How to create a server in Agario to play with friends? How to create your own server in Agario? Easy way How to create a private server in Agario

How to create your own server in

4.6 (92.73%) 11 votes or popularly known as Agario, is now a well-known browser game these days. The number of players is growing day by day, and now this game can be considered a phenomenon and it has rightfully gained its virality. The essence of the game is to turn you into a small ball that can eat balls smaller than yourself, thereby becoming more and more dominant in the game world and the record board. In addition, she will test your ability to survive and hunt. As a matter of fact, public servers also work quite well, but if you are thinking about how to create your own server in for a private game with friends, the Ogar project will help you with this, the setup of which I will try to tell you about in this article.

Creating a server in Agario

  • Virtual or dedicated server. In general, you can run it on your computer, but you must understand that it must work constantly, it needs RAM and processing power, as well as a stable Internet connection. Otherwise, the joy from the game will not be enough due to slowdowns and freezes. This tutorial is based on the example of the 64-bit version of Debian 7, but all points can be transferred to the realities of other systems (Windows, Mac OS). They will not be considered in this article, but if someone really needs them, I will add to the guide.
  • A dedicated IP address or a service like dydns so that people from outside can easily connect to us.
  • Installed nodejs, git.
  • Downloaded Ogar distribution.
  • Desire and 10 minutes of time.

Installation of nodejs, git

Since Ogar is written in Node.js, you will need to install it, as well as the additional “ws” module to fully create a server. First of all, we will update the packages of our system, and then install the necessary “base”:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install build-essential git screen nano

We agree, install. Now it's up to Node.js:

We come up with a password for it, the rest of the information can be left blank. His home directory is /home/agario, let’s go to it:

Let's start downloading and installing Ohario. All this will be done through git, which we installed earlier. He will also be responsible for the update. Enter:

npm install --save ws
git clone git:// Ogar

The server files are being downloaded. Congratulations. There's just a little bit left. We are trying to make the first launch:

If all is well, we will see something like this:

Let's try to connect to our server. To do this, type in the browser:

If everything is successful, you will log into the server and be alone on it. In the server console, check the status with the status command:

As you can see, everything went well. We close our server with the exit command.

Setting up the Agario server via gameserver.ini

The settings file will be created automatically the first time you start the server. Below I will write how to edit it and give an example of a config with descriptions. So, to edit, run the command that will open a text editor:


Example configuration file:

// Ogar configuration file
// Lines that begin with slashes are not read by the server.
// [Server] // serverGamemode: 0 = Free for all, 1 = Team, 2 = Experimental (for example 6/13/15), 10 = Competition, 11 = Hunger Games, 12 = Zombie mod, 13 = Team Z, 14 = Team X, 20 = rainbow FFA (use with setAcid(true))
// serverBots: Number of bots that spawn (Experimental option)
// serverViewBase: The base distance that players see. Warning: Large values ​​may cause lags.
// serverStatsPort: Port for server statistics. A negative value disables statistics.
// serverStatsUpdate: Number of seconds before server statistics are updated.
// serverLogLevel: Server logging level. 0 = No logs, 1 = Logs only in the console, 2 = Logs in the console and IP connections.
// serverScrambleCoords: Enables coordinate scrambling. 0 = No stirring, 1 = Stirring. Default is 1.
serverMaxConnections = 64
serverPort = 443
serverGamemode = 0
serverBots = 0
serverViewBaseX = 1024
serverViewBaseY = 592
serverStatsPort = 88
serverStatsUpdate = 60
serverLogLevel = 1
serverScrambleCoords = 1
// [Borders] // Sets the borders of the map (Default values ​​for left side/top = 0, right side/bottom = 11180.3398875)
borderLeft = 0
borderRight = 6000
borderTop = 0
borderBottom = 6000
// [Spawn] // Each interval is equal to one tick (50 ms)
spawnInterval = 20
foodSpawnAmount = 10
foodStartAmount = 100
foodMaxAmount = 500
foodMass = 1
foodMassGrow = 1
foodMassGrowPossiblity = 50
foodMassLimit = 5
foodMassTimeout = 120
virusMinAmount = 10
virusMaxAmount = 50
virusStartMass = 100
virusFeedAmount = 7
// [Spitted out mass] // ejectMass: Mass of spit out balls
// ejectMassCooldown: Time until the player can collect spit out balls (ms)
// ejectMassLoss: Mass loss when spitting out balls
// ejectSpeed: Initial speed of the ejected balls
// ejectSpawnPlayer: Chance of the player to spawn from spit out balls
ejectMass = 12
ejectMassCooldown = 200
ejectMassLoss = 16
ejectSpeed ​​= 160
ejectSpawnPlayer = 50
// [Player] playerStartMass = 10
playerMaxMass = 22500
playerMinMassEject = 32
playerMinMassSplit = 36
playerMaxCells = 16
playerRecombineTime = 30
playerMassDecayRate = .002
playerMinMassDecay = 9
playerMaxNickLength = 15
playerSpeed ​​= 30
playerDisconnectTime = 60
// [Gamemod] // Custom gamemod settings
// tourneyTimeLimit: Game limit time, in minutes.
// tourneyAutoFill: If set to a value greater than 0, the match will be automatically filled with bots after the start.
// tourneyAutoFillPlayers: Start time after which the Agario server will be filled with bots before players connect.
tourneyMaxPlayers = 12
tourneyPrepTime = 10
tourneyEndTime = 30
tourneyTimeLimit = 20
tourneyAutoFill = 0
tourneyAutoFillPlayers = 1

