What kind of computer equipment? Computer peripherals are divided by purpose. A few words about classification

Computer information.

General information about traces of crimes in the area

The main sign that traces belong to crimes in the field computer information and determining the carriers of such traces is their formation as a result of the use of computer technology.

Computer equipment is divided according to its functional purpose:

1) hardware (Hard Ware);

2) software(Soft Ware).

Computer hardware represent technical means used for data processing; mechanical" electrical and electronic equipment used for information processing purposes. These include:

1) Computer (electronic Calculating machine, COMPUTER).

2) Peripheral equipment,

3) Physical media of magnetic information.

Computer (electronic computer. Computer - a set of technical means designed for automatic information processing in the process of solving computational and information tasks. Computers can be classified as:

1) Super-computers - computers and computing systems that are unique in terms of the purpose of their creation, speed and memory capacity, designed to solve particularly complex problems;

2) Mainframe computers - stationary computing systems with a large number of different peripheral devices that are equipped with computer centers.

3) Mini-computer, micro-computer, personal computers- computers intended for individual use, usually desktop or portable, comprehensively consisting of a system unit with an external memory device and

a drive on a flexible storage medium, a display (monitor), an information input device (keyboard) that provides data input and instructions for processing information.

To solve forensic problems, computers should be distinguished:

(1) by size: a) stationary mainframe computers, i.e. permanently installed in a specific room and having the ability to work only in this room; b) “desktop” small-sized PCs, i.e. personal computers, the installation of which requires only a table and which can be easily moved from room to room depending on the user’s needs; c) portable PCs (laptop PC, notebook PC, pocket PC), i.e. portable computers, ranging in size from a briefcase to a notebook, which, thanks to compact battery power supplies, provide the ability to work with them anywhere; d) small-sized computers included in mechanical and/or technological systems (controlling flights, movement, production process and so on.);

(2) By the presence or absence of: a) peripheral devices; b) means of communication or inclusion in a computer network;

(3) By location and main task solved in networks: a) computer end user; b) computer of the network administrator or system operator; c) a computer that acts as a “storage” for a database; d) a computer that controls the technological process in offline mode; e) a computer operating as a mail “server”.

In the practice of investigating computer crimes, one most often has to deal with personal computers (PCs, PCs). In this case it can be:

An autonomously working personal computer, i.e. not part of any computer network and not have telecommunications systems, i.e. devices that allow the use of radio, telephone and satellite communication systems. This is a versatile single-user machine;

An element of a computer system - a complex in which at least one computer is an element of the system or several computers make up the system;

Enter into a local computer network connecting a number of computers located in the same local area. Such a zone may be limited to one or more adjacent buildings or one organization. In this case, information is transmitted in the form continuous signal via cables, the length of which can reach several kilometers;

Enter a computer network, which is an unlimited set of software compatible computers, interconnected by telecommunication lines. In "global networks" the question of compatibility various computers is solved by creating special relay devices so that users of various software do not have inconvenience during interaction.

Periphery equipment - equipment that has a status subordinate to the computer, ensuring the transfer of data and commands between the processor and the user relative to a specific central processor, a set of external computer devices that are not under the direct control of the central processor. The most common types of such equipment are:

A printer (printing device) is used to output information contained in the computer’s memory and reproduce it on physical media(paper, film, etc.) in a form accessible to human perception.

The manipulator is an additional device for entering information. Together with the keyboard, it improves the user experience with a number of interactive programs where you need to quickly move the cursor around the screen to select menu items or highlight screen fragments. One such manipulator is the mouse.

Scanner is a device that allows you to enter images into a computer in the form of text or graphic information.

Modem - a device for exchanging information with other computers via telephone network. They can be internal (inserted into the system unit) and external (connected as a separate device).

Fax Modem - combines the capabilities of a modem and the ability to exchange fax images with other fax modems

and regular telefax machines.

Physical media of magnetic information - devices designed to store information used when working with a computer.

The main one is the hard disk drive (hard drive). It is designed for permanent storage of information used when working with a computer. The hard drive is located inside the computer and is non-removable. If it is necessary to obtain information from such a disk, it must be copied to other media.

The amount of information recorded on a hard drive depends on its capacity. Information about this disk can be obtained from technical or reference documentation, which provides characteristics of standard sets of various types of PCs. Accurate information about technical parameters of a specific computer is displayed on the monitor when the machine boots or at the special request of the user.

It should be remembered that when storing application software packages on a hard drive, the information on the programs (what is usually of interest to the investigator) is most often contained on external storage devices. However, neither the package itself nor digital (text) materials can be used in a separate form, separately from each other.

Hard drives do not provide confidential information if more than one user is using the computer. In this case, various ciphers and passwords can be used to access programs.

Another widespread type of storage media is floppy disk drives (FDD - Floppy Disk Drive). To work on such a drive, floppy disks (FD) are used - floppy disks.

Floppy disks are designed for long-term storage of programs or arrays of information that are loaded into computer memory as needed. With their help, backup (copying) of information is carried out, ensuring data confidentiality, transporting (moving in space) data, and distributing (replicating) information. The essence and structure of floppy disks are the same. They distinguish-

in size, appearance and design.

