What are computer science programs? Various solutions present in the 1C: Enterprise program. How most programs work

Computer program is a sequence of instructions that is intended to be executed computer. The program image is most often stored in the machine's memory (for example, on disk) as executable module(one or more files). From an image on a disk, using a special software loader, an executable program can be built already in random access memory cars.

The term " computer program"depending on its context, may also apply to source texts(or codes) of the program. Examples of them can be viewed in special source directories. Together with rules and procedures, as well as documentation on the operation of software data processing systems, computer programs constitute the concept software.

IN systems programming there is a more formal definition programs as machine codes and data loaded into the computer's RAM and executed by the machine's processor to achieve a given goal. This definition emphasizes two features of a computer program: its location in memory and its execution by the machine's processor.

The process of creating a computer program is called " programming", and people engaged in this type of activity are called programmers. When developing computer programs, errors often occur in them. It is considered that the program contains errors if for some data the program does not give correct results, failures or failures. If a program produces correct processing results for all possible inputs, then it can be considered error-free.

The process of finding errors in programs and correcting them is called debugging programs. Usually, it is not known in advance how many errors a program contains. For this reason, the duration of program debugging is unknown in advance.

Recording source texts of computer programs using special programming languages (YAP) makes it easier for a person to understand and edit programs. This is also helped comments, allowed by the syntax of most programming languages. To execute a program on a computer, its finished source text is converted ( compiles or interpreted) V machine code executable by the processor.

Programs with source codes that can be read and modified by anyone are called open source software . Any computer program is subject to copyright. Authors or owners of programs have the right to limit and even completely block access to their source codes, which are intellectual property copyright holders.

Some programming languages ​​( interpretable) make it possible to do without preliminary compilation of programs written on them, and special interpreter programs translate such programs into machine code already during program execution. This process is called interpretation or dynamic compilation. It improves program portability between different software and hardware platforms. Interpreted programs are often called scenarios or scripts.

In most common languages source texts programs consist of lists of instructions that describe the algorithm embedded in the program. This approach is called imperative. But other programming methodologies are also used. So, for example, in declarative programming, the initial and required characteristics of the processed data are described, and the choice of an appropriate algorithm for solving the described problem is entrusted to a specialized interpreter program. Also applicable logical And functional programming.


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Last edit: 2012-01-23 12:08:31

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What is the program?

Computer program- a set of instructions for execution on computers (computers). Typically, programs can be represented as source code and object (binary) code.

From a computer user's point of view important difference is the nature of the program:
* system programs- programs that provide user interaction with the computer and create an environment for executing application programs. Such programs include, for example, “operating systems” and “drivers.”
* application programs- programs with which the user directly interacts. This includes “browser”, “text editors”, “games”, “websites”.

Synonyms for program: “ software", "software", "application", "software".

It is believed that a computer is a combination of “hardware” and “software”.

Software can also be divided according to the following criteria::
* target platform- different “hardware” that supports a different set of instructions, therefore, as a rule, a “program” is created for a specific “hardware”. The most well-known platforms: “ARM”, “x86”, “x64”, “IA64”, “Itanium”, etc.;
* target " operating system“- since different “operating systems” create different environments for application software, it is important for which operating system this or that “program” is created. The most well-known families of “operating systems” are: Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu Linux, SuSe Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD.

Typically, creating software involves writing the source code of a program in a specific “programming language,” then “compiling” the program, “debugging,” “testing,” and distributing the software.

At dawn computer technology(30–50s of the twentieth century) the source texts were written in the form “ machine code"(i.e., indicating the numbers of instructions and arguments for them), later the first appeared famous language programming "ASSEMBLER", which significantly simplified the process of creating a program, since it allowed you to specify not the numerical number of the instruction, but its symbolic support, which simplified the reading and debugging of the original test of the program. The subsequent appearance of languages ​​more " high level"than "ASSEMBLER", made it possible to transfer the creation of software from the lot of technical specialists who ensure the functioning of specific hardware systems, to the lot of specialists in creating software, hereinafter referred to as "programmers" or "software developers".

The emergence and widespread use of “personal computers” has turned “programming” (the process of creating programs) into an entire software development industry, which employs many specialists of various classes. Modern educational establishments provide training for the software industry.

In the CIS, the attitude towards “programmers” has always been somewhat special. Due to collapse Soviet Union and the destruction of enterprises directly involved in the creation of computer equipment, the CIS countries are forced to purchase almost in full (excluding military needs) this technique in other countries that have production technologies hardware. This situation led to some delay in receipts and a certain shortage of computer equipment in the CIS countries, so domestic programmers were forced to make do with fewer hours of work with computer technology and smaller hardware resources (memory, computing speed, information transfer speed, etc.).

