Dating games in Odnoklassniki. Dating on Odnoklassniki: all kinds of options

Why do we use social networks? The answer to this question is quite logical - to communicate with friends, relatives, colleagues former job and so on. are no longer just a site for communication - there are many services at your disposal, thanks to which you can watch films and funny videos, listen to music, play Interesting games and so on. There is a special contingent of people who create a page for themselves only to meet the opposite sex. Well, it’s quite convenient.

It was before that our parents met in person, when they met. Now times are completely different and you can meet people online, especially since photographs are for preliminary acquaintance- a great many. By the way, there are already many couples who met each other on the Internet. Yes, this method of dating will seem at least strange for some, but others use it, as they say, 100 percent.

So how do you find your soulmate? There are two ways - using search and through special applications. Let's start in order.

Dating through search

Everything here is simple and banal. You can search for a person by first or last name. However, you can use the advanced search and specify not the name, but the age and place of residence of the person - agree, do you really need an old woman of 80 years old living in Krasnodar region, when you, a young man in the prime of your life, live somewhere in the Far East? We don't think so.

Another option is to try to find a person in a thematic group. By the way, this method is very good - let's say you love motorcycles and want a biker girl. Where to look for it? That's right - in a group of bike lovers.

However, there is one obvious disadvantage here. Not everyone will want to get to know you, and besides, not everyone knows how to properly structure a conversation in such a way that something useful comes out of it. So let’s move on to method number two.

Dating through special applications

Let's start right away with the cons. Usually there is no search as such, you can only select your geographic location, but it’s unlikely that you can set the same age. Most applications do not allow you to get to the user with whom you are communicating, and therefore you will not be able to find out much about him. This may subsequently develop into big problem when you see a person in a photograph or real life. That is, the inconvenience is obvious.

But let's get back to the positives. All users who log in this kind of games, looking for a relationship, which means the most the target audience. And then, starting to communicate in the application is much easier than just writing to the girl you like in private: “Hello! How are you?".

In a word, don’t sit idly by - go ahead and look for your soul mate!

The social network Odnoklassniki is called social because it communicates within society using the Internet. And accordingly, the bulk of the project participants come there precisely for this purpose. True, there is a part that chose the site only because of the massive catalog of browser applications, there is a part that uses the site as a video and music player.

But at least half of users still just want to make new friends, and maybe even relationships. This is where it is most convenient to do this. After all, this service seems to be created for dating. Since the number one social network in Runet, that is, the VKontakte site actually has much greater functionality. Therefore, the participants there have something to do and there is not much time for dating. So if you are determined to finally find your soulmate, or just start a little affair, then you are here on Odnoklassniki.

Methods of dating on Odnoklassniki

But just the desire to meet is not enough. In addition to this, a lot of other things are needed. First of all, this is knowledge optimal options. No, we are not talking about enticing phrases and other attributes of seasoned pick-up artists. Just to get acquainted you need to know how to generally find a person who may interest you. The fact is that it is not so easy to single out those with whom you can get acquainted from the multimillion-dollar array of the site. And at the same time it’s easy to at least find them.

Conventionally, if you separate all the methods of dating, you can identify two rather massive groups. First we will include everything usual ways dating, including a regular search for users according to what you need key query and search target users. We will also include searches using thematic communities there. But the second group will be dating apps. As you know, there are a lot of them in the Odnoklassniki catalog, and the choice is wide and massive. But no matter what you are torn between options, it is better to immediately show all the pros and cons of both methods.

Dating on Odnoklassniki using the usual method

So, you type a name into the search and find the person. In case you need special person This is the only option, and applications cannot boast of this. So for targeted search Everything is clear with the method. Let's go further, we can specify some parameters when requesting, for example, place of residence, but it is better to have a friend from your city. Also age, education and many other factors that one way or another have weight in your choice of a partner. That is, you can identify a person who you potentially like. IN thematic groups You can also find people who are going to get acquainted. After all, with a regular search, it’s not a fact that a person is generally in the mood to start a new relationship. This is just more a rarity than a common case. And in thematic groups everything is simpler.

But there are also disadvantages. For example, if we look only through search, then, as already said, it is difficult to find a person who is not averse to finding a new relationship. Secondly, starting a dialogue itself is not always easy. Roughly speaking, it is not clear “how to make a move.”

Dating on Odnoklassniki through apps

Everything is simpler here. Firstly, everyone who somehow enters such games is looking for something similar. Dating, love, relationships or just flirting. But they are looking! And this is the most important thing, the target audience immediately expanding is simply unthinkable. In addition, the game gives great way start communication. Be it any questions or Mind games, anything. The main thing is that you immediately have something to talk about.

Well, of course, there are disadvantages, where would we be without them. First of all, the search is inconvenient. The most you can sift out is often only geography. But what kind of person fate brings you together depends only on the computer. It's unpleasant, but you are limited by randomness in your choice. In addition, the application does not allow access to the page, and often we can learn little about the person. He will remain a dark horse for us until the last moment. And if the acquaintance has already begun in full swing, and you begin private correspondence, there is a serious chance of negative consequences. Namely, that when you go to your profile, you will understand that it is completely unsuitable for you. But communication seems to be already underway, it’s somehow inconvenient.

In general, you will decide the method yourself, but this article can help you choose priorities. And look at those disadvantages that worry you the least. Good luck.

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  • Find yourself a match

Online dating is gaining momentum every year, because it is convenient. No need to get up from your computer or go somewhere. You just need to go online and find a suitable site. Take, for example, the social network Odnoklassniki. Dating - Odnoklassniki can be made in several ways.

