Terms of user agreement. User agreement (software). Terms used in the agreement

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is an offer, the acceptance of the conditions (acceptance) of which is the performance of actions provided for in the Agreement.



The terms of the Agreement govern the relationship and contain the following definitions:


Offer- this document (Agreement), posted on the Internet at the address: .


Acceptance- full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by carrying out the actions specified in clause. 3.1 Agreements.


Individual entrepreneur () who placed the offer.


Web site- a set of web pages hosted on a virtual server and forming a single structure, located on the Internet at the address: (hereinafter referred to as the Site).


Content- information presented in text, graphic, audiovisual (video) formats on the Site, which is its content. The Site content is divided into main - user content, and auxiliary - administrative content, which is created to facilitate the functioning of the Site, including the Site interface.


Simple (non-exclusive) license - non-exclusive right to use the result of intellectual activity specified in paragraph. 2.1 Agreements, preserving the right to issue licenses to other parties.


Personal Area is a virtual personal self-service tool located on the official website:.


Personal account- a unique login and password to enter your personal account.

Subject of the Agreement


This Agreement defines the conditions and procedure for the use of the results of intellectual activity, including elements of the content of the Website located on the Internet at the address: (hereinafter referred to as the Site), the responsibility of the Parties and other features of the functioning of the Site and the relationship of the Site Users with, as well as together.


Guarantees that he is the copyright holder of the exclusive rights to the Site specified in paragraph. 2.1 Agreements.

Agreement with the terms of the agreement


Acceptance (acceptance of the offer) is the registration of a personal account.


By performing actions to accept the offer in the manner specified in clause. 3.1 Agreement, guarantees that he has read, agrees, fully and unconditionally accepts all the terms of the Agreement, and undertakes to comply with them.


We hereby confirm that acceptance (taking actions to accept the offer) is equivalent to signing and concluding the Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.


The offer comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the address and is valid until the offer is revoked.


This Agreement is posted in writing on the Site. If necessary, any person upon his request may be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with a paper version of the Agreement in the office.


The agreement can only be accepted as a whole ( clause 1 art. 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). After accepting the terms of this Agreement, it acquires the force of an agreement concluded between and, while such an agreement is not drawn up as a paper document signed by both Parties.


To organize interaction between and register your Personal Account in the following order: .


The Personal Account contains the following information about: .


Reserves the right to make changes to this Agreement without any special notice, and therefore undertakes to regularly monitor changes to the Agreement. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on this page, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is always located on this page at: .

Rights and obligations of the parties




Within calendar days from the date of receipt of the corresponding written notice, eliminate the identified deficiencies of the Site on your own and at your own expense, namely:

Inconsistency of the content of the Site with the data specified in clause. 2.1 Agreements;

The presence on the Site of materials prohibited for distribution by law.


Refrain from any actions that could impede the exercise of the right granted to him to use the Site within the limits established by the Agreement.


Provide information on issues related to working with the Site via . Current email addresses are located in the "" section of the Site at: .


Register your personal account in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.


Use all personal data and other confidential information only for the provision of services in accordance with the Agreement, do not transfer to third parties the documentation and information about it.


Ensure the confidentiality of information entered when using the Site through a personal account, except for cases where such information is posted in public sections of the Site (for example, chat).


Provide advice on all issues related to the Site. The complexity of the issue, volume, and timing of consultation are determined in each specific case independently.




Use the Site only within the limits of those rights and in the ways provided for in the Agreement.


When registering in your personal account, provide real, not fictitious information. If the information provided is found to be unreliable, as well as if there are reasonable doubts about its reliability (including if, when trying to contact, the specified contact information turns out to be non-existent), he has the right to unilaterally terminate relations with, delete the account and block access to the Site .


Keep secret and not disclose to third parties information about your password, which gives access to your Personal Account. If such information for one reason or another becomes known to third parties, he undertakes to immediately change it.


Strictly adhere to and not violate the terms of the Agreement, as well as ensure the confidentiality of commercial and technical information obtained through cooperation.


Refrain from copying in any form, as well as from changing, supplementing, distributing the Site, the content of the Site (or any part thereof), and also refrain from creating derivative objects based on it without prior written permission.


Do not use any devices or computer programs to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal functioning of the Site.


