Installing and configuring the Mozilla Thunderbird email client. Mozilla Russia

The mozilla thunderbird email client is a free program with support for the Russian language that will make working with email a simple and understandable task. In the current digital age, even the most ordinary user receives so many different emails a day that it is no longer possible to process them without a special assistant.

This is especially true if you have to check several mailboxes at once (for example, if you have mail on Rambler, Yandex, Gmail and other popular services). Thunderbird is a very thoughtful email client, it can be downloaded for free from the official website or from our resource (a portable version is also available - portable edition).

The program can significantly reduce the time spent filtering emails and will help you not to miss an important message, which can often be deleted along with spam.

The program can stay in the background for a long time and not take up precious computer resources, and Internet traffic is often consumed only in moderate quantities. Flexible mozilla thunderbird mail settings system in russian It is designed for the average user who will not engage in masochism in order to understand how to set it up. The interface is so simple that any average PC owner can configure this email client to suit their needs - to make the program more convenient not only externally, but also to install convenient add-ons (plugins).

It's nice when such a useful and effective email client as mozilla thunderbird can be downloaded for free in Russian. This allows you to get rid of many problems associated with setting up the interface, which is already clear and simple, even for a novice user.

How to set up mozilla thunderbird mail

Mozilla Thunderbird is a useful assistant when working with a large number of emails and newsletters. When registering an account, the user independently chooses where exactly the received letters and the documents attached to them will be stored: on his personal computer or on an existing Internet resource.

If you prefer to leave delivered correspondence on your hard drive, then you will have to specify a specific folder size in which they will be downloaded. With this method of storing information, the user has constant access to all already received letters and files, even if the computer is temporarily not connected to the Internet - which is more than convenient. The disadvantage in this case may be the possible failure of the hard drive, so we recommend that from time to time you make a backup copy of the email archive and export the settings. Exporting settings to mozilla thunderbird allows you to simplify the new installation and further adjustment of the mail client parameters to those made previously.

The program also takes care of protecting all user correspondence sent via unsecured communication channels. The client uses modern encryption algorithms such as SSL/TLS, while working with mail is carried out using the POP, IMAP and other protocols. For example, not long ago the Yandex mail service sent out notifications to its users asking them to update their mail programs. This applied to many email clients, but not Thunderbird, because its security was always at a high level.

Creating a signature in mozilla thunderbird is also easy. To do this, you can use the built-in tools and the PGP public key encryption system. All these features are built into the program, so you don’t have to install any add-ons.

It should be noted that a lot of attention is also paid to working with spam. This kind of correspondence is saved in a separate folder so that the user can independently decide what exactly to do with this or that advertising letter.

As we noted earlier, the email client allows you to work with several email accounts at once. The only thing that needs to be done is to add each of them in turn to the program. After these manipulations, the mailer will constantly check your mail (the interval for checking letters can be configured) and display appropriate notifications.

To work more successfully with new emails, the email client uses a special filter system, which, if configured correctly, will reduce the time spent checking such emails.

Special advantage free Mozilla Thunderbird In comparison to its competitors (including paid ones), we can name the existing functionality for exchanging instant messages via the Internet (for example, using Google chat Hangout or other similar systems). In addition, the program works on all popular platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, so we recommend downloading this wonderful application for free.

Mozilla Thunderbird is a powerful free email client from the company Mozilla. Yes, yes, from the developers of one of the most popular browsers in the world Mozilla Firefox. This mail program has a high degree of protection and ease of use.

Ask yourself a question. How many mailboxes do you have registered? I'm sure most of you have several. Some, even a dozen. As a rule, we register new mailboxes to separate our subscriptions and various spam from personal correspondence, corporate messages, etc. But every time, checking your mail, “going” through all the services and checking each mailbox is long and inconvenient. To bring order to your mailboxes and not lose a single important letter, you can download and use the Thunderbird email program.

Description of the Thunderbird program

Thunderbird- analogous to such email clients as Outlook or The Bat!. And if you have used one of them, then there is great news for you. Mail client from Mozilla supports soft transition from other email programs, that is, it is possible to import all data into Thunderbird.

