Dictionary of radio electronics terms. The meaning of the word radio electronics in Efremova’s explanatory dictionary

The dictionary contains about 63 thousand terms and terminological combinations in radio engineering and electronics, various types communications, radar, radio navigation, solid state physics, crystallography, recording, storage and reproduction of information. The dictionary also includes basic terminology for computer technology, television, microelectronics and CAD.
Abbreviations are given at the end of the dictionary.
A separate appendix provides an index of Russian terms.
The dictionary is intended for translators, engineers and technical workers dealing with problems of radio engineering and electronics, graduate students and students radio engineering universities and faculties.

absorbabillty absorption capacity absorbance logarithm of absorption coefficient

absorbancy logarithm of transmittance

absorber 1. absorber 2. absorbing filter 3. subscriber unit with absorbing load

acoustic ~ sound absorber

artificial dielectric ~ absorber made of artificial dielectric.

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Download the book English-Russian Dictionary of Radio Electronics, Lisovsky F.V., Kalugin I.K., 1987 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Dictionary of typical errors in the English language, Vybornov A.V., 2012 - Exists a large number of words and expressions, the translation of which poses significant difficulties for those learning English. This dictionary will help...
  • Russian-English dictionary, Dragunkin A.N., Dragunkina A.A., 2009 Anglo-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Russian-English Dictionary, Dragunki A.N., Dragunkina A.A., 2006 - This Russian-English dictionary is unique in its selection of vocabulary, since it includes a large number of extremely common words and phrases that are impossible ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Dictionary of Modern Slang, Thorn T., 1996 - How many Archers can there be? Who is Desmond? What is dingo's breakfast? Where can you find dust kitty? Dictionary of modern slang... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

The following textbooks and books:

  • Large English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary of computer information technologies and radio electronics, Volume 5, Kochergin V.I., 2016 English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Large English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary of computer information technologies and radio electronics, Volume 4, Kochergin V.I., 2016 - The book is a significant expansion of the author’s five-volume dictionary (Kochergin V.I. Large English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary of computer information technologies and radio electronics... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Large English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary of computer information technologies and radio electronics, Volume 3, Kochergin V.I., 2016 - The book is a significant expansion of the author’s five-volume dictionary (Kochergin V.I. Large English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary of computer information technologies and radio electronics... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Large English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary of computer information technologies and radio electronics, Volume 2, Kochergin V.I., 2016 - The book is a significant expansion of the author’s five-volume dictionary (Kochergin V.I. Large English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary of computer information technologies and radio electronics... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
- The dictionary, compiled by the famous English geologist S.I. Tomksev and prepared for publication by his friends and colleagues, provides clear, brief... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Dictionary of Slang in North America, Great Britain and Australia, Dictionary of English slang, Features of the use of slang in North America, Great Britain and Australia, Matyushenkov V.S., 2012 - This dictionary has no analogues in either domestic or foreign lexicography. The compilation of a slang dictionary is caused by developmental features modern communication, … English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • This dictionary is printed according to the American edition of 1956. Just like the original source, it is intended for scientists, engineers, students, translators, editors and other persons dealing with literature on English language in radio electronics, communications and related fields. The dictionary contains more than 25,000 terms, of which 22,000 belong to the main dictionary and more than 3,000 to the supplement. It covers the following branches of science and technology: acoustics, antennas and waveguides, partially radar countermeasures, projectile control, railway communications, signaling, interlocking and automation, radio measurements and measuring instruments, power supplies for radio devices, meteorology and geophysics (partial), semiconductor devices, applications radio electronics in industry, radio astronomy, radio navigation, radar, radio communications, radio broadcasting, wired connection, radio engineering, radio physics, radio wave propagation, X-ray engineering, television,...

    Publisher: "State Publishing House of Literature on Nuclear Science and Technology of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for the Use of Atomic Energy" (1959)

    Format: 60x92/16, 548 pages.

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      The meaning of the word RADIO ELECTRONICS in Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary

      RADIO ELECTRONICS radioelectric O


      The name of a complex of various branches of knowledge that developed from radio engineering and electronics. Efremova. 2012

      Ephraim's explanatory dictionary.

