Measuring laptop temperature online. Programs for checking the temperature of the processor and video card. What to do if the temperature of the processor or video card is high

Favorable temperature regime is the key to a stable operating system. You shouldn’t be surprised why your PC began to work slowly and somehow “behave capriciously” when your ear hears extraneous metallic noise, your nose smells an unpleasant burning smell, and your eye involuntarily notices a cloud of dust when you start the computer. All this suggests that the “iron health” of your electronics is under threat. It may well turn out that by learning today the answer to the question: “How to check the temperature of a computer?”, you will save your PC from certain death. If you think that they are scaring you in vain, read the article and you will understand that everything is much more serious than you imagine...

Strange introduction and clear comparison

We are all familiar with a basic self-diagnosis device - a thermometer. A fairly simple medical device helps determine the level of threat to our body and take timely measures to restore temperature balance. Note that the feeling of weakness does not cause us as much anxiety as a fever that appears out of nowhere. However, even a slight malaise affects our performance, not to mention the inflammatory processes that chain a person to a hospital bed. The scan program can warn you about problems with your PC. The system thermometer will always be in front of your eyes, and you will be able to respond in a timely manner critical indicators the performance of your PC. Let us leave the biological comparisons and move on to the main part of the presented review.

So, about the signs of overheating

Before you learn how to check your computer's temperature, let's take a look at the main symptoms of electronic fever:

  • Your PC began to reboot spontaneously.
  • significantly lost in performance.
  • Unauthorized closing of applications and resetting of working windows.
  • Distorted image display on the screen: ripples, stripes, blur and other interference.

Of course, all this can be avoided if you systematically monitor the condition of your PC. Unfortunately, Windows does not have a very accurate diagnostic tool, and true temperature readings are only available in the BIOS. As you understand, without third party software there's simply no way around it.

How to check your computer's temperature: several effective ways

Today there is an unimaginable number various utilities And software, through which the user can obtain current “degree” information about each hardware component. However, not all of them deserve to be called truthful. Some of these utilities take readings from temperature sensors with a monstrous error. Which makes their purpose, much less use, meaningless. Well, let's look at some "honest" and "reputable" software solutions.

AIDA64 is a leader among the first!

Small, but very effective program. Having installed this tool diagnostics, you will save yourself from the problem “How to find out the temperature of the computer?”. Literally all the information (and in detail) about the hardware configuration will become available for review.

  • On the left side of the program window that opens, click on “Computer”.
  • Then go to the "Sensors" section.
  • On the right side work area the entire list of “heat-intensive” equipment will be displayed.

However, such information is unlikely to be useful to the uninitiated user. After all, it is necessary to understand what temperature value is critical. At the same time, we should not forget that different components warm up in their own way.

Computer temperature monitoring: dangerous sensor reading

Depending on the type and class of system components used (meaning PC hardware), the manufacturer provides certain operating parameters for the part. Nevertheless, the “temperature list” presented below can be considered universal, since the endurance limits specified by the manufacturer always imply ideal conditions operation. Something that is practically impossible to achieve in real life.


So, how can you check your computer's temperature? The first monitoring point has always been the CPU.

  • When performing non-resource-intensive operations (for example, when working with an indicator in the range of 30-45⁰, this is the norm.
  • When the computer is idle, the numbers drop to 25-30 ⁰C.
  • An unfavorable temperature is considered to be 60-65 ⁰C. This “scenario” most often leads to processor failures. The “Throttling effect” occurs - the CPU begins to work in skipping clock mode, thereby reducing the temperature of the “hot” flint.
  • The critical value - 70-85 ⁰С - will cause spontaneous reboot. In some cases, this temperature can completely damage the processor.

Video card

When you manufacture a computer, in particular a GPU, you should consider the following:

  • For modern video cards a value of 60-65 ⁰С is the norm. Whereas this temperature can “kill” old GPUs.
  • The powerful video adapter is equipped with an appropriate cooling system, so when working for many hours in game mode even at a value of 85 ⁰C, the user does not have to worry about the “viability” of his graphics processor.

When downloading resource-intensive “toys” onto a PC, you need to adhere to technical characteristics your video card. Since graphics distortion, braking effect, or spontaneous exit from the game to the desktop are not always a manifestation of a “temperature” malfunction.


