How to make a hidden folder on PC? Efficient solutions to a trivial problem. How to create a hidden recovery partition yourself

Most users only know one way to do it hidden folder, which will be invisible to strangers.

This can be easily done using standard tools in the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 operating systems.

But there are other methods that can provide a greater guarantee of confidentiality. personal information.

Using standard OS tools

Almost every computer user sooner or later faces the need to gain access to hidden system files and directories.

Operating systems from Microsoft have standard functionality that allows you to get to any necessary elements in a couple of clicks.

  • First you need to open any folder. Then click on the “Arrange” drop-down menu, in which we select the “Options” option for folders and search.
  • After this, the “Options” function window for folders will open in front of us, in which we select the “View” tab and disable showing hidden elements.

Advice! By default, this function is active, so if you have not previously changed these settings, then two previous paragraphs you can skip it.

  • Now all that remains is to hide the folder we need. To do this, right-click on it and select context menu"Properties".

  • Then, in the “General” tab, activate the “Hidden” attribute checkbox.

This operation will make the folder completely invisible. If you enable the display of hidden folders and files, then its icon will be displayed as translucent.

This algorithm quite applicable to the Windows 8 and Windows 10 operating systems, which also allow you to assign stealth attributes to any files.

We note three more articles that may be useful to you:

  • 5 easy ways to delete a folder that won't delete

Using the Run utility

All Microsoft operating systems have a small utility simply called “Run”, which is a simplified analogue of a text-based control console.

It allows you to access many OS functions, as well as quickly change any files and folders, including hiding them.

  • First you need to launch the Run utility. You can find it by following the path “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories”, or by typing hot combination keys Win + R.

  • In the window that opens, you need to type attrib command(assigning attributes), as well as its values ​​+h +s +r and the full path to the folder or file, for example, C:\1. The value +h indicates the assignment of the hidden attribute (hidden), +s – system (system), +r – read (read-only).
    After clicking Enter keys the file should disappear.

Advice! To hide, one s or h attribute is enough; activating the “Read Only” option allows you to avoid unauthorized deletion of an important folder or file that the user is trying to hide from prying eyes.

This method is quite convenient if you need to hide many individual elements. But there is a more cunning approach.

Maybe these two articles will also be of interest to you:

  • How to remove Windows.old in Windows 10: two simple and reliable methods

Creating a Truly Invisible Folder

But what happens if you try to disguise the folder, rather than trying to hide it using standard settings?

To do this, you need to do two things: make a “blank” title and a transparent icon.

To solve the first problem you can use wide possibilities Unicode tables.

As is known, in addition to standard letters, numbers and punctuation marks, it contains thousands of other symbols, including some very specific ones.

The standard space cannot be chosen as a name for a directory, but there are several variations of this character, which can be found in the symbol table.

At the end of this table you can find “blank” characters, one of which needs to be copied using special keys.

Then we insert this special space into the field with the folder name.

Advice! For speed dial such a symbol can be used digital code: first you need to hold down the right Alt, and then on numeric keypad dial its code, for example, 255.

Now all that remains is to replace the folder image. To do this, right-click on it and select “Properties”.

In the next window, open the “Settings” tab and select the “Change icon” option.

Sometimes you need to hide important or confidential information from prying eyes. Moreover, you need to not only set a password for a folder or file, but make them completely invisible. This need also arises if the user wants to hide system files. So, let's figure out how to make a file or folder non-displayable.

All methods of hiding files and folders on a PC can be divided into two groups, depending on what will be used: third-party software or internal capabilities operating system. It should also be noted that before using many of these methods, you should check that the ability to use the hide attribute is configured in the OS itself. If the application of invisibility is disabled, then you should change the settings in the folder options to global level. How to do this? is covered in a separate article. We'll talk about how to make a specific directory or file invisible.

Method 1: Total Commander

First of all, let's consider the option of using a third-party program, namely the popular file manager.

If showing hidden elements in Total Commander is disabled, then objects will become invisible even through the interface of this file manager.

But, in any case, through Windows Explorer Objects hidden in this way should not be visible if the settings in the folder parameters are set correctly.

