How to intercept domains in the RU, SU, RF zones - a detailed guide. Correctly solving an important domain issue

Known for a long time. Some individuals who have mastered it well even manage to sell information about such domains. However, you can get information about free domains with TCI yourself for free.

Who needs domains with TCI and why?

  • For those who want to add a satellite to this domain and quickly start selling links. This is very convenient, you have uploaded the site, the TCI is already there, as soon as it is indexed, you can immediately go to SAPE and sell links.
  • For those who glue together the TIC. You can buy many domains with TCI and glue them to one site. As a result, this site will display the total TCI of all domains. However, such TCI is easy to determine on glue and it will not benefit you in all places.
  • For those who make money from cybervoting (domain resale).

In principle, these are the three most important reasons for buying a domain with a TCI. Now let's move on to the search algorithm for such domains.

Search for free/vacant domains with TCI

First, you need to find domains that are being released (or already released). This can be done in many places.

After this, all you have to do is check the found domains for glue. This is necessary so as not to buy a domain with a “left” TIC.

What are domains with a glued TCI?

Domains with a glued TCI are simple domains, but their thematic citation index is added to another domain. Instead of my domain, your site is indicated. If the domain is merged, then in the line “site”: the resource is not described in the Yandex.Catalogue ( another domain will be written instead.

The glued domain has TCI = 0, so it is of no interest in terms of the belly.

Any website analysis service has the ability to check a domain for glue, so you can always use any of them.

Checking domains for TCI glue

To do this, I recommend downloading the free kley program: download kley.exe.

Launch the program and click add domain list, and then click the start button. As a result, you will get something like this list:

As can be seen from the results, not one of the domains is suitable for us, since they are all glued together or their TCI = 0, but this is only a small part of the total huge number of vacated domains. The downside of this program is that you cannot organize the results.

As you can see, the process is very simple. Many have even written special programs to automate this process. I don’t think it’s necessary to purchase such software if you want to buy a couple of such domains.

As a result, after spending only 10 minutes, I found two domains with natural TCI. By the way, after you have found domains, I advise you to check the backing of this domain, since sometimes it happens that the backing is no longer there (for example, links were bought in link exchanges, and now they have all been deleted), but the TCI still holds. The most reliable links that can be are those that were obtained as a result of running through directories, profiles, dofollow blogs, since they are free and no one is going to delete them. Having such links, you will save somewhere between 500-1500 rubles on runs, since you do not need to run this site through various databases.

Before purchasing a domain, do not forget to check the domain for bans, otherwise your future satellite may not be included in the index, even if it has unique content. It makes sense to buy free domains with TCI only for satellites, since very often their backing turns out to be not very good

Domains become unclaimed for various reasons, which determine whether it is worth registering a domain with a high TIC.

When can I buy an old domain?

Some companies close down a certain direction in the course of their activities, so one website is no longer needed. It makes no sense to keep your domain and regularly renew it “in reserve.”

When is a domain not acceptable for purchase?

The domain was blocked by the search engine, but the TIC continues to grow and is preserved. The reasons for the ban are various - from prohibited content to AGS. There is no point in buying a domain that has become vacant as an empty mirror of the main site. The TIC will probably be high, but as soon as the search engine notices that it is unglued, the TIC will gradually begin to decrease. You should not buy domains whose ratings have been boosted by one-day links. Nobody pays for links anymore, therefore, the TIC will collapse at the first AP.

The formula for buying a vacant domain is to find the domain, check it thoroughly and buy it before everyone else wants to profit from the success of others.

How to find available domains with TICs?

There are services that immediately show available domains. They do not always determine belly fats with high accuracy. More extensive domain checking can be done through a paid service.

It’s not easy to find an original name, and even buy a domain with a TIC. Sometimes it is not always possible. The Internet is teeming with tens of thousands of webmasters who dream of getting their hands on vacant domains. There is no need to count on a successful find with a high TIC. But a free domain with TIC 10 is a very real story. You need to stock up on patience and time, especially since you don’t have to be a prodigy and a super programmer here.

