These sad shortcomings of iOS are long overdue for correction. Apple's own services

Today the operating room iOS system won the hearts of millions iPhone owners and iPad. But, like any operating system, iOS has its pros and cons. This article takes a detailed look at the main pros and cons of iOS.


  • operating system iOS demonstrates excellent performance. No other operating system can boast such excellent performance. Most buyers choose products Apple precisely because of excellent quality work.
  • The iOS operating system is perfect for application developers. Almost any user who knows a programming language will be able to sell their application on Apple Store. In other words, the user is offered a permanent income.
  • Very high speed iOS work opens to users great amount opportunities. For example, play latest games with realistic graphics or watch movies in HD quality. All thanks to the fact that the iOS operating system was created specifically for Apple devices.
  • The chance of detecting a virus on your device is very low, because the system is completely safe. All applications undergo thorough testing on the Apple Store. Besides, iTunes program Provides maximum device security and permanently saves phone data.


  • The iOS operating system can only be found on devices from Apple. Therefore, the buyer is given a very narrow choice when purchasing a device, unlike Android.
  • The user is limited in almost everything. It is prohibited to change anything in system files, transfer files from your computer, pirate applications, and much more. For attempting to remove restrictions using special program, Apple denies any assistance or warranty to users.
  • In the iOS operating system, you cannot expand memory using flash cards or other portable storage devices information. Even when purchasing, the user must decide how much memory he needs, otherwise he will have to constantly clear the memory for new applications.
  • It is certain that the iOS operating system is almost the best operating system, despite its disadvantages. But even with its minor disadvantages, iOS occupies and will continue to occupy a leading position in the market, because no operating system can compare with iOS in terms of quality of work.

It seems this war will never end. Android vs iOS - which operating system is better?

The other day I came across a post on Facebook and couldn’t resist. I decided to make my contribution to the confrontation.

Pros of iOS

1. iOS is an ecosystem

It is clear that, as such, the concept of an ecosystem is for mobile devices No. It refers to the connection between devices.

Photos from any device are uploaded to shared cloud, text written on an iPad can be continued on a Mac, a shared password chain, and so on.

There is no such thing among Android gadgets. The only one trying to do anything even close is Samsung. The rest seem to have completely forgotten about this feature.

2. iOS is a long-term support

Unlike Android devices, iPhones, iPads, Watches and Macs receive regular updates. And this happens throughout minimum four years. A living example: iPhone 5s from 2013, which runs the latest iOS 11 wonderfully.

The biggest centenarians in Android-stan - Nexus smartphones and Pixel. Others can only guess whether it will at least be available on their device next version operating system.

3. iOS is finely tuned to the hardware of Apple devices

No matter what anyone says, Apple has improved iOS 11. Even the most buggy OS is again well optimized: it works perfectly on most devices. There are exceptions, usually of a local nature.

This usually happens with the release of a new operating system: any Apple device may run a little slower with new firmware. BUT it happens as smoothly and without jerking as before.

Android smartphones cannot do this a priori. Each manufacturer has a number of their own add-ons, including the shell. And they are all optimized differently, so they spend the same resources.

According to user reviews, even the Galaxy S8 can be difficult to open some standard applications. For example, Phone or Camera.

4. iOS is a secure system

Apple's operating system is considered secure for a reason. This is a closed "axis".

Applications are installed only from App Store, you won’t be able to simply download the installer from the Internet and install the program.

That’s why there are no specific antiviruses for iPhone, they are simply not needed. The same cannot be said about Android owners, who have a much higher chance of catching a virus.

Pros of Android

1. Huge selection of devices

While iPhones are available for a lot of money, anyone can afford an Android smartphone. And the choice among them is huge.

Manufacturers get into everything price categories. Those who want something more expensive take a top-end Samsung or HTC; those who want something cheaper take a simple ZTE, Elephone, Xiaomi, and so on.

And it often happens that a mid-class Android smartphone is quite comparable in characteristics to the same iPhone SE. Even the camera may be approximately the same.

2. Support for two SIM cards and microSD cards

iPhone owners have always suffered from lack of memory. Yes, now there are models with 128 and 256 GB, but they also cost accordingly.

Android users, as a rule, have access to memory expansion out of the box. I bought a smart phone for 10,000 rubles with 4 GB of memory, bought an additional card for 2,000 rubles for 128 GB, and enjoy life.

