Which operating system is best for a xiaomi smartphone. Installing the MIUI shell on an Android device. Quickly turn on maximum screen brightness

The number of operating systems is growing day by day. In most cases, this is due to manufacturers trying to create something unique for their great products. It is worth noting that most modern operating systems are based on Android. The only exceptions can be called iOS and Windows Mobile, both are the brainchild of American corporations, however, the latter is constantly losing its share in the market of portable devices. Among the total mass of shells based on Android, we can highlight the operating system of the Chinese brand Xiaomi. This is what we will compare with the popular Apple OS.

Before going into the functional and external features, let's say that the comparison of the two systems is by no means groundless. There is an opinion about imitation of the Chinese shell, the software of the American giant. Starting from the “flat” 2D design, ending with the general structure of windows and desktops - everything is somehow reminiscent of iOS.

Simplicity and conciseness

Is it worth mentioning that from the very beginning, the fundamental concept of the developers from Cupertino was the simplicity and clarity of the interface for all categories of users. This system still works: minimum settings, maximum comfort. The Chinese took this fact into account, but went a little further. MIUI gives more scope for personalization and customization, without compromising the appearance or cluttering elements. A little space for activity has never harmed anyone.

Appearance and customization

In terms of “decoration”, iOS loses on all fronts. Apart from changing the background image, nothing else is available. The only possibility is hacking and customization by third-party, often untested and unsafe applications. The Mi system is another matter; even in the stock configuration “out of the box” you will have a colossal number of design themes and all kinds of widgets to choose from.

Security, which is more reliable

It is not very fair to consider these representatives from this angle, but we will try. And we are talking about the openness of the program code. iOS takes the lead here; the closed code allows you to avoid most of the problems associated with malicious software and the results of its life activity. Of course, no one is immune from programmers’ mistakes and related vulnerabilities. The MIUI 9 operating system, which is open source, presents more opportunities for penetration and requires more user attention in terms of protection.

Functionality vs Simplicity

Advanced settings allow you to optimize your workspace as efficiently as possible. This phrase definitely does not apply to Apple OS. The maximum that can be achieved is a dozen non-customizable widgets and grouping desktop applications into folders. You can convince yourself that this approach is effective because it does not provide an opportunity for an inexperienced user to damage the device with their inept actions. How fair this is is up to you to decide!

Stock apps

Here I would like to touch on some pre-installed components: a browser and an email client. Let's not lie, the best indicator of quality is user reviews. From this side, the programs mentioned above are no good when implemented by Xiaomi. Inconvenience of use and limited functionality force Xiaomi fans to use third-party software. The same cannot be said about Apple fans. Statistics show that the majority of iPhone and iPad users continue to use stock applications even after a long time.

Each system has its pros and cons, which can be discussed and debated endlessly. What is better iOS or MIUI?! In our opinion, the determining factor of a leader is development and the desire to change and improve. Americans demonstrate their conservatism on this issue with enviable consistency. While developers from the Middle Kingdom are open to everything new, are ready to listen to their consumers and are constantly modernizing their proprietary shell.

MIUI is a project of Xiaomi, a seriously redesigned version of the user environment based on Android. Thanks to the efforts of the technology giant from China, coupled with the active support of the community of fan-developers, this firmware is constantly being refined and improved. Currently, about 100 smartphones are capable of carrying one or another version of MIUI, and the list is regularly expanding.

Miyuai is not an insult at all. Xiaomi has come up with an interesting name for its shell. The abbreviation can be deciphered as MI User Interface (Mi user interface), it is pronounced as “Me You I”, which is also quite funny. The first version of the system worked on the basis of 2.2 and was introduced back in 2010. We can say that this year is an anniversary year for the shell.

Setting a desktop image is one of the first steps in setting up a new smartphone. Still, today, most firmwares use a similar model for constructing an operating system, which involves abandoning a separate menu and placing application icons directly on the main screen. This allows, firstly, to have quick access to important software, and, secondly, not to provoke users to litter the home page with widgets and other garbage that slow down the operation of the smartphone. Therefore, it is extremely important that you like the background image and do not cause irritation, not to mention that it does not simply disable the device.

The standard update period for smartphones is three years, of which new versions of the operating system are released only for two years, while the third is intended exclusively for monthly security patches. However, not all manufacturers adhere to this rule, stopping the release of updates for branded devices ahead of schedule at their own discretion. Basically, only A-brands behave this way, but Xiaomi recently joined this club.

It recently became known that Google is preparing to introduce a universal night mode, the effect of which will apply not only to the operating system interface, but also to installed applications. Xiaomi decided to keep up with the search giant and implement something similar. Judging by the presented screenshots of the test version of the update, it will also darken the OS and software interface, increasing comfort when using them in low-light conditions.