Method 2: Object Properties

Now let's see how to hide an element through the properties window using the built-in operating system tools. First, let's look at hiding a folder.

Now let's see how to make it hidden separate file through the properties window, applying for the specified purposes standard tools OS. In general, the algorithm of actions is very similar to the one that was used to hide folders, but with some nuances.

Method 3: Free Hide Folder

But, as you might guess, by changing attributes it is not difficult to make an object hidden, but it is just as easy to display it again if desired. Moreover, they can do this freely even outside users who know the basics of working on a PC. If you need to not only hide objects from prying eyes, but also make sure that even a targeted search for an intruder does not produce results, then in this case a free specialized Free app Hide Folder. This program can not only make selected objects invisible, but also protect the hidden attribute from changes with a password.

  1. After launch installation file The welcome window opens. Click "Next".
  2. In the next window you need to specify which directory hard drive the application will be installed. By default this is a directory "Programs" on disk C. It’s better not to change unless absolutely necessary specified location. So click "Next".
  3. In the program group selection window that opens, click again "Next".
  4. In the next window, the Free Hide Folder installation procedure starts directly. Click "Next".
  5. The application installation process is in progress. After completion, a window appears indicating the successful completion of the procedure. If you want the program to be launched immediately, make sure that next to the parameter "Launch Free Hide Folder" there was a flag. Click "Finish".
  6. A window opens "Set Password", where needed in both fields ( "New Password" And "Confirm Password") specify the same password twice, which in the future will serve to activate the application, and therefore to access hidden elements. The password can be arbitrary, but preferably as strong as possible. To do this, when compiling it, you should use letters in different registers and numbers. Under no circumstances use your name, the names of close relatives, or dates of birth as a password. At the same time, you need to make sure that you don't forget the code expression. After entering the password twice, press "OK".
  7. A window opens "Registration". You can enter here registration code. Don't let this scare you. This condition is not required. So just click "Skip".
  8. Only after this does the main Free Hide Folder window open. To hide an object on your hard drive, click "Add".
  9. A window opens "Browse folders". Move to the directory where the element you want to hide is located, select this object and press "OK".
  10. After this, an information window opens informing you about the desirability of creating a backup copy of the protected directory. This is a matter for each user individually, although, of course, it is better to be on the safe side. Click "OK".
  11. The address of the selected object will be displayed in the program window. Now it's hidden. This is evidenced by the status "Hide". At the same time, it is also hidden for search engine Windows. That is, if an attacker tries to find the directory through a search, he will not succeed. In the same way, you can add links to other elements that need to be made invisible to the program window.
  12. To make a backup, which has already been discussed above, you need to mark the object and click on "Backup".

    A window will open "Export Hide Folder Data". It requires you to specify the directory in which it will be located. backup copy as an element with the FNF extension. In field "File name" enter the name you want to assign to it, and then press "Save".

  13. To make an object visible again, select it and click "Unhide" on the toolbar.
  14. As we can see, after this action the object attribute was changed to "Show". This means that it has now become visible again.
  15. It can be hidden again at any time. To do this, mark the element's address and click active button "Hide".
  16. The object can be completely removed from the application window. To do this, mark it and click on "Remove".
  17. A window will open asking if you really want to remove the item from the list. If you are confident in your actions, then click "Yes". After deleting an element, no matter what status the object has, it will automatically become visible. At the same time, in order to hide it again if necessary Help Free Hide Folder, you will have to add the path again using the button "Add".
  18. If you want to change the password to access the application, then click on the button "Password". After that, in the windows that open, enter the current password sequentially, and then twice the code expression to which you want to change it.

Undoubtedly, use Free Hide Folder is a more reliable way to hide folders than using standard options or Total Commander, since changing the invisibility attributes requires knowing the password, user installed. When trying to make an element visible in a standard way through the properties window attribute "Hidden" will simply be inactive, which means that changing it will be impossible.

Method 4: Using the Command Line

You can also hide items in Windows 7 using the command line ( cmd). This method, like the previous one, does not make it possible to make an object visible in the properties window, but, unlike it, it is performed exclusively by built-in Windows tools.

