IOS, Android, Windows Phone – which platform-based smartphone is better? (video). Alternative mobile OS

20.02.2017 / oberset

Since the advent of the operating room Android systems under its management, a huge number of different mobile devices are produced annually. Today, more than 80% of smartphones run on this platform. Number of manufacturers mobile phones, using the Android OS as a platform for their devices, has long exceeded one hundred. Moreover, almost every manufacturer offers at least 10-15 new models at various price levels.

For an unprepared consumer, especially if he is not a fan of a particular brand, it is quite easy to get lost in this product variety. Some will say that you can focus on the country of origin: for example, many have long formed a definite opinion regarding the quality of Chinese products. But what if the majority modern smartphones, including models from the most famous brands, are assembled in China? How "super-cool" flagship smartphone did not fall into your hands, it will most likely be assembled in one of three countries - China, Taiwan or Malaysia. Less often - Japan, South Korea or USA. As for the quality of the device itself, the dependence on the country of origin is minimal.

Most people focus primarily on price and famous brand. For example, brands such as Samsung, Nokia and HTC are familiar to everyone. Many have heard about smartphones from Lenovo, LG, Philips, Meizu, Huawei. But few people are familiar with manufacturers like Ginzzu, Haier, BQ Mobile. Although in practice I was convinced that their devices are in no way inferior in quality to budget models from Samsung lines Galaxy. And it turns out that such a manufacturer is so familiar to many motherboards for PC - the company Asus - also produces mobile devices on Android. You can safely add another 20-30 to the brands listed above, and these will only be those who are purposefully trying to “conquer” Russian market.

In this situation, it is much easier to choose an expensive flagship smartphone: most mobile device manufacturers are concentrated in budget segment market, so there are relatively few top models offered. Much harder to choose suitable model V price category up to 10 thousand rubles This is where the competition is fiercest and you can find dozens of similar devices with similar characteristics. Each manufacturer makes every effort to promote its the lineup, some lure the buyer with an original design, others with a lower price. Finding your option with the most suitable balance of price and quality is becoming increasingly difficult. Let's look at the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a smartphone.

Operating system (OS) version

If you select a device on Android platform, you should pay attention to the version of the operating system. It is advisable that the most recent version of the operating system be installed on the smartphone. On this moment latest version OS – Android 6.0. It will be possible to update the platform after purchasing the phone, but perhaps a device designed for more old version The OS will not be able to fully use the functionality of new versions. This is especially true for hardware (the so-called hardware).


Here you need to take into account that cheap smartphones are often equipped with matrices Low quality. The screen of such smartphones is dimmer and difficult to read. sunlight, and the sensor is poorly sensitive to touch. Modern devices use TFT touch screens of various types, but most often manufacturers install displays on their devices IPS type, which are characterized by large viewing angles, perfect blacks and good color rendition. If budget smartphone It turned out to be a high-quality IPS screen - this is a big plus.

Choosing a smartphone with big screen, it would be a good idea to look at the resolution. For screens larger than 4 inches in diagonal, a resolution of at least Full HD is desirable (this is 1280x720 pixels). The ideal option is 1920x1080 - with this resolution, even a large 5-inch screen will not have any noticeable “grain”. It is also advisable to check the image contrast in daylight, good displays Even in the bright sun the picture is quite readable.

Memory and processor

Everything is simple here: we look at the characteristics, compare, and select the most suitable ones. Cheap smartphones usually have a small amount of RAM and internal memory. It’s clear that getting “4 gigs” of RAM for 6,000 rubles today is a fantastic option, but it’s still desirable to have at least 1 GB of RAM. If you can supplement the lack of built-in memory by purchasing an SD card, then expanding the RAM will be extremely difficult; you will have to live with what you have. A standard "gentleman's" set should include at least 1 GB of RAM and 4 GB of internal memory. Of these “4 gigs”, no more than half will actually remain available; the rest will be “eaten” by the operating system and pre-installed applications.

As for the processor, everything is not so bad. Now even at the most budget models install a 4-core MediaTek with a frequency of at least 1.3 GHz, this is quite enough for the necessary tasks.