Another type of information storage device is magnetic tape. They have not received sufficient distribution in professional computers, since the time to access information on them is much longer than on floppy disks. Most often, this type of drive is used to duplicate other drives and store archived information. This type of storage device is called a streamer.

IN last years Another type of magnetic information storage devices is being widely introduced - optical disk drives. To use them, the computer must be equipped with a special device - an optical disk drive.

Principle of operation optical drives is based on the use of a laser beam to record and read information in digital form. Based on their functional characteristics, GCDs are divided into three categories:

Non-writable (read-only);

Write once and read many times;

With the ability to rewrite.

In order to increase the reliability of information storage, other types of computer information storage media are being developed. Among them:

Memory on cylindrical magnetic domains (CMD);

Holographic memory.

However, these storage media have not yet become widely used.

Computer software- are objective forms of representing a set of data and commands intended for the operation of computers and computer devices in order to obtain a certain result, as well as materials prepared and recorded on a physical medium obtained during their development, and the audiovisual displays generated by them.

These include:

1) Software, which is a set of control and processing programs designed for planning and organizing the computational process of automating programming and debugging programs for solving applied problems, consisting of:

System programs (operating systems, programs Maintenance: drivers, shell programs, auxiliary programs- utilities);

Application programs(a set of specialized programs) designed to solve a certain class of problems, for example, text editors, antivirus programs and systems, programs for protecting against unauthorized access, table processors, database management systems (DBMS), graphic editor, systems computer-aided design(CAD), integrated systems, accounting programs, process control programs, automated workstations (AWS), libraries standard programs and so on.;

Instrumental programs (programming systems) consisting of programming languages: Microsoft Visual C++, Pascal, Borland Pascal, Microsoft Visual Basic, Clipper, Delphi, etc., and translators - a set of programs that provide automatic translation from non-rhythmic and symbolic languages ​​into machine codes.

2) Machine information(information on machine media) owner, user, proprietor.

In the most general form, software tools are descriptions perceived by a computer and sufficient to solve certain problems on it. To compose programs, artificial languages ​​are used, called programming languages. Typically, a computer accepts and executes programs written using one specific language, which is the machine language of this computer. A machine language is a language that consists solely of the characters “O” and “1” and is necessary for a computer to directly execute instructions and commands. However, today the use of special programs can provide the ability for a specific computer to understand other programming languages ​​- by translating texts written in these languages ​​into texts in machine language. Thus, it is possible to use any programming language if the means for their implementation on a given computer are available.

Computer system- any device or group of interconnected or adjacent devices, one or more of which, acting in accordance with a program, carries out automated processing data.

Etymology and features of terminology

Word computer is derived from the English words to compute, computer, which are translated as “compute”, “calculator” (the English word, in turn, comes from the Latin computāre - “to calculate”). Originally in English, this word meant a person who performs arithmetic calculations with or without the use of mechanical devices. Its meaning was later transferred to the machines themselves, but modern computers perform many tasks not directly related to mathematics.

First interpretation of the word computer appeared in 1897 in the Oxford English Dictionary. Its compilers then understood the computer as mechanical computing device. In 1946, the dictionary was replenished with additions that made it possible to separate the concepts of digital, analog and electronic computer.

The concept of a computer should be distinguished from the concept Electronic computer(COMPUTER); the latter is one of the ways to implement a computer. A computer implies the use electronic components as its functional units, however, a computer can be designed on other principles - it can be mechanical, biological, optical, quantum, etc., working due to the movement of mechanical parts, the movement of electrons, photons or the effects of other physical phenomena. In addition, according to the type of operation, a computer can be digital (DVM) and analog (ABM). On the other hand, the term “computer” implies the possibility of changing the program being executed (reprogramming), which is not possible for all types of computers.

Currently, the term computer, as relating more to issues of the specific physical implementation of a computer, has almost been forced out of everyday use and is mainly used by engineers digital electronics, as a legal term in legal documents, and also in a historical sense to refer to 1940s-1980s computer technology and large computing devices, as opposed to personal computers.


  • 3000 BC e. - the first abacus was invented in Ancient Babylon - the abacus.
  • 500 BC e. - in China, a more “modern” version of abacus with seeds on straws appeared - suanpan.
  • 87 BC e. - the “Antikythera mechanism” was manufactured in Greece - a mechanical device based on gears, which is a specialized astronomical computer.
  • In the 13th century, Lull Raymond created a logical machine in the form of paper circles built according to ternary logic.
  • 1492 - Leonardo da Vinci in one of his diaries provides a sketch of a 13-bit adding device with ten-tooth rings. Although a working device based on these drawings was built only in the 20th century, the reality of Leonardo da Vinci’s project was confirmed.

