Blog about photography on Instagram. Great artists show only their best work. We analyze the result and make adjustments

Promoting your Instagram account is necessary for every member of the community who plans to use this social platform for sales, advertising, brand promotion and receiving additional income in all its manifestations. There is a strong opinion that promoting a page requires huge financial investments, which only celebrities and oligarchs can do. In this publication we will tell you how to promote Instagram yourself, for free and without the involvement of promotion specialists. in social networks.

What can you get from a promoted account?

Social networks today are a territory of unlimited possibilities, especially for active and enterprising people. Instagram is one of the three social programs from which greatest number traffic, and in terms of audience activity, Insta occupies a leading position among all social networks.

So, what does a promoted account on this social network give to the user:

  • The ability to sell your own and other people's goods and services.
  • Earnings from advertising. You can advertise anyone and anything that can be profitably presented and sold to an audience.
Buzova understood this topic in time and is making good money from it...
  • Receive income from selling photos through stocks and specialized exchanges. Many companies actively purchase good quality user photos.

Based on the above, the conclusion suggests itself that a promoted page on Insta is nothing more than virtual capital, which, with the right approach, can be turned into a full-fledged source of real income.

Before you start self-promotion on your page you need to clearly understand:

  • Why are you doing it;
  • what expenditure of effort and time are you ready for;
  • will you be able to regularly provide your audience with unique, high-quality and, most importantly, in-demand content;
  • what audience will be interested in you (as a person), your products/services and your creativity.

Having set goals and objectives for yourself, realizing the difficulties that you will have to face, and defining a clear plan of action, you can move on to activities to promote your account from scratch.

Why should you start by filling out your account correctly?

So, we've sorted out the theory. If you’re not scared, then let’s talk about how to promote Instagram on your own, and more specifically, where should the user of this start? social program. And you should start by correctly filling out your profile.

Why is it important? Yes, because your profile, and specifically your avatar, is what greets the visitor first. It is customary for us to “meet by clothes”, and if your ava does not meet the expectations of users, then it may not reach the “exploration of the mind”. If you intend to engage in sales, then instead of your photo it would be appropriate to place an image of a profile product.

Let's move on to the description, which should be short, concise, but quite informative.

Indicate personal information and location (increases the trust of followers), write a description of your company or product that you intend to promote online. Don’t forget to insert a link to your website (selling page, landing page, profile on other social networks, blog, if you don’t have one, do it) with a call to switch to an external resource. The more non-standard and specific the phrase is, the greater the likelihood of clicking on the link. The main thing is not to “overdo it” with creativity!

Second: we are trying to think through what, at what time, and in what format you will publish on your page (professionals call this a content plan).

Once you have come up with the theme of the images, work on their description, which should consist of short accompanying text and include:

  • several thematic hashtags of the “first level” (the most popular);
  • most of the “second level” tags (targeted at your followers);
  • 1-2 “third level” tags (unique hashtags used among your target audience).

Before filling the page with content, try to answer the following questions:

  1. Which target audience (CA) will be interested in your product/service?
  2. What useful information can you give to your audience?
  3. Why should they purchase a product/service from you?

After answering the questions, feel free to prepare your content for publication and fill out your account. Remember that the optimal frequency of publications is one or two posts per day!

Free promotion methods

Promoting Instagram for free assumes that as many people as possible should know about your profile on this service. How to do it? There are several simple techniques, which allow you not only to express yourself, but also to attract new followers to your page. So, step-by-step instruction on using methods for free account promotion.

Massfollowing. This method is as follows: you subscribe to profile pages and wait for a response subscription. The percentage of feedback is quite high and amounts to (on average) 30%.

Mass liking. The same as mass following, but you don’t need to subscribe, but rather like the posts of other users of the site. Feedback depends on the delivery of your content and (in some cases) can be as high as 60%.

Artificial cheating. You can increase followers, likes, views, etc. In artificial promotion, the methods given above are used, although it is not you who will subscribe and like, but for you. As a rule, cheating is carried out using:

  • specially developed software that uses fake Instagram accounts (bots) to perform actions;
  • online services in which (in addition to bots) actions are performed by real people (offers) with active Instagram pages.

You should understand that “for free” offers will not work for you. Principle free promotion is as follows: you yourself become an offer and complete tasks for which you receive points. With these virtual points you “pay” for the actions of other offers, but for your page.