Having added to such a lag and shortage of computer technology, good mathematical training of domestic specialists (provided good level education in the USSR) and an incredible thirst for invention, eventually arose a certain image a “programmer” who was respected and sometimes misunderstood, both in our country and abroad.

With the advent and popularization of the Internet, the software industry has shifted to new level- after all, distributing programs (and selling) has become much easier. This was ensured, firstly, by the emergence of instant payment systems ( electronic money, SMS, terminals, credit cards, etc.), secondly, the emergence of a special type of software “web sites”, which at the first stage of their development rather resembled an electronic version printed publications(books, newspapers, magazines), however, later became full-fledged applications.

Like many other industries, with the advent of the Internet, software has been compromised by “pirates”—individuals and companies that distribute software illegally. During the long struggle of “shield and sword” appeared various ways decentralized distribution of illegal copies of software. Such technologies make it possible to distribute responsibility for distribution among millions of users, which makes it difficult to find and punish participants in this process.

A program is one of the main tools for a computer user. All processes that occur on a computer would not be possible without programs. The operating system is loaded using a program, the operating system itself is a program, any game is a program. You watch a video or listen to music - all this happens with the help of the program.

There are programs that the user must install himself - custom programs, for example, any game or video or audio player. There are programs that are installed automatically when Windows installationutilities, for example Explorer. There are programs that also install themselves and run in background, working in the computer’s RAM are system programs, some of them can be seen in the Task Manager (key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del).

How can you distinguish a program from a regular file?
1. Most often, of course, by extension. Programs usually have a ".EXE" extension.

2. In addition, the program size is usually larger than the size simple file and is most often measured in Megabytes. But this is not an axiom; if a program works with some kind of database, then the size of the database file can be an order of magnitude more program. The same goes for video files; their sizes are an order of magnitude larger than the size of player programs.

3. When you start the program, if it is already installed, it will open Workspace– interface. If the program is not installed, the program installation wizard will open, although if the program requires installation, you will immediately understand this. But if you open regular file, then a program will start that knows how to work with this file, and it will open the contents of this file. For example, if you run music file, the player program will first open, and then playback of the selected file will begin.

4. If you look at the desktop or in Explorer, programs are distinguished from files by bright shortcuts. And if you RIGHT-click on the shortcut and select PROPERTIES, then the OBJECT TYPE will say “Application”, and the file will say FILE TYPE, for example, “Text File”.

5. Well, there’s probably an obvious difference: a file is a product of a program, and a program is a product of a programmer :)

Today we will talk about software(programs). Programs for personal computer are often called "application programs", and programs for mobile devices are called " mobile applications» . You've probably heard that to perform certain tasks you need special computer programs. That is, without the desired program you won't even be able to type the text. And it is true.

Program or Application is a type of software that allows fulfill specific tasks . When you open the program, it is running , until you close it. As a rule, when working at a computer, you will use several programs simultaneously, that is, a text editor can be opened at once, file manager, internet browser, this process is called - multitasking. And the OS coordinates the work of these programs.

Today programs can be downloaded on the Internet. There are many free programs, which can be used to solve assigned problems. Of course, there are also paid software products, functionality which can be received after payment. So, if you want to type texts in the MS Word text editor and work with spreadsheets MS Excel, then you have to buy software Microsoft Office.

Clue: Microsoft Office tools are available for free at Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, [email protected].

Technologies are developing rapidly, new devices (smartphones, tablets) are appearing and many programs are becoming available for and even for modern technologies. TVs with supportSmartTV.

Types of programs for personal PC

There are countless types of personal computer software available, and they fall into many categories. All programs differ in functionality, for example, full featured (Microsoft Word ), has great functionality, undead Notebook, included with the Windows operating system.

Let's look at the most common types of software products:

Text editors: allow you to create and edit texts, tables and many other types of documents. The most famous text editor is Microsoft Word.

Graphic editor: allow you to create and edit graphic image(photos, pictures, drawings) using a variety of tools, styles and templates. The most famous graphics editor is Photoshop.

Web Browsers: this is the tool you use to access global network Internet. Most computers come with a web browser, but you can download another one. Examples: Internet Explorer , Firefox, Google Chrome , Yandex-browser And Safari.

Games: There are many different games that you can play on your computer. These could be simple games such as " Solitaire" or modern action games that require a lot computing powerfrom computer hardware. Not all computers can handle such games.