Pascal's summing machine

  • 16th century - an abacus appeared in Russia, in which there were 10 wooden balls on a wire.
  • 1623 - Wilhelm Schickard, a professor at the University of Tübingen, develops a gear-based device (a "counting clock") for adding and subtracting six-digit decimal numbers. It is not known for certain whether the device was implemented during the inventor’s lifetime, but in 1960 it was recreated and proved to be quite functional.
  • 1630 - William Oughtred and Richard Delamaine create the circular and rectangular slide rules.
  • 1642 - Blaise Pascal introduces the Pascalina, the first mechanical digital computing device to be actually implemented and become famous. The prototype device added and subtracted five-digit decimal numbers. Pascal produced more than ten such calculators, and the latest models operated on numbers with eight decimal places.
  • 1673 - the famous German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz built an adding machine that performed multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. Leibniz later described the binary number system and discovered that if you write down certain groups binary numbers one under the other, then zeros and ones in vertical columns will be repeated regularly, and this discovery led him to the idea that there were completely new laws of mathematics. Leibniz decided that binary code was optimal for a system of mechanics that could operate on the basis of alternating active and passive simple cycles. He tried to apply binary code in mechanics and even made a drawing of a computer that worked on the basis of his new mathematics, but he soon realized that the technological capabilities of his time did not allow him to create such a machine.
  • Around this time, Isaac Newton lays the foundations of mathematical analysis.
  • 1723 - German mathematician and astronomer Christian Ludwig Gersten created an arithmetic machine based on the work of Leibniz. The machine calculated the quotient and the number of successive addition operations when multiplying numbers. In addition, it provided the ability to monitor the correctness of data entry.
  • 1786 - German military engineer Johann Muller, in the course of work to improve the mechanical calculator on Leibniz's stepped rollers, invented by his compatriot Philipp Hahn, puts forward the idea of ​​a “difference machine” - a specialized adding machine for tabulating logarithms calculated by the difference method.
  • 1801 - Joseph Marie Jacquard builds a programmable loom, the operating program of which is set using a set of punched cards.
  • 1820 - the first industrial production of adding machines. The championship belongs to the Frenchman Thomas de Kalmar.
  • 1822 - English mathematician Charles Babbage invented, but failed to build, the first difference engine (a specialized adding machine for automatically constructing mathematical tables) (see: Charles Babbage's Difference Engine).
  • 1840 - Thomas Fowler (eng. Great Torrington) built a wooden ternary adding machine with a ternary symmetric number system.
  • 1855 - brothers Georg and Edward Scheutz from Stockholm built the first difference engine based on the work of Charles Babbage.
  • 1876 ​​- Russian mathematician P. L. Chebyshev created a summing apparatus with continuous transmission of tens. In 1881, he also designed a prefix for multiplication and division (Chebyshev’s adding machine).
  • -1887 - Hollerith developed an electrical tabulation system that was used in the US and 1900 censuses and the Russian Empire in 1897.
  • 1912 - a machine for integrating ordinary differential equations was created according to the project of the Russian scientist A. N. Krylov.
  • 1941 - Konrad Zuse creates the first computer with all the properties of a modern computer.
  • 1942 - at the University of Iowa, John Atanasov and his graduate student Clifford Berry created (or rather, developed and began to install) the first electronic digital computer in the USA ABC. Although this machine was never completed (Atanasov went into active service), it, as historians write, had a great influence on John Mauchly, who created the ENIAC computer two years later.
  • The end of 1943 - the British computer started working special purpose Colossus. The machine worked to decipher the secret codes of Nazi Germany.
  • February 1944 - a group of American engineers led by Howard Aiken completed the development of the first American computer, Mark I. After installation, commissioning and testing, it began to be used to perform complex ballistic calculations for the American Navy.
  • 1944 - Konrad Zuse developed even more fast computer, as well as the first high-level programming language, Plankalküll.
  • 1946 - the first universal electronic digital computer ENIAC, developed in secret since 1943, is presented to the public.
  • December 4, 1948 - The State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the introduction of advanced technology into the national economy registered the invention of a digital electronic computer by I. S. Brook and B. I. Rameev under number 10475.
  • 1950 - Lebedev's group created the first Soviet electronic computer in Kyiv.
  • 1957 - the American company NCR created the first computer using transistors.
  • 1958 - N.P. Brusentsov with a group of like-minded people built the first ternary computer with a positional symmetric ternary number system “Setun”.

Exponential development of computer technology

Quantum computers


By purpose

  • Desktop
    • Server
  • Internet device


  • Mini
  • Mainframe (super-powerful fault-tolerant server)

Small and mobile

  • Laptop
    • Subnotebook
  • Tablet PC
  • Terminal


Elementary basis of a digital computer

  • ferrite diode
  • transistor discrete
  • transistor integrated

The superficial nature of the presented approach to classifying computers is obvious. It is usually used only to indicate common features the most common computer devices. The rapid pace of development of computer technology means a constant expansion of the areas of its application and the rapid obsolescence of the concepts used. To more strictly describe the features of a particular computer, it is usually necessary to use other classification schemes.

Physical implementation

A more rigorous approach to classification is based on tracking the technologies used to create computers. The earliest computers were completely mechanical systems. However, already in the 1930s, the telecommunications industry offered developers new, electromechanical components (relays), and in the 1940s, the first fully electronic computers were created, based on vacuum tubes. In the 1960s, transistors replaced tubes, and in the late 1960s and early 1970s, semiconductor integrated circuits (silicon chips), which are still used today.

The above list of technologies is not exhaustive; it describes only the main trend in the development of computer technology. At different periods of history, the possibility of creating computers based on many other, now forgotten and sometimes very exotic technologies was explored. For example, there were plans to create hydraulic and pneumatic computers; between 1909, a certain Percy I. Ludget even developed a project for a programmable analytical machine operating on the basis of sewing mechanisms (the variables of this computer were planned to be determined using thread spools).