      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: RADIO ELECTRONICS
        in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: a term that unites a wide range of fields of science and technology related mainly to the problems of transmitting, receiving and converting information using ...
        and, f. 1. pl. No. The general name for individual branches of knowledge and technology that developed from radio engineering and electronics. Radioelectronic - related...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
        , -i, w. The general name for individual branches of science and technology that developed from electronics and ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
        RADIO ELECTRONICS, collect. the name of a number of areas of science and technology related to the transmission and transformation of information based on the use of radio frequency electric magnets. hesitation...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
        radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radio dioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, radioelectronics, ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
        (see radio (technology) + electronics) a field of science and technology that studies and uses methods of transmitting and converting information using electromagnetic ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
        [cm. radio (technology) + electronics] area of ​​science and technology that studies and uses methods of transmitting and converting information using electromagnetic vibrations
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
        radio electronics, ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
        radio electronics, ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the Spelling Dictionary:
        radio electronics, ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
        The general name for individual branches of science and technology that developed from electronics and ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
        a collective name for a number of fields of science and technology related to the transmission and transformation of information based on the use of radio frequency electromagnetic waves and ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
        and. The name of a complex of various branches of knowledge that developed from radio engineering and ...
      • See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what RADIO ELECTRONICS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books: in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
        and. 1. The name of a complex of various branches of knowledge that developed from the connection of radio engineering and electronics. 2. decomposition A set of devices operating on the basis of...
      • RIGA
        LATVIA Riga, the capital of Latvia, is located on the Daugava River, at its confluence with the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea. The city's population is about...
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        AZERBAIJAN Baku, the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, is located on the Aberon Peninsula on the shores of the Caspian Sea approximately 100 kilometers to …
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        Kingdom of Sweden (Konungariket Sverige), a state in the North. Europe, on the Scandinavian Peninsula. 450 thousand km2. Population 8.7 million people (1993), in ...
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      Adapter(adapter) - auxiliary device. IN Lately more often used to name the power supply for portable radio devices
      (radio receivers, players, etc.) from the network alternating current. Sometimes an adapter is called a device for charging batteries. In the past, the adapter was the name given to the pickup in an electric record player.

      Ai- function- in audio technology allows you to remember your own sound setting systems (DSP, BBE, Super T-Bass). If necessary, it can be called up by pressing one button, which is very convenient if you have to adjust the tone.

      Amplitudereversevoltagekenotron- a parameter representing the amplitude of the potential difference between the cathode and anode of the lamp when a higher potential appears at the cathode relative to the anode.

      Anodecharacteristicelectroniclamps, presents a graphical dependence of the anode current on the anode voltage at a constant grid voltage.

      Anodically- mesh characteristic electroniclamps- this is a graph showing how the anode current of the lamp changes depending on the change in voltage on the control grid, provided that the voltage on the anode and on the other electrodes is constant.

      Varicap- a diode whose capacitance depends on the amount of energy applied to it reverse voltage. The capacitance of a varicap, depending on the reverse voltage applied to it, can be determined by the formula:

      C (U) = C (0)[ Uo /(U 0 + U)]1/ n ,

      where C (U) is the capacitance of the diode at reverse voltage U, C (0) is the capacitance at zero voltage, Uo is the value of constant Voltage (several tenths of a volt), n is a coefficient depending on the type of varicap (n = 2... 3); The capacity of varicaps and varicap matrices at different bias voltages can be estimated using the approximate formula:

      С = 2 С 0 / и 1 "2,

      where C o is the nameplate value of the capacitance at a bias voltage of 4 V, U is the bias voltage; capacitance overlap coefficient K c - the ratio of the device capacitances at two given values reverse voltage:

      Ks = Smax / Smin.

      where C max c, and C min. - maximum and minimum diode capacitances, respectively, at the maximum and minimum rated bias voltage;

      Varikond(from the English words vari (able) - cond (enser) - capacitor) - is a self-regulating capacitor, the capacitance of which depends on the voltage applied to its plates. Varicond is designated in the diagrams as ordinary capacitor, only the voltage symbol U is placed next to it.

