The tablet does not turn on after being fully charged. What to do and why the tablet does not turn on

If the tablet does not turn on, this does not mean that it is completely broken and should be thrown into the trash. Often the causes of the problem are easily solvable. In such cases, you can eliminate them and bring the gadget back to life even on your own without much difficulty.

There are several main reasons why the tablet does not turn on. It is with their clarification that you need to start when trying to “revive” your tablet computer.

Mechanical problem

The most common cause is mechanical damage. The gadget stops turning on after falling to the floor (a height of 0.5 - 1 meter is enough for it), strong pressure on it, impact, exposure to water or other liquid.

Even after serious damage, there may be no traces on the device body.

It will be easy to hide it from falling from a height or being flooded with water if the gadget has several owners at once. For example, after drying after “taking a bath,” a tablet computer looks exactly the same as it did before water procedures. The state of its case or screen does not change in any way, but there is no reaction to pressing the reset button.

Tablet electronics malfunction

If the owner has been using the tablet for more than a year, you need to be prepared for the fact that the “filling” of the device will eventually stop working according to the previous correct and problem-free scheme. Its “insides” can burn out, become covered with a thick layer of dust, or simply become unusable due to its impressive age. It happens that over time a minor manufacturing defect in the electronics of the device manifests itself.

If the reason is precisely such a malfunction of the gadget, then solving the problem yourself will be extremely difficult or even impossible without the appropriate education or experience. It is better to seek help from a trusted service center.

Problems with battery, charger

If your tablet won't turn on and charge at the same time, the problem is most likely with its battery or charger.

It happens that the user simply accidentally breaks the power cable by bending or twisting it, or simply breaks the wire without noticing it.

Sometimes the problem occurs as a result of dirt getting into the contacts. Dust and small debris simply prevent the charger from transmitting the required amount of voltage to the device.

Software failure

A very common reason for the inability to turn on a tablet computer is a malfunction of the software. If the user has not taken care of all the necessary updates in advance, then the software may simply go on “rest” and stop responding to all resuscitation actions.

Faulty touch screen

It happens that the owner of a tablet computer only thinks that his device does not turn on. In fact, the screen simply remains darkened because the video adapter fails. As a result, the power button correctly responds to user actions, the operating system loads, but the image does not appear.

Sleep mode

Going into sleep mode is one of the most popular and at the same time the most insignificant reasons why a gadget “suddenly stops turning on.” It happens that the tablet goes to sleep on its own while the owner is not using it. If at this moment the device freezes, then in the future the OS cannot boot and function normally. The user only needs to correctly identify the problem, and it can be solved quite simply.

Ways to solve the problem of the tablet not turning on

Every owner of a “rebellious” gadget wants to know what to do if the tablet does not turn on. There are several tips that will be relevant for owners of Android devices, Apple gadgets, and any others.

If the device was hit, dropped, squeezed, or filled with some kind of liquid, then, most likely, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Is the tablet still under warranty? Then you shouldn't open it yourself. You need to immediately take the gadget to the service center.

  • If a glass of water was poured onto an old computer or it itself fell into the bathtub, you need to immediately turn off the device and disassemble it into its components. All parts will need to be thoroughly dried. To do this, you can use a hairdryer or a container of rice. Cereals perfectly absorb moisture and speed up the drying process. To protect yourself from the problem in the future, it is worth purchasing a waterproof case.
  • If problems arise with charging or the battery, first of all, you need to check whether the device itself is working. You should connect the gadget to the network in a different way. If its screen immediately lights up pleasantly, it will be enough to simply replace the charger/battery with a new, working one.
  • It happens that charging sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t. In this case, you will need to clean the contacts and the input in the tablet computer where its cable is inserted. This is done with a cotton swab dipped in a small amount of alcohol. Once the alcohol has dried, you can try charging the tablet again.
  • If there is a problem with the software/operating system, you can bring your device back to life by updating the firmware. Only experienced users should carry out this process on their own at home. For everyone else, it’s better to turn to a professional.
  • If, as a result of overheating or various damages, a problem arises with the video adapter and the picture disappears, then it will not be easy to solve the problem yourself. You can only try to charge the device and press the power button again. If previously there was simply a backlight failure, then such actions will help. If the problem is more serious, you need to take the device to a service center.