In fairness, it is worth noting that at first, cheating can be very useful, especially if your talent does not yet have an “army of fans”, except for your mother, beloved grandmother and immediate relatives. As practice has shown, a subscriber does not log into an empty account, but we strongly do not recommend abusing cheating.

Mutual advertising (mutual PR). It works like this: you recommend that your followers pay attention to the site user’s account, and he, accordingly, promotes you in front of his audience. The method is effective, especially with the right approach. Choose an object for mutual PR with a high percentage of your target audience.

As a conclusion

Above we looked at basic principles promotion and gave recommendations on how to promote Instagram yourself without financial investments. Let's summarize. Independent and free promotion of an Instagram account rests on “three pillars”: correct filling account, drawing up a content plan, publishing unique and interesting content on your page. To attract new followers, you can use the methods of mass liking, mass following, promotion and mutual PR. These techniques work despite the ease of implementation. Follow our recommendations and you will definitely succeed!

Greetings to all Instagrammers! Let's get to know each other a little and I'll get started.

My name is Vasily Blinov, I am the author of this blog about remote work and everything connected with it. Instagram too! I myself have been working remotely since 2015 and traveling around the world. I am promoting my account on Instagram and other social networks, which will also be discussed on my blog.

I could do paid course about promotion and promotion of Instagram, but I decided that I would post all my experience and knowledge for free, let those who make money from such training execute me for this :)

I think today’s article will be long but interesting, so I recommend reading it carefully to the end. And at the end, leave your reviews and comments about what you read.

So, let's go?

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

In terms of audience activity, it is in first place for me.

Because there is not as much garbage there as there is, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. News feeds and updates in which are teeming with advertising and all sorts of entertaining nonsense. People still tend to use Instagram for its intended purpose, to add photos from their lives there.

And the audience there, thanks to live content, is more open and adequate.

Therefore, I recommend that everyone who is promoting their brand, looking for clients, selling their services and products, should start promoting their business accounts on Instagram or personal page. Moreover, you can promote Instagram yourself, learn everything from scratch, using free and paid methods, which I will talk about today.

Some specialists who offer to quickly promote an Instagram account do the same thing only at 5-10 times the price. My friends, freelancers and online entrepreneurs have ordered similar services, and the results are the same as what I do myself.

Instagram promotion is a constant process; you shouldn’t hire guys who promise you to gain a lot of subscribers in a short time.

If you don’t have time to promote yourself, then it’s better to hire a permanent one remote employee— an Instagram manager who will do all the work for you, retain your audience and bring new clients.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

I’ll say right away that I’m not interested in inflated numbers (subscribers), which are usually of no use. I try to gather only a live and active audience.

Where to begin?

Ahh? A! - Audience! First step.

Why the hell are you going to promote Instagram? Earn? I think that is why 95% are interested in this issue.

Then how are you going to make money? What does your client look like? What will he be interested in? What will help solve his problem, NEED? If I can put it that way.

For example, my goal is to convey to people how, thanks to it, you can make your life more interesting, free, and start traveling. Help them take the first step - master the promising Internet profession of the future.

They often write to me, ask questions, give feedback. I know that I have a large audience ranging from 17 to 70 years old. But the target group is guys aged 21-35 who want to develop, learn, master something new and dream of traveling the world.

Knowing your audience, it’s easier to create useful and interesting content for them, look for places where they live, and attract them from there through your own activity or advertising.

Next 3 simple steps - This:

  1. Profile design.
  2. Content plan creation and publication.
  3. PR and advertising.

Today I will look at them briefly, more detailed information and instructions will be in separate articles.

How to create a profile?

A photo and information about you or your product is the first thing a person who visits the page will see. For me personally, these two indicators play an important role in whether to subscribe or not.

For example, this is what my profile looks like, SUBSCRIBE -

  1. Profile photolive photo, which is used on all my social networks. This makes it easier to find and remember me.
  2. First and last name. It is better to write in Russian as it is, and not in transliteration. Translit, firstly, not everyone will decide to make out what is written there, and secondly, they may read and remember it incorrectly.
  3. Where are you from. Increases the loyalty of your fellow countrymen.
  4. Who are you and what do you do? Let the person know right away what you do and on what issue you can be useful. To make it clear why I should subscribe to you.
  5. Active link in profile. The only place on Instagram where you can put active link. It can lead to your website or other social network. In my case, there is a link (), which leads to an article about the online marathon in our Knowledge base.

