Functions of a modern office automation system. Ministry of Education and Science. The automated system provides the opportunity to carry out prompt and effective exchange of information between all areas of the production process, allows

The capabilities of modern software and hardware automation and communication tools make it possible to create highly efficient systems of information and communication services for a wide class of users, whose activities are directly related to the recording, storage and control of the execution of documents (laws, decrees, resolutions, orders, protocols, letters).

Modern office system- a set of information technologies focused on the joint and coordinated use of “electronic” methods of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information, including management information, which can be presented in the form of texts, pictures, graphs, tables, audio and video information.

Main functions of a modern office system:

Integration of office management technologies into a single process:

Transition to the use of paperless technology;

Automation routine operations on information processing;

Archiving of information;

Application creation and support;

Ensuring the safety, integrity, and reliability of information;

Establishing access levels and protecting against unauthorized access to information;

Security effective search information based on various criteria;

Creation of a flexible system for dividing and distributing information;

Organization of collective work of users in local and global information and computer networks and environments;

Fast and reliable connection and transfer of information via communication channels to remote users;

Providing a friendly, unified user interface with all system components.

Automated office management technologies occupy a major place in office automation and implement the following functional tasks:

Entering documents for the purpose of their subsequent processing and execution;

Registration and accounting of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;

Distribution of documents among executors and, if necessary, setting deadlines according to standards established by management;

Monitoring the execution of documents with issuing reminders to executors established by management deadlines;

Formation and issuance of certificates to management on the status of execution of documents by their types, executors and other parameters;

Maintaining operational and archival collections of documents (timely transfer of data from one array to another, making changes and additions);

Search for documents by request;

Searching for archival information by request;

Drawing up various final and summary documents;

Exchange of documents (external and internal).

Basic functional subsystems office information systems

Document input is provided by word processors that are sufficiently powerful; some of them have special format converters for working with information prepared in another environment. Word processors allow you to enter and edit documents of complex structure; ensure full compliance of the document image on the screen with its copy on paper; carry out spelling, grammatical and stylistic control of the text. In some office systems ah, in addition to manual input, optical input of printed or handwritten texts using character recognition (OCR) software is provided. Acoustic input and text recognition technologies are being developed.

Registration and accounting of documents can be implemented using DBMS. To do this, it is necessary to determine the list and format for presenting information characterizing the document (type of document, date of receipt, incoming/outgoing number, name, name of sender/recipient, summary). For further searching, you need to define search criteria and words.

Distribution of documents among executors and access control is carried out either using systems Email or means of ensuring collective work (operating systems, including network or DBMS with collective access). The system administrator maintains lists of performers united in work groups, indicating their addresses on the local network, telephone numbers for modem communication, phone numbers mailboxes on the mail server. Each performer (group) is assigned one or more documents, combined into “folders”. Each representative (group) is assigned a deadline for submitting or preparing a document, which is entered along with the name of the performer in the database for registration and accounting of documents. The system administrator assigns access levels to information (parts thereof) to each performer and/or working group.

Documentation limited access may be encrypted when entered and are transferred to the authorized performer along with the cipher. According to the information entered by the system administrator, information is routed, forwarded and accessed by each authorized user. Some office systems use "publish to web" technology to allow authorized users to view and annotate (but not edit) a document (take "sidenotes").

Control of execution and search of documents are carried out on the basis of information entered during the process of registration and recording of documents in the database. Using the built-in DBMS tools, it is possible to create a number of fixed queries that allow changes in search criteria, or to use a query generator that allows the user to design the query structure.

Archiving information, maintaining funds, as well as searching for documents is carried out either using local DBMS for information arrays of limited volume, or using powerful distributed databases. In the second case, information is stored on archival magnetic or optical disks.

The generation and issuance of statistical data is carried out on the basis of information entered in the process of registration, accounting and execution of documents in a DBMS or spreadsheets. Using built-in DBMS tools or spreadsheet macros, queries are created to search for information and statistically process it; output of the received statistical data to the screen or terminal in output document formats pre-designed using DBMS or spreadsheets.

Preparation and execution of documents is carried out using word processors, spreadsheets, graphics packages and desktop publishing systems. All of the listed components, to one degree or another, allow the use of elements of information prepared in one module in other components. For example, a graph drawn in graphics package, using data obtained from a spreadsheet, is included in the text prepared by a word processor.

The exchange of documents with external (remote) users is carried out by e-mail modules included in the collaboration tools. Postal systems, in addition to sending documents within the system, make it possible to send information to users of other e-mail systems.

Software office information systems

Initially, text editors, spreadsheets, DBMS, various languages user requests, tools graphic processing information, tools for organizing user work.

With the advent of integrated office system (OS) packages, when all these tools were combined into a single whole and their work was carried out under a standard interface, each worker was able to have access to all the resources of such systems, which began to be used to support office work.

Usage software systems office systems in the field of office automation gives users whole line advantages, the most significant of which are the common interface of the included applications, a high degree of program integration, low price and less stringent (due to the use of common modules) requirements for system resources. As a rule, such complexes include a standard basic set of applications ( word processor, spreadsheet and DBMS), sometimes extended by presentation programs, e-mail systems, which are united by a single environment that facilitates the collective work of users.

Requirements for the composition and architecture of the system:

The system should be based on a client-server architecture that provides an optimal cost/performance ratio;

The server part of the system must operate under UNIX or Windows 2000/NT;

The client part of the system is usually implemented under Windows 98/2000/XP, which provides a convenient user interface with the possibility of its modification as more advanced versions of this system appear;

The system must provide an interface with the most popular systems email (MS Mail, cc:Mail);

The system must include hardware and software tools for processing and storing documents on various media (tools for scanning paper documents, optical disks, magnetic tapes). The implementation of these mechanisms is impossible without maintaining special storage facilities (archives) for recording and maintaining intermediate and approved documents.

In table 1.5 provides basic information on the most common software tools for implementing office information systems. These software products can be used to implement electronic document management systems for various purposes at enterprises of any profile.