Immediately inform him of all facts of illegal use of the Site by third parties that become known to him.


Use the Site without violating the property and/or personal non-property rights of third parties, as well as prohibitions and restrictions established by applicable law, including without limitation: copyright and related rights, rights to trademarks, service marks and names of places of origin of goods, industrial rights samples, rights to use images of people.


Do not post or transmit material that is unlawful, obscene, libelous, defamatory, threatening, pornographic, hostile, harassing, racially or ethnically discriminatory, or incites acts that could be considered a criminal offense or a violation of any law, as well as being considered unacceptable for other reasons, materials promoting the cult of violence and cruelty, materials containing obscene language.


Perform other duties provided for in the Agreement.



Suspend or terminate registration and access to the Site if it is reasonably believed that it is engaged in illegal activities.


Collect information about preferences and how they use the Site (the most frequently used functions, settings, preferred time and duration of work with the Site, etc.), which is not personal data, to improve the operation of the Site, diagnose and prevent failures of the Site.


Request additional information about his position and type of activity, including about the company he represents, when registering in his personal account or at any other time. has the right to refuse to use the Site (up to and including deleting the Personal Account) or limit its use at his own discretion, if he is not an employee of the company or a representative of the person for whom the Site is intended, or if he refuses to provide the requested information. at its own discretion, has the right to provide limited access to the Site to other persons not engaged in core activities for the purpose of familiarization.


Make unilateral changes to the Agreement by publishing its new editions.


Delete user content at the request of authorized bodies or interested parties if this content violates applicable law or the rights of third parties.


Temporarily stop the operation of the Site, as well as partially limit or completely stop access to the Site until the necessary maintenance and (or) modernization of the Site is completed. has no right to demand compensation for damages for such temporary cessation of services or limitation of the availability of the Site.



Use the Site within the limits and in the ways provided for in the Agreement.


Does not have the right to consent to the implementation of this Agreement in cases where he does not have the legal right to use the Site in the country in which he is located or resides, or if he has not reached the age from which he has the right to enter into this Agreement.

Terms and conditions of use


Subject to the fulfillment of this Agreement, a simple (non-exclusive) license is granted to use the Site using a personal computer, mobile phone or other device, to the extent and in the manner established by the Agreement, without the right to grant sublicenses or assignment.


In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, it grants the right to use the Site in the following ways:


Use the Site to view, review, leave comments and other entries and implement other functionality of the Site, including by displaying the corresponding technical means on the monitor (screen);


Briefly download into computer memory for the purposes of using the Site and its functionality;


Quote elements of the Site's user-generated content, indicating the source of the citation, including a link to the Site's URL.


Copy, distribute or process materials and information contained on the Site, except in cases where this is necessary and caused by the implementation of functionality available as a specific one.


Violate the integrity of the security system or carry out any actions aimed at bypassing, removing or deactivating technical means of protection; use any program codes intended to distort, delete, damage, imitate or violate the integrity of the Site, transmitted information or protocols.

In "AS IS" condition, without warranty or any obligation to provide correction, support or improvement.


With respect to User Content, warrants that it owns or has the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to use and grant the right to use all User Content in accordance with this Agreement; he has the written consent and (or) permission of each person present in the user content in one way or another to use the personal data (including an image, if necessary) of that person in order to post and use the user content in the manner provided for in this Agreement.


By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you grant others a non-exclusive, royalty-free right to use (simple license) the materials that you add (post) on the Site in sections intended for access by all or part of it (chat rooms, discussions, comments, etc.). The specified right and/or permission to use materials is granted simultaneously with the addition of such materials to the Site for the entire duration of the exclusive rights to intellectual property or protection of moral rights to the specified materials for their use in all countries of the world.

Personal data and privacy policy


To fulfill the terms of the Agreement, agrees to provide and consents to the processing of personal data in accordance with Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” on the terms and conditions of and for the purpose of proper execution of the Agreement. “Personal data” means personal information that you provide about yourself independently for acceptance.


Guarantees confidentiality in relation to personal data and provides access to personal data only to those employees who need this information to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, ensuring that these persons comply with the confidentiality of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing. Also undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of all information received from, regardless of the content of such information and how it was obtained.