The design and structure are classic for email clients. Supported Russian language. On the left is an Explorer window that allows you to navigate through folders, as well as between different mailboxes. Well, on the right is a window for viewing the contents of letters. Moreover, there is support HTML And CSS, this means that letters can arrive not only in “bare” text, but also with different designs and images.

Program features

Able to work with various mail protocols: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, NNTP, RSS. These are the most common protocols for sending emails today. Also, when receiving or sending letters using these protocols, a mandatory spam scanning. Exactly at Thunderbird custom spam filter very powerful and outperforms its other competitors.

Email in Thunderbird sorted and indexed, all so that you have access to quick search of letters.

Manage your boxes using free cross-platform program For Email very easy. Try it and see for yourself that you save a lot of time, which you can spend usefully for yourself or for work.


Version: Thunderbird 52.5.2
Russian language
Status: Free
Author: Mozilla
System: Windows All
Size: 38.8 MB

Mozilla Thunderbird is a free email client that is a separate component of the Mozilla project. Works with email, news and calendar. The program supports RSS, IMAP, SMTP, POP3, NNTP protocols.

The interface of the Mozilla Thunderbird program is quite simple, it is based on XUL technology. When working with Thunderbird, high speed and security are ensured. Fast message search mechanisms are available.

The Mozilla Thunderbird client has a number of individual features:

  • the program recognizes dubious correspondence automatically. You can also manually select emails that are spam. Thunderbird is able to store mail in one shared folder, as well as in separate ones for each mailbox;
  • The email client is protected from attempts to illegally acquire personal and confidential information, including user passwords. If such attempts are detected, the program will warn about this;
  • Mozilla Thunderbird supports certificate verification, digital signatures, and message encryption. Mail attachments are opened solely upon the user's command. Thus providing protection against viruses and worms.
  • timely updating of the program is ensured through an automatic update mechanism;
  • ability to customize the interface. It is possible to change the standard appearance of the toolbar by choosing other design themes;
  • received correspondence can be displayed simultaneously in several folders that are selected by the user based on certain filters. At the same time, the letter itself remains in a single copy, without taking up extra space;
  • the program supports the function of importing mail settings and messages from other email clients, such as The Bat, Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook;
  • the program provides high-quality spell checking directly while entering text;
  • Mozilla Thunderbird allows you to read news using RSS;
  • has a built-in HTML editor that produces compact code. This reduces the size of the documentation sent.

We recommend downloading Mozilla Thunderbird for free in Russian, since the utility can work on almost all popular operating systems. The latest Russian version of Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows 7, Xp, Vista is available for download.

Good day, dear readers and other individuals.

I thought and thought and suddenly realized that by some unknown miracle I had bypassed the mail topic. No, of course, I wrote briefly about , mentioned about , and on Twitter I talked a little about my love for , but from a programmatic point of view, I forgot to devote time to any particular email client. Strange. I'm correcting myself :)

As you already understood, today we will talk about mail, or more precisely about a program that allows you to receive, store, sort this mail and generally do a variety of indecent things with it. Many of you will certainly be surprised, they say, why do we need a program if in the modern world everything has long been integrated at the browser level - take it, go in and use it.

However, as an old-school person (my email started back in Windows 2000) and just a professional, I believe that email clients have a number of advantages over browser-based solutions. I will tell you about them (advantages) (and even show you a little), and also, in fact, I will teach you how to install, configure and powerfully use such a wonderful email client as Thunderbird.

Advantages of local mail over browser mail

Before we begin, as promised, I will first talk about what I see as the advantages of local, so to speak, software mail from the one that lives in the browser.

Firstly, this is support for several mailboxes at once and in different services. I don’t know how it is for anyone, but I have more than ten email"s that live on a bunch of different domains: @ gmail, @mail, @yandex, @website and so on. Naturally, running from box to box in the browser, even if I have direct bookmarks made on them, will still be torturous: while you log in, while you check everything new, while you reply... It’s long and tedious.