Table 1.5

Comparative characteristics of the main office systems

It seems most appropriate to use them in conditions of a massive flow of different types of documents on various media with a large number of simultaneously working users, including for processing and archiving technical documentation with a large proportion of graphic material (drawings, sketches, drawings).

It should be noted that Microsoft Office software is a set of instrumental components that are logically unrelated to each other, from the point of view of electronic document management automation. Most often it includes text editor, spreadsheet systems, database management systems, email systems, and sometimes presentation tools.

Software tools for classroom workgroups Lotus Notes represent the next step in the development of office systems. These products solve the problems of interaction and simultaneous work of many users, communication between them. They are based on tools for generating documents, routing them between several users, and implementing some stages of the technological cycle of document processing (signing documents, monitoring execution, etc.). The architecture of most products in this class includes a database for storing documents and various descriptions associated with them.

The optimal solution for organizing electronic processing and storage of large amounts of documents various types on a variety of media is the use of integrated systems that provide the following conditions:

Compliance of the types of documents and the proposed technology for their processing with the requirements and standards established in the organization;

Scalability and intensity of the system to changing user requirements in the future;

Basing the system on the most progressive and time-tested solutions in the field software.

Organization of office work

The organization of office work in large enterprises and commercial companies, as a rule, falls on special services (business management, office, secretariat, general department). The responsibilities of these departments include receiving and registering documents, moving documents between departments, recording resolutions, monitoring the execution of documents (resolutions) and distributing documents to external partners, i.e. organizing document flows and managing these flows.

Let's consider the traditional organization of office work (Fig. 1.8). A document received from outside ("incoming") must first be registered (I). It is assigned a unique registration number, which is entered into the journal and file cabinet along with information about the document. After this, the document begins to move through the organization.

Rice. 1.8. Traditional office organization

The office worker submits the document to management, which imposes a resolution (II) defining what (list of works), who (responsible executor) and in what time frame must be done. Next, the document is sent through the office to the responsible executor (most often the head of the department), who, in turn, can distribute the work on the document among the executors and set deadlines for its completion (III).

Resolutions are accumulated and detailed by managers at various levels until the document reaches the immediate executors. The executors, as they implement the resolutions on the document, return it along with the report (IV) to the managers - the authors of the resolutions, who evaluate the result of implementation (V, VI) and make a decision on the further fate of the document. After completion of work on the document, it is written off and entered into the archive in accordance with the rules adopted by the enterprise. The formation of cases is carried out in accordance with the compiled nomenclature of the enterprise’s cases, which is a list of their headings (names).

As a rule, work on a document ends with the formation of a response to the author of the document. The response (a document created at the enterprise) is also registered in the office as an “outgoing” document (VI).

Any document created at the enterprise undergoes registration to give it official status. Documents intended to be sent to external partners are registered as “outgoing”, and those intended for internal work are recorded as “internal”.

Registration of documents can be considered as the initial stage of monitoring their execution. The ability to verify execution should be built into the office management system. Registration and control functions can be linked and carried out using the same logs. After the manager’s instructions to submit a document for control, the assistant secretary makes a note about this in the appropriate journal or control and audit card. From such cards a card index of control documents is formed. The deadline and responsible executor are noted in the journal or control and audit card. The assistant secretary sets intermediate deadlines for himself and carries out the preliminary checks and receives information from executors about the progress and results of document execution. Based on the results of the inspections, an analysis of the execution of documents is carried out and in case of a significant lag, a report is made to the head of the enterprise for taking action (or for extending the deadlines for execution). The document is considered executed and is removed from control by the manager after specific work has been carried out by the contractor (preparing a response, drawing up a contract, holding a business meeting). The results of execution are briefly recorded in a journal or control and audit card (“a note on the execution of the document and sending it to file”). Control of document execution as component office work and execution control as a management function are combined in a number of organizations.

Traditional office management technology presupposes the presence of registration journals and file cabinets of control documents, access to which is available only to employees involved in registration and control of execution. This technology has fundamental limitations:

Information about documents and the progress of their execution is distributed throughout the file system of the enterprise and its structural divisions. Obtaining information about the activities of an enterprise requires searching and processing data from heterogeneous and decentralized sources; Document files are usually separated from the executors. Often, file cabinets contain incomplete and slow information about the status of documents;

In addition to the reproduction and movement of a large number of paper documents, numerous auxiliary journals and filing cabinets are maintained, largely duplicating each other. The listed problems are further aggravated in a territorially distributed management system, when it is necessary to coordinate the activities of organizationally independent structures remote from each other.

Enterprises face challenges directly related to large volumes of document flow:

Reducing the time required for processing documentation, bringing it to the executors, coordination with managers at various levels;

Monitoring the integrity of the entire flow of documents not only at the stage of registration of incoming and outgoing documentation, but also in the process of “circulation” of documents between employees of various departments;

Creation standard circuits passing documents within the organization and target schemes aimed at solving a specific current task - developing a project, signing a complex agreement;

Control of deadlines for passing documents for each stage of a given scheme.

In such a situation, it is impossible to do without a properly constructed system for recording documents and monitoring the execution of decisions. Naturally, a document accounting system in one form or another exists in every organization, but in order to significantly increase its efficiency, it is necessary to create an information system that allows you to develop, register documents, track the movement of documents within the organization, control deadlines, archive documents and search for them in the archive. Wherein this system must:

Take into account the possible increase in the number of processed documents and the increasing volume of the archive, i.e. be scalable;

Be powerful enough to ensure fast simultaneous work of a large number of users, as well as rapid search of documents by given parameters throughout the document storage;

Ensure the level of confidentiality required by the organization (since the document accounting system is inherently a cross-section of the organization’s hierarchical structure).

When implementing the project to build a system for recording documents and monitoring the execution of decisions, the following features were primarily taken into account:

A large volume of documents circulating within the organization;

Submission of documents both electronically and in paper form;

A variety of document formats presented in electronic form;

The presence of a large number of special schemes for passing documents within the organization;

Availability of geographically remote units.

Office complex LotusNotes

Lotus Notes - an office complex developed by Lotus Development, supports following types data: text, numeric, date/time, key fields; RTF fields for storing text, tables, graphics, audio and video data, or OLE objects.

