Business selling mobile phones. Advertising an outlet: ways to attract customers. Setting up DVD subtitles and audio tracks

Business on purchase, repair and further sale mobile phones is one of the types of business available to everyone. Anyone can start their own business without much difficulty and from the first days of its existence make very good money and develop.

This type of business is most suitable for those who themselves are telephone repair specialists. In this case, organizing a business will be very easy. Moreover, this will be a great opportunity to do what you love and earn income at the same time.

Mobile communications are no longer a luxury, but a necessary and accessible means of communication for everyone. Today, people have tens, or even hundreds of millions of mobile phones in their hands. At the same time, most people are constantly acquiring newer, more modern, advanced and expensive models, replacing their existing phone with a better one. In this regard, there is an urgent need in the market for the quick sale of used mobile phones.

Today there is not a single company on the market that would buy used mobile phones and would not repair them. Moreover, repair work is often more profitable than selling phones.

In connection with all of the above, we can safely say that a service center for mobile phones is a relevant, popular and profitable line of business. The main activities of such a service center are repair, purchase and further resale of mobile phones, recording of new melodies, videos and films, and sale of various related products.

To start a business, first of all, you need to find a suitable premises. It should be located in a place with good foot traffic and be small in area, since the equipment necessary for work does not take up much space.

Main requirements for the premises:

Availability of uninterruptible power supply;

Availability of ventilation;


Connection to high-quality (reliable, high-speed) Internet.

It is better if the premises consist of two rooms, one of which is intended for receiving and issuing mobile phones, and the second for a warehouse-workshop.

The place where customer service is performed must be in mandatory have:

Consumer Corner;

Rules for consumer services for the population;

Price list;

Operating mode;

If at least one of the above documents is missing, this may become a reason for the collection of a fine by the regulatory authorities.

You can buy mobile phones from your friends, using advertisements in local newspapers, submitting your own advertisements, as well as using bulletin boards on the Internet, in crowded places where there are salons offering new mobile phones for sale, etc.

The biggest benefits come from working with inexpensive phones, the cost of which is up to $100. It is in this price category phones are being bought at only half price. Thus it becomes possible to receive profits at 100%. In great demand Cheap phones are also used. Compared to more expensive models They sell out the fastest.

For repair work telephones will require staff. The main requirement here is diligence.

As for spare parts, they must be of high quality and must be purchased from reliable suppliers, and not from resellers. At the same time, you should not purchase spare parts for future use. After all, mobile phones become obsolete quite quickly, giving way to new, more advanced models; accordingly, spare parts for them also become obsolete quickly and very quickly lose price. A more expedient solution is to set up the supply chain in such a way that it would allow them to be ordered in small quantities. As a rule, suppliers agree to this if the craftsmen guarantee the purchase of goods at a certain amount per month.

If there is no wholesale supplier of components and spare parts for mobile phones in the city, you can use the services of any transport company, which is engaged in regional freight transportation. Contrary to popular belief, this option is cheaper than carrying out independent raids in large cities. At the same time, it becomes possible to significantly save time.

Selling mobile phones can be done in the same ways as purchasing them, as well as through a retail outlet specializing in the sale of used ones cell phones.

It is worth noting that this type of business is quite simple, there is nothing complicated about it. It is accessible to everyone, and at the same time allows you to make good money. It is also important that this market is constantly growing, unlike the market for new mobile phones, where it is almost impossible to occupy a place today. Small private business in the field of selling used mobile phones is still quite accessible. Moreover, its level of profitability is many times higher than the level of profitability of communication stores offering new mobile phones for sale.


Even before the conversation begins, determine the purpose of the conversation and draw up preliminary plan. Study the product offered thoroughly so that you are prepared to answer questions or objections that your interlocutor may have. Prepare answers to likely questions in advance. Be determined not to fume or get excited when answering, avoid the phrases “Well, you don’t understand!”, “You are completely wrong!”, “It’s impossible to talk to you calmly,” etc.

