Where to record tracks. Recording music on a computer. Programs for recording music. Necessary parameters for recording rap

Many people love to sing, but some people wonder how they can record a song at home. Of course, this is a very broad and specific topic that includes many various concepts, but in this article we will still try to give the reader a general idea of ​​song recordings.

In order to record a song at home, you need to have certain equipment at your disposal. Let's try to understand what can happen in a low-budget studio. Yes, yes, exactly low-budget. Many aspiring singers express a desire to record their song immediately on professional studio, but they cannot give a clear answer to the question “why”. Allegedly, it just so happened that recording your tracks in professional studios is cool. However, in reality, if you are a beginner, a professional studio may be a waste of money for you, and a pointless one at that.

If you are wondering how to record a song at home, then a low-budget studio will be enough for you. For example, an hour of work in a professional studio costs from $10, there is no upper limit. And if you have a group that plans to record an instrumental, then you need to take into account the fact that each of the musicians will be recorded separately. As you can see, you can’t expect that recording your first album will cost several thousand rubles. To this you can also add the time allotted for rehearsal. Not every singer or musician can record their part the first time.

Let's get back to how to record a song at home. The first thing that comes to mind is a voice or a cappella recording. For these purposes you should use good microphone, but that doesn't mean it will be very expensive. The type of microphone is selected based on the timbre of the vocalist's voice. It is suitable for recording a soft voice; it perfectly conveys the smallest moments of sound. However, it is not suitable for recording dynamic vocals, such as growls. For these purposes it is used, it is resistant to various overloads, and the membrane has a smaller range. In addition, the choice will be influenced by the environment of the studio itself. You need to understand that condenser or tube microphones have high sensitivity, if you have an unprepared room, for example, there is a busy street nearby, then you should prefer dynamic. This is the only way you will be able to record the highest quality vocals. How to record a song at home and amaze your listeners with it? You just need to understand the basic principles of working with sound.

In addition to the microphone itself, the quality of vocal recording is affected by its correct placement. There should be no close distance between the microphone and the vocalist, otherwise the signal will be overloaded. For regulation optimal distance you should install a pop filter. Recording a song at home without this contraption will be difficult. The vocalist himself is unlikely to be able to maintain the same distance from the microphone throughout the entire recording.

You can record music at home using a computer. Today the quality is quite high, and by using high-quality sound banks, you can create a professional minus.

I hope in the article you found the answer to the question of how to record a song at home.

Greetings to all those who are not indifferent to their creative life!

Probably you too, like me, are tired of singing popular hits in the bathroom or somewhere else. And even if the whole country is already singing them, there is a native voice here. Therefore, sometimes it is a pity that your masterpieces are not available on audio in a recording that is pleasing to human ears.

Of course, I had already recorded my own before, but they were all poorly processed (although you can listen to them), because the programs I used did not have such capabilities. And I admit honestly, I am a distant person in this matter, but we need to develop.

In general, I came across a powerful “program” in the “web”: activate.adobe.com practivate.adobe.com ereg.adobe.com activate.wip3.adobe.com wip3.adobe.com 3dns-3.adobe.com 3dns-2.adobe.com adobe-dns.adobe.com adobe-dns-2.adobe.com adobe-dns-3.adobe.com ereg.wip3.adobe.com activate-sea.adobe.com activate-sjc0.adobe.com adobe.activate.com adobeereg.com www.adobeereg.com wwis-dubc1-vip60.adobe.com hl2rcv.adobe.com

this is necessary to block requests to activate the program via the Internet.

4. Run the file "Adobe_Audition_CS_5.5" -> go through the installation.

5. The program requires a key (located in shared zip file). Run the "keygen" file and take the key.

If someone is too lazy to do this, then rewrite this:

6. You need to install a Russifier (get it there). Run the file "Adobe_Audition_CS5.5_Rus_v2". -> go through the installation -> Close the program and run it again. The interface language should change to Russian. (I didn't have any problems with this)

In principle, everything should be clear if you have already installed programs on your PC. Therefore, I will not dwell on this in more detail.

Yes, and I almost forgot. You will also need the "Asio4All" driver (I attached it along with others - this is the file "ASIO4ALL_2_10_Russian"). It is needed for the smooth operation of this program. In short, without it, your online voice will be a little late. For example, this sometimes happens during a conversation on a cell phone.
Launch it on your computer and go through the installation, and watch the video for further connection in the program itself.

How to record a song?