Undoubtedly, practical solution question “How to check the temperature of the computer?” Without mentioning the main part of the PC, it would be incomplete, to put it mildly. However, such an important element as motherboard, in general, is not included in the “temperature risk” group. Since chipset overheating is currently an extremely a rare event. In some modifications, the motherboard temperature of 50 ⁰C is a completely normal indicator. Whereas, ideally, the “working degree” should not exceed 25-35 ⁰С.


First of all, it is worth noting that the location of the hard drive when monitoring the computer temperature has great importance. After all design feature hard drives is the lack of its own cooling system. As practice shows, not every user equips their HDD with a special additional cooler. Which is unforgivable, by the way... The hard drive is a heat-intensive element electronic systems, and therefore when insufficient cooling may be subject to the destructive process of overheating.

  • The ideal temperature is considered to be 25-30⁰C.
  • Critical indicators are 50⁰С and more.

Load temperature diagnostics

The above-mentioned computer temperature testing program, AIDA64, has a built-in System Stability Test tool. If you want to see how your PC hardware works in real time, use this utility:

  • Activate the "Service" tab.
  • Next, select “System stability test” from the context list.
  • In the window that opens, mark the items of the equipment being tested.
  • Continue by clicking on the Start button.

If any of the main components of the system is subject to overheating, the utility will automatically stop the test and report a specific “violator” of the temperature regime.

Other software solutions

To organize constant monitoring of your computer’s temperature, you can use one of the specialized gadgets. Convenient utility Hmonitor works in background, continuously monitors the “degree” condition central processor, hard drive and graphics video adapter. In case of a critical change in temperature, the program will notify you with a sound signal.

So, the answer to the question of how to find out the computer temperature is no longer a secret for you. However, in order to prevent critical overheating, it is recommended to systematically remember: dust is the worst enemy of electronics. The warning voiced is especially relevant for portable devices - laptops, the components of which are already “constrained by the narrow frames” of the case frame. Make sure your cooling system is efficient enough. Yes, you shouldn’t abuse overlocking! Overclock hardware components wisely, so to speak, without fanaticism. All the best to you and may your " electronic friend"doesn't give you a fever!

It often happens that the computer starts to slow down a lot, and programs open very slowly. The reason for this is overheating. There are several ways to find out the processor temperature. Knowing this indicator, you can easily optimize the operation of your computer, which will subsequently increase its performance. Below you will find detailed instructions and you will be able to track this indicator yourself without the help of qualified specialists.

What temperature is considered normal?

If the processor overheats greatly, it threatens to fail. The problem entails a number of unpleasant circumstances, for example, you may lose HDD. Before you meet different options checks, find out what the processor temperature should be at normal operation computer:

  1. Up to 60 degrees is an acceptable value, the processor works normally.
  2. From 60 to 70 degrees - you need to take care of your computer, clean the fan, vacuum the motherboard.
  3. Above 70 degrees is a critical value. It is necessary to take urgent measures and reduce the temperature until it reaches the maximum level.

Ways to check the temperature of the processor and video card

The temperature of the processor and video card can be checked in several ways. These include the use of the system itself, as well as external programs for , 8, 7, XP or Linux. Choosing for yourself best option, you can easily monitor the work of your PC and not overload it with unnecessary work processes. Choose any one you like and increase productivity in a few steps.


Working temperature The processor can be easily checked using Bios. It's easy to get into. Just follow these steps to understand how to find out the temperature of your processor:

  1. When booting your PC or laptop, press F2. Sometimes the Del key is used. It depends on the type motherboard.
  2. Find in Bios settings Power section. If you don’t see such a word, then look for Monitor.
  3. All necessary information will be visible on the screen.

Monitoring using free programs

To measure the temperature, you can use external programs. It is recommended to download the following:

  • Speccy;
  • AIDA64;
  • Core Temp;
  • HWMonitor;
  • CPU-Z.

Speccy PC temperature measuring software will not only help you monitor the CPU performance, but will also give you full information about your computer. With its help, you can always choose the right spare parts that will improve the performance of your car. The program is easy to install, does not take up much space, and meets all the necessary client requirements.

The program for monitoring the temperature of the processor and video card AIDA64 with similar qualities will please you with a pleasant interface. Thanks to it, you will always be aware of the composition of your computer: programs, hardware, OS, number of cores, external devices. It is considered one of the most convenient. AIDA64 will measure the performance of the processor and video card with one “click”. A graphical indicator and convenient display of the necessary indicators will help you take better care of your PC.