Next, of course, is functionality. Whatever one may say, the mail that lives “on the other side” will always be far from the locally installed program. The point is that the same Thunderbird, like Firefox, contains a bunch of plugins without which, personally, I can’t imagine working with mail at all. There is mail markup, quick replies (with one click on the keyboard) using pre-prepared templates, normal linking to a calendar organizer, a full-fledged address book with the ability to independently fill it in with various information and notes (as well as clear export), and amazing (in terms of quality, clarity and convenience) search for messages, and clear support RSS, and all sorts of external amenities like design styles, fonts, buttons, etc., etc.

In general, there is a lot of stuff that mail sent to the server side (i.e., to the browser) still needs to grow and grow. By the way, a complete selection, from me, of powerful plugins for Thunderbird it will be, but later, and will be released either as a separate article or in several (ala the way they are released for Firefox).

Connection protection: STARTTLS
Port (for POP): 110

@gmail And @yandex
Connection protection: SSL/TLS
Port (for POP): 995
Authentication method: Normal password

When finished, you can press the button " Retest"..

AND " Create an account"(after testing is completed). The wizard will check the password and, if everything is correct, create an account, after which we will see something like this:

Now let's configure where our mail will be stored on the disk.

Mail file storage location

It is better not to leave the initially proposed path, because it is buried somewhere in the depths of the system and, in case of problems with it, it will not always be possible to find and restore the folder later, and therefore it would be good to designate your own, which is what we will do now.

On the "tab" Local folders"press the button" Review" and set the folder we created, say, with the name _mail somewhere on the disk. Having done this, click on " OK".

Of course, you can set up various rules for this very sorting (the default is “by date”, but there are also a variety of options, for example: “by sender”, “by topic”, etc., which, I think, you have already seen on screenshot before last).

Message filters in Thunderbird

We've sorted out the visual sorting. Let's look at filters and try to create some of them.

Let's say that we receive a huge number of emails with a mention in the subject line of a certain website " Notes from Sys.Admin"and we want all these letters to be placed in a folder we created in advance @from_site(the folder is created by right-clicking on, say, the “Inbox” item). To do this, go to " Menu - Message filters".

Here we select from the drop-down list the box for which filters will be applied, and then click on the button " Create".

In the window that appears, fill in the appropriate fields, namely:

  • Filter name: enter something that will let you know what the filter is
  • Topic content t: in this example I enter " Notes from Sys.Admin"
  • In the field, move the message to: From the drop-down list, select the folder we created. In my case it's @from_site

Done, press the button " OK". You can immediately check the operation of the filter by selecting for the field " Run selected filters in a folder"the folder where we want to apply the created filter (in this case it is "Inbox") and click on the button" Launch".

If everything was done correctly, then all mail will be sorted in accordance with the rule you specified.
Naturally, as in the case of sorting, you can create filters of very different directions and variations, and you can configure filtering according to several rules at once, for which you use the “+” button in the list and set a new rule.

Over time, when you set up all the filters you need, you will be terribly pleased with how significantly your comfort when working with mail has increased.


That's how things are.

It turned out quite voluminous, but this is not the end :) Especially for Thunderbird, as under Firefox, there are various useful extensions designed to make your life more convenient, but we’ll talk about them next time.

Stay with the project and you will learn a lot of new and useful things;)

As always, if you have any questions, additions, thoughts, thanks, etc., I will be glad to hear them in the comments to this post.

Modern email clients, which are used by the vast majority of business people who are trying not to waste their time, help save valuable time on checking their mailbox. Despite its apparent simplicity, not all Thunderbird users know how to change a password, set up an account, or use autoreply. In the article below we will look step by step at all the steps and settings necessary for installation.

Working in an email client is not much different from an Internet browser

Installing the Thunderbird email client on your computer

In order not to subsequently have to worry about deleting many additional advertising sites and virus applications, the user must first download the program installer package from the official website of the developer. Before the installer starts downloading, the user needs to select exactly the version of the program that will be optimal for him. The fact is that the site contains several assemblies created directly for a specific OS and language. The user can specify in preferences, for example, Russian language and Windows OS, after which the site will automatically offer the most suitable package for download.

