The tablet is discharged in 10 minutes. Setting up the operating system. Disabling automatic system updates

Are you interested in the question of why your Android tablet discharges so quickly and how to increase the operating time of your tablet? This article is designed to help you understand the reasons for this. By following simple and even banal recommendations, you are guaranteed to be able to extend the operating time of the device without recharging. The article is aimed at beginners who have just begun to master Android OS; experienced users will not find anything new here.

As you probably noticed yourself, the development of batteries clearly does not keep pace with the growing power and performance of devices on Android platforms. There are three main things that consume the most energy, thereby reducing the life of your tablet battery:

1. Communication modules

The most invisible “eaters” of battery energy are communication modules that are enabled but not always used: 3G, Bluetooth, GPS or Wi-Fi. If you constantly remind yourself to use the “power management” widget, thanks to which you can turn off all unused wireless services in one click, then you can significantly extend the life of your device without recharging. You can perform similar operations on the panel quick access, which is next to the clock on the desktop. In some Android versions“Airplane mode” is provided. If you turn it on, all means of communication are cut off. Very comfortably.

2. Multitasking

The trick and at the same time the bane of all tablets is the ability to run several applications at the same time - that is, multitasking. The problem is that when you launch one application and then a second one without exiting the first one, the first one does not unload from random access memory. Actually, this is how multitasking works :) And only when there is a decent number of applications, the Android system itself will unload the “oldest” of the downloaded ones. This could be, for example, two or more running video players that are quietly “working” in background can eat up a significant portion of your battery's charge very quickly. Open all kinds of reading programs, toys, file managers of various stripes, and so on. Can be controlled open applications by using special programs and utilities. Or you may not control it. Practice shows that all kinds of “taskkillers” only reduce the operating time of the tablet.

3. Screen

Try not to work on the tablet with the maximum brightness of your gadget. As a rule, a brightness of 50-60% is sufficient for comfortable interaction. Maximum brightness is needed only in bright conditions sunlight, in order to at least distinguish something on the display. My advice - put automatic brightness and don't worry.

Additional energy saving tips:

A) Do not leave the tablet in the sun or near a heater for long periods of time— the battery discharges faster in warm conditions.

B) Disable unnecessary applications/services- factory ones often include applications that are not only useless, but also hang constantly in memory and are not cut off; they can be deleted with applications such as RootApp Delete and the like.

IN) Don't turn off your tablet- if you leave the tablet turned on for one hour and do nothing with it, and if you turn off the tablet for an hour and also do nothing with it, then in the first case the energy consumption will be less.

G) Optimize Wi-Fi- V latest versions On Android, the “Wi-Fi Optimization” option has become available, a good thing.

D) Disable synchronization— Android, by default, loves to synchronize everything. This is useful, of course, but not for everyone and not always. Go to settings and scroll down to account settings. There you can disable auto-sync.

E) Disable system sounds and vibration- when using Android tablet invites us to listen to notification sounds and vibration feedback. Not everyone needs this either, and it wastes energy. Disabled in sound settings.

AND) Use only static wallpapers— live wallpapers are very beautiful, but very resource-consuming. This way you will also gain in productivity. If you have an AMOLED screen, then the ideal option for you would be to put a black background instead of wallpaper. Seriously.

H) Do not use external speaker - the sound will still be so-so, and the battery will be very strained. Use headphones.

I hope that I have somehow helped you extend the battery life of your tablet. At least for an hour.

The tablet is a representative of new technologies. With this portable device you can surf the Internet, read books, communicate, spend time interesting games and use it as a photo or video camera.

But, like all technology, it is not perfect. All portable devices have their own operating time on a fully charged battery.

For tablets, depending on the battery power and workload level, this period ranges from several hours to five days. Sometimes this happens even faster and indicates problems that need to be solved.

Causes and solutions

The cause of this problem can be various factors, each of which has its own characteristics of elimination.

Technical problems

The likelihood of such malfunctions is very low, but it also happens that the power supply system is in poor condition. The device's battery has its own service life, which includes a certain number of charging cycles. After this period, the part fails or begins to work very poorly. Such troubles can occur due to the use of power adapters that are not suitable for a particular device.

