Why is the disk 100 in Windows 10? We check the physical condition of the media. ❻ Cleaning the hard drive from debris. Defragmentation

Updated: 02/13/2019 Published: September 24, 2016


  • The computer is running slowly, and in the task manager the disk is constantly loaded at 100%.
  • After booting the computer, the computer slows down for several minutes, and the disk load is 100%.

The problem occurs on laptops, all-in-one PCs, and desktop PCs. The type of media also does not matter - high load can be on HDD or SSD.


  1. Active use paging file system.
  2. A process that actively uses disk system computer.
  3. Severe fragmentation.
  4. Logical or physical errors carrier.
  5. Viruses.


1. Disable the swap file

In the majority modern computers used a large number of RAM, so there is no need for a swap file.

To disable it in Windows 10 / 8.1, click right click mouse by Start:

And choose System:

In Windows 7 and below, open Conductor- right-click on Computer and choose Properties.

Now in the left part of the window that opens, click on Extra options systems:

In the window that appears, on the tab Additionally find the section Performance and press the button Options:

Go to the tab Additionally:

And press Change In chapter Virtual memory:

Now uncheck Automatically select paging file size and place a pointer to the disk with the swap file:

Just below we set the choice on the item No swap file and press Set:

The system will issue a warning about the impossibility of creating debugging information when critical error. We agree by clicking Yes.

Then close all windows by clicking OK and restart the computer.

If the system continues to freeze, and the disk is used at 100%, follow the instructions below.

2. We look at the loading of the hard drive

Built-in tools:

Launch the task manager. To do this, right-click on the lower taskbar and select Task Manager:

* Advice: You can also open the task manager with a keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + ESC.

In the manager itself, go to the tab Performance:

And click on Open Resource Monitor:

Expand the window that opens to full screen. We collapse all performance counters, leaving only the disk:

Let's sort the table first by disk read so that the arrow points down:

Among the results we find processes that load the disk for reading.

Now let’s sort the indicators per record:

This way we will get processes that load the disk system for writing.

Now let’s independently study what kind of programs load the system and whether we need them for work. Unnecessary programs can be removed or disabled from autorun.

Process Explorer:

For more detailed information You can use Process Explorer. By default, it does not show the load on the disk system, so open the column editing window:

Go to the tab Process Disk and check the boxes for disk reading and writing:

3. If the disk is loaded by the system process

WITH process system you can't remove a task, but what to do if it creates heavy load?

Typically this occurs due to Windows services:

  • Windows Search;
  • Superfetch;
  • Windows Update;
  • IPsec Policy Agent;
  • Diagnostic Policy Service;
  • Client for tracking changed connections;
  • Snupchat;
  • KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator.

We first try to disable them using one of the Services console or using the command net stop<имя службы> . If this gives a temporary effect, disable the autostart of these services.

Also, in rare cases, the problem may be Windows firewall. Let's try to turn it off.

4. Optimize the media

At using HDD(not SSD) great importance Data fragmentation (their physical scattering across the disk surface) affects performance. For optimal performance defragmentation needs to be done. For SSD drive you can perform optimization - filling the free space with zero data. Defraggler can easily handle these two tasks.

Frequent defragmentation spoils the disk - the HDD is physically depreciated, and the SSD loses read/write resource. Frankly speaking, for the latter it will not help much, since data fragmentation does not reduce its performance. It is worth defragmenting sparingly when necessary.

5. Check the physical condition of the media

Physical failure of the disk is also possible and affects the response speed of the media.

7. Perform an anti-virus scan

It is best to not only full check installed antivirus, but also additionally scan the system with a healing utility, for example, CureIt.

Myself installed antivirus may also be the cause of the problem - we try to update it, temporarily disable it, delete it.

8. Disable hibernation mode

If the computer loads the disk system for some time after waking it from sleep mode, try disabling hibernation - to do this, run command line from administrator and enter:

We reboot the computer and test the PC for some time. Later, hibernation mode can be enabled again:

9. Removing disk utilities

Decreased performance may be due to the presence of software for disk management, for example, technology Intel storage Rapid. Delete this software component may solve the problem.