In order to set up a conversation in a confidential manner, keep a smile in your voice and be extremely polite. Your positive communication will rub off on the client.

Avoid common phrases that cause psychological stress ("The company is bothering you...", "We decided to call you because..."). It is better to immediately after the greeting identify yourself and the company you represent.

Find out whether the client can now devote time to you, or whether it would be more convenient for him to call you back. Your interlocutor will surely like such delicacy.

Call the person “on the other end of the line” by name. The more often you do this, the sooner he will begin to trust you. This is human psychology.

Show the other person that you are ready to listen. Leave approximately 80% of the conversation time to the client. Don't interrupt him, let him speak. If he is aggressive, try to calm him down in a soft voice. If it doesn't work, apologize and say you'll call back later.

Ask your interlocutor questions necessary to maintain control of the conversation, and don’t be afraid to be persistent.

Regardless of how the client reacted to the conversation, be sure to end the conversation on a positive note.

Record the result of the conversation, this will help you “work on mistakes” and improve the quality and effectiveness of the next conversation.

Don't follow a pattern. Try different ways to start a conversation, offer a service or product, etc. Experiment with whatever you think will make your sales more effective.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If your colleague's telephone sales are going well, don't hesitate to adopt his methods or tricks.

Study psychology. This will definitely help you in mastering the art of talking on the phone.

In order to successfully offer and sell services By phone, it is necessary not only to know the text by heart, but also to skillfully be able to direct the conversation with the client in the right direction. If you follow a few rules for communicating with clients, most negative interlocutors will easily become fans of your company.

You will need

  • Individual negotiation strategy, pleasant voice, pre-prepared text of your message.


Take more time to practice. After all, only practice will help you gain maximum confidence in your gift of persuasion. It will provide an opportunity to overcome the fear of an unknown consumer. The first and basic rule is practice.

In order to learn how to correctly offer any services or sell by , you need to select individual option conducting a conversation with a client, that is, finding your own communication technique. It is best if it is completely individual. Today, in order to achieve success in any field, you need not to act according to other people’s templates, but to develop your own strategy. All people are individual and perceive the world around them differently.

You can open a business selling accessories for phones and tablets with an amount of 150 - 200 thousand rubles. The bulk of the funds - about 70% - goes to create an assortment of goods, 20% - to purchase commercial equipment and 10% for other expenses. This is a simple business that any aspiring entrepreneur can open. The whole difficulty in starting a business lies in finding profitable suppliers of goods who will offer the lowest wholesale price. Although average bill of such stores often does not exceed 600 rubles; this does not prevent the outlet from making a profit. Accessories stores receive their main income from high trade markups, which reach 500% for individual items.

Such a business is attractive because a small store can be opened on just 4-6 sq.m. This could be a place under an escalator in a shopping center (where there is maximum traffic) or a department in the format of a shopping island. It is advisable to open in high-traffic areas with a rich audience. In this regard, large shopping centers are one of the best places, despite the high rent (from 5,000 rubles per sq. m.). The clientele in large shopping centers is the richest.

The assortment of the store's accessories for phones and tablets includes such products as: covers, cases, decor for phones, cables and chargers, protective films, headphones and headsets, accessories for iPhone and iPad, styluses and gloves, car accessories for phones, gadgets for smartphones and tablets, batteries, bags for tablets. At the same time, the majority of sales come from goods Apple, according to market participants. The products of this company should be kept in maximum quantities:

In some cases, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just accessories. You can add the most popular models of phones and tablets to the range: iPhone, iPad, Mac Book. Optional in large quantities, possible positions 5-10. It has been noticed more than once that when adding phones, sales of accessories for them increase several times.

When opening a store, great importance is attached to finding profitable suppliers. Accessories are inexpensive goods, and the main income comes from high trade margins. If it is not possible to purchase goods at low prices, then it’s not worth starting a business. Even a markup of 100% is considered low. Most often, goods are sold with a markup of 200%. This is the only way to make money in this business.