Integration computer programs carried out via: Clipboard; export/import files; OLE mechanism, Datalens drivers for accessing external bases data INFORMIX, ORACLE, SQL SERVER, etc. Lotus Notes uses the RSA Public Key/PrivateKey encryption scheme to protect information, providing the highest level of security available to client-server applications. To confirm the authenticity of documents are used electronic signatures. For special protection important information provided additional features, among which:

Storing intermediate versions of documents;

Storing a list of users who edited the document;

Encryption of all data transmitted over the network;

Encryption of stored data, mail;

Access password system.

Information search is carried out using key fields. It is possible to maintain archives of internal and external documents. The software product comes with a number of templates, such as Discussion, Customer Service, Document Storage, etc. All of them have practical use and can be easily tailored to specific needs. The database can contain multi-format Notes documents. In addition, databases contain macros that automate work, forms used to enter information into complex documents, and viewable reports from database documents.

The Lotus Notes package consists of three main elements:

Routing and processing tools;

Protection/control means;

Product database architecture.

Lotus Notes has advanced tools for creating interfaces. There are also text search tools that allow you to build a list of documents that match a given search criterion.

Lotus Notes supports both group work and communications between any two users. This allows multiple users to simultaneously access multiple databases. Access control is carried out at several levels: database, form or view, document or part of a document. On the other hand, access can also be controlled at the group level and individual users. For collaboration With a large team database, you can host it on a server and assign different levels of access to individual users or groups. Lotus Notes has seven access levels.

1. Manager - capable of performing all database operations, including reading, writing and editing documents and forms.

2. Designer - has the same powers as Manager, but cannot control the access level and replication parameters.

3. Editor - is authorized to read, write and edit all documents in the database, but is not allowed to modify forms and reports.

4. Author - can create new documents and edit them, as well as read (but not edit) other documents.

5. Reader - has the right to read only.

6. Depositor - enters new documents, but cannot edit existing ones.

7. No Access - the user is not allowed to open databases or save documents.

In addition, Lotus Notes includes a messaging system - Notes Mail, which allows you to send correspondence to other users or groups. It contains all the components necessary for this: distributed database data (documents), integrated application development environment and messaging tools. Lotus Notes includes integrated collaboration software components: an application development and implementation environment, object storage, two-way replication, security and messaging, cross-platform support and scalability.

Users can access the network via graphical interfaces Windows, Macintosh, OS/2 or Unix. Notes is compatible with networks such as AppleTalk, PATHWORKS, Novell NetWare, TCP/IP.

Lotus DatabaseNotes

A database is a collection of information on specific subject areas that can contain documents of various types, including comments, reports, commercial proposals, financial summaries, contact information, spreadsheets, images, or video and audio information. Although the Lotus Notes database is not relational, it can create relationships between records.

Here are some of the types of databases that are most often found in applications:

The document library contains data (reports, memos, customer correspondence, various forms and requests) in a form that corresponds to some external representation, and which can always be displayed on the screen or printed on paper;

Conferences are databases that provide employees with the opportunity to participate in written discussions of current issues. Once the database is created, authorized users can add their own documents to it. The person who initiated the teleconference automatically becomes its leader, receives all access rights, and also determines the access levels for other users. Remote access to conferences is carried out via telephone channels (via a modem) or regional networks.

Information services allow you to receive up-to-date information on certain topics (for example, a manufacturing news service provides the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in manufacturing in the industry or subsidiaries located abroad).

The same commands and methods are used to access all databases, regardless of the type of data they contain. Lotus Notes stores databases in separate files with the .nsf extension. The nsf database file contains the following information:


The actual documents stored in the database;

Information about user access to the database;

Database reference documentation.

A document is the basic unit of storage in a Lotus Notes database. Many databases contain only one type of document with a given format (each document consists of one or more fields in which the system stores data), but in general databases can contain documents of various types. Documents are divided into three categories:

Main document;

Response to document;

Reply to reply.

The document type is determined when creating it (creating its form) in the “Form Attributes” menu.

A document template (form) corresponds to each document type and is a combination of static text (unchanging text within a form) and fields (areas where users enter data).

There are two types of fields: general and ordinary. Common fields differ in that the entered data will be reflected in all documents attached to the main document and using this field in their form. In addition, according to the method of filling in Lotus Notes, the following types of fields are distinguished: editable, calculated, calculated for output, calculated during compilation. Fields are in italics, common fields are in bold.

Document type- presentation of a document when searching, viewing, printing, in which the values ​​of document fields or expressions calculated on their basis appear. The view also contains descriptions of the relationships between documents, criteria for selecting documents to be displayed on the screen or included in a report. Typically, the number of types exceeds the number of forms, which is associated with the need to receive documents with different ordering and a set of display fields. The view is similar to a report in a relational DBMS, where each document, when printed or displayed on the screen, corresponds to one or several lines (when displayed on the screen, horizontal scrolling is sometimes provided), and each column of the report usually corresponds to one or more fields of the document (record) or an expression from the fields records and system variables.

Lotus functions and commandsNotes

Commands and functions are a set of tools designed for designing interfaces and navigating in the database, which are carried out by composing formulas and assigning them visual elements screen (buttons, etc.). Functions begin with the "@" symbol. Functions and expressions are separated from each other by a semicolon. Many commands correspond to main menu items. To use them in formulas, use the @Command([Command name]) function. Some of the Lotus Notes features and commands are:

- @Adjust(time-date; year; month; day; hour; minute; second) adjusts the specified time-date value, changing each subsequent argument by an incremental amount. The correction value can be positive or negative;

- @Contains(string/substring) determines whether the substring is part of a string. Returns 1 (true) if the substring is contained in the string; otherwise returns 0 (false);

- @DocNumber returns a string corresponding to the record number in the form of a document or category;

- @If(condition 1; action 1; condition 2; action 2; ...; condition 99; action 99; otherwise_ action) evaluates the conditions. If true, then the action specified immediately after the condition is performed. If false, then the next condition is checked, etc. If none of the conditions are true, the "else_action" is performed;

- @Prompt([style]; "Title"; "text"; "default"; "selection") opens a dialog box in which the entered information serves as an argument. Used to request information from the user and branch actions depending on the information entered by the user;

- @Command() - move to the next main document in the current view; the database must be opened at the view level or the document can be opened in read or edit mode;

- @Command() - transition to the previous document in the current form;

- @Command() - transition to the previous main document in the current view.

