How to increase the loading speed of the operating system. Increasing RAM. Video: how to quickly remove programs from Startup on a computer or laptop

Tired of Windows 7,8,10 loading slowly? YES, the more time the operating system is installed, the more this topic begins to torment. Computers are becoming more powerful and productive, but at the same time the demands for programs that are developed for new equipment are also growing. For example, Windows XP boots an order of magnitude faster than Windows 7/10 on the same hardware.

So now, give up new opportunities for the sake of fast loading operating system? No, fortunately, there are tricky and not so tricky tricks that will help us solve this problem. In this article, you will learn how to programmatically reduce Windows boot time to 20 seconds or less.

Step one, services and processes

In Windows OS they are often launched unnecessary services, which slow down the loading and operation of the system. There is also support for a variety of hardware, so the services that support it correct work, are launched along with the system. Of course, if the system considers that the service is not necessary (since there is simply no corresponding device on the computer), then it is disabled. But starting, checking and stopping the service still takes time.

We launch the “System Configuration” program, to do this, press “Win ​​+ R”, write in the window: msconfig and press Enter. To disable temporarily necessary services, go to the tab of the same name:

But you need to understand which services can be turned off and which need to be left running. It’s easy to find information on the Internet for most services, so I won’t go into detail on this. I’ll just say: don’t rush and turn off everything, this can have a sad effect on the operation of the operating system.

Using the same logic, we disable programs loaded at system startup on next tab"Startup". More details are provided in a separate article. You will need to restart your computer to apply the new startup settings.

Step two, registry

Exists on Windows weakness– register. It has been the custom since ancient times that most of the vital Windows settings are stored in hierarchical base data. Depending on how fast the OS finds necessary records in the registry, directly affects both the loading speed and the operation of the Windows OS as a whole.

It is not uncommon for program uninstallers to work ineffectively, leaving entries in the registry about their presence and work (parameters, registered libraries, binding to certain file extensions, etc.). Such records can be considered garbage, cluttering up the database. And you need to get rid of this garbage, for which you should use such utilities as, for example, Reg Organizer CCleaner Ashampoo WinOptimizer and others.

Launch CCleaner, go to the “Registry” section, click “Search for problems”, and when finished click “Fix selected”:

During such cleaning, and simply while Windows is running, the registry is constantly subject to fragmentation. This means you will need to DEFRAGMENT the registry. This can be done using the Defraggler program, from the same developer. However, I will important note, that in some cases, “cleaning” the registry may also affect important parameters. Therefore, be sure to first, and in case of problems in Windows work you can immediately recover to your previous state.

Step three, the main one

Now you can begin to deeply optimize the process of loading the system and programs. Many side effects can occur while applications are running, such as long loading additional libraries and routines, conditional branch prediction, cache misses and all that kind of stuff. Analyzing such data is called profiling.

Since the OS in question was created by Microsoft, we will use a profiler created by the same company - Windows Performance Toolkit. Recently, this tool has become part of the Windows SDK. On the site Microsoft You can download the web installer.

It is not necessary to install all the included components; you can only get by with the Windows Performance Toolkit

This tool allows you to trace the boot of the operating system from the very beginning. We need executable file“xbootmgr.exe”, which is located in the folder where you deigned to install the Windows Performance Toolkit, by default it is located in the “C:\Program Files\” directory Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit."

Watch the video or continue reading the article:

To call the utility, you should run xbootmgr.exe with a parameter, for example, the “-help” parameter will display a list of all possible functions. To do this, press the “Win ​​+ R” buttons or go to the “Start -> Run” menu and enter the command in the window:

xbootmgr –help

It is not necessary to add the path to the file if it starts like this:

Just for fun, if you want to see how your system behaves when running in this moment, then run the command:

xbootmgr -trace boot

It will reboot your computer and collect data during startup. The result of her work can be seen in the file boot_BASE+CSWITCH_1.etl, which xbootmgr will save in its own folder or in the “C:\Users\yourname” folder. This file contains all the information about the behavior of programs when the system starts, you can see a lot of interesting things. To do this, double-click on the file to open the Analyzer:

If you are interested, study the information, here is everything in great detail about the download process: how many seconds it took to start each process, how computer resources were used, etc.

