Reduce contact page without mouse. How to reduce page scale in different cases

Can't read messages because the font is too big and the text doesn't fit on the screen? Having trouble viewing images? Large letters and unreadable inscriptions do not allow you to fully use the capabilities of the sites. Many who do not know how to make a page smaller in a browser begin to write in tech in a panic. support. But there is no need for this, because anyone can understand this issue in just a few seconds.

That is why this article describes all possible ways Zoom out the page.

How to zoom out in Odnoklassniki

Method No1

If the font on the page seems too large for you, you need to adjust its size so that it becomes convenient for you personally. To begin, hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard, then, while holding it, scroll the mouse wheel. If you scroll the wheel up, the scale will increase, and when you scroll down, it will decrease accordingly. Change the page size until you feel comfortable reading texts and looking at images.

Method No2

The second method involves zooming in or out on the screen on your computer using hot keys on your keyboard. This method is perfect for site users who use Odnoklassniki through browsers installed on a laptop, because they often do not use computer mice.

To change the scale, you need to do a few basic steps. To narrow the page, first hold down the “Ctrl” button, which is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard, hold it down and press the “-“ button. The more times you click on this button, the more the zoom will decrease. If you want to increase the size of the font and images, hold down “Ctrl” and press the “+” key
The plus and minus buttons are located on the right side of the keyboard or in the number row.

Method No3

In addition to those methods that involve pressing keys on the keyboard, there is another - through the browser. If you choose it, you will need to use the settings. Listed with possible settings browser, find the line with the indicated percentages, next to which there are the “+” and “-“ buttons. Accordingly, you can simply click on these keys to increase or decrease the screen size.

Like this in simple ways The page scale of the Odnoklassniki website changes in the browser on the computer. Now you know what to do when your eyes get tired of large or small print.

Save it for yourself!

We began to spend a lot of time at the computer, which has become a faithful companion and assistant for us in many areas of life: work, study, recreation, communication. With the advent of the Internet, search necessary information has become closer and more accessible, and we need to take advantage of it. Within reasonable limits, of course. Do not forget that working at a computer is harmful to your health, and especially your eyesight. However, this unfavorable effect on the body can be reduced significantly if you know how to zoom in on the page. Then you won’t have to read small inscriptions, especially if you read long articles or even books.

How to zoom in on a page in Yandex browser

You need to download the Yandex browser and in the right top corner Click the Settings button and select Settings. On open page at the very bottom we look for the Show button additional settings, press. After this, you need to find the Web Content block, where you can select the page scale, expressed as a percentage.

“Settings” button –> menu item “Settings” –> “Show additional settings” –> “Web content”

Zooming in on a page in Opera

To zoom in on a page in this browser, it will take you less than a minute. On top panel find the View button and select the Scale item, where we select percentage to your liking.

menu item “Scale” –> percentage of scale

An easy way to zoom in on a page in Google Chrome

In the upper right corner there is a Settings and Controls button, where Scale is highlighted as a separate item. If you need to increase it, press +, if you need to decrease it, press -. For convenience, you can immediately see in percentage how much the scale is expanding.

“Settings and Control” button –> “Scale” item

Zooming into a page in Mozilla

To zoom in on a page in a browser like Mozilla, you need to find the View item in the top panel. After that, we find the line Scale, and by clicking it, select from the sub-items Increase, Decrease or Reset the desired one.

menu item “View” –> “Scale”

How to zoom in on a VKontakte page

To zoom in on a page in contact, you will need PC mouse. So, press Ctrl and scroll the wheel in the desired direction.

Changing the scale in Odnoklassniki

As in Contact, you can zoom in on the page using the Ctrl key and the mouse wheel, but there is another way. You need to go to the settings on the website and select the required scale.

Ways to Zoom in on a YouTube Page

The trick with the Ctrl key and the mouse wheel works on this site too. However, if you need to increase the size of the video window, the player has an option for this special button, with which you can enter full-screen mode.

Zooming into a page on a laptop without a mouse

If you work on , the most common way to zoom in on a page will not work for you. In this case, there are certain combinations, so-called hot keys, that work in all browsers and on all sites. Click to zoom in Ctrl and +, to decrease Ctrl and -, and to return the default scale (i.e. 100%) Ctrl and 0.

In order to increase the scale of a page, you do not need to have special skills, much less use the help of a professional. To provide yourself comfortable work Spending a few minutes at the computer is enough to preserve your vision and health.

While working on a computer, some users find that text or labels seem too large, but they do not know how to reduce the screen scale on the computer and bring the specified objects to normal size.

Unfortunately, one solution for everyone similar problems no, because different situations the reasons are different. In this article, we will look at the three most common situations when you may need to reduce the screen scale and tell you what you can do about it.

Most often, when users ask how to scale down the screen on a computer, they mean the scale of shortcuts on the desktop.

The fact is that by default, the Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems use fairly large shortcuts, while in Windows XP and older Windows versions Smaller labels are used. As a result, users accustomed to Windows XP want to reduce the screen scale so that the shortcuts become the usual size.

This can be solved very simply. Need to click right click mouse on the desktop, go to the “View” menu and select “Small Icons”.

In addition, in the “View” menu you can enable or disable the ordering of shortcuts and their alignment on a grid.

How to zoom out text on a computer screen

Another situation where users have problems with scale is that the text on the computer is not at the appropriate scale. By default, in operating system Windows uses a text scale of 100%, but it can be increased to 125, 150 or 175%. This option is provided for users with disabilities, but if such a scale is included ordinary user, then working with the computer will become inconvenient.