We save these settings with the Ctrl - X command, agreeing to overwrite the file.

Server console commands

These commands can be entered directly into the server console at startup.

  • Addbot [number]
    • Adds a definite number of bots to the server. If the number is not defined, adds 1 bot
  • Board [Band 1] [Band 2] [Band 3] ...
    • The text in the high scores table will be replaced with the following lines
  • Boardreset
    • Resets players' early records and displays up-to-date information at the moment
  • Change [Config parameter] [Value]
    • The configuration parameter will be replaced with the appropriate value, for example “change serverMaxConnections 32″ will change the MaxConnections value to 32.
  • Clear
    • Clears all console text
  • Color
    • Changes the color of the specified player
  • Exit
    • Shuts down the server
  • Food [Weight]
    • Creates a ball of food at the specified coordinates. If the value is not specified, takes it from the “foodStartMass” parameter of the server
  • Gamemode
    • Changing the server game mode
  • Kick
    • The specified player will be kicked from the server
  • Kill
    • The player and all his balls will be killed
  • Killall
    • Kills all players and their balls
  • Mass [Value]
    • The mass of all the player's balls will be set to the corresponding value
  • Name [New name]
    • Changes the player's name to a new one
  • Playerlist
    • Displays a list in which all connected players are visible, their IP, ID, number of balls, mass and location
  • Pause
    • Pauses the game
  • Reload
    • The configuration file will be reloaded. Parameters like serverPort, serverGamemode, serverBots, serverStatsPort, serverStatsUpdate can only be changed after rebooting the entire server.
  • Status
    • Displays the number of players who are currently connected, time, memory usage, game mode
  • Tp
    • Changes the player's position to the specified one immediately
  • Virus [Weight]
    • Generates a virus ball at a given coordinate. If mass is not specified, uses the “virusStartMass” server parameter.

Running the server in the background

In order to be able to safely turn on the server and forget about it, you need to run it in the background. Here we will need the previously installed screen application. To start, run the command in the user directory:

To get to the console:

screen -r agario

To exit the console, press the combination Ctrl - a+d at the same time, and to turn off the server use:

screen -XS agario quit

Ohario server update

And everything is simple here. To do this, go to the Ogar directory in your home directory and use it to double-check with GIT whether the server code has been updated:

CD Ogar
git pull

If no patches have been released, we will see the message “ Already up-to-date«.


I hope this article helped you understand and basicly configure the game server on your host. If you have any problems, please comment. I will help as much as I can. Stay tuned.

Now in Agario there are 8 game servers, distributed by geography: North and South American, European, Russian, Turkish, East Asian, Chinese, as well as a server in Australia and Oceania. This distribution allows players to play on the server closest to them without lags.

If you are looking for servers where there are few people, then you have a direct path to a Chinese, Australian or Turkish server. On average, no more than 2-2.5 thousand people play there. The Russian server can be classified as average - the number of players on it during the day ranges from 12 to 20 thousand, and at night it drops to 3-4. The server most densely populated with bacteria is the European one. 70-80 thousand people play on it.

Each server is divided into separate rooms, and you can’t just get into any specific one - it’s all up to randomness. But there is an extension that will help deal with this problem. You can download it from this link

After installing it, another selector will appear in the server selection menu, in which you can select the server IP. This functionality is very useful for those who want to communicate with a friend.

How to create your own server in Agar io?

To create your own server, you will need to install node.js on your computer, and also download it yourself.

Detailed instructions for installing your Agario server can be found in this video

The popular game "" captivates with its fascination. It is played all over the world, and there are about 9-10 servers for it. Each of them has about 50 thousand gamers. True, at night the number of players drops to 4-5 thousand, but that’s not the point. Sometimes you want to play together with a friend or friends, so some users want to know how to create their own server in Agario. A short instruction will be described below.

How to create your own server in Agario?

To play, you must have the server file itself and the node.js file. You can download these files, including the game server, on the Internet. You will find them easily. Installation will not take much time. Just run the node.js file and click: Next-Next-Next. Without installing this program, you may have problems launching the game in the browser. Some players are trying to find out how to create a server in Agario without programs. Unfortunately this is not possible. You will have to download the node.js program and the server archive itself.