Now let's get down to business - start the process automatic analysis and speed up Windows loading. Run the command:

xbootmgr -trace boot –prepsystem

During optimization, by default, 6 reboots will be performed and 6 files with information about the behavior of programs at each reboot will be saved in the same directory. This whole process is quite lengthy, but does not require user participation. You can successfully have lunch while the program is running. And don't forget to check first that there are a couple of Gigabytes free space on drive "C:"!

After reboots, messages will appear in a white window, for example “Delaying for boot trace 1 of 6” with a countdown:

In this case, you don’t need to try to work on your laptop, just wait. More messages will appear. At the second stage, the “Preparing system” window hung there for about 30 minutes, while the processor was not loaded with anything, but then a reboot occurred and the remaining stages went quickly. In reality, the entire process can take an hour.

What does Xbootmgr do? It does not disable unnecessary services and processes, as it might seem. Xbootmgr optimizes booting so that maximum computer resources are used at any given time. That is, so that it doesn’t happen when the processor is 100% loaded and the hard drive is resting, or vice versa. Also happens. After the last reboot, you don’t need to do anything, Windows will boot, and even work, faster.

Step four, dangerous

In the seven, as well as in XP (although not everyone realizes this), there is support multi-core processors. It is not clear why the system itself is not always able to use all available resources when it starts, but only begins to use them when it has already fully loaded and the user has started working.

This means we need to help her use the available resources in the system startup parameters. To do this you need to delve into the configuration. Using the key combination “Win ​​+ “R”, open the “Run” window and write the command msconfig, click “OK”. In the system configuration window that appears, select the “Download” tab

Select " Extra options»

In the window that appears, set the “Number of processors” and “Maximum memory” parameters to maximum. Now attention! Close and open the program again, see that the “Maximum memory” value has not been reset to “0”. If so, then uncheck this box, otherwise the system may won't start at all. Reboot, done.

Note: If you decide to add random access memory or replace the processor with another (with big amount kernels), then the above parameters will need to be changed. Otherwise, the system simply will not use additional memory and/or additional cores processor.

In this article we’ll talk about speeding up the loading of Windows 7 and Windows 8. Microsoft is also concerned about increasing the loading speed of its products and has developed a bunch of interesting things for this. Our task is not to interfere with these things working. How to do this is below.

1. Measuring download speed

Before accelerating, you need to decide on the starting point, so as not to measure by eye. To know exact time During which your operating system loads, you can use the event log.

Open the Start menu and write “view” in the search bar. Choose Event Viewer

On the left we follow the path

Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > Diagnostics-Perfomans

Opening the only magazine

For convenience, we sort all events by Date by left-clicking on the “Date and Time” column. Then we find the latest event with the code 100 . Double-click on it with the left mouse to view details

In the window that opens, on the General tab, you can immediately see the duration of Windows loading

The system boots in 145389 ms = 145 seconds.

In this article we will try to reduce loading time.

2. Restore Windows settings

The first thing that can and should be done is to restore the mechanisms built into Windows that constantly optimize the loading speed of the operating system. This can be done automatically using a utility written by Vadim Sterkin - CheckBootSpeed. For that I bow to him.

Download the archive with the utility and unpack it.

Login to your Administrator account and run CheckBootSpeed.diagcab

By default, the utility checks your computer's boot speed and fixes problems. If you do not want the utility to change anything on your system, click on the “Advanced” link and uncheck the “Automatically apply fixes” checkbox. Click Further

The program produces a report in which you can see how long it took the computer to boot up last time, the average time of 3 bootups, and much more useful information.

Afterwards you are asked to find out about the choice and SSD optimization disks. We also highly recommend it.

Once the diagnosis is complete you will be shown what has been fixed

In principle, this procedure will already restore Windows settings by default and over time (if something has been fixed) the download speed will increase. If you want to speed up now, read on.

3. Autoload

The time until the desktop was completely ready was 84 seconds. That is, the desktop appears, but you can work fully only after 84 seconds. To reduce this time, you can understand the programs in startup.

You can use the built-in tool system configuration. Find this most useful utility You can search in the Start menu

and organize everything there by unchecking the boxes against programs. About this below

It is more convenient for us to use the Autoruns utility by Mark Russinovich.

Download and unpack the archive.