Lotus ApplicationsNotesand their development

Applications- these are systems for collective work that are developed to coordinate the activities of people jointly implementing a specific business process. These processes may involve intensive communications (for example, between customers and suppliers).

Basic standard blocks Notes applications include forms, views, and macros. The Notes macro language allows developers to control the execution of Notes applications and program processes that run on the server. These features are the same on all platforms that Notes runs on. In addition, the client/server architecture is implemented automatically and the developer only needs to indicate to the server the need to create distributed application.

Notes Help is a context-sensitive reference book that can be accessed by pressing F1:

The subject index contains a list of all documents in the reference database;

Messages lists all Notes messages;

Functions has a list of all Notes functions. Use it to learn syntax and see examples of using Notes features. Notes features let you automate certain tasks and make your use of the product more flexible.

data accumulated based on the assessment of operations carried out by the company;

regulatory documents(plans, standards, budgets, etc.) that determine the planned state of the management object.

Question 9. Office automation

1. Characteristics and purpose of office automation.

2. Basic components of office automation.

Automated office information technology – organization and support of communication processesboth within the organization and with external environment based on computer networks and other modern means of transmitting and working with information.

Office automation designed to complement the existing traditional personnel communication system (with her meetings, phone calls and orders). When used together, both of these systems will provide

rational automation of managerial work and better provision of information to managers.Automated office:

supports internalpersonnel communications;

provides new means of communication with the external environment.

Office automated technologies especially attractive to

group problem solving. They can increase the productivity of secretaries and clerical workers and enable them to cope with increasing workloads, but the benefit is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool.

Currently, several dozen are known software products for computers and non-computer technical equipment, providing office automation technology:

word processor;

table processor;


electronic calendar;


computer and teleconferencing;

video text;

image storage;

specialized programs management activities (maintaining documents, monitoring the execution of orders, etc.).Non-computer means are also widely used:

audio and video conferences;

fax communication;

photocopier and other office equipment.

A mandatory component of any technology is a database. In an automated office, she concentrates data on the company's production system, as well as in data processing technology at the operational level. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the company.

Information from the database enters the input of computer Applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, computer conferences, etc.

Word processor is a type of application software designed for creating and processing text documents. It allows

add or remove words, move sentences and paragraphs, set format, manipulate text elements and modes etc. Regular receipt of letters and reports prepared using a word processor allows the manager to constantly assess the situation in the company.

Email(E-mail), based on the network use of computers, allows the user receive, store and send messages to your network partners. Email can provide different experiences to the user depending on the software used. To make the message available to all e-mail users, it should be posted on a computer bulletin board. When a company decides to implement email, it has two options::

buy your own hardware and software and create your own local network computers that implement the email function;

buy a ready-made service for using e-mail, which is provided by specialized communications organizations periodically

the fee paid.

Audiomail. This is mail for sending messages by voice. It's like email, but message instead of typing on the keyboard transmitted via telephone. Audio mail is also implemented online. Audio mail can be successfully used for group problem solving. The main advantage of audiomail over email is that it easier - when using it, you do not need to enter data from the keyboard.

table processor, like a word processor, is a basic component information culture any employee and automated office technology. Without knowledge of the basic technology of working in it, it is impossible to fully use a personal computer in your activities. Functions of modern table processor software environments

allow you to perform numerous operations on the data presented in tabular form. Combining these operations common features, we can highlight

the most numerous and used groups of technological operations:

data entry both from the keyboard and from databases;

data processing(sorting, automatic generation of totals, copying and transferring data, various groups of calculation operations, data aggregation, etc.);

output information to printed form, in the form of imported files into other systems, directly into the database;

quality design of tabular forms data presentation;

versatile and high quality presentation of data in the form of charts and graphs;

carrying out engineering, financial, statistical calculations;

carrying out mathematical modeling and a number of other auxiliary operations.

Any modern spreadsheet environment has a means of sending data over the network.

Electronic calendar provides another opportunity to use the network version of the computer for storing and manipulating the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. The hardware and software of an electronic calendar are fully consistent with similar components of email; moreover, calendar software is often an integral part of email software.

Computer conferences use computer networks to exchange information between group members, solving a specific problem.

The circle of people who have access to this technology is limited. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than the number of participants in audio and video conferences.

Teleconferenceincludes three types of conferences:




Video text is based on the use of a computer to obtain

displaying text and graphic data on the monitor screen. For decision makers there arethree possibilities for obtaining information in the form of video text:

create video text files on your own computers;

enter into an agreement with a specialized company to obtain access to video text files developed by it;

enter into agreements with other companies to gain access to their video text files.

Exchange of catalogs and price lists is popular of their products between companies in video text form.

Image storage. Any company needs to store a large number of documents for a long time. Storing them even in the form of files causes serious problems. That's why the idea arose store not the document itself, but its image (image), and stored in digital form.

Image storage (imaging) is a promising office technology that is based on the use of a special device - an optical pattern recognizer, which allows convert a document or movie image into digital view Forfurther storage in external memory computer. Optical disks with huge capacities are used to store images.

The creation of this technology was facilitated by the emergence of a new technical solution - an optical disk in combination with digital image recording.

Question 10. Audio and video conferencing in office automation

1. Audio conferences.

2. Video conferencing.

3. Fax communication.

Audio conferencesuse audio communication to maintain communications

between geographically remote employees and departments of the company. Telephone communications equipped with devices that enable participation in a conversation with more than two participants, – the simplest technical means of implementing audio conferences. Creation of such conferences does not require a computer, it involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants.

