Smart home management program. Automation of apartment buildings in Tomsk. Accounting in the HOA

Each city building is connected to utility networks and equipped with five main channels: electricity, gas supply, water supply, heating and hot water supply, which are of particular importance from the point of view of energy saving. Using these same channels, it is easy to organize accounting of general household resource consumption. To do this, entrance nodes are formed in the corresponding premises of the buildings, into which meters are installed. These same meters are connected to controllers, the data from which is sent to a communication center, usually GSM, and then transmitted to the server where the accounting system is installed. According to this scheme, various automated systems for commercial metering of electricity (ASCAE) and heating are built.

The advantages of such systems include their maturity and accumulated experience in installation and operation. But these systems also have a number of disadvantages.
Typically, ASKUE is not always ready for integrated accounting of all resources, and it is obvious that creating 4-5 (essentially identical) systems will always be more difficult and costly than one universal one.
The second disadvantage is related to the high cost. If the cost of a resource metering unit for an entire apartment building of 200,000-300,000 rubles is still justified, then for each apartment it should be significantly lower.
The third negative factor is the short period of the verification interval, which can be agreed with in relation to communal meters, but not apartment meters.
Ideally, a simple and reliable meter should be integrated with long-term operation without verification and the ability to easily replace it if it fails.
Additional disadvantages of ASKUE are, among other things, the lack of a sufficient regulatory framework and standardized solutions with a unified protocol for the transfer or receipt of data to central accounting servers. The result of these shortcomings within even one microdistrict can be catastrophic. In addition, at present there is no specialized software that would allow taking into account all resources, analyzing this data and generating forecasts and warnings on the scale of a house, block, neighborhood, district and city.
This software should solve various problems, such as, for example, during peak hours of electricity consumption - to recommend measures to save it, in the event of an accident - to help solve the problem of quickly restoring the system and preserving heat in the housing stock. The software or its individual packages, which have a common database, should allow users, residents of all apartments and houses, to access their personal resource accounting pages, for example, through a regular browser, and analyze their own consumption, down to daily consumption. And, what is objectively in demand today, based on this data, residents would like to receive unified bills for consumed resources. And again, the unresolved question today is who exactly will form them.
The last and perhaps most important, but not yet so obvious, disadvantage is that such systems do not offer a unified concept for building apartment accounting systems, their integration and subsequent development towards automation of the entire building.

All of the listed shortcomings make it possible to create a table of requirements for automated resource accounting systems (ARMS) at both the general building and apartment level.

The table presents the average requirements that apply to systems installed in urban apartment buildings. The cost of installing and connecting one sensor-meter with a comprehensive solution should be 200-300 rubles, and annual maintenance should not exceed 50-100 rubles. per year per meter.

Developing common approaches is a state task

The federal program for increasing energy efficiency and similar regional programs, taking into account the scale of specific cities and local weather conditions, would allow each city to develop its own options for building an automated control system based on a unified approach. Unfortunately, such an approach does not exist yet.

Apparently, the current situation suits all parties involved in the resource supply process. However, difficult times are coming for ordinary citizens, homeowners' associations and other consumers: there are government orders on the introduction of energy-saving technologies, but there are no clear recommendations on how to do this comprehensively and effectively. At this time, the market is dominated by disparate solutions, which are not possible to evaluate in the absence of transparent quality criteria.

Unfortunately, recognizing the need to modernize production and housing and communal services from the point of view of resource consumption, the state has not fully come to understand that this requires rules, technical regulations, GOSTs, the development costs of which Russia lags behind Germany by 100 times.

The article was prepared based on materials from the CNews source: IQHouse - Smart Home.

More recently, a Moscow company Energy installation, specializing in building automation systems, did not develop computer systems for visualization and control of multi-apartment residential buildings based on SCADA, limiting itself to simpler hardware. And in 2004, the customer demanded a modern solution for automation of a residential building. Came to the rescue SCADA system TRACE MODE.

Two specialists from JSC Energomotazh independently mastered the development of automation systems in SCADA TRACE MODE and after 3 months in Moscow st. B.Serpukhovskaya, the first automation project was successfully implemented multi-apartment residential building with underground parking. The automated control system is based on 6 Decont 182 controllers manufactured by DEP and covers the following equipment:

  • Individual heating point;
  • Supply ventilation of the house;
  • Exhaust ventilation;
  • Drainage pumps in the basement of the house;
  • Gas control system.

Communication between the Decont 182 PTC and SCADA TRACE MODE is carried out via the RS-485 interface and the OPC server.

Total used in the system:

  • 35 analog inputs;
  • 40 digital inputs;
  • 6 analog control channels;
  • 8 PWM;
  • 40 discrete outputs.

The automation project for a multi-apartment residential building was implemented on a professional real-time monitor TRACE MODE with 1024 I/O points running under Windows 2000 Professional.

The introduction of a building automation system has reduced the number of accidents, reduced operating costs for equipment maintenance and reduced energy consumption.

The next similar automation project is an apartment building with an underground parking lot on the street. Tolbukhin required even less effort and took only 2 months, with most of the time spent setting up the equipment.

Currently, two more similar automation projects are in development - a residential building in 2nd lane. Truzhennikov (Moscow) and the office building of GLPU No. 2 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

It seems that just recently we took readings from the electric meter ourselves, wrote the numbers by hand on a special form, calculated the cost and went to pay at the cashier. Not much time has passed since then, but these memories are as if a hundred years have passed. Now a resident of an apartment building can, in principle, forget about this concern - everything will be done for him by an automated apartment building management system.

There are already several large companies in Russia that offer comprehensive technical and IT solutions that ensure effective management and maintenance of buildings. Unique home control systems allow you to solve problems of commercial accounting of resources and automatic control of engineering systems in a complex.

However, in order for the resources of the house to be controlled automatically, some effort must first be made. In most of the housing stock, metering devices are not installed everywhere, and there are often no communal meters, which leads to the fact that individual residents or the management company’s budget bear the burden of paying for non-production costs of supplying utility resources.

There is also the problem of worn-out utility lines and building systems. In many cases it is 60% or more. Even in new houses, engineering systems are installed based on technologies of the last century - without the necessary automation and dispatch systems. This results in high maintenance and repair costs, as well as inefficiently used resources.

General house metering devices are one of the most important steps that will allow you to obtain information about the actual consumption of resources in a residential building. In most cases, already at this stage it becomes economically feasible to switch to settlements with supplying organizations based on actual consumption. In this case, the volume of consumed resources is distributed proportionally among residents.

Automated ones, as a rule, provide remote access to data from metering devices, as well as timely diagnosis of their malfunctions. The systems also provide constant monitoring of the quality of services provided, and in case of non-compliance with established requirements, automatic recalculation is carried out.

When equipping apartments with metering devices, each tenant pays for services based on actual consumption. Transition to this " energy saving“a form of payment, as a rule, allows people to save while being careful with the use of resources.

In this case, they will provide remote access to data from individual and communal metering devices, which will automate and speed up mutual settlements between the management company and residents and service providers. At the same time, residents will be spared the need to regularly take readings from metering devices and provide this data. The reliability of the testimony will also be ensured.

The amount of resources consumed by a home directly depends on the efficiency of their use. Huge reserves are hidden in the housing stock, which are being revealed energy efficient engineering systems. Automation of heat and water supply processes and general house lighting can reduce the consumption of electrical and thermal energy by more than 30%. The costs of maintenance and repair of engineering systems are reduced due to automatic equipment diagnostic and dispatch systems. A single dispatch center brings together all information about the operation of engineering systems, as well as elevator facilities, fire and security alarms and other subsystems.

In this case, the human factor ceases to be the cause of many accidents; the automation and dispatch system makes it possible to carry out maintenance of facilities using minimal resources, even if they are geographically remote.

As a result, the use of a comprehensive automated system ensures a reduction in home maintenance costs, which will significantly reduce the amount of utility bills, as well as improve the comfort of living through operational control of the quality of utility services.

The management company carries out all the functions of managing an apartment building, while automating the collection of readings from metering devices and maintaining engineering systems requires less human resources. The payback period is apartment building management systems ranges from one to three years.

In order to create software that will optimize the operation of housing and communal services, all programming languages ​​are used. All software is divided into two groups: software products and software for local use. In the case of software for local use, housing and communal services issues are resolved at the enterprise where the specialists who created it work. The second group is not intended for sale. Many systems are based on a set of tools that speed up the creation process, as well as the ability to maintain the system at the site of operation. In this case, the presence of a programmer is not required. Perhaps the most popular is the 1C platform.

Today, automation of the management of an apartment building is of great importance. For automation, you can implement a system 1C:VDGB: Accounting in housing and communal services management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives 8. It is intended for use in public housing cooperatives, housing cooperatives, homeowners' associations, as well as managers and other organizations that conduct calculations for various utilities, as well as passport accounting. This system is an effective tool that helps make management decisions with the help of universal and specialized reports that ensure transparency of the entire accounting process, as well as reduced labor intensity due to the automation of basic operations. The program can be used both for a small partnership of owners and for a fairly large management company.

Any modern organization will sooner or later need to get its documents in order. Otherwise, problems begin after a while. For example, at the right time the necessary documents may simply not be found. Document files can be hosted on the server. This will make them easier to find. In addition, e-mail can be used if it is necessary to transfer a document. In this case, it is necessary to introduce electronic document management.

At this point in time there are a number of electronic document management systems. You just need to choose the one that suits each specific case. First of all, an important point is the economic efficiency of electronic document management. If the system is selected correctly, costs are reduced. Of course, we cannot do without certain kinds of problems. When implementing electronic document management, there is usually no desire to learn from employees and managers. Some managers are simply afraid to work with a computer.

Perhaps one of the main issues that arise, including in HOAs, is debt for utilities. In this case, it is necessary for HOA employees to work with debtors, systematically and systematically. The efficiency of work in this case can be increased thanks to the developed software. A program usually consists of several applications that perform different functions. To facilitate the work of HOA employees with debtors, a sufficient set of tools is provided in the application.

Accounting in the HOA

There are a number of characteristic features of accounting in HOAs. First of all, this includes numerous personal accounts, since a fairly large amount of information needs to be controlled for one apartment. This includes the technical characteristics of the apartment, its address, information about its owners, as well as a list of services provided, benefits and much more. Further, we note that the HOA is an intermediary between the utility service provider and the residents. This indicates careful attention to what amount was collected from residents and the amount that was transferred to the account of the service provider. In fact, there are more such points and one person monitors it all. An accountant working in a large house was required to perform a large amount of work. All this resulted in automation of accounting.

As for automation, today the following areas can be distinguished:

  • Software for accounting, as well as for calculating housing payments;
  • programs intended only for paying for housing;
  • programs for solving a narrow range of issues.

In relation to the first two areas, it should be noted that such software makes it possible to carry out accounting and billing of utility services. This greatly facilitates the accountant’s work, and the likelihood of errors is minimized. Software developers offer the same set of features.

Thanks to the use of new software, which increases the efficiency of the HOA, time costs are reduced, as well as the costs of various resources. This will have a positive impact on the formation of trusting relationships between control authorities and service consumers.

Articles about control automation
  • Ways to solve problems of introducing information technologies in housing and communal services

Improving your home and making it more comfortable is common to any person. Regardless of whether he lives in a small studio apartment or in a country house with several floors surrounded by hectares of personal plot.

Modern technologies make it possible to create fully automated houses and transfer many functions for managing life support systems to automated devices, and in some cases, completely automate processes when human intervention is not required at all.

What is the difference between home automation and a smart home?

Many property owners consider any automatic or semi-automatic device that performs the functions of turning on/off any device or is considered an element of a “smart home”. This is far from true. And even the ability to remotely control certain functions using the Internet does not make the house “smart”.

A truly “smart” home is a comprehensive intelligent automation of control of the entire complex of life support systems based on the artificial intelligence of a computerized control system and operating in a completely autonomous mode. Human intervention is required only in emergency situations or during the programming process.

Therefore, numerous companies that install home automation elements do not always objectively and reliably convey the meaning of innovations to the potential user-customer.

It is not always explained that the vast majority of electrical appliances included in a “smart home” do not need automation, since they already have built-in functions:

  • Refrigerators are fully automatic devices that operate according to a strict program;
  • Air conditioners do not require outside intervention to maintain a set temperature;
  • Washing machines have a delayed start timer;
  • Lighting on/off systems are easily controlled by relays with photodiodes that respond to light levels and so on.

The creation of specialized channels for controlling life support systems—the “smart home” itself—is only necessary in cases where the living space operates in a completely autonomous mode. These include country houses (cottages), where the only benefit of civilization is an access road.

It is in them that all the advantages of remote control and monitoring can be fully realized.

Apartment automation

An apartment in an apartment building is just a cell included in the well-functioning public utility system of the building. She rarely needs the full operation of smart home automation equipment. The owner does not have to worry about heating, lighting, or ventilation. The water supply system, in general, is beyond the ability to influence its availability in any way. If the hot water supply is turned off for the period of preventive repairs, those who have the financial means install storage or flow-through boilers, which operate automatically and do not require outside control.

Any arbitrary interference with one’s own hands in the operation of communal life support networks is completely unwelcome on the part of management companies. Therefore, it is possible to implement the concept of a “smart home” in an apartment building on a very limited scale:

  • Install several remotely controlled sockets to which you can connect devices, a timer to turn on/off the lighting, or an old-fashioned iron that does not have a shutdown relay for overheating or time, or other non-automatic electrical appliance.
  • Forcibly interfere with the operation of an automatic air conditioner or electric heated floor by completely turning them off, or, on the contrary, turning them on.
  • Automate closing/opening curtains or blinds on windows.
  • Turn on/off the audiovisual control system.
Attention! You need to be extremely careful when installing hidden video cameras or microphones, even in your own home. All devices, without exception, that do not have a sensor indicating operation, or that are disguised as other objects in the Russian Federation are prohibited for use. Their acquisition is already a crime, which in the most unfavorable case can result in a real prison term.

Therefore, when selecting components to equip your home (apartment), remember that the vast majority of Chinese-made gadgets are prohibited for sale on the territory of the Russian Federation, and their possession is a criminal offense.

Security and fire alarm systems are usually not included in the list of elements of a “smart home”, since they work regardless of the owner’s wishes, being in the on state. And when they are turned off, they lose any meaning.

Automation of a private home

Most country houses are built within designated areas for individual housing construction and, according to landscaping requirements, have electrical and gas connections. Some villages are more comfortable and have central water supply and sewerage systems.

All this makes it easier to maintain suburban real estate, without completely freeing you from the concern of maintaining comfortable conditions inside and outside the premises.

A private home can be fully equipped with an intelligent control system according to the “smart home” concept.

Even at the design stage, automation elements related to:

  1. With power supply (from an autonomous electric generator).
  2. Temperature regulation by controlling a gas/liquid fuel water heating boiler.
  3. Control of the water supply system (for borehole/well water supply).
  4. A system for regulating air temperature in various rooms (residential, utility, utility).
  5. A system for regulating indoor and outdoor lighting of a personal plot.
  6. Management of irrigation and feeding systems for farm animals.
  7. A system of visual monitoring inside and outside the premises and viewing the local area.
  8. It is possible to implement emergency shutdown of gas and electricity supply systems in the event of emergency situations.

For some owners who are away from home most of the time, a “smart home” is a home automation system that is an urgent need.

Choosing a smart home control system

Modern systems allow you to control electrical devices connected to the control module: sensors, thermostats, electric valves using wireless technologies. There is no need to lay wires and cables inside the walls or baseboards of the room, to trench walls and disrupt existing communications or decoration.

The most common is the control path via Wi-Fi channel. The inconvenience is that this function is designed to transmit significant amounts of information and is not adapted for most smart home devices that work with short commands: “turn on/off”, “add/decrease”, “up/down”, etc. . P.

  • Z-Wave– a specialized smart home control protocol operating at a frequency of 869 MHz and having high protection from outside influences and interference.
  • ZigBee– a similar specialized protocol, specifically designed for the operation of devices included in a “smart home” set, but using a different frequency of 2400–2485 MHz.

Until now, widespread automation of residential buildings in the Russian Federation is stalled due to high prices for equipment and installation, adjustment and maintenance of equipment. After all, it must work around the clock, 24 hours a week without any failures. Otherwise, faulty smart home equipment can itself become a source of emergencies - fire, flooding of the premises, defrosting of heating systems.

First of all, the economic effect of introducing automation systems is calculated. To roughly estimate the efficiency and payback period of investments, it would be useful to re-read the instructions for the electrical appliances in the house. Most owners use only the basic, most common functions, without bothering to program the full functionality of a TV, air conditioner or water heating boiler.

It is quite possible that the “new” opportunities that seem to you that will open up after installing the “smart home” system have already been incorporated and implemented in your existing equipment, and at a higher level than “turn on/off” or “add/reduce.”

Calculate whether the ability to remotely adjust the air temperature in different rooms is so critical? This function pays off only for owners of country houses, when during the absence of the owners the temperature drops to an acceptable minimum, and by the time the owners arrive it rises to a comfortable residential temperature.

Most of the functions implemented in a “smart home” are interesting only for the first time after their installation. The possibility of remote visual control satisfies only the curiosity of the owner of the premises, without in any way interfering with the actions of intruders who have entered the house. A centralized security system is much more effective. Using the automatic opening/closing function of curtains in the bedroom or the ability to adjust the volume of music in the next room is so questionable that it may only be of interest to true fans of continuous communication with a mobile device, instead of physical movement of the hand.

Probably because the functionality offered within a smart home is small and irrelevant for most, home automation is not particularly popular.