Many users have found themselves in a situation where the system began to work slowly, and "Task Manager" showed maximum load hard drive. This happens quite often, and there are certain reasons for this.

Considering that the problem can be caused by various factors, universal solution there is no. It’s difficult to immediately understand what exactly affected the operation of the hard drive so much, so only by elimination can you find out and eliminate the cause by performing certain actions one by one.

Reason 1: Service "Windows Search"

For search necessary files located on the computer, in operating system Windows provided special service "Windows Search". As a rule, it works without any problems, but sometimes this particular component can cause a heavy load on the hard drive. To check this, you need to stop it.

Now let's check if the problem has been resolved with hard drive. If not, restart the service, since disabling it can greatly slow down the Windows search function.

Reason 2: Service "Superfetch"

There is another service that can greatly overload Computer HDD. "Superfetch" appeared back in Windows Vista, she works in background and according to the description should improve the operation of the system. Its task is to track which applications are used most often, mark them, and then load them into RAM, making their launch faster.

In fact, "Superfetch" useful service, but it is precisely this that can cause a heavy load on the hard drive. For example, this can happen during system startup, when a large amount of data is loaded into RAM. Moreover, HDD cleaning programs can remove from the root system disk folder "PrefLog", where data about the operation of the hard drive is usually stored, so the service has to collect it again, which can also overload the hard drive. In this case, you must disable the service.

Open Windows services (for this we use the above method). In the list we find the required service(in our case "Superfetch") and press "Stop".

If the situation does not change, then, given positive influence "Superfetch" system operation, it is advisable to start it again.

Reason 3: CHKDSK utility

The previous two reasons are not the only examples as standard tools Windows operating systems may slow it down. IN in this case we're talking about about CHKDSK utility, which checks the hard drive for errors.

When on the hard drive there is bad sectors, the utility starts automatically, for example, during system boot, and at this moment the disk can be 100% loaded. Moreover, it will continue to run in the background if it cannot eliminate errors. In this case, you will either have to change the HDD or exclude the check from "Task Scheduler".

Reason 4: Windows Updates

Many people have probably noticed that during the update the system starts to work slower. For Windows OS this is one of the most important processes, so he is usually given the most high priority. Powerful computers They will withstand this with ease, but weaker machines will feel the strain. Updates can also be disabled.

Opening Windows partition "Services"(we use the method described above for this). Finding a service "Center Windows updates» and press "Stop".

Here you need to remember that after disabling updates, the system may become vulnerable to new threats, so it is advisable to have a good antivirus on your computer.

Reason 5: Viruses

Malicious programs that got onto your computer from the Internet or from external storage, are capable of causing much more damage to the system than simply interfering with normal work hard disk. It is important to promptly monitor and destroy such threats. On our website you can find information on how to protect your computer from various types virus attacks.

Reason 6: Antivirus program

Programs designed to combat malware, in turn, can also cause your hard drive to overload. To make sure of this, you can temporarily disable the function of checking it. If the situation has changed, then you need to think about a new antivirus. It’s just that when it fights some virus for a long time, but cannot cope with it, the hard drive experiences heavy load. In this case, you can use one of antivirus utilities, which are intended for one-time use.

Reason 7: Synchronization with cloud storage

Users familiar with cloud storage, know how convenient these services are. The synchronization function transfers files to the cloud from a specified directory, providing access to them from any device. During this process, the HDD may also overload, especially if we are talking about large amounts of data. In this case it is better to disable automatic synchronization to do it manually when convenient.

Reason 8: Torrents

Even the now popular torrent clients, which are ideal for downloading large files at a speed significantly higher than the speed of any file hosting service, can seriously load your hard drive. Uploading and distributing data greatly slows down its operation, so it is advisable not to download several files at once, and most importantly, turn off the program when it is not in use. This can be done in the notification area - in the lower right corner of the screen, by right-clicking on the torrent client icon and clicking "Exit".

The article listed all the problems that could lead to a full hard drive, and also provided options for eliminating them. If none of these help, it may be the hard drive itself. Maybe there's too much on it bad sectors or available physical damage, which means it is unlikely to be able to work stably. The only solution in this case is to replace the drive with a new, functional one.