Almost every shopping center has three or four salons cellular communication, which also have a good range of accessories, even at a greatly inflated cost. But salons have their advantages: a well-promoted brand, bright design, a large assortment of gadgets, huge investments, high traffic. Accessories are not their main source of income, but they sell well, since almost every purchase of a phone or tablet also means the purchase of a case or handbag for it.

Market players share some information that good wholesale suppliers of accessories can be found in Novosibirsk: their quality is good and their range is varied. As a last resort, you can always contact trading platforms China (alibaba and aliexpress). There are always plenty of cheap little things there. This is what most small online stores that sell accessories do.

To register a business, no licenses or additional permits are needed: it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship in the local tax service, which will take only 5 days from the date of submission of documents. When filling out an application, they usually indicate OKVED code 52.4 “Other retail trade in specialized stores.” The taxation system most often chosen is UTII - a single tax on imputed income. This is the most optimal tax regime for small stores. Your tax is always a flat fee (paid quarterly). UTII exempts an entrepreneur from paying income tax, property tax and VAT. But the most important thing is that “imputation” allows you not to use cash registers when making payments to customers.

Modern people strive to be in touch 24 hours a day. If fifteen years ago a cell phone was considered a luxury, and few could acquire such a miracle of technology, now even first-graders have their own mobile phones.

The cost of such gadgets falls every year, and new, more advanced devices appear on the market that can be used not only as means of communication, but also as real multimedia centers. Almost all new smartphones offer their owners ample opportunities for Internet surfing, watching videos, listening to music tracks and all kinds of games.

People don't want to part with their phones even for a minute, and for many people forget mobile home much scarier than leaving without money or keys. For you, as an entrepreneur, this means that by correctly drawing up a business plan for a mobile phone store, you can get a good income.

Step 1. Select a suitable business model

For those entrepreneurs who have decided to work in this market segment, two options are available for organizing their business:

  • concluding a franchising agreement with a large chain;
  • independent organization and running of business.

The prospect of working as a franchise has a number of advantages. Firstly, these are favorable purchasing prices. Secondly, in the process of discovery point of sale you are guaranteed to receive support from the main company.

And this is not to mention the fact that you are working on behalf of a strong, well-known brand in the market. And therefore, advertising costs are reduced by at least half. At the same time, you apply proven sales technologies that have proven their effectiveness. The completeness of services and their quantity may vary depending on the characteristics of the franchise itself.

Step 2. Search for premises

We continue to draw up our business plan. It is most logical to locate a cell phone store in a place with a large crowd of people. Your task is to reach a level at which the minimum attendance at the salon will be about 300 people per day.

It is best to look for premises on busy streets and avenues, close to grocery stores and supermarkets, on the territory of shopping centers. For a salon to be profitable, it is enough for more than two thousand customers to pass by your store a day.

Step 3. Workshop and warehouse

When developing a business plan for a cellular communication salon, you can immediately think about the possibility of providing additional services, in addition to the sale of mobile phones and accessories. So, you can get a good additional profit by placing a device repair workshop on the premises of the salon. Cell phone repair is an extremely popular service with high profitability, because some breakdowns appear every day.

Someone accidentally spilled water on the phone, or someone dropped the device and scratched the screen - these people just might become your first customers. In addition, you will need to allocate a small space for storing spare parts. It is not profitable to have large volumes of spare parts in this type of business, because popular models phones quickly become outdated and depreciate. The best option– purchase of spare parts in small quantities.

Step 4. Organizational and legal issues

Speaking about how to open a cellular communication salon, experts advise first registering as an individual entrepreneur, and not legal entity. There are reasons for this:

  • the registration procedure takes much less time and does not require large financial costs (the state fee is only 800 rubles);
  • at first you will need only a few people to work successfully;
  • requirements for tax reporting For individual entrepreneurs much softer.