      Vibrator- a device in which vibrations are excited that last longer than the excitation caused.

      Video inputBylowAndhighfrequencies(Composite Video Imput) - understand various ways connecting video equipment to the TV via high frequencies - through conventional antenna connectors available on both devices, by low frequencies- through special connectors, which can be different types: “DIN” - round 5- or 6-pin connector used in foreign and domestic technology; “SCART” standard - a rectangular elongated connector with 20 contacts, used more often in European-made devices; RCA standard - a round small coaxial connector, commonly called a “tulip” or “bell”; BNC standard - round coaxial connector, slightly larger than the RCA standard, more often used in professional equipment. Connecting via HF and LF does not affect the image quality, but each of them has its own purpose. To record from the air on a VCR, you can only use the HF input, and for viewing videotapes, the LF input is best suited.

      InternalresistanceRjelectroniclamps- ratio of the change in anode voltage? U a (B) to the corresponding one. change in anode current? I a (A) at constant grid voltage:

      Rj = ? Ua/? la.

      The output triodes, tetrodes and pentodes have the lowest internal resistance.

      Entrancecapacityelectroniclamps- static capacitance of the control grid in relation to those electrodes on which, in the operating mode of the lamp, there are no alternating potentials of the voltage frequency applied to the control grid circuit.

      Day offcapacityelectroniclamps- the static capacity of the anode in relation to those electrodes on which, in the operating mode of the lamp, there are no alternating potentials of the same frequency as the AC voltage on the lamp load resistance.

      Day offpowerelectroniclamps- power of the alternating component of the anode current supplied to the load. The greater the slope of the output lamp characteristic, the lower the signal voltage at the input of the final stage, the required output power can be obtained.

      Harmonics- harmonic (sinusoidal) oscillations, the frequencies of which are an integer number of times greater than the fundamental frequency of a given oscillation. The harmonic number indicates how many times its frequency is greater than the fundamental one. The fundamental harmonic vibration is also called the first harmonic

      Heptode- seven-electrode electric lamp having: an anode, a cathode, two control, two screen and one protective grid. Mainly used to convert high frequency electrical vibrations into radio electronic devices Oh.

      Heterodyne- auxiliary generator of harmonic electrical oscillations used for conversion carrier frequency signals in radio equipment.

      Rangereception- the maximum distance at which a given receiver can still receive a specific station. The time of day has a significant influence on the reception range (at night it is better than during the day); time of year (winter is better than summer); geographic latitude (in the tropics x already, than in temperate climates), etc.

      DynamicrangeByblocking(clogging) - range from minimum level received signal up to maximum level signal at the receiver input, which preserves its linearity. It manifests itself in the fact that if there is powerful signals in neighboring channels (even distant ones in frequency), reception of the correspondent in the main channel stops. How dynamic range the more the better.

      Dynamicrangeatintermodulation- a parameter characterizing the occurrence of interference in the main channel when two or more signals of other frequencies are applied to the receiver input. It manifests itself in the fact that correspondents working in other channels are eavesdropped. The larger this parameter, the better.

      Invertingentrance (entrance«-» operationalamplifier) - when a signal is applied to this input, its phase is shifted by 180 ° relative to the phase of the output signal.

      Integralscheme- an electronic device containing miniature transistors and other radio circuit components that are placed on a single chip. Synonyms: chip, microchip

      Card- receipt (QSL) - a document confirming the establishment of radio communication between radio amateurs. QSL cards are divided into transceiver and observation stations. A certain number of cards gives the right to receive a particular amateur radio diploma.

      Kenotron- double-electrode vacuum lamp, used for rectifying AC electric current to permanent.

      Coaxialcable- a cable consisting of a conductor, usually a thin copper wire or tube, which is covered with insulation and contained within a copper tube or braid.