Determining temperature using Core Temp or HWMonitor utilities is less popular, but this does not mean that the programs show incorrect data or the wrong amount running processes. Utilities are simply less used by technology enthusiasts. The average user will definitely like it user-friendly interface, easy installation, great capabilities of these programs. Suitable for those who have chosen as their operating system Ubuntu Linux.

Another program for a deeper study of your PC is EVEREST Ultimate Edition. Using the software, you can test, diagnose and configure for optimal performance your computer or laptop. Ideal for those who are computer savvy. Provides more than 100 pages of detailed information about the state of the operating system. The test is launched with one “click”.

Using Windows gadgets

In addition to programs that require constant monitoring and tracking, temperature indicator learn with the help of special gadgets. Often they are located on the desktop, which does not interfere with your work at all. One of these is GPU Observer, which is suitable for models NVIDIA video cards and AMD. It is standard, already installed on your PC. If you don't have one, then install this sensor on Windows and find out the temperature in seconds.

GPU Observer has a nice interface and shows the most necessary data about the operation of a personal computer. If you notice that programs open slowly, browser pages are slow, turn to this application and check the temperature. Perhaps it is already higher than normal, and it’s time to inspect your PC.

Causes of overheating and their elimination

If, after checking, you see that the indicator is more than 60 degrees, you need to lower it as soon as possible. It will help you on how to reduce the temperature of the processor and video card. next instruction:

  1. Check the fan. There may be too much dust on it that is slowing it down. Be sure to turn off the power before checking.
  2. Sometimes the cooler itself breaks down. IN in this case you need to contact the service to purchase and replace spare parts.
  3. The thermal paste on the processor may need to be replaced. It dries out over time, reducing heat transfer from the “processor” to the radiator.
  4. If you are sitting in a poorly ventilated room where even you are hot, then it is not surprising that the processor starts to get very hot. Avoid stuffy rooms and make sure that the fan is not blocked by third-party objects.
  5. There are too many processes running, for example a game that requires heavy load your PC. In this case, adjusting and disabling unused programs will help.

Video: measuring the temperature of a computer and laptop processor online

For those who were unable to figure out this procedure on their own, we recommend watching a video that shows in detail how to find out the temperature of your processor. Using the skills of monitoring your PC, you can solve common problems that arise on your PC. personal devices due to overheating. The language of faults is simple, and you need to learn to understand it. How to check the processor temperature is easy to understand - watch the video and figure it out for yourself.

If you have problems with the performance of your computer, it often begins to “slow down”, “stutter”, especially when you play computer games, editing or playing a video, the first thing you need to do is check the temperature of the video card.

Firstly, it should be noted that most video cards are designed to operate at fairly high temperature thresholds. Many video adapters operate at temperatures of 60-70 degrees Celsius and this is absolutely normal.

If you still suspect that there is something wrong with your video card, you should find out its temperature and if it turns out to be above 100 degrees, then you should take measures to cool it or replace the video adapter. The problem must be identified and eliminated as soon as possible, because... Overheating of the video card can lead to its breakdown and failure of other components of the computer.

Also, it should be noted that the threshold of 100 degrees Celsius is not a reference value. Temperature limits depend on the manufacturer of the video card and its type (built-in, discrete, for a desktop PC, laptop, etc.).

The most in a simple way check the temperature of the video card is to use specialized programs. Let's look at a few utilities that can help you do this.

  1. GPU-Z
  2. Speccy
  3. AIDA64


GPU-Z is a very simple and, in my opinion, the best program for determining the temperature of a video chip. You can download it from this link:

On the first tab " Graphic Card» displays the main characteristics of the video card, such as clock speed, memory size, driver version, etc. If you have 2 video adapters (for example, built-in and discrete), then in the lower left corner of the window you can select the card to be examined.

But we will be more interested in the second tab " Sensors" Here you will see the parameter you are looking for “ GPU Temperature", which will show the current temperature of the video chip.

If you sequentially click on the temperature value, the minimum, maximum and average value for the measured period will be displayed.


Download and install the program using this link:

After launching the application, you will see the main characteristics of your computer. In chapter " Graphics" or " Graphics devices"(depending on the selected interface language) the current temperature of your video adapter will be displayed.