But the second SIM card in iPhones is really not enough. Sometimes situations arise when it is simply necessary.

For example, one is used for friends and at home, the second for work. I don’t want to carry two devices with me in order to be always in touch. It’s easier to plug in a second SIM card.

3. It’s easy to upload any files to your Android device

Whether it's music, an application, a document or something else, it can all be downloaded to your Android device in a couple of clicks. Straight from your computer.

Yes, Apple partially solved the file issue by creating application of the same name. True, it still only works with cloud storage, and without the Internet you cannot access them. And who thinks that downloading something through iTunes is easy - argue with me.

4. Android can be customized

If owners of iOS devices can change the minimum for themselves (ringtone, wallpaper, etc.), then there are much more settings in Android.

In it you can change any small element of the interface and make it “unique”. Settings sliders change, icons change. But you can download a couple of plugins and change the appearance of the operating system beyond recognition.

Who won then?

The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is that when updating over the air, 5.6 GB was required free space, which was quite difficult to find, given that our iPhone 5s has 16 GB of memory. It was not possible to update via iTunes, the servers constantly crashed and the firmware could not be downloaded, so a simple solution was decided - delete all the music from the smartphone and install the firmware, then re-sync it with iTunes.

Immediately after the update, a massive update of applications began in the App Store, main reason - iOS support 8. Those applications that have not been adapted to the 8th version of the OS crash quite often. Moreover, this happens in a rather strange way, each time in different places.

Many users online wrote that battery consumption on iOS 8 is 15-20% more than in iOS 7. iPhone 5s battery life after fully charged is 6 hours 6 minutes, while the waiting time is 12 hours 21 minutes. On this moment The charge on the smartphone is 33%, that is, about 2/3 of the charge is empty. It's strange, but contrary to comments online, the iPhone 5s on iOS 7 has never lasted this long.

In addition to reviews about fast discharge smartphone, there are a lot of comments on the forums about the glitches of iOS 8, but no matter how hard we tried. We could not find any serious bugs. The only exception is that the keyboard jitters a little when opening an application from multitasking, but this is not at all critical.

There is little to say about the quality of communication, because during this time there were only a few conversations. No changes were found compared to iOS 7, except that now the subscriber’s photo during a call is displayed in full screen, as in the first iOS version 7.

During the entire testing period, I got the feeling that switching between LTE and 3G began to happen faster, but this may be due to the low load on base stations operator, in any case there is not much difference.

One of the most important disadvantages of iOS 8 is the need for the application to be updated by the developer. Conscientious developers have already released updates for their applications and games, while most are in no hurry to release updates. For example, the VKontakte application for iPhone began to appear in iOS style 6, but with the keyboard from iOS 8, and it’s even scary to imagine how much the development team social network will release an update, given that the redesign for iOS 7 took about 6 months.

Additional keyboards from third-party developers and widgets are quite unstable. Keyboards reset their settings spontaneously, and widgets are not yet highly adapted to the functionality of iOS 8. It’s hard to say who is to blame for this situation, but most likely both sides.

There are not many external changes in the firmware. The animation of multitasking and Spotlight has changed slightly, and now the clock is in iOS menu ticking in real time. Several new items have been added to “Settings” to make it more convenient to customize the gadget to suit you.

One of the main reasons for upgrading to iOS 8 was the feature Touch support ID by third party developers. The 1Password app updated almost minutes after iOS release 8 and received unlock support from using Touch ID, which turned out to be very convenient.

Whether to install iOS 8 or not, everyone must decide for themselves. If you want something new and don’t need a jailbreak, then you can safely update, but if having a jailbreak is important, then you should wait until the release iOS hacking 8, but this may take many months.

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The choice of a smartphone or tablet is an entirely individual matter, but the main choice that absolutely every buyer has to make is the operating system. In 2016, the most popular operating systems are Android and iOS, which have attracted millions of fans.

Android fans are sure that iOS is too limited system, which does not represent iPhone owners, iPod Touch and iPad no choice. Owners of Apple devices, in contrast, insist that Apple creates ideal devices that will not let you down at the most important moment, and iOS functionality is sufficient to solve almost any everyday tasks.

