Audio does not open in contact. How to install Flash Player to play VKontakte music? High server load

Hello dear visitors of my blog. Now the social network VKontakte for many is not only an opportunity to communicate with friends, but also a huge storage of music and videos. I am writing this because I am like this myself and so are all my friends. I have a huge number of tracks stored on my computer, but for the last few years I only listen to them when there are problems with the Internet. But basically I have Contact open only because music is played from there. 🙂

I think you have the same situation. But sometimes it happens that after reinstalling the operating system, a system failure, or buying another computer, music and video refuse to play, and music from Contact does not play and video does not show. Now I'll tell you how to solve the problem with playing music and videos from the social network VKontakte. In principle, music and videos will not be played not only on VKontakte, but also on other sites and in any browser. And all this is most likely because you Adobe Flash Player is not installed.

I don’t remember exactly whether the music player reports this, but the video player will tell you about it and offer to install a flash player.

Indeed, this whole problem can be solved by simply installing a Flash player, after which the video on the Internet shows normally and the music plays.

How to install Flash Player to play VKontakte music?

Everything is very simple as always :). Follow the link and uncheck “Yes install Google Chrome”, if you need this browser, then you can leave a checkmark. Then click “Download”.

After the file is downloaded, its installation will begin immediately. If this window appears:

Then click “Yes” and continue installing the Flash player. The installation is very simple as always, you just need to click “Next” several times, and at the end “Finish”.

After the installation is complete, close (although the Flash installer itself should have closed all browsers), and reopen the browser you are using. and try turning on music or video on Vkontakte. Works? Great! No? So write in the comments, we’ll figure it out. By the way, another very important feature is the ability to download music from Contact to your computer, I wrote about how to do this and.

Imagine a situation when you turn on your computer, but instead of a welcome melody you hear only a hum from the system unit. You may have imagined it, but you turn on one of your favorite tracks and realize with horror that the music is not playing on your computer. Quite rarely, the problem lies in the equipment itself - the speakers or sound system are out of order or poorly configured.

More often than not, troubles lie in the operating system, and it’s better for us - you can fix problems in the OS in a matter of minutes, and for free. What should you do if your computer refuses to play your favorite songs? Let's look at the issue in detail.

Solving the software problem

The hardware will not be affected during the debriefing - if you are guilty of it, try connecting your audio equipment to another device. If there is no result, you will probably have to spend money on repairs. Now we need to understand how to configure the software environment so that there are no problems with audio. Usually the problem is that the drivers stop working correctly. You can check if everything is the same with your OS in terms of sound:

Go to the control panel and select Administration, then go to the Services subsection.

In the list, find an item called Windows Audio, then click Action, then Properties.

Go to the Windows Audio properties window and look at the operation status. If it is indicated that this service does not work, you must activate it, that is, click the Start button located on the same page.

Set the “Startup type” parameter to Auto mode so that you no longer have to repeat these steps.

Sometimes an extended period of work is enough to get your PC to play sound properly again. But if this doesn’t help, don’t worry – you need to check if the drivers are installed. It's easy to do:

Go to the control panel again, then to the “Device Manager”.

Scroll through the list of available hardware and expand the Audio, video and gaming devices submenu.

If there is nothing in the menu that opens, or your hardware is not there, you will have to download the driver.

You can find and download standard sound drivers for audio playback on the Internet; fortunately, they are available in large quantities there. Just run the installation file and wait until the driver installation is complete. After this, you should restart your PC and repeat the steps specified in the second instruction again to make sure that the audio equipment connected to your computer is fully detected. That's it now!

Are there situations when VKontakte (VK) suddenly does not play music? Sometimes it may be problems with a specific track, for example, the one who uploaded it deleted the material, or denied access, then it may turn out that in your VKontakte playlist some music is playing, but some does not turn on. What to do if the entire playlist, all the music does not work?

Let's try to figure out one by one why there may be problems with music playback on such a popular network as Vkontakte.

