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You always want to celebrate a milestone anniversary in such a way that there is something to remember later.

And when we are talking about “fifty dollars”, then there is no way to do without a bright, pompous and unforgettable holiday.

The hero of the day will probably deny and try to avoid the celebration.

Therefore, the task of his close people is to persuade him to celebrate this significant date and help in organizing the event.

If you have the opportunity, then you can turn to a professional presenter, but if you wish, you can do without him.

So, first of all, start by finding a presenter or toastmaster. There are people who are engaged in this activity professionally.

You can find them on the Internet or through friends who liked this or that presenter.

Feel free to ask to attend any of the events he hosts to appreciate the master’s work.

It (it) must contain:

  • pleasant timbre of the voice and its volume (the anniversary will last for several hours, and you and your guests are unlikely to stand it to the accompaniment of a loud, squeaky voice);
  • the ability to find a language with the public (you should hardly speak too respectfully with young people, and be overly familiar with older people);
  • good quality and sufficient number of competitions held;
  • charisma and the ability to “ignite” interest.

Feel free to ask questions and clarify information that interests you. Usually people of this profession are ready to meet their customer halfway.

And having good experience behind them, they will be able to suggest you options that will appeal to both the hero of the day and the guests.

Interview several candidates to find a host who can turn the party into an unforgettable event.

If you decide to celebrate the anniversary at home or in a narrow family circle, then you can choose a host from people you know.

He must be able to speak beautifully, correctly present toasts and wishes, have an “incendiary” character and be well acquainted with the hero of the day and most of the guests.

To find games or competitions, offer your help. If the event is held at home, take into account the presence (absence) of free space for outdoor games.

If many guests know the toastmaster, this will help create a favorable and relaxed atmosphere, and the hero of the day will not be so embarrassed.

The host can give a congratulatory speech before the start of the celebration.

All further actions can be recorded in the script so that nothing is forgotten or lost.

During the feast, such a person can easily tell some funny story from the life of the hero of the day. After all, over so many years, a lot of them have probably accumulated, and not everyone can know them.

It is advisable to tell stories that are funny, kind, or those in which the birthday boy (birthday girl) is presented in the best possible light. Today is the birthday of the hero of the day - so let him feel it!

All that is required is to find the right person, choose a scenario for the anniversary together with him and help him organize the holiday so that both the hero of the day and the guests are happy. And from us - useful tips and interesting ideas.

Preparation and execution

If you are not celebrating at home, then you should book a room in a restaurant or cafe.

In this case, invitations are required, which indicate the name of the event, date and time.

To make it more pleasant for the guests, you can write by hand to the hero of the day or one of his loved ones, for example, “We are looking forward to seeing you for the holiday” or some similar phrase. This will make the invitation more personal.

Also don’t forget to arrange the venue itself. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a restaurant hall or the house in which the hero of the day lives. The atmosphere should be solemn and meaningful, emphasizing the importance of celebrating 50 years.

Balloons, ribbons, artificial or real flowers are suitable here. You can order a structure (arch, heart) made of balloons in order to highlight the place where the hero of the day will sit.

While guests are getting ready, you can turn on background music and set up a table with light snacks, water and juice (if the weather is hot) or tea and coffee (if it's cool).

After everyone has gathered at home or in a restaurant, you can sit down at the table.

The toastmaster should begin the celebration by delivering a solemn speech and congratulating the hero of the day who is celebrating such a venerable date.

A toast can be pronounced in prose, but in poetry it will look much more solemn. After this, the floor is given to the closest and dearest person for the hero of the day.

It could be a wife, a mother, a close friend - it all depends on the specific situation. You shouldn’t turn the holiday into a complete feast, even if the anniversary takes place at home.

From time to time, the host should attract the attention of the guests and invite them to play games and participate in competitions, dance and go out for a smoke break.

In order to fill such pauses with something, a scenario for the event is thought out in advance.

If there are a lot of people who don’t know each other well, then you should use mass competitions and games to give them the opportunity to get to know each other.

It is very important to think about the musical design. Here it is best to choose a mixed repertoire: music that was popular in the youth of the hero of the day, and modern hits.

In this case, the audience coverage will be large, and by the end of the holiday, guests will be dancing to any accompaniment.

Don’t forget about the toasts that the relatives and friends of the hero of the day will probably want to make. It is advisable to introduce each speaker.