We tried to familiarize ourselves with the two operating systems in as much detail as possible and name the main and most important advantages of Android before iOS.

Advantage 1. operating room Android system is completely open, that is, having received root rights, the owner of a smartphone or tablet becomes a real ruler, but even without this, you can store absolutely different types files, download them from the network and even share them via instant messengers. Unfortunately, iOS owners can only transfer photos or files from iCloud Drive(iOS 9 only), and one can only dream of downloading files from the network using standard methods.

Advantage 2. If in iOS work If something doesn’t suit you, then nothing can be done about it. Apple doesn't really provide iPhone users And iPad choice. Device owners on Android based can download from the Internet or Google Play programs, allowing you to change various parameters and interfere with the operation of the OS, increasing its functionality or removing unnecessary functions.

Advantage 3. This advantage of Android follows from the previous one. It is included in this list only because it is for this reason that many people refuse to buy iOS devices and choose Android products. The fact is that the best system for customization appearance is exactly Android. By installing a third-party launcher and replacing standard fonts, the operating system is changing beyond recognition.

Advantage 4. Running apps in the background on iOS is significantly limited. You cannot launch a download manager, hide it and use another program. In this case, the download will be interrupted after some time. Android owners can run any programs in the background and they will remain active until the device runs out of free space RAM or the download process will not complete completely. To achieve this functionality on iOS, you have to keep the program active until the file is completely downloaded from the network to the device.

Advantage 5. Connect a flash drive, wired keyboard or a mouse for an iPhone or iPad is not possible, since Apple forces you to purchase special accessories with exorbitant price tags, the choice of which is not large. To connect almost any peripheral device from a computer to Android you only need to purchase an OTG cable, costing about 100 rubles. After this, you can even connect to your smartphone or tablet HDD 500 GB and enjoy watching a movie directly from it.

Advantage 6. If Apple moderators decide to remove an application from App store Store, then 99% of iPhone and iPad owners will not be able to install it. Of course, you can jailbreak and install the corresponding tweak, but Lately You have to wait half a year for a hack to be released, and not everyone is ready to bother installing it. Android users just find the one you need on the Internet APK file and install it on the device without any problems, bypassing the proprietary Google store Play.

Until March 10 inclusive, everyone has unique opportunity Xiaomi Mi Band 3, spending only 2 minutes of your personal time on it.

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Even before the start of sales in Russia and other CIS countries, the long-awaited iPhone models 7, a new version of iOS 10 was available for download and installation. Specialists from the Cupertino company loudly declared that the new version of the operating system is the most major update throughout history. At the same time, many users who have already updated their OS to version 10 believe that the changes are not so radical, and getting used to them will not be difficult even for beginners who are discovering the world of Apple devices. Therefore, in this review we decided to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the new OS. iOS 10 for Apple devices.

Even before the start of sales in Russia and other CIS countries of the long-awaited iPhone 7 model, a new version of the iOS 10 OS was available for download and installation. Specialists from the Cupertino company loudly declared that the new version of the operating system is the largest update in history. At the same time, many users who have already updated their OS to version 10 believe that the changes are not so radical, and getting used to them will not be difficult even for beginners who are discovering the world of Apple devices. Therefore, in this review we decided to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the new iOS 10 OS for Apple devices.

Peculiarities, advantages of iOS 10

As a rule, Apple employees before the release next update The OS claims that the new update will please users with reliability, stable work, increasing the speed of mobile devices. But if we take, for example, iOS 9, which was supposed to be the fastest, it often encountered freezes and lags, which, although they appeared irregularly and were treated with a regular reboot, caused some discomfort and even negativity among users.

With the tenth version of the OS for Apple devices, the situation will be somewhat different. The operating system has been thoroughly tested on the following devices: iPad mini 2, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus. The only drawback is the rather slow scrolling of chats in Telegram messenger on iPhone 6s Plus. The problem was quickly resolved by optimizing the application itself.

Important! OS iOS 10 available for iPhone 5, iPad 4th generation, iPad Mini second generation, iPod Touch 6, as well as for all new versions of Apple devices.

Design, interface

In the new OS 10, there are no major innovations in the interface or design. At the same time, dramatic changes affected the lock screen. There is no Slide to Unlock feature. To unlock your mobile device, you just need to click on Home key(Home), which is quite unusual. In this case, you can restore unlocking by touching the Home button. Go to Settings/Accessibility/Home.