Almost all traffic from Instagram comes through this link in the profile. Posts usually simply write a “call to action” - click on it. Because there is no point in inserting links in posts, they are inactive there, and no one will click on them.

How to publish posts?

As they say: CONTENT IS KING!

Your posts are the main factor which will hook a person, turn a visitor into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a friend or client, and will retain him for many years.

If you want to promote Instagram, gain live and active followers, then publish only your photos and thoughts. Sometimes, not often, you can dilute them with some pictures or infographics with something useful.

Instagram - this is your photo album , only on the Internet and open access. Make it so that you yourself would be pleased to enter it and look at your photos.

  1. Take great photos.
    Beautiful pictures from the Internet, jokes, demotivators, photos of food, etc. Nowadays, few people are interested anymore. People need your photos! It’s cool when Instagram is done in real time.
  2. Sign your photos.
    Create useful and entertainment content. Write your stories, what you think about, where you go, what you do, give useful advice. Encourage your opinion in the comments or like.
  3. Post more often.
    But not too often, 1-2 photos a day will be enough.
  4. Reply to comments.
    When you publish a new post, try to respond to comments immediately. Active discussions attract the most attention from other subscribers, and they also begin to comment. Live communication with subscribers personally will create more trust in you. On Instagram, it is not very convenient to track comments when subscribers are very active. That's why the service helps me StarComment in controlling comments under all posts.

To properly maintain contact with your audience, you need a content plan or at least a simple plan based on the interests of your target audience. In a separate article we will talk about how to draw up such a plan (link will come later).

How to attract new subscribers?

Now let's move on to methods that will allow you to be noticed and interest real people.

Free actions:

  1. Conduct live broadcasts.
  2. Make Stories.
  3. Use #HASHTAGS. Using hashtags, your photos can be seen by other Instagram users. Here's an article about
  4. Mark the places where the photo was taken. Other users can also notice you using geolocation tags.
  5. Give it a like. The person you liked may want to know who liked their photo, and they will go to your profile.

Instagram is among the most promising social platforms to promote business. Firstly, the popularity of this network is growing steadily. At the same time, Instagram users demonstrate high engagement in interaction with each other and with brands. Secondly, Instagram allows you to publish and consume visual content, which is perceived by users tens of thousands of times faster than text content. Add to this the ability to use Instagram literally on the go using mobile gadgets. It turns out to be almost an ideal social platform for modern man living at a frantic pace. Third, unlike traditional social networks, visual content sharing platforms successfully generate immediate conversions.

After reading this article, you will no longer doubt the effectiveness of promotion on Instagram. You will also learn how to promote projects using Instagram.

Why business needs Instagram

This question can be answered using statistics. According to the Pew Research Center, 17% of total social media users over 18 check Instagram daily. The core audience of this social network is represented by young people aged 18 to 29 years. It's about about the millennial generation, who often make purchasing decisions influenced by social platforms. In terms of gender, women dominate on Instagram. Instagram users use this network very actively. 57% of owners check their account at least once a day, and 35% do so several times a day.

The following materials were used in preparing the material

Promotion on Instagram is considered the most popular SMM service. This is explained by the fact that Instagram today is the fastest growing social network, which has gained a huge audience of subscribers in just a few years. In this regard, the attractiveness of this resource among advertisers is also growing.

    • Ways to promote on Instagram

The most popular accounts on Instagram have stars - actors, singers, TV presenters. This is not surprising: the names of such people, as well as their faces, are known to a huge number of the population, and Instagram gives unique opportunity see their life from the inside. Stars have their own army of subscribers and fans, but to an ordinary person you will have to try to get someone interested in his page and want to subscribe to it.

Why do this? Some people dream of promoting their page out of vanity, wanting to show that they live no worse, and maybe better than others. But there is a huge category of people who use Instagram as a platform to advertise their products and services. Here you can find great amount photographers, freelancers and artists of various disciplines who actively promote themselves on Instagram and find new clients here. In addition, owners of a promoted page can set a fee for placement advertising posts and thus monetize your account.