If there are too many guests and there is not enough time for everyone, then toasts can be made by families or a group of like-minded people. After all, you don’t want to turn the holiday into a drinking party, right?

Which competitions and games to choose?

To make the competitions more interesting, prepare several gifts that you can give to the winners.

Let them be associated with the hero of the day so that they remain as a memory of this event.

Best informant

First of all, you can tell something about the hero of the day. And this should be done with humor. How? And with the help of “informants”. Prepare some questions.

These can be simple (when the hero of the day was born, how many children he has, what position he holds, what is the name of the eldest grandson, etc.) or funny (favorite toy now, if he had not become a director, what would he have become, etc.).

You don’t need many questions, 10-15 are enough. And the prize is given to the one who answers most often and most correctly.

Show your love to the birthday boy

Guests are divided into 2 teams, each given a children's hat. The task of each participant is to put on a hat, kiss the person sitting next to him and pass the hat to him.

All this goes on until the cap reaches the last participant. The team that finishes passing the cap and kisses first wins.

Costume dance

For this, special props are used. The first option is the kids' dance.

Dress several adults in baby clothes (or make something similar from other things) and give them a bottle or pacifier. Turn on children's music and let them dance like babies.

The second option is the dance of little swans. Choose larger men, put tutus (or something similar) on them and turn on appropriate music.

All other guests must support the dancers with applause. Prizes can be given to everyone or the best dancer can be chosen by voting.

Ditty competition

Divide the guests into teams and invite them to sing ditties. To make things go faster, you can give out the texts of two or three ditties, and then they have to remember for themselves.

The one who remembers the most ditties will win. Usually older people love them and sing with pleasure.

Treat with a surprise

Offer this game to your guests. On a tray, bring out candies that not only have a delicious filling, but also a surprise on the wrapper. The task should be a surprise.

For example, make a toast to the hero of the day, dance for him, tell a funny story about him, ask him a riddle, hug him. Each guest who accepts the candy must complete the task.

Mom's interview

Mom is the closest person who knows a lot about the birthday boy. And to prove this, you can prepare questions for her. But they should be such that the answer to them is cool.

At the same time, try to avoid vulgar and other questions that may be misunderstood. The following would be suitable: “What was your favorite word?”, “How did you show your first sympathy for a girl?” And so on.

Forecast for today

The presenter introduces himself as a person who knows how to predict the future, and tells a cool list of who will be doing what today.


  1. The best singer today will be ___ (name).
  2. The best dancer today will be ____ (name).
  3. ____ (name) will be the loudest to congratulate you on your anniversary.
  4. ____ (name) will drink to the health of the hero of the day 10 times.
  5. ____ (name) will demonstrate his ability to dance lambada to us.
  6. The most generous one will be ____ (name) and will give ____ (name) 100 rubles.
  7. In 1.5 hours ____ (name) will say that he is the coolest.
  8. In 2 hours ____ (name) will not care and she (he) will start doing what she wants.
  9. And ____ (name)’s heart is big, because today he (she) will say that he loves everyone.
  10. ____ (name) will offer friendship to everyone at home.
  11. But ___ (name) after 3 hours will no longer say anything - just snore.
  12. At the end of the anniversary, ____ (name) will walk home.
  13. But the car will be waiting for ___ (name).
  14. The most cheerful ____ (name) will demand that the banquet continue.
  15. And then _____ (name) will invite everyone to go to him (her).
  16. And so that it doesn’t get boring, ____ (name) will offer to go get a box of champagne. ____ (name) will keep him company and offer to buy beer with dried fish.
  17. But the toast is already ready to be said by ____ (name).

Proper ending to the anniversary celebration

According to psychologists, people remember best the beginning and end of a holiday. If you want to surprise the guests and the hero of the day, then plan the most grandiose event for the end of the event.

This could be a festive fireworks display, launching a large number of balloons or Chinese lanterns into the sky. Many will appreciate this action, and in the future they will remember the holiday with delight.

Be sure to consider options that allow guests and the hero of the day to get home without any problems. If this is a country restaurant or cafe, then it is worth organizing transport to deliver guests to the holiday and back.

By renting a motel room, you can book a certain number of rooms for those who want to relax. If you are spending the holiday in the city or at home, then you should not delay it until the moment when public transport stops running.

It’s better to finish a little earlier so that the guests can calmly get ready and get home without additional costs, and the hero of the day remains calm.