Currently, serious work is underway to create optical computers that use light signals instead of traditional electricity. Another promising direction involves the use of advances in molecular biology and DNA research. Finally, one of the newest approaches that could lead to tremendous changes in the field of computing is based on the development of quantum computers.

However, in most cases, computer technology is much less important than the design decisions underlying it.

  • Mechanical computer
  • Electronic computer
  • Biocomputer

By ability

One of the most simple ways To classify different types of computing devices is to determine their capabilities. All calculators can thus be classified into one of three types:

  • specialized devices that can perform only one function (for example, the Antikythera mechanism of 87 BC or William Thomson's thread predictor of 1876);
  • special-purpose devices that can perform a limited range of functions (Charles Babbage's first difference engine and various differential analyzers);
  • general purpose devices in use today. Name computer As a rule, it is applied specifically to general-purpose machines.

Modern general purpose computer

By revising modern computers The most important feature that distinguishes them from early computing devices is that, with proper programming, any computer can imitate the behavior of any other (although this ability is limited, for example, by storage capacity or differences in speed). Thus, it is assumed that modern cars can emulate any future computing device that might ever be created. In some ways, this threshold ability is useful for distinguishing between general-purpose computers and special-purpose devices. The definition of a "general purpose computer" can be formalized in the requirement that a particular computer be capable of emulating the behavior of a universal Turing machine. The first computer that satisfies this condition is considered to be the machine created by the German engineer Konrad Zuse in 1941 (this fact was proven in 1998).

Design features

Modern computers use the entire range of design solutions developed throughout the development of computing technology. These solutions, as a rule, do not depend on the physical implementation of computers, but are themselves the basis on which developers rely. Below are the most important questions, solved by computer creators:

Digital or analog

A fundamental decision when designing a computer is whether it will be a digital or analog system. If digital computers work with discrete numerical or symbolic variables, then analog ones are designed to process continuous streams of incoming data. Today, digital computers have significantly more wide range applications, although their analog counterparts are still used for some special purposes. It should also be mentioned that other approaches are possible here, used, for example, in pulsed and quantum computing, but for now they are either highly specialized or experimental solutions.

Among the simplest discrete calculators, the abacus, or ordinary abacus, is known; The most complex of these types of systems is the supercomputer.


An example of a computer based on the decimal number system is the first American computer, the Mark I.

The most important step in the development of computer technology there was a transition to the internal representation of numbers in binary form. This greatly simplified the designs of computing devices and peripheral equipment. Taking the binary number system as a basis made it possible to more simply implement arithmetic functions and logical operations.

Under the leadership of Academician Ya. A. Khetagurov, a “highly reliable and secure microprocessor of a non-binary coding system for real-time devices” was developed, using a 1 of 4 coding system with an active zero.

Overall, however, the choice internal system does not change data presentation basic principles computer operation - any computer can emulate any other.

The periphery includes all external additional devices, connected to system unit computer through special standard connectors.

This computer equipment, physically separated from the system unit of the computing system, has own management and operates both on commands from its central processor and is equipped with its own processor and even an operating system. Designed for external preparation and modification of data, input, storage, protection, output, management and transmission of data via communication channels.

Computer peripheral devices are divided by purpose:

Data output equipment
Monitor (Display)

Equipment for visual display of text and graphic information, converts digital and (or) analog information into a video image.


Printing equipment different scales and areas of application.

Speakers/headphones (headset)

Equipment for sound reproduction (output).


It is used for automatically drawing with great accuracy drawings, diagrams, complex drawings, maps and other graphic information on paper up to A0 size or tracing paper. Plotters draw images using a stylus (writing block). The purpose of plotters is high-quality documentation of drawing and graphic information.

Projectors, projection screens/boards

A projector is a lighting device that redistributes the light of a lamp to concentrate the light flux on the surface.
Screens for projectors, wall-mounted manual ones are easy to use, reliable and quite inexpensive.
Interactive whiteboards- a large touch screen that works as part of a system that includes a computer and a projector.

Data entry equipment

Designed for analysis and digitization various objects(usually an image, text), creates a digital copy of an image of an object.


The keyboard belongs to standard means personal computer for entering data using keys. Serves to enter alphanumeric (character) data, as well as control commands.


Mouse-type manipulators. Moving the mouse on a flat surface is synchronized with the movement of a graphic object (mouse pointer) on the monitor screen. There are wired and radio, optical and laser.

Graphics tablet (digitizer)

Designed for entering artistic graphic information. Such devices are convenient for artists and illustrators, as they allow them to create screen images using familiar techniques developed for traditional tools (pencil, pen, brush).

Storage Equipment
Flash drives / external HDDs

Storage devices using either flash memory or external hard disk connected to a computer or other reading device via USB interface(eSATA). Main purpose external drives— storage, transfer and exchange of data, backup, loading operating systems and more.

Zip drives, HiFD drives, JAZ drives

Their characteristics are similar to small-volume hard drives, but unlike them they are replaceable. The technology has not become widespread due to economic reasons (cost per 1 MB of data).