In cases of loss of identification data (login/password) to access your personal account, you have the right to request this information from by sending a request via email.


The information received (personal data) is not subject to disclosure, except in cases where its disclosure is mandatory under the legislation of the Russian Federation or is necessary for the operation of the Site and its functions (for example, when publishing comments in the “Comments” section of the Site under the written

Example of a User Agreement for a site

Please note that this User Agreement template is intended for bulletin board sites, exchanges, social networks and other sites with a registration form and content sharing.

This document " Terms of use"represents an offer by LLC "_____" (hereinafter referred to as the "Administration") to enter into an agreement on the terms of the Agreement set out below.

1. General provisions of the User Agreement

1.1 In this document and the relations of the Parties arising from or related to it, the following terms and definitions apply:

A) Platform— software and hardware integrated with the Administration Website;

b) User- a legally capable individual who has acceded to this Agreement in his own interest or acting on behalf and in the interests of the legal entity he represents.

V) Administration website/ Website— Internet sites hosted in the domain ________.ru and its subdomains.

G) Service— a set of services and a license provided to the User using the Platform.

d) Agreement- this agreement with all additions and changes.

1.2. Your use of the Service in any way and in any form within the limits of its declared functionality, including:

  • viewing materials posted on the Site;
  • registration and/or authorization on the Site,
  • posting or displaying on the Site any materials, including but not limited to: texts, hypertext links, images, audio and video files, information and/or other information,

creates an agreement on the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Articles 437 and 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3. By using any of the above options for using the Service, you confirm that:

a) Have read the terms of this Agreement in full before using the Service.

b) You accept all the terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions or restrictions on your part and undertake to comply with them or stop using the Service. If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement or do not have the right to enter into a contract based on them, you should immediately stop all use of the Service.

c) The Agreement (including any of its parts) may be changed by the Administration without any special notice. The new edition of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Administration Website or brought to the attention of the User in another convenient form, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Agreement.

It is important to know! To give legal force to the disclaimer included in the text of the agreement with the user, it is necessary to confirm that the user has read and accepted its terms. For this purpose, the mechanism for concluding contracts provided for by law is used.

2. General terms and conditions for using the Service

2.1. Use of the functionality of the Service is permitted only after the User has registered and authorized on the Site in accordance with the procedure established by the Administration.

2.2. Technical, organizational and commercial conditions for using the Service, including its functionality, are brought to the attention of Users by separate posting on the Site or by notifying Users.

2.3. The login and password chosen by the User are necessary and sufficient information for the User to access the Site. The user does not have the right to transfer his login and password to third parties, and bears full responsibility for their safety, independently choosing the method of storing them.

3. License to Use the Site and Acceptable Use of the Service

This section describes the permitted ways to use the Site and the Service provided on its basis. The gratuitous nature of the license prevents the application of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights in the case where the user is an individual.

4. User guarantees

The section specifies guarantees and assurances on the part of the user regarding compliance with legal requirements and the User Agreement when using the Site and the Service based on it. These provisions are necessary, in particular, for the subsequent imposition of liability on the user for violations of the law or the rights of third parties in connection with the publication of illegal materials on the site.

5. License to use user materials

When organizing a social service or platform for users to post various materials in the public domain, it is necessary to draw up a license agreement with each user for the use of his materials within the framework of such an Internet service. For example, the user’s permission to use his photo may be needed to publish it on the pages of other users, etc.

In addition, obtaining a license confirms that the content is being used with the permission of the user, who is responsible for ensuring that he has the authority to issue such a license.

6. Limitations

The User Agreement must clearly state the terms limiting liability for the provision and use of the Service, including user content published using it.

In addition, compliance with the requirements of the federal law On Information as amended by the new anti-piracy law requires the information intermediary to remove controversial materials upon the first request of the copyright holder. Therefore, the User Agreement must provide the owner of the Internet service with such an opportunity without prior approval and notification of the user

7. Notifications

This provision of the Agreement is aimed at complying with the requirements to prevent SPAM.

8. Conditions for using an analogue of a handwritten signature

The section includes the procedure for using a login and password or email address as a key for a simple electronic signature. This condition is necessary to give legal force to all actions of the parties and to simplify possible document flow.