But, as we remember, if you need to make the directory visible again, in the usual way This cannot be done through the properties window. Visibility can be restored using the command line. To do this, you just need to enter almost the same expression as for making invisibility, but only in front of the attributes instead of the sign «+» put «-» . In our case we get the following expression:

attrib -h -s "D:\New folder (2)\New folder"

After entering the expression, do not forget to click Enter, after which the directory will become visible again.

Method 5: Changing the Icon

Another option to make a directory invisible involves achieving this goal by creating a transparent icon for it.

This method is good because when using it you don’t need to bother with attributes. And, besides, most users, if they try to find hidden elements on your computer, are unlikely to think that this particular method was used to make them invisible.

As you can see, in Windows 7 there are many options for making objects invisible. They are feasible both by using internal OS tools and by using third party programs. Most methods offer to hide objects by changing their attributes. But there is also a less common option that simply makes the directory transparent without changing the attributes. The choice of a specific method depends on the convenience of the user, as well as on whether he simply wants to hide materials from casual eyes, or wants to protect them from the targeted actions of intruders.

Working with personal computer We sometimes need to hide information, files or folders from prying eyes. This is why many people hide required folders somewhere in the system folders so that it would be difficult to get to them, but there are much easier ways to hide your documents so that they can be accessed easy access and at the same time no one saw them. And in this article I will teach you how to hide and do invisible folders 3 different ways.

Method number 1 transparent folder

The first method is called "Transparent Folder". As you may have guessed from the name, you will not hide the folder. You will make it absolutely transparent and thereby hide it from extra eyes. And now I will tell you in detail how to do this:

  1. Select a folder on the desktop that you want to hide from prying eyes. I will hide a folder called "New Folder".
  2. Right-click on the selected folder.
  3. Point the mouse at the “Rename” item and click on it with the left mouse button.
  4. Our folder name will then become highlighted.
  5. Erase the old folder name. To do this, press the “Backspace” button located on the keyboard.
  6. Next, we need to press the “Alt” key and, without releasing “Alt,” type the combination of numbers 0160.
  7. Click on the “Enter” button and your folder now has an invisible name.
  8. We need to follow the invisible folder name. I described above step by step how to do this, if you haven’t read the guide then follow all the steps so that the name is missing.
  9. Then you need to right-click on the folder that you want to make invisible.
  10. Select the properties item and click left button mice.
  11. The folder properties will open in front of you. You need to open the "Settings" tab.
  12. Next, select the item Change icon.
  13. A window will pop up in front of you in which there will be a large number of different icons. You need to find transparent ones among these icons. They are noticeable due to empty space between other icons.
  14. Choose transparent folder and click on “OK”.
  15. Now you can see that your folder has become transparent. Click on the “Apply” button to confirm your selection appearance folders.
  16. Click on “OK” and you will see that your folder has become completely transparent and to see it you need to hover over the place where it is located with the mouse cursor.
  17. If our description was not clear to you, use the video instructions.

Method number 2 hidden folder

The second method is called “Hidden Folder”. In order to hide a folder you will need much less time, and the result will be much better. After all, the folder will be completely hidden and will be noticeable only by the number of folders and the space occupied on the hard drive. Let's take a closer look at this method:

Method number 3 invisible folder

The third method is the most effective. This method makes the folder invisible rather than hidden. By using this method You can hide your folder so that no one can find it unless they know where your folder is saved and what it is called. So let's take a look step-by-step creation hidden folder using the command line:

  1. We create a folder that we will need to hide. I created it in local disk“C” and called it “hidden folder”.
  2. Next, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” - this combination will bring up the “Run” line.
  3. In the “Run” line you must enter the command “cmd” - this command will launch a command line with which you will hide your folder.
  4. Then you need to command line enter next command"attrib +s +h "C:\hidden folder"
    “C:\hidden folder” is the path where the folder that needs to be made invisible is saved. You may have a different address and folder name. But the command “attrib +s +h” should not be changed, this command hides your folder.
  5. After entering the command, your folder will become hidden, and even if you use the folders property and make all folders visible this folder will remain hidden.

There is a need to open hidden files and operating system folders, mainly to edit some important system documents.

To do this, you need to know how to make hidden folders visible.

The point is that in all modern versions Windows OS default settings assume the so-called “fool protection”.