In such cases, the equipment is overloaded and its temperature rises. Such problems occur very rarely, but, nevertheless, can cause a rapid discharge. A battery test using special equipment will help you find out exactly whether this is the reason. If your fears are confirmed, then you need to replace the battery with a new one. It is important to use original components. Spare parts not from an official representative and Chinese copies

will be able to solve the problem only for a certain period. Problems can also occur with the power adapter. The tablet can point to full charge

, but in fact not be even half charged. Because of this, the operating time is very short. Solving such a malfunction is extremely difficult; specialists can replace the microcircuit, but this will be expensive and does not guarantee a positive result.

Means of communication As is known, data transfer gives high load to the device battery.

Therefore, to avoid rapid discharge, you need to turn off:

  • For this:
  • in the settings you need to go to the “communications” menu;

Click the icon on one of them to turn it off/on.

Backlight Another reason for rapid battery depletion can be the screen backlight. It is this function that consumes about 57% of the charge in any technology. If possible, you should set the minimum or average level

There are also cases when the tablet lies idle and the display lights up. Therefore, you need to install automatic blocking. This will not interfere with video games and browsing the Internet, but when reading books, this function can be disabled.

Adjusting the screen backlight is one of the most simple options battery saving. It does not require special knowledge and tools, but it helps solve such difficulties.

To change the brightness level and time automatic locking, need to:

  • in the settings, find the “screen settings” menu;
  • adjust the parameters by selecting minimum or average values.

Video: How to prevent your tablet from running out of battery

OS setup

Modern tablets have come a long way from the first ones laptop computers and smartphones on which you could launch your favorite online chat, watch a video and kill time with games. Now gadgets practically live their own lives, making independent trips to the Internet, bringing newer versions of programs from there.

Main actionssystems, which drain the charge, can be considered:

  • automatic data synchronization;
  • periodic network polling;
  • software update.

Automatic data synchronization

All equipment with Android system really likes to check all the data. So, by default it is always running Google service and other sources that are not always needed, but always work.

Periodic network polling

The gadget is constantly looking for something on the Internet and “communicating” with someone. Wireless connections, all smartphones, laptops and other gadgets nearby communicate with each other. This activity of devices significantly affects their energy levels. Therefore, it is better to turn off communications or switch them to gentle modes.

For example, if you need Wi-Fi, you can simply turn on the invisibility function. You also need to disable auto search. Modern gadgets are equipped with optimized Wi-Fi system, which controls the activity of the function.

Software updates

Nowadays you can install a variety of programs on smartphones, these are:

  • video games;
  • media players;
  • social network clients;
  • communication applications (Skype, Viber, etc.);
  • browsers;
  • area maps;
  • file exchangers;

Developers of such applications are constantly trying to improve them, which is why they make changes. Signals are also sent by remote servers. The tablet happily downloads all these new things even without the owner’s permission.

This is especially true for devices running Windows OS. They constantly check all programs for updates. This increases the load on the device and its battery. Therefore, you need to turn off automatic updates and monitor the new products yourself. Disable all unnecessary actions operating system

quite simple.

  • To do this you need:
  • go to settings;

uncheck the boxes next to the items that need to be turned off;

Applications run in the background An advantage and at the same time a disadvantage modern gadgets can be considered the ability to work several programs together. Of course, you can simultaneously run music player

and browser, communicating with friends on social networks and listening to the latest music. The disadvantage of this feature is that when you launch a second application, the first one continues to run in the background and wastes RAM. This is the function of multitasking. Wherein

background applications

do not always bring benefit, and often simply exhaust the resources of the device. Only when a large number of running applications accumulate, the system automatically closes those that have been turned on for a long time. The most

  • media players;
  • popular programs
  • video games;
  • that are sitting in the background are:
  • e-readers;.

file managers;

various settings Developers offer a variety of “tax killers” that will independently close unnecessary things, but, as practice shows, such utilities only reduce the operating time of the gadget. It is better to monitor the power-hungry software yourself. You also need to remove those applications that are rarely used, but appear in the background from time to time. On Android shutdown

background tasks

  • happens through the application manager.
  • He divides the programs into three points:

loaded; performed; Using the "Stop" button you can remove unnecessary processes. At the same time, this will not harm the operation of the gadget,

necessary programsit is impossible to disable.On iOS, need to:

  • , to close
  • background programs

Double-click the “Home” button to open the task manager;stop unnecessary processes.:

  • On OS
  • Windows

to launch the task manager, you need to swipe the sensor from the left side of the screen to the center and back, without lifting your finger;

stop applications.