It is important to have a sufficiently powerful battery with a capacity of at least 3000 mAh. The larger the smartphone screen and the more powerful processor, the faster the battery charge will be consumed. High-performance models with 5-inch screens are usually equipped with a battery with a capacity of at least 4000 mAh. In any case, the larger the battery capacity, the better. Some manufacturers, such as Philips, are famous for their "long-lasting" phones, except powerful battery Such devices use well-developed energy saving modes.

Build quality

Carefully examine the smartphone case, especially the opening back cover. All parts must fit tightly together, without noticeable gaps. Check if the battery and SIM cards are securely secured. Pay attention to the case material; cheap smartphones usually have plastic case, more expensive models are equipped with various metal inserts, and sometimes with a completely metal body.


All without exception modern android smartphones equipped with cameras. Most devices also have additional front camera(for selfies and video calls). Camera resolution is measured in “megapixels”; inexpensive models usually have fewer “megapixels”, while expensive flagship devices have more. Mid-range and low-end smartphones price range usually cannot boast of high quality images; only expensive flagship models have really good cameras that claim to be professional.

Judging by numerous user reviews, the Samsung Galaxy S6, Sony Xperia Z5, Huawei Nexus 6P and Motorola Moto X Style. The cost of all these models is considerable, so you need to think carefully before shelling out about 30,000 rubles for such a gadget.

After all the above points, all that remains is to add what to choose good smartphone with an optimal price-quality ratio is not an easy task. But, if you spend a little time, you can pick up an inexpensive device from a little-known manufacturer with good functionality and without overpaying for the brand.

Mozilla is working on its own mobile operating system. Unlike iOS and Android, it is not so bulky and provides high speed work and is suitable for weak smartphones.

Firefox OS will arrive on smartphones in early 2013 What is a smartphone anyway? It is difficult to give a clear definition of this “phenomenon”, since when purchasing one of these gadgets, the user chooses by and large, not the device itself, but rather a closed platform that includes an online store and related applications.

Mozilla programmers who are proponents of generally accepted standards and open systems, do not want to put up with this state of affairs. In 2013, according to the plan, the first devices with the new mobile operating system should appear.

Web code only: pros and cons

Firefox OS, like Firefox browser, is being developed as a system with open source. Its main components can be ported to any hardware. A special feature of the OS is its software model: It will only run applications that are written in programming languages ​​used in web development, i.e. HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript. Of course, Android and iOS allow the use of web code in their applications, but it is placed in its own software container. By limiting ourselves only to web programming languages, we will get faster performance when performing some tasks, since there is no need to download additional interfaces, for example for Java. Instead, only the browser engine is loaded with the system - on the Galaxy S II this process takes a total of 9 seconds. This approach will also reduce energy consumption. But there are also disadvantages to using web programming languages ​​alone if we're talking about about the implementation complex applications, since in this case Firefox OS resorts to JavaScript. Script language, which initially had many limitations, has undergone qualitative improvements over the past few years due to browser optimization, however, despite this, it is far from Java in its capabilities. In Firefox OS, anyone with even a little knowledge of programming can create a new user interface for themselves. A detailed description will help you understand why this is possible.
familiarization with the system architecture (see diagram below).

When enabled, the bootloader activates the resource-intensive Linix kernel of Gonk. It launches the corresponding hardware drivers - essentially the same ones that are used in Android. The init process then activates the remaining components of the operating system (for example, system services), while simultaneously serving as a process manager. Thus, the Firefox operating system is practically no different from other operating systems such as Android or Linux. Init also starts the central B2G proxy process, which ultimately controls the system and acts as an interface between the kernel and other components such as the camera, display, or GPS module. In addition, B2G is responsible for communication with the RIL (Radio Interface Layer) module. The RIL module is integrated by the respective smartphone manufacturer and powers the mobile communication system.

