FoxPro lived, FoxPro is alive, FoxPro will live. Download foxpro program Microsoft visual foxpro download Russian version

The difference between the foxpro program and all other analogues, presented for download only in a small list, is the integrated method for processing database cursors, which is implemented thanks to powerful functions that allow you to solve practically any problem, regardless of scale. This unique product, which is also important to highlight, has functions clearly focused on working with the recognition database, which is facilitated by the presence of fairly flexible tools. Working with this application is also very convenient due to its ability to function in a service environment, but I would still prefer to talk about this separately.

Download foxpro program without registration

By simultaneously using my recommendation and downloading the foxpro program, which is popular among experienced and professional users, you can easily organize a table, create an integration database, and simply quickly process a request using the appropriate tool. In total, there are no more than ten tools for working with databases in the foxpro program, but with their help you can easily and effortlessly solve almost any problem by simply downloading the distribution kit for free to your computer with the future launch of the integrated installer.

You should not assume that working with the foxpro program is very complicated and problematic; the main thing, as I already said, is to choose the right portal from where to download this product for free, followed by installation, which, as a rule, takes a little precious time, estimated at no more than two - three minutes.

If you plan to independently understand how the foxpro program works, and most importantly, what tools are used for what, you can additionally download from our portal training video materials, based on which you will receive all the necessary answers to any of your own questions, no matter how demanding they may be were. Well, you can go directly to downloading the distribution kit using one of the following address links.

This archive includes the file VFP9RUS.DLL.

Before installing a new service pack for Visual Foxpro, you must remove the Russified DLL if it was previously installed, because When starting the environment after installing a new SP, it will display the error DLL file version mismatch.

1) DLL is intended for Russification of the Visual Foxpro developer IDE

2) Download and install SP2 for Visual Foxpro 9.0

3) For those who have Russian Windows installed and the country Russia is specified in the regional settings, you just need to copy this file to the directory where Visual Foxpro is installed.

4) For those who have a different country set in their regional settings, you need to rename this file to VFP9ENU.DLL and copy this file to the directory where Visual Foxpro is installed, having previously created a copy of the original file, in order to return everything as it was if necessary.

5) If for some reason it is necessary to remove the crack, then for 3) - you need to delete the VFP9RUS.DLL file from the Visual Foxpro directory, for 4) - unpack the original VFP9ENU.DLL file and replace the patched DLL.

(Don't forget to create a copy of the VFP9ENU.DLL file in step 4). Good luck.

Distribution Visual FoxPro 9 + SP2 for Windows - for those who don't.

If something doesn't work:

First, the vfp9enu.dll file was copied to the vfp9rus.dll file. Then the resources of the same name were copied from the file vfp9rrus.dll to the file vfp9rus.dll

In the \999 folder, resources 10, 2, 3, 4 have been replaced.

Resource 1 from folder \999 was left as it was in the English version, because... when replacing it, the set collate to "russian" command does not work. Also, resource 5 from the folder \999 - I left the English version, because I found a description of the error on the forum: it is not necessary to Russify the decryption for PEM (file 5 in the folder \999): otherwise there will be an exception when clicking on the MaxLenght TextBox in the properties window.

The VFP9RUS.DLL file is copied to the Visual Foxpro directory. When you start the shell, the menu shows in Russian - for Russian Windows.

You use this file at your own risk. There are no guarantees. In case of fatal or other errors, simply delete the VFP9RUS.DLL file from the Visual Foxpro directory.

Before downloading the file, make a note of the version number of Visual FoxPro you have installed. Select a DLL to download with a version number that matches the one installed on your computer. Download the archive. Unpack the Russian version of the DLL into the Visual FoxPro directory. When you start, the program menu will be in Russian if you have the Russian version of XP installed and the regional settings are set to Russian for date/time/number formats. If you download a DLL version that does not match the one installed on your computer, Visual FoxPro will display a DLL version mismatch error at startup. To return the English interface, simply delete the Russified DLL file from the Visual FoxPro directory. For those who have other date/time/number formats installed in regional settings to get the Russian interface - 1) create an archive copy of the VFP*ENU.DLL file from the Visual FoxPro directory - 2) delete the VFP*ENU.DLL file - 3) Unpack the Russian version file to the Visual FoxPro directory and rename it from VFP*RUS.DLL to VFP*ENU.DLL - 4) To return the English interface in this option, you must return the original version of VFP*ENU.DLL to the Visual FoxPro directory from an archived copy of the file (see. item 1). The VFP*RUS.DLL file name must be in uppercase. Attention - before installing the SP (update), remove the VFP*RUS.DLL file from the Visual FoxPro directory. After installing the SP, install a new version of the DLL (the version of the Russian DLL and the version of Visual FoxPro must match).