Video: Making the tablet charge Additional effects IN Lately Such effects include falling snow, a “living” waterfall, and even a car that constantly drives around the display.

It is clear that such interesting things reduce operating time, because they simultaneously load the processor, gyroscope and accelerometer chips. And you can easily do without such wallpaper, because simple images perform this function perfectly.

One of the latest know-how in the field of improving the design of a working device is 3D wallpaper. This, of course, looks beautiful, but reduces the duration battery life, so it’s better to change the screensaver to a regular picture or a photograph.

Therefore, to avoid rapid discharge, you need to turn off:

  • you need to select an image in the gallery;
  • Click on the “set as wallpaper” button.

The tablet is draining quickly

The fact that the device discharges very quickly due to powerful games, bright display etc. - It's clear. But, there are situations when the gadget loses charge, even if no one touches it.

In standby

When the tablet just sits idle, the charge still disappears. Sometimes up to 50% of the battery drains in one night. The problem is that even without an owner, the gadget is actively looking for new software. Therefore, many programs just need to be disabled.

Of course, such a loss of charge is immediately noticeable. But it’s still worth studying the gadget’s power consumption different modes work. This should be stated in the instructions for the equipment and checked using special programs.

The cause may also be battery wear. If it is often completely discharged, or draws excess energy from a powerful outlet, then its performance characteristics drop. The only way to solve this problem is to buy a new one..

original battery


The battery percentage may drop even when the gadget is turned off.

  1. This happens due to several factors:
  2. not completely switched off state;
  3. Wi-Fi;
  4. operating system;

technical difficulites.

People quite often, instead of turning off the equipment, simply turn on sleep mode. In this case, it, of course, spends less energy than when it is turned on, but it still spends. Solving this problem is very simple; to turn off the gadget, you need to press the button for 5-10 seconds. The second reason for discharge may be functioning Wi-Fi. Equipment manufacturers claim that when turned off Wi-Fi gadgets

not dangerous and does not affect their charge level in any way. But many tablet owners confirm the opposite. Various programs that feed on the resources of switched off equipment can also cause damage. This could be battery wear, which was mentioned earlier, or even damage motherboard. In these cases, only specialists in repair or replacement of components will help. If technical condition gadget is satisfactory, then solve the discharge problem very simply by following the above tips. Then the equipment will delight you with reliable and high-quality functionality.

Discharging the tablet

A tablet is one of the most popular devices that many people use regularly. When using tablets every day, owners are faced with the question, why exactly does the tablet quickly discharge during the day? And what to do to prevent this?

Any battery has its own service life, as well as a limited number of charging cycles. When this service life ends, the battery no longer functions as before and begins to hold a charge for a shorter period of time. It happens that this happens when using unsuitable power adapters. In this case, it is necessary to replace the battery and then use only a suitable charger.

Another technical reason fast discharge There may be a problem with the power controller. In this case, the charge indicator will show 100% charge, but in fact the battery may not be even half charged. In such a situation, you will also need the help of a specialist and, possibly, replacing the power controller.

Do not leave the device in the sun or near a heat source, as the battery will discharge faster in warm conditions. Also, do not expose the device to too low a temperature - this will have a bad effect on the battery charge.

Battery drains faster in cold weather

But many devices quickly discharge even if not technical reasons for loss of charge, then device owners are trying to figure out how they can make sure that the tablet does not discharge too quickly.

Why does the tablet discharge in operating mode?

Modern devices provide the user ample opportunities in use various programs and functions. Many people use these features without thinking about how much they can impact their battery life.

The charge is consumed most imperceptibly if communication modules such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, Mobile Internet. 4G Internet and GPS take up a lot of charge. Very often, users leave them enabled even when they are no longer needed. For example, when Wi-Fi is turned on, it will constantly search for an access point, and this also requires battery resources. If you remember to use the Power Management widget, which allows you to quickly turn off all unused wireless services, you can extend the operating time of your device without recharging. Many tablets have an “Airplane Mode” function that allows you to disable all communication modules altogether.

Airplane mode on Android

A constantly turned on accelerometer sensor, that is, auto-rotate the screen, also consumes battery power. If its operation is not required constantly, it is better to disable it in the settings and enable it only when necessary.