The “heart” of the system is the Gecko engine. It handles application web code and user interface Gaia, since the latter is entirely written using web programming languages. To customize Gaia to suit your needs, you must be proficient in HTML and CSS or use an HTML editor. What makes this operating system an innovative solution is Web interfaces API engine Gecko. They play the role of a link with the kernel and hardware. For the first time, JavaScript is able to interact with smartphone components such as the phone or camera. Not all functions have been implemented yet: more detailed information can be found on the page So, phone calls, writing SMS messages and taking photos is no longer a problem, but the API for USB and NFC is still in the works. Built in JavaScript code WebGL is executed directly graphics chip. This provides the same performance as using Android or iOS systems.

Firefox OS is currently in alpha testing, but the infrastructure is already ready. Mozilla has entered into cooperation agreements with Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica (O2), Sprint and the Italian operator Telecom Italia. Alcatel and ZTE already are producing the first devices with Qualcomm chips, which Telefonica will begin offering in early 2013 - primarily for the growing market of inexpensive smartphones costing less than 4,000 rubles, since the hardware requirements do not go beyond reasonable limits, and Firefox OS itself is free.

What does the Russian market offer to those disappointed in iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

This graph shows the percentage distribution of mobile operating systems among smartphones sold. In the past five years the situation has changed a lot.

At the moment, BlackBerry OS (RIM) has a relatively high share of sales. But the time of this operating system is passing. New smartphones under the BlackBerry brand are released with Android. It is clear that phones running alternative operating systems are practically not sold.

But they exist! The list of mobile operating systems on Wikipedia includes several dozen names. If we delete from it closed projects such as Symbian and Bada, and numerous firmware for Android, the list will significantly decrease. We will select from it systems, devices with which you can buy in Russia and tell you more about them.

Ubuntu Touch

The operating system for smartphones and tablets, Ubuntu Touch, was announced in early 2013. The project is being developed by Canonical LTD. Sometimes the system is called Ubuntu Phone OS.

When working on the interface, the creators of Ubuntu Touch tried to do something different from others. The OS has multiple screens that can be swiped in the same way as on Android. The first screen displays incoming calls, sms, mail and social network applications. The second displays the weather, nearby photos from Flickr and the latest articles from Wikipedia. And only on the third one can you get to the list installed applications. And on the fourth screen the news suddenly appears. And on the fifth is located music player. The transition between screens is carried out only sequentially. And there are enough similar strange bells and whistles in the system.

In desktop Ubuntu icons open source software available in the vertical bar on the left side of the screen. There is a similar element in Ubuntu Touch. It's quite convenient.

The system comes pre-installed with 25 applications. If you are missing them, you can download others from the Ubuntu Store. OS developers strongly recommend using Telegram messenger, since its philosophy is largely the same as that of Ubuntu Touch.

Most applications from the store are a link to the site, designed as an icon on the desktop. For example, the Instagram app is just a web page and does not have access to the camera.

No purchase necessary to use Ubuntu Touch separate smartphone. It can be installed on some Android devices, for example, on tablets from the Google Nexus line.

Yandex.Market found three gadgets on which this OS is available out of the box.

About a month ago, official sales began in Russia BQ Aquaris E5. A few retailers are asking about 15 thousand rubles for it. Here are its brief technical characteristics:

  • Number of SIM cards 2;
  • Weight 134 g;
  • Screen diagonal 5 inches;
  • Camera 13 million pixels;
  • Processor 1300 MHz;

Started selling earlier this year BQ Aquaris E4.5 for 13 thousand rubles:

  • Number of SIM cards 2;
  • Weight 123 g;
  • Screen diagonal 4.5 inches;
  • Camera 8 million pixels;
  • Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0, USB;
  • Processor 1300 MHz;
  • Built-in memory 8 GB;
  • RAM capacity 1 GB.

The Spanish company BQ entered the Russian market this fall. It produces smartphones, 3D printers and toy robots. Products are aimed at creative people who love to modify their gadgets. Most BQ equipment has an open source.

Flagship product of a large Chinese manufacturer Meizu smartphones X5 is on everyone's lips. This gadget is in metal case works under Android. But there is also Ubuntu Touch Edition, which costs almost 30 thousand rubles:

  • Number of SIM cards 1;
  • Weight 147 g;
  • Diagonal 5.36 inches;
  • Camera 20.70 million pixels;
  • Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.0, USB;
  • Octa-core MediaTek processor MT6595;
  • Built-in memory 16 GB;
  • RAM capacity 2 GB;
  • Gravity sensor;
  • Infrared distance sensor.