What else should someone who decided to open a mobile phone store remember? For the effective functioning of a business, it is extremely important to constantly maintain a decent range of products. To do this, you need to find a reliable supplier who can provide you with a wide range of the lineup goods taking into account seasonality, as well as latest releases gadgets and accessories.

Step 5. Recruitment

You need to select employees based on the number of goods and the specifics of services. The minimum number of employees in a store is two people. Even during an influx of buyers, they will be able to distribute responsibilities among themselves (for example, one of them will advise people, and the other will carry out direct sales).

It is essential that staff have a good understanding of different models phones and could provide clients with up-to-date and useful information, help choose suitable model etc. Remember that the results of the sellers’ work directly determine how much money the cellular communication store will bring you.

The business plan, among other things, must include the cost of training employees. It is best to conclude agreements on individual financial responsibility with the craftsmen - this will allow you to avoid many unpleasant situations, because, as a rule, expensive gadgets are sent for repair.

Step 6. Advertising

Advertising for a cell phone store can be anything. Involve all possible sources: distribute leaflets to people, post advertisements, promote your website on the Internet, buy advertising minutes on TV and radio - each source will attract a certain number of new clients to you. And subsequently, after analyzing the effectiveness different ways advertising, you can highlight the most profitable ones and redistribute the budget.

Step 7. Assessing possible risks

A business plan for a mobile phone store must necessarily include an assessment of possible risks and problems that you, as an entrepreneur, may encounter at different stages of your activity.

This should include:

  • Production risks: interruptions in the Internet, accidents, intrigues of competitors (especially when developing your own online store).
  • Mistakes when hiring employees: selecting foremen and sales managers who do not have a sufficient level of qualifications.
  • Organizational problems: damage to goods, losses, interruptions in payments, etc.
  • Errors in positioning, studying and analyzing the market and competitors operating in this segment.
  • Dependence on counterparties: you should constantly evaluate the quality and quantity of purchased products - only in this case can you establish calm, uninterrupted trade.

Taking these nuances into account, experts recommend that those planning to open a mobile phone store should still start with a franchise, which is considered a less risky option. This will allow you to delve deeper into the specifics of the market and thoroughly study it. If you still decide to go your own way, you should consider other points:

  • involve only those people who already have some practical experience in this field;
  • think over a system for rewarding the most active and successful employees, monitor their development and advanced training;
  • maintain an expanded product range;
  • carefully develop a business plan for a cellular communication salon, having worked out the legal aspects of contracts with partners.

However, it is important to remember that the mobile phone market is one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing industries. That is, you need to always be prepared for unforeseen circumstances and problems.

Step 8. Drawing up a financial plan

First, let's look at the one-time and monthly expenses of the average mobile phone store.

Start-up costs:

  1. Computer (1 pc.) – 12.5 thousand rubles;
  2. Internet and telephone (connection and installation) – 4.5-7 thousand rubles;
  3. Scanner – 1.5 thousand rubles;
  4. Furniture (chairs, counter, table) – from 25 thousand rubles;
  5. Rent (for 3 months) – from 45 thousand rubles;
  6. Cash desk – from 1.8 thousand rubles;
  7. Showcases – from 15 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.;
  8. Alarm system – from 25 thousand rubles.

Taking into account administrative costs (registration of activities as an individual entrepreneur and the services of a special company for collecting permits) and the purchase of goods, your start-up costs will be about 260 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs include:

  1. Employee salaries – from 75 thousand rubles;
  2. Rent – ​​from 15 thousand rubles;
  3. Utility bills (Internet, telephone, electricity) – from 10 thousand rubles;
  4. Replenishment of goods – 50 thousand rubles;
  5. Additional expenses – from 5 thousand rubles;
  6. Alarm system - from 3.5 thousand rubles.

In total, monthly expenses will be about 155-160 thousand rubles. Income will largely depend on the established markup. As a rule, entrepreneurs set a markup of 10-15% on phones, up to 20% on cards and up to 25% on various accessories. But for spare parts used in the repair process, it can reach 100% or more. The project's profitability level can reach 20%.