Data exchange equipment

Designed for information exchange between remote computers over communication channels is usually called a modem (modulator + demodulator). ADSL modems are currently the most widely used, allowing data to be transmitted via cable networks low categories ( telephone lines) over long distances at high speed.

Passive network equipment

Equipment that is not endowed with “intelligent” features. Cabling system: cable (coaxial and twisted pair (UTP/STP)), plug/socket (RG58, RJ45, RJ11, GG45), repeater (repeater), patch panel. Installation cabinets and racks, telecommunication cabinets.

Active network equipment

By the name, active network equipment implies some “intelligent” features network equipment. These are devices such as a router, switch (switch), etc.

The time has come when phones, communicators, satellite receivers, coffee makers, refrigerators, and basically anything. However, it is still necessary to distinguish real computers from partial ones. Therefore, we will attempt to classify devices with electronic filling. Let's also try to define the terms. We will talk, first of all, about the concept “ computer technology».

The essence in brief

Let's say right away that computer technology, in our humble opinion, is divided into the following categories:

  1. computers in all their diversity, as well as components;
  2. auxiliary equipment - periphery;
  3. network hardware;
  4. advanced household, medical and industrial equipment.

Essence in detail

Computers include, in order of increasing size: PDAs (those that fit in the palm of your hand), netbooks (the size of a book and a little larger), tablets (yes, they already claim the proud title of “computer”), laptops, desktop PCs (boxes) , to which a monitor, keyboard, mouse and something else is connected), servers (larger boxes, the size of a bedside table to a cabinet), supercomputers (few people have seen them, but one can assume that they really exist).

Peripherals are printers, scanners, units uninterruptible power supply, wireless adapters, and basically anything. There are quite a lot of devices that connect to a USB port, and listing them would only make you bored.

Ancillary equipment, peripherals, are not computers. Although, for example, multifunctional devices(MFP) with a printer, scanner and copier in one housing are able to work autonomously. There is a display and buttons, you can print something and make photocopies without connecting to a computer. However, they can't do anything else. Functionality is exactly what is needed to perform immediate tasks.

Network equipment - routers (routers), communicators (not those that make calls, but those that ensure the network operates), hubs (also network), smart modems - not full-fledged computers. Just a bit.

You say the router has Linux? There is, but it is greatly reduced and can only ensure the operation of the network. You never know where there is Linux these days. For example, on televisions.

And not only in TVs, but also in satellite receivers. The latter got close to the computers. You can reinstall the operating system on them; keyboards, displays, and flash drives are connected to them. However, they still lack the most important thing - universality.

We are trying to clarify the terms

A coffee maker controlled via a Wi-Fi network, a refrigerator with Linux, a washing machine with software control, miniature mp3 players - perhaps this is not a computer technology, but a digital one. It is not burdened with complex calculations, programs are not added to it.

Computer technology can roughly include narrow-profile computing devices, such as satellite receivers, medical equipment(a keyboard and display are connected to the encephalograph), navigators, communicators (that make calls), e-books, navigators - everything where you can add programs.

Why conditionally, if such devices can do so much? Because a real computer is universal. It can be taught to do everything that different digital devices do separately. There would be corresponding programs.

That is, without any conditions and assumptions, computer technology includes:

  1. the computers themselves;
  2. what works within them and around them;
  3. something that complements their capabilities.

Even simpler: computer equipment is what you deal with when working with a computer, and not with a coffee maker, refrigerator, TV, etc. You don't connect the printer to the washing machine, right?

Erase edges

A plasma or LCD TV, such a wide panel on the wall, can do a lot. But does it apply to computer technology? Paradoxically, the answer will be twofold: yes and no.

No, if it works on its own, shows TV shows or movies from Blue-ray discs. Even if there is an operating system inside, even if Skype is installed, it is still not a full-fledged electronic computer.

Yes, if it serves as a monitor connected to a laptop or desktop PC system unit. And in this capacity he serves easily and joyfully. Moreover, even simultaneously with regular monitor. That is, it becomes a peripheral device.

Here is an example of blurring the lines between purely computer hardware and technology with limited functionality. Hence the convention.

Let's summarize

The above is not a claim to truth. This is just an attempt to understand the great variety of different electronic devices. The lines are blurring, devices are getting smarter, and every year it’s getting easier to get confused in the classification of different things with displays and buttons. Therefore, you will not make a grave mistake if you call computer equipment something specialized, with limited functionality, but stuffed with chips and programs.

Well, if you have doubts and are afraid of getting into trouble, then you can safely use the term “ digital technology“Then you certainly can’t go wrong.

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Last edit: 2012-06-30 11:36:19

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Household appliances are devices that are used by a person at home and perform a variety of functions.

1) Facilitation of monotonous and routine work.

3) Providing a person with convenience.

According to its purpose Appliances is divided into several groups.

Household appliances - classification

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1) Kitchen appliances - refrigerator, microwave, mixer, blender, toaster, food processor, etc.

2) For cleaning - vacuum cleaner, steam cleaners.

3) For clothing care - iron, washing machine, sewing machine.

4) To maintain temperature conditions - heater, fan, air conditioner.

5) Measuring - scales, watches, thermometers, etc.

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6) Nursing - razor, hair dryer, epilator, etc.

7) For entertainment - TV, stereo system, etc.