Organizing a holiday for 50 years is a responsible and at the same time interesting matter. Having taken up this issue, involve your friends and loved ones so that everyone feels involved in this solemn event.

Birthday is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays. But over the years, the attitude towards him still changes. If in childhood and adolescence we wanted to receive good gifts and rejoiced at new things, then, already in adulthood, people are more valued. Those who did not forget to congratulate, who were nearby all these years, became dear to the heart. Having gathered them together, you just want to remember all the good things, spend the evening in warm company, and leave the bustle at the door. Therefore, congratulations on your anniversary (50 years) should be especially sincere and beautiful. In the article you will find texts addressed to both women and men.

Dear boss

Dear (name)! Today is a truly special day for you! At such a moment, many begin to evaluate the years they have lived. Such an audit is useful, but it’s not worth delving into. There are still so many events, unforgettable moments, amazing stories ahead! Having become a wise and respected leader of our team, you managed to invest a piece of your soul into each employee. Patience, understanding, leadership qualities - all this has become the key to productive work and development. We would like to wish you to continue to confidently achieve your goals, to remain as sensitive and kind. Let the team always remain a second family!

To an employee

Today we address our congratulations on her 50th anniversary to the woman who has become the soul and heart of our team! No matter what age the new employee was, you could always find a common language with him. We never cease to be amazed by this amazing ability to find the key to a person in a matter of minutes. On such a wonderful day, we would like to wish the birthday girl good health, family well-being, prosperity and thank her for her professionalism, dedication to work and contribution to the development of the team!

To the best leader

Often the boss is at an impressive distance from the employees. He can only manage the work process so that the company achieves the desired results. To our general surprise and joy, things are completely different within the walls of this office. From the first days of work, each employee felt an atmosphere of friendliness and trust. All this came from you, dear (name)! Therefore, we sincerely want to congratulate the best boss on his anniversary and wish him only good qualified employees, prosperity, health, happiness, and also everything that, in his opinion, is included in this concept!


Dear (name)! Congratulations on your anniversary! You can wish a man of 50 a lot: health, happiness, grandchildren. But we want to talk about something else. We wish you to remain young at least on the inside. Let gray hairs or wrinkles appear, but the days will still be filled with smiles, funny stories, and kind people. You always value the warmth of human communication above all else. May there always be open and sincere people around, and may there never be fewer friends!

Live for pleasure

In fact, the anniversary (50 years) is a cool event. Everyone around reminds of the achievements and experience that the birthday person has acquired over the years. On the contrary, I would like to wish to discard this figure, turn up my favorite music louder and show my children and grandchildren how to dance! There are so many wonderful things in life: take the Titanic, a pack of tissues and have a good cry or go on a trip. Let others be surprised and consider all this crazy, but no one knows better than you how to become happy.


With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your anniversary! Relatives and friends gathered together, because the occasion was more than wonderful. For everyone who sits at the holiday table, you mean a lot. Mom, wife, grandmother - this is just a small list of roles. You do a great job with them. I would like to wish you good health, happiness and love. Let only good people knock on the doors of the house, and let troubles and misfortunes never cross its threshold.

Something to be proud of

An anniversary (50 years) is a wonderful occasion to count all the achievements of the birthday person! If the house is not built, then it is bought, the children have already grown up and given grandchildren, and small seedlings have grown into large trees. Now life is moving into the creative phase. Let family well-being, the health of relatives and friends, their attention and care never cease to give vitality. We wish you to start every day with a smile, even if the weather outside is gloomy.

Good tradition

At this table today we say congratulations on the 50th anniversary of our dear (name)! The birthday girl is pleased to hear compliments, but I am filled with pride. There are more than enough reasons for it: you have become a wonderful person, you taught this to your children and grandchildren, you remained cheerful and carefree, despite all life’s difficulties. I would like to wish you to always feel spring in your soul, keep your home warm and cozy, raise your grandchildren and become younger at heart.

Worthy date

50 years is an anniversary in the true sense of the word. Even in Ancient Judea, this date was considered worthy of respect and honor. This means that in your life you have celebrated more than a dozen such holidays, which means it is very difficult to surprise the birthday boy. In this case, we will take it with sincerity. We wish that your family and friends will always be there, give you warmth, and listen to your opinion. Let your health not fail, and your energy be in full swing.