Very often the disk is 100% loaded in Windows 10 and the problem occurs when you have just reinstalled the system, everything is fine with the hardware, but the computer slows down a lot. You press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and see in the task manager that the hard drive is 100% loaded.

This can happen at system startup or after some time. This problem does not arise in any specific situation, it appears on its own and at any time. After this, the computer starts to work slowly, and some people simply reboot the system in the hope that the problem will go away.

Disk loading 100% on Windows 10 (solution)

More often this problem found in Windows 8, 8.1 or 10. Since only in these Windows versions There is a special Windows Search service, which should be aimed at speeding up the system, but often, due to its performance curve, everything only gets worse. After disconnecting this process, the disk should load at 100% in Windows 10.

Important: you must have administrator rights and all subsequent actions must be performed as an administrator.

We need to open Services in Windows

  1. Press Win (button with 4 squares) + R, in the window that opens, enter services.msc and press Enter.
  2. The second method is to enter in the search field Services, press right key and run as administrator

In the window that opens, find the service "Windows Search"

Double-click a service to open its options and settings. First press the key "Stop", then select "Startup type" and change it to "Disabled"

Disabling this service will be especially effective on older computer models.

Now you can go and check the load in the device manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

Don't rush to close the window Services. If disabling Windows Search does not help, you need to disable another service. It is called SuperFetch. As a rule, this service is aimed at speeding up Windows operation 8.1 and 10, sometimes found on Vista and 7. In some cases, it can cause problems and put a lot of stress on the disk.

The SuperFetch service must be stopped and disabled in Windows Services in the same way, as was done in the previous method.

Need to find a service "Superfetch". Open it double click. Disable by clicking Stop, then select Startup Type and change it to Disabled.

As a rule, after these two manipulations everything returns to normal, if everything is in order with your hardware and HDD.

Antivirus scan

A very common problem when you catch a virus. It may start to overload your computer and hard drive. In this case, everything is solved by installing antivirus program. We have no right to recommend any software. We can only say that there are several proven and free programs, each of which is very effective. Links to programs are provided below:

  • CureIt from Dr.Web is good free version antivirus, will allow you to quickly scan your computer
  • The free version of Kaspersky is very effective and can often find things that CureIt cannot find.

Sometimes there are situations when damaged clusters or files appear on the disk and then the disk loads 100% in Windows 10. They can also reduce the speed HDD operation, you may have problems reading and opening files. To fix errors on the HDD, you need to take a number of actions.

  1. Open a command prompt by typing CMD in the search bar
  2. Next enter chkdsk.exe /f /r
  3. The HDD will be checked
  4. At the end of the check, restart the computer and check how much the HDD is loaded in Device Manager

Today in this article we will look at ways to solve one very unpleasant problem, which manifests itself in excessively high load on the hard drive (HDD) or solid state drive(SSD). Computer users Windows control Faced with such anomalous behavior of the system quite often, I recently had to look for ways to solve this problem. In particular, at some point my Windows 10 laptop started freezing and not responding for minutes. Having opened the Task Manager, I discovered that the SSD disk load reaches 100% even when idle, and for no apparent reason.

According to the Microsoft engineer whose advice ultimately helped me solve my problem, on some systems the culprit may be the Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI) mode - it is enabled by default. Some may not complete I/O operations successfully when MSI mode is enabled. Due to infinitely waiting for unresponsive reads or writes, the stack Windows storage starts trying to reset disk device. It is these reset attempts that lead to Windows starting to load the disk at 100% and, therefore, the system stops responding.

The issue can be resolved by disabling MSI mode for the Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI).

Step 1: First we need to open the Device Manager snap-in. Press the + R keys and enter the command devmgmt.msc and press Enter.

Step 2: In the Device Manager window, find the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers” node, expand it and open the properties window standard controller SATA AHCI.

Step 3: Go to the “Driver” tab, click “Details”. Now note that the Driver Files field should mention storahci.sys. If this is so, then SATA controller AHCI uses the so-called Inbox driver ( Microsoft certified, included with Windows), therefore, MSI mode can be disabled.

Step 4: Click "OK". We return to the properties window, switch to the “Details” tab and select “Path to device instance” from the drop-down list. Save the value somewhere, we will need it later.

Step 5: Launch the registry editor with the command regedit.