Maybe something else is needed. I still have the English shell

Perhaps the default regional settings are set to English. You can rename the file vfp9rus.dll to vfp9enu.dll and replace the original one (after saving a copy of it) in case you don’t like something, in order to return everything as it was.

Perhaps the default regional settings are set to English

In fact, everything is very simple. You need to rename the file, like Upper("Vfp9rus.dll") ;) In Fox, sometimes when working with a file, such things come out.

Exactly, the name VFP9RUS.dll must be in upper case. It worked for me right away.

Visual FoxPro is a professional application from Microsoft developers designed to work with relational databases, created on the basis of the FoxPro object-oriented programming language. It has a wide range of different tools for creating databases, managing them, as well as processing and storing data. It is very convenient to use due to the presence of specialized designers, wizards, hint service, etc. in the application.

Visual FoxPro has high speed of working with large databases. Supports the use of widely used table formats, allowing you to quickly exchange information with other Microsoft applications. The program contains a large number of integrated templates and examples for quickly creating databases, even with a multi-level structure. On top of that, it supports the ability to work with more than forty different file formats (act, app, cdx, dbc, dbf, dct, dcx, fky, fll, fmt, fpt, ​​frt, frx, fxp, idx, etc.).

In the latest version of the product, the reporting system has been significantly improved, SQL capabilities have been expanded, the data search system in databases has been improved, the function of printing data has been improved, the visual presentation of information in the form of graphs or charts has been fully implemented, and support for IntelliSense technology has been added, which greatly facilitates the creation of software. code, due to the auto-completion function when writing commands or parameters. Also, Visual FoxPro now provides the ability to save settings for the main window, dialog boxes, toolbars, and table settings using a settings file.


The purpose of this article is not to promote the relevance of outdated software. The author wanted to help those who, due to their duties, are forced to maintain DOS software.

In this article I want to talk about the FoxPro DBMS, or rather, about its DOS versions.

It so happened that many programs written on Fox are still “in service”. The familiar text mode window can often be seen in a bank, post office, housing and communal services settlement centers, and simply in organizations.

It is difficult to explain why Fox has taken root so well on the hard drives of some computers, just as it is difficult to understand why most computer scientists hate this software product.

Once upon a time, when trees were big and floppy disks were five-inch, FoxPro existed peacefully under MS-DOS and delighted its users. But time does not stand still; DOS was replaced by Win95, followed by Win98. But even here, our red-haired programs continued to work hard, without causing unnecessary problems to their users and system administrators.

The next popular OS that has taken over almost all computers is Windows XP. And this is where the problems started with our DBMS. On the one hand, XP is not so well tailored for DOS software and has a different architecture than Win9x; on the other hand, progress does not stand still, and a lot of new things have appeared in the hardware of the computer - multi-core processors, USB printers, etc.

Both of these factors gave rise to a considerable number of various glitches and problems. It’s not without reason that on forums you can often see angry statements addressed to FoxPro with calls to bury him completely and irrevocably.

Let's see what typical problems arise when using Fox under Windows XP and what can be done in these situations to make your life easier.

The program does not start at all or starts with crappy symbols instead of letters

The first step is to check whether FoxPro libraries are present on your computer. Usually they are placed in some folder, for example, C:\Foxpro. In order for the program to find them, it is necessary in the system file


specify the path to the libraries by adding the line


(of course, the drive name and the windows folder name may differ).

If the program does not have the Russian language and the letters are displayed incorrectly, then you need a Russian language driver for MS-DOS, for example, keyrus. Its launch also needs to be registered in autoexec.nt. To be fair, I would like to note that usually the keyrus driver is required very rarely, since Windows XP copes well with its functions itself.