Household appliances are appliances that a person uses at home. There are several types of kitchen appliances - dishwasher, electric meat grinder, refrigerator. entertainment - audio equipment, TV, etc. cleaning - washing machine, vacuum cleaner. computing - computer, calculator.

The equipment that is used in everyday life, for example:

  • Climate control equipment, for example, air conditioning;
  • Measuring instruments, such as scales;
  • Kitchen appliances, such as refrigerator, mixer, stove;
  • Computer equipment, such as a calculator;
  • Clothes care equipment, such as an iron;
  • Cleaning equipment, such as a vacuum cleaner;
  • Grooming equipment, such as a hair dryer;
  • A number of other equipment, for example, telephone, camera, TV, etc.

An even more detailed list of what applies to household appliances can also be found here.

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Household appliances are equipment used in everyday life. Designed to facilitate household work, to create comfort in Everyday life person. Classified by importance (necessary, desirable, can be dispensed with), by size (small household appliances and large household appliances), intended purpose, etc.

Types of household appliances

Measuring instruments

  • scales, steelyard
  • clock, timer, alarm clock
  • thermometers - medical, room, outdoor air
  • barometer
  • mini weather station
  • medical manometertachometer

Computer Engineering

Kitchen appliances

  • Food preservation
    • Fridge
    • Freezer
    • Wine cabinet
  • Mechanical restoration
    • Mixer
    • Blender
    • Meat grinder
    • Food processor
    • Bread slicer
  • Heat treatment
    • Kitchen stove
    • Gas stove
    • Electric stove
    • Induction cooker
    • Oven (gas or electric)
    • Microwave
    • Bread maker
    • Multicooker
    • Grill
    • Waffle iron
    • Pancake maker
    • Freezer
    • Double boiler
    • Roaster
    • Toaster
    • deep fryer
    • Egg boiler
    • Air fryer
    • Yogurt maker
    • Electric boiler
  • Making coffee, tea and drinks:
    • Coffee machine
    • Coffee grinder
    • Coffee maker
    • Electric kettle
    • Potter
    • Juicer

Clothes care

  • washing machine
  • dryer
  • ironing machine, ironing roller, ironing board
  • sewing machine

Cleaning the house

  • vacuum cleaner, washing vacuum cleaner

Other equipment

  • fan
  • disposer
  • Radiator
  • air conditioner
  • air ionizer
  • steam cleaner
  • Dishwasher
  • kitchen hood
  • electric water heater
  • lighting technology
  • household power tool
  • electric garage doors

Electronics for entertainment


  • DVD player
  • Home cinema
  • Music Center
  • Player
  • household equalizer
  • household amplifier
  • Acustic systems
  • Digital camera
  • Digital video camera
  • Game console
  • Printer


Communications, broadcasting

  • TV
  • Plasma panel
  • Projector
  • broadcast radio receiver
  • subscriber loudspeaker
  • telephones - landline, radiotelephone, mobile
  • pager

For appearance and health care

  • epilator
  • tongs, electric curlers
  • massager
  • inhaler
  • electric shaver
  • curling iron


  • white appliances - what is in the kitchen (washing machine, food processor, refrigerators)
    • 1.Small household
    • 2.large household
  • black - what is outside the kitchen (TVs, players, home cinemas) is more oriented for entertainment
    • 1.Audio-Video

Smart Home Appliances

  • smart dishwasher;
  • smart washing machine;
  • smart TV;
  • internet air conditioning;
  • Internet-connected coffee machine;
  • Internet refrigerator;
  • robot vacuum cleaner.

Disused household appliances

  • gramophone, gramophone
  • samovar (charcoal)
  • Primus
  • kerogas
  • kerosene lamp
  • amateur movie camera
  • household film projector
  • slide projector, filmoscope
  • black and white TV

see also


  1. Appliances- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  2. New Nespresso Zenius coffee machine.
  • Add illustrations.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Household appliances” are in other dictionaries:

HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES - equipment and devices that make housekeeping easier due to its mechanization. These instruments and devices were not developed within the framework of any specific set or in accordance with some plan that provided for some ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Intelligent Home Appliances - (smart home appliances) new class household appliances, usually having a built-in single-board computer and equipped with artificial intelligence, automatically working according to a pre-developed program or according to commands sent from ... ... Wikipedia

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audio, video and household appliances - audio, video and household appliances ... Russian spelling dictionary

technique - noun, g., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? technology, what? technology, (I see) what? technology, what? technology, about what? about technology, the field of activity and various devices 1. Technology is the field of human activity that... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

technology - a set of means for carrying out production processes and servicing non-production processes of society. The main purpose of technology is to make a person’s work easier, increase the efficiency of his efforts, expand his capabilities and knowledge,... ... Encyclopedia of technology

TECHNOLOGY - (from other Greek art, skill, skill) is a set of various devices, mechanisms and devices that do not exist in nature and are manufactured by man to satisfy sociocultural needs. With the help of technical systems... ... Philosophy of science and technology: thematic dictionary

Household chain saw - – household chain saw. [GOST R (ISO)] Term heading: Tools Encyclopedia headings: Abrasive equipment, Abrasives, Highways, Automotive equipment ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

Technology - (from the Greek téchne art, skill, skill) a set of means of human activity created to carry out production processes (See Production) and serve the non-productive needs of society. In T.... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING - a branch of technology covering the issues of heat removal from objects or volumes that need to be maintained at temperatures below ambient temperature. Heat, by definition, is energy, the transfer of which is due to temperature differences;... ... Collier's Encyclopedia


  • Appliances, . Develops in a child: attentiveness, imagination, reaction, visual perception. The game is aimed at developing spatial and logical thinking, attention, and memory. Using cards in… Read moreBuy for 75 RUR

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What applies to household appliances

We can no longer imagine life without modern household appliances. It facilitates the housewife's work in caring for the house and cooking, serves for entertainment and performs many useful tasks.