Another reason why a gadget may run out of power is overuse of multitasking. Users open applications, and after using them, they do not close them, but leave them in a “minimized” state. To solve this problem, you need to periodically check open applications and close those not currently in use.

Many applications continue to run in the background even after they have been closed. They can be various settings, games, reading programs, etc. Now there are many task killer programs that allow you to close such background processes automatically, but many experienced gadget owners believe that such programs only consume even more battery power. The best way to close such background processes is with standard dispatcher applications.

Screen brightness also affects the rate at which the battery drains. For convenient use devices indoors usually suffices at about 60% of the screen brightness level, so the mode maximum brightness It is better to choose when you are outside on a sunny day. Some tablets have light sensors that help automatic change screen brightness. It is also better to disable this function, since the operation of this sensor requires energy.

Logo of a popular task killer

On smartphones, users often use additional effects to improve the visual style. A popular option is live desktop wallpaper. Many people like them, they look interesting, but at the same time they use processor resources and load the accelerometer and gyroscope. Using all of these devices at the same time can significantly reduce the tablet's battery charge. It's better to use regular static wallpaper.

The same applies to different widgets, especially if they require Internet access. It's better to reduce their use.

Various system sounds, notification sounds and vibration feedback also drain battery power. If they do not significantly affect the work with the tablet, then it is better to turn them off in the sound settings.

When listening to music, it is better to use headphones rather than an external speaker - this way you can save the charge longer.

What causes your tablet to run out of power in sleep or standby mode?

Many devices have a function automatic synchronization data. Some unnecessary applications synchronize while the device is in standby mode, consuming battery in the process. In this case, it is better to configure the synchronization settings manually and leave only those applications that require it.

Discharging in sleep mode

Also being released for tablets now a large number of different programs, games, applications. Developers are constantly trying to improve them by releasing updates for them. Usually, all these updates are downloaded to the device even without the owner’s knowledge, and they consume the device’s resources and battery power even in sleep mode. To avoid this, you need to go to the settings and either disable automatic updates for all applications, or for some specific ones.

Why does a switched off tablet discharge?

Some owners may not understand why even a turned off tablet can quickly discharge. Perhaps, when finishing work, instead of turning off the gadget, it is simply put into sleep mode. In this case, it will still continue to consume energy. To completely turn off the gadget, you need to hold the power button for about 5 seconds.

The charge level can also be affected by the turned on Wi-fi.

Despite the fact that tablet manufacturers claim that Wi-fi does not affect the battery charge level in any way, some users note that with it turned off Wi-fi function When the device is turned off, it discharges more slowly.

Disassembled device

The reason for the device discharging when it is turned off may be defects or damage in the technical part of the device. For example, some components of the motherboard may fail or the battery itself may become faulty. In this case, it is better to take the tablet to specialists for diagnosis and repair.

What to do if your new tablet is running low

In new tablets, charging problems may be due to a defective battery, especially if it overheats quickly. This problem is quite common in fakes. If the tablet gets very hot while the device is charging, several applications are running at the same time, or online video is playing, then this is normal. If the battery is swollen, then you should not continue to use such a tablet, it is even dangerous. It is advisable to remove such a battery from the gadget and replace it with a new one. But under no circumstances should you do this yourself, as the Li-ion battery may catch fire if it comes into contact with oxygen.

It would be more correct to take the tablet to service center and entrust this matter to specialists.

Battery calibration

If there is no visible damage to the battery of the new tablet, you can try using the battery calibration method. On Android devices it can be done using special application, you just need to launch it and follow the instructions described in it. Or you can try to calibrate manually. To do this you need:

  • put the tablet on charge for about 8 hours;
  • after that, disconnect the device from charging, turn off the device itself and leave it to charge unplugged for another hour;
  • disconnect the device from the power supply and turn it on for a few minutes;
  • turn off the tablet and charge it again for an hour;
  • Disconnect the tablet from the power supply and turn it on.

After this, the device will most likely function as expected.

What could be the reason that the Android battery drains quickly? And most importantly, how can this be fixed? This article will discuss the main causes of this problem and ways to solve it.

Small battery capacity

The most banal reason for this is its small capacity, that is, less than 1600 mAh. Unfortunately, in this case, you can only put up with what you have and try to use the minimum energy on which the smartphone runs wisely. And this means following advice on how not to run unnecessary applications and disable unnecessary functions. The actions that need to be taken in such a situation will be described in more detail in the article below.