Therefore, today the promotion of an Instagram page is profitable investment funds and time, especially if you are promoting in order to further making money from advertising.

Ways to promote on Instagram

Promotion is carried out by several methods, which either require a lot of time, but are free, or require significant material costs, but allow short time attract the required audience. Beginners are often interested in the question of how to promote a page on Instagram on their own, without attracting paid traffic, so in our article we will look in detail at free ways promotions, and then move on to paid ones.

Method number 1 - Interesting content

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If you intend to promote your page without financial investment, then you will have to work hard on choosing interesting content and high-quality content for your blog.

This requires being creative. In addition, it will be good if you can post not just Personal Photos, but a photo of a certain topic.

Of course, without investing money, things take much longer and with great difficulty. It will be much faster and more effective to buy advertising at the very start in popular Instagram magazines, gain an audience of at least 10,000 subscribers, and then your promotion efforts with good content will be noticeable.

Upload interesting photos and videos and design them beautifully. Read about how to properly caption your images on Instagram to attract many followers here.

Another “trick” is to correctly determine the publication time so that subscribers are guaranteed to see your post. It is believed that best time for posting - these are 12, 15 and 22 hours. However, you should not focus on general rules, but on your own subscribers. What time do they view the feed? This is easy to find out using special analytical services, such as Picaton. If you have at least 100-200 people in your subscribers, you can just try posting in different time and see when publications are gaining popularity more views and likes.

Analyze your competitors' pages to find out how they attract followers. Unique content is the key to the success of any Instagram.

Method number 2 - Hashtags

Although the use of tags and hashtags on some social networks is practically useless thing, but on Instagram this is simply necessary. In addition, it is important to write a short description of each photo and place geolocation tags on the map.

All this increases your chances that your content will be easier for strangers to find in the app's search engine. And the more often your page is visited by new Instagram users, the more likely it is that they will become your regular subscribers, and the higher your rating will be.

Come up with one or two hashtags of your own that will be added to all your publications and by which your photos will be easy to find. Other hashtags can be placed depending on the topic of a particular photo. But be careful: remember that experts do not recommend adding more than 5 hashtags to a publication.

Method No. 3 - Massfollowing

Another option for getting people to pay attention to you more often is to pay attention to them. If you go to the page stranger, put a few likes on his photos and comment on them, then, most likely, this will cause a response and mutual interest in the person.

This way you can exchange mutual subscription with those who are also trying to promote their account.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including your Instagram accounts

Method number 4 - Using fake accounts

Another option is to create several fakes that can be used to advertise your main account. Through such fake pages, you can send people an invitation to subscribe to your page. However this method promotion is regarded by the Instagram administration as spam, and for this such accounts will sooner or later be blocked.

Method number 5 - Entrust promotion to those who understand it

It’s a good idea to have friends who are also involved in promoting an Instagram page. Even if you don’t have such acquaintances, you can find them on your own. Cooperation in page promotion can be expressed in the fact that you will advertise each other’s pages from time to time. Constantly look for new people to collaboration and cooperation.

Watch the video - TOP 10 tricks for promoting Instagram:

Method number 6 - free promotion on Instagram for the most greedy

Another free promotion method is cheat subscribers through special services. When attracting new people to your channel in this way, it is better to use fake accounts, since they will often be blocked for cheating.

Also note: free promotion requires time to earn the necessary points, which can later be exchanged for subscribers. If you do not have time for this, then the necessary points can be purchased for money.

Grow your Instagram account wisely: Explore complete guide on making money on Instagram

At the same time, cheating will not actually bring you real money, but will only increase your subscriber numbers, which is of interest to potential advertisers. But do not abuse this method, it is harmful for the channel. If your channel is subscribed a large number of bots that do not view publications, do not like or write comments, then there is little point in such subscribers. Advertisers are always interested in live accounts with active audience: No one will pay for advertising on a page where each post barely gets 10 likes, even if it has tens of thousands of subscribers.

An exception may be the recruitment of the first 1000 subscribers, since people are more willing to subscribe to Instagram accounts that already have an audience.

Method number 7 - paid promotion on Instagram

Among paid promotion it would be most effective to use SMM services, which are offered by specialized companies. There are a lot of such companies on the Internet. They differ not only in price, but also in the degree of professionalism. Sometimes it’s better to pay a little more for one subscriber, but it will be a real person and not a bot.