Received a new update MIUI Global stable firmware V10.0.3.0.OEAMIFH available for download and distributed via OTA. Let's look at the list of changes and user feedback.

To avoid unnecessary questions, please pay attention to. This version is relevant for owners of the international version of the phone using the Global ROM firmware.

MIUI for Xiaomi Mi 8

If your Xiaomi Mi 8 has Russian firmware installed, then the current version for you is , the firmware is .

Unfortunately, among Xiaomi readers and active users of the Mi community, there are still not many owners of the flagship Xiaomi Mi 8. Their number is tens of times less than the owners of the popular budget phones Redmi 5 Plus and Redmi Note 5.

I would like to receive detailed feedback from users of the Xiaomi flagship. So that users also actively share their experiences, describe problems, and participate in the life of the community as actively as Mi 6 owners did back in the day.

What's new?

The main changes affected the camera and the Android security patch.

List of changes:

  • The security patch has been updated to the version dated October 1, 2018. Not the most current Security Patch, considering that some phones have already received the November 5 patch.
  • The developers have optimized the stabilization system in the camera.
  • Added "studio" lighting for the front camera.
  • works for the Russia region.

The operating system version in this firmware is 8.1 (Oreo). If you are following the release for Xiaomi, then you know that some smartphones have already received an OS update.

Among the Xiaomi Mi 8 line of phones, only Mi 8 Pro received an update to Android 9, and then only in beta firmware.

The developers ask Mi 8 users to be patient and promise to release stable firmware based on Android 9 by the end of 2018.

As for the "Night mode", as in the camera. This functionality is currently only available in the Chinese developer firmware China Beta ROM.

Dear readers, if you have already updated your phone, please share your impressions in the comments. Your reviews and feedback help other users.

The vast majority of modern smartphones operate on Android and iOS operating systems. You can compare the characteristics of these two operating systems for a very long time, but the main thing is that the first provides almost limitless possibilities for independently customizing the system, while the other is well known for its reliability and stability. Thus, in order to make the operation of their mobile device more comfortable and productive, Android OS users will have to spend a considerable amount of time and effort.

This is where specific firmwares appear that take the reorganization of the device’s operation under their personal control. One of the most popular and successful firmware has become MIUI. What is MIUI? This is a unique user environment from Xiaomi, which is constantly developing and improving, which means that it has a promising future. Already now, owners of phones with MIUI can enjoy a simple and intuitive interface, stylish design of the desktop and icons used, as well as the absence of unnecessary services that not only overload the screen, but are also typical for situational use.

Lock screen, multitasking and notifications menu

Answering the question of what MIUI is, we can say with confidence that it is convenience wrapped in a beautiful shell. It all starts with the lock screen, which has undergone certain changes. You don't have to unlock it to access your messages, contacts, or camera. At the same time, by double-clicking on the circle located in the center, the user automatically goes to the music player.

By the way, a similar model is actively used in iOS, where all icons are located on the desktop.

It will take no more than a minute to independently optimize the available applications, but every smartphone owner will be able to enjoy a greater level of comfort during subsequent interaction with the device.

Expanding the capabilities of the multitasking menu should also be considered an important detail. To close all active applications, just press the large button located in this menu. To selectively turn off, you can resort to simply moving your finger across the screen, both down and up. The notification menu in MIUI now consists of two separate sections, which, if desired, can be changed by making one. The first one shows a list of notifications, while the other contains quick settings.

Music player and messages

The practice of recent years demonstrates that every music player, in addition to impressive functionality, must have a stylish design. Of course, Xiaomi could not ignore this topic. The MIUI shell not only expands the list of useful options and settings, but also improves the visual component of the music player. To color it even more, you are invited to upload covers and photos that will match the songs you are listening to. Their addition will become even more noticeable when the screen is locked.

You can also listen to high-quality music from a special service, which is similar to the famous iTunes Radio. This refers to the Baidu Music program, which needs some additional configuration before using it to its full potential. Thanks to the “Sleep Timer” option, every music lover will be able to enjoy their favorite compositions until vivid dreams begin. The main thing is to time it correctly.

Another interesting feature is related to the lyrics of songs, which can be downloaded at the request of the owner. Now you can not only sing along with your musical idols, but also understand what they are singing about, and even improve your knowledge of foreign languages.

As for the application for receiving and sending messages, there is, unfortunately, not much innovation here. However, one interesting detail cannot fail to be noted, which is related to the ability to quickly respond to a message. As a rule, the received SMS appears on the screen in a compressed form, after which you need to open it and only then will you be able to respond to your interlocutor. Now the message will be a little more detailed, but at the same time you can immediately send a response without being distracted from other applications. Simple and such a useful feature.