Media players: if you want to listen music or watch movies on your computer, you will need a player program. Preinstalled for MS Windows based computers Windows Media Player, and for Apple computers This iTunes.

This simple applications, which you can place on your desktop (if you're using a Mac or Windows PC latest generation). There are many various types widgets: calendars, calculators, cards, news headlines, notes, clocks and much more.

It's just small part categories of software that you can use on your computer.

Installing programs on your computer

To work with the program, you need it install on computer. The process of installing programs follows a similar scenario; your task is to follow the instructions of the installation manager.

If the software was purchased from a store, just insert installation disk into the drive and follow the onscreen instructions. If the software downloaded from the Internet, there will be a file with it readme(For example, readme.txt), which includes installation instructions and other information.

Advice: Use caution when downloading software from the Internet as it may contain viruses or other malware . Programs purchased or distributed in exchange for a subscription do not contain viruses; programs downloaded on the Internet from dubious sources may contain malicious code. if you have Antivirus, we strongly recommend that you check the downloaded software before installing it.

Opening files using programs

Programs are developed to perform assigned tasks and work with certain file types. For example, Microsoft Word can create and edit Word documents (type .doc .docx). If you don't have text editor MS Word, you will not be able to open Word documents in Notepad. For example, if you have a file with the extension psd– this is the working file type Photoshop programs, without this program it is useless.

There are two main ways to open a file:

  1. Find the file on your computer, hover your mouse cursor and double-click with the left button. This method will allow you to open the file using the program default. This means that the operating system, based on the file type, determines what program created the file and what program should be run to open such files. Of course, if this program is installed on your computer.

  1. Open the program, and then using the menu item “File” - “Open”, open the file. As a rule, all programs have a menu, and the first menu item is the “File” item. Through this menu item you can open, create, save and much more.

Also, knowing the main types of files, you can decide for yourself which program can open a particular file. For example, a photograph in the format .jpg, you can open in standard graphic editor Paint or in Photoshop, only the functionality of these programs is very different. It's like driving a VAZ or BMW car. So judge what you can do with a photograph, having different instruments(programs) at hand.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications for smartphones And tablet computers , open up many new opportunities. Download the right application, you can use your smartphone as a navigator, bank client or e-book. You can read barcodes from goods or payment receipts and pay for them immediately. There are applications that allow you to measure distance, determine the horizon level and direction of movement. And there are thousands of such applications.

Compared to traditional apps, mobile apps relatively cheap. Many of them cost only 30 rubles, while others cost free. By connecting your mobile device to the Internet, you can download applications directly to your mobile device. Or you can download the application to your computer and then transfer it to your mobile device via cable or Bluetooth.

The main thing is that you must understand that the final result depends on what program you use.

word meaning program in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language:

Dictionary Ozhegova.


- description of the algorithm for solving the problem in the computer language Spec
2. - summary of content academic subject
Example: School history lesson.
3. - content of concerts, circus performances, radio and television programs; the very performances, spectacles, programs
Example: New circus station. The radio station begins its programs.
4. - a book or piece of paper with brief information about the play, concert, with a list of performers
5. - plan of activities, work
Example: P. actions. Social item P.-maximum (general, broad plan of activities, actions). P.-minimum
6. - statement of the content and purpose of the activities of a political party, organization or individual figure
Example: P. party.

Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


1) a) Someone's plan. activity, content of some kind. work.
b) A set of actions and activities for the implementation of something.
2) Preliminary sketch, plan of a literary work.
3) a) Summary content of an academic subject, course, etc.
b) Brochure, a book with such a presentation.
4) a) Content of concerts, circus performances, radio and television programs.
b) Such programs, shows, performances themselves.
5) a) The theme of a painting given to a student of the Imperial Academy
b) A painting or drawing on a similar topic.
6) a) Literary presentation of the theme of an instrumental musical work.
b) The theme of the instrumental piece itself.
7) Description of the algorithm for solving the problem in computer language.
8) outdated List of foods; menu

S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


, -y, w.
1. Plan of activities, works. Ya action. Social
n. I-maximum (general, broad plan of activities, actions). P.-minimum
(narrow, specific, immediate plan of activity, actions).
2. Presentation
content and purpose of the activities of a political party, organization or
individual figure. Ya party.
3. Brief summary of the content of the training
subject. School history lesson.
4. Contents of concerts and circuses
performances, radio and television broadcasts; such performances, spectacles themselves,
transfers. New circus station. Radio station begins its programs.