An application for turning photos into anime. Photo montages, photo frames, collages and photo effects with anime. How to turn an ordinary photo into an anime picture

In this tutorial I will tell you how I turned the amazing Christina Ricci into an anime character.

Step 1

First of all, you need to find a photo with high resolution, the higher the better. Here, for example, I used a photo measuring 2272 by 1704 pixels.

Note:photo in source materials measuring 1664 by 2496 pixels

Step 2

Duplicate the background and make it smaller - this will be the basis of the image. Do not remove the original as we will be using parts cut from it in subsequent steps.

Step 3

Cut out the eyes from the original image and place them on your workspace. To accurately position the eyes on the base layer, I usually lower the opacity of the eye layer and match the inner corners of the two pairs of eyes. Place the layers well on top of each other so that the transition is not visible. I use brush(brush) with opacity set to Pressure(Press), then I apply Gaussian Blur(Gaussian Blur) with a small radius. This process can take a long time, so it's best to be patient :)

Oops! I think I lost part of my eyebrow due to the size difference. In this case, I'll just copy this part from the original, reduce it in size, position it and change the blending mode to Darken(Blackout).

Step 4

Then copy the area with the nose and make it smaller. Place this layer under the eye layer and adjust the placement - for example, I'm making sure I've positioned the nose correctly along the philtrum. Because of the new size, the nose needs to be rotated just a tiny bit clockwise (for this image), which makes the nostrils look a little uneven. I'll take advantage Liquify(Plasty) to fix it.

Step 5

Time to adjust your chin. To begin, duplicate the lower part of the chin with the neck and lift it. Next, copy the original image (from Step 2) and use Liquify(Plastic) to align the layer with the chin. Then duplicate the part with the lips, reduce it in size and move it down. Smooth out the sharp transitions that appeared as a result of our previous actions.

Step 6

Now her face looks too wide, we need to fix that. Make a copy of all layers (Shift + Alt/Opt + Ctrl/Cmd + E). Duplicate the left side of her face along with her chin to the right and slightly up. Smooth out the transition.

And now we need to fix the neck area. As before, duplicate the required area from the merged layer and change it using the tool Distort(Distort) so that it matches the edges. Smooth out.

Duplicate all layers again, soften the angularity of the chin, and make the lips a little fuller using Liquify(Plastic).

Step 7

I really don't like dark shadows under her eyes and near her nose, so I get rid of them with Levels(Levels) and blending mode Lighten(Lighter). I use a tiny brush (2-3 pixels) to gently lighten the pixels while zooming in very close.

Step 8

Next, I want to make her lips shiny. Create a layer Curves(Curves) with blend mode Screen(Screen) and paint the sparkle with a brush you're comfortable with, then use a translucent brush to paint in the sparkle.

Then, duplicate the last merged layer and use Surface blur(Surface Blur) with a small radius. Desaturate the layer. Use Plastic Wrap(Filters - Artistic) ( Filter - Filter Gallery - Imitation - Cellophane packaging). Play with the sliders until your lips look wet. Change the layer blending mode to Vivid Light(Bright Light), set the opacity to your liking. Use a layer mask Hide All(Hide All) and leave the effect on the lips.

Step 9

Let's make the eyes brighter. I usually start with an adjustment layer Exposure(Exposure) (of course, we only need the effect on the iris, so use a mask), blend mode Overlay(Overlap). I add Color Balance(Color Balance) (as Clipping Mask), Blend Mode Color(Color). And to finish, let's add some glitter with an opaque white brush on a new layer, blend mode Overlay(Overlap).

Step 10

Time to add some bright makeup on a new layer.

Step 11

Now we will change the hair color to a more interesting one. To start, I painted the color on the same layer as the makeup and added some color variation for the highlights and shadows.

Looks a little dull so I boosted the light with a layer Levels(Levels) and added some little bright highlights.

To achieve this I created a new layer setting the blending mode to Screen(Screen) and opacity to 75%, and then painted with a brush with the following settings Spacing(Interval) 60%, Size Jitter(Size Variation) 100%, Pen Pressure(Pen pressure). Add to layer Outer Glow(External Glow), here I used the following settings: opacity 75%, color - white, size - 5 pixels, Spread(Range) - 0%, Range(fluctuation) - 31%, tick in the box Anti-aliased(Smoothing).

Step 12

I could have stopped there, but I decided to add cat ears to her:D
I found matching ears and cut and pasted them. You don’t have to worry about it and leave the fur while clarifying the outline, but simply draw it later. I won't go into detail about this process as there are plenty of tutorials on the internet on adding wool. I'll just say that I combined Smudge Tool(Finger) and brush painting, both using hair brushes.