It happens that the tablet turns on only “halfway”, freezing during the boot process. The reason for this is a software failure that occurred after the installation of “broken” programs or after the forced termination of important system processes.

In the described case, resetting it to factory settings will help to revive the device. It is best to search the Internet for how to do this for each specific model.

But there is a general universal scheme:

  1. Turn off the gadget.
  2. Remove the SIM card and memory card.
  3. Press and hold the volume button (down/up depending on the tablet model) and power off for about 10 - 12 seconds.
  4. When the device vibrates, a menu should appear on the screen.
  5. Using the volume keys, you need to select the following items: first Settings, then Format System and Reset Android.
  6. After selecting the latter, the gadget will reboot.

At this moment, all settings from the tablet computer's memory will disappear. Only factory ones will remain.

If the tablet does not want to wake up from sleep mode, you just need to connect it to the charger and reboot after a few minutes. To prevent similar problems from arising in the future, it is worth disabling the automatic transition to “sleep” in the appropriate settings.

Every user may experience a situation where the tablet does not turn on. If you cannot find the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it yourself, you will have to seek help from specialists.

I play or watch a movie on my tablet, but... it doesn’t turn on. You are perplexed and the only question that interests you is why is this happening?

Do not immediately send the tablet to the service center

Instead of panicking, let's find out why the tablet won't turn on and how to figure this situation out on your own.

The tablet does not turn on - what could be the reasons?

First of all, problems with equipment of this kind can be divided into two types - mechanical - problems with the integrity of the device or with its parts, or with the system or software, that is, its internal contents.

Checking the integrity of the device

It is logical that first you need to check the external integrity of the tablet, for which we will be guided by the following recommendations:

  • Check if the battery is charged and remember the last time you charged the device. If it was a long time ago, and then you did not use the tablet for a long time, then it could be very discharged. Therefore, try turning it on, wait a few hours - at first, in some cases, it does not even show that it is charging.

  • If you see that charging does not occur even after several hours, the problem may be with the charger itself - then you should try connecting another one to the tablet or connecting this accessory to another tablet. This way you can understand who is to blame - your gadget or the charging device.

  • If you are sure that everything is in order with the charge, inspect the entire device for damage, but do not disassemble it - you can only make it worse.
  • If the tablet does not respond to charge, has not been dropped or damaged, but completely refuses to respond to any actions, most likely the issue is a malfunction of one of the parts. In such a situation, all that remains is to take it to specialists to find out what is the reason for its failure.

Please note that in some cases, repairs may cost you more than buying a new tablet. Why? This happens if, for example, the video adapter breaks down. But this is the worst case scenario - you should always hope for the best.

Looking for problems with the system

Why won't my tablet turn on? If you see that it doesn’t load completely, but shows signs of vital activity - for example, the screen lights up but goes out after a few seconds, the loading logo appears, but things don’t go further, or you get the icon of a broken Android, then all is not lost .

First of all, try rebooting the system using the connector with the Reset key - this usually requires a fairly thin object, which you need to press on a small button inside this socket.

If this does not help, try resetting all parameters and settings to the factory version, which is done as follows:

  • Turn off the tablet, remove the memory card and SIM card, if any, from it.
  • Now you need to hold down the key combination to enable hard reset mode - usually press the volume up and power keys at the same time. This combination may differ in some devices; try several options if the suggested option does not help you.
  • When a menu similar to the BIOS on your computer appears in front of you, you need to run the following commands in it:
  • Settings - Format system - Wipe data/factory reset.
  • To navigate between menu items, use only the volume keys; to select a section, use the tablet’s power button.

Such a mechanism for restoring the tablet returns it to its original factory settings, in which case you will lose all files from memory, but you will get a working tablet.

In addition to this method of troubleshooting, the logical method for starting the tablet is to change its firmware.

Why is that?

Often, problems with turning on and further starting the system indicate that the software is not suitable for the device or does not work correctly, so it needs to be reflashed.

This is done quite simply using the following steps:

  • Download the appropriate firmware for the tablet to your computer.
  • Write it to a previously formatted memory card in a folder called SCRIPT.
  • Insert the memory card into the tablet, try to start it, after which the installation process of the new system will begin.

If neither the hard reset menu helped you, the tablet does not reflash or does not respond to any actions with it, then you really should take it into the hands of a specialist, because you still have not found out why it does not work. Do not risk its performance by opening the case, and do not tamper with its parts - this can only make things worse.