To zoom out text on your computer, you only need to make a couple of clicks. If you have Windows 10, then you need to right-click on the desktop and go to “Display Settings”.

As a result, the “Settings” window will open in front of you in the “System - Screen” section. Several settings will be available here. If you want to reduce the text scale, then you need to open the drop-down menu “Change the size of text, applications and other elements” and select the “100% (recommended)” option.

Also, problems with scale can be caused by incorrectly set . Therefore, make sure that the system-recommended resolution is selected in the “Resolution” drop-down list. You should not use a non-recommended resolution, as advised on some sites. Even if you think it will reduce the screen size on your computer. In fact, this will lead to a significant decrease in image quality on the monitor and your eyes will begin to get very tired.

On a computer with Windows 7, to reduce the text scale, you need to right-click on the desktop and go to “Screen Resolution”.

As a result, a window with text scale settings will open. Here you need to select the “Small - 100%” option and save the changes with the “Apply” button.

In Windows XP, to reduce the text scale, you need to right-click on the desktop and select “Properties”. Next, you need to go to the “Options” tab and click on the “Advanced” button.

How to reduce the screen scale in the browser and other programs

Also, sometimes there is a need to reduce the screen scale not in general on the computer, but only in individual programs.

A typical example is screen scaling in a browser. IN modern browsers You can zoom in or out on the screen by simply pressing CTRL button on the keyboard and turning the mouse wheel. Often, users accidentally use this browser feature and then don't know how to zoom out the screen back to normal. If you find yourself in similar situation, then simply hold down the CTRL button and, without releasing it, roll the mouse wheel up and down. At the same time, you will see how the screen scale changes. Having selected the appropriate scale, simply release the CTRL button. Also in browsers, you can zoom in and out of the screen using a combination of the CTRL keys and the Num+/Num- keys.

In the same way, you can zoom in or out on your computer screen in other programs. For example, in such office programs both Word, Excel and PowerPoint work both in the method with the CTRL button and the mouse wheel, and in the method with the key combination CTRL-Num+/Num-.

We all use computers in one way or another every day. Every day we spend hours in browsers or similar applications. Have you noticed that you can’t see the text well, that you stare and strain your eyes? You are not alone in this. Fortunately, in all popular browsers, as well as programs, you can zoom in. This means that you will see all the contents of the program better and more clearly.

There are times when some elements in the browser or in the program are too large and because of this it is extremely difficult for you to use the program. Then you need to zoom out work area. You can choose which specific scale is more convenient for you to use.

This is quite easy to do. Fully available universal method, which is suitable for most browsers and other applications. To use it you will need a working keyboard and mouse. All you need to do is:

  1. Hold down the “Ctrl” key, which is traditionally located in the lower left corner of the keyboard.
  2. Without releasing the Ctrl key, rotate your mouse wheel forward if you want to zoom in on the image, or backward if you want to zoom out.

Note! Instead of using the mouse wheel, you can use the “+” or “-” button on your keyboard. The effect will be absolutely the same.

In most popular browsers, you will see how the scale changes, and you can see the picture much better or use the computer more conveniently.

But if for some reason you were unable to use this method, then we will separately consider each browser and some programs so that you can definitely find a solution to the problem.

Changing the scale in browsers

Let's look at specific cases of scaling in browsers. It is in such programs that people often read books, leaf through feeds social networks– in other words, they work with elements that require a change in scale. In all popular browsers, this process is somewhat similar and is very simple in itself.

Note! By default, the scale is set to 100% in all browsers.

Let's start with this browser and look at 3 ways to change the page scale in it.

Yandex browser

On a note! Remember also about the universal method with the “Ctrl” key, which you can use and thus

Another method is to change the scale throughout the browser. That is, changing the scale of the screen, and not a specific page.

Important! Please note that this scale will be displayed on absolutely all sites and even after restarting the program.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

The scale changes similarly in this browser. To change you need:

Internet Explorer

Here's where the differences appear in the scaling process:

Interesting! Internet Explorer was the only browser on the list with a default zoom of 150%.


There were also some differences in the zooming process in this browser. You will need:


This browser differs from all others, including in the way it changes the scale.

Interesting! All of the above instructions for changing the scale are relevant not only for regular computers, but also for laptops. The algorithm of actions there will be the same.

How to return the original scale

Let's look at the example of the Yandex browser. What to do if you brought the page too close and now it has become inconvenient to use. Of course, you can simply reduce the scale in the same way, for example, using the key combination “Ctrl” + “+”. But there is another way:

  1. Open your browser settings and scroll to the “Personal Data” section.

  2. Click on the “Content Settings” button and scroll down, all the way to the “Zoom” button.

  3. Click on it, a page will appear that contains all the changes to various pages browser. You can hover over the change that is bothering you and click on the cross. After this, the scale on the selected page will return to its original size.

Changing the scale in Microsoft Word

IN text editor It is very important to take a good look at all the interface elements, as well as the text itself. To do this, sometimes you need to zoom in.

This program has two ways to change the scale. It is worth noting that both methods work well, both on Word 2010 and on more modern versions.

First way. Using the scale in the right corner of the screen

As soon as you open Word, a blank white work area will appear on the screen:

Second way. In the "View" tab

Changing the computer screen scale

There are times when you are not satisfied with the scale, not in a specific browser or program, but in general, throughout the entire computer. There is a way out of this situation, you will need:

So, we found out that changing the scale in browsers and programs is not so difficult. Anyone can do this. After this, you can finally begin to enjoy working at the computer, and not peer and read the text.

Video - How to zoom in/out on a page in Yandex Browser