Copy the text, add your site's domain name in the preamble, place a link to the "User Agreement" text at the bottom of your site:

Terms of use

This Agreement defines the terms of use by Users of materials and services of the site(hereinafter referred to as the “Site”).

1.General conditions

1.1. The use of materials and services of the Site is governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.2. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Site, the User is deemed to have acceded to this Agreement.

1.3. The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes come into force after 3 (Three) days from the moment the new version of the Agreement is posted on the website. If the User disagrees with the changes made, he is obliged to refuse access to the Site and stop using the materials and services of the Site.

2. Obligations of the User

2.1. The user agrees not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian legislation or international law, including in the field of, and/or , as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Site and Site services.

2.2. The use of Site materials without consent is not permitted (Article 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). For the lawful use of Site materials, a conclusion is required (obtaining licenses) from Copyright Holders.

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Commercial and non-profit businesses with websites where users can post content will need to obtain or renew their protection in 2017

If you register on a website or update iOS, you automatically check the box indicating that you agree to the user agreement that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal data. Tell me honestly, have you read them at least once? Hence it turns out that Google knows much more about you than your own mother. In a new article, we explain the tough and confusing world of online privacy.

What is the user agreement?

A user agreement is an agreement between the owner of a website, service, computer program and their users.

It’s good if the wide publicity of your personal data is your own choice. The main reason is inattention during registration. Every time we automatically check the box that we agree with everything. This is not surprising: law enforcement officers from Norway are convinced that no one will read 900 pages of some kind of dregs. However, services often write a lot of interesting things in these agreements.

User agreement law

Today there is no specialized act or law that would regulate the protection of personal data in general. But this term is found in the laws “On the Population Register”, “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”, “On the Population Census”. It follows from the Law “On Population Registration” that personal data is basic and additional information about an individual. The main ones include your first name, last name, patronymic, and your passport details (including a photo). Additional information is considered to be information about your family, education, place of work and salary.

According to the law “On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information,” no one has the right to demand information about your life and personal data (including telephone conversations and personal correspondence) or try to obtain it forcibly, but, of course, except in cases where this is permitted other legislative acts of the country.

In Russia there is a separate law “On Personal Data”. Similar information applies to them there. Your phone number and email may also be made public, but only with your consent. Moreover, according to the law, passwords to Internet pages are not personal data, since they do not reveal anything about the user’s identity. But this state of affairs does not make the publication of millions of passwords of Gmail and Yandex users in 2014 any less scandalous.

The pioneer of personal data protection is the European Union. Back in 1981, they adopted the “Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data”. Today it is abbreviated as the 108th Directive of the Council of Europe. At the moment, it has been signed and ratified by 50 countries around the world.

On December 15, 2015, representatives of EU countries, the European Parliament and the European Commission adopted common standards for personal data to make their protection absolutely unified throughout the European Union. The directive comes into force in 2018. For example, all sites and companies will be required to ask each user for consent to use their data. It is planned to replace long agreements with the most simple and unambiguous questions. Initially, when registering for any service, all settings will be set as “personal”. The user will be able to make the information public only at his own request.

The new law also clearly states the “right to be forgotten” for all EU residents: if you find a photo of yourself from a New Year’s corporate party ten years ago on the website in the “Drunk and Funny” collection, you can file a complaint, and the portal will be obliged to remove the photo. In addition, all companies will have to adhere to the rules, even foreign ones that operate in the EU. If you want to file a complaint against Google, the case will be decided by a court in your area according to European laws. You don't even have to go to the States.

Why do Internet services need my data?

It is known that the main part of the profit for most Internet platforms, especially free ones, is advertising. Modern technologies make it possible to make it as targeted as possible. If, for example, you often Google recipes, then get ready for banners of grocery stores and cafes near you. Therefore, various Internet services actively collect and analyze information about you: the more they know about you and your tastes, the more accurate and interesting advertising they can show you. Each service carefully monitors who we like, what we read, and what we search for.

Many people are concerned about whether sites may reveal private information about users to authorities or other companies. In most of the services that we are used to using, this can only happen by court order or at the request of law enforcement agencies. You can look at Google's statistics regarding how many official requests for information they receive and how many of them are answered positively. Naturally, not everything is so simple here: trial by trial, but exactly a year ago the whole world watched the confrontation between Apple and the FBI, who through the court forced the company to unlock the iPhone of a killed terrorist. If you want to protect your data online, be prepared!