Please note that for those who have previously used the Thunderbird application, it is advisable to remove the old version from the PC before installing a new program.

After launching the downloaded file with the *.exe extension, you should select from the list provided to install a standard package (the checkbox is located next to the “Regular” item) or a custom one. The folder path should be changed if the method offered by the application somehow does not suit the potential user. During a normal installation, the program will be located at “c:\program files\mozilla thunderbird\”.

After waiting for a second, the program will install, and after it starts, you can proceed further.

Setting up an email client

When you turn on the application for the first time, an integration window with the operating system should appear on the screen. The user will be asked to use Thunderbird by default; the program will display not only new incoming letters, but also news. Along with other advantages, a specific application allows you to configure the search in the OS so that the mail intermediary can easily and quickly find the desired message. A window asking you to use Thunderbird by default can regularly bother a PC owner. Therefore, to forget about it, you can uncheck a certain checkbox during startup.

The next steps are to set up your account correctly. In the case when the user has a personal E-mail, there is no need to create a new mailbox. Therefore, in the proposed menu, you should select the “Use my existing mail” section.

Next, indicate all the data that is needed to log in to the mail, and you can specify any name, but the password and address must exactly match the data registered on mail services (google, yandex,

Setting up an account in Thunderbird is quite simple, it only takes a few minutes, and as a result the user must choose between two mail servers responsible for receiving IMAP and POP3 mail. The choice must be based on access to the network: if the Internet signal reception is stable, it is better to prefer the first point, otherwise - the second.

During normal automatic installation, you can click on the “Finish” button, or use manual configuration. The missing information can be found on the official website, which offers users email services.

Among other things, using Thunderbird you can combine data from several mailboxes by using the “Create a new account” command and repeating the previously described manipulations.

Thunderbird Specific Settings

The email client is convenient and multifunctional; the user can easily configure Thunderbird according to his personal preferences, for which he should select the “View your account settings” option. This category allows you to specify the frequency with which incoming messages will be checked, as well as how they are stored. The user can customize a personal signature and make the auto-response form more convenient.

Thunderbird has a high-quality anti-spam filter that functions in the application without any additional connection. Along with regular messages from various advertising campaigns, the program, due to its imperfections, can sometimes “hide” the necessary correspondence from the user. Therefore, the user will have to periodically look at the “Spam” section to make sure that there is nothing fundamentally necessary there.

Change Password

To change the password in Mozilla Thunderbird, you need to go to the “Tools” category in the main application menu, and select “Settings” among other commands. In the dialog box that appears on the PC screen, go to the “Protection” subcategory and select “Passwords” from the drop-down list to view all saved values ​​stored in the device’s memory.

To change the password in Thunderbird, the user will first have to delete all previously saved ones. After closing and loading the application, a new password is entered in the dialog box that opens, which will subsequently be saved in the general storage of all passwords.

After the first letter is created, the user will have to enter the same password again, which will allow him to log into the SMTP server. By the way, you should not forget that you need to check the box next to the “Save password” command.

Auto reply

Quite often, a Thunderbird user has a huge team of employees and business partners, and it is not physically possible to call them to notify them of going on another vacation. Among other tools, Mozilla Thunderbird has a feature that allows you to configure auto-reply.

In order for everyone who sends letters to receive an auto-reply, you must first write a new message, in the subject of which you must indicate the reason why the person is receiving this message. For example, “I’m going to go on vacation for ... days from ... to ....” There is no need to indicate a specific recipient. After saving such a message, you must select the “Template” section in the list that opens, and in the “Tools” category - the “Message Filters...” subsection, click on the “Create” command and write the name of the new filter. Opposite the “All messages” section there should be a checkmark, and in the “Perform specific actions” command you should point to “Template reply”.

After all the manipulations performed, an auto-response will be sent to all clients and, if, as a result of the procedure performed, you do not forget to point to a certain type of template.


Thunderbird is a powerful email client that gives the user the ability to customize their email in a way that suits them best. The user can easily change passwords, create or delete an account, and use automatic replies.