Now that her ears are nice and fluffy, I need to adjust the color. Exposure(Exposure) will make the ears bright, and with Color Balance(Color Balance) (Blend Mode - Normal(Normal)) color can be adjusted. I didn't like the color of the skin inside my ears so I used Levels(Levels), blend mode Screen(Screen) to make it soft pink. Finally, I added more colors for the highlights and shadows on a new layer.

Step 13

Adding details - hooray! :D I decided to add decorative elements to the face and hair. Let's add rhinestones to the face and plastic flowers to the hair. Of course they need to add shading, raise it a little Exposure(Exposure) and add glitter on a new layer. I also added some color to the eyelashes and eyebrows to match the hair on the color layer. And, of course, I couldn't resist adding some glitter to my lips and around my eyes.

Step 14

Almost finished, just finishing touches left. Use Levels(Levels) to darken her right human ear so that it is not visible. Her left eyebrow casts a strange shadow closer to the bridge of her nose, and to fix it, I used Levels(Levels) and a tiny (about 2 pixels) brush set to pressure - this is how I brightened the area. Also make her shoulder smaller to make her body look smaller.

Step 15

Lastly, I want to add some shine to the eyes, lips and hair. Create a stamp layer, click Filter - Other - High Pass(Filter - Other - Color Contrast). Choose a low value so that only clear outline lines are visible. Change the blending mode to Vivid Light(Bright light), set Opacity(Opacity) to 75%. Create a mask and leave the effect only on the eyes, lips, and here and there on the hair.
Ready! :)

Anime face developed by appache selection casual games and useful tools is listed under category Simulation 3.4/5 average rating on Google Play by 34,236 users).

Anime face's main feature is Anime face photo editor: manga emotions, stickers and masks for photos.

Anime face apk was fetched from play store which means it is unmodified and original.

in detail

Anime face photo editor – make a photo for your ava! If you don't know how to draw an anime face, use the anime editor - add expressive eyes, big hairstyles and other stickers to create a unique avatar.

The manga editor has an intuitive interface, and creating a character is easier than it seems. Girls in Japanese cartoons are very beautiful, do you want to look like that? Make a selfie collage - manga emotions on your face, romantic hairstyles and stylish accessories like in Japanese cartoons. Choose your own hairstyles - take pictures of the characters, let yourself change! Big eyes, romantic hairstyles - big Japanese stickers for face photos. Japanese cartoons and comics have amazing episodes, feel like a hero of a comic book or cartoon. Change your appearance - your fans will be delighted! If you are looking for games for girls, you should like the Japanese style avatar editor.

Face mask: changing your appearance and face - easy! Panda, cat, or Japanese cartoon character? Facial recognition will help you create a cool avatar! Use stickers for even more amazing visual effects. Create your world and make a selfie collage. To change your appearance, you don't need to know how to draw people, how to draw a person, or how to draw eyes. Point your camera and let yourself change! Which emotion suits you?

Anime art - love for life, make an avatar! Use selfie photos and anime pictures to create an avatar collage in the style of Japanese comics. Add eyes and emotions, and your avatar will be transformed. It's like a photo from a game. Make a selfie collage! Do you like Japanese TV series and cartoons? It is not necessary to draw the character step by step - just add large stickers to your selfie photo! Creating a manga style has its own romance - create an image and add emotions and emoticons.

Are you looking for something to play and fanfiction excites you? Your anime name doesn't matter. Love stories begin in different ways - how is life, what is your name, how are you and all that. Do you want a guy to pay attention to you on the Internet, and to have real fans - popular guys who are in love with you? Don't look for sad statuses about love - change your appearance, create your own anime character, create your own world!

Choose your new anime image carefully – every element is important. Your own creative school is a chance to immerse yourself in real Japanese culture. Japanese cartoon characters are beautiful girls, for example, red-haired cutie, become like these girls! But don’t forget about the beauty of the soul;) Try various fantastic visual effects - the developer did his best. Each avatar has its own unique aura, create your own ideal. Signs of fate, acquaintances and dates await you ahead - one day someone will say: I love you!

The process of creating an anime avatar is always a love story and an amazing plot. Love is something, start your amazing journey of creation! The art of loving Japanese comics and cartoons - Japan in your phone! Create a look for your face, use Japanese art and create a new look yourself! You are a cutie! Do you like animated films? Especially Japanese? Change your appearance with Japanese eyes, pretend you are drawing a cartoon! Tell your friends: guess the cartoon! Let them create their own characters too - make yourself a cartoon character! It's like wallpaper.