It means that inexperienced user it simply does not see most of the important system partitions and cannot make potentially dangerous changes to them.

But on the other hand, some fine settings The operating system may require editing of these hidden files.

This article will provide detailed guide, which allows you to implement this procedure in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, which are on this moment occupy the lion's share of operating systems used in the commercial and private sector.

Secrets of the Windows 7 system partition

This version of the operating system from Microsoft has taken the palm of popularity from the legendary XP, support for which ended several years ago.

This success is primarily dictated user-friendly interface, which is easy to find necessary settings.

This also applies to the option to show hidden folders and files, which is most easily activated through the taskbar.

  • First, you need to get to the taskbar in the standard way: open Start and select “Control Panel”.
  • Then click on the link “Design and personalization”.

Advice! For convenience, you need to select a display method by category.

  • In the variety that opens, we need the “Folder Options” category, or, more precisely, its “Show hidden files and folders” option, which speaks for itself.

  • In the window that opens called “Folder Options”, expand the “View” tab and at the very bottom of the list additional parameters we see the show/hide function special files. All that remains is to set the checkbox to the desired position.

You can get to the “Folder Options” window in Windows 7 in a simpler way: to do this, just open any directory and select “Folder and Search Options” from the “Arrange” drop-down menu.

Advice! If you decide to use this method, by default only hidden files in the current directory will be displayed. To apply this rule to all drives, you must activate the “Apply to folders” option.

Having dealt with the classics, you can move on to more modern systems.

We delve into the intricacies of Windows 8

This version of the operating system is significantly different from Windows 7, which at one time caused many complaints from users.

The changes affected, among other things, hidden directories: There are two types of files and folders in Windows 8, not visible to the user.

The first is the actual hidden sections. Not only system files and folders have this status, but also components of various third party applications.

Moreover, the user himself can assign this type to any object on the disk.

However, this opportunity is often used by malware, which, for example, results in problems with files on a flash drive.

For these two types, the algorithm of actions will be different.

To open regular hidden files and folders you need to run the following actions:

  • First you need to open “Explorer”, for which you can use standard label in the "Taskbar".

  • In the opened folder in top panel settings, click on the “View” menu and select the “Show and Hide” function. In the list that opens, you must activate the checkbox “ Hidden elements».
    In the same way, you can assign hidden status to any selected file or folder.

In order to see particularly important system files, you need to make the following settings:

  • In the same “View” menu, go to “Options” - “Change folder and search options.”

  • As a result, the “Folder Options” settings window will appear, similar to that in Windows 7. Here you should go to the “View” tab and uncheck the “Hide” protected system files checkbox (recommended).

There is another way to get to this window:

  • In Start, which in eight has an unusual Metro interface, click on the gear icon (Computer Settings).

  • In the menu that opens, you need to click on the lowest link to open the Control Panel, which is familiar to most users.

  • In the “Taskbar”, first select the function display method Large (or small) icons, and then click on the “Folder Options” link, which will ultimately give access to the settings window of the same name.

It is also worth considering separately the algorithm for enabling the display of hidden and system elements for Windows 10, since, despite its similarity with eight, the settings of this OS have their own nuances.


So, you have finished installing the operating system, drivers, updates and programs, checked its performance and stability, were satisfied with the result obtained and want to be able to “roll back” to this system state in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Windows 7 is equipped with quite powerful tools Reserve copy, which allow you to reduce the time to restore the system.

Those who bought new computers with pre-installed Windows system 7 are familiar with the recovery function, after which the operating system, and sometimes the contents of the entire hard drive, returns to its factory state. In this case, user files located on the hard drive may be lost.

In the presence of installation disk with an operating system you are spared from such losses (How to reinstall Windows 7, saving settings and installed programs), but subsequent installation of drivers and updates is inevitable.

I offer you a method that will significantly reduce the time spent setting up the system after reinstallation; moreover, it does not require an installation disk.

The article uses materials from Vadim Sterkin's blog and Valery Volobuev's video report Setting up the Windows Recovery Environment in Windows 7.