The menu on the left contains items that are responsible for other components of your computer. By selecting the appropriate item, you can see more detailed information for individual components.

The disadvantage of this program is that it does not always display the temperature of video cards, especially built-in ones.

Let's look at another one next a simple utility HWMonitor. The installer or portable version can be downloaded from the official website:

Here, as in the previous program, the values ​​of the sensors of the main computer components will be displayed. Current, minimum and maximum temperature The video chip can be viewed in the appropriate paragraph.

The first tab on the right will display a list of temperature sensors and their values.

We will only be interested in the item “ GPU", which will display the current temperature of the video card.

You can choose to download portable or install versions for 32 and 64-bit systems.

Like most similar programs HWinfo is used to view information about various computer components. To find the temperature readings of the video adapter you need to press the " Sensors» and find the required section in the list of sensors.


This paid program for testing and diagnosing a computer, which can also be used to view the temperature of the video chip. Although the application is paid, it has a 30-day trial period, which is enough to view and test the desired indicator.

Having launched the application, you need to go to the next item in the tree list on the left “ Computer -> Sensors" Here you will see a list of readings from the main sensors of the computer, among which is the temperature of the video card.

There are also specialized utilities for certain models video cards (for example, NVIDIA Control Panel, NVIDIA GPU Temp, ATI Tool, ATI Tray Tools, etc.) with which you can also determine the temperature of the video card, but because It is not suitable for all video adapters; we will not consider them in this article.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the main reasons for the temperature of the video card to be too high are: dust on the card fan and system unit, poor air exchange, failure of the cooler and drying out of the thermal paste on the GPU.

One of the factors affecting the speed of a computer/laptop is the temperature of the processor, video card and other components. The higher the temperature, the slower the computer/laptop will work. If the processor or video card is overheated, it may fail, and long-term work in high heat mode reduces its service life. At critical temperatures The device will turn off spontaneously (overheating protection is triggered). To prevent overheating of the processor, video card and other components of the computer/laptop, it is necessary to periodically monitor the temperature and, if it reaches critical values, take measures to reduce it. How and with what to check the temperatures of the processor and video card and how to reduce the temperature will be described in this article.

There are two ways to check the temperature of the processor, video card and other computer/laptop components:

1 View the temperature in the BIOS;

2 Use third-party programs.

Find out the temperature of the processor and other components in the BIOS.

In order to get into the BIOS when booting a computer or laptop, press the F2 or Del key (the buttons may differ, depending on the motherboard model). Then in the settings you need to find Power menu/Monitor in different versions BIOS will be different. There you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard, etc.

Let me give you an example of how I looked at the temperature on the motherboard ASUS board in UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - a replacement for the obsolete BIOS, used in modern motherboards). Once you are in UEFI, click the "Advanced" button.

After that, go to the “Monitor” tab, you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard and much more information.

Thus, without installing any programs, you can find out the temperatures of computer/laptop components. The disadvantage of this method is that not all motherboards have this option and it is impossible to view the processor temperature under load (when running “heavy” programs or games).

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using programs.

Exists a large number of various programs, which will show you online the temperatures of computer/laptop components. In this article I will analyze several such applications and give my assessment of their work.

Find out the temperature of computer/laptop components using the AIDA64 program.

AIDA64 is one of the most popular program for review and diagnostics of a computer/laptop. AIDA64 provides comprehensive information about the composition of the computer: hardware, programs, operating system, network and connected devices, and also shows the temperature of all computer/laptop devices.

Program window showing temperature data from sensors.

It should be said that the program is paid and the trial version (30 days) does not show information about all devices - in my opinion this is the main disadvantage of this program.

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the Speccy program.

Speccy is a small utility from the developers the most popular application to clean your computer system garbage CCleaner. When launched, Speccy monitors the computer's hardware and displays information about operating system, characteristics of installed hardware and data from sensors.

Below the program interface.

In my opinion, one of the best programs to determine the temperature of the processor, video card, etc. In addition to information from sensors, it also provides detailed analysis all hardware installed on a computer/laptop. The big advantage is that the program is free.

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the CPUID HWMonitor program.

CPUID HWMonitor - a program designed to monitor the performance of various computer/laptop components (temperature, fan speed, and voltage).

Below is the interface of this program.