At the time of writing this article, it appeared that Mozilla would stop producing smartphones running Firefox OS. The operating system will be developed for other electronics. The phones are still sold in Russia. Their prices are significantly lower than for devices with other alternative mobile OS.

The system began to be developed by Mozilla in 2011 and was announced in the winter of 2013 at Mobile World Congress. The system interface is made in HTML5. Applications for Firefox OS are created exclusively using web technologies.

The logic of smartphone screens is similar to the Android operating system. Many programs are links to websites designed as application icons. If there is no Internet connection, then the smartphone is practically dead.

Briefly about phones running Firefox OS, we can say this: “Dialers with good browsers.” Numerous reviews of the system show that budget devices with Firefox OS are incapable of anything big.

Alcatel OneTouch FIRE E 6015X was announced back in 2013. You can buy it for 5 thousand rubles.

  • Number of SIM cards 1;
  • Weight 103 g;
  • Diagonal 4.5 inches;
  • Camera 5 million pixels;
  • Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth 3.0, USB;
  • FM radio;
  • Processor 1200 MHz, 2 cores;
  • Built-in memory 4 GB;
  • RAM capacity 512 MB;
  • There is a slot for memory cards.

ZTE Open with Firefox OS costs about 3 thousand rubles:

  • Number of SIM cards 1;
  • Diagonal 3.5 inches;
  • Camera 3.20 million pixels;
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1, USB;
  • Processor 1000 MHz;
  • Built-in memory capacity 512 MB;
  • RAM capacity 256 MB;
  • There is a slot for memory cards.

ZTE is one of the largest Chinese manufacturers smartphones. Many Russian mobile operators trust it to produce budget gadgets under their own brands. The cost of this company's products is extremely low. I assume that they sell smartphones not by piece, but by weight :-)

Sailfish OS

The operating system is being developed by the Finnish company Jolla. Sailfish OS was presented for the first time at World Mobile Congress 2013. The core of the project team is made up of former employees Nokia company, previously busy working on the MeeGo project.

You can install it on your operating system regular Android applications from Yandex.Store, which is in Jolla instead of Google Play. Also, by default, the phone has maps Nokia Here Maps and Jolla Store.

To speed up working with files, you can enable terminal mode on Sailfish OS. If some application you need is not in Yandex.Store, you can download it from the Internet or transfer it from your computer to your phone via USB apk file and start the installation.

At the moment, only one device running this OS is sold in Russia. Buy a smartphone Jolla JP-1301 possible for 18 thousand rubles. It has rather modest technical characteristics:

  • Number of SIM cards 1;
  • Weight 141 g;
  • Diagonal 4.5 inches;
  • Camera 8 million pixels;
  • Front camera 2 million pixels;
  • Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0, USB, NFC;
  • Processor 1400 MHz;
  • Built-in memory 16 GB;
  • RAM capacity 1 GB.

It is unlikely that anyone will have the desire to buy such a toy. But the system code is open and you can try to install Sailfish OS on some extra smartphone running Android.


The development of the project is supervised by Intel and Samsung. The Tizen Association also includes LG U+, Panasonic and a dozen others large manufacturers electronics.

Tizen installed on Samsung watch Gear 2 and Intel ultrabooks. There are rumors that sooner or later Tizen IVI will appear in KAMAZ dump trucks. At the moment, this operating system is being actively implemented in LandRover and Jaguar cars. There is also active development of a version of the system for wearable electronics - Tizen Wearable.

Applications for Tizen are developed with using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS. But unlike Firefox OS, web technologies can be combined with the Tizen Native API and created using them native apps with access to the device hardware.

Tizen Association does a lot to support budding application developers. The SDK is constantly updated, a sea of ​​documentation is written and teaching aids, development competitions are regularly held. Tizen hackathons are held in major cities around the world. There were several such events in Moscow.