      Coefficientnonlineardistortionelectroniclamps- attitude square root from the sum of the squares of the output voltages of all higher harmonics (in practice, only the second and third harmonics are taken into account) arising during amplification, to the voltage of the amplified signal.

      Coefficientbroadbandelectroniclamps- the ratio of the slope of the characteristic (in milliamps per volt) to the sum of the input and output capacitances (in picofarads) of the pump.

      Coefficientgain µ electroniclamps represents the ratio of the anode voltage increment di a to the voltage increment of the first (control) grid? U C i . at a constant value of the anode current: µ= ? U a / U C i. The gain m is dimensionless quantity, which characterizes the influence of grid and anode voltages on the anode current. High-frequency pentodes have the highest gain.

      Steepnesstransformationfrequency converterslamps- shows what amplitude of the intermediate frequency current in the anode circuit of the lamp creates a signal voltage with an amplitude of one volt.

      SteepnesscharacteristicsSelectroniclamps- a value that shows how many millimeters the anode current changes? I a (mA) when the grid voltage changes? U C i (V) per 1 V at a constant voltage at the anode: S = ? I a/? U C 1. Most modern triodes have a slope in the range of 1...20 mA / V.

      SWR- meter- coefficient meter standing wave antennas, it is used to check the antenna after strong winds, icing, etc. The efficiency of the antenna is higher if the SWR value is close to 1. With SWR = 2, the antenna needs to be repaired, and there is a possibility of failure of the transmitter transistors.

      Magnetron- an electrovacuum device for generating electromagnetic oscillations of a range exceeding high frequencies, in which a constant magnetic field is used to create the desired electron trajectories.

      Microelectronics- a field of technology that uses semiconductor materials to create miniature devices on electronic circuits.

      Modulefullelectricalresistancemicrophone- normalized value of the output or internal electrical resistance of the microphone at a frequency of 1 kHz.

      Multisystem TV (MultisystemTV) - a device that reproduces. signal in all television standards, accepted in the world, for example, PAL / SECAM / NTSC.

      Focusmicrophone- a characteristic representing the dependence of the microphone sensitivity at a given frequency on the angle between the acoustic axis of the microphone and the direction from which the sound comes. The dependence is usually represented graphically, in the polar coordinate system, in the form of a line outlining in the plane the boundaries of the zone in which the microphone perceives sound signals. Typical polar patterns of microphones: figure-of-eight, cardioid, supercardioid, hypercardioid and omnidirectional.

      Non-invertingentrance (entrance« + » operationalamplifier) - when a signal is applied to this input, its phase coincides with the phase of the output signal.

      Nonlineardistortiononexitamplifier- violation of form

      output voltage. In other words, in the amplifier output voltage spectrum, in addition to the main frequency supplied to the amplifier input, additional frequencies appear. To determine nonlinear distortions, it is necessary to examine the waveform at the output of the amplifier under test. For example, this can be done using an oscilloscope by measuring the degree of distortion of the sinusoid shape.

      Nominalrangefrequenciesloudspeaker- frequency range in which the loudspeaker meets the parameters given in its passport data.

      Nominalpowerloudspeaker- this is connected to the loudspeaker electric power in watts, at which nonlinear distortion do not exceed the norms. Depending on the purpose of the loudspeaker, heads of various powers are produced.

      determined at a frequency of 400 Hz. This parameter must be taken into account when connecting a loudspeaker to an amplifier. Heads for small-sized electronic equipment are divided into low-resistance (0.5...10 Ohms) and high-resistance (about 60 Ohms).

      Nominal microphone load impedance - load impedance at which specified parameters microphone. Typically, the nominal load impedance of a microphone is equal to its internal resistance, because in this case the maximum power is supplied to the load.

      - a device for connecting individual parts of electronic devices when their galvanic isolation is necessary.

      Passport (maximumnoise) powerloudspeaker-

      power corresponding highest power amplifier that this speaker can drive. This power, as a rule, is 1.3...2 times more than the nominal one.

      Pentode is a five-electrode pump, compared to the tetrode; another grid has been added, the fifth one is called antidynatron (Sz). The lamp is used in circuits for generating and amplifying sound and high frequency oscillations.