Copyright on popular services

Gmail has the right to analyze and use all your personal data: not only those that you enter yourself, but also those that it receives by analyzing your actions and transitions in mail. The service studies your letters at the time they were sent, received and stored. Google can use this information to make more relevant searches and ads, but it cannot sell it.

Copyright Yandex

Yandex. The mail works with the personal data you enter during registration, as well as your IP address, cookies, information about your browser and software. The service also has access to the addresses of the pages you surf on and knows how much time you spend there. They use such information for targeted advertising and statistics. The agreement does not say anything about the right to analysis of correspondence by the service, but it does say that personal data can be transferred to third parties only with the consent of the user.

Copyright VKontakte

VKontakte is a service that will leak all your information to the Russian court, law enforcement agencies or anyone else, if this does not contradict the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation. All your content belongs to you, but at the time of publication you allow all other users to take it for non-commercial purposes. The network also actively uses data for targeting in advertising.

Facebook copyright

Facebook says it uses our data to make advertising as interesting and relevant as “our other services.” All information located belongs to the user, but the network itself can also take a couple of your photos and easily make an advertisement out of them. But nothing is said about the rights of other users to your content. The network has no right to read your correspondence.

Instagram copyright

Instagram reserves all rights to photos to users. However, if you download new content, you give the service an exclusive license for use - you agree that the published material does not violate any rights. The network stores all the information in your profile, comments and correspondence with the administration, technical data, metadata, cookies and information about the pages you visit. By the way, the service is not obliged to delete, edit, block or monitor materials and accounts that violate the terms of use.

Protection of personal data

One of the organizations that is trying to make the Internet more secure is the British independent organization Information Commissioner's Office. The project team monitors the activities of all sites and applications that in any way work with the personal data of UK residents. They are actively listened to. For example, in 2012, an ICO forced Google to rewrite its privacy rules and use more precise terms so that people understood how the search engine actually works. ICOs try to be as public as possible, so they openly write about all their achievements.

Hereinafter referred to as , in the person acting on the basis of , addresses this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) to the following circle of persons: .

The person to whom the Agreement is addressed is recognized as having consent to conclude this Agreement, expressed in readiness to enter into an agreement on the conditions set out below.

This Agreement, in accordance with Art. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is an offer, the acceptance of the conditions (acceptance) of which is the performance of actions provided for in the Agreement.



The terms of the Agreement govern the relationship and contain the following definitions:


Offer- this document (Agreement), posted on the Internet at the address: .


Acceptance- full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by carrying out the actions specified in clause. 3.1 Agreements.


Legal entity () that posted the offer.



Simple (non-exclusive) license - non-exclusive right to use, reserving the right to issue licenses to other persons.


Personal Area is a virtual personal self-service tool located on the official website:.


Personal account- a unique login and password to enter your personal account.

Subject of the Agreement


In accordance with this Agreement, it grants (transfers) the right to use a computer program - (hereinafter referred to as - ), the characteristics of which are indicated in the Specification (Appendix No. to the Agreement), on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, and acquires the right to use in the manner and for conditions established by the Agreement.


Guarantees that he is the copyright holder of the exclusive rights to the property specified in paragraph. 2.1 Agreements.



The right to use throughout the Russian Federation. Use outside the territory of the Russian Federation is agreed upon by the Parties by concluding a separate Agreement.


It is transmitted in the following way: .

Agreement with the terms of the agreement


Acceptance (acceptance of the offer) is the registration of a personal account.


By performing actions to accept the offer in the manner specified in clause. 3.1 Agreement, guarantees that he has read, agrees, fully and unconditionally accepts all the terms of the Agreement, and undertakes to comply with them.


We hereby confirm that acceptance (taking actions to accept the offer) is equivalent to signing and concluding the Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.


The offer comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the address and is valid until the offer is revoked.


This Agreement is posted in writing on the Site. If necessary, any person upon his request may be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with a paper version of the Agreement in the office.


The agreement can only be accepted as a whole ( clause 1 art. 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). After accepting the terms of this Agreement, it acquires the force of an agreement concluded between and, while such an agreement is not drawn up as a paper document signed by both Parties.