Optimization, security and other features

As mentioned earlier, an Android user can optimize the system to suit his needs at any time. MIUI successfully continues this tradition by making it easier to do. For example, root rights, which in some cases are necessary to install certain applications, can be activated and deactivated. When a sufficient number of unnecessary files have accumulated on the phone, you can clean it, thereby freeing up space and reducing the load on the system.

In addition, the user will have the opportunity to control processes that are associated with traffic and battery consumption. Having received this information, it will be possible to reduce money expenses and increase the overall operating time of the smartphone.

If necessary, you can create a blacklist containing the contacts of all unfriendly persons.

Given the growing threat from malware, it is very important to check your phone for viruses from time to time. For these purposes, you can resort to various antivirus applications, but thanks to the built-in program on MIUI, you don’t have to look for them at all. And all because it is quite functional and nimble.

One of the additional functions lies in the analogue of quick widgets. Each time you swipe on a particular icon, a smaller copy of it will be displayed, which will allow you to quickly access the required application. In the case of music, player controls will appear; with notes, a small sheet of paper will be created for short messages. All this suggests that the owner of a mobile device does not need to waste time on quick access to the main functions of applications.

Is it worth installing MIUI?

Of course, we are talking about those smartphones that do not have such a shell. Judging by the above, the advantages of non-standard firmware are clearly enough to immediately agree to install them. However, a number of controversial issues should also be pointed out, which primarily concern less experienced users.

So, the main nuance lies in the fact that it will be extremely difficult to reflash your phone yourself. Here it is important to follow detailed instructions or advice from those people who have already performed this procedure several times. To be more confident in a positive result, you should take into account not only instructions, but also advice.

The second caveat is that other firmware automatically cancels the warranty. Even if you decide to temporarily try out MIUI and then return everything to its place, there is little chance of subsequent warranty service. What can we say about those cases when changing the firmware will lead to a malfunction of the smartphone.

Thus, it is definitely worth installing MIUI, because it contains huge reserves of useful functions and amenities that most users will appreciate. But it would be very unwise to migrate this firmware on your phone without outside help. In this case, the owners of Xiaomi smartphones were very lucky, who were not only able to see this shell in action, but also regularly enjoy updates designed to further improve the potential of MIUI.

Since its inception, the MIUI shell has attracted attention for its originality, sophistication and a huge number of settings, making it very flexible in terms of changing its appearance. At the moment, a huge number of firmware versions have already been released for a wide variety of smartphones not only produced by Xiaomi, but also from other vendors.

As of today, the current version of the MIUI firmware is serial number 9.

At the presentation, company representatives spoke mainly about innovations that are “under the hood” and are not visible to the average user at first glance, but despite this, they provide a new user experience due to increased speed and responsiveness of the interface.

We'll talk about these changes today.


If we talk about the overall impression of the new version, then in terms of appearance, compared to MIUI 8, the changes are minimal. The interface remains true to the Material Design concept with its flat, laconic icons and calm colors. Some icons and widgets were redrawn, and previously missing menu items were added. For fans of stock Android, they added a theme called Limitless, the icons of which resemble those in the seventh version of the “pure robot”.

Lock screen

The lock screen has received a new feature in the form of a quick access panel to additional functions such as Mi Remote and Mi Home, as well as turning on the flashlight. You can access this panel by swiping to the right on the lock screen.

There is reason to believe that the functionality of this quick launch panel will be expanded over time with additional services and applications that the user will be able to add to this panel. For now, we are content with what we have.


Externally, it has not undergone any significant changes and looks the same as in MIUI 8, but the main innovations are hidden inside, in the settings.

To get into the desktop settings, you need to make the “pinch” movement familiar from previous versions with your fingers on the main screen.

The desktop settings menu itself is now represented by three items: wallpaper, widgets and, in fact, settings.

A preview function has appeared for widgets, which allows you to evaluate how a particular widget will look on your desktop before installation.

In addition, the standard clock widget has changed. Now it can display the weather. The appearance of something is always a matter of taste, but for example, I like the weather widget to be transparent and display only the information itself without unnecessary backgrounds and other graphic elements. It seems that Xiaomi thinks the same.

The function of mass transfer of application icons from one desktop or folder to another desktop or folder deserves special attention.

Now you don’t need to drag and drop icons one by one, spending a lot of time on this. Similar solutions have already been found in shells from other manufacturers, but the peculiarity of this method in MIUI 9 is that when dragging, you do not need to scroll through the desktops - they are displayed at the bottom of the screen, where you can drag a pack of previously selected icons.