So, in search of feelings, communication and Serious relationships you decided to go to your Odnoklassniki page. In the right column there is a block “You may know each other.” Here you will see those people who have something in common with you, for example, studying at the same school where you studied, the same interests as you, mutual friends on Odnoklassniki and so on. Below this block there are several more points. You can fill out information about your education, create events, and more. For example, you can create an event, schedule it for a specific date and talk about it in some community. And you can call it “Meeting of classmates (fans of such and such a group, rock fans, etc.).”

Dating - Odnoklassniki also involves finding a couple who is in one of the thematic communities. Join one of them and meet the person you are interested in. Both a man and a woman will be able to find someone on Odnoklassniki who will be a truly interesting conversationalist and, perhaps, an ideal couple for marriage. You can exchange phone numbers to adjust the place and time of the first date, if your views converge, via SMS or calls.

Girls often dream of an ideal marriage and with these dreams they go to Odnoklassniki and others to meet them. social media and on dating sites. Fundamental difference our website Teamo from the same Odnoklassniki is that we are aimed specifically at serious relationships. Bringing like-minded people closer together is our calling. You just need to fill out a form and pass a unique test compiled by professional psychologists. As a result you will get automatic selection compatibility couples for serious relationships and marriage. With us, finding a suitable match is easier than you think.

Dating in Odnoklassniki, unlike dating sites, has its own distinctive features. And before you find a girl who suits you there, find out about all the main differences.

After all, those methods that can be easily used on dating sites are not at all suitable for this social network. How to meet in classmates so that the girls present there are happy to make contact?

The first feature to consider is →

Targeted at an older audience

This means that, in most cases, only those girls who are over 23 years old are there.

And what does it mean?

Right! Their main goal is to have a child and start a family as quickly as possible. It is unlikely that they will have time to go on dates with you, and they are unlikely to be in the mood for a short romance. Still, their biological clock is ticking and forces them to act according to a completely different strategy than in their youth.

They'll try to find out (test you) first whether you want to start a family or not. If they find out that no, then the maximum that awaits you is sex for 1-2 times.

You can also meet married girls in your classmates.

If the girl is already married, then everything should happen completely the other way around.

Most likely, she is already tired of her husband and has stopped bringing those emotions that every woman needs. That's why with married women you should focus on a lighter style of seduction, with “zero” neediness and fixation on relationships. And she will definitely test you for need, because... she will need to make sure that you do not start running after her and create the likelihood of betrayal being revealed.

All a married girl needs is ease, a fleeting romance and the opportunity to have sex with a younger guy.

And when you meet them on this social network, choose immediately so that you don’t have to worry about another missed opportunity.

Search by school and university

Basic principle of seduction is that first you have to attract a girl, and only then build trust. Those who immediately try to shape it, adapting to the girl, fail.

However, dating on the Internet implies the fact that girls have a very negative attitude towards “Internet harassers.”

So a little bit obviously won't hurt. To form it you do not need to perform any unnecessary actions.

It’s enough just to look for those girls who studied with you at the same school or university. The second option is preferable, since it is advisable to focus on those girls who did not know you. However, if you studied at a large school and are going to meet younger or older girls, then the first search option is also suitable.

You can also use method social circle when you meet friends of friends.

Why do girls reject most guys and only date the best available? Because social frameworks force them to reject everyone and give themselves to only one - the most worthy, in their opinion. And when you meet her as a friend of one of your friends, then there is no point in turning you off - it is so customary that such acquaintances have already taken root in society. You have the opportunity to make an appointment with her and interest her in your inner world.

Similarities with VKontakte

We are talking about the rules that shape your male attractiveness.

Basic in Odnoklassniki:

Jokes in communication should slip in quite often! It also doesn’t hurt to tease the girl herself, letting her know that you are not afraid to challenge her.

  • Attractive profile.

Well, really, your profile among your classmates is like an apartment to which you invite a girl.

Your photographs should show your lifestyle and your relevance to others (including the opposite sex).

And your profile should be so interesting that the girl should want to write to you first. On my blog I already wrote about How exactly should you design your page?.

Therefore, before meeting your classmates, put your “house” in proper shape - this way you will have a better chance of a successful outcome of seduction.

Today, everyone, regardless of where they live, can have a truly wide and varied circle of acquaintances. And, perhaps, the most pleasant thing is that you do not need to go somewhere special, wasting your precious time and money. Thanks to the ubiquity of the Internet and the emergence of such a phenomenon as social networks, these days you can easily and naturally meet guys and girls who really suit you. is a very popular resource that allows you to unite people of different ages and social groups

One of the main advantages of Odnoklassniki is its simplicity and accessibility. Registration on this project is completely free, and in addition, you also won’t have to pay a penny from your own pocket for messaging. Just visit one of the many dating groups, such as Let's Chat?, and you won't be disappointed. Men and women are waiting for you there, ready to correspond on various topics, with some of whom you will probably want to develop relationships outside virtual world. At last count, the Odnoklassniki audience reached 51 million, which undoubtedly makes the choice of potential interlocutors richer.

If you have never visited this site and don’t know about communities such as “Shall we chat?”, you should definitely give it a try, especially since, as already mentioned, this does not require anything supernatural from you. Enough to have mobile device, if you want to use a specially designed application, or desktop computer or a laptop if you prefer to communicate on the site through a browser. Under no circumstances should you be embarrassed to make new acquaintances and think “My page will not interest anyone,” because in fact this is far from the case.

In order to make your personal page more attractive, you need to fill it out correctly using the tools provided. First of all, set an avatar - a photo of yourself, by which other users can judge your appearance. Next, you should tell a little about yourself so that it is clear that you are a living person, and not some kind of fake or bot.