Battery wear

Sooner or later, all batteries come to this point. And the battery on Android sometimes discharges quickly due to the fact that during the use of the device it has worn out and needs to be replaced. You can match the original battery to the model, but this is difficult and expensive, you can buy a fake or use products from battery manufacturing companies like CRAFTMAN, which supply universal batteries for smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. In any case, choose new battery not so difficult: on the market technical products the choice is sufficient.

Running programs as a factor in why the phone battery drains quickly

"Android" is an operating system, which means that, having downloaded and closed any program, you cannot be sure that it did not continue to work in many running programs- another reason why the battery on Android quickly drains. What to do? First, use the built-in or additional parameters cleaning. Secondly, reboot the device from time to time, as is done on computers and laptops to reset operating memory. This not only saves battery, but also simply helps your smartphone or tablet work faster.

Unstable communication signal

Lately many mobile operators offer the user 3G coverage, but almost always it is, to put it mildly, unstable. This means that when moving around the city, the network on a smartphone or tablet with a SIM card is forced to constantly switch from regular 2G to 3G. Because of this, the battery on Android also drains quickly. To prevent this from happening, you can force only GSM in the settings.


Many Android devices have GPS enabled by default. But in reality, only a small number of people use it. That’s why you can safely disable this function if it’s not needed, since it only once again “loads” the phone and takes energy from the battery. Even if this function is active use, you can turn it on only when there is a real need for it.

Screen brightness

The screen brightness can be adjusted. And there is a clear proportional dependence of the energy supplied by the battery on its value. Very bright screen is rarely something you can't do without. Among its disadvantages, in addition to the above, is also excessive strain on the eyes. It is enough to choose the ideal value for yourself. In addition, information on a dim monitor is much more visible in strong sunlight.

Tips for extending your device's battery life

In addition to eliminating the reasons described above, you can also use the following tips to extend the battery life of your Android device. Their effectiveness is various gadgets may vary, but it has been tested by time and other users.

Battery calibration

Battery calibration is the process of bringing the battery into an optimal state for use. This is done because the device may incorrectly remember the charge level and its consumption, as a result of which, even if in fact the level is 95 percent, the device perceives this incorrectly and the smartphone/tablet turns off. If you simply replace the battery, the problem will remain, which means that your efforts will be wasted.

To calibrate the battery on GooglePlay, you can download the corresponding application, but you can also do it manually. First of all, you will need to completely discharge the device, remove and insert the battery back without turning on the device, charge it to one hundred percent, carry out the actions with the battery from the previous point, and turn it on.

In fact, there are many calibration options; you just need to choose the one that suits you.

Disabling automatic system updates

It is known that shutdown automatic updates The system not only extends the battery life of the device, but also prevents unnecessary downloads, and therefore reduces the cost of Internet traffic. It is recommended to set “Ask before installing updates” in the settings. They are available on GooglePlay in the "My Applications" section.

"NO!" unused processes

It is recommended to regularly clear memory from unused processes applications, clear temporary data, internet browser cache, etc. For this you can use like standard means systems and additional ones.

You should not download applications that supposedly save battery capacity; in fact, they only load the system even more.

If the battery on Android runs out quickly (Samsung, for example, often suffers from this), you need to turn off all unused networks, uncheck “auto-rotate screen” and “auto-brightness”.

Special advice for smartphones with AMOLED screen: it is recommended to set dark themes, not bright and light.

Additional actions

If you approach the matter of discharging your Android smartphone/tablet with all responsibility and foresight, you can also do the following:

  • Buy a high-power battery that will definitely guarantee long term charge. Such batteries are usually thicker than regular original ones, and they come with an additional back cover, which makes the gadget heavier and larger in size.
  • There is also an option to purchase a battery case. The disadvantages of this and previous points The problem is that they are not possible for all devices.
  • Can be purchased portable charger, as it is also called external battery. It allows you to connect your phone to it and charge it again. It itself is usually charged from an outlet. high capacity, so sudden shutdown the device is not in danger.
  • Easy to buy extra battery is another effective alternative. When one runs out, you can simply replace it with a spare one, especially if the Android battery is quickly draining.

Most users find that their mobile device quickly loses charge. Why does the tablet only work for a few hours, what is the reason for the rapid discharge and how to avoid it? Let's try to look at and find out why the tablet discharges quickly.