Swiping left from the lock screen will activate the camera, swiping right will open the widget screen and also display a line Spotlight search. The Raise to Wake feature is available for owners of iPhone 7/7Plus, iPhone 6S/6S Plus and iPhone SE. As soon as you pick up your iPhone or iPad, it “wakes up” and the lock screen lights up along with all notifications. Perhaps, for those who spend a lot of time on social networks and actively use instant messengers, this is a very useful option, but if there are people next to you, they can, even accidentally, read the messages that are displayed on the display of the mobile device.

Separately, it is worth noting the notification design, which has changed in better side and got a beautiful one translucent background. Widgets have become more informative and functional, which is also good news. This can be safely called a very successful solution for iOS 10.

3D Touch

iOS 10 can easily be called the rebirth of 3D Touch. Now it is supported by the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and its capabilities have expanded significantly. In the context menu, if you press firmly on the application icon, they now appear in significantly more, not only from Apple, but also from third-party developers. Swipe up on the display to open Context menu 3D Touch, as well as "Control Centers".

The "Control Center" is divided into three screens for greater convenience. The first contains buttons and switches, the second allows you to control music, and the third allows you to control your smart home. if you don't have a system " Smart House", the third screen will not be displayed.


in iOS 10, font elements and thumbnails of music album covers have significantly increased. The sections “Media Library”, “Review”, “Radio”, “For You”, as well as “Search” have become more informative. If desired, you can now view audit track texts directly in the media player. Listening to music on an iPhone has become much better, more comfortable, and more convenient. This can definitely be called an advantage of iOS 10.


Many of us devote a lot of time to correspondence with friends and loved ones. IN new version The OS of the iMessages application has grown to the level of Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat in terms of comfort. It began to work much faster. You can now view the contents of sent links. There is integration with other applications. Many more added pleasant little things- stickers, GIFs, handwritten messages, animated emojis, funny photos, light show effects.

The disadvantage is that to take advantage of all the features of iMessages, you will have to spend time searching for them. The interface still needs improvement. Some functions are useful, and some options can be called unnecessary, for example, handwritten SMS. Sometimes there is no synchronization between devices.


Among the advantages and innovations of the application, one can highlight the fact that it uses computer algorithms to analyze the content of your photographs, but at the same time “protects” the privacy of the owner. that is, all actions take place only on your device. Photos are not sent to the cloud for analysis without your knowledge. If, for example, you click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen and enter the word “Dog,” photographs with your dog will be displayed, if you have photographs with your pet. This way you can search for the images you need by content, which is very convenient.

Minus - the analysis can take a long time, up to several days, especially if you need to perform complex tasks. In this case, you will have to constantly hold your iPhone. connected to the charger. The average photo collection will be indexed in about 10-12 hours, which is very inconvenient for those who work on their device with graphic files. In addition, Apple sells space in its cloud storage quite expensively. providing only 5 GB. for many users this is negligible.

Other functions

Special attention in the new version of the OS can be called auto-locking the screen. we can say that the Cupertino company has adopted the classic Android feature. You just need to pick up your iPhone and the time, date, notifications, and widgets will be displayed on the locked screen. This option It functions quite correctly, which is very nice.

Appeared in the Clock app new inset"Sleeping mode". It allows users to set a convenient sleep/wake schedule for themselves, that is, the minimum 8 hours that an adult needs for normal rest.

The flashlight has three brightness levels, which is also very convenient. IN new iOS 10 users can finally delete branded applications. programs that are not used. This can be called one of the main advantages, thanks to which you can increase the volume internal memory iPhone.

A significant disadvantage can be called new interface, control center design. There is no direct access to Wi-Fi settings. On/off only.

Conclusion, conclusions

Generally OS iOS 10 for iPhone, iPad cannot be called unsuccessful. There are many useful options, cool 2 features” that increase ease of use mobile device. Pleasantly pleased with the faster, more stable, correct work iPhone. But still this update cannot be called large-scale, as representatives of the Cupertino company stated. Great efforts were aimed at changing the functionality of the fluoride editor and messenger. Therefore, we hope that in next updates OS developers will fix minor errors existing in this update and the next version will move at least three steps forward.