Let's launch autoruns.exe and go to the tab Logon

The figure above shows all the programs that are loaded immediately when the operating system starts. To reduce desktop readiness time, we need to reduce their number.

We leave the programs that we really need in the first seconds of work and system programs. System programs include programs manufactured by Microsoft, Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Realtek and others. That is, programs and drivers for devices without which normal functioning of the computer is not possible.

If you don’t know what the program is responsible for, you can use a search in Google or Yandex or don’t touch the program at all.

After all the manipulations we got the following picture

Distributed computing has gone under the knife (since it will still pause until the computer is idle), utilities from Seagate, Acronis, Punto Switcher. We are also not interested in the weather (desktop gadgets) immediately after turning on the computer along with Skype and PicPick.

After you have unchecked the necessary boxes (excluded programs from startup), simply close Autoruns.

Some programs (for example TeamViewer) need to be disabled in the program settings

After the reboot, open Auroruns again and check the disabled programs

If any utility registers itself in startup again, you need to disable it in the settings. In our case it is automatic switch Keyboards - Punto Switcher

It's also a good idea to check the Startup section in the Start menu. We remove everything unnecessary from there

I removed Punto Switcher, left Evernote as a necessary program that makes my memory perfect.

After clearing autoload, reboot and check the loading time

By leaving 9 programs out of 19 in startup, it was possible to reduce the desktop readiness time to 40 seconds and the total Windows boot time to 88 seconds.

4. Delayed launch of programs

In the previous section, we disabled a bunch of programs in startup, but we will still need them in our work and will have to launch them. This can be done manually, or you can use the task scheduler to do a delayed launch.

Let's make a delayed launch of voluntary distributed computing 5 minutes after the computer starts. Task Scheduler can be launched from the search in the Start menu

Choose Create a simple task

Set the name and description if necessary

To the question When to run the task, select When you start your computer or when logging into Windows and click Next >

Select an action - Run the program

The program can be found using the Browse button... or you can use the Autoruns discussed above

Paste what you copied into a line and leave only the path to the boincmgr.exe file, preferably in quotes. So as not to swear.

The arguments can be written

To launch the program minimized in the notification area. Click Next

Put a tick Open Properties window and click Ready

In the Properties window that opens, go to the tab Triggers select the only trigger and press Change…

Put a tick Postpone until and select 1 minute. Adjust the value to the required 5 minutes and OK

The newly created job looks like this

Now, automatically, 5 minutes after starting the computer, distributed computing will start.

In a similar way, you can space the launch necessary programs to speed up Windows boot.

5. SuperFetch and ReadyBoot

The utility described above automatically enables and configures the SuperFetch service and the ReadyBoot feature. If you want to figure out how to enable them yourself, read below.

We search using the search in the Start menu and run the utility Services

We find SuperFetch right-click on it and select Properties

In chapter Startup type select from the drop-down menu Automatically. Click Apply. Click Launch And OK

Thanks to the launched SuperFetch service the function will work ReadyBoot. The latter, during system downtime, analyzes which files were in demand during the last startup and caches them in RAM for quick access next time.

For the ReadyBoot function to work optimally, it is advisable to check the registry settings

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

This can be done using the Registry Editor - regedit

Double click on the parameter EnablePrefetch and set the value to 3.

We do the same with EnableSuperfetch

To apply the changes you must restart your computer.

Once we have enabled the ReadyBoot function, you should not expect a significant reduction in boot time. This is a long process. You need to reboot 3-4 times. And not just reboot, but work a little, then wait for the system to be idle for ReadyBoot to work.

By the way, when the SuperFetch service is enabled, you can work with ReadyBoost function and improve overall system performance.

6. Disk defragmentation

This section does not apply to solid state drives(SSD). In the case of the latter, the operating system disables defragmentation as unnecessary. For simple hard drives - HDD and for hybrids - SSHD it is advisable to perform this. And it is advisable to do this automatically.

For disk defragmentation to work, the service of the same name must be running, which will be automatically turned on by the utility described above.

If it is turned off, set it to - Works and set the startup type - Manually.

Next, you need to set a schedule for defragmentation. Open the Disk Defragmenter utility

If you want to defragment now, then first click Analyze disk. Wait for the analysis to complete. Then Disk Defragmenter.