Sites-lists of free domains with TICs

On these sites you will find lists of domains that are either already without registrars or will soon be released: is one of the best sites that provide domains for free. Using the service does not involve anything complicated - you select the desired date and on a certain day you receive a list of domains. It happens that resources with TICs and not glued together are included in the general list.– unlike the first one, this service has an interface for easy domain search. The visitor is immediately offered to receive a fresh list of domains on his computer. Domain names with TICs are common.– an excellent website with a modern design, easy navigation and a large list of free domains. is a good resource where you will find entire archives of deleted domain names dating back to 2000. Immediately shows the presence of TIC and PR. is a popular site that every webmaster is familiar with. A significant disadvantage of the site is that the lists of available domains here are very scarce, but you can find an interesting name with TIC and PR.

Domains with a TIC are needed by those who want to place a satellite on it and actively start selling links. A very convenient option - I found a site that already has a TIC and as soon as it is indexed in a search engine, you can immediately go to the SAPE exchange for links and start a business.

Such domains are needed by those who glue TICs together. You can buy a bunch of domains and glue them to one resource. As a result, the TIC for the site will be summarized from all domains. But this option is quickly determined by the presence of “gluing” and is not always useful. These are the two main reasons why many people want to buy domains with TICs.

Fig.1. Stages of domain life.

Registration period. Make up most of the life of a domain. This is the time when the domain is actively used (for example, a website is located on it) or is simply idle while registered. For example, let's say that you registered the domain on August 1, 2016.

Extension period. The renewal period for RU/SU/РФ domains begins 11 months from the date your domain was registered. The renewal period allows the previous owner to extend it for another 1 year. This period lasts 60 days. Most registrars will not allow you to use a domain after 30 days from the start of the renewal period. Most often, 30 days after the start of the renewal period, a registrar plug is placed on the site.

Preferential renewal period. This period is 30 days. In fact, it is also included in the renewal period, with one exception - at this time, other users can already buy your domain at an auction with one of the registrars. The domain is on the release list. You can still renew your domain.

For the domain, the preferential renewal period will last from August 1, 2017 to August 30, 2017.

Date of deletion. Comes the next day after the end of the extension period. On this day, the domain will go to the user who won the auction, or will become free if no bids were placed on it at the auction.


Essentially, all non-renewed domains go up for auction immediately after registration ends. The auction lasts 30 days - during this time you can place bids, and the domain owner can extend it. In addition, other participants may outbid your bid from the registrar. Therefore, experienced “interceptors” place bets on a large number of domains at once and with several registrars at once.

What does it mean to have multiple registrars (most likely you have this question)? The fact is that, in essence, the auction is held at several registrars at once. At the time of writing, there are 11 such registrars. Each of the registrars can accept bids on any domain that becomes available. Most likely, each registrar will bid on a good domain.

For greater simplicity, I propose to consider this in the form of a diagram. Below we consider a hypothetical situation as close as possible to real conditions - we have 11 registrars + one auction for each registrar. It is worth noting that each registrar has the same domains participating in the auction.

Fig.2. Registrars and shares of released domains.

Any user registered with each of the registrars can place bids on released domains. Those. Each released domain is auctioned at each registrar. The bids placed at each auction do not overlap in any way at this stage. Those. if Registrar 1’s bid for was 20,000 rubles, then Registrar 2’s bid for could be at the level of 129 rubles.

Fig.3. Auction participants place bids.

The culmination of all bets is the day the domains are released. On the same day, auctions are held for domains that have received at least one bid. On the day of release (more on how this day is determined below), at 17-00, each registrar begins sending requests for re-registration of domains for which bids have been received to the registry. And the registry determines which registrar “won” the auction for each individual domain.