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a micro-enterprise in Krasnodar. The area of ​​activity is the sale of accessories for mobile phones on an “island” in a large shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

The demand for the project’s products is due to the general situation in the mobile retail market: a decrease in the solvency of the population, which has led to a decrease in demand for new mobile phones and smartphones. This, in turn, contributes to an increase in demand for repair services mobile devices, as well as accessories that can be used to personalize the device or protect it from physical wear and tear.

Investment costs are aimed at making a rental deposit for three months, production of a trade stand, purchase of goods, as well as the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators


One of the most striking indicators of consumer sentiment in Russia today is the market for mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. In a stable economic situation, many Russians preferred to change their smartphone on average once every one and a half to two years. In the last two years the situation has changed dramatically.

Based on the indicators of the RSBI Opora Index, compiled by Opora Russia jointly with Promsvyazbank, entrepreneurial sentiment in Russia stopped falling and showed a slight growth trend.

Figure 1. RSBI indicators, 2014-2016

However, mobile retail (b2c market for mobile devices) indicates a more serious decline in consumer sentiment. For example, in 2015 the main market trends were:

    decline in the share of the premium segment in total sales amid the growing popularity of new (in to a large extent, Chinese) brands; at the same time, consumers preferred to maintain the performance of the devices, but not overpay for the brand; the share of traditional smartphone manufacturers has fallen to less than 50% of total sales

    growth in the average retail price of devices - according to experts, it increased by 9% compared to 2014; at the same time, growth turned out to be significantly lower than in other segments of the household appliances and electronics market

    growth in the functionality of smartphones - the share of devices supporting LTE, NFC, two SIM cards, etc. has increased.

    smartphones replacing regular mobile phones, which account for 33% of total sales as of 2005

It was in 2015 that the mobile device market in Russia showed negative dynamics for the first time since 2009: compared to 2014, sales decreased by 3% in volume terms. Sales of smartphones increased due to a decrease in sales of conventional mobile phones - smartphones, according to the analytical agency TrendForce, were sold 22% more than in 2014 (in monetary terms).

At the beginning of 2016, several of the largest players in the mobile retail market reported a serious drop in sales in physical terms - by 8.4% in 2015 compared to 2014. Revenue, however, continued to grow due to rising device costs. The average cost rose from 8.9 thousand rubles per device in 2014 to 10.1 thousand rubles. in 2015. Smartphones with LTE support accounted for about 57% of sales in volume terms.

At the beginning of September 2016, the analytical company IDC published preliminary results of the Russian mobile device market for the first half of 2016. Experts note a stabilization of indicators and a return to pre-crisis levels. However, according to IDC forecasts, in dollar terms the market will not regain its former positions. In the medium term, the market will remain highly competitive and price sensitive.

The main market trends in 2016 include:

    continued growth of interest in device functionality (performance, LTE support, quality of photo and video shooting, etc.)

    consumers began to change mobile phones less frequently (the share of devices purchased more than 12 months ago has increased significantly)

    growth in sales of mono-brand chains, decrease in sales of multi-brand chains; The range of operators is also growing mobile networks(in the first half of 2015, 21% of buyers purchased mobile devices from operators, in 2016 – 24%)

    growth in sales of devices under its own brands mobile operators; As a rule, these are budget devices made in China

Figure 2. How long ago did you buy the mobile phone / smartphone you use today (according to AC&M)

Figure 3. Mobile device sales structure (according to AC&M)

Ready ideas for your business

To summarize, the market is most likely to stagnate over the next few years. The share of multi-brand retail will continue to decline, but it will not disappear completely. The importance will grow own channels distribution of cellular operators.

These data indicate a decrease in demand for new mobile electronics, which leads to an increase in demand for spare parts and accessories. Thanks to accessories, you can “revive” the appearance of even a significantly shabby smartphone, as well as extend its life.