The algorithm described below does not require specific knowledge and is relatively easy to implement for home user. We will perform the task in the following order:

  • prepare a partition for the future recovery partition;
  • create a system image in Windows environment RE;
  • configure the recovery environment;
  • Let's reinstall and reconfigure the recovery environment.

Preparing the recovery partition

First of all, we need to create a partition on which we will subsequently place the operating system image file, as well as the file for deploying the recovery environment.

There are many ways to perform this operation, I will use standard tools: Disk Management and the command line utility DISKPART. You can read about this in the article.

We will determine the partition size based on the current occupancy of the partition with the operating system and the availability free space. For example, if the system takes up about 20 gigabytes, the optimal size would be from 5 to 10 gigabytes.

In my example, the section D:\ was first compressed

Figure 1 - compression of partition D:\

then in the resulting unmarked area

Figure 2 - Unallocated disk space after compression

using the utility DISKPART a primary partition was created, formatted, and a label was assigned to it Recovery and letter R. (DISKPART was used due to the fact that using Disk Management the fourth section being created will be additional. You can experiment with placing the recovery partition on a secondary partition.)

Run sequentially:

::Start DISKPART Diskpart::Select a disk. If there are several of them, then the number the desired disk determined by the command LIST DISK Sel disk 0::Creates a primary partition on the entire unallocated area of ​​the disk. If necessary, specify the partition number using the LIST PART Create partition primary::Quick formatting of the created partition and assigning it the “Recovery” label Format LABEL=”Recovery” quick::Assigning the letter R to the partition Assign letter=R::Completing work in DISKPART Exit

Figure 3 - work in DISKPART

Here and in what follows we will work on the command line.

Before moving on to capturing an operating system image, create a R:\ folder WinRE for storing it.

Figure 4 - WinRE folder in the root of the future recovery partition.

Creating an operating system image

Once downloaded, launch the command line and text editor:

Using the “Open” menu (combination Ctrl keys+ O) identify the letters of the sections.

In my example, as can be seen from Figure 7, the system section received the letter D:\, utility imagex.exe is in the folder E:\WAIK Tools\, and the section Recovery- letter F:\.

Figure 7 - partition letters in the WindowsRE environment.

One note: since we will not need to transfer the customized image to another computer, we will use the command given in the “Boot to Windows PE and save the image using the ImageX utility” section of the above article. Run the command:

"E:\WAIK Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /capture D: F:\WinRE\install.wim "Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Custom"

Necessary clarifications:

  • "E:\WAIK Tools\amd64\imagex.exe"- Path to the imagex.exe utility. Quotes are used to avoid problems with spaces in the folder name.
  • /capture D:- The key indicates the capture of the system image located on the D: partition (as seen in WindowsRE).
  • F:\WinRE\install.wim "Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Custom"- Saving the captured image to the install.wim file (this is important, since in in this case only this name is valid) to the F:\WinRE folder. A file comment is specified and the default compression method is used. More details- in the TechNet knowledge base article ImageX Command Line Options

Figure 8 - creating an operating system image in the Windows RE environment

Quit WindowsRE and reboot. Let's move on to final stage creating a recovery partition.

Setting up the recovery environment.

In addition to the operating system image file, I decided to place a file on the new partition that would boot into the recovery environment. With this arrangement, it will not depend on the partition with the operating system.

As you know, the recovery environment is deployed from an image file WinRE.wim located in the folder Recovery at the root of the system partition. Via Explorer Windows access this folder is closed. The file attribute is hidden system. How to place the file in the location we choose? Let's use command line utilities.

First, disable the recovery environment. Please note that Any actions with the recovery environment must be preceded by disabling it! To do this, on the command line run

Reagentc /disable

After running this command the file WinRE.wim will move to the folder c:\Windows\System32\Recovery . From it we will copy the file to the folder R:\WinRE. Use the command xcopy with key /h:

Xcopy /h c:\Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim r:\WinRE

Figure 9 - copying the WinRE.wim file

And finally, a few final chords:

::Set custom path (key /path) to the system image file located in the folder specified by the key /target Reagentc /setosimage /path R:\WinRE /target c:\Windows::Setting a custom path (key /path) to the system recovery environment deployment file located in the folder specified by the key /target Reagentc /setreimage /path R:\WinRE /target c:\Windows::Enable the recovery environment Reagentc /enable::Check the recovery environment settings Reagentc /info

As can be seen from Figure 10, the setup was successful. Do not close the window - the command line will still be needed.