Fig.4. Registrars fight among themselves for domains and make requests to the registry.

What parameters does the domain name registry take into account when calculating rates? The size of the bet and the speed of submitting an application are two main parameters. Those. if two registrars have sent an application to re-register a domain, and each has the same rate (for example, 200 rubles), then with a greater degree of probability the domain will be given to the registrar who sent the request earlier at the moment.

If your registrar wins an auction for a domain, and you, in turn, win an auction for this domain with this registrar, the domain will go to you.

Rice. 5. Full picture - all auctions for domains.

How is the day of the domain auction determined?

1. The domain is released 30 days after the registration end date.

2. The auction is not held on weekends and holidays, as well as the first day after weekends or holidays.

3. A maximum of 10,000 domains are released every day. The decision is made by the domain name registry.

4. The list of domains that will be released today (and for which an auction will be held) is determined every day at 12-00 (of course, except for the days indicated in paragraph 2). Information - whether a domain is released today or transferred to the next day can be found in the whois of the corresponding domain.

When does it become clear who won?

On the day of release, domains are after 17-00. Usually between 17-20 and 18-00 it is already clear whether you succeeded in intercepting the domain or not. Sometimes there are glitches.

How are bids placed at a registrar auction?

Each registrar has its own characteristics and rules, but they are all similar in that bids are made using an auction system - the size of the allowable bid often depends on the number of days remaining until the expected date of domain deletion. Below are examples of possible rates at two registrars:

Fig.6. The cost of the bet depending on the days remaining before removal from Naunet

Fig.7. Rates for a domain being released from

How to choose domains to intercept?

The choice of domains can be done at registrars - almost everyone has a table for selecting domains from a list. The website service has a larger number of indicators (most often registrars show only the TCI and domain age), and a faster and more convenient search for the required domains.

How to intercept domains?

1. Place bets manually with one or more registrars.

One option is to place bets through your personal account with registrars that provide this opportunity. In the useful links section you will find a list of such registrars.

Professional “interceptors” (cybersquatters) can place several bids at the maximum price (~200,000 rubles) with several registrars at once in order to increase the chances of intercepting the required domain.

2. Through automated services. There are not many services on the market that allow you to intercept domains through several registrars at once. But still, they are there:

2.1. is an online service for intercepting expiring domains. Supports 11 registrars (, RU-CENTER, Naunet, AxelName, NetHouse,,,,,,, Deposit money 1 time for 1 domain. You can see the number of applications for the domain you are interested in.

2.2. Whic Pro program. A program for Windows that allows you to track and place bets with a large number of registrars (not only in RuNet). Paid program

2.3. Other scripts. Sometimes simple solutions appear on the market.

useful links


That's all. I hope that by the time you read these lines you already have a deeper understanding of the market for released domains than you had 10 minutes ago. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to write them in the comments below!

Many people take a domain without really thinking about it, and later they start delving into SEO and that’s when all the errors pop up. It's too late to change the domain. Moving to a new domain is always a painful process; it often results in lost traffic (although in some cases, moving, on the contrary, allows you to remove search engine filters). So let's look at this topic in detail to avoid the most basic, glaring mistakes.

What is a domain

A domain is the address of a website on the Internet or a specific zone that has its own name, unlike any other in the domain name system.

To give a more specific definition, a domain is a representation of addressing on the Internet using names. The current addressing of all computers on the Internet (and those where your websites are located) is recorded using IP addresses - this is a group of four numbers from 0 to 255 and an entry of the form Without domain names, the user would have to access each site by IP address, but everyone finds this method very inconvenient. On the other hand, without domain names, you can only host one website on one computer. Domain names made it possible to host a large number of websites on one server, that is, on one IP address.