For those who have already installed everything correctly and are in no hurry to intuitively understand the navigation of the main buttons on their own in order to record, process and save their song, I created a short training video.

Many people simply love to sing, some know how to play certain musical instruments, others compose music, lyrics, in general, ready-made songs. And at one fine moment you may want to record your work so that not only your close people can listen, but, for example, send it to some competition or simply post it on the Internet on a personal website or blog.

However, to put it mildly, I don’t want to spend money on professional recording in a studio, or maybe there isn’t enough of it anyway. This is where the question appears in your head: with what and how to record a song at home, and is this even possible in principle?

In principle, this is quite possible, you just need to properly prepare for this process: purchase at least necessary equipment and prepare everything correctly for recording a song at home.

Necessary equipment

Except good voice and hearing, a microphone plays an important role in recording a song at home. And the better it is, the higher the quality of the recorded voice. Naturally without good computer also indispensable, the speed of sound processing and general editing of recorded material will depend on its parameters.

The next thing you need when recording is a good sound card, with which you can record and play back sound at the same time. You will also need headphones; they will only be used when recording vocals. The room in which the recording will be carried out also plays a very important role, so that there is less extraneous noise Windows and doors must be covered with blankets.

How to record a song at home without a good one software? But there is no way, so it will definitely be needed. You can read about which ones you can use for this in the articles on our blog.

Preparation and recording

So, the music (phonogram) for the song has been written, mixed and ready for release. further use. But before you start recording vocals, you need to warn all household members so that they do not distract you from the recording process. It is best, of course, to record at night. This is especially true for city residents, because the noise of a big city during the day can penetrate into any room, and this will interfere and affect the quality of the recording.

Playback of the soundtrack must be adjusted in volume so that it sounds approximately the same as the voice. Naturally, it should only be played through headphones, since the microphone should only pick up a clear voice.

Now you can start recording. The main thing is not to rush and not expect that everything will work out on the first take; you will have to sing a lot before any option seems ideal. And it’s best to record the song separately, breaking it into pieces, for example: sing the first verse, then listen to it, identify all the irregularities and defects, sing it again, and so on until the result seems perfect.

Now you can start the chorus, doing everything in the same way as recording the first verse, then recording the second verse, and so on. To evaluate the recorded vocal, you need to combine it with the soundtrack, and if everything is satisfactory in this version, then you can proceed to processing the recording.

Voice processing

Before you start processing recorded vocals, you need to take note that any processing is a deformation of the sound and if you overdo it, you can, on the contrary, ruin the recording. So all processing should be applied to the recording as little as possible.

The first step is to trim off the excess empty space, right up to the beginning of the vocal part of all recorded parts, but at the end it is better to leave free intervals of about one or two seconds, so that when some effects are applied they are not abruptly interrupted at the end of the vocal. You will also need to correct the amplitude throughout the song using compression. And in the end, you can experiment with the volume of the vocal part, but this is already in conjunction with the soundtrack.

This option recording a song at home is well suited for both musicians, and possibly entire groups, and for just creative people who do not have enough finances to record their work in a studio. How to record a song at home? Yes, everything is not as complicated as it might seem. For this, three constants are enough: a great desire to create something of your own, with a minimum of equipment and, of course, knowledge that can be gleaned from articles on our blog.

At the end of the article it is very short video instructions on how to set up equipment and record a song at home:

Good afternoon friends!

Last time I told you. But what if you have neither the time nor the desire to install and study additional software? Is it possible to record and edit audio directly from the browser window? Oh yes, now it's possible! Just a few years ago, online sound recording was something out of science fiction. And now this is not just a reality, there are a lot of services thanks to which you can create, edit and combine audio files. We will talk about them today. So, let's go.

If you come up with an idea for a new article and are afraid of forgetting it, you can quickly open Vocaroo, record your thoughts in an audio file, and then translate it into text or send a link to the file to a freelancer who will transcribe it for you.

2. Online Audio Joiner - the most feature-rich service

I warn you right away, without knowing the basics of sound recording and music creation, you won’t be able to figure it out. But there is documentation (though only in English), and I think sound engineers and music makers will definitely appreciate this service.

Professional audio editors can be expensive and complex. Using them simply to rap a couple of phrases into a microphone or cut out the chorus of your favorite song for a ringtone is like shooting sparrows from a cannon.

In order not to score your HDD unnecessary programs, just open the service online sound recordings. All you have to do is choose the one that suits you. I hope I was able to help you with this today.