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Household appliances are achievements of science; they use the most advanced developments. You can buy them in specialized stores or online, for example, on the website http://e-bazza.com/. The latter option is preferable, because this way you can purchase the necessary equipment without leaving home and saving time.


As already mentioned, the category of goods such as household appliances includes those that make household work easier.

It is divided according to its purpose:

  • for the kitchen - refrigerator, electric meat grinder, dishwasher, stove, bread maker, toaster, mixer;
  • measuring equipment – ​​thermometer, scales, watch;
  • for cleaning and cleaning - a steam cleaner and a vacuum cleaner;
  • climate control – humidifier, fan, air conditioner;
  • for clothing care - iron, washing machine;
  • other – lighting, TVs, computers, heaters, etc.

And that's all - not the whole list!

Huge assortment

All household appliances are divided into those that are necessary and those that you can do without. So, if without a refrigerator the food will spoil, so it is necessary, then the dishes can be washed by hand, without any machine.

When purchasing a device, buyers pay attention to the characteristics it needs. That is, if the kitchen is large, then the equipment chosen is larger than for a small room.

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Manufacturers take into account user requests, which is why the range of products is so huge. Here is a TV - they come with large and small screens, mounted on a special holder on the wall or on a stable stand.

Nowadays, built-in household appliances have become very popular, supporting the kitchen design and saving space.

Any equipment works with the help of electricity, so it is placed next to sockets or specially installed in the right place. But there are stand-alone models that have their own power source - a screwdriver, etc.

Modern household appliances are increasingly equipped with electronics and therefore can increasingly function without human intervention. This creates additional comfort. Now it is quite possible to control a vacuum cleaner and coffee maker from a distance while sitting in the living room watching TV.

Conspiracy theory. "Appliances":

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Gradually, equipment that can be done without becomes necessary. And where are the criteria - what is necessary for whom? Some people can't live without a coffee maker. And some people don’t drink coffee at all. And computers - where do they belong? It seems to me that this division is arbitrary and imprecise.

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Types of household appliances

Today it is almost impossible to imagine a house in which there would be no electronic or mechanical human assistant, which facilitates the solution of many lengthy and routine tasks, or speeds up the process of necessary actions. And all these helpers are united by one name - household appliances.

All types of this technology are usually classified:

  • by significance (either it is extremely necessary, or simply its presence is desirable);
  • by size (small and large);
  • by purpose (it is determined for what purpose the product should be purchased).

Most often, people believe that household appliances are limited only to kitchen appliances and the usual refrigerators and irons. But, in fact, this is a completely wrong opinion. Because there are many types of technology used in everyday life.


  • weather mini-stations;
  • medical pressure gauges, tachometers;
  • various thermometers and barometers;
  • familiar to many timers, alarm clocks, clocks and scales.


  • calculators;
  • smartphones;
  • computer technology;
  • tablets.


This includes not only refrigerators, meat grinders, blenders, coffee grinders, but also dishwashers, stoves, ovens and wine cabinets, electric boilers and even hoods, not to mention various little things that are not always needed by everyone (for example, a waffle iron or a yogurt maker )

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In addition to well-known fans and air conditioners, it includes a variety of heaters, heating radiators and modern air ionizers.


Today we paired a familiar vacuum cleaner with a Quasar steam cleaner.

Clothes care

Modern washing machines and irons share their duties with ironing, drying, and sewing machines.

Health care

Here you can find hair dryers, electric hair curlers, epilators, razors, massagers and other devices.

Communications and broadcasting

In its list you can see TVs, phones, plasma panels

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For fun

In addition to everything listed, do not forget about power tools, lighting and water heating devices, and in a private house - about gates that open using an electric drive.

Just like that. Household appliances surround people everywhere, and their development does not stand still. Therefore, recently one can observe the emergence of unique “ smart homes", which are simply created for a comfortable human life.

Household appliances, one of the classifications

Household appliances in general are equipment that is used in everyday life to perform various works and to facilitate human labor. She can even do many jobs for a person. Another advantage of modern household appliances is that they are simple and convenient. Even for those people who have absolutely no understanding of any household appliances or the technical side of life in general. It has different classifications, but also by size - small household appliances and large household appliances.

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What is meant by small household appliances?

When you are faced with the question of what kind of household appliances you should have, especially for the kitchen, you need to remember that they should be safe and convenient. Because mainly in the kitchen they will be engaged in cooking, as well as washing and cleaning, and a large number of other important actions. Therefore, they need especially safe home appliances.