I assume that only this operating system, of all those described in the article, has a chance to capture at least 1% of the smartphone market in the next few years. Samsung specialists have enormous resources to develop a quality product and promote it. Canonical and Jolla are not strong enough to compete. Sooner or later they will go out of business just like Mozilla did recently.

When choosing a new smartphone, the user inevitably has to take into account a lot technical parameters: camera resolution, battery capacity, processor power, display type and resolution, and so on. But first of all, it is important to decide what operating system the smartphone will run under.

The decision in favor of one or another operating system determines how well the new device will meet the user’s expectations in terms of performance. various tasks will he be able to install specific applications or you will have to be content with analogues, how the new gadget will interact with other mobile and stationary electronic devices.

And of course, the operating system largely determines the cost of the device.

In our article we will look at 3 main OS for smartphones, which by 2017 had become the most popular and in demand in the world:

Sales volumes

According to analysts from the NetMarketShare portal, the main players in the mobile operating system market in 2017 remain software products from Apple and Google. Windows Phone is losing a tenth of a percent in sales every month. According to some forecasts, by 2020, Microsoft's OS may completely leave the market due to the fact that not only users, but also mobile application developers are losing interest in it.

As can be seen from the graph, Android remains the sales leader, despite the fact that Apple’s operating system has shown strong growth over the past six months. However, it is possible that the balance of growth between Google and Apple will change in the direction of Android in the coming weeks, given the emergence of a large number of interesting new products based on this OS that were announced at the latter MWC exhibition 2017 in Barcelona.

Now let's compare each OS separately and try to find out which operating system is better for a smartphone.


Apple products are a closed ecosystem. That is, one company is both a manufacturer of smartphones and tablets and a supplier software. Therefore, Yabloko can guarantee highest quality and the reliability of their devices, which, in turn, affects the price. So, the cost of the latest model is from Apple iPhone 7 ranges from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand dollars.


  • Simple and well-thought-out software interface
  • Spectacular design
  • A closed environment for developing high-quality professional applications
  • No viruses
  • Constant updates


  • High cost of gadgets
  • Inability to customize the operating system for yourself
  • Small selection of applications compared to Google Play
  • Extremely limited choice of devices for the user
  • Synchronize with PC and manage multimedia files must be done through a separate program

There is an opinion that by choosing an iOS device, the user is buying not so much a device as an introduction to a fashion brand. However, high price here it is fully justified by the excellent quality.


The popularity of Google's operating system is explained by the fact that a huge number of devices are based on it, not only smartphones and tablets, but also watches, bicycles and even cars. Android is both unique and diverse - each user can very finely customize the original shell on their device.


  • Open source. Anyone who understands programming can write an application for Android and post it on Google Play
  • In this regard, more than 1.5 million programs for all occasions, available for both paid and free downloads
  • One personal account gives access to everything Google services, many of which are very closely integrated with each other
  • Convenient synchronization with other devices via modules wireless communication or USB cable without additional software
  • Convenient and intuitive controls
  • High performance and multitasking
  • Huge selection of manufacturers
  • Wide range of prices. An Android device, depending on the configuration, can cost either 2 thousand or 32 thousand rubles


  • High vulnerability to hacker attacks and viruses
  • Among free applications there is a large amount of frankly low-quality software
  • A huge number of settings, which can sometimes be difficult for an untrained user to understand

An Android smartphone or tablet is ideal for those who have just begun to master mobile technologies, and confident users. Considering the combination of pros and cons of the OS, we can confidently say that Android is the best operating system for a smartphone.

Perhaps the main thing here is to monitor what and how you install and download, and not delve into complex settings without the appropriate skills.

Windows Phone

Microsoft, unlike its competitors, who sometimes spy on each other's technological solutions, is trying to go its own way. As a result, the operating room Windows system Phone has a unique design and specific operation. And yet, gadgets running Windows Phone OS, to put it mildly, are not flying off the shelves.