The use of audio conferencing facilitates decision making, is cheap and convenient. The effectiveness of audio conferencing increases when the following conditions are met::

the employee organizing the audio conference must first ensure that interested parties can participate in it;

the number of participants should not be too large to keep the discussion within the framework of the problem under discussion;

the conference program should be communicated to participants in advance, for example, using fax;

Before speaking, each participant must introduce himself;

recording of the conference and its storage must be organized;

The conference recording must be printed and sent to all participants.

1) Information technology automated office- organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment on the basis of computer networks and other modern means of transmitting and working with information.

Office automation technologies are used by managers, specialists, secretaries and clerical workers, and are especially attractive for group problem solving. They can increase the productivity of secretaries and clerical workers and enable them to cope with increasing workloads. However, this benefit is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool. Improved decisions made by managers as a result of their improved communication can lead to economic growth of the company.

Currently, there are several dozen software products for computers and non-computer hardware that provide office automation technology: word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, electronic calendar, audio mail, computer and teleconferencing, video text, image storage, as well as specialized programs for management activities. documents, control over the execution of orders, etc. Non-computer audio and video conferencing, fax, copier and other office equipment are also widely used.

The main components of office automation are shown in Fig. 6.3.

Rice. 6.3.

  • 2) Database. In an automated office, the database concentrates data about the company's production system in the same way as in data processing technology at the operational level. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the company. From the database, information is supplied to the input of computer applications. Any computer application An automated office allows workers to communicate with each other and with other companies.
  • 3) Word processor. This is a type of application software designed for creating and processing text documents. It allows you to add or remove words, move sentences and paragraphs, set format, manipulate text elements and modes, etc. When the document is ready, the employee copies it into external memory, and then prints it out and, if necessary, transmits it over a computer network.
  • 4) Email, based on the network use of computers, allows the user to receive, store and send messages to their network partners. Email can provide different experiences to the user depending on the software used. In order for the message you send to be available to all e-mail users, it should be placed on a computer bulletin board, If desired, you can indicate that this is private correspondence. You can also send the item with notification of its receipt by the addressee.
  • 5) Audiomail. This is mail for sending messages by voice. It's similar to email, except that instead of typing a message on a computer keyboard, you send it through your phone. You also receive sent messages over the phone. Audio mail is also implemented online. Audio mail can be successfully used for group problem solving. To do this, the sender of the message must additionally indicate the list of persons to whom this message is intended. The system will periodically call all specified employees to send them a message.
  • 6) Table processor is a basic component of the information culture of any employee and automated office technology. The functions of modern spreadsheet processor software environments allow you to perform numerous operations on data presented in tabular form. Any modern spreadsheet environment has a means of sending data over the network.
  • 7) Electronic calendar. It provides another opportunity to use a network version of a computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. The manager sets the date and time of a meeting or other event, views the resulting schedule, and makes changes using the keyboard. Calendar software is often included as part of email software. Using an electronic calendar is particularly effective for managers higher levels management, whose working days are scheduled long in advance.
  • 8) Computer conferences and teleconferences. Computer conferences use computer networks to exchange information between members of a group solving a specific problem. Naturally, the circle of people with access to this technology is limited. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than in audio and video conferences. Teleconferencing includes three types of conferences: audio, video and computer.
  • 9) Videotext. It is based on the use of a computer to display text and graphic data on a monitor screen. The exchange of catalogs and price lists of their products between companies in the form of video text is now becoming increasingly popular. The services of companies specializing in the sale of video text are beginning to compete with printed products such as newspapers and magazines. In many countries it is now possible to order a newspaper or magazine in the form of video text, not to mention current reports of stock exchange information.
  • 10) Audio conferences. They use audio communications to maintain communications between geographically remote employees or departments of the company. The simplest technical means implementation of audio conferencing is a telephone connection equipped additional devices, allowing more than two participants to participate in a conversation. Creating audio conferences does not require a computer, but only involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants.
  • 11) Video conferencing. They are intended for the same purposes as audio conferencing, but using video equipment. They also do not require a computer. During the videoconference, its participants distant friend from each other at a considerable distance, they can see themselves and other participants on the television screen. Simultaneously with the television image, it is transmitted sound accompaniment. Video conferencing allows you to reduce transportation and travel costs; most companies use them for the opportunity to involve them in solving problems maximum amount managers geographically remote from the main office.
  • 12) Fax communication. This connection is based on the use of a fax machine capable of reading a document at one end communication channel and reproduce its image on another

Facsimile contributes to decision making by quickly and easily distributing documents to members of a problem-solving team, regardless of their geographic location.

6.4 Information technology support decision making

Its main feature is a qualitatively new method of organizing interaction between a person and a computer. Development of a solution, which is the main goal of this technology, occurs as a result of an iterative process in which they participate (Fig. 6.4):

  • * decision support system as a computing link;
  • * a person who sets input data and evaluates the result.

Rice. 6.4.

The end of the iteration process occurs at the will of man. Decision support information technology can be used at any level of management. Important function this technology is the coordination of decision makers both at different levels management and at the same level.

Over the past decades, office automation has been one of the main drivers for the development of the global information industry. Perhaps, each of the world giants - developers of hardware and software - has made its contribution to the development of this part of the information technology market.

The range of solutions offered for office automation includes office packages, tools for organizing teamwork and information exchange, solutions for automating company management and much more. Thanks to these solutions, the office itself and the organization of work of its employees Lately changed beyond recognition.

When creating a new company of any size, its organizers no longer face the question of the need to automate the activities of its offices or divisions - only the problem of choosing the means for this automation among the variety of products on the market arises.

This article discusses one of the options for choosing tools for automating the office activities of a company of any size. In principle, automation of the activities of an office or division of a company is closely related to the automation of the entire company, therefore in this article they will also be presented in inextricable connection.

Office automation tasks

The tasks solved when automating a company’s activities largely depend on the nature of its business, infrastructure, administrative structure and many other factors. But regardless of the specifics of each individual company, there are a number of general requirements to office automation systems. Therefore, in order to determine these requirements, it is necessary to understand what is common in the tasks of automating the activities of offices of various companies.