If we want to speed up the loading of the operating system as much as possible, then it is advisable to comply with 2 conditions:

  • use the built-in Windows defragmenter
  • keep more than 15% free space on the system disk

15% of free space is required for a complete defragmentation. Otherwise, only partial defragmentation will occur.

In order to speed up loading now, you can defragment boot files team

defrag C: /B /U

Let's launch command line with administrator rights

execute the command

Boot files are defragmented.

It happens that when loading the operating system it takes a very long time to start or does not start as quickly as the user would like. Thus, his precious time is lost. In this article we will define various ways increasing the operating system startup speed on Windows 7.

You can speed up the startup of the OS either using specialized utilities or using the built-in tools of the system. The first group of methods is simpler and, first of all, not very suitable experienced users. The second one is suitable for those users who are accustomed to understanding what exactly they are changing on the computer.

Method 1: Windows SDK

One of these special utilities, which allow you to speed up the startup of the OS, is developed by Microsoft - Windows SDK. Naturally, it is better to use similar additional tools from the system developer himself, rather than trusting third-party manufacturers.

  1. After you have uploaded installation file Windows SDK, run it. If you do not have a special component installed that is necessary for this utility to work, the installer will offer to install it. Click "OK" to proceed to installation.
  2. Then a welcome window will open Windows installer SDK. The interface of the installer and the utility shell is in English, so we will describe the installation steps in detail. In this window you just need to click on "Next".
  3. A window appears license agreement. To agree with it, set the switch in the form of a radio button to the position. "I agree" and press "Next".
  4. Then you will be asked to specify the path on your hard drive where the utility package will be installed. If you do not have a serious need for this, then it is better not to change these settings, but simply click "Next".
  5. Next, a list of utilities to be installed will open. You can choose those that you consider necessary, since there are significant benefits when correct use there is from each of them. But to achieve our specific goal, we only need to install Windows utilities Performance Toolkit. Therefore, we uncheck all other items and leave only the opposite "Windows Performance Toolkit". After selecting the utilities, click "Next".
  6. After this, a message opens saying that everything required parameters entered and you can now proceed to download the utility from the Microsoft website. Click "Next".
  7. Then the download and installation procedure begins. There is no need for user intervention during this process.
  8. After the process is completed, a special window will open notifying you of its successful completion. This should be indicated by an inscription "Installation Complete". Uncheck the box next to the inscription "View the Windows SDK Release Notes". After this you can click "Finish". The utility we need has been successfully installed.
  9. Now, in order to directly use the Windows Performance Toolkit in order to increase the OS startup speed, activate the tool "Run" by pressing Win+R. Enter:

    xbootmgr -trace boot –prepSystem

    Click "OK".

  10. After this, a message will appear telling you to restart your computer. In general, during the entire period of the process, the PC will be rebooted 6 times. To save time and not have to wait for the timer to expire, after each reboot, in the dialog box that appears, click "Finish". Thus, the reboot will occur immediately, and not after the end of the timer report.
  11. After the last reboot, the PC startup speed should increase.

Method 2: Cleaning startup programs

Adding programs to startup has a negative impact on the speed of computer startup. This often happens during the installation procedure of these programs, after which they are automatically launched when the computer boots, thereby increasing its execution time. Therefore, if you want to speed up your PC boot, you need to remove from startup those applications for which this feature is not important to the user. After all, sometimes even those applications that you haven’t really used for months are registered in startup.

But programs can be added to startup not only through the registry, but also by creating shortcuts in the . Using the system configuration option described above, such software cannot be removed from startup. Then you should use a different algorithm of actions.

You can delete others in the same way. unnecessary shortcuts from the folder. Windows 7 should now start up faster.

Method 3: Disable autostart services

No less, and maybe even more, the system’s startup is slowed down by its various services that start when the computer starts operating. Similar to how we did this with regard to software, in order to speed up the startup of the OS, you need to find services that are of little use or useless for the tasks that the user performs on his computer, and disable them.

  1. To go to the Service Control Center, click "Start". Then press "Control Panel".
  2. In the window that appears, click on "System and safety".
  3. Next go to "Administration".
  4. In the list of utilities located in the section "Administration", find the name "Services". Click on it to move to "Service Manager".