Only half

We already have 50 years of experience behind us. Today you are the hero of the day, for which we hasten to congratulate you! We would like to wish you to preserve everything that has been achieved over the years. Let authority, wisdom and invaluable experience always help you make the right decisions. We wish your guardian angel to protect you from troubles and bring health and prosperity to your home. The years lived are not a burden, but baggage, without which a person would not become what he is. Let melancholy, melancholy and boredom not interfere with enjoying life.

There's no reason to be sad

After 30 people begin to fear their age. What can we say about a more impressive date. Today you accept But this does not mean that life should become monotonous, measured and boring. Just imagine how many amazing things have happened over the years, how many thrilling memories that will remain in your memory forever! Not everyone can boast of half of them, which means they need to set new goals for themselves. Emotions, impressions, acquaintances - there may be more of them. We wish that life does not lose its color, and that there is plenty of health, prosperity and happiness.

Everything is relative

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. 50 successfully lived years prove that the birthday boy has mastered the ability to make the right decisions perfectly. Although the days do not always go smoothly, sometimes fatigue and bustle bring on the blues and bad thoughts, you invariably regain your excellent mood and good spirits.

Wonderful person

Today I want to congratulate you on your 50th anniversary! The woman to whom they are addressed is the embodiment of kindness, tenderness and beauty. Over half a century, she became a caring daughter, a loving wife and a wonderful mother. Friends, colleagues and just those who know her will confirm that she deserves all the best. I would like to wish you health that will never let you down, patience to accept your family and friends as they are, wisdom that will help strengthen your family and pass on experience to the future generation. Let prosperity, prosperity and love be frequent guests in your home!

Our hero of the day

Dear birthday boy! Today we are in a hurry who has hardly reached this age. Even though your passport inexorably points to this significant date, youth has not yet passed in your soul. Only a strong-willed person can boldly move forward in life and push others to do the same. Whatever difficulties arise along the way, you overcome them with pride. We wish you to remain young and cheerful, enjoy life and enjoy every day!

Preparing the script

If organizing an anniversary (50 years) falls on your shoulders, then you should approach this task thoroughly. In order not to get lost in your own ideas, interesting ideas and to preserve the concept of the holiday, you should make a plan.

It is necessary to decide what the scale of the event will be. Agree that a small company will be hampered by a presenter, a large number of competitions and excessive fuss.

Next, it’s worth understanding in which direction the holiday will move. To do this, write a short note about the birthday person: how much he likes such events, prefers peace, or cannot sit in one place for a long time. Based on this, you can begin to create a 50th anniversary scenario.

If the birthday person decides to gather family and friends at the festive table, then it is worth adding more facts about the family to the event plan, offering to remember the brightest moments, and actively using photos and videos from the family archive.

An anniversary where colleagues are invited as guests can be used to improve relations between employees. Competitions, skits, and games are used here.

A photo zone decorated in its theme will be a pleasant and interesting addition to the holiday. You can place an interesting frame there, as well as all sorts of funny details (glasses, hats, wigs, words made from three-dimensional letters).

Small gifts for guests will look cute. These can be various funny little things.


It doesn’t matter whether the celebration is large-scale or limited to a small company of those closest to you, it is important to congratulate the birthday person. Warm, sincere words will remind him how much good has happened in his life, and that no less wonderful things await him next.


Remember your dreams. What did you want to do at 17 or 25 years old, but did not have the funds, influential contacts, or simply “didn’t have the spirit”? Maybe you dreamed of having a feast not in an elite restaurant, but on the roof of your parents' high-rise building in your bedroom? Try to change the reinforced concrete tradition of 50-year-olds with toastmasters, toasts and congratulations written as a carbon copy.

Try to plan a trip to places and countries that you have long wanted to go to, but never visited. This type of celebration will bring you much more impressions and pleasure.

If you still prefer a feast, remember your friends. It just so happened that the half-century-old is in the company of relatives and colleagues, while childhood friends, classmates and fellow students are left behind. But with them you will definitely find something to have a heart-to-heart talk about. Try to organize everything so that the event does not look like and does not turn into a competition under the motto “Who did better?” When they jealously monitor the size of the precious stones in the necklaces of their school friends, and try to park at the gathering place in a prestigious car, even a rented one. On this day, you should be surrounded only by people with whom you are truly pleasant and interested in communicating. 50- anniversary- a great reason to just call your neighbor or your deskmate and say: “Come to my place, I’ll be so glad.” With friends from childhood and youth, you can revive the memories and dreams of your past.