Ensuring joint activities

First of all, an office is a group of people, so the means of organizing intra-corporate interaction come to the fore. The specific composition of these funds, their content and content largely depend on the specifics of the company’s activities. For example, a trade organization needs a system for automating commercial activities (trade); a company engaged in performing various project work - developed project and task management tools. Almost every company faces the issue of office automation.

Thus, when organizing internal corporate business processes within a company (and therefore its offices), there is a need for automation various types activities of its employees. The most common of them are the following.

Document flow

In principle, the entire document flow comes down to assigning a number to a document (registration of the document in the office) and its execution, possibly accompanied by control. Document flow covers all structural divisions of the company - from the office to management - and is important part company management systems.

If the registration of a document is fairly uniform for all companies, then the processes of its execution and control over its passage are difficult to formalize and largely depend on the administrative structure of the organization. Based on this, the document management system must contain developed means of adaptation to the administrative structure of the company and the procedure for working with documents adopted in it.

The document automation system must support the distribution and approval of documents, which is a reflection of the real processes of working with papers in any organization. Also, when automating document flow, another typical operation when working with papers must be ensured - control over the passage of documents. In addition, this system must provide: input into the system of documents from various sources: paper documentation, emails, faxes, files of various application programs.

Automation of commercial activities (trade)

In contrast to document flow, all production processes associated with trade are formalized much more simply. Although, as the practice of developing, selling and implementing commercial automation packages shows, each company has its own nuances, but this does not prevent the widespread dissemination of such systems.

In general, a business automation system should perform the following functions:

  • Ensuring full control over the receipt and sale of goods. Trade involves the purchase or production of goods, their storage and sale. This whole process is accompanied by various papers: invoices, bills, invoices, which are necessary for accounting reporting. Accordingly, the trading system must automate all operations related to the movement of goods and provide the corresponding accounting documents.
  • Interaction with an accounting automation system is necessary for the most complete automation of the company’s financial activities. Ideally, an accounting program should be an integral part of a trade automation system. In fact, given the variety of accounting programs that companies have long used, a trade automation system should, at a minimum, ensure that the necessary information is stored in the formats of these programs.
  • Restricting access to information in a business automation system is not only a measure to ensure secrecy, but also serves to more clearly distribute functions between employees.
  • Maximum automation of operations serves to increase the efficiency of employees and allows you to avoid many mistakes, which can result in financial losses.
  • Regular updating and support of the system by the manufacturer is necessary to ensure the sustainable functioning of the trading company. Indeed, a trade automation system must meet all financial accounting requirements accepted in the country and all market realities. A striking example of this is the situation at the beginning of 1997, when the requirement for mandatory issuance of invoices was introduced. After this, many home-grown trading automation systems and packages, lacking developer support, simply turned out to be useless. Another event that influenced the fate of such systems was the denomination of the ruble.

Data protection

The most valuable component of any information system, the reason for which it exists, is the data stored in it. Even with the most reliable solution, there is always a risk of losing information vital to the enterprise.

Protecting corporate data is a complex task, the parts of which are:

  • Preventing unauthorized access to data. Separating access to information, on the one hand, is necessary to ensure its secrecy and protection from deliberate destruction, and on the other hand, it serves to more clearly delineate responsibilities between employees.
  • Antivirus protection. The danger of viruses entering the information environment should not be underestimated. In the context of the rapid development of local and global networks and Internet-related technologies, one virus that gets into the network can bring catastrophic losses to a company.
  • Data backup. No matter how reliable a company's information environment is, there is always the possibility of data loss. In this case, a developed backup system will help reduce the associated losses. As the practice of implementing information systems shows, it is rare that an IT manager does not install a backup system, but at the same time, modern technologies offered for these systems are not always used.


Let's consider one of the solutions for automating the activities of a company and its offices, taking into account the requirements stated above. The proposed solution is based on many years of experience in implementing similar systems and, in the author’s opinion, is balanced in terms of price and consumer characteristics.

The core of the proposed solution is the Lotus Domino/Notes collaboration server from IBM; Let's look at it in more detail.

The basis of the Lotus Notes server is a built-in database that has a non-relational structure, which, unlike management systems relational databases data (SQL servers), allows you to most simply and efficiently build document storage systems for the purpose of their collective use. It should be noted that, despite the non-relational structure of the Lotus Notes server databases, they can also be accessed through the ODBC driver.

Other features of the Lotus Notes system are:

  • client-server technology with support for a wide range of server and client platforms, in particular: Windows 2000, Windows NT, Macintosh, AS/400, Windows 95/98/3.x, OS/2, various UNIX clones. All applications developed on the basis of the Lotus Notes system, including those that will be discussed below, run on all platforms supported by it without any modifications;
  • support for remote databases, ensuring synchronization between them. This allows you to organize a global corporate network, where each office will either work with the central Lotus server remotely or maintain an up-to-date copy of corporate databases on its local server;
  • built-in Internet server and e-mail system;
  • interface with other data sources via ODBC;
  • advanced visual application development tools and interface with popular application development systems.

Thus, Lotus is not only a data storage tool, but also an Internet server and also provides e-mail functionality. As an integrated collaboration system, the Lotus Notes server allows you to organize:

  • joint document processing system within a company, department, work group;
  • interaction between remote companies or offices;
  • exchange of information within an enterprise of any size;
  • collective processing of data from various sources: relational servers, Internet resources, office applications.

The Lotus Notes system is easily configured for all popular network protocols and contains advanced organization tools remote access and interactions across global networks.

The Lotus Notes package contains advanced information security tools, which will be discussed below.

All these and many other advantages make the Lotus Notes system the most popular tool for building corporate systems collaboration. Thus, during 1999, almost 22 million Notes licenses were sold worldwide, which exceeded the same figure for 1998 by 62%. By the end of 1999, there were about 56 million Lotus Notes users worldwide.

Actually, only purchasing and deploying a Lotus Notes system allows you to solve the following problems:

  • implementation of email;
  • creation of an Internet server;
  • support for individual and group event planning.