A possible problem may be the technical condition of the power supply system. has a finite shelf life and a certain maximum number of charge/discharge cycles.

Power supply life may be reduced if charging using inappropriate power adapters. This causes the battery to overload and overheat. This option is unlikely, but possible. After thorough testing with special equipment, the battery must be replaced.

When replacing the battery, an uncertified power source may be installed. It will work within the stated parameters and provide the specified battery life, but not for long. After a fairly short time, the problem will return - the tablet will begin to discharge quickly. Such difficulties with charging the battery from third party manufacturer characteristic of .

Problems with the power controller are another one. Although the tablet shows 100% charge, it actually isn't and the battery drains quickly. Such a problem is almost impossible to solve - you need to change the microcircuit. This is expensive and is done in a workshop. In addition, the reason may be of a completely different kind.

Temperature conditions

Modern batteries are quite capricious. They have a clear temperature Range work, however, the accompanying documentation does not indicate what will be the same at low and high temperature. There are two main types of batteries, each with their own characteristics.

Li-ion battery

This type of battery is already obsolete and has a lower specific capacity compared to modern ones. Has the following characteristics:

  • more stable at different temperatures;
  • When the load increases, the charge is consumed faster.

For optimal operating time, such a battery requires constant and “even” charge consumption.

Lithium polymer battery

The most modern battery. Small, capacious, stress-resistant. Has the following:

  • variation in tablet battery life depending on temperature;
  • with varying loads, more stable and predictable work schedules are provided.

If the tablet begins to discharge faster when installed on it lithium polymer battery, this may be due to its operation at sub-zero temperatures.

To the concept " temperature regime“This applies not only to the weather outside. The load from which the tablet heats up also plays a role.

Operation of communications

In the "sleep" mode of the tablet, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules. They spend little by little. An interesting picture is observed - a sleeping or switched-off tablet discharges faster than a switched-on one.

To avoid similar problem, you must disable communication modules manually. These include:

  • not completely switched off state;
  • Bluetooth;
  • telephone module.

If you want to use the battery to the maximum, turn it off immediately.

Screen backlight

Set the level to medium or minimally comfortable. Many devices are equipped with a light sensor and automatically change the backlight. If the mode of using the tablet does not provide for changing the external lighting level, disable the auto-adjustment function. This will significantly save battery.

Set a time that is convenient for you automatic shutdown screen. Or you can switch the auto-off mode to “always on.”

Setting up the operating system

Video: Making the tablet charge standard mode operates several unnecessary services, which produce useful, but not always necessary actions. Short list looks like that:

  • automatic ;
  • periodic network polling;
  • updating data by running applications;
  • update servers are polled installed programs and services.

Automatic synchronization

Android loves to check everything. Works by default Google profile and other data sources. For optimal charge consumption, it is better to do synchronization manually, turning off the automation. This will reduce the load - unnecessary services will not work.

Network polling

The tablet is constantly looking for something and exchanging “call signs” with someone - with new ones wireless networks, devices and gadgets “in the neighborhood”, towers cellular communication. Because of this, the tablet's battery drains quickly. It is better to turn off unnecessary communications. If you can't do without Wi-Fi, put your device in stealth mode.

Disable auto search features. The latter have an “optimized Wi-Fi” option.

Data update by applications Skype, browsers and social media - they all periodically poll own services about the changes. Remote servers

can send control signals directly to applications, which can cause the tablet to quickly run out of power. Turn off everything you don't use.

Search for updates Particularly noticeable similar work

on devices. It constantly checks the network for new updates, which takes up a lot of adapter resources and eats up the battery. In addition, updates can be frankly “crude”, and as a result the tablet quickly runs out of power.

Multitasking Another standard feature is closed applications

continue to work in the background, thereby taking a lot of resources from the system. The user does not see this, he only notes the continuous discharge of the battery. It is best to close applications completely and remove them from RAM.

Additional effects Turn off all useless bells and whistles. Static wallpaper , low system sounds (if needed), headphones instead of built-in speakers, a disabled vibration motor, silence of the tablet in response to pressing - here is the list simple measures

, which will increase battery life.

The Secret to Long Lasting Work If the tablet begins to discharge quickly, do not immediately run to the workshop. Most often, there is a simple explanation for what happens. Use it, optimize your work, and the device will definitely show good results