All mobile devices without exception are vulnerable - it is enough to carelessly drop the device from your hand or allow water to accidentally get inside the case, and problems will not take long to appear.

However, it’s a completely different matter when equipment refuses to work for no apparent reason.

Thus, many tablet owners have encountered a problem when, after being completely discharged, the device takes an incredibly long time to charge or completely refuses to respond to the power button.

How to be in this case? Is it possible to turning on the tablet without a button? Is it possible to solve the problem yourself or is it impossible to do without the help of a specialist?

As practice shows, in most cases you can fix the problem yourself.

  • The first thing you need to do to revive a completely discharged tablet is to put the device on charge and do not touch it for 24 hours.

In this case, you should make sure that the charger is operational and that there is no damage to the wire or plug.

If the charger is working, but the device still refuses to “wake up” and reboot the tablet using the buttons(pressing the power button and holding down the volume key) does not work, there is another proven way to bring the device back to life.

For this you will need:

  • A thin Phillips screwdriver (needed for some tablet models, where the cover is additionally secured with screws;
  • Tweezers;
  • Any unnecessary plastic card for neatly opening the tablet case;
  • Charger for any old cell phone, smartphone, tablet, etc.
  • The plug must be cut in advance, and the “+” and “-” wires must be carefully stripped and twisted separately.

The procedure for “resuscitation” is as follows:

  1. Remove the back cover. To do this, carefully pry it over the edge and open it by swiping a plastic card around the perimeter. Before doing this, you should make sure that there are no mounting screws (they are usually hidden behind the connector plugs);
  2. We find the battery connector, from which there are two wires - black and red (plus and minus). Disconnect the connector with tweezers;
  3. We insert the prepared charger into the socket, and the wires into the battery connector. Leave the tablet to charge for 20-30 minutes;
  4. Disconnect the charger from the network. Remove the wires from the connector;
  5. We return the battery plug to its connector on the board;
  6. We take a standard charger, connect it to the tablet, connect the charger to the network;
  7. Press the tablet's power button and hold it for a few seconds. At this moment, the battery charging indicator should appear on the screen;
  8. We wait until the battery is fully charged;
  9. We assemble the tablet and launch it from the power button without any problems.

Often, users with the Android system are faced with a problem of a different nature - when when they press the tablet’s power button, the “lying Android” icon or the manufacturer’s logo appears on the screen, but the operating system does not load further. There may be several reasons for this problem.

The most common of them are incorrect installation of updates, applications or malware, due to which the operating system crashes, or system errors.

There are two ways to correct the situation:

  • Make a Hard Reset (forced reset to factory settings);
  • Reflash the tablet.

Hard Reset is performed as follows:

  1. With the tablet completely turned off, press and hold the “ON/OFF” button;
  2. Simultaneously press and hold the volume up key;
  3. After 10-15 seconds, the screen should turn on and a kind of menu with several items will appear on it;
  4. Using the cursor, select the “wipe cache” menu item (switching between items is done using the volume keys). Press the power key once to open the selected item;
  5. Then you need to select the “wipe data / factory reset” option and also confirm by pressing the power key;
  6. In the window that appears, select “Yes - delete all user data” and press the power button once again.

After this manipulation, the system will be reset to factory settings. In this case, all downloaded files, programs, applications and user settings will be lost.

To avoid damage to the data on the memory card and SIM card (phone numbers), they should be removed from the tablet in advance.

If Hard Reset does not give any results, only flashing the device will help correct the situation. This can only be done by connecting the device to a computer.

All that is needed to restore the system is a special program (for example, Odin) and firmware for a specific tablet model, which can be searched on the portal To reflash the device, you need to connect it to the PC via a USB cable, launch the Odin program and follow the instructions.

In the future, to avoid problems with starting your tablet computer, you should monitor the battery charge level and prevent the battery from being completely discharged. When choosing applications, you should also be vigilant and trust only trusted developers.

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Tablets have recently begun to be in high demand, this is not surprising, because in terms of functionality they are in no way inferior to a computer or laptop, but they are much more compact and lighter.

Tablets are convenient to use when you are on the road, or relaxing in a cafe or on a walk. Agree that a laptop is not so convenient in such situations.

But many tablets have one peculiarity: once the battery is completely discharged, it is then difficult to start the gadget, even if you leave it to charge. So let's figure out what to do if the tablet doesn't turn on even when it's charging.