In addition, some companies may provide guarantees that subscribers will not leave your group after a few hours, and that they will real people, not fakes. Be careful if you are offered minimum price gain a large audience. A subscriber who is not a bot cannot cost less than 50 kopecks.

Name generators - how to choose a nickname, name a project, channel or group

Method No. 8 - ordering advertising on someone else’s page

Order advertising you can directly on the social network Instagram itself to pages with a large audience and high rating. As a rule, bloggers themselves are actively interested in advertisers and are ready to announce rates for placing advertising posts. It makes sense to advertise only on those pages that your target audience actively visits.

To effectively promote your page on Instagram, it is better to use all of the above tips to achieve the best result. Although some of them require material costs, without this you will be promoting the page for years before it begins to bring benefits.

Who has the most followers on Instagram - Golden Ten

Even if you are already able to earn some money from advertising, regularly allocate at least 30% of the profit for further promotion. Don't stop there!

Do you want to know more about making money on Instagram, as well as other ways to make money online? Here is collected the most helpful information - 50 ways to make money online

How to promote your Instagram page for sales yourself? What bots exist for promoting a store on Instagram? How to attract new followers for free when promoting an account from scratch?

Instagram for an enterprising and energetic person is not only convenient application for storing and displaying photos, but also an enrichment tool. A promoted account on Instagram brings its owner stable income through sales of own and other people’s goods, advertising and high popularity.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial issues from the HeaterBober publication. I will tell, how to promote Instagram and attract new subscribers on your own, as well as with professional help.

Read to the end - at the end you will find life hacks for keeping followers on your page, as well as a review of popular paid services for Instagram promotion.

1. Instagram promotion – expanding the client audience for your business

Social networks are a territory of unlimited possibilities. Instagram is no exception. Initially the resource was created as mobile app for shooting, storing and distributing photographic materials, but gradually the site expanded its functions and became a full-fledged platform for exchanging impressions, comments, news and likes.

The popularity of the service increased many times in 2012, when Facebook acquired it from the original owners for $1 billion . Many new functions immediately appeared here, including the option for recording and posting videos.

Today Instagram is hundreds of millions of registered users, a huge viewing audience, thousands of new pictures and videos every day. And unlimited prospects for earning money.

I will list the main ways to make money online:

  • selling your own and other people’s goods and services through a promoted account;
  • companies, products, events and anything that can be sold and advertised;
  • promoting accounts on a professional basis;
  • making money selling photographs.

The most profitable option is to own your own business. It doesn’t matter what you do – any products and services can be beautifully presented, shown and sold.

Instagram does not charge money for registering online and using all functions. Everything you need for success - free time and desire. And a well-promoted popular account.

Page promotion – an indispensable condition for monetization. Popular accounts visited by thousands of users per day, and with the number of visitors, sales volume inevitably grows.

What is promotion from a technical point of view? This is the deliberate and targeted popularization of your profile using various methods. Promotion can be natural or artificial.

The first option is when the page’s popularity increases due to a truly unique and interesting content, non-trivial design and other features. Artificial promotion implies usage specialized programs, applications and services. For maximum efficiency use both methods.

Profile promotion itself is one of the ways to make money on Instagram. This is done both by freelancers on exchanges and by entire agencies promoting websites on the Internet.

Instagram successfully integrates with Facebook and VKontakte. By connecting your accounts, you can automatically publish everything you filmed on Instagram on the pages of other social networks.

Businessmen, athletes, actors and other media persons have accounts on Instagram. A lot of people who take pictures on their phones use this network. Such popularity has turned Instagram into a kind of cult for an entire generation.

To promote your account, it is important that the posts are regular and the pictures are bright.

So, a promoted page on the Internet is a kind of capital, an asset that you use at your own discretion. It makes more sense to use the asset to the benefit of your wallet.

When your page turns into full source of income, you no longer have to waste time on promotion. The account will promote itself or with the help of a hired administrator.

But remember a few important rules:

  • the resource is created for communication, entertainment and content publishing: perceive monetization as a useful side effect;
  • You won’t be able to promote your account quickly – be prepared to waste time;
  • the main thing in this network is unique content, everything else is secondary;
  • The topic must correspond to the content.