Step 6: We follow this path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ Controller valueAHCI\Device Parameters\Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties

"Controller valueAHCI» we received at stage 4 of the manual.

Now in the registry window on the right we find the parameter MSISupported, open it double click mouse and change the value from 1 to 0.

That's it, close the registry and restart the computer. After rebooting, the problem of 100% disk utilization should disappear.

Other ways to solve the problem

The reason for the high load on the hard disk (HDD) may be the service Windows search(file indexing service) or Windows Superfetch.

To permanently turn them off, use the command services.exe open the “Services” snap-in, find the Windows service, double-click on the service properties and select “Disabled” in the drop-down list. Also click Stop to stop the service immediately.

Then do the same with Windows service Search.

After this, the load on the disk should decrease noticeably. If that doesn't help, try other steps. In particular, check the system for malware. It is very likely that viruses are creating a load on the disk, and this can help you detect them. antivirus scanner like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Alternatively, you can check the disk for errors regular means systems. To do this, open the command line and run the command in it chkdsk.exe /f /r, just keep in mind that your computer will need to restart to complete the scan.

There is also an opinion that 100% use of hard disk in Windows 10 and Windows 8.x may cause Flash plugin V Google Chrome. Moreover, the Flash player is one of the most vulnerable aspects of modern computer technology. So it makes sense to disable it, especially since Google itself and other Internet giants have already begun to abandon its use in favor of a modern and much more safe technology HTML5.

So if you are using Chrome, enter the command chrome://plugins V address bar browser and press Enter. Then find Adobe Flash Player in the list of plugins and click "Disable".

I hope these tips helped you solve the problem.

Have a great day!

Good day, dear friends. One of the common reasons slow work computer is full use hard resources disk, and this problem can occur immediately after the system boots, when you have not yet had time to launch any application. At the same time, the computer works extremely slowly. In this article I will tell you:

What to do if the disk is 100% loaded?

Actually, this is what this problem looks like in the task manager:

Next, I will talk about the most common causes of its occurrence and solutions.

Disable file indexing

This solution is especially relevant if you are using an old hard drive.

This was enough for my patient. Disk utilization dropped to three percent.

If you also get a satisfactory result, we recommend that you do not stop there and follow all the steps from this guide in order to avoid the appearance of full load disk in the future.

Disable the disk optimization service.

It would seem that this service should help the hard drive work, but if you have an old HHD and the service is active, problems with system performance are guaranteed!

  1. Click “Start” and open “Services”.
  2. In the window that opens, find the “SuperFetch” service.
  3. First you need to stop this service. To do this, right-click on the service and select “Stop”.
  4. Then right-click on the service and open “Properties”.
  5. In the window that opens, set the parameters as in the image below and click “Apply”.

As you can see, disabling the SuperFetch service did not require knowledge of higher matters. Let's move on.

Defragmenting your hard drive

Your hard drive may be severely fragmented. In this case, the files of a program are scattered throughout the disk and to run it we receive additional load on the disk. You can correct the situation using defragmentation.

  1. Open “This PC” and open “properties” by right-clicking on the desired section.
  2. In the window that opens, go to the “Service” tab.
  3. In the “Optimization and Defragmentation” section, click on the “Optimize” button.
  4. In the window that opens, you will see a list of all partitions and the degree of their fragmentation.
  5. First, let's analyze all sections. Select the sections one by one and click “Analyze”.
  6. Wait for the analysis to complete. If the partition is more than 5% fragmented, select this section and click “optimize”.
  7. We wait for the process to complete and repeat the procedure for all partitions whose fragmentation is more than five percent.

We reboot the computer, wait for the full load and look at the disk load. After the system starts, the disk load should not exceed 10%.

Checking and fixing errors using CHKDSK

You have most likely seen this utility work more than once during system startup. Before starting work windows utilities will offer to skip the test by pressing any button for 10 seconds.

Then you need to reboot and wait until the disk errors are checked and corrected. This procedure may take quite a long time.

Motherboard drivers.

We find the drivers for your motherboard through a search engine. Download and install all the drivers, and then restart the computer.

If you don't know which one motherboard installed, follow these steps:

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you step by step about installing drivers, since this procedure different for different motherboards.