Even if everything in your life is not going smoothly or, on the contrary, is too routine and stable, remember: everything is still possible! You can still meet the love of your life, change your career, do many crazy things, and visit the most fantastic places on the planet. All in your hands.


An anniversary with friends is an unforgettable celebration of an unforgettable date! Are you thinking about where to celebrate your 50th anniversary? An anniversary is a date that deserves special attention. This is the anniversary, the celebration of which should be especially magnificent and bright.


  • where to celebrate 50 years anniversary

An anniversary is not just a holiday, it is a huge responsibility. After all, you are no longer just a birthday boy, you are a hero of the day. It's time to think about what you have done, what results you have achieved, and what still remains ahead. The most significant anniversaries are those that are celebrated starting from the age of fifty. In this case, the holiday should be luxurious, bright and, as they say, on a grand scale, in the best Russian traditions.


You need to plan everything properly, that is, decide how and where to celebrate. The celebration can be held in a cafe, restaurant, nightclub or apartment.

At the preparatory stage, you should calculate the approximate amount that the celebration will cost you, and also create a menu.

You should take care of such an issue as searching for a toastmaster in advance. You must know the holiday script. In addition, you can compose it together with the toastmaster, making the necessary adjustments and wishes. The role of the presenter can be either a professional or your relative or friend.

After you have already rented a restaurant, ordered a toastmaster, and found out the menu, it’s time to write and send out invitations. They should be written in a formal style and solemn tone. Invitations are usually sent out three or four weeks before the anniversary itself. This is done so that your guests have time to prepare, since they will be looking for a solid gift, and this, you see, takes time.

On the eve of the anniversary, it is customary to decorate the hall. It is decorated with various garlands, balls and so on. Fresh flowers are also often used. It will be nice if family and close friends prepare a funny wall newspaper with photographs of the hero of the day. Such wall newspapers and posters can be bought at any store.

On the day of the anniversary, the host begins the celebration, then the first toast is made, and the feast begins. But the holiday does not turn into just the process of eating food, since the toastmaster controls the conduct of the holiday. It is his skills and talent that determine how dynamic and vibrant the holiday will be. All guests must participate in various competitions, sing songs, play, and so on. This is usually followed by dancing to the sounds of live music or a performance by a guest artist.

At the end of the holiday, the hero of the day himself addresses his guests with a response prepared in advance. He can also give guests souvenirs. The holiday will be unforgettable and will give indescribable sensations that will remain in the memory of both the hero of the day and his guests for many years.

Video on the topic


  • 50th anniversary decoration

Fiftieth anniversary is a wonderful date. Usually by this age a person has already achieved a lot - a family, a stable career, adult children, and still has the strength for further achievements. On this day, you should not regret the past years and missed opportunities; you should organize a holiday the way you have always dreamed of.


Move away from the established cliché that you should definitely celebrate in an expensive restaurant by inviting cousins ​​and former classmates with their wives and children to celebrate. Often such a celebration turns into a “Who is more successful” competition. Men arrive in expensive foreign cars and rent suits from famous fashion designers, putting on all the jewelry they have, so as not to look less successful than the rest. If you really would like to celebrate in a restaurant, invite people dear to you: your closest relatives, best friends, in whose sincerity you are confident.

If your anniversary falls in the warm season, celebrate it in nature. Probably, even if you are vigorous and young at heart, your loved ones may not share the joy of sitting on the wet grass next to an anthill, so take care of their comfort. You can rent a house at a tourist base, or at least take folding tables, chairs and sun umbrellas with you. Don't forget mosquito repellent.

Do barbecues in the forest seem too bland to you? If you don't have financial problems, take the people you care about and go abroad for a weekend. What could be better than on a snow-white beach? Or a walk through the souvenir shops of Paris, and then dinner with your family in a fashionable restaurant.

Perhaps you have a dream that you are used to putting off until later? But when else to do this, if not on your fiftieth birthday? Have you dreamed of skydiving all your life? Take your loved ones, a bottle of champagne and go to the airfield - you will be congratulated when you land successfully. All your life you have wanted to learn how to roller skate, but are you already in your sixth decade? Don't be shy, take your family and go to the nearest stadium - on your day they can't refuse you. You need to celebrate your fiftieth birthday in such a way that you have nothing to regret, because you are opening a new chapter in your life.

So it’s best to hire an actor who will come to the celebration with you and, while you present the gift, will sing this very song, read a poem, or simply play something on the guitar.