To organize interaction between and independently register a Personal Account in the following order: .


The Personal Account contains the following information about: .


Reserves the right to make changes to this Agreement without any special notice, and therefore undertakes to regularly monitor changes to the Agreement. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on this page, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is always located on this page at: .

Rights and obligations of the parties




Within days from receipt of acceptance, provide the right to use.


Within calendar days from the date of receipt of the relevant written notification, eliminate the identified deficiencies on your own and at your own expense, namely:

Inconsistency of the content with the data specified in paragraph. 2.1 Agreements;

Contains materials prohibited for distribution by law.


Refrain from any actions that could impede the exercise of the right of use granted to him within the limits established by the Agreement.


Provide the right to use a computer program or database daily and around the clock, with the exception of the time of carrying out preventive measures, amounting to no more than hours per month.


Provide information on issues related to working with a computer program or database via . Current email addresses are located in the "" section of the provided program and on the official website at the Internet address: .


Provide information about updates to the current version of the program or database released during the term of the Agreement.


If it is technically possible, eliminate possible software failures in the operation of the program or database that arose due to the fault of , on the basis of an application, with the exception of cases of violation of the Rules for the operation of the program/database (Appendix No.).


Use all personal data and other confidential information only for the provision of services in accordance with the Agreement, do not transfer to third parties the documentation and information about it.


Ensure the confidentiality of information entered when using the Site through a personal account, except for cases where such information is posted in public sections of the Site (for example, chat).


Provide the following additional services:

Provide training in the rules and procedures for working with a computer program or database.

Perform remote installation of a computer program or database, as well as program components on the server.

Perform remote updates of a computer program or database on a server via a communication channel.

Provide technical support and information support for computer programs and databases.

Provide other services: .


Provide advice on all matters relating to. The complexity of the issue, volume, and timing of consultation are determined in each specific case independently.




Use only within the limits of those rights and in the ways provided for in the Agreement.


When registering in your personal account, provide real, not fictitious information. If the information provided is found to be unreliable, as well as if there are reasonable doubts about its reliability (including if, when trying to contact, the specified contact information turns out to be non-existent), he has the right to unilaterally terminate relations with, delete the account and block access to .


Keep secret and not disclose to third parties information about your password, which gives access to your Personal Account. If such information for one reason or another becomes known to third parties, he undertakes to immediately change it.


Provide a report on use in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.


Strictly adhere to and not violate the terms of the Agreement, as well as ensure the confidentiality of commercial and technical information obtained through cooperation.


Refrain from copying in any form, as well as from modification, addition, distribution (including public display (or any part thereof), and also refrain from creating derivative objects based on it (her) without prior written permission. All exclusive rights to are inalienable and remain in full.


Immediately inform about all facts of illegal use by third parties that become known to him. Such information is sent by email to: .


Use without violating the property and/or personal non-property rights of third parties, as well as prohibitions and restrictions established by applicable law, including without limitation: copyright and related rights, rights to trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin of goods, rights to industrial designs , rights to use images of people.


Perform other duties provided for in the Agreement.



Summarize and analyze the data obtained about working with the program/database and about specific actions on the basis of confidentiality and anonymity for statistical and marketing purposes. When compiling any statistical or marketing reports, publishing any statistical or marketing data obtained through such generalization and analysis, he has no right to indicate specific names and (or) addresses, as well as other information that allows establishing a connection with one or another .


Request additional information about his position and type of activity, including about the company he represents, when registering in his personal account or at any other time. has the right to refuse use (up to and including deleting the Personal Account) or limit its use at his own discretion, if he is not an employee of the company or a representative of the person for whom it is intended, or if he refuses to provide the requested information. at its own discretion, has the right to provide limited access for information purposes to other persons not engaged in core activities.


In case of violation of the conditions (methods) of using the rights established by the Agreement, terminate the Agreement and deprive the right to use. Violation of copyright protection regulations may also entail civil and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Make unilateral changes to the Agreement by publishing its new editions.


Temporarily stop the operation of the Software, as well as partially limit or completely stop access to it until the completion of the necessary maintenance and (or) its modernization. does not have the right to claim damages for such temporary cessation of services or limitation of availability.