I would also like to note that FoxPro had several versions, and libraries are needed strictly from the version on which the program is written. Different versions - 2.0, 2.5, 2.6 - are incompatible with each other.

Also in the system file C:\windows\system32\config.nt the following 2 lines must be present:


The first indicates the maximum number of simultaneously open files, the second - the size of the buffers.

Actually, that's all. The above steps are enough for the program to start.

Low memory

If the following situation arises - the program starts, everything seems to be working, but from time to time in some specific place (for example, calculation) or randomly the program crashes with an error with the message about lack of memory or lack of free work areas ("All workareas is in use").

In this case, pay attention to the shortcut on the desktop that launches the program. Right click on the shortcut - go to properties, open the "Memory" tab. We look at the parameters “Displayed (EMS) memory” and “Additional (XMS) memory”. In these two lines you need to set the maximum value - 16384 (usually Windows does not allocate this memory when creating a shortcut).

"Small Screen"

When you start the program, it starts in windowed mode or in full screen, but the program itself only works on half the screen, the second half remains empty (for text mode 80x25).

There are two solutions to this problem, described below.

The first method (standard). Set the shortcut properties to full screen mode. Let's launch the program. Then press the Alt+Enter combination - the program goes into windowed mode. Right click on the blue title bar of the program window. Let's go to properties. Open the "Location" tab. We set the “Screen Buffer Size” and “Window Size” parameters to 80 by 25 (if you have a standard text mode, if otherwise, set your parameters).

Click OK and the “Change Properties” dialog will appear. Select "Save properties for other windows with the same name" and click OK. Without doing anything else, exit the program (preferably through the program menu). All. Now, when launched, the program will beautifully expand to full screen. The method almost always works, but sometimes you come across computers on which this trick does not work. In this case, go to method 2.

The second method (if the first did not help). Open the program folder. We look for the CONFIG.FP file in it, if it is not found, we create it. Add a line like display=VGA25 there and save it. Now the program will also run full screen. The only caveat is that you will most likely need to install the Russian language driver keyrus.

Slow printing on a dot matrix printer

MS-DOS applications in Windows NT/2000/XP use the NT spooler when printing, which waits some time (15 seconds by default) before transferring the received data to the printer. To reduce the print timeout, which is set in the registry, open REGEDIT and go to the branch


In the string parameter "LPT_timeout" set its value to "3".

There is no need to touch the printer driver settings; let them remain at default.

By the way, if several printers are installed in the system, then the matrix printer must be installed by default.

Print to a USB printer (locally or over a network)

This issue is especially acute for programs on FoxPro. Matrix printers are almost never used anymore, but the number of laser printers is growing like mushrooms after rain.

To solve this problem, programs are used that intercept printing on LPT, convert the document and send it to a USB printer. There are many such programs. But the DOSUSB program is best suited for these purposes. After installation, you need to put it in startup or make a shortcut for the user on the desktop.

DOS2USB has a sufficient number of settings. You will need to select a USB printer, configure the font size and type, and check the "Advance Spool" checkbox.

Among the program's features I would like to note the "DMP Print" mode. It allows you to emulate the ordinary LPT text printing mode when connecting a dot matrix printer via USB. Which is very convenient: if the computer does not have an LPT port or does not work, the dot matrix printer can be connected via USB (the latest EPSON models allow this).

Printing to a network dot matrix printer

If you need to print over a network to a dot matrix printer, then there is such an option.

To open network access to the dot matrix printer to which we will print, on the computer from which we will print, we need to make the following changes: in the autoexec.nt file, add the line: net use LPT1: \\computer name\printer network name, For example:

Net use LPT1: \\sveta\epsonlx

If our Fox program is launched via a .BAT file, then instead of autoexec.nt this line can be added directly to this bat.

Program hangs on multi-core processors

If the system has two or more core processors, programs on FoxPro periodically freeze. This happens, apparently, due to the fact that Windows is trying to distribute the program code across several cores at the same time, and this is not very successful. To prevent this from happening, the system needs to run DOS programs on only one CPU core.