What is a subdomain

website is the domain is a subdomain

Because DNS is a tree-based hierarchical system, each branch of the tree has a domain name. A subdomain is part of a higher level domain. For example, it is a subdomain. A belongs to the domain. Thus, a domain name can be divided into levels:

  • — 2nd level domain;
  • - 1st level domain;
  • — top-level domain;

Subdomains are often used by large organizations and companies to address their departments and services. Sometimes subdomains are called subdomains (from the English. subdomain).

Why is it important to choose a good domain right away?

Because, as I said at the beginning, moving is fraught with great difficulties. But a successful choice of domain can give a plus when promoting.

Choosing a website domain wisely can determine the success of your website. Before registering a domain or purchasing the name you need at auction, you need to consider various domain options and weigh the pros and cons. If, after registering and launching a site, owners, administrators or optimizers begin to be tormented by vague doubts about relevance and there is a desire to change the domain, then you should be aware of the consequences.

Switching to another domain becomes more difficult every year, and search engines are less and less trusting of any new sites that contain an excessive amount of borrowed content and external links. In any case, even if you simply move your site to a new domain, its SEO ranking will most likely suffer a significant drop.

Changing a domain means that pages will be removed from the search engine index for at least a couple of weeks. At the same time, a competitor can climb into the site’s place, collect behavioral factors and gain a foothold in other people’s well-deserved positions.

In addition, each page from the old domain will have to be redirected to the new one using a 301 redirect. It is also worth noting that when using some CMSs that do not take into account the operation of transferring a site to another domain, you may have to replace all URLs. Thus, changing a domain threatens large losses and an equally significant amount of unnecessary work.

Is a key needed in the domain?

To maximize website promotion, some optimizers suggest registering a high-frequency query in the domain that is relevant to the company’s type of activity. An example would be a fictitious domain. However, this is where you need to be wary of an algorithm like Google's EMD.

Exact Match Domain (EMD), or exact match domain, is a Google algorithm that applies a filter to the above domains. The filter takes effect either immediately and a young site goes into a serious disadvantage, or after it reaches the TOP and attracts a large amount of traffic. The last option is completely catastrophic. There are two main reasons for falling under the filter:

  • the presence of more than 2-3 words in the domain;
  • non-anchor-anchor links.

Already based on the name, it becomes clear that popular non-anchor links for promotion automatically become anchor links with such a domain. Consequently, the site “falls into the clutches” of the Penguin.

Based on the danger of falling under EMD, it is better not to take risks with keywords in the name, but to create a brand and promote the branded domain in all adequate ways. As practice shows, among the many factors influencing the TOP, the presence of a keyword in the domain is by no means the most decisive moment in promotion. Creating a brand is a better solution for the long term.

However, some websites of companies whose names carry a potential query are brands. The EMD algorithm is much more loyal to such sites. The policy of search engines is to see the sites of brand companies in the TOP for commercial queries rather than obscure online companies that insert the words “buy”, “order” and so on into the domain.

Other important points when choosing a domain

Some sites and forums post various ratings for domains. These ratings primarily look at the readability and memorability of domain names. However, from year to year there is a serious percentage of those who unsuccessfully choose a name option for their website. It is worth citing several popular mistakes and controversial issues when registering a domain name:

  1. A mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod
    This error is associated with an attempt to come up with a domain name as short as possible, using a combination of English and Russian words. For example, the domain is the name of an online store dedicated to selling goods from China. In reality, this domain option looks frankly pathetic and illiterate. It's better to name the domain. And if you have a lot of Western consumers, then a specific name is best.
  2. Domain length and composition
    For Runet users it is very difficult to enter domains consisting of two or three words, especially in English. In addition to foreign words, problems arise with typing an address consisting of letters such as w, c, x, sch. The fact is that different users understand the transliteration of the above letters differently. It follows from this that words like life, happiness, calculation, target It is better to replace, for example, a translation into English.
  3. The role of the hyphen in a domain name
    The use of a hyphen in each case requires separate consideration. You can also add a hyphen for better readability. Or take for example the website dedicated to the Manchester United football club - This option only increases readability and is better remembered. However, as practice shows, most users simply forget the hyphen when entering a domain. You shouldn't put a hyphen between two short words. And it is certainly a mistake to use a hyphen in abbreviations. Judge for yourself which is better - or