Use within the limits and in the ways provided for in the Agreement.


After receipt, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, use it to the extent and in the manner established by the Agreement.


Use in your own commercial activities, excluding any cases of resale, rental or transfer to third parties, possible only after concluding appropriate written agreements with.


Does not have the right to consent to the execution of this Agreement in cases where he does not have the legal right to use in the country in which he is located or resides, or if he has not reached the age from which he has the right to enter into this Agreement.

Terms and conditions of use


Subject to the execution of this Agreement, a simple (non-exclusive) license is granted for use using a personal computer, mobile phone or other device, to the extent and in the manner established by the Agreement, without the right to grant sublicenses or assignment.


The period for granting the right to use is established for the entire period of validity of the exclusive rights to.


In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, it provides the right to use in the following ways:


Download (install) - Software on your personal computer, mobile phone, tablet computer or other similar mobile device.


Make an archive copy of the installed Software for the purpose of replacing the downloaded copy of the Software.


Use the installed Software, including by implementing its functionality, available, including by displaying the corresponding technical means on the monitor (screen).


Carry out other actions necessary for the functioning of the Software on technical means in a form and in a manner that does not contradict the normal use of computer programs, does not violate or infringe on the rights and interests of the authors of the Software and.


Method of use: .


Does not have the right to take the following actions when using it, as well as any of its components:


Modify or otherwise process, including translation into other languages.


Copy, distribute or process materials and information contained in , except when this is necessary and caused by the implementation of functionality available to him as a specific .


Violate the integrity of the security system or carry out any actions aimed at bypassing, removing or deactivating technical means of protection; use any program codes intended to distort, delete, damage, imitate or violate the integrity of transmitted information or protocols.


Any rights not expressly granted hereunder are reserved by .


Retains the right to use to the extent that the right to use is granted.


Submits a report in writing on the use of rights to, including the amount of income received from each and every method of using rights to, within business days after receiving the relevant request from.

The submitted report is accompanied by all financial and accounting documents containing information on the use of rights to, including the amount of income received from each and every method of using the rights to.

The right to get acquainted with all the necessary accounting and other documents to verify the accuracy of the report.


In accordance with the Agreement, transfers and accepts the rights to use, to the extent provided for by the Agreement.6.

Personal data and privacy policy


To fulfill the terms of the Agreement, agrees to provide and consents to the processing of personal data in accordance with Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” on the terms and conditions of and for the purpose of proper execution of the Agreement. “Personal data” means personal information that you provide about yourself independently for acceptance.


Guarantees confidentiality in relation to personal data and provides access to personal data only to those employees who need this information to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, ensuring that these persons comply with the confidentiality of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing. Also undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of all information received from, regardless of the content of such information and how it was obtained.


In cases of loss of identification data (login/password) to access your personal account, you have the right to request this information from , by sending a request via email undertakes to pay the purposes of use. in a manner not provided for in the Agreement, or upon termination of the Agreement, or otherwise outside the scope of the rights granted, related to the use of the granted rights of use; for damage of any kind incurred due to loss and/or disclosure of your data or during use.


It is not responsible and does not compensate for losses caused by violations and/or errors during operation resulting from unlawful actions of its personnel or third parties.


If any third party makes a claim in connection with a violation of the Agreement or current legislation, violation of the rights of third parties (including intellectual property rights), it undertakes to compensate all costs and losses, including paying any compensation and other costs associated with such a claim.

Dispute Resolution


The claim procedure for pre-trial settlement of disputes arising from this Agreement is mandatory for the Parties.


Claim letters are sent by the Parties by courier or registered mail with return receipt requested to the Party's location address.


Sending claim letters by the Parties in a manner other than specified in paragraph. 8.2 Agreements are not allowed.


The period for consideration of a claim letter is business days from the date of receipt of the latter by the addressee.

Final provisions


This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All possible disputes arising from the relations regulated by this Agreement are resolved in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, according to the norms of Russian law. Throughout the text of this Agreement, the term “legislation” means the legislation of the Russian Federation.

: legal address - ; mailing address - ; tel. - ; Fax - ; e-mail - ; INN - ; checkpoint - ; OGRN - ; r/s - in k/s; BIC.