To do this, you need the imagecfg.exe utility, with its help you need to patch the ntvdm.exe file. After this the problems will disappear. You can do it even simpler - take a ready-made patched ntvdm and feel free to replace it in the system. Add to catalogs

\Windows\system32 \Windows\system32\dllcache\

and if there is


True, the OS will react after a while - a window will appear on the screen warning that the system files have been replaced. We tell Windows that this is what is needed and that it leaves the modified . If this question is not answered, the system will automatically return the original ntvdm to its place from the backup without your knowledge.

I would like to note that you can safely replace the ntvdm of one system with another, even if they do not match in size (SP1, SP2, SP3).

Unable to open DBF

From time to time the program crashes with a red frame - an error in opening the DBF database.

This miracle was noticed on a computer where Kaspersky Anti-Virus was installed. Apparently, the program and the antivirus cannot share access to the file. To avoid the problem, you need to add DBF files to the exclusion list (so that the antivirus does not scan them) or add the program to the trusted zone of the antivirus.

The program "eats" all computer resources

Indeed, if you minimize a running program or switch to windowed mode (for example, during a long calculation), then even on a powerful modern computer you can feel the “braking”.

There are special programs that allow you to get rid of this effect. This is Resfree and Tame.

Resfree is a domestic development, it is a single .com file of 488 bytes in size, which must be registered for launch in autoexec.nt (or in a .bat file).

Tame is a more sophisticated foreign analogue. The program is installed automatically and has additional functions, such as finer settings, program monitoring, etc.

relational database management systems developed by Microsoft Corporation. The basis for this software product was the FoxPro programming language. Belongs to the xBase family of languages, developed based on the syntax of the dBase programming language. Other members of this family are Clipper and Recital.

Originally FoxPro (original name - FoxBASE) was developed by Fox Software starting in 1984. In 1992, Fox Technologies was purchased by Microsoft, new versions of the product were significantly modified and acquired the “Visual” prefix. The latest version of the original FoxPro, version 2.6, ran under Mac OS, DOS, Windows and Unix; Already in the version of Visual FoxPro 3.0 from MS, the list of supported platforms was reduced to Mac OS and Windows, and in later versions from MS - only to Windows. The current version of MS Visual FoxPro is COM-based, and Microsoft says there will not be a .NET version of the product. There is a Sedna project that is supposed to make Visual FoxPro interoperable with .NET.

Recent history

In late 2002, it was shown that Visual FoxPro could run on Linux under Wine, however this essentially violated the EULA.

In December 2005, VFP soared into the Top 20 on the TIOBE index for the first time. In March 2007 it was in position 19, making it a B language. As of August 2010, VFP (combined with XBase) is in position 25.

In March 2007, Microsoft announced that there would be no VFP 10, hence VFP 9 (released to production on December 17, 2004) was the last commercial VFP release from Microsoft. Support for version 9 continues with service packs that were released on December 8, 2005 and October 11, 2007.

Work is underway on a project codenamed "Sedna" (named after the dwarf planet Sedna, discovered in 2003), which is a set of additions to VFP 9.0 from xBase components to support a number of scripts and algorithms for interacting with various Microsoft technologies, including SQL Server 2005, .NET Framework, Windows Vista, Office 2007, Windows Search and Team Foundation Server (TFS). Microsoft released "Sedna" under a Shared Source license on the CodePlex website. Representatives from Microsoft explained that the core VFP will continue to be closed source. Sedna was released on January 25, 2008. As of March 2008, all VFP 9 SP2 xBase components (including Sedna) were available for community development on CodePlex.