In the desktop settings, you can assign the main screen, as well as select the style of flipping through desktops, which is not a unique feature, but the presence of this feature is pleasing. The choice of animation types is small; shells from third-party manufacturers that are popular on PlayMarket often have a much more impressive arsenal of styles for flipping desktops, which remains unclaimed. Perhaps that is why the authors of MIUI 9 decided to limit themselves to the most popular options. You can fix the arrangement of icons, prohibiting changes.


The changed animation for opening and closing applications deserves special attention.

Now it looks as if the application is floating out of the icon and filling up the desktop space. Closing the application is accompanied by its minimization into an icon. In addition, when the application is minimized, the icon also has animation. For example, when you minimize the dialer, the handset on the application icon fluctuates.

Icon animation is available only for the standard set of these same icons.

Multi-window mode

Many people were waiting for this functionality back in MIUI 8, but from standard Android 7, multi-window mode migrated only to MIUI 9.

To run two applications on one screen, you need to enter the menu of recently launched applications and at the top tap on the “split screen” button that appears there, after which we simply drag the application we need to the area that appears in the upper half of the screen. The size of the area occupied by applications can be adjusted by simply dragging the divider to the desired distance. If you simply double-tap on the dividing strip, the applications will switch places. To exit multi-window mode, simply drag the divider all the way up or down.

Multi-window mode works in both vertical and horizontal orientation.

Moreover, most applications now work in both portrait and landscape orientations.

From Android 7 to MIUI 9, the standard function of switching between previously launched applications has migrated. If you open two applications in turn and then double-click the menu button, the system will switch you to the previously opened application. And so on in a circle.

It is very convenient when you need to rewrite something from one application to another, but there is no way to copy the information.

Customizable Silent Mode

When you press the volume key, a notification pops up with an indicator, with which you can manually adjust the volume level, as well as turn on “silent mode” or “do not disturb” mode (the volume of various notifications can be adjusted separately.). Both modes are customizable. For silent mode, you can select the time for which it will be turned on - indefinite mute for a certain time. For the Do Not Disturb mode, the settings are more flexible - you can configure the inclusion of this mode on a schedule.

Well, since we started talking about the implementation of notifications, let’s dwell on this point in more detail, since there is also something to talk about here.

It is now possible to respond to messages from the notification itself, without going to the application. To do this, in the notification shade you need to expand the notification with two fingers, after which the “Reply” button will appear, after clicking on which we will be asked to enter a response.

If you swipe a notification to the left, you will be able to mark it as unimportant, after which it will collapse into the “Unimportant” folder, which is displayed there in the panel. In this case, notifications from this application will continue to arrive, but will not disturb you with sound. The folder itself can also be swiped from the panel so that it does not bother us.


First of all, attention is drawn to the redesigned photo editor, which, firstly, began to work noticeably faster, and secondly, has acquired a large number of convenient tools for photo editing, including pre-installed filters.

Search by faces and compression of source images have appeared to save space in cloud storage. Both of these features appear to have been stolen from Google.

Also, a smart search algorithm (Universal Search) was announced for the gallery, which should allow searching based on what is shown in the photo. Essentially, this is a kind of analogue of Google Photo with its ability to sort images by content. But at the moment this function is only relevant for China.

Another similar function – searching for any information on a smartphone (Smart Assistant) – is also only relevant for China.

Whether these tools will be available to users around the world is unknown, as is the timing.

There is an unusual function - launching applications by context (Smart App Launcher). When you open certain menu items, it suggests similar or suitable applications, analyzing the information located on the desktop.

Now let's talk about changes that do not concern the appearance of the firmware.

At the presentation, a lot of time was spent talking about the work that was done to speed up and optimize the functioning of the system as a whole.

It turned out that these are not empty words - applications actually launch quickly. Very fast. If there are delays, they are minimal and almost imperceptible, and then only if we are talking about applications that have not been launched before. Previously running applications open at lightning speed. This was achieved through the use of several tools:

  • dynamic memory allocation – speeding up application launches by redistributing system resources in favor of the most frequently launched applications and processes;
  • new file system;
  • optimization of the system core;
  • improving the systematization of the “cache”;
  • adding real-time system defragmentation.


The main promises that the company made before launching the update have been fulfilled. The system actually began to work noticeably faster. The interface received long-awaited functions that made using MIUI more convenient, while the size of the firmware itself did not increase. If we talk about autonomy, then no increase or decrease in operating time was noticed, which is more of a plus than a minus.

In the future, given regular firmware updates from Xiaomi, we can expect fixes for some rough edges in the operation of some services, and knowing about the company’s plans to enter the American market, we can hope for a global launch of some tools that are currently only available to users in China.