There are many offices that organize drawings, contact one of them. You can organize a drawing before the celebration, during the celebration or after it. The company will offer you a lot of prank options - from the most harmless to kidnapping the birthday boy. But you should be careful - at the age of 50, not everyone has a healthy heart.

With friends

You can try to negotiate with the other guests and come together as a gypsy camp. Dress up as gypsies. Gypsy costumes are good because you can wear evening dresses under them. Come to where the anniversary will be celebrated, be noisy and assertive, like real gypsies, women may even offer to tell fortunes. It is especially important to change clothes so that the birthday boy does not recognize you at first.

If your birthday falls on a weekday, and the birthday person is going to celebrate on the weekend, you can surprise him while he is at work. Only for this you will need the keys to his apartment or the help of household members. While the hero of the day is not at home, decorate one of the rooms and set the table. It is advisable to close the door to the “dressy” room. When the birthday boy comes home and opens the door to this room, suddenly turn on the light and joyfully congratulate him.


If the hero of the day has a car, then a cheerful congratulation can be arranged in it. You will have to get into the car of the hero of the day for a few minutes to arrange a surprise in it. You've probably heard about the little devil who jumps out of the snuffbox. Only instead of a snuff box there will be a glove compartment, and instead of a devil there will be a congratulations.

When the birthday person gets into his car, call him and tell him that you forgot his gloves/wallet/documents, etc. in his glove compartment. Ask to see if they are there and bring them.

Another option, if you manage to sit in the car not for a couple of minutes, but for at least an hour, place these “snuffboxes” in the most unexpected places in the car interior. In this case, say that you forgot the documents not in the glove compartment, but simply in the passenger compartment on the seat.

Script “Fifty dollars” for a man’s anniversary (50 years). The script is interesting, festive, unique and kind.

The ceremonial theme sounds.


Hello, dear guests!

Stop making complexes, stop being shy,

And get ready to congratulate

And hug and kiss,

And don’t skimp on gifts,

Have fun with all your heart!

Good evening friends! Today is a big holiday for everyone present here. We will congratulate a person who is very dear to us. Our wonderful friend, relative and colleague Oleg (name of the hero of the day) celebrates a beautiful round date - fifty years.

An excerpt from the song “This holiday is a birthday” (from the repertoire of Tatyana Bulanova) is played.


Someone smart once came up with:

Anniversary is a very important date,

It should be celebrated with fun

Treats and complete idleness,

We need to dress in the best things,

There is no escape from tradition!

We will certainly try

To celebrate the holiday... perfect!

So, fifty. Is it a lot or a little? The ancient numerical horoscope speaks of the number “50” as very good, it is the number of renewal! It favors good changes, the desire to “refresh” relationships with loved ones, and bring some new impressions into life. But this does not mean that you need to change everything completely: family, home, work! Because your loved ones are your support!

After these words, the presenter passes the floor for congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day. The wife says her prepared words.

Leading(after congratulations): And we raise a toast to these wonderful words!

After all, when a man has such a reliable “rear”, his life is much more pleasant... Thank you, and we continue to congratulate our hero of the evening.

Once upon a time there lived a hero of the day,

Not young, but not old either.

Once upon a time in a wonderful moment

He reached fifty dollars

And I decided for the anniversary

Invite guests.

The social circle is very diverse:

Moms, dads, brothers, sisters,

Both colleagues and friends,

And matchmakers and godfathers,

Aunt Masha, Uncle Vanya,

Their spouses, children, nannies...

I haven't forgotten anyone

Invited everyone to the holiday!

Hasn't stopped talking since then

Congratulations friendly choir!

The presenter gives the floor to the relatives and friends of the hero of the day for congratulations.

Poems for gifts

Mobile phone

It's not the ringing of bells

And not the sound of an alarm clock,

New mobile phone!

Then the wife will call,

That management is strict,

With a new tube in hand

You will have time for a lot!


Everyone in the world loves money

Adults and children love it.

Profit will double

With this new wallet!


The artist lived a long time ago,

He painted a canvas.

May it bring you joy

Hanging on the wall, it!


There are a thousand problems in life,

But don't get angry, my friend,

Pour some tea and drink with us,

Problems will resolve themselves!


Solemn toasts sound

And mine, friends, is extremely simple:

Receive a new toaster as a gift

And raise a toast to it!