    IN "Service Manager" you can get more fast way, but for this you need to remember one command and a combination of “hot” keys. Type on the keyboard Win+R, thereby launching the window "Run". Enter the following expression:

    Click Enter or "OK".

  5. Regardless of whether you acted through "Control Panel" or tool "Run", a window will open "Services", which contains a list of running and disabled services on this computer. Opposite the names running services in field "State" value set "Works". Opposite the names of those that are launched along with the system in the field "Startup type" worth the value "Automatically". Study carefully this list and determine which services you don't need that start automatically.
  6. After that, to go to the properties of the specifically selected service to disable it, double-click with the left mouse button on its name.
  7. The service properties window opens. This is where you need to perform manipulations to disable autorun. Click on the field "Startup type" which currently contains the value "Automatically".
  8. Select an option from the drop-down list "Disabled".
  9. Then click on the buttons "Apply" And "OK".
  10. After this, the properties window will be closed. Now in "Service Manager" opposite the name of the service whose properties were changed, in the field "Startup type" there will be a value "Disabled". Now when Windows startup 7 this service will not start, which will speed up loading of the OS.

But it is worth saying that if you do not know what a particular service is responsible for or are not sure what the consequences of disabling it will be, then manipulating it is strictly not recommended. This can cause significant problems in the operation of the PC.

At the same time, you can read the lesson materials, which tell you which services can be turned off.

Method 4: Cleaning the system

Cleaning the system of “garbage” helps speed up the startup of the OS. First of all, it means liberation hard drive from temporary files and deleting erroneous entries in system registry. This can be done either manually by clearing temporary file folders and deleting entries in the registry editor, or using specialized software tools. One of best programs in this direction is .

Details on how to clean Windows 7 from garbage are described in a separate material.

Method 5: Using all processor cores

On a PC with a multi-core processor, you can speed up the computer startup process by connecting to this process all processor cores. The fact is that by default, when loading the OS, only one core is used, even if you are using a multi-core computer.

Method 6: BIOS Setup

You can speed up OS loading by configuring the BIOS. The fact is that often the BIOS first checks the ability to boot from optical disk or USB drive, thus wasting time on it every time. This is important when reinstalling the system. But, you must admit that reinstalling the system is not such a common procedure. Therefore, to speed up Windows downloads 7, it makes sense to cancel the priority check for the ability to launch from an optical disk or USB drive.

  1. Go to BIOS computer A. To do this, when loading it, press the key F10, F2 or Del. There are other options. Specific key depends on the motherboard developer. However, as a rule, the key indication for entering the BIOS is displayed on the screen when the PC boots.
  2. It will not be possible to describe further actions after entering the BIOS, since various manufacturers use a different interface. Nevertheless, general algorithm We will describe the actions. You need to go to the section where the system boot order is determined from various media. This section has many BIOS versions called). IN this section Put booting from your hard drive first. For these purposes, the clause is often used "1ST Boot Priority» , where the value should be set "Hard Drive".

After you save the results BIOS settings, the computer, in search of an operating system to boot, will immediately turn to hard drive and, having found it there, it will no longer poll other media, which will save time on launch.

Method 7: Hardware Upgrade

You can also increase the boot speed of Windows 7 by upgrading your computer hardware. Most often, the loading delay can be caused by low speed work hard disk. In this case, it makes sense to replace HDD(HDD) to a faster analogue. And it is best to generally replace the HDD with an SSD, which works much faster and more efficiently, which will significantly reduce OS loading time. True, SSDs also have disadvantages: high price and a limited number of writes. So here the user must weigh the pros and cons.

Details Updated March 30, 2017 6:36 pm Published August 28, 2013 10:10 am yourself? - Simple enough. To do this, there are at least 6 methods, which, in fact, will be discussed.

It is worth noting right away that they are all programmatic in nature, and the desired result may be much worse. Extreme measures, but in 100% of cases guaranteeing not only an increase in download speed, but also the operation of the device as a whole, are:
replacing RAM with larger capacity sticks;
As a result of this, it is possible to achieve fast boot OS on laptop, resource-intensive applications, as well as accelerated compression of folders by the archiver.
SSD installation disk instead of HDD.
An effective addition to the above replacement, which ultimately increases the speed of reading/writing data.