(25 ratings, average: 4,16 out of 5)

There are simply countless reviews like this on the Internet. It would seem that everything possible has been written, but as you read deeper, you realize that the review was made by a person who is very far from music. Dry facts, list of characteristics, small comparison table and... that's it. Or just a list of programs, half of which are simply not designed for recording music. We, in turn, tried to make a warm and lamp selection of the most in simple language– mostly impressions and recommendations for using one or another DAW.

So, meet us - review best programs for creating, recording and mixing music.

Those who were at the dawn of digital audio production fondly remember Adobe's predecessor, Cool Edit Pro, until it was bought out by the global giant in 2003 for $16.5 million. Moreover, some still use it as their main DAW, just like Adobe Audition third version, completely ignoring new versions and fashionable innovations. Some people use Adobe Audition only for sound recording, while simultaneously using Noise Reduction to remove noise, and carry out mixing and mastering in other programs.

The advantages include convenient and clear interface and ease of use for beginners.

Level of training:

If you're new to audio production or choosing your first DAW, Cubase definitely not for you. This topic can be debated endlessly, but experience shows that without minimal knowledge of sequencers, learning will be long and painful. Mostly found in the Arsenal professional engineers or arrangers. Out of the box it offers a complete, and most importantly high-quality set of all kinds of plug-ins and slightly less high-quality tools. And by installing VST plugins and instruments, you can not worry about anything at all and create music on a production scale.

Level of training:

There is probably no person who has not heard of “fruit”, even if he is very, very far from music. One of the few DAWs that can be confidently recommended to beginners and amateurs. It is thanks to them FL Studio and earned his very controversial fame. Thousands of schoolchildren began to write tracks using standard set tools and seasoning from the built-in equalizer and compressor. And this despite the fact that standard means It is generally prohibited to use it in fruit. Armed with top plugins, for example, or, high-quality tools, and most importantly with straight hands, it turns into excellent instrument to create quality music.

Level of training:

Quite a young and at the same time progressive instrument for creating and recording music. Many people have switched from top DAWs to Reaper, as hundreds and thousands of training videos on YouTube and many articles on the Internet talk about. Suitable for both beginners and advanced users, it has a whole arsenal for recording, editing, processing, automation and much more. The interface is pleasant, nothing superfluous or distracting. The disadvantages include the lack of a built-in sampler with instruments and the lack of normal built-in synthesizers.

Level of training:

The first thing that catches your eye when you open it Ableton Live– this is the Session View window, which is more suitable for live performances. The more familiar Arrangement View switches to the right top corner. Based on all this, we can assume that a DAW is more suitable for DJs, improvisations and live performances, because... offers online mixing, right during the concert. But it also has its admirers. Ableton Live as a tool for mixing music due to simple interface With big amount effects and instruments.

Level of training:

If you are a Steve Jobs fan, an ardent Apple fan, Logic Pro simply must be on your machine, no matter what system you use. For $200 you will get a top DAW in all respects, be it mixing, recording, mixing - you will always be one step ahead. The package includes a collection of high quality plugins, instruments, ESX24 sampler and official support from Apple. However, you shouldn’t rush headlong and spend your hard-earned money - it’s better to first decide on your calling and get your hands on other programs for creating music.

Level of training:

One of the best (if not the best) top and professional DAW, used by tens of thousands of world-famous engineers. But as is usually the case, everything good has its fly in the ointment. Pro Tools does not support VST format. Of course, you can be content with only AAX plugins or use some kind of bridge that will allow you to open a VST, but as it usually happens, at the most inopportune moment the plugin you like is not in either the AAX format or in the broken database, which of course is very annoying. Suitable only for advanced engineers; beginners should take a closer look at simpler and more accessible programs.

Level of training:

The Swedish company was quite creative in creating its product. reason represents virtual emulator rack to which you connect devices. Just like in Pro Tools, there is no support for VST plugins and those that come with the kit may simply not be enough for many styles.

Suitable for those who want to create electronic music and loves to twist the knobs in search of interesting sounds. It’s definitely not suitable for beginners; even for advanced users it can be useful only in narrowly focused areas.

Level of training:

Another top DAW for experienced engineers, which is usually switched to from other sequencers. To do this in Studio One even presets of popular sequencers are built in for smooth and painless changes workstation. Powerful and convenient drag-and-drop, excellent readable interface, flexible setup folders with plugins, a convenient and functional mixer have gathered their own army of fans. It will be difficult to learn for beginners, so it is best suited for those who have already dealt with other sequencers.

Level of training: