What to do when you're bored: 100 ways for a girl. What to do at home in the evening if you are bored alone. Brainstorming as a way to spend free time

You can get bored anywhere. The main thing is not to let this feeling take over you, because in any situation you can find ways to combat boredom, and at the same time laziness and apathy.

If you are bored at the computer

Computers and other gadgets with Internet access have become an integral part of human life. We work with them, relax, have fun, and communicate. But it happens that your favorite sites and social networks are thoroughly studied, the weather forecast is known for a month in advance and current news is re-read a hundred times over. If you are bored at the computer, catch the list useful activities, which will help you pass the time and enrich your knowledge.

  1. Education

The Internet is a colossal resource of knowledge about everything in the world. You haven’t yet figured out what the word “legitimacy” means, you’ve long wanted to know where ocelots live, and you’ve become interested in how you can make money on the stock exchange and stock market. Once you start looking for answers, you are already captivated by reading an interesting article or watching a video. And then, if the subject of study really turns out to be interesting, the process is almost unstoppable.

  1. Self-development

Look for new ways to improve your hobby, whether it's a new recipe for a mind-blowing cake or a way to beat a difficult level in a computer game. Do you have a goal, for example, to get fit and have good posture? Watch videos with simple sets of exercises for the desired muscle groups and spine or study fashionable diets. Just think about what you would like to improve in yourself - and move on to simple answers.

  1. Reading

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an art book that you never had a chance to purchase, someone’s blog about a subject or phenomenon that interests you, or just news and selections. Reading is an extremely useful activity. Just remember to step away from the computer from time to time and do eye exercises.

  1. Playlist update

Have all the modern hits completely blurred your ears? You can turn to something long forgotten, remember what you liked 5-10 years ago, find similar tracks and artists. Or maybe discover something fundamentally new. The Internet is simply teeming with a variety of music selection sites.

  1. Leisure planning

What activity can compare to the pleasure of planning a vacation? Even if it’s not a vacation, but a weekend or an upcoming holiday. Where to go, what to see, what to buy for a trip, where to find the best deals. A great way to pass the time and make your task much easier for the near future.

If you just got bored

Okay, your eyes, back and butt are already tired of the computer. I drink tea three times, eat all my sweets, leaf through a magazine, but still feel bored and have nothing to do. What to do then?

  1. What has been asking for a long time

It's already summer, and your closet shelves are still filled with sweaters and turtlenecks, and in order to find shorts you had to climb onto a chair? Easter has already passed for several months, and the windows still haven’t been washed? Are your tools still lying around in disarray after a recent renovation? Pull yourself together and take care of the household chores that should have been put in order so long ago. After all, by bringing cleanliness around us, we organize the thoughts in our heads.

  1. What I've wanted for a long time

Take some time for yourself and watch your favorite movie or TV series. Get a beauty treatment or just a relaxing massage. Go to the beach or to the pool, and at the same time to the sauna. Think about what you’ve been wanting for a long time, but haven’t had the time – now is the time.

  1. Something that will make you happy

It doesn’t matter if it’s shopping, meeting old friends or racing ATVs. Maybe what will most charge you with positive emotions right now is a trip to the zoo, where, by the way, you haven’t been for several years.

  1. Something that will please your loved ones

This could be a delicious dinner prepared by you, or a trip to the theater or an exhibition together, or maybe you should visit a relative together who you haven’t seen. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it will bring sincere joy to the whole family.

  1. Something useful for society

Even socially useful deeds can bring joy and a sense of satisfaction. Otherwise, why are subbotniks becoming more and more popular? Or maybe it will be signing a petition or helping a homeless animal shelter. What if your calling is to become a volunteer at the World Cup?