In my opinion perfect solution, for those who are only interested in information about the temperature of all PC components. No unnecessary information only temperature and fan speed, plus minimum and maximum values ​​are shown, in addition, this program is absolutely free.

What should be the temperature of the processor and video card.

Different processor manufacturers set their own temperatures, but generally speaking, the temperature should be between 30-45°C at idle, up to 60-65°C under load, anything higher is considered critical. Let me explain that these are average values, more specific information you need to look on the website of the manufacturer of your processor.

For video card normal temperature up to 50 -55°C at idle, under load up to 75-80°C. You can find more accurate average values ​​on your video card manufacturer’s website.

What to do if the temperature of the processor or video card is high.

1 Clean your computer/laptop from dust. Make sure that all coolers and ventilation holes free from dust. This is the most common problem overheating of the computer, laptop. To fix it, you need to disassemble the computer/laptop and remove all dust that interferes with cooling.

2 Replace thermal paste. Thermal paste is a layer of heat-conducting composition (usually multi-component) between the processor and the heatsink. Over time, this paste dries out and loses its properties, causing the processor and video card to overheat. To replace it, you need to disassemble the computer, remove the old thermal paste from the laptop and apply a new one in a THIN layer. Typically, thermal paste is replaced when cleaning the computer/laptop from dust.

3 Replace the radiatorcooler. You should choose a better quality radiator, cooler for better cooling computer. In addition, it is quite possible that you should additionally install a cooler on the case for better heat removal from the computer.

I hope I helped you determine the temperature of the processor and video card and you were able to reduce it and achieve faster and stable operation computer/laptop.

It's no secret that any device powered by electrical energy, generates heat, whether it is a phone, TV or PC. In modern personal computers, some components become very hot. high values, sometimes even higher than the boiling point of water.

Obviously, what higher temperature, at which the device operates, the shorter its service life, since it has to withstand additional loads when overheating.

Cooling systems and overheating

Modern computers are equipped with cooling systems, the main task of which is to remove excess heat from PC components.

A wide variety of cooling systems (CO) are used. Airborne COs have become widespread forced ventilation consisting of radiators and fans. Liquid and freon units are also used. Overclockers (overclocking enthusiasts) – when overclocking processors, they even use open evaporation to obtain low temperatures.

Despite the presence of such systems, very often the motherboard and PC hardware components, be it desktop computer or laptop, operate at very high temperatures. The central processor is especially susceptible to this. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. Failure of the cooling system. Fan failure, loss of properties of thermal paste (thermal paste) due to long-term use, and so on.
  2. The accumulation of household dust on the elements of the cooling system prevents the passage of hot air and the outflow of heat.
  3. Long-term work with critical loads.

For safety reasons, when the PC nodes overheat, the central processor stops Windows operation. High temperatures often lead to failure of computer components. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the operating temperature in order to detect overheating in time and eliminate its causes.

To do this, there are quite a large number of software tools that display on the screen the temperatures of computer components, fan speed, operating supply voltage and much more. useful information. In this article we will look at the most popular of them.


The tool was developed by a company whose laboratory owns programs such as CPU-Z and PC-Wizard. The product is distinguished by ease, completeness of displayed information, including temperature, voltage, clock frequency and much more in a very easy-to-read form.

As we can see, the program displays not only the current value for each position, but also the minimum and maximum since launch.

HWMonitor is constantly updated to support the latest equipment. There are no additional functions, such as adjusting the fan speed, setting warning signals, except for saving current parameters V text file, but to simply display all relevant values better program can not found.

IMPORTANT: HWMonitor uses a minimum of system resources to operate compared to similar programs.

There are both installers for 32 and 64-bit Windows, and portable versions for these systems. The utility exists in paid and free versions. Feature set free version quite enough to control the basic parameters of the computer.


Speedfan is a time-tested utility that has its own army of fans. The program is deservedly considered one of the best tools for monitoring the temperature of almost any PC node, fan speed.

In addition, Speedfan allows you to control the rotation speed of coolers, increasing it for better cooling or decreasing it to reduce the noise from their operation. Limit values ​​can be set for temperatures, upon reaching which the program will warn the user. In addition, the program reads SMART data of the hard drive.

The data read by the program can also be displayed graphically:

IMPORTANT: sometimes the program produces data that can throw the user into panic. For example, the temperature of a node at 100° or the rotation speed of a cooler at 500,000 rpm. Don't be alarmed, these numbers are not true. There is simply no sensor responsible for these readings.