Why doesn't music turn on in VK? What if the problem is with the VKontakte site itself?

Then the music will stop working for many VKontakte users, for you, your friend, your neighbor. If you are at work, you can ask your colleagues if everything is working for them. Also on the Internet you can find fresh complaints from other users who will write en masse that the music does not turn on.

VKontakte music does not work. If the problems are on your side, what should you do and how to check?

1. Interruptions at the provider

For example, suddenly the provider has reduced the speed, so not all tracks can be played because of this, as they will not have time to load into the clipboard. In this case, “caching” helps, turn on the track and stop it and wait for it to load. The same situation will happen with watching any video. In order to more or less comfortably use the benefits of the Internet - watch videos and listen to music, the connection speed must be at least 200 Kbps. For the rest, you will have to wait for the provider to fix its problems.

2. There is not enough space on your computer.

This is also quite easy to solve - you need to free up 1-2 GB of memory and the problem with playing music on VK is solved!

3. Problems with the browser or flash player.

If the problem is in a specific browser, then you just need to go to the page with music from another browser. If everything is reproduced in the new browser, then the previous browser is not working correctly. This usually happens if your browser is outdated or has not been updated for a long time.

Solution: update your browser to the latest version and that’s it.

Sometimes the browser has plugins installed that can interfere with the correct playback of music, for example, when there is some kind of ad blocking plugin. For example, in Mozilla Firefox these are Flashblock, Adblock or some other plugins. If such plugins are installed, then you can simply disable them and then the music on VK will be played again.

In Mozilla Firefox, go to the “menu” and find “add-ons”.

In the “Add-ons” section, go to the “Extensions” section and disable the plugin that can block ads, in our case it is Adblock Plus.

If the Adobe Flash Player stops working - the same thing - go to the website and download the latest update.

After reinstalling or updating Adobe Flash Player, you must restart your browser.

You also need to make sure that this plugin is enabled. Yes, sometimes Adobe Flash Player may be disabled.

4. Antivirus.

If this is the reason, then when you disable the antivirus for a while, VKontakte music should work again. This situation is possible if at some point, anti-virus programs included the VKontakte site in their secret “black list” and this prevents the site from working correctly, and accordingly, music through VK does not turn on.

Solution: you need to add the site to the allowed ones in your antivirus settings. If this does not help, then you will also need to update your antivirus to the latest version.

5. The most difficult reason is the computer’s operating system not working correctly.

Difficult because it requires very global actions - this is reinstalling the operating system. The fact is that sometimes, when we use unknown programs, or frantically install everything, or some program with errors was installed, this can lead to the fact that some operating system systems stop working correctly. If this is the case, then you will experience other problems with the operation of the computer, for example, some files or programs stop being read/opened. The solution in this case is a complete reinstallation of the operating system; for this you need to take care in advance of the safety of important files and information.

Today we looked at the most common reasons why VKontakte music does not work. There are probably more exotic reasons for such problems, but this is a topic for a future article.

Hello, friends! For many users, the VKontakte social network is not only an opportunity to chat with friends and view photos, it is also a huge storage of music and videos. Here everyone can find something to suit their mood and personal interests.

In this article we will talk about music. In most cases, people turn it on while working at the computer, and in order not to search for tracks on the Internet, they simply go to their VK page and select the desired playlist. It is also very convenient to listen to songs from your phone by connecting speakers or headphones to it.

But there are times when you seem to have chosen a song, but it doesn’t play, or as soon as you lock your phone, the song immediately stops playing. This is what we will deal with. Let's look at the main reasons why music in VK does not work and ways to solve them. I will also tell you what to do if music in VK does not play on your phone.

Sound off

Let's start with the simplest and most common reason. After clicking on “Play”, a speaker icon should appear on the VKontakte tab open in the browser, indicating that playback has started. If it is crossed out, it means that the sound for this tab is disabled (at the same time, open the movie in the next tab and it will be with sound). To turn it back on, click on the speaker.