Sites that save you from boredom

Well, if all of the above does not inspire you at all, here is a selection of cool sites that will help you pass the time in an entertaining way:

Resources for have an interesting time:

Cool Mini-games for boredom:

  • http://www.igames.com.ua/FlashGame.aspx?name=chuck_norris_in_the_world_of_videogames. The favorite hero of all boys is Chuck Norris, who has become a legend on the Internet and his adventures in the world of video games.
  • http://www.freetetris.org/game.php. Loved by everyone classic tetris. Everyone played it. He still remains deservedly popular.
  • http://www.shashky.ru/games/1.html. Play game of checkers with an unpredictable opponent. What's on his mind? Which tactic should you choose? Feel the genuine excitement.
  • http://ru.battleship-game.org/ . Play the good old game sea ​​battle. This game has been loved by everyone since childhood.
  • http://www.flashplayer.ru/play_11701.php. Another unforgettable children's entertainment is playing " tic-tac-toe».
  • https://razlozhi.ru/patiences/sol. Have you forgotten how to play solitaire? Kerchief"? Honestly, sometimes it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away.
  • http://slither.io/. Game in the genre snake" It is necessary to feed the worm, overcoming all sorts of obstacles. This online game with many opponents brings truly incredible pleasure and can captivate you for more than one hour.
  • http://www.slovnonebo.com/. A hand-drawn original game where you need to collect all the treasured keys by completing tasks.

Other useful educational resources:

  • http://geacron.com/home-en/?&sid=GeaCron472516. An extremely entertaining atlas of world political geography. On this site you can take a trip into the past and track how the world map changed during different periods of history.
  • http://andeinerseite.video/. A very intriguing video clip in which you need to collect evidence and help the main character find out what happened. Spectacular, exciting, high quality. Curious? Take a look and make your own guesses.
  • https://virtualpiano.net/. Have you ever dreamed of trying yourself as a musician and playing the keyboard? Forward! Maybe this is your calling...
  • https://www.faceplusplus.com/face-comparing/ . Want to know which celebrity you are most like? What age do you look? On this site you will learn a lot of interesting things about your face!
  • http://htwins.net/. Have you ever thought about the scale of the Universe? On this site you can clearly compare the sizes of objects known to us with cosmic bodies. Very entertaining!
  • . Wonderful site about history of World War II war. He will not only tell you, but also show you the course of military operations: places of battle, stories of military men. This resource is simply a storehouse of useful knowledge.

With such a mass of various resources, there will definitely not be time to get bored! Add your favorite resources to “Bookmarks” and don’t get bored!

Hello everyone from Artem Bukanov and Sasha Bogdanova.

Today we asked ourselves: in fact, every single person is bored, and this happens more than once or twice in a lifetime. And absolutely everyone at this moment asks the question: what can you do at home when you’re bored?

Therefore, you should resolve this situation and stock up on a hundred ways to relieve boredom. The only people who don’t get bored are the children on vacation, but we, adults, don’t get bored from this.

So let's take a look...

Immediately, looking ahead, I want to point out that some of these methods will be effective, some will be voiced for fun, some will suit everyone, regardless of gender and age, others will suit a certain category of people. But first things first…

Banal remedies for the blues

What can you do when you're bored at home? This question is asked by many people, but, oddly enough, many of them most often remain in a sad state, having done nothing to change their mood.

But this is not our case! Here are options that can be used by everyone and in most common cases:

  • to watch a movie
  • delicious food
  • Internet surfing in search of something interesting
  • get stuck on social media networks (today almost everyone can do this)
  • chat with an interesting person
  • make new acquaintances (you won’t get bored together)
  • admire the window (if you have any suitable view from it)
  • remember loved ones
  • collect your thoughts (there may be unfinished business)
  • make a to-do list (if you have them and you decide to get rid of them)
  • plan necessary purchases
  • admire the stars (preferably at night)
  • admire the sky (this can be done at any time of the day and in any weather)
  • go to sleep (in general, advice to all)
  • make yourself tea/coffee (it’s not a fact that it will relieve boredom, but it will distract you a little and, perhaps, lead to interesting thoughts over a cup of hot drink)
  • read your horoscope
  • listen to music
  • take a bath
  • play computer games (the thing, of course, is interesting and addictive, but not everyone will take it up/it’s not suitable for everyone)
  • sit by the fireplace (this is not heaven, and not everyone has one)
  • cook something tasty and unusual
  • go in for sports (for an amateur)
  • invite friends (which will be discussed later)

Options for the company

I’ll say right away that it is highly advisable to try the following points in a company, because they imply that you invited someone to visit in advance or visited someone yourself.

So, let's go... things to do with friends:

  • Board games
  • fool around (although you can do it alone)
  • take interesting tests (you can also do this alone, but it’s much more fun in company, so you’ll immediately forget about boredom)
  • start an interesting debate (I emphasize: INTERESTING, and not a path to a fight; we still live in a civilized society, right?!)

What should girls do?

In this part, I will probably offer options (although, of course, a girl in my place would offer much more) for girls. What you can do alone or with a friend when you get bored:

  • gossip (unfortunately many girls like this :/)
  • chat on the phone
  • take care of yourself (there are probably things to do for a week, girls, after all 🙂)
  • spin in front of the mirror
  • rummage through the closet

  • get a loved one (preferably your man)
  • run from him
  • be offended that I caught up with you
  • run away again
  • take a selfie and post it on social media. networks (or even more than one)
  • think about why it's boring
  • tell everyone you're bored
  • wait…
  • understand that there are few real friends
  • ...or they don't exist
  • …at your place
  • understand that you have you
  • stop killing yourself
  • think again about what to do
  • no, having children out of boredom is thoughtless

Time to rave!

Now we will not talk about that nonsense when you are sick, but when you already begin to suffer from nonsense from boredom. What kind of crazy thoughts do we end up with:

  • "play schizophrenia"
  • knock on your neighbors’ wall (and wait for them to knock on your head)
  • invent your own universe
  • listen to the clock tick (a la degradation in full swing)
  • set silence

  • make an evil laugh
  • shut your mouth with your hand
  • grin evilly
  • look back
  • laugh ominously again
  • repeat until you get tired of it
  • feel sad again
  • don't forget to conquer the world

For extraordinary natures

In this section I have crammed advice for people who are intelligent, creative, refined, clean people, and everyone else who has trouble sitting on their butt. Here's what happened:

  • read a book
  • start drawing something
  • play a musical instrument
  • do embroidery
  • modeling
  • dance
  • think about something important to you
  • fantasize (dream)

  • make plans for the future
  • clean the house
  • read the news
  • watch scientific programs
  • tidy up the room
  • clean shoes
  • wash the dishes (in case there is anything)
  • tidy up your clothes
  • think about your life
  • read about other countries
  • get an encyclopedia (they always have something interesting for any age)
  • think about great things
  • reflect on the essence of existence
  • pray (what? And this has a place among believers)
  • start creating something
  • do some handicrafts
  • rehearse something
  • origami
  • start a spring cleaning
  • sing
  • rearrange the room

A treasure trove of long-term prospects

Finally, I would like to name a few things that are aimed at creating long-term activities with further obtaining a certain result.

I won’t say that it will really amuse you, but it will definitely bring considerable benefits. Very suitable for those who are often bored, but at the same time do not mind using their time most productively:

  • include an interesting series (the only one “not particularly useful”, but long-term among these points)
  • look for a new hobby
  • take care of your education
  • have a dream (which will later become a goal)
  • set a goal for yourself (provided that you start moving towards it)
  • take up writing
  • start keeping a diary (not to be confused with writing)
  • think about changing activities (if you feel that you are not doing your job)
  • look for a new source of income (it never hurts)
  • make a piggy bank ()

Well, something like this. Don't blame me if some of the methods were too crazy. However, I would like to know your options in the comments.

And we – Sasha and Artem – say goodbye to you not for long. See you soon!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Do you think boredom is a temporary state of fleeting sadness, or can it settle for a long time and be a signal of mental illness?

And do you need to do something if you lie on the couch all evening (or day) and don’t know what to do with yourself? Don't know the exact answer? Well, no big deal.

In this article we will try to analyze the possible reasons for your inaction and suggest what to do when you are bored.

Attitudes to boredom in different centuries

Scientists believe that people of the ancient world didn’t even know what “boring” was, because they were busy with survival: building a hut, hunting, gathering fruit, protecting their habitat, raising a large number of children.

At that time, the world was completely unknown, so there was a lot of space for study and experimentation. Both personal, walking around new lands, and within the broader framework of science, spending time in laboratories.

During the Middle Ages, such a state of the human soul as boredom was generally considered vicious. She was despised, attributing this condition to the tricks of the devil. Therefore, the sinful person was taken to church to be cleansed of the “darkness within.”

When the Renaissance came, ordinary people again were not puzzled by the question: “What to do when you’re bored?” intellectuals, creative and bohemian personalities. They completely surrendered to this state and romanticized it.