The enterprise is organized “from scratch”, registered in the relevant government agencies. The location of the retail outlet is an “island” in the largest shopping center in Krasnodar. An island is a retail outlet with an area of ​​2.5 m2 in the gallery shopping center. The project initiator is assumed to be self-employed.

Krasnodar is a city in the south of Russia, the administrative center Krasnodar region, one of the largest cities in the South federal district. A large economic, commercial, industrial and cultural center. The population of the city is 853 thousand people.

The largest shopping center in the city was chosen for placement, the total area of ​​the center is 180,400 m2, the retail area is 142,000 m2; parking for 3,500 cars. On the territory of the shopping center there are: the largest grocery hypermarket in the Southern Federal District, a building materials hypermarket, a furniture store, goods for sports and recreation, Appliances and electronics, clothing and shoes for children and adults, bowling.

Ready ideas for your business

The retail outlet is located in a place with highest traffic, in one of the central galleries of the shopping center, in close proximity to the food court.


The project sells accessories for budget and mid-range mobile phones and smartphones price segments, predominantly Chinese and Russian production. They are treated as decorative elements(back covers), and functional (chargers, portable speakers) and protective (protective films, cases). Full list products (by category) are given in Table. 2. To simplify calculations, it is used average cost products in each category.

Table 2. Assortment, variable costs and selling price





External batteries

Back covers

Protective glass

Protective film

Cards Micro memory SD

Portable speakers

Project workers also provide sticker services protective film, installing back covers, setting up speakers, and so on. All services are provided free of charge.

Goods are purchased at the wholesale warehouse of a large network wholesale supplier mobile accessories. The warehouse is located in Krasnodar, which greatly facilitates logistics and reduces the cost of delivering goods.


The target audience of the project is men and women aged 14 to 45 years, with a mobile phone or smartphone, with an income level of up to 50,000 rubles. All sales are carried out directly through the retail outlet in the shopping center. To attract customers, a specially organized display of goods is used, demonstrating the most striking and original accessories. In addition, there are periodic product demonstrations - for example, the operation of portable speakers.

Additional promotion is carried out through social networks and Internet services aimed at the youth audience, which is the most active segment of the target audience. Social networks, and Instagram service. Are being created public pages, filled with various content:

    useful - tips and tricks on the use of mobile phones and accessories, how to care for them (40% of the volume)

    entertaining – funny stories and pictures related to the theme of the pages (25% of the volume)

    involving – competitions, surveys (15% of volume)

Publication frequency – 3-4 posts per day.

The competitiveness of the project is based on its favorable location. There are shops on the territory of the shopping center digital technology, which also offer accessories for mobile phones and smartphones, however, since this area is not their specialization, their assortment, as a rule, is not so deep. Typically, the stock of mobile retail stores consists of accessories for latest models devices that are directly on sale. Considering the fact that the stock of mobile devices in the country is rapidly aging, accessories for older models are becoming in demand. The project takes into account this fact and pays attention to the purchase of such accessories, which has a positive effect on the profitability of the project, since outdated models are purchased from the stock balances of wholesale suppliers at a discount.

Achieving planned sales volumes is expected from the fourth month of project implementation. Reaching the break-even point by the third month of project implementation. The demand for the project’s products does not have a pronounced seasonality, with the exception of surges in consumer activity during the pre-holiday periods - before February 23, March 8 and the New Year.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes






External batteries

Back covers

Charging device / network adapters

Protective glass

Protective film

Micro SD memory cards

Portable speakers


266 530

171 220


Sales of goods are carried out through a sales stand located in the gallery of the shopping center. Stand area – 2.5 m2. The operational stock of goods is stored inside the stand, in locked boxes. The premises of the shopping center are centrally guarded, so overnight storage of goods at the stand is safe. The main inventory is kept by the project initiator, for which a special room has been equipped in his house.