  • Unified OS for mobile devices and PCs
  • Low system requirements
  • Windows Phone is annually recognized as the most secure OS in the world
  • Spectacular tiled interface
  • Quality applications


  • A small number of applications in the Marketplace brand store (about 300 thousand)
  • Incompatible with popular applications. For example, Windows Phone does not have its own Instagram versions. We have to use rather inconvenient analogues
  • Limited selection of gadget manufacturers
  • Lack of customization
  • Cumbersome carrying system Windows Contacts Phone to another OS
  • Errors in system operation
  • Inconvenient built-in Edge browser, which in this regard became the direct successor of Internet Explorer

As a rule, smartphones running Windows Phone are recommended for businessmen who can process various types of documents in one software environment Microsoft Office. At the same time, it is quite difficult to choose a gadget for Windows Phone, for example, for a schoolchild.

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages of the Android OS is the pricing policy of smartphone manufacturers that use this “operating system”. For a reasonable price of up to $150, the user can find a gadget on current version OS with reliable and powerful hardware.

One of the most prominent manufacturers of smartphones that perfectly combine modern technology, quality, reliability and affordability. If you prefer the accessibility and simplicity of the Android OS over other systems, and also choose for yourself a powerful and inexpensive smartphone, we recommend paying attention to the products of the British company Fly.

Why Fly

Since 2003, Fly has been producing mobile gadgets, designed for the mass consumer. Mine best smartphone any user, regardless of profession, age, can find solutions for any requests and tasks, social status and earnings. Businessman, student, schoolchild, athlete, builder, rescuer, traveler - everyone can find the perfect Fly for themselves.

Among the latest models, in which the entire range Android capabilities combined with high-quality and reliable technical components, an impressive body design and a reasonable price, we can mention the Fly Cirrus 9 and Fly Cirrus 12.

Fly Cirrus 9

The gadget is an LTE phablet with a large 5.5-inch screen on an IPS matrix and HD resolution. On such a screen it is incredibly convenient to work with a variety of Android applications, watch movies, read books and process documentation. A fast 4-core processor at 1.25 GHz is responsible for speed and multitasking.

The Fly Cirrus 9 is a great answer to those who complain that Android drains your battery in a matter of hours. Thanks to excellent optimization of the system, hardware and a capacious 2800 mAh battery, the smartphone will work stably for up to 10 hours of talk time and up to 280 hours of standby time. Let's add to this quality camera 8 and 2 megapixels, a nice glossy design of the rear panel and we get great smartphone with a nice price tag - only $100.

Fly Cirrus 12

The Fly Cirrus 12 LTE smartphone will be chosen by those who like to take great photos with a smartphone. 13 and 5 megapixel cameras on a CMOS matrix were inherited from the model Fly models Cirrus 7, which at one time was called a “camera phone” in many reviews. The 5-inch IPS screen will provide excellent tactile sensations thanks to 2.5D technology, which allows you to create screens with pleasantly rounded edges.

The stability, convenience and performance of the smartphone is ensured by the combination of the Android 6.0 operating system and a powerful 1.3 GHz quad-core processor. And 8 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time will provide capacious battery at 2600 mAh.


We have analyzed which smartphone operating systems are the most popular in the world. When choosing a smartphone for a specific OS, consider the combination of advantages and disadvantages of each system and proceed from own requests. We also recommend that you read the overview of the main characteristics of smartphones, which will help you choose the most suitable model for yourself.

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Until relatively recently, in order to reach another subscriber, you had to be at home. Sometimes they were saved by devices standing on the street. And a little earlier we had to contact the girl who could be heard on the other end of the line as soon as we picked up the phone. Her main task was to connect with the right subscriber. Not very practical, you will agree. But in the 21st century we have absolutely no problems with communication. With the advent of mobile phones, no matter where we are, we are always available to people who know our number. And it seems that if a person does not have a mobile phone, then he is cut off from both life and progress.

Lots of possibilities in a small gadget

Today, such a device will not surprise anyone at all. After all, instead of the usual mobile devices smartphones have arrived - smart phones. Using such a device you can not only make calls or write SMS messages. These gadgets provide a lot of amazing features. You can listen to music, watch videos and even entire films, go online, visit social networks, use a navigator, alarm clock, calculator, flashlight and many other useful and interesting things. In the world of modern technology, almost every person has a smartphone. Most often, the capabilities of the device depend on the model or manufacturer. But the operating system plays a much larger role for the user. for smartphones allow us to unleash the full potential of the gadget. The quality of its use depends on them. In the article we will talk about those for smartphones and understand their main versions.