Such “bored aristocrats” can be found in famous works of that time, and in Russian classics in particular (remember Oblomov). They lay on a wide bed among pillows and sighed protractedly. Unfortunately, in such books you will not find the answer to the question of what to do when a person has fallen into “melancholy”. The authors did not provide universal recipes for deliverance.

Immediately after the revolution in our country, this problem was forgotten for quite a long time. It was a time of change and therefore we had to work a lot. Then no one could afford to look sleepily out the window and not know what to do with themselves.

Causes of boredom

What to do if you're bored

When you're bored at home, what to do:

What to do when you're bored at the computer

It would seem that there are so many interesting things on the Internet and the computer that they will never let you get bored. But there are times when you sit in a stupor in front of the screen and don’t know where to go or what to do. Really frozen (as happens with a computer).

What to do if you're bored at home? Get busy useful thing– learn a foreign language with the help of entertainment sites, of which there are a lot on the Internet. From English, to be able to travel freely and watch films in the original language, to Japanese, to surprise your friends with your knowledge.

Training videos (including) will help you learn a new business. Both as a hobby and in terms of earning money, which we didn’t even think about. And when you get bored again, you won’t need to go online, but just do what you love.

In many parts of the world, cameras are installed that constantly broadcast photos to a Google map. Thus, you can visit either Mexico or Finland without leaving your chair near the computer.

There are a large number of sites where virtual musical instruments are provided. You can transfer your skills from reality, or try playing drums and cymbals from scratch by clicking on them with the mouse.

Try it blog. In video or text format. Think about what you will talk about, what you will show. Learn where to post the material and how to draw the audience’s attention to it.

When I started web mastering and then running this blog, there was almost no room for boredom. Yes, I’m loaded to my eyeballs, but I’m happy and focused on the future. And this is much better than being sad about wasted time and suffering from boredom.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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You can be bored in different ways. For some, it’s lying on the couch and suffering from the hopeless impossibility of choosing the right business. For others, it’s a way to find something they like. Here are ways to take the second path correctly.

TOP 10 useful and interesting activities on the Internet

1. Listen to lectures. Someone will say that this is boring and doesn’t really look like entertainment and they will be right, but only partly. There are many places on the Internet that offer the most interesting topics in the world that can interest the most notorious losers. There are especially a lot of them on YouTube.

Many famous people believed that only highly developed intellectuals are capable of boredom.

2. Study exotic games. The game is useful, entertaining and simply interesting. For example, are you familiar with the name shogi? And this is Japanese chess according to the original rules.

3. Do geocaching. Those who know this word don’t need to be told, but those who don’t know – this is a search for small ones that other users leave. Exchange of impressions, descriptions of famous places, fresh air - very useful. And on the Internet there is an exchange of opinions, photographs, stories.

4. Get busy. No, no one is calling for insulting or driving your opponents to the point of insanity for the very fact that you can do it. Here it is more important to compare your intellect with your interlocutor, to be able to develop it in the direction you need in any conversation, to manage the feelings and emotions of your opponent. An interesting experience that can be multiplied by studying good literature, the theory and practice of negotiations and complete self-improvement.

5. Online games. If you have long been tired of Solitaire Solitaire or weak artificial intelligence in grand strategies, try comparing your combat skills with real-virtual opponents. When in front of you, for example, is a mechanized robot controlled by a real person, the development of the game takes on a completely different meaning.

6. Collecting. This hobby is familiar to many in real life. On the Internet it takes on a scale that is simply impossible to assess in one evening. From heraldry to numismatics, from philately to collecting beer caps - it's all here!

8. Music. No, not that pop music, of which there is already so much from all pages, TV, radio and every stall. You can find many rare recordings of famous bands on the Internet, which in itself is quite fascinating.

9. Photo. Photography is a whole big world in which it is easy to spend more than one free evening.

It's not difficult to relieve boredom

Among all the entertainment on the Internet, it is enough to listen to yourself, to your desires, and you will discover in the depths of your soul what you are attracted to.

According to psychologists, boredom is a kind of overflow of the buffer zone in the brain responsible for impressions.

And follow the main advice given by Schopenhauer - a stupid person wastes time, but a smart person uses it.

Date: 2013-02-09

Hello site readers.