Figure 10 - setup user environment recovery.

It will be interesting to see what changes have taken place in the section Recovery. To do this, enable the display of hidden and system files.

Figure 11 - changing the contents of the R section.

As you can see, the file WinRE.wim in folder WinRE no, but a folder appeared Recovery at the root of the section. Believe me, the file is now in it. I will not dwell on the structure of the Recovery folder - if you wish, you can study its contents, and also compare with the BCD parameters (by bcdedit command/enum all).

All that remains is to protect the section from accidental impact from users. To do this, you need to hide it from Explorer and exclude the ability to work with it in Disk Management. The utility will help us with this again Diskpart. On the command line, run sequentially (the disk and partition numbers correspond to the configuration given in the article):

::Start DISKPART Diskpart::Select a disk. If there are several of them, then the number of the required disk is determined by the command LIST DISK Sel disk 0:: Select a partition. If necessary, specify the partition number with the command LIST PART Sel part 4::Deleting a letter - the section will be hidden in Windows Explorer Remove::Setting the section ID=27. This ID is set specifically for recovery partitions. It becomes impossible to work with such a partition in Disk Management, which provides additional protection for it Set id=27

Figure 12 - working with the recovery partition in DISKPART

Changes that have occurred in the system

Firstly, the partition is not visible in Windows Explorer, and it does not have a context menu in Disk Management.

Figure 13 - Explorer and Disk Management Manager.

Secondly, in the advanced recovery methods window in the description Windows reinstallation There is no requirement to have an installation disk.

Figure 14 - Advanced Methods Menu Windows recovery.

Thirdly, the recovery environment menu has changed:

Figure 15 - additional menu item in Windows recovery options in the recovery environment

This could have been the end of it. But there is a need to dwell on several nuances that arise after reinstalling the system in the specified way. I will reinstall the system from the recovery environment.

Setting up a recovery environment after reinstalling the system

For the purity of the experiment, I will format the partition with the system and the partition with the download files. Moreover, I strongly recommend formatting the “System Reserved” section to avoid confusion with loading in the future.

Figure 16 - formatting partitions in the WindowsRE environment.

No user participation is required during the reinstallation process. You will receive a system identical to the one you had at the time you took the image.

Figure 17 - beginning of system reinstallation.

The only thing is that after reinstalling you need to make a few changes:

  1. Due to a complete rebuild of the BCD, the recovery environment must be reconfigured.
  2. hide section in explorer Recovery.

Disable the recovery environment with the command

Reagentc /disable

Turn on display of hidden and system files, open the folder WinRE on the section R:\ and make sure the file exists Winre.wim. If necessary, copy it from the folder Windows\System32\Recovery or from a folder R:\Recovery \xxxxxxxx -xxxx -xxxx -xxxx -xxxxxxxxxxxx.

After this delete the folder Recovery on the section R:\.

Figure 18- deleting the Recovery folder

Then enable the recovery environment:

Reagentc /enable

Make sure the settings are correct (note that the name of the folder where the WinRE.wim file is located in Recovery folder, another. Therefore, before connecting the recovery environment, you can safely delete the old one.):


Figure 19 - connecting the recovery environment after reinstallation.

Remove the letter from the partition R:\

Diskpart Sel disk 0 Sel part 4 Remove Exit

Your computer is ready for a fresh reinstallation.

One final note. While performing numerous reinstallations while preparing this article, I noticed the appearance of an incomprehensible folder in the list of available drives on the “System Protection” tab. This may be due to the missing folder in the system image System Volume Information or changing section IDs.

Figure 20 - phantom partition in the list of available disks on the “System Protection” tab.

To get rid of the strange folder, disable system protection on this phantom partition and enable it on the partition with the current system.


There are probably more simple ways reservations, especially using various programs. I don’t pretend that you will definitely use the method described above, but I find it convenient and practical.

Of course, the system will be updated over time. To keep the image up to date, periodically rewrite the file in Windows RE Install.wim.