But the use of the Lotus server is not limited to this. As mentioned above, the Lotus Notes server is intended primarily for organizing collective work on documents, which is determined by the architecture of its databases and developed built-in tools for creating applications for processing them. Of course, a company that owns a Lotus system can independently develop applications to suit its needs, but there are already ready-made ones on the market. Two of them, intended for organizing document flow and automating commercial activities (trade), are brought to the attention of readers.

TO office technologies include: office work, management, management control, creating reports, searching, entering and updating information, scheduling, exchanging information between office departments, between enterprise offices and between enterprises. Typical procedures performed in the tasks listed above:

Processing incoming and outgoing information (reading and responding to letters, writing reports, circulars and other documentation, which may also include drawings and diagrams);

Collection and subsequent analysis of data (reporting for certain periods of time for various departments in accordance with various selection criteria)

Storing information received ( fast access to information and searching for the necessary data).

This requires the following conditions to be met: work between performers must be coordinated; document flow is optimized as much as possible; provided the opportunity for interaction between divisions within the enterprise and enterprises within the association.

An automated office is attractive to managers at all levels of management in a company, not only because it improves the internal communication of the organization’s personnel, but also because it provides them with new means of communication with the external environment.

Information technology of an automated office is the organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment based on computer networks and other modern means of transmitting and working with information.

Office automation technologies are used by managers, specialists, secretaries and clerical workers, and are especially attractive for group problem solving. They can increase the productivity of secretaries and office workers and enable them to cope with an increasing volume of work. However, this benefit is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool. Improving the decisions made by managers as a result of their improved communication can ensure the economic growth of the organization.

Currently, there are several dozen software products for computers and non-computer hardware that provide office automation technology: word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, electronic calendar, audio mail, computer and teleconferencing, video text, image storage, as well as specialized management programs: maintaining documents, monitoring the execution of orders, etc.

The main components of an automated office are shown in Fig. 7.1. Automation of office activities is carried out on the basis of a hardware and software complex called an electronic office.

Electronic office is a software and hardware complex designed for processing documents and automating the work of users in management systems.

The electronic office includes the following hardware: one or more computers, possibly connected to a network; printing devices; means of copying documents; modem (if computers are connected to a network or a geographically remote PC). Additionally, the hardware may include scanners used to automatic input text and graphic information directly from primary documents; projection equipment for presentations.

Fig.7.1. office automation

The main software products included in the office are:

Text editor;


Database management system.

Office software may also include:

Analysis and scheduling program

Presentation program;

Graphics editor;

Fax modem maintenance program

Translation programs.

Office software products are used both independently and as part of integrated packages.

The integrated package (IP) for the office includes software products that interact with each other. The package is based on a text editor, a spreadsheet and a DBMS. In addition to them, the IP may include other office products listed above. Home distinctive feature programs that make up the IP is common interface user, which allows you to use the same (or similar) techniques for working with different applications of the package. Program interaction occurs at the document level. This means that a document created in one application can be inserted into another application and modified if necessary. The commonality of the interface reduces the cost of training users. In addition, the price of a set of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than the total price (if you buy them separately).

Three suites currently dominate the office products market: Borland Office for Windows from Novell, SmartSuite from Lotus Development and Microsoft Office from Microsoft.

A mandatory component of any technology is a database. In an automated office, the database concentrates data about the company's production system in the same way as in data processing technology at the operational level of management. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the company. Specialists must be proficient in basic technological operations for working in a database environment.

Information from the database is input to computer applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, computer conferences, etc. Any automated office computer application provides workers with communication with each other and with other companies.

Information obtained from databases can also be used in non-computer technical means for transmission, replication, and storage.

The advantages of using a DBMS in an electronic office:

1. Paperless process of information generation (only final result on paper)

2. Interactive, dialogue mode for solving problems;

3. Possibility of collective cooperation in preparing a solution;

4. Possibility of flexible restructuring and method of providing information.

Information obtained from databases can be used in both

computer and non-computer office technologies and technical means - for transmission, replication, storage.

Text editor - allows you to quickly create a text document of any complexity and bring it to perfection using editing, formatting, and spelling. The finished document is stored in external memory (or in large-capacity storage devices CD, DVD, FLESH), and later it can be printed (printer) or transmitted over a computer network. Thus, the manager has an effective means of written communication. Typically used in offices Microsoft package Office. This is a set of software products, all components of which create a single software environment. The interface elements of the programs included in the package are unified. The package includes a control center - Microsoft Office Manager. It allows you to start and exit individual programs, or receive detailed instructions and online help. The MS Office package includes the following office automation tools: text editor MS WORD; Spreadsheet processor MS EXCEL; Presentation program MS PowerPoint; DBMS MS ACCESS.

Spreadsheets are a basic component of any employee's information culture and automated office technology. Spreadsheet environment features allow you to access data in tables using complex calculations; perform transformations of calculation tables into charts and graphs, carry out analysis, mathematical modeling, optimization and forecasting of table data. Data processing allows you to perform sorting, automatic generation of totals, copying and transferring data, various types of calculation operations, data aggregation, etc. Data entry can be either from the keyboard or from databases. The output of information can be in printed form, in the form of imported files into other systems, or directly into the database.

Any modern spreadsheet environment has a means of transmitting data over a network.

Computer graphics is a set of methods and tools for automating the processes of preparing, entering, converting, storing and displaying graphic information using a computer and graphic devices.

Presentation programs - used to present (demonstrate) a project, giving it an attractive appearance with elements of advertising. The presentation can contain: drawings, photographs, Word documents, working Excel sheets, charts, graphs and other objects.

Multimedia systems are interactive computer systems that provide work with many information environments, video, animated computer graphics, text, sound. The hardware components of multimedia are an acoustic adapter, a microphone, and speakers.

Non-computer means are also widely used: audio and video conferencing, fax, copier and other office equipment.

In addition, e-mail, teleconferences and computer conferences, video text technology, image storage technologies, audio and video conferences, and fax are used to organize office activities.

Electronic mail (E mail), based on the network use of computers, allows the user to receive, store and send messages to their network partners. Email may provide features to the user depending on the software used. In order for a sent message to be available to all e-mail users, it should be placed on a computer bulletin board; if desired, you can indicate that this is private correspondence. You can also send items with notification of its receipt by the addressee.