What to do if you feel bored at home or at work, or even on the Internet? How to get rid of boredom when did it take you by surprise? What remedies for getting rid of boredom are considered the most quickly effective? If you are bored right now, be sure to read this article.

In general, if we compare our time with the time of serfdom, where many people did the same thing every day, then in our time, where everything is available, it is quite difficult to get bored. To get rid of boredom, you just need to go outside where there are a lot of people, and then the boredom will dissipate like fog in good weather.

But why does boredom occur? What are the causes of boredom? Where does it come from? What to do when you're bored? We will talk about this in this article.

Once, in a book, I read that boredom as such does not exist. People come up with it themselves. But, in my opinion, this is not so. Boredom occurs when a person has nothing to do, and if he has something to do, then he has already become tired of it. I think you remember very well the moments in your life when you started some new business with enthusiasm, and after a while you couldn’t even think about it. You liked it because it was new to you. Our brain is designed in such a way that it constantly needs new experiences - something new. Therefore, a person is not always happy. When a person strives for happiness, he strives to gain new positive experiences. It is new positive impressions that make a person, albeit temporarily. So it turns out that the cause of boredom is our brain, which constantly requires us to be fed with new impressions. From here we will dance.

You know, nowadays there is a good cure for boredom. If life doesn’t make you happy at all, you’re constantly bored, then become a member of HOUSE 2. What’s wrong? You definitely won't be bored there. You will get as many emotions as you have never received in your entire boring life!!!

Now let's talk seriously. What to do when you're bored? There are plenty of ways to combat boredom. And the most commonplace of them is to turn on your favorite music. Music tones the brain, especially your favorite one. The effect will be maximum if you don’t just listen to music, but dance and sing along, imagining that you are on stage. Your boredom simply cannot withstand such a combination and will abandon you. Yes, yes, he will leave you! But I think you won’t be sad about this. The most important thing is that you have the desire to do this. If you don’t want to listen to music, sing along and dance, it doesn’t matter, there are other very effective ways.

When I get bored, I turn on the computer and start playing computer games. This method is not for everyone, but it HELPS me A LOT. For me, computer games are an escape from boredom. For many people, computer games are their salvation. Computer games exist just for entertainment. But this method is also not suitable for everyone. Some people don't like computer games, or sometimes there is simply nothing to play. Who said that I advise you to play computer games? There are a thousand interesting games in the world. Surely you have some favorite game that you haven’t played for a long time. If you have the opportunity to play, play. If not, then move on to the next method.

When I get bored and don’t feel like playing, I do my hobby. My most important hobby is acting. I find old plays that I once acted in and start playing as all the characters. Boredom disappears instantly. You can’t even imagine how interesting it is to play different characters at once. FUN!!! This is my hobby, what is yours? Maybe embroidery, or drawing, or maybe you throw eggs from the balcony, trying to hit people? Yes, taking up a hobby is the most banal and powerful way to get rid of boredom. But sometimes, the hobby also gets boring. As I already said, our brain constantly needs new experiences. Well, it's time to go after them.

Watching a movie brings new impressions, or so on. I know this sounds corny again, but I was bored last night. I didn't know what to do, and then I decided to watch the series "Supernatural" Season 7. I watched two episodes in a row and I felt really good after watching it. While watching, I alternated between laughing, then being intrigued, then laughing again. I got a lot of impressions from watching it, and I was bored like never before. This site is full of interesting things. Just choose yours.

If you are still bored, then I advise you to find something that will be new for you! It's not as simple as it sounds, but it's also not as difficult as it seems. For example, on February 24 I will go to the concert of Polina Gagarina. I don’t listen to this singer, but I really want to go to a concert for new impressions. Moreover, I haven’t been to concerts for a long time. Before that, I went to the circus and got a lot of emotions. The main thing is that there is a desire. So you think about what you haven’t done for a very long time, or even at all. Something new is very much remembered, and this is exactly what you need. Search the Internet for an event in your city and go to it. Who knows, maybe you will meet someone there. But communication is also a powerful way to get rid of boredom.

When communicating, people exchange emotions. In the company, someone jokes, someone tells anecdotes, someone interesting situations from their lives, and so on. Communication really helps me get rid of boredom. This is probably my most common method for eliminating boredom. The main thing is that there is a desire. Because meetings need to be organized. If you don’t want to do this, communicate via the Internet.