Also look carefully in the tray area (bottom right of the screen) to see if the sound on the computer is muted. If so, a cross will be drawn next to the speaker symbol. Just press the button and select the desired volume level.

Slow Internet connection speed

VKontakte music may not play due to low Internet speed. In this case, start listening to the track, pause it and wait until it buffers a little (the gray bar will run forward). It is clear that doing this all the time is inconvenient, and it is very distracting.

The reason may be some problems on the part of the provider. Here you need to wait until he solves them, and the speed becomes acceptable again.

You can check your Internet speed using online services. For example, one of these: Copy the address into the address bar of your browser and pay attention to the incoming speed. It must be more than 200 Kbps.

Wrong protocol

Previously, the transition to websites was carried out using the http protocol, but now the secure https protocol is gaining more and more popularity. It is through him that you should log in to VKontakte. At the same time, if you want to open a social network page whose address says http, then the transition to https should happen automatically. If this does not happen, then your web browser or network is configured in a certain way.

The solution is quite simple. When you are on a page with music that does not want to play, click on the address bar of your browser. Then you just need to slightly change the link address by adding the letter “s” to “http”.

Problems with Flash Player

If you can’t play VK music and videos, then most likely Flash Player is to blame. It is he who is responsible for displaying the page content. In this case, you need to check that it is installed, not disabled, and updated to the latest version.

On our website you can find suitable articles for various browsers:

Clearing cache

Browser cache stored on your computer can also affect music playback. Therefore, let's use Yandex Browser as an example to figure out how to clean it.

Open your web browser and click on the three horizontal bars at the top right. Next, select “Settings” from the menu.

Scroll down the page and click on the “Advanced Settings” button.

Then, under Personal Information, click Clear Download History.

In the window that opens, check the box “Files saved in cache” (it can be called differently, as long as it says cache), select “all time” and click “Clear history”.

In many popular browsers, this window will open if you press the key combination: Ctrl+Shift+Delete.

If you have a different browser, read:

Presence of viruses

Viruses on a computer cause many problems. You might have picked them up while downloading something from the Internet or simply browsing some websites. Here you need to make sure: either everything is fine and your PC is not infected, or you need to find it and remove it.

Check your computer with an antivirus program. In addition to it, it is better to use the free Dr.Web CureIt utility.

It is also better to update the installed antivirus to the latest version if this has not been done.

It may also be that the anti-virus program installed on the computer has added the VKontakte website to the blacklist, that is, it is blocking access to it. Open the antivirus window, find the “Blocking” section there, remove VK from the list. If you do not want to block any sites, then uncheck the box next to “Allow website blocking”. Then click “Done”.

If you cannot find the window described above, then try temporarily disabling the protection of your antivirus program. In the tray, right-click on its icon, select “Manage Screens” from the menu, then click on the appropriate time.

If you disable protection, I do not recommend surfing the Internet. Go to the VK page with music and listen to it. Otherwise, you can catch viruses on the sites you visit.

Browser problems

To understand this, open a different web browser. If music plays in it without problems, then the reason why VKontakte music does not work lies in your browser.

It may have been installed incorrectly, the settings may have gone wrong, again, its operation may have been affected by a virus, or the version may not be updated.

You can check the installed version by going to the menu and selecting the item with the name: “About the browser”, “About the program” and the like.

If it says: “You are using the current version,” then everything is fine. If not, you need to update it. If the version is up to date and the music still does not play, then uninstall the browser and install it again.

In many browsers, playback of VKontakte music may be interfered with by a plugin that blocks advertising on sites. Open the “Add-ons” or “Extensions” section and see if you have something similar enabled (the name will be something like Flashblock, Adblock). If enabled, then for comfortable listening, the extension will have to be disabled for a while.

Turning off Turbo mode

Many users have problems with listening in the Opera browser. If you are one of them, then try turning off Turbo mode. To do this, go to the menu, select “Settings”, go to the “Browser” section. Next, check the box next to “Show advanced settings”, on the right, find the item “Enable Opera Turbo” and uncheck it.