How to speed up laptop startup with a few simple solutions

Disk defragmentation is necessary to combine files on the hard drive in order to gain more relevant access to them. It is worth considering that if defragmentation was carried out a long time ago, then the speed of completing the task may be small and will take considerable time.
Ultimately, those files that were scattered on the disk are placed in strict order, which makes it possible to significantly speed up the OS's access to them.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • My computer;
  • properties;
  • service;
  • defragmentation.

Clear startup list

This will reduce the number of programs that launch along with the OS, as well as immediately after the desktop appears. This is done as follows:

  • Start.
  • Execute.
  • Type the command “MSConfig”.

In the tab that opens, you can either selectively disable programs by unchecking the box next to them, or comprehensively.

Perform optimization

It consists of removing “garbage” from the hard drive. The latter means unnecessary files and folders that may have remained after improper removal of applications. It is recommended to optimize once every two months. Any third party will do for this. free program, for example: jv16 PowerTools, CCleaner, etc. The latter does an excellent job of cleaning set parameters. Also provides the ability to fix registry errors in a few clicks.

Disable file indexing

It's very easy to do. Just go to computer properties and select the “General” tab. On it, at the very bottom, uncheck the appropriate item.
What does this give? – First of all, it disables the creation of a directory, which simplifies the search for files. Secondly, the system loads a little faster, as does the computer itself.

Our NOUT - 911 service specialists are ready to perform any task: replacement of components, software optimization or repair. Thanks to experience and new service equipment, work takes place quickly, literally in the presence of the client.

There can hardly be any doubt that the most better performance Windows 7 is available immediately after installation. The system disk is practically newborn, there is nothing superfluous in it, so the system “flies”. Yes, the manufacturers of Windows 7 tried to impress their future users, especially those who are replacing their previous system with Windows 7. At first, everything goes fine. The Seven starts up, shows decent performance, which pleases the user, but then it begins to upset him with its “slowness”.

Unfortunately, Windows developers 7, probably working on super-fast PCs, thought little about the many settings that are responsible for the system’s performance, counting on the fact that the majority of users will be housewives with their own laptops and tablets. And not every more educated user, especially if he has problems with English, has access to the information on setting up system parameters to increase its performance, which is posted on the Microsoft website. The article makes an attempt to tell users what optimization of Windows 7 is possible, to introduce them to its techniques for increasing the speed of the operating system and the computer as a whole. The full list of functions and sections of the seven that can be customized and optimized is quite large. Let's look at the main ones.

It is unlikely that any user will like it if he has to wait several minutes for the operating system to load. Although the Windows 7 computer boots previous versions OS, many users are not averse to speeding it up with some tricks.

Using multi-core

To enable support for multi-core processors at boot time, enter search bar word msconfig. Then you need to go along the path “Boot” tab - “Advanced parameters” - “Number of processors”, mark it, set the value, equal to the number cores in installed processor, and finish everything by clicking “OK”.

Then you need to restart the computer and make sure that the OS loading speed increases.

Disabling applications from startup

The loading speed of the OS also depends on the number of applications that are loaded simultaneously with loading Windows. Their list can be seen at the same msconfig command, but on the "startup" tab:

Often, this list includes (unbeknownst to the user) applications that do not require downloading at all, but they increase the download time. To optimize Windows, you should exclude such applications by unchecking them and clicking “OK”. After this you should reboot.

Speeding up PC shutdown

You can also speed up the shutdown of your computer by reducing the time interval allotted for shutdown. active programs. If they do not have time to complete on their own, Windows will forcefully stop them. To reduce the computer shutdown time, you need to edit the registry. Without going into details of this process, it should be said that you need to find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter in the registry and change its value from 12000 to 2000.

Speed ​​up launching applications from the Start menu

If not used classic look this menu, then you can optimize it, that is, increase the speed of its operation as follows:

  • Right-click on the taskbar or Start button.
  • From context menu select the “Properties” sub-item.
  • In properties, open the “Start Menu” tab.
  • On the tab, click “Customize”.
  • Remove the checkbox from the “Highlight recently installed programs” item.