What to do if the tablet does not turn on even when charging

Let's say your gadget is charging and doesn't want to turn on. Leave it to charge for at least a couple of hours, preferably overnight.

Try to start the tablet when it is fully charged, disconnected from charging.

If the tablet does not turn on after being fully charged, remove the battery from it (only if your tablet has a removable battery!) for a few minutes, then put it back in place and try to turn it on.

Most likely, after these manipulations the tablet will work, but if this does not happen, we will try to force it to start. Like this? Read on.

Force the tablet to start

First of all, you need to check the system. It happens that it freezes and stops responding to the turn on button. You need to press it and hold it for fifteen, twenty seconds.

If the tablet does not start, look on its case for the inscription reset (emergency shutdown) next to the hole. Take a paper clip, or any other material at hand (toothpick, needle, etc.). Bend one end of the paper clip and insert the paper clip into the hole.

There is a button there that needs to be turned on. Lightly press it until it clicks, then release immediately. After that, try to start the tablet as usual. It worked - we are happy, no, then we try to find the reasons.

The power button doesn't work

One of the possible reasons that the tablet does not start is that the start button has broken off from the contacts. This happens quite often.

If you don’t hear a characteristic click when you turn it on, it means you need to solder the button in place. It is best to entrust this action to a specialist.

No picture

How do you know if the device itself does not turn on, or if it turns on, but there is no image? It happens that when it works, the image does not appear, but we think that it is the tablet that does not turn on. How to check?

As I described above, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Place on charge (at least two hours);
  2. Hold the button for at least 15 seconds;
  3. Turn on reset until it clicks.

After this, you need to leave the device for about twenty minutes so that the case, which could heat up during charging, cools down.

Turn on the tablet, wait a few minutes. Feel the back cover. If it warms up a little, as it usually heats up during operation, it means the tablet is working, there’s just no picture.

The reason that there is no image may be that the cable from the matrix to the motherboard has fallen out of the clamps.

In this case, the tablet is disassembled and the cable is inserted into the clamp. If everything is in order with the cable, it is firmly inserted into the clamp, then there is a possibility that the video adapter has failed.

In this case, I can only advise you to contact a service center.

Checking the charger

If the tablet cover does not heat up, which indicates that the device did not turn on, we try to figure out the problem further.

Next in line is checking the charger. To test the charger you will need a multimeter. If you or your friends do not have such a device, then let’s go a different route.

Find another charger for your device, try charging the tablet with it for thirty minutes or more, and after charging, try turning it on.

If the tablet turned on, then perhaps the reason was precisely in your charger, and the gadget, while charging, was not actually charging.

What to do if the tablet does not turn on, check the battery

What to do if the tablet does not turn on, you have checked almost everything, but it does not work? It's time to check the battery. Some tablets have a power controller installed that blocks power-on if there is a problem with the battery.

Check if the battery is connected. In some microtablets, the batteries are soldered to the system board; in others, they are connected via a connector or cable.

Measure the outgoing voltage and the input voltage, that is, how much is coming from the battery, how much is coming from the board. Next, measure the voltage at the contacts of the board, terminal, cable (black - and red +).

Indicators with a working battery!

  • Charger 5v means: from battery 3.7 (charge from board to battery from 3.9 to 4.2v);
  • Charger 9v means: from battery 7.4 (charge from board to battery from 7.9 to 8.2v);
  • Charger 12v means: from battery 7.4 (charge from board to battery from 7.9 to 12.2v).

Do you have a different indicator? Then you should send the gadget for repair.

In the case when everything is in accordance with these indicators, the power circuit is in good condition.


Perhaps the reason is a failure of the bootloader programs, or the operating system has broken down. Maybe you downloaded a program that caused the system to crash.

In this case, you need to reset all settings to factory settings. How to do it? Read on.

  1. Click reset;
  2. Take out the SIM card. memory card;
  3. Simultaneously press the button through which you increase the sound (not to be confused with decreasing it) and the “turn on” button for ten seconds;
  4. The tablet will begin to vibrate and a menu will appear;
  5. Using the volume key, select Settings, confirm with the power button;
  6. Select Format System, then Reset;
  7. The settings are reset to default.

Turn off the device, insert cards, turn on as usual. If everything you have done does not work, take your gadget for repair.