Modern lifestyle

Makes us rush.

Not a minute, not a moment

You can't live without a watch!

Camera/video camera

The years fly by like birds,

The past will not return.

The best moments of life

Your camera will “grab” it!


Everyone who is invited to the holiday,

Must be both full and drunk.

The hero of the day is not a newcomer,

Pouring cognac!


The main thing in a man is his mind

And, of course, perfume!

With this subtle aroma

Girls will like you!

CD with songs

You speak, there is no hearing,

Did a bear step on your ear?

There's no reason to mourn

The “stars” can howl!


The gift is small in size,

But with all my heart,

Documents like a boss

Sign with this pen!


To travel around countries,

No need to think for a whole year:

Get a suitcase

He himself will invite you on vacation!


You lacked warmth

Cold winter times?

This blanket will warm you up

Like a warm woman's hand!


Eh, autumn weather,

Rain is falling from the sky...

It will be this time of year

Better with an umbrella than without!


In this small envelope -

Things that are important, believe me:

There is a car, a dacha, a house,

Don't refuse anything!

Leading: Look how many good friends and loving relatives our hero of the day has! They are ready to do anything for him, even sing songs of their own composition!

A song is being performed. It would be great if someone knows how to play the guitar and can accompany you. You can get by with karaoke.

Song of the friends of the hero of the day (to the tune of the song from the film “It Was in Penkovo” “You can’t hide from people in the village”)

The hero of the day cannot hide from his friends,

Will not go to Antarctica on foot,

It won't close with four locks.

We will still come on the anniversary!

Repeat last two lines.

We will sit down at the tables in a crowd,

“Pour it!” - let's shout by chance,

When you turn fifty,

Be kind, treat your friends!

Repeat last two lines.

We wrote this song for you

Listen to us and drink to the bottom,

May your life be nice and fun,

You only have one life!

Repeat last two lines.

Leading: What a wonderful song and what a professional performance! What does true friends mean? But, as you know, first of all, a man in his Life must build a house, plant a tree and raise a child. Did our hero of the day succeed in all this?

Let's check...

The presenter calls the hero of the day to his place and sits him on a chair.

Several pictures are drawn in advance on large sheets of whatman paper (it is better to attach it to cardboard so that the whatman paper does not curl up); you need to draw a sketch: a house, a hero of the day with his wife, a hero of the day with children, a car, a hero of the day with a tree. Cutouts are made for the face in the pictures.

During the story, the presenter, with the help of an assistant (one of the guests), changes the pictures. The hero of the day’s task is to just look through the hole.

These “pictures” can be used for photography later in the evening.

Art miniature

"The house that

built by Oleg (name of the hero of the day)"

This is the house that Oleg built.

The house has a laid dining table,

Vodka, snacks, solid pickles,

This is Oleg with his wife,

In the house that Oleg built.

Next to Oleg are Oleg’s children,

The best children in the world

Those who were raised by a good wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is a family class car

The one that is more passable on the road than KAMAZ.

Oleg’s children will get into Oleg’s car,

The best children in the world

Oleg sits down with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is the dacha, Oleg’s joy,

Reason to meet more often, guys.

We're driving in a family class car,

Of course, Oleg’s children are coming,

The best children in the world

Oleg is traveling with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is a group of cheerful guests

(the host points to the guests),

The one who came for the anniversary,

The one who walked with Oleg at the dacha,

The one who went everywhere with Oleg,

Sitting in a family class car,

The one that is more passable on the road than KAMAZ.

Here, of course, are Oleg’s children,

The best children in the world

Here is Oleg with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built!

Leading: As you can see, Oleg has succeeded in everything and confirms the title of a real man! So let's raise a toast to this and wish happiness and further prosperity to his wonderful family!

An excerpt from the song “Happy Birthday” (from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova) is played.

After this, you can take a break, then games and competitions begin.

Games and competitions for birthdays, anniversaries

Game "Get to know her"

This is a comic test for the hero of the occasion. The presenter invites several women, including the wife of the hero of the day. Then he calls the hero of the day himself and blindfolds him. Then he explains that the birthday boy will now undergo a test: will he recognize his soulmate from all those called by the kiss. In fact, only his “half” will kiss the birthday boy - several times and in different ways. Let the birthday boy choose!

Competition “Object for Thought”

The players are divided into teams. The presenter gives each team the same object, for example, a bucket, and asks them to come up with and depict as many different ways of using it as possible. The team whose imagination is richer wins.