Application Features:
~ Japanese selfie camera and photo stickers to create a picture
~ Cool toys
~ Free photo editor
~ Intuitive interface - create a collage, change your appearance
~ Avatar manga maker in Russian
~ Anime arts and selfie camera
~ Anime manga editor
~ Japanese cartoons and comics editor
~ Selfie collage editor
~ Stickers for photography in the style of Japanese cartoons and comics
~ Games for girls
~ Visual effects
~ Face masks: panda or cat

More than two hundred years have passed since the appearance of the first photograph, but its capabilities still impress humanity today. Like any form of art, photography is a moment of a person’s life frozen for centuries, it is beautiful and unique. It is the uniqueness of each image that makes it come alive. Thanks to the popularity of modern digital technologies, today everyone can take a large number of photographs anywhere. But a photo, like an elegant gemstone, requires an appropriate frame. Frames for photos and paintings are used in every home. They emphasize the unsurpassed character of any image and prevent mechanical damage. Not so long ago, an excellent alternative to the usual photo frames appeared - these are collage frames. Using special programs, you can place any digital photographs in them, give them different shapes, and set a cheerful mood. After which the photo can be printed on a printer or posted on the Internet. Anime photo frames have become very popular in our country with the appearance of anime cartoons on domestic channels. These are Japanese cartoons, the funny characters of which are all-powerful fighters for the triumph of justice and equal rights of all living beings. Therefore, it is not strange that they won the hearts of many children and even adults. Anime films and anime cartoons are liked by both young children and adults, which is why frames with cartoon effects are so popular. They allow you to be transported to a completely different world, where magic and fairy tales reign. To become part of your favorite cartoon or even its main character is the main task of an anime photo frame. Thanks to this discovery, everyone can transform their photo, change it beyond recognition, because the world of magic and kindness is so close. It’s no secret that children and teenagers love to dream, they have watched anime series at least once in their lives and wanted to become part of the exciting action , where good always wins. That is why a program was created that provides such a wonderful opportunity. Standing shoulder to shoulder with your favorite cartoon characters, fighting with them in battles, defeating evil enemies, feeling the power of the universe that fills your body and soul - these are the miracles that anime photo effects create. Playful children will be incredibly happy to receive such a gift as a photo with a cartoon frame; it will definitely take pride of place in the baby’s room. Funny and funny pictures can be posted on social networks, sent to friends or given to anyone. Anime photo montage is very easy to do; a person who is not at all familiar with the intricacies of photo montage or even a small child can handle this task. A specially prepared program will do absolutely everything itself. The user just needs to upload a suitable photo and a funny face in an anime collage will be ready very quickly. Such programs are most often used in various photo salons, and naturally, anime collages like these will not be cheap there. A lot of anime photo effects can be made even without special knowledge and without understanding the intricacies of photo editing. This process becomes a fun hobby for children and young people; young parents also often use this service to further transform their cute little ones. On social networks, it is very fashionable to post your portraits in cartoon frames. This will give a great mood and positivity not only to their owner, but also to everyone who sees such a funny photo..

More and more often, simple online photo editors are not able to process photos in such a way as to make the photos truly interesting. Not everyone can learn complex programs such as Photoshop. However, those who want to add variety to their photographs will always find a way out. Upload a portrait photo to the service and you will be able to make amazing facial changes: facial morphing, changing facial expressions, and, finally, facial animation! That is, lips, cheeks, eyebrows and eyelids will actually move! Creating this effect will take no more than a minute!

The service also provides many other features. Here you can create not only realistic facial expressions such as a wink, a sweet smile, a sly squint, genuine surprise, or a sad lowering of the corners of the lips, but also a lot of parody effects . In addition, you can apply a cartoon effect to each caricature . Parody effects are reminiscent of creating a cartoon from a photo, or a photo caricature: just as fun, but incomparably simpler and faster. Upload a portrait photo of yourself (or a friend's photo ;)) and turn into an alien, a fat guy, a lightbulb man or a troll!

Facial animation is a unique animated avatar!

Have you ever thought about your avatar? Is it individual? Does it reflect your personality? The surest way to make an avatar “yours” is to put your own face on it. But anyone can just cut a face out of a photo, it’s boring. Mega-original change face you can go to the website. Your avatar can become either animated or static (for those sites and social networks that prohibit animation). Smile at your friends, wink at them or make funny faces. They will appreciate your new avatar!

Effects for photos and online photo jokes: manufacturing technology

Creating photo effects with a face is a whole science. First, you need to correctly find the main facial features, such as the corners of the eyes and mouth, and nose. Secondly, correctly set the function of their transformation, for example, a sequence of frames for the smooth appearance of a smile. Then, with the right selection of parameters, you can get an excellent result. But don't worry, the site will do all this for you, and completely automatically!

Application cartoon effect (or comic book effect, hand-drawn effect) requires finding the sharpest boundaries in the photo. These boundaries are then carefully drawn, the number of colors in the photo is reduced and the transitions between adjacent colors are smoothed out. Thus, by applying the “Cartoon Effect” photo filter, you can turn a portrait photo into a cool cartoon picture.