Which account is considered promoted? This indicator is quite arbitrary, but among businessmen and money makers it is generally accepted that real popularity starts with several thousand followers. There are accounts on the network with hundreds of thousands of subscribers - this is a truly promising platform for a stable income.

2. How to promote Instagram yourself - step-by-step instructions for beginners

First of all, “Insta” is friendly community, i.e. a community of people who exchange impressions, experiences, observations and useful information with each other.

Here they hold competitions, organize promotions, collect likes and votes. A citizen of any country or a group of people can create their own page and use it for any purpose - within the limits of law and ethics.

I won’t write about how to create a profile and what the interface is - you’ll figure that out for yourself. The topic of the publication is promoting and monetizing your account, keeping followers on your page.

Most participants try to use their pages for their intended purpose - adding pictures from their lives, sharing observations and adequate content. Compared to VKontakte and Facebook there is less useless garbage here, the content is more lively and people are more open.

Act consistently and success is guaranteed!

Step 1. Create and design a profile on Instagram

Your photo (avatar) or image of a profile product is the first thing a potential follower will see. There will also be a short text here - personal information, a description of the company or product.

For many, the design and first impression of a profile is a decisive factor. Looking at the image, people decide whether to follow you or not. If you treat your profile photo carelessly, you will scare away the consumer audience.

The description should be concise but informative. Indicate your location, type of activity, topic and link to the main site, if there is one. This is the only place on Instagram where you can put an active link.

We need a call to action - not a vague “if you want to see more, then...”, but a specific one - “ Click here, you will see a lot of interesting things" Or something like that.

Step 2. Prepare a content plan

Since in our case the purpose of creating an account is commercial activity, you need to think through a content plan in advance - what, when and in what volume we will publish.

Posts must contain high quality pictures, a short accompanying text and several thematic hashtags– important keywords, which will make it easier for users to find the pages they need.

Don't overload your page intrusive advertising– combine promotion with information useful for followers.

Think ahead:

  • what consumer needs are you going to satisfy;
  • what audience are you targeting?
  • how best to design or present goods and services;
  • What else, besides the sales object, can you give the visitor.

Even business account owners are not prohibited from periodically creating personal posts and sharing their observations, knowledge, and impressions. But don't stray too far from the theme and stick to your own unique style.

Step 3. Publish new content

If you are promoting yourself - you first want to attract an audience, gain followers, and only then make money from your image, then personal photos will be the main content. If you are promoting your business, stick to the pre-selected style. The optimal frequency of posts is 1-2 per day.

For example, you cook deliciously and beautifully. Why not post photos on Instagram and thereby increase your popularity?!

  1. Use filters and don't be afraid to create– the more creative the photos, the more subscribers.
  2. Post only high quality images – no one is interested in passing pictures.
  3. Make a little story out of every photo.
  4. Post videos periodically– but not too long, no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Sign your photos– where, when and why they filmed it.
  6. Use hashtags– then your photos will be easier to find.

Attractive visuals encourage you to study the text content. How more interesting photo and video content, the more comments, subscribers, transitions to the base site and customer calls.

Step 4. Attract subscribers

The first subscribers will be your friends, acquaintances, and sometimes strangers who came to your page by accident. If you synchronize your profile with other social networks, you will quickly gain an audience.

Further promotion depends on your activity and creativity. The more time you spend promoting your page, the more you will achieve. If you don’t have time, but have free funds, use paid methods to promote your account. About them - in the following sections.

Step 5. Analyze page traffic and make changes to the strategy

Performance analysis is the study of indicators of audience coverage (how many subscribers), involvement (likes, comments), number of clicks (how many people followed the link).

If the indicators do not suit you, it is time to make changes to the strategy - slightly adjust the topics of the posts, make the page more “hooligan” or, conversely, academic.

3. How to attract new subscribers - useful tips and tricks

Free ways to promote Instagram require free time. But you also need to manage it wisely.

If you follow useful tips, things will go faster.

Hashtags – useful thing: they help users find publications that interest them. Tags will attract attention to your page target audience and new subscribers. But do not use common and popular keywords - otherwise your posts will be lost among hundreds of others.

General rules:

  • come up with your own label - it will increase your brand recognition;
  • do not make tags too long: 3 words in a hashtag is the maximum;
  • separate elements in hashtags with underscores;
  • Place tags not only in the explanatory text, but also in the comments.