Open Hardware Monitor

We said above that it is difficult to find a program that more conveniently and more fully displays all necessary information about the temperature and operating features of PC nodes than HWMonitor. But still, there was a tool that, apparently, surpasses it. This Open Hardware Monitor. In addition to temperatures, fan speeds and voltages, it can also display detailed center and GPUs, the load under which they operate, memory and hard drive information and much more.

If we add to this the ability to provide visually selected data in the form of graphs and a gadget on the desktop, then we will understand all the advantages of this tool.

Each value can also be renamed or hidden, and some data have an Options button for adjusting things like offset and so on. Open Hardware Monitor- This portable program, and to gain access to all features, the program must be run as an administrator.


HWiNFO64, unlike previous programs, is a tool for wider, one might even say professional, application. It is intended for full diagnostics computer and obtain complete information about hardware components. This application is free and can be downloaded from the official website as in the form installation file, and in the form of a portable portable version that does not require installation.

When we first launch, we will see two windows. The first of these provides complete information about the following components:

  1. central processor;
  2. motherboard;
  3. hard drive;
  4. random access memory;
  5. graphics processor;
  6. operating system;

In this window we observe detailed information about the architecture of the main computer components, their characteristics, etc. But this is not the only thing that HWiNFO64 offers us.

The main window shows us information about all components and also allows us to access additional functions of the application:

By selecting any component on the left, on the right we will get complete information about it technical information. This way we can find out, for example, exact model each component to update its drivers. Also at the top of the window we will have access to additional function“Sensors”, which will allow us to control the operation of equipment on the screen.

As we can see, HWiNFO64 is a tool, functional and easy to use, thanks to which we can always get all the information about hardware our computer.


Speccy is free tool For Windows monitoring, developed by Piriform, creators of such famous applications as , Recuva and Defraggler.

The program provides detailed information about your processor (name, family, cache, frequency of each core, etc.), RAM in each slot (manufacturer, type, size, frequency and even production date, batch number), motherboard, graphics and sound card, monitor, hard drive, optical drive and the installed operating system.

For example, in information about graphics devices we can get information about installed driver video cards. By going to the manufacturer's website and checking the new driver versions, we can decide to update them.

Exists paid version Speccy programs Professional with more advanced features, which can be purchased on the manufacturer's website.


This product is a paid product with a 30-day subscription. trial version. The tool provides ample opportunities for monitoring and maintaining your personal computer. With its help, you can view detailed information about all computer components, such as the operating system, motherboard, multimedia, network, perform various tests regarding system stability, memory, processor, etc.

The program can be downloaded from the official AIDA website. Available in four different versions: Extreme, Engineer, Network Audit and Business.

The Extreme version contains all the features you need to ordinary users, that’s why we chose it to get acquainted with the main capabilities of the tool. In addition, it does not require a business license and has very reasonable price ($39.95).

The main interface of the program is very simple and extremely easy to use. It consists of a menu bar (which includes six buttons: File, View, Report, Favorites, Tools, and Help) and a Toolbar and Commands.

The main window is divided into two parts. On the left side are the main categories - computer, motherboard, operating system, etc., and on the right you can fully view detailed information about each component of the computer.

AIDA64 Extreme – powerful program for diagnostics and testing personal computers. The product offers a wide range of tools for monitoring and managing all computer components. The user is offered a wide range of different tests for CPU, GPU, RAM, HDD and SSD.

AIDA64 Extreme contains more than 150 tools that allow you to monitor temperature, voltage, fan speed, etc. Using the program, you can get detailed information about the hardware (CPU, motherboard, video card, etc.) and software(operating system, drivers, etc.).

A personal computer is a complex and expensive piece of equipment that requires timely and high-quality maintenance. Dust, long-term operation without cleaning the cooling system and replacing thermal paste leads to the fact that computer components operate in unfavorable conditions at temperatures significantly exceeding valid values. This leads to rapid wear and failure of the central processor, video card, memory, motherboard and other components.

In this article, we told you about several software tools that will allow you to always be aware of the status of your PC components, which in turn will allow you to make timely decisions about their maintenance. We hope that this information will help you choose the most suitable program for you, and with its help you will significantly extend the life of your computer.

Also on the site:

Programs for monitoring processor and video card temperatures updated: January 28, 2018 by: admin