      SearchByindex (IndexSearch) - a service function of a tape recorder, which allows you to quickly and easily find the desired fragment of a recording using a special magnetic mark (index), which is applied by simply pressing a button, without rewinding the tape.

      Complete electrical resistance loudspeaker is the ratio of the voltage at the voice coil terminals to the current flowing in it. This resistance is determined active resistance voice coil, its inductance and the mechanical resistance of the moving loudspeaker system introduced into the electrical circuit.

      Bandtransmissionreceiver- frequency band of oscillations transmitted by the radio receiver with acceptable signal distortion. For satisfactory reception of broadcasting stations, the receiver bandwidth must be at least 4...5 kHz. Military radios typically have a bandwidth less than this, and some contain a bandwidth control device.

      Preselector- part of a superheterodyne radio receiver, containing input circuits and a radio signal amplifier before the frequency converter.

      Vacuum tube pass-through capacity- capacitance between the anode and the control grid of the lamp.

      Radio microphone(“bug”) is a microphone structurally combined with a radio transmitter and designed to intercept acoustic information. It may include control devices and recording devices. These devices only expand the capabilities of the radio microphone and are not its required parts.

      Radiodirecttransformation. It is based on the principle of receiving radio signals, similar to superheterodyne, but differs in that after conversion the resulting signal is not a relatively high intermediate frequency, but a directly low-frequency one. The required frequency band is allocated by an audio frequency filter.

      Radiodirectgain. In a receiver of this type, the signal is amplified to the detector without converting the frequency to an intermediate one.

      Radiosuperheterodyne- this is a receiver in which the radio frequency of the signal is converted into an intermediate one.

      ConnectorAUX (auxiliary- additional, auxiliary) - an auxiliary connector that is sometimes used in a VCR to control pause or connect a video camera to it.

      Reverb- a device for creating artificial reverberation using electrical or electroacoustic methods.

      Reverberation- after-sound observed in enclosed spaces after the sound source is turned off and caused by the arrival of this point delayed reflected or scattered signals.

      Reflectorantennas- a directional antenna element located behind the emitter and designed to concentrate the received or emitted electromagnetic energy in the required direction.

      Self-dischargesource- undesirable slow chemical process when the load is off. Self-discharge is the reason for the decrease in the service life of the source after long-term storage.

      Super regenerator (super regenerator) - detector stage or high-frequency amplification stage with positive feedback.

      Light-emitting diode- a diode that serves for visual perception of the information they display, as well as turning on the equipment’s readiness for operation.

      CD- converter (CD- Changer) - special device installing, changing and playing CDs. The device allows you to put several discs into the radio at the same time, in any order, as well as continuously listen to selected tunes. Most often used in automotive systems.

      Synchrostart (CD- Synchro) - a system in a tape recorder that provides synchronous start of a CD cassette during re-recording. With the help of synchrostart, when you turn on the tape recorder for recording, the CD starts with a slight delay to skip the leader.

      Scanning- sequential viewing of a certain part of communication channels, carried out by switching them according to a certain law.

      Duty ratioimpulsesorduty cyclesequencesimpulses

      This is the ratio of the pulse repetition period to their duration.

      Mixerfrequencies(converterfrequencies) - a device that converts the frequency of the signal supplied to it as a result periodic change its parameters under the influence of oscillations from a local local oscillator (local oscillator or synthesizer).

      Pairingcontours- ensuring agreed change resonant frequencies oscillatory circuits in a superheterodyne receiver (circuits of the input circuit, radio frequency amplifier and local oscillator) using one tuning knob.

      Zener diodesorsupportingdiodes, which operate on the reverse branch of volts - ampere characteristic. Designed to stabilize voltage and connect to a voltage source in reverse direction, that is, the cathode is to the plus, and the anode is to the minus. For a double-sided zener diode there is no need to comply with this condition. When the zener diode is turned on in the forward direction, small standard voltages of 0.7...0.8 V are obtained, as with silicon diodes connected in the same way.