The app remembers all the hash marks you've entered previously - as soon as you enter the first letters, a list of words will appear that you can use. The maximum number of tags for one photo or video is 30.

Tip 2: Comment on other people's photos and follow them

If you comment on others, they will comment on you. Don’t be afraid to leave your messages under posts of promoted users and famous people. If you write interestingly and to the point, this will even increase your popularity.

Typically, those you follow will follow you in return. Your posts become available to their followers, which leads to an increase in your audience.

Putting a like takes just a second, but the benefits are undoubted. People often look at the profiles of those who liked their post and reciprocate. And they “like” and subscribe to you. Your activity is your weapon.

There is a detailed publication on the website.

Geolocation – special option on Instagram, celebrating the location where a particular photo was taken.

Click the “Add Location” button and enter the data. Geolocation tags are another way to attract your target audience. This is how your fellow countrymen and potential buyers find you.


If you are promoting a clothing store, choose shoe, accessory, and watch stores as your mutual PR partners. They will bring their audience to your site, and the number of subscribers will increase many times over.

4. TOP 4 paid ways to promote Instagram

Can't wait to develop your own business? Use it paid services promotion.

If it's real professional service, the results will not take long to arrive.

Method 1. Attracting subscribers through automatic services

Automated attraction of subscribers operates according to a well-established mechanism: the system sets up promotion, starts liking and subscribing to potential followers. They come to your page only interested users become your subscribers.

I recommend a proven and inexpensive service: the company guarantees up to 6,000 “live” subscribers monthly, while your content will be seen by at least 50,000 potential buyers. “Do Insta” clients are famous online stores, architects, designers, photographers.

Try another cool service -. This service was created specifically to attract attention to your Instagram account. The developers have tried very hard and created simple and effective tools for attracting real subscribers.

Method 2. Buying advertising

Public advertising is the most a budget option promoting your own account. The price of advertising through Insta stars depends on the popularity of the personalities. Some take half a million per post, but the result is corresponding. For example, for a post on Instagram by the famous musician Sergei Shnurov, you will have to pay 1.5 million rubles .

Method 3. Services of an SMM specialist

The specialist frees up your time and takes care of all the promotion of your page. Such a person valid on all social networks and works either solo or is listed as a full-time employee of an entire SMM agency. The first option is cheaper, but there are freelancers different levels. The second method is more expensive, but more reliable.

Method 4. Ordering comments and likes on special exchanges

This method is also effective - you hire “commentators” yourself on freelance exchanges or contact a specialized company that will do everything for you.

Comparison table paid methods promotions:

5. How to keep followers on your page - tricks and life hacks from professionals

Attracting visitors to a page is relatively easy, but keeping them and making them permanent followers is more difficult.

There are several tricks.

Lifehack 1. Take great pictures

The advice is obvious, but many people forget the root meaning of Instagram - unique pictures for viewing in mobile gadgets . Jokes and demotivators have already used up their potential: people are interested in real life other people, similar or completely different from them.

High-quality photographs are always at a premium. I have a friend who took up photography professionally, starting with small posts on Instagram.

Life hack 2. Sign photos

Be sure to caption your photos: addresslessness and lack of text are the mistakes of many novice Instagrammers. There is no need for a lot of text here, but one or several laconic phrases are definitely needed.

Lifehack 3. Post more often

Content that is regularly updated is liked by the subscriber at least for its consistency. You shouldn’t post 10 photos or videos a day, but 1-2 posts daily is a frequency that is convenient for both you and your followers.

Lifehack 4. Reply to comments

Replying to a comment is not just a sign of good manners, but also additional motivation for other subscribers to enter into an interesting dialogue. How more active subscribers, the more popular your account. And then, the author’s willingness to engage in conversation somehow endears him.

Watch the video from real user.

6. Conclusion

Now you know how to promote Instagram and attract more subscribers and potential clients. Use Insta in combination with other social networks and ways to promote your business: A complex approach- recipe for success.

Question for readers

Do you think it's worth following? fashion trends on Instagram or is it better to look for your own unique style?

HeatherBeaver magazine wishes you 100,000 subscribers a week and high income! Share the article with friends on social networks, write comments. See you again!