When a company decides to implement email, it has two options. The first is to buy your own hardware and software and create your own local network of computers that implements the email function. The second way is associated with the purchase of an e-mail service, provided by specialized communications organizations for a periodic fee.

The hardware component of e-mail is a modem - a device for exchanging information between computers using communication channels (telephone lines, dedicated channels).

Audio mail is mail for sending messages by voice. It's similar to email, except that instead of typing a message on a computer keyboard, you send it through your phone. You also receive sent messages over the phone. The system includes a special device for converting audio signals into digital code and back, as well as a computer for storing audio messages in digital form. Audio mail is also implemented online. The main advantage of audio mail compared to email is that it is simpler - when using it, you do not need to enter data from the keyboard.

Audio mail can be successfully used for group problem solving. To do this, the sender of the message must additionally indicate the list of persons to whom the message is intended. The system will periodically call all specified employees to send them a message.

Electronic calendar - provides another opportunity to use a computer network to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. The manager sets the date and time for a meeting or other event, reviews the resulting schedule, and makes changes. The hardware and software of the electronic calendar is fully consistent with similar components of email. Moreover, calendar software is often an integral part of email software. The system additionally allows you to access the calendars of other managers. It can automatically coordinate meeting times with their own schedules. The use of an electronic calendar turns out to be especially effective for managers at senior management levels, whose working days are scheduled long in advance.

Computer conferences and teleconferences. Computer conferencing uses computer networks to exchange information between group members solving a specific problem. Naturally, the circle of people with access to this technology is limited. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than in audio and video conferences.

In the literature you can often find the term teleconference. Teleconferencing includes three types of conferences: audio, video and computer.

Audio conferencing - uses audio communication to support communications between geographically remote employees or departments of the company. The simplest technical means of implementing an audio conference is telephone communication. Telephone device equipped additional funds, which allow more than two participants to participate in a conversation. Creating an audio conference does not require a computer, but only involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants. Using audio conferencing makes decisions easier, cheap and convenient.

Teleconferencing - Usage Based computer equipment, allowing users, despite their mutual remoteness in space as well as time, to participate in joint activities, such as organizing and managing complex projects. For communication between participants, users are provided with terminals connected to a computer, television cameras and a communication network. The operation of the system is regulated by a coordinator, whose functions include organizing the work of meeting participants, ensuring their presence at the meeting and transmitting information to other meeting participants.

Video conferencing - uses computer networks to exchange information between group members and solve a specific problem.

They are intended for the same purposes as audio conferencing, but using video equipment. During a video conference, participants located at a considerable distance from each other can see themselves and other participants on the screen. Along with the video image, audio will also be transmitted. Videoconferencing allows you to reduce transport and travel costs; in addition, it is an opportunity to involve the maximum number of managers and other employees geographically remote from the head office in solving problems.

The hardware components are a TV tuner, a Web camera, a video projector, and multimedia devices.

Videotext. It is based on the use of a computer to display text and graphic data on a monitor screen. There are three options for decision makers to obtain information in the form of video text:

1) create video text files on your own computers;

2) enter into an agreement with a specialized company to obtain access to video text files developed by it. Such files, specifically intended for sale, may be stored on the servers of the company providing such services, or delivered to the client on magnetic or optical disks;

3) enter into agreements with other companies to gain access to their video text files.

The exchange of catalogs and price tags (price lists) of their products between companies in the form of video text is now becoming increasingly popular. As for companies specializing in the sale of video text, their services are beginning to compete with printed products such as newspapers and magazines. Thus, in many countries it is now possible to order a newspaper or magazine in the form of video text, not to mention current reports of stock exchange information.

Image storage. Any company needs to store a large number of documents for a long time. their number can be so large that storing them even in the form of files causes serious problems. Therefore, the idea arose to store the document itself, and its image (image), and store it in digital form.

Image storage (imaging) is a promising office technology and is based on the use of a special device - an optical pattern recognizer, which allows you to convert the image of a document or film into digital form for further storage in the external memory of the computer. Saved in digital format the image can be displayed in it at any time in real form to the screen or printer. Optical disks with huge capacities are used to store images. Yes, on a five-inch optical disk about 200 thousand pages can be recorded.

Facsimile communication is a communication based on the use of a fax machine capable of reading a document at one end of the communication channel and reproducing its image at the other.

Facsimile contributes to decision making by quickly and easily distributing documents to team members solving a specific problem, regardless of their geographic location.

Electronic records management- designed to organize and support document flow in the organization. Electronic records management uses a single database of the organization. It facilitates and streamlines the work of a conventional organization. Its main functions are:

Automation of document flow processes (scanner, printer, plotter, copier)

System for monitoring the implementation of orders and instructions;

Accounting, analysis and control of structural units;

Processing operational information within the organization;

Prompt exchange of information between structural divisions;

Improving the quality of preparation and decision-making;

Monitoring of the production process based on the preparation of automated reports of various forms;

Automation of the work process helps reduce the so-called “human factor” to a minimum. The system allows you to effectively use working time, solve business problems using video, audio media; use the on-line system.

Historically, automation began in manufacturing and then spread to the office. At first, its goal was only to automate routine secretarial work. With the development of communications technology, the automation of office technologies became of interest to specialists and managers, who saw in it an opportunity to increase the productivity of their work.

Office automation is not intended to replace the existing traditional personnel communication system (with its meetings, phone calls and orders), but to complement it. Office automation organizes rational management work and provides managers with timely operational information.

An automated office is attractive to managers at all levels of management in a company not only because it supports intra-company communication between staff, but also because it gives them modern means of communication with the external environment.

Information technology of an automated office is the organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment. It is carried out on the basis of computer networks and modern hardware and software for transmitting and processing information.

Office automated technologies are widely used by managers, specialists, assistants and secretaries; they are especially attractive for group problem solving. These tools allow you to increase labor productivity in the office management system and make it possible to cope with an increasing volume of work. Office automation is a tool for effective solution problems. Improving the decisions made by managers as a result of their improved communication can ensure the economic growth of the company and its profitability.