      Stabilizers- diodes designed for stabilization low voltage, differ from zener diodes in that they operate on the direct branch of the volt-ampere characteristic (they are switched on in the forward, conducting direction).

      Standard loudspeaker sound pressure (N/m2) - a characteristic used to compare different loudspeakers with each other. Measured at a distance of 1 m from the loudspeaker along its working axis when a constant voltage of 0.1 W is applied at a frequency of 1000 Hz.

      Averagerecoilearphone- root mean square value of sound pressure that it develops in the nominal operating frequency range in given point free field. The parameter characterizes the efficiency of the headphone, its impact and is measured in pascals (Pa).
      Super loudspeakerlowfrequencies (SubWoofer) - the name of the connector for connecting an additional bass speaker (rarely two) to improve the reproduction of low frequencies.

      Teletext(TV- textdecoder) - encoded information that is completely decrypted and displayed on the TV screen. In Russia, teletext is transmitted on five main/channels. Teletext contains last news, newspaper reviews, commercial and background information about theater repertoires, movie posters, etc. Our country has adopted the world teletext standard - WST. By this standard it is possible. transmit up to 8 “magazines”, each of which contains up to 100 conditional pages the size of a screen. Teletext is controlled from the remote control remote control TV,

      Temperaturecoefficientcontainerscapacitor (TKE) - a parameter that indicates a reversible change in the relative capacitance of the capacitor with a change in temperature at the GS and is measured in ppm per degree (10 "6 GS). This parameter can take a negative or positive value. Depending on temperature stability, capacitors are divided into groups that are encoded letter designation and the color of the body.

      Temperaturecoefficientinductance (TKI) characterizes the relative change in the inductance of the coil with temperature changes environment on GS. TKI has a positive value and to compensate for it, capacitors with negative TKE are used in circuits.

      Thyristor- a controlled diode designed to switch electrical circuits voltage regulation, conversion direct current into a variable, etc.

      Loudness compensation (Loudness) - a special filter used for correction frequency response amplifier Used in low volume mode (up to approximately 1/4 volume control) to compensate for decreased ear sensitivity in the low and high frequency range with a quiet signal. The filter most often increases the response below 100 Hz by +6 dB and above 10 kHz by +30 dB. It is usually turned on by a step switch with “on - off” positions.

      Accuracymanufacturingcoilsinductance or a tolerance, which shows the deviation of the actual inductance from the nominal inductance as a percentage. For most coil types, the tolerance ranges from 1 to 10%.

      Traverse (beam) - in mechanical engineering, a crossbar attached to supports. An element of antenna designs, for example, “Double Square”.

      Transceiver- a device in which a transmitter and receiver are mounted in one housing, operating on a common antenna.

      Trigger- pulse device, which has two states of stable equilibrium and is switched from one equilibrium state to another with each action of an external control signal. There are asynchronous, symmetrical and synchronous triggers. The trigger circuit, to some extent, resembles a multivibrator circuit, but unlike the latter, it has an input for supplying a pulse signal.

      Tunneldiode- a non-inertial device used in various schemes amplification, generation and high-speed pulse and switching circuits with short switching times (several nanoseconds).

      Tuner- a household radio-electronic device intended for receiving radio broadcasting stations and designed for working together with a separate audio amplifier.

      Amplifiersoundfrequencies (AudioAmplifier) - a device that performs the functions of amplifying voltage and current in the range audio frequencies, abbreviated as UZCH. In the literature you can find the names “low frequency amplifier”, “power amplifier”, “Poweramplifer”. Usually the ultrasonic sounder has a volume control, sometimes it has tone controls and input switches various sources sound signal, signal spectrum analyzers, frequency indicators, etc.

      Amplifierintermediatefrequencies- amplifier for intermediate frequency signals coming from the frequency converter.

      Sensitivityloudspeaker- the ratio of the average sound pressure developed in the nominal frequency range on the working axis at a distance of 1 m from the working center to the square root of the supplied electrical power.

      S- exit- a special 4-pin connector that allows you to display images shot in Hi 8 and S - VHS formats with separation of color and brightness signals.