By the way, new acquaintances help lift your spirits. True, dating is not always pleasant, but in most cases it ends positively. I won’t talk about how to make acquaintances.

Sometimes, boredom occurs when a person lacks. This situation is very familiar to me. When you don’t know where to go in life, your mood suddenly disappears, appears, and gets lost. When there is a goal, you won't be bored. After all, if there is a goal, the human brain is constantly busy searching. Well, how can you get bored with an active thought process?

Let's look at an example. I decided to fly to America. Two goals at once:

  1. Start speaking English,
  2. Visit America.

What am I doing? I look for foreign language schools on the Internet, read information, ask questions on the phone, even go to them to see the classroom for classes and get to know the teachers. How can it be boring here?

Later I sign up for group English lessons, which brings new acquaintances, impressions and emotions. There is no room for boredom here. Yes, she went to... I know that after a while I will get tired of this business, but here I switch to my second goal - to visit America.

And this is again searches, clarifications, a flight (and I don’t like to fly), a new country, new people, which means new impressions, new opportunities - .

So find your goal and get busy achieving it. This is a very exciting activity where boredom simply cannot be overcome.

So, let's continue to answer the question, what to do if you're bored. The advice that I will now give you may seem idiotic to you. If you feel bored, just get over it. The truth doesn't sound very good. It’s just that there come days in everyone’s life when you don’t feel like doing anything. And when there is nothing to do, mother boredom comes and begins to gnaw at you from the inside. Just get over it. Boredom cannot last forever. She is, that is, she is not. Better go and get some sleep. Maybe you will have an interesting dream and you will wake up in a great mood.

To cheer you up, I’ll tell you an anecdote.

Ilya Muromets rode up on his horse to the dragon’s cave and began shouting:
- Serpent Gorynych, come out and fight me to the death!
In response, not a sound came from the cave. Silence. Ilya was outraged by this silent answer and he came closer to the cave. He started screaming again, only louder:
- Serpent Gorynych, come out and fight me to the death!
Silence in response. Zmey Gorynych is probably deaf, and maybe there is a blockage in his ears. Ilya became even more indignant and approached the cave. And he started shouting again, twice as loud as the second time:
- Snake Gorynych, come out and fight me, you vile coward!
- Well, okay, okay, fight like that. Just stop yelling at my ass, I already have hemorrhoids.

I hope this joke made you laugh. Where there is laughter, there is no boredom. It is obvious. So if you get bored, watch comedy club, KVN or Ural dumplings. These shows are very invigorating. You can also watch videos with animals, read other jokes, watch comedies, funny pictures, tickle yourself to make yourself laugh. After all, laughter not only helps to get rid of boredom, but also prolongs life.

My other answer to the question of what to do when you’re bored is to dream. Just lie down on the sofa and start dreaming without restrictions or remember some pleasant event from your life. Dreaming or remembering a pleasant event brings great pleasure. And most importantly, this activity is never boring. However, people think more about than about. Therefore, they experience depression more often. Dream without limits.

The next piece of advice is to change your environment. Living in the same place, wandering around the same places, seeing the same people - it really gets boring. If you are bored at work, have the courage to change it. Why should you tolerate something you don’t like or are tired of? If you are tired of the city in which you live, go to another city. I did this and it helped me a lot. To avoid boredom, the environment must be changed. Monotony gets boring, variety gives meaning to life. It is change that makes a person happy.

I also advise you to experiment. A powerful cure for boredom. For example, tomorrow you can go to work by a different route. I assure you that you will discover a lot of new things for yourself. You can change your image. After this, your friends will ask you questions in surprise. In short, come up with something new for ordinary daily activities.

That's it for the article "What to do if you're bored?" has come to an end. While I was writing it, I enjoyed it myself. I hope the above tips will help you get rid of boredom. If they don't help, then go to HOUSE 2. In HOUSE 2 you will always have fun, and you will never wonder what to do when you're bored.

It will also be great if you leave your comment on this article below or write your own method that helps you get rid of boredom. I will be very grateful.

Best wishes to you.

What to do if you're bored, what to do when you're bored, how to get rid of boredom