Game "Treat"

The host goes around the guests with a tray of sweets and treats them. But these candies are not simple, each of them contains a task for the guest under the wrapper.

shake hands with the hero of the day:


dance for him;

dance with him;

sing for him;

sing with him;

tell a joke;

tell a story about the hero of the day;

have a drink with him; tell a poem.

Game "Errands"

Relay game for two teams. Participants run to the finish line in pairs (the front one is held by the waist by the back one). On the way you need to run around the placed bottles of alcohol. If any pair gets separated or drops the bottle, the team receives a penalty point. Five penalty points take away the victory from the team, even if it was faster.

Game "Confusion"

Male-female couples are invited to play. The presenter names the parts of the body that the man and woman in a couple should touch, for example: right hand - left leg, head - head, etc. When taking each new pose, you cannot disconnect the previous “connection”. The pair that makes a mistake (or doesn't stay on their feet) is eliminated. The winners receive prizes.

Then the presenter offers a little rest from noisy games and announces the ceremonial presentation of an unusual gift to the hero of the day.

Anniversary "fifty dollars"

Leading: You know, friends, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of our hero of the day, celebrations and folk festivals were held throughout the country. And the state even ordered the minting of special anniversary coins in denominations of fifty dollars! The fifty-kopeck piece is cast from pure gold and has a portrait of the hero of the day engraved on it.

You need to draw and cut out a large “coin” of 50 rubles from cardboard, which is given to the hero of the occasion.

Leading: Let this fifty-kopeck piece decorate your piggy bank and let it attract other, real ones. After all, although they say that money doesn’t buy happiness, it’s much more fun with it! And I propose to raise a toast to this - to the financial well-being of the hero of the day and his family, to new successes, to the fact that he does not stop there and continues to enjoy doing what he likes and what he can do.

After toast: At fifty years of age, a person’s life, one might say, is just beginning. But sometimes you come across irresponsible citizens who believe that they are already old and it’s time to deny themselves the simple joys of life. And this is what such citizens could advise our hero of the day. Naturally, the advice turned out to be “harmful”!

Bad advice

Take care of your nerves

Don't bring your grandchildren to your place:

Grandchildren run and jump,

Your vases will be broken.

Tell the children this:

If grandchildren were born,

Let them educate themselves

No hope for grandfathers!

If you hurt your elbow

Or God forbid they sneezed -

Call an ambulance

It's time for you to go to the hospital!

Well, if not to the hospital,

Then quickly under the blanket,

Moan louder

Let everyone come running around!

If you meet a teenager,

Tell him off right away:

Doesn't understand anything

In life these youth.

What is the music! And fashion!

This is just quiet horror!

Instruct them day and night -

Your direct and healthy duty!

Hurry up and shut yourself up

Forget entertainment

Don't read new books

Things to do without them:

Kitchen, market and farming -

That's all you need in life,

You can only allow

TV series in the evening!

You don't have to look after yourself,

It's even kind of embarrassing

You're not a muscular macho,

To attract someone!

There are holes in pajamas -

So what if it faded?

But in winter and summer

It's cozy and warm!

Leading: I wish my dear hero of the day never to follow such advice and be able to find something good in every day, and not become immersed in his worries and problems. There is a simple way to be a happy person... Be happy that you live! Then you can safely live two more times fifty years.

The hero of the day's response.

Leading: The official program is coming to an end, but the celebration continues. After all, as you and I have seen, in fifty years there is still a lot of beautiful things ahead.

And speaking about this wonderful age, I want to read the following lines (and it will not be just a verse, but an acrostic poem, that is, if you are careful, you will put together one phrase from the first letters of each line, which contains the essence of what we Today they did this diligently all evening). So...

Acrostic poem “Congratulations to the hero of the day”

Let them say that the days fly by

One, another, changing years,

Chase them at random

My soul doesn't want it at all.

Winter will scatter gray hairs,

And in the heart there is golden autumn,

Spring apple orchard,

A ray of summer sun in the dew.

"I'm young! - the soul cries, -

I still dream about many things,

My flame is still burning

Yuna, just like me before, believe me!..”

Being young at heart is a talent

And this was given to you from God -

Not counting the years, just live,

Setting an example of cheerfulness.

If so, we wish you happiness forever!

And the years are in our power!

And now I suggest you relax a little and dance! See you again!