Released domains

The advantage of a released domain with history is that many of them still have SEO parameters, visibility for some queries, as well as topical links from other resources on the network that are taken into account by search engines. Some domains are present in the Dmoz and Yandex directories. All domains are at least 1 year old, and this is important when promoting a website and gives an advantage over young domains. A list of free domains with parameters allows you to immediately start making money on domains with a history, rather than waiting for the site to acquire trust from search engines.

Drop domains are previously registered domains that are currently free and will not be renewed for any reason.

At first glance, everything is simple - found it, bought it. However, before searching, you should carefully consider each indicator and weigh all the pros and cons. It's important to determine which domain with history is best for you. If you plan to purchase more than a dozen domains, then this process will take plenty of time, since it is necessary to check all the SEO parameters of these domains, their presence in the web archive, check for glue in search engines, and determine the registrar.

How to find a free domain with TIC?

Released domains in zones ru, su, rf it is also convenient to monitor through the corresponding service You can also download lists of in text format on the website National Domain Coordination Center.

When purchasing a drop, you should understand that finding an original or suitable name, especially at the same time as a TIC or PR, is not easy, and often completely impossible. In parallel with you, thousands of webmasters are involved in searching for suitable domains. If you are looking for a domain only with a good TIC, then you shouldn’t count on luck in this case either. However, there is always a chance to grab a drop with TIC 10.

If you want to massively register a certain number of drops with a minimum TIC at the lowest price, then there is an extremely simple scheme for determining the required domains:

For targeted acquisition of sites with high TIC and PR indicators, you should visit special auctions. These are classic auctions with increasing bids. The higher the amount, the higher the percentage of probability of getting the desired domain. Link to auction -

What is domain merging and how to determine it

Site stitching is the process of combining multiple sites in the search engine index. As a result of this, the main one is determined, and the rest become “mirrors”. The most common option is a mirror site with “www”. In this case, the link weight and values ​​of authority indicators (TCI, PR) from the referring domain are transferred to the main domain. After gluing, only one of the sites participates in the search.

You can check the gluing of the site on various services, including.

How to remove a domain from delegation

Domain delegation is the transfer of control over part of a domain zone to another responsible party. Although this sounds complicated, it is essentially just an indication for the domain of DNS servers, which is accessible to anyone with the level of knowledge of an Internet user. Technically, in order to delegate a domain, you need to specify a resource record (usually several records) of type NS in its zone. Or remove them, which will precisely lead to the removal of the domain from delegation.

Selecting a domain zone and registrar

If you are doing business or making an information site in Russia or for the Russian-speaking population, then the optimal domain zone will be .ru.

Commercial sites tend to have regional domains due to the provision of their goods or services in a particular region of the country. For example,, This decision is welcome, as there are advantages when ranking in a specific region. Thus, if you are aiming to work in one region, then you should consider choosing a regional domain. If your company is actively developing and is ready to expand in 2-5 years in other cities, then it is better to bet on .ru. Despite the fact that your site on a regional domain may gain an age trust, it will be limited to the territory of one region.

If you work not only in RuNet and for what reasons do you think that the zone .ru will limit ranking, you can select a zone .com. Placing a website in this zone, however, is several times more expensive than in Russian versions. Domain zone .su is a kind of equivalent .com within the CIS countries. A little cheaper in price .com. In general, the domain zone of the Soviet Union is losing popularity every year. Perhaps due to the loss of significance of the former era.