Server settings settings

After installing node.js, it’s worth understanding the server archive itself. Download it and extract it to your desktop. Open the folder and look for the gameserver.ini file there. This is the main file that we will have to deal with, and now we will tell you how. You can create your own server in Agario only by editing this document, because it contains the configuration settings. Below are the main lines responsible for server settings:

  • Line 9 - serverMaxConnections. Responsible for the number of players who will be on your server. Set, for example, the value "5". That is, 6 players will no longer be able to play.
  • Line 11 in the file - serverGamemode. Setting the value to "0" (Freedom for All), "1" (Team Mode), "10" (Tournament) or "11" (Hunger Games) will change the game mode. The names of the modes are indicated in brackets.
  • Lines 17-20 indicate the boundaries of the playing area. Here you can only set the borderleft and borderright lines. For example, setting the values ​​to 6000, you will get a playing field with an area of ​​6000x6000 pixels. The more players, the larger the field area should be.
  • Line 26 - foodstartamount. It indicates how much food will be available at start.
  • Line 27 - foodmaxamount. Determines the mass of food.

There are other settings in this file. For example, you can customize the player's ball. These parameters are set in lines 48-49, which are responsible for the player’s initial mass (default 10) and maximum mass, respectively.

If possible, look and set as many parameters as possible. The names of the lines make it intuitively clear what they are responsible for. After setting up the configuration files, all changes must be saved.

Starting the server

Now let's move on to starting the server. There is a launch.bat file in the server folder. It needs to be launched. A black window (cmd.exe) will open. Now go to the website itself and activate the console in the browser. You can do this using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+J or Cmd+Shift+J on Mac. You can also select developer mode in the browser menu. In this console we need to write: connect("ws://localhost:443")

After this, we will immediately go to our server. After you create your server in Agario, you can invite your friends. They should also write connect("ws://localhost:443") in the console, only instead of localhost your IP address should be specified. You can find it in the connection status settings or on the 2ip website.

Now you know how to create your own server in the game "Agario" and you can play with friends. There is nothing complicated in this procedure.

October 12, 2015

Today we will talk about how to create a server in Agario. So, if you decide to play exclusively with friends, then you need your own server. Before you start installing the server, you will need to disable Skype if it is enabled.


  1. Download and install Agario
  2. Download and install Hamachi
  3. Launch Hamachi
  4. Launch Agario
  5. Join server
  6. How can my friends connect to the server?
  7. How to set up a server?
  8. How to choose a mod in Agario?
  9. I have Skype
  10. Video lesson (in English)

Download and install Agario

First of all, you need to download the Agario installer to your computer.
We will download from here Click on “Click here to download the latest build of the Ogar binary”. After downloading the file, place it in the folder where you want to install Agario.

Download and install Hamachi

Go to and create an account. After that, download Hamachi, select unmanaged version.

Launch Hamachi
Click on “Power” in the Hamachi menu, there enter the username and password that you specified when registering here
Then click on “Create new network” and enter any word in the Network ID and password, for example
Network Id = Ogario1
Password = 123
Super! We have created our own network.

Launch Agario

If you have Skype enabled, then you need to disable it. Go to the folder with Agario and run the file Ogar-windows-17c620b.exe, the name of your file may be slightly different from mine. Great, the server is running!

Join server

Open the browser and

Open the Hamachi menu, right-click on your IP and select “Copy IPv4 address”. Your IP will roughly look like this11. 22. 33. 44
We add the IP to the browser.
Now the address looks like this 11. 22. 33. 44
You also need to specify the port, it is set by default 443 port. Therefore, you need to add “:443” to the end of the address bar.
In the end your link will look like this 11. 22. 33. 44:443

In your case, only the IP will be different.
To make the game more fun, you can add bots to the game using the Addbot 4 command, which you need to write in the console. where “4” is the number of bots.

How can my friends connect to the server?
They need to download and install Hamachi. After that, select the Network tab in Hamacki and select “Join an existing network” and enter the Network Id and password that you specified during creation. In my case Network Id = Ogario1
Password = 123
After that they will need to enter into the browser 11. 22. 33. 44:443

How to set up a server?

All commands to the server are carried out through the console and through the gameserver.ini file, a list of all commands can be found here

How to choose a mod in Agario?

To change the game mod, go to gameserver.ini and change the value serverGamemode to one value from the list



Free For All


Experimental (As of 6/13/15)


Hunger Games

Zombie Mode

Team Z

Team X

Rainbow FFA - Hint: Use with "setAcid(true)"

I have Skype

If you want to start the server without turning off Skype, then you need to open the file gameserver.ini file and change the value serverPort from 443 to 4545. Then you can launch the game and Skype at the same time

Video lesson (in English)