Version history

Operating system compatibility

Supported Windows versions
Version VFP 3.0 VFP 5.0 VFP 6.0 VFP 7.0 VFP 8.1 VFP 9.0
Windows 3.x Yes No No No No No
Windows NT 4.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Windows 95 Yes Yes Yes No No
Windows 98 Yes Yes Yes Yes Runtime only Runtime only
Windows ME Yes Yes Yes Yes Runtime only Runtime only
Windows 2000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows XP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Server 2003 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Vista In compatibility mode Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Executable files

Version Return value of VERSION() EXE file size EXE file date DLL file size DLL file name
VFP 9 SP2 with Hotfixes Visual FoxPro 09.00.0000.7423 for Windows 5,648 kb April 3, 2009 4,624 kb VFP9R.DLL
VFP 9 SP2 Visual FoxPro 09.00.0000.5721 for Windows 5,648 kb October 16, 2007 4,624 kb VFP9R.DLL
VFP 9 Visual FoxPro 09.00.0000.2412 for Windows 5,620 kb December 13, 2004 4,600 kb VFP9R.DLL
VFP 8 Visual FoxPro 08.00.0000.3117 for Windows 5,236 kb September 25, 2003 4,200 kb VFP8R.DLL
VFP 7 Visual FoxPro 07.00.0000.9465 for Windows 4,260 kb January 4, 2002 3,344 kb VFP7R.DLL
VFP 6 Visual FoxPro 06.00.8961.00 for Windows 4,091 kb August 18, 2000 3,295 kb VFP6R.DLL
VFP 5 Visual FoxPro for Windows 4,065 kb January 24, 1997 3,148 kb VFP500.DLL
VFP 3 Visual FoxPro for Windows 4,374 kb December 16, 1995 3,657 kb VFP300.ESL
FPW 2.6a FoxPro 2.6a for Windows 2,444 kb September 28, 1994 2,946 kb FOXW2600.ESL

Further development

Development of the MS product ceased with the release of SP2 for version 9.0, support for the MS product will be provided until 2015.

At the end of March 2007, a movement was organized by the Spanish-language FoxPro community MasFoxPro (MoreFoxPro in English), the purpose of which was to write a petition to Microsoft with a proposal to continue working on updating Visual FoxPro or release it to the open source community. On April 3, 2007, the move was noted by the tech press.

Also on April 3, 2007, Microsoft responded to the complainant's requests with the following statement from Alan Griever ( Alan Griver):

We understand the FoxPro community very well and that played a big role in what we announced on March 13th. It's never an easy decision to announce that we are not going to release another version of a product, and this is the first thing we consider very carefully.

We are not declaring the end of the FoxPro project: FoxPro applications will obviously continue to work. According to our internal estimates, there are more applications running in FoxPro 2.6 than there are in VFP, and FoxPro 2.6 has not been supported for many years. Visual FoxPro 9.0 will be supported by Microsoft until 2015.

For Microsoft to keep the FoxPro core moving forward, it must look at creating a 64-bit development environment that will include an almost complete rewrite of the core product. We have also invested in building a scalable SQL Server database, including the freely available SQL Server Express Edition. Regarding forming a partnership with a third party, which we have heard interpreted by a number of large FoxPro customers - this will make it impossible to use FoxPro as it will no longer be from an approved supplier. We felt that putting an open source environment on CodePlex that balances the needs of both the community and large customers was the best way forward.

Original text(English)

We’re very aware of the FoxPro community and that played a large part in what we announced on March 13th. It’s never an easy decision to announce that we’re not going to release another version of a product and it’s one that we consider very carefully.

We’re not announcing the end of FoxPro: Obviously, FoxPro applications will continue to work. By some of our internal estimates, there are more applications running in FoxPro 2.6 than there are in VFP and FoxPro 2.6 hasn’t been supported in many years. Visual FoxPro 9 will be supported by Microsoft through 2015.

For Microsoft to continue to evolve the FoxPro base, we would need to look at creating a 64-bit development environment and that would involve an almost complete rewrite of the core product. We’ve also invested in creating a scalable database with SQL Server, including the freely available SQL Server Express Edition. As far as forming a partnership with a third-party is concerned, we’ve heard from a number of large FoxPro customers that this would make it impossible for them to continue to use FoxPro since it would no longer be from an approved vendor. We felt that putting the environment into open source on CodePlex, which balances the needs of both the community and the large customers, was the best path forward.



  • Gorev A., Akhayan R., Makasharipov S. Effective work with DBMS Gorev A., Akhayan R., Makasharipov S. Effective work with DBMS. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 1997. - 700 p. - ISBN 5-88782-132-9

see also


  • Visual FoxPro Home
  • Articles and reviews Visual Foxpro 7 (Russian)