What is included in small household appliances for the kitchen? We don't mean, for example, a stove. Electric or gas. This is standard for almost every apartment. And besides, it belongs to large household appliances.

Small household appliances are found mainly in the kitchen. This includes a coffee maker, electric kettle, juicer, microwave, electric knife and many other items. Moreover, they appear virtually at the speed of light. Therefore, it is better to choose wisely and not buy everything. You can, for example, make a list of what you definitely need in your kitchen, and what you would like, but will wait, or what will turn out to be completely useless, and what makes life much easier if you have this equipment for your home.

There is still a point, if only to save time and nerves for yourself and your household, to get acquainted with various catalogs in which household appliances are presented. And look in them for what you need and what is included in the list of essential items. You can also search on the Internet, on store websites. The main thing is that the site has high-quality illustrations. For example, in our store there are not only high-quality photographs of the assortment presented, but also prices that tend to go down (yes, this also happens). In addition, home appliances can be delivered anywhere in Russia, and much more. If you seem to have made your choice, but have questions, do not be afraid to contact the sellers.

They are not here just to take money and return change. They are also there to answer questions. In particular, the subject of which is large household appliances.

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In this case, your kitchen will become for you constant source joy, and small and large household appliances will not be noticeable.

What is meant by large household appliances?

Large household appliances are, for example, a dishwasher, a heating cabinet for storing vegetables, an air conditioner, hobs, a refrigerator, a gas or electric stove and much more.

Large appliances are selected in the same way as small household appliances. It is also recommended to make a list of what you cannot do without, and what you can do without. Then it is recommended to watch different variants from the first part of the list.

It is desirable, and both small and large household appliances relate to this, so it is desirable that there are photographs from different angles. Determine your price ceiling. If you purchase a product from an online store, pay attention to reviews of their products.

If possible, you can follow exhibitions of household appliances. For example, IFA, and take on board the trends reflected in it.

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If you want something strictly in color, choose built-in models of large household appliances. Or play with contrast. If you definitely cannot buy colored built-in appliances for your home, choose one in steel color. Or white. Depends on what color your kitchen walls are.

What household appliances can't you live without?

First of all, this is a refrigerator. Why? Because at any temperature, food tends to spoil. In winter you can store it on the balcony, but what to do in summer? Therefore, the refrigerator is in first place among those household appliances that are needed in the first place.

A gas or electric stove is the second most important item that home appliances should include. It doesn’t matter what it is, in addition to the above types, there is also induction or ceramic. You won’t endlessly eat food from the store. You can, of course, replace the gas stove with a microwave. Also an option. But for the majority of people, it will never replace the stove.

Household appliances that are desirable in every apartment

Iron. This item of small household appliances appeared back in Ancient Greece. Nowadays, of course, it has changed a lot, but so far they haven’t come up with anything better for ironing clothes. Is it possible to imagine life without this piece of technology? Can. For example, take things to the dry cleaner, where they will also be ironed. Or buy only wrinkle-resistant clothes. It’s still a bit difficult without an iron.

TV. Many people of our time do not watch TV, that is, they do not have these household appliances in their home. But there are still fewer of them than those who watch TV. It is especially difficult not to watch it if there are children in the house. For the majority of them, TV is part of their daily entertainment.

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Computer (optional - laptop). There is no need to talk about the need for this household appliance. If only because, while reading this article, you are using a computer. Almost anything is possible if you have a computer connected to the Internet.

Vacuum cleaner. This household appliance is especially relevant if you are a big fan of carpets. Especially if you have a furry pet. And especially if there are children. Here it is simply impossible to imagine your life without a vacuum cleaner. You can, of course, do without it. But every day you can be seen with a broom in your hands.

Instead of output

We can hardly imagine our life without the joys of technological progress. It’s just that your eyes run wide in such a variety of proposed options. Therefore, you need to approach everything wisely and not grab the first household appliance offered.

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Household appliances: what is it and where to buy it?

Most often, women (and not only them) are helped with housework by various household appliances, which are one of the achievements of modern science. That is, simply put, household appliances greatly facilitate and also speed up women’s work in household chores. All people try to help their family as actively as possible in solving problems around the house, but they cannot do without appliances. Where do you usually buy household appliances? Usually it is bought in specialized stores, or in retail outlets, where there is a corresponding department, or in online hypermarkets, like appliances.wikimart.ru and others. In addition, online hypermarkets in some cases are more convenient than a regular trip to the store, since in this case there is no need to leave the house. It will also be possible to view the entire price list and descriptions for each device using any browser and an active Internet connection.

What about household appliances?

As described above, household appliances is a technique that is designed to make household work easier. It can be classified according to its significance, size, purpose, etc.

    Types of household appliances include:
  • measuring instruments (scales, watches, thermometers, barometers, alarm clocks, etc.);
  • kitchen appliances (dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer, mixer, meat grinder, stove, multicooker, bread maker, steamer, etc.);
  • equipment for clothing care (washing and drying machines, iron, sewing machine, ironing board, etc.);
  • cleaning equipment (vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner);
  • equipment that maintains the microclimate (fan, air conditioner, etc.);
  • other equipment (electric heater, lighting equipment, etc.).

Consequently, household appliances have become firmly established in our everyday lives, thereby facilitating various types of work.