What to do if the tablet does not turn on even when charging, summary

Now you know what to do if the tablet does not turn on even when charging. I will be glad when my advice helps you solve the problem with your tablet.

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A black tablet screen that does not respond to the power button and charger can plunge you into despair. Modern devices are very sensitive to various influences. Today our site will help solve this problem.

Step by step repair

There can be many reasons for the malfunction. You can identify the one you need using a step-by-step examination. Perhaps one of the points will help you, otherwise you will have to contact the service center. But more on that below.

Step 1: Charger Damage

First of all, you need to carefully examine the charger for damage. Many tablets are very capricious in relation to it. Not only breakdowns and incorrect selection can affect equipment. You need to be especially careful when purchasing it from third-party manufacturers.

Remember if you have changed the charger in the near future. Perhaps it was dropped or wet. Inspect the cord and plug for external damage. Check the connection between the power supply and the outlet. Try to take someone else's charger, ideally one from the same manufacturer as your tablet. Or connect yours to another phone.

Step 2: Long enough charging

It also happens that it is enough to simply keep the tablet connected to the network for a longer time. The process will take two hours. As a last resort, leave it overnight. The need for this arises if you do not use the device for a long time.

After this, try to start the tablet again. If this doesn't help, if possible, remove the battery and reinsert it later and try to turn it on. If this doesn't help, try turning it on forcibly.

Step 3: Alternative Method

If a complete discharge occurs, the controller prevents the tablet devices from further consuming current so as not to damage the battery. But at the same time, it not only does not lose energy, but also cannot replenish it.

Usually, the tablet turns off when the charge level is below 10-15%, but if you interfere or lower the threshold, a complete discharge occurs and the gadget no longer responds to the charger.

However, there is an alternative way. Press the start button for 20 seconds. If this does not help, hold it down and increase the volume at the same time. You may have to hold it for up to a minute. Didn't work - power and volume down button.

Step 4: Reset Button

It is not always available on new models. Then its function is performed by the previous method. Many users are not even aware of its existence. The reason is that it is specially placed in hard-to-reach places so as not to accidentally touch it.

You can find it almost anywhere on the tablet - on the side or back. Usually next to the microphone jack or the power button. The main feature is its modest size. Pressing can only be done using a needle or pencil tip.

Answers Reset for an instant forced reboot of the device. It can be a real salvation if the system suddenly freezes. With option Hard reset- return to factory settings (deleting all user data), it is not connected in any way. Of course, there is no need to abuse this function.

Step 5: Charge the battery separately

If your tablet has been sitting near the outlet for a day, but this has not helped, there is a more thorough method. You can only use it if you are confident in your abilities. You will need a power supply that can support a constant voltage of up to 12 volts. It is best to set it to five volts. You also need a resistor - a device that controls voltage, with a power of 0.5 watts. Having a voltmeter is not necessary, but is highly recommended.

  1. Clean the ends of the wires by 5 millimeters.
  2. The positive wire is usually red and the negative wire is blue. But they can also be checked with a voltmeter. The negative of the battery must be connected to the negative of the source, and the positive to the positive.
  3. We connect the charger to the voltage source.
  4. You need to turn it off when the voltage reaches 3.3V.
  5. Now you can connect it to the outlet via the connector. Make sure that the battery does not heat up.

There is another, much simpler method, but it does not work on all devices. You need to remove the battery from the tablet and connect the device to an outlet. Without disconnecting it, insert the battery back. Leave again for a day or at least half. Such a sudden influx of energy will give the necessary “push” to the battery.

Step 6: Specialized Service

If all of the above methods do not have an effect, the only option is to send the device for repair. The price can be completely different and vary depending on the nature of the damage. The easiest ones to fix are dirty contacts. In order to check this, you need to plug in the plug and move it. Perhaps the charging process will begin.

If you recently reflashed your phone yourself, this may also cause a breakdown. Device firmware is a very delicate thing and it is better to change it with the help of professionals. If this is the reason, flashing the tablet can help.

Viruses are becoming a serious problem. They can control applications without your knowledge - turn on Wi-Fi, microphone or camera. Incorrect charge tracking or failure to fully charge may occur. Only a professional can save you here.

Today we have given many ways to fix your tablet, but the most reliable way is to contact a service center. At the same time, you can be sure that you will not aggravate the situation and everything will be safe for you. That's all for today.