Opera may still have problems launching Flash content. In this case, go to the menu, open “Settings” and select “Sites” on the left. Next in the window, find the “Flash” section and click “Manage exceptions” in it.

Enter the address: “” in the field, select “Allow” on the contrary and click “Finish”.

Lack of free space on your computer

Since everything you view on VK, including music, is saved on your computer in a temporary folder on the system drive, the lack of space on it will affect listening to music.

Click on the “Computer” shortcut on the Desktop and look at the disk partition where the operating system is installed (near the disk icon there will be either 4 blue squares, as in the example, or 4 colored squares if there is a seven). There should always be at least 1 GB of free space here so that all the programs you run and the information you view on the Internet are displayed correctly.

Music won't play on my phone

The fact is that now you can listen to music for free for only 30 minutes a day from one account, and it doesn’t matter whether you log into it from your phone or PC. Then listening is available only by subscription.

There are some benefits to a music subscription:

  1. Removing restrictions on listening to songs.
  2. No audio advertising.
  3. Ability to save songs in the BOOM application to listen to them from your phone without an Internet connection.

So, if background music in VK on your phone does not work, and you are used to listening to it always and everywhere, then you need to subscribe. Otherwise, after 30 minutes with the phone screen locked, the song being played immediately becomes paused. You can also see such a message on your smartphone screen. Click “Remove restriction” there.

One of the most popular domestic social networks is VKontakte. Users come to this service not only to chat, but also to listen to music or watch videos. But, unfortunately, there are cases when multimedia content is not played for certain reasons. Let's find out why VKontakte music doesn't play in Opera, and how it can be fixed.

One of the common reasons why music does not play in the browser, including on the VKontakte social network, is hardware problems in the operation of the components of the system unit and the connected headset (speakers, headphones, sound card, etc.); incorrect settings for sound playback in the operating system, or damage to it due to negative influences (viruses, power outages, etc.).

In such cases, the music will stop playing not only in the Opera browser, but also in all other web browsers and audio players.

There can be many options for the occurrence of hardware and system problems, and the solution to each of them is a topic for a separate discussion.

General browser problems

Problems with playing music on the VKontakte website may be caused by problems or incorrect settings in the Opera browser. In this case, the sound will be played on other browsers, but in Opera it will not be played not only on the VKontaket website, but also on other web resources.

There may also be several reasons for this problem. The most commonplace of them is turning off the sound due to negligence by the user himself in a browser tab. This problem can be resolved quite easily. Just click on the speaker icon shown on the tab if it is crossed out.

Another probable reason for the impossibility of playing music in Opera is that the sound of this browser is muted in the mixer. Solving this problem will not be difficult either. You need to click on the speaker icon in the system tray in order to go to the mixer, and there you can turn on the sound for Opera.

No sound in the browser can also be caused by a full Opera cache, or corruption of the program files. In this case, you need to clear the cache accordingly, or reinstall the browser.

Disabling Opera Turbo

All of the problems described above were common for sound playback in the Windows system in general, or in the Opera browser. The main reason why music in Opera will not be played on the VKontakte social network, but at the same time will be played on most other sites, is the enabled Opera Turbo mode. When this mode is enabled, all data is passed through a remote Opera server, where it is compressed. This negatively affects music playback in Opera.

In order to disable Opera Turbo mode, go to the main menu of the browser by clicking on its logo in the upper left corner of the window, and in the list that appears, select the “Opera Turbo” item.

Adding a site to the Flash Player exclusion list

In the Opera settings there is a separate block for controlling the work of the Flash Player plugin, through which we will slightly edit the work specifically for the VKontakte site.

As you can see, problems with playing music in the Opera browser on the VKontakte website can be caused by a very large number of reasons. Some of them are common to the computer and browser, while others are solely a consequence of Opera’s interaction with this social network. Naturally, each problem has a separate solution.