The sales stand is manufactured by a furniture company in Krasnodar to order according to individually developed drawings. The design provides the most convenient open display that can attract the attention of visitors to the shopping center. The period for manufacturing and installation of the stand (by the manufacturer) is 7 calendar days.

The purchase of goods is carried out at the warehouse of a large wholesale supplier of mobile accessories. Depending on the volume of a one-time purchase, the size of the wholesale discount usually varies, but the project initiator managed to reach an agreement with the regional management to fix the maximum discount, subject to a gross monthly purchase volume of at least 150,000 rubles. Planned volume of purchases (according to Table 3 – 171,200 rubles).

Ready ideas for your business

Warehouse turnover is planned at 2-2.5 times a month, thus, 2-3 purchases of goods are carried out monthly for varying amounts. This allows you to more accurately form warehouse inventory, avoid the appearance of illiquid goods, and also increase the turnover of working capital.

The product is supplied in original packaging. Guarantee period depends on the product category.


All leadership and management functions are performed by the project initiator. He has experience in organizing retail trade and online promotion. Accounting has been outsourced. The opening hours of the outlet are 10.00 – 22.00. A shift work schedule is provided - 2/2, accordingly, a second salesperson is required. The selection of a seller is carried out within preparatory stage project. The duration of the preparatory stage is 1 week. During this period, the production and installation of the trade stand is also carried out, and the first batch of goods is purchased. After this, the period of operating activity of the enterprise begins.

The project has a limited implementation period - five years, after which it is planned to be liquidated with the sale of assets and fixation of profits. The basis for this decision is the unpredictability of development mobile technologies and the economic situation in the country.

Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form. Form of taxation – Single tax on imputed income, section 8 “ Retail carried out through stationary facilities trading network, which does not have trading floors, as well as through non-stationary retail chain facilities, the area of ​​the retail space in which does not exceed 5 sq.m.”

Table 4. Staffing table and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.




Replacement seller


RUB 22,500.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 6,750.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 29,250.00


The financial plan is drawn up for the entire duration of the project and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue refers to revenue from operating activities; The project does not provide for other types of income. Annual revenue after the project reaches planned sales volumes is 3.3 million rubles; net profit (after taxes) – 299 thousand rubles.

Investment costs are 309,000 rubles, of which the project initiator’s own funds are 100,000 rubles (Table 5). Flaw Money it is expected to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out in annuity payments, credit holidays are three months.

Table 5. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

3 months deposit


Trade stand

Intangible assets

Working capital

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials


309,000 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 100,000.00

Required borrowings:

209,000 ₽



Duration, months:

Variable costs include the cost of purchasing goods (including the cost of transportation to the project warehouse) and are shown in Table. 2. Fixed costs include expenses for renting space, advertising and depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is calculated linear method based on the deadline beneficial use fixed assets in five years. Upon completion of the project, fixed assets are subject to write-off.

Table 6. Fixed costs

A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix. 1.


The assessment of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the financial plan, cash flows, as well as simple and integral performance indicators (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. Discount rate – 3%.

Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 16 months. Net present value (NPV) – RUB 450,964. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 7.1%. Profitability index (PI) – 1.46. These figures are quite high at a low discount rate. If we take the discount rate as the desired rate of return of the project initiator, the project can be considered effective and attractive to the investor.


To assess the risks associated with the implementation of the project, internal and external influencing factors are assessed. TO internal factors may include an incorrectly selected assortment. To neutralize this risk, the following measures must be taken:

    monitoring warehouse balances for turnover and liquidity

    monitoring feedback and survey results on pages in in social networks

    monitoring competitors' assortment

    obtaining data on the most popular products from the project supplier

TO external factors the following can be included:

    rent increase

    decrease in effective demand

If any of the listed negative scenarios materialize, it is necessary to fix the profit and liquidate the project due to the lack of possibility of compensating for the increase in costs due to the profitability of the project.



Financial plan

Denis Miroshnichenko
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The amount of investment costs is 196,000 rubles, of which the main part is aimed at the purchase of goods, as well as the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback...