A program to disable background programs for Android. How to close applications on Android

If you just became the owner of a phone or tablet based on the Android operating system, then you probably still don’t know much about how it works. For example, do you know how to close an application? No? Then you've come to the right place.

It would seem that the application should automatically close when returning to the desktop. In fact, this is not at all correct, because if you want to return to, say, the game, you will need to download it again. Therefore, to close the application you need to resort to completely different actions.

First way

Take a close look at your device. There are buttons at the bottom of the screen or at the bottom of the frame. They look something like this:

By clicking on the button highlighted in red, you will see a list running programs. To close an application, tap on it and drag it to the right or left side. This will close the application. Some devices have a separate touch key, which allows you to close everything open applications together.

If you do not see a button for opening running applications on your device, it means that it is assigned to some other key. For example, on Samsung Galaxy you need to press and hold the “Home” button for a second, and on Meizu devices you need to swipe next to the central button from bottom to top.

Second way

You can close the application using the operating system settings. This is what we do.

Find the Settings icon on your desktop and click on it. You will find yourself in the settings menu.

Find the Applications section and open it.

You will see the applications installed on your device in front of you. Select the one you need and tap on its icon.

Once on the application page, click on the “Stop” button.

The application is closed and you are not required to do anything else.

Third way

There is another option - this is to use third party applications, which allow you to close applications on your device. To do this you will need the ES Task Manager or Advanced application Task Killer. Install the application using Google Play, and then launch it. Here is a list of applications. To close an application, click on the cross next to it.

In this article we will figure out what it is background applications on Android, what they are for and how to disable them.

What are background applications on Android

Background programs run unnoticed by the device owner background processes. The application seems to be closed, but it still consumes system resources, takes place in random access memory and reduces the battery life of the device. Such processes start without your knowledge and run in the background - hence their name. There are generally good reasons for running these processes - it could be synchronization, retrieving location data, or other activity related to the purpose of the application.

But not all background processes are necessary. For example, we use some applications extremely rarely, and unnecessary background processes only unnecessarily load the device. The Android system has built-in tools with which you can always see what applications are running in the background, how much memory they consume and how they affect the battery charge.

To see which background processes are in this moment running, you need:

  • Enable in settings developer mode
  • Select menu item " Process statistics»
  • Select application

In the window that opens, you will see all the information on the selected background application.

You can also see which programs and how much they affect the battery consumption of your device. To do this, go to the battery settings and select the menu item " Battery usage" You will receive a list in which, in descending order, there are applications that negatively affect the battery level.

What background programs on Android can be disabled

The two main types of apps that you probably don't want running in the background are games when you're not playing them, and music players when you are not listening to music. Look at other background processes too. If you don’t need this application at the moment, then you can safely close the process.

The applications necessary for the operation of the device themselves will not allow you to close their background processes, this is how the Android system works. But do not close system background applications and those that you constantly use. If, for example, you close processes social networks and instant messengers, notifications about new messages will stop coming. Most applications and services whose names begin with “Google” should not be closed either. Here are the most important Google processes:

  • Google Search
  • Google Play services
  • Google Contacts Sync
  • Google Keyboard
  • Google Play Store

You can either disable the background process or force close the app completely.

  • To disable a background process, you need to go to the menu " Process statistics» select the required one and click « Stop»
  • To forcefully stop the application, you need to go to the " Application Manager» select what you need and click « Stop»

Some applications themselves automatically launch in the background even after closing. To “put them to sleep” you can use Greenify. This utility prevents applications from starting automatically. If your device has ROOT rights, you can completely remove unnecessary applications from startup. You can read how to get ROOT rights in our other article.

What to do if you have disabled background programs on Android that you need?

If you accidentally disabled system processes or background processes you simply need, simply enable them again or reboot the device - the system itself will enable everything necessary for work.

In the Linux system, on the kernel of which Android is created, there is a slightly different approach to the consumption of application RAM than in Windows. As a rule, when we exit an application or game on Android, it certain time“hangs” in tasks, but does not slow down the system and does not drain the battery. However, this is only in theory.

In practice, we see that applications in tasks can cause the device to freeze, or the battery drains at a breakneck pace. Experts say this is due to the fact that some application developers do not follow certain coding rules, which is why their programs “hanging” in the background interfere with normal operation devices. The only way out is to install Task Killer - a task killer.

A very simple application will help you cope with this - Super Task Killer. Its advantage is that it is very light and clear interface. We launch the application, we immediately see everything that can be “killed”, i.e. clear.

Go to settings, check the box next to “Auto kill”. And below you can select the frequency when the program will “kill” all hanging background applications.

Another “killer” is Advanced Task Manager. It does everything the same as the previous one, only with a little more functionality. For example, in the settings, in the “Exceptions” item, you can select applications that are important to you.

The killer will not touch them when he goes about his business. For example, you can prohibit killing your alarm clock and clock if you don’t want to oversleep your breakfast. To enable the feature automatic closing applications, set all three switches in the AUTO KILL section to the “ON” position, and adjust the intensity of the killer in the Regular Kill section.

There are no difficulties closing programs on a computer. You just click on the “cross” in the right top corner, this is where your actions end. But the Android operating system is inherently single-window, so there are no “crosses” here. And even if you go to the desktop, the application will continue to work, now in background. If you launched something simple, like the “Calculator”, then you don’t have to worry. But if you have launched a program that, in theory, can perform some actions even in the background, then it is better to close it. Our article today will tell you how to do this.

Android received multitasking almost from the first days of its existence. And if several programs can run simultaneously, then the user should be able to close some of them. Or even turn it off, but we’ll talk about that below. Closing an application means unloading it from RAM; at the same time, the program will stop loading the processor. To close a program in Android it has been used for a long time the simplest way. It consists of the following actions:

Step 1. Press the " Latest apps " It usually looks like two overlapping rectangles, although there are exceptions - sometimes it's just one square. This button can be physical or touch - it doesn’t matter at all. On many devices, this key is virtual - it is displayed on the screen itself.

Step 2. Here you will see thumbnails of all running applications. When you reboot the smartphone, the list is reset to zero, with the exception of devices operating at Android help 6.0 or newer version of the operating system. If you want to close running applications, simply swipe their thumbnails from left to right or right to left. On the tablet when horizontal orientation you need to swipe your finger from top to bottom.

Step 3. In new versions of the operating system, you can close all applications at once. To do this, use the corresponding button located under the column with thumbnails.

If you have a device with very old version Android, the swipe gesture may not work. In this case, you need to click on the “cross” located on the thumbnail of the application you do not need. If it is not there, try holding your finger on the thumbnail for a couple of seconds - in this case, a context menu, which will contain the item “ Close application" or " Remove from list».

other methods

How to close open applications on Android without using the corresponding button? Is there another way? This question can be answered both affirmatively and negatively. It all depends on the implementation of a specific program. Some developers have made sure that their creation does not hang in RAM when you are away from it. In this case, closure can be implemented in the following ways:

  • Sometimes in the main menu of the program you can see a button " Exit" Clicking on it will take you to the desktop and actually close the application.
  • In some cases, it is enough to press the " Back" In this case, you need to be on the main screen of the application. In most cases, you will need to further confirm your actions by clicking the " Yes».

Some devices (for example, HTC One M7) offer to press the button twice Home" After that, all you have to do is swipe up on the application, after which it will close.

Disabling applications

Many programs on Android are implemented in such a way that they will run in the background anyway. For example, Facebook It constantly collects all kinds of information about you, it is virtually impossible to close it. But if you are not going to use some applications for a long time, then you can disable them. Then they definitely won’t work in the background, consuming device resources. You can close background applications using the shutdown method using the following steps:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Applications" It may also be called " Application Manager».

Step 3. Move to the " All" Although this is an optional step, the necessary programs may also be found in the “ Third party", opened by default.

Step 4. Click on the application you want to disable.

Step 5. Click the button Disable" or " Stop" If it is not active, then this program It cannot be disabled - it is possible that it is systemic.

Carefully! If you disable the program, you will no longer find it on the desktop or in the menu. To use it you need to visit again " Application Manager", you will find the program you need in the " Disabled" or " Stopped».

Other solutions

Some firmware can close applications on their own when the RAM is exhausted. Some have the same function special utilities. You can read more about them in the article about best accelerators for Android . Similar programs correctly unload applications that you currently do not need from memory, and also perform some other useful actions. New Samsung smartphones are equipped with own optimizer. He used to have separate label, but in Android 7.0 it was moved to " Settings».

It is worth noting that you only need to worry about running programs if your device does not have enough RAM. If your device has 3-6 GB built-in, then you don’t have to read this article.

For those who are starting to use for the first time Android device it’s not clear how to close it running applications. Indeed, unlike the Windows OS, to which everyone is accustomed, there is no window of a running program directly on the screen of a smartphone (tablet) with a button to close it, as in Windows. In this material we will tell you how to close an application on Android.

This is the main and most quick way closing the application on Android. To view the list of running programs, you need to touch the button located next to the “Home” sensor on the right.

Some smartphone models may not have such a button; in this case, you need to touch and hold the “Home” button itself. A list of running applications will open in the form of a series of miniature windows.

Select the desired program, touch its window and, without releasing your finger, simply point to the right or left side of the screen. The application will be closed and disappear from the list.

Or another option is to do this long touch on the application window in the list to bring up the context menu. Select the menu item " Remove from list" and the application will be closed.

How to close an application through Android settings

You can also close applications in Android settings, although this method is less convenient.

  1. Go to the settings of your smartphone/tablet, find the item “ Applications"and on it.
  2. A list of programs available on the device will open. Go to the " Working"to see a list of running software.
  3. Tap on the title desired application, to call its information window, where the button to close the program is located.
  4. Tap on the button " Stop» to close the application.

We have reviewed standard methods provided in the operating room Android system. Applications can be closed and third party programs, so-called task killers or task managers. This method is useful in cases where in a standard way The application cannot be closed.

How to close an application in Android using task manager

Consider closing the application using popular program ES Task Manager, which can be installed from Google Play.

Run ES Task Manager and go to the tab Task Manager , where find the application or several applications that need to be stopped and click opposite the icon with a diagonal cross, then click the “ Kill Selected" The selected programs will be closed.