There are also a number of relatively new domain zones that may be interesting in narrow-profile areas. Let's look at some of them:

  1. .guru— an area aimed at sites with recommendations and advice on a specific topic. If you are a highly qualified specialist in a certain industry and want to create a personal website, then guru will highlight your image. It is worth noting that the cost of a domain in this zone will cost about three times more than in .com
  2. .io— national domain zone of the state “British Indian and Ocean Territory”. This zone may be of interest to those who plan to deal with household and computer equipment under the burgh, thanks to the abbreviation for input/output.
  3. .top- a zone for projects and companies striving for leadership, and simply for the sake of PR. Designed to emphasize the high quality of goods and services.
  4. .pro essentially similar .guru, for professionals in their field.

You can register domains cheaply, as noted above, at I used to register on Reghouse, but then they raised the prices, which obviously did not add more whists to themselves. Also worth mentioning is - this is perhaps the most serious and trust registrar.

Should you launch a website on a subdomain?

Many large companies place sections on separate subdomains for ease of content management and ease of promotion. Sometimes sections are divided into subdomains so as not to spoil the semantics of search queries on the site, and to separate it.

Among the many projects, you can find dozens of successful websites with high traffic that use subdomains. Some webmasters believe that the trust of the main domain is transferred to the subdomain, and if there is a super trust domain on a more or less suitable topic, then launching a new project on it will give a tangible advantage. However, if this gives advantages at the initial stage, then, in my opinion, in the end, sites on subdomains will most likely lose to competitors on first-level domains.

The release domain registration service is designed to help RU-CENTER clients register a domain on the day it is released. RU-CENTER performs the following actions:

  • accepts orders for registration of a vacant domain name;
  • monitors the date of release of the domain name;
  • in case of release of a domain name, carries out the procedure for its registration in the Registry. Registration is made in the name of the client.

The service is provided in accordance with, which is an annex to the Service Agreement.

How to register an expiring domain

Within 30 days before the domain is deleted, you can place an order to register the domain being released (but not earlier than 30 days before the planned day of domain removal from the Registry and no later than 16:30 MSK on the day the domain is deleted from the Registry). For this:

  1. , if you are not yet a RU-CENTER client. If the profile is managed by the Partner, the Partner can place the order.
  2. Create an order for registering a vacant domain in any of the following ways:
    on the web server in → Order serviceRegistration of a vacant domain;
    on the web server in the section My auctions → → Make an order;
    on the web server in the section ;
    on the web server in the .
  3. for the amount according to the selected tariff no later than the end of the tariff period. An order can be generated at any currently available tariff.
    If there is already a paid order for a domain, only plans with a higher cost remain available.

On the day the domain is deleted, tariffs become unavailable one by one, for example:

Tariff 500 unavailable after 12:20 MSK;
Tariff 300 not available after 12:40 MSK, etc.
Tariff Basic available until 16:30 MSK on the day the domain is deleted from the Registry.

To complete an order, it is necessary that funds for it be blocked no later than the end of the selected tariff. In this case, orders for a tariff with a later validity period are canceled and blocked funds are released.

RU-CENTER does not guarantee to the client that the domain will be registered in his name, but undertakes to take all necessary actions to register the released domain for the client.
RU-CENTER does not guarantee the provision of service in relation to domain names that are the subject of legal proceedings.

If the domain was renewed by the current administrator

If the current administrator renews the domain before the expiration of the preferential renewal period, the registration service for the vacated domain is considered not provided. Funds blocked to pay for services on the personal account of the agreement are released from blocking and can be used to pay for other services.

If the domain could not be registered

If, as a result of the provision of a service, the domain is not registered in the name of the client, the service is not considered provided. Funds blocked to pay for services on the personal account of the agreement are released from blocking and can be used to pay for other services.

How to cancel an order

An order for registration of a domain that is being released, for which funds are not blocked, can be deleted in any of the following ways:

  • on the web server - section My auctionsRegistration of vacant domains.RU and.РФOrders not ready for fulfillment;
  • on the web server - → Order logOrder of execution, deleting orders.

For clients managed by Partners, the order can be deleted by the Partner.