network, and when it appears, they can synchronize the data entered on the local computer data with a central server.

System operation diagram (import of products to the Russian Federation)

Rice. 2. Scheme of the system operation using the example of importing products into the Russian Federation

Explanations for the diagram:

– Imported cargo is received at the temporary storage warehouse for veterinary inspection and full customs clearance. Here the cargo is inspected and a veterinary certificate is issued for transporting the cargo to the recipient's warehouse.
– The cargo follows the issued veterinary certificate to the recipient’s warehouse; When cargo arrives at the warehouse, information about it is entered into the warehouse's entry log, and the veterinary certificate is canceled.
– When sending the cargo to the final recipient or to another warehouse, a new veterinary accompanying document (veterinary certificate or certificate) is issued.
- Cargo according to the issued VSD is sent to another warehouse or sent to the final recipient; the final recipient extinguishes the VSD through which the cargo was received.

System update

The automated Mercury system is constantly being improved and is regularly updated due to changes made. The system update process occurs on the server and does not affect the user's work.

You can use the list of FAQs - frequently asked questions about the Mercury system.

We remind you that the SPZ plans to hold a round table on Mercury at the open SPZ Autumn Forum on September 19 as part of the ParkZoo exhibition.

Talked about upcoming changes in preparation of veterinary documentsfor companies working with food products. From 2016, it is planned to switch to electronic veterinary certificates. Changes in legislation provide for the introduction of batch accounting of the movement of raw materials and products within Russia. In this regard, in accounting for the movement of goods in 1C, it is necessary to additionally track a new dimension - the Veterinary Accompanying Document (VSD).

Purpose of the Mercury system: to ensure end-to-end accounting of the movement of raw materials and products by batch (in terms of Mercury in terms of VSD and Manufacturing Dates) between all entities on the territory of Russia and the Unified Customs Union (UTS).

Systems are used to process all necessary transactions for businesses Argus, Mercury And Vesta. When conducting inspections and monitoring the work of enterprises, systems are used Cerberus And Cyrano. The system is indirectly involved Icarus(company directory).

All systems are built on a process approach - information entered once in one system is then used in another system. Duplication of information input is excluded.

Now we will consider only the operation of the Mercury system, which is divided into several parts. Veterinarians work with the Mercury.GVE system. Enterprises operate in the Mercury.XC system. If the enterprise independently prepares Veterinary Accompanying Documents (VSD), then RosSelkhozNadzor will provide access to the Mercury.GVE system to the enterprise’s employees.

Difference Mercury.GVE (State Veterinary Expertise) fromMercury.HS (Economy Entity):

    V Mercury.GVE is possible to redeem (receive) veterinary certificates and Incoming VSD

  • sending information about Outgoing VSD to Mercury.

Mercury.HS is needed only for viewing data; active operations with Incoming and Outgoing VSD (except for internal operations) are impossible.

Certified specialists can work in the Mercury.GVE system at production enterprises; they can either be hired on staff or use the services of a third-party company.

It should also be emphasized that the Mercury system ensures the maintenance of balances in terms of measurements:

  1. Products (corresponds to the entry from the HS code classifier),
  2. Date of manufacture (represented as a specific date; interval; period description string)
  3. VSD (link to veterinary document)

Principles of accounting in Mercury:

  1. You cannot enter only some of the measurements
  2. Minus shipping is not allowed

Scheme of operation of a plant and trading company in the Mercury system

Working with the Mercury system in production

List of operations:

1. Receipt of raw materials

Mercury displays purchases of only veterinary-controlled raw materials.

Import clearance

1. Open the list of veterinary certificates

2. Find a veterinary certificate

3. Cancellation of the veterinary certificate

The cancellation procedure essentially means the arrival of the goods. If discrepancies are detected in the veterinary certificate and actual acceptance, it is possible to correct the production date, expiration dates, and quantity.

Purchase of raw materials on the territory of the ETS

The purchase operation is carried out through Transactions.

Laboratory research

Incoming raw materials to the plant must undergo laboratory tests. Based on the results of the study, a decision will be made on whether to use raw materials for production or return them to the supplier.

After taking samples for laboratory tests, if the raw materials are not returned to the warehouse or are not put into production, they must be written off. For this purpose, the capitalized amount of raw materials is adjusted using Inventory.

The system provides the ability to combine several parishes into one batch. This may be necessary to simplify the write-off of raw materials for production. For example, it is possible to combine several goods receipts into one batch. As a result, in accounting, several Incoming IRRs will be combined into one IRR, the name of which will list all IRRs in the form of a line. This operation is irreversible. It is already possible to operate with only one batch.

2. Product manufacturing

As a result of cancellation of veterinary certificates and incoming VSD raw materials Input products.

After the production operation is completed, all produced products will accumulate in the log Manufactured products.

As a result, a situation may arise when 20 tons of controlled products are produced from 5 tons of controlled raw materials.

To register a product release, you need to create a new Transaction.

The manufacturer is indicated in the Transaction header.

The Transaction Entry lists a detailed list of raw materials indicating the quantities that went into producing a specific quantity of product.

My opinion. Factories may have questions:

  • compliance with trade secrets, because in fact, the recipe for production of products will be indicated in Mercury
  • determining the costs of raw materials immediately after production, because in some cases, raw materials can be distributed after production in a few days
  • the problem of correctly determining the write-off batch before the sequence is restored.

3. Product shipment

The shipment operation is completed using Transactions.