Graphics acceleration

In the event that the PC does not have enough power graphics adapter(has a cheap or integrated motherboard video adapter), the AERO interface can cause a significant decrease in system speed. Optimize in this regard graphics system possible by disabling some AERO functions, but without losing the main advantages of this mode. Which AERO functions can I turn it off, which ones should I leave, and how can I do this? And this is done like this:

  1. In the Control Panel (CP) we find the “System” section and click on the line “Advanced system settings”.
  2. Open “Advanced” and click on “Options”.
  3. Open the visual effects tab.
  4. Uncheck all parameters except those shown in the following figure and click “OK”.

Increasing file copy speed

The seven has a new function - the so-called “remote differential compression”. It is used when copying and moving files and consists of calculating the differences in the source and destination files. This is done to reduce the amount of data being rewritten, but requires additional time to calculate their differences. This feature can be disabled as follows:

  1. Select the “Programs and Features” section in the PU.
  2. Click on the line “Turn Windows components on or off.”
  3. In the constructed list of system components, uncheck the “Remote differential compression” element.

Enabling ReadyBoost

The optimizations planned by the developers for Windows 7 have been expanded new feature– ReadyBoost. The purpose of this function is to virtually expand the computer's RAM due to connected external USB drives and Flash cards. The OS will use them as cache memory, thereby speeding up read/write operations and increasing the speed of the entire system. You just need to enable it, and for this you need:

Registry optimization

The registry files of a computer with Windows 7 are a kind of database about the configuration and settings of the OS itself and installed applications. This database, unfortunately, tends to become cluttered and fragmented over time. And since it is accessed very often, this can cause a significant drop in the speed of the computer. Therefore, the registry should be periodically cleaned and defragmented.

Built in Windows tools defragmentation programs are not designed to work with the registry, so optimizing it is usually done using some kind of third party utility. As an example, we can cite the well-known to many users CCleaner program. After launching it, you need to select the “Registry” item in the menu. In the window that opens, click the “Search for problems” button and wait for the results of the analysis of the registry status. If any problems are found, then you need to click the “Fix” button.

Defragmentation of hard drives

Severe fragmentation hard drives can also cause a decrease in computer speed. This especially applies to system disk, since it is used almost constantly during system operation. To defragment it, you can resort to the built-in Windows tool– Defrag utility. To launch it you should:

  1. Click "Start".
  2. Click on “Computer”.
  3. In the window that opens, right-click on the system disk and select “Properties” from the context menu.
  4. In the properties window, open the “Tools” tab and click the “defragment” button. A window will appear that looks like:

As you can see from it, defragmentation can be performed in two modes - scheduled and manual. When manually defragmenting, you should first determine its need by running a disk analysis. If after this it turns out that the disk is heavily fragmented, then you need to start defragmenting it by pressing the appropriate button.

Disabling UAC

The UAC (User Account Control) feature is one of the most important system security features. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons of turning it off. And yet, many users turn it off, relying entirely on high-quality antivirus protection. Function or reduce the level of protection. In any case, this requires administrator rights. Changing the protection level is done as follows:

  1. In PU open the section “ Accounts users."
  2. In the window that appears, click on the line with changing user account control settings.
  3. In the window shown in the following figure, set the slider to one of the 4 protection level positions. In the lower position, UAC is completely disabled.

Disable unused services

It's no secret that the system has services that are rarely used or not used at all. It is clear that such services can be disabled without harm to the functioning of Windows 7. Moreover, disabling them will free up RAM, make swapping less frequent, that is, speed up the computer. This tool requires extreme caution and accuracy, so before you run it, you should be on the safe side by creating a restore point. This will help you roll back to the previous state in case possible problems as a result of their shutdown. This operation should not be performed in group mode; it is better to do it step by step, making sure each time normal functioning operating system.

Services such as:

  • Remote registry.
  • Support IP Service ( Auxiliary service IP).
  • Service entry Tablet PC.

When disabling other services, you need to have complete confidence in what result this will lead to.

To disable a service, go to the “Administration” section of the control panel and select the “Services” category on the right side of the window that appears. As a result, a list of all system services will appear. You need to find the required service in this list and double-click on it. A window will open with the parameters of this service, for example:

If the service is running, you must first stop it using the corresponding button. Then set the “Startup Type” to “Disabled” and click “Apply” and “OK”.


Of course, there was no full list techniques for optimizing and configuring a computer with Windows 7. In conclusion, here is a table of the best third party programs For Windows optimization 7. They all have different functionality, which is also indicated in the table.

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