Types of operating systems

The operating system has another name - “firmware”. When talking about installing an operating system, they use the term “reflash”. But these words are used more often when talking about versions of operating systems, rather than their types.

There are three most popular, well-known and used operating systems for smartphones, namely Android OS, IOS and Windows. There are others, but they are quite rare and mostly on Chinese models of dubious origin. Advanced user even at the first glance at the operating system can determine the quality of the product.

The operating systems that we named compete with each other every now and then. Smartphone owners note that developers copy elements of the operating system from each other.

In addition to the three main competitors in the operating system development market, there are also those that are created for a specific company or gadget model. For example, Blackberry OS for Blackberry phones or Nokia.

Now let's talk in more detail about the three giants. So, the main operating systems for smartphones.

Windows Phone OS

This “OS” is simply recommended for people who want to try something new. Let’s say right away that there are much fewer smartphones based on this platform than on Android or iOS, but it can also please its owner. For example, in comparison with the same Android, the system works much faster and more productive, but if you compare it with iOS, the products are much cheaper. Yes and familiar interface Users are already a little fed up with the last two systems.

Advantages of Windows

The second advantage of WP is applications in its own store. The fact is that Android has a store under its auspices Google applications Play, IOS - App Store, but the brainchild of Windows is the Windows Phone Store. The number of applications in the latter is relatively small, but because of this it is much easier to understand them. Owners of smartphones running Android have access to thousands of paid and free applications, and sometimes, when they need to find important software, they simply drown in the abyss of the applications offered. But with Windows Phone it’s much easier. And there are much more high-quality free applications, but their analogues in competitors’ stores are quite expensive.

Moreover, almost all the software is working and lacks system errors. IN in this case we see a clear example of when quantity does not mean quality. This operating system has a lot of “native” applications, and therefore sometimes there is no need to download any add-ons. Windows is a closed, independent and self-sufficient platform that will appeal to many users. They will also like the speed of the device based on this OS.

It's all about intellectual work with RAM. The system is programmed to offload less-used applications and actively run those you use frequently. Therefore, everything loads very quickly and hardly slows down. Another beauty of this OS is the tiled interface. The interface of the other two operating systems has a similar structure, but Tile has a radically different approach to rational use screen.

Thus, Windows 8, designed for computers, is rightfully considered a failed operating system, and for the most part this is due to its impractical interface. Not all users are accustomed to clicking on tiles on the screen, and few, in general, understood this idea. But this system is perfect for phones. But which operating system is best for a smartphone? Let's understand further.

Smartphones with the Android operating system

The most famous OS for gadgets in the world. This operating system was initially destined for popularity. The fact is that Google owns all rights to Android and is also developing it. Perhaps everyone who has a smartphone is familiar with this operating system. is the undisputed leader in its category. Other smartphone operating systems can't even come close to Android's performance. So, according to recent research, about 75% of smartphones released over the past year have this “firmware” and even such a popular brand as IOS is content with its 15 percent.

Disadvantages of "Robot"

Among the shortcomings of the operating system, we can only note that everyone has long been bored with it, and even despite the fact that updates and new versions of the system are regularly released, its interface itself and the “little green men” on the screen are quite boring. Plus, users too often complain about lags and system errors. It is not perfect at all, although the developers made sure that updates were released quite often, and accordingly, errors and errors were corrected.

This system is also highly susceptible to attack by various viruses. To avoid this, you have to download additional antivirus programs. The cause of this problem is most often applications ordered from unverified sources, and even Google’s brainchild, Google Play, does not always thoroughly check its products. Now all that remains to be discussed is the advantages of the system.

The best operating system for a smartphone

We can safely say that Android has eclipsed almost all mobile operating systems. A smartphone running this OS perfectly reveals its capabilities. The first thing you should do if you decide to install Android is to create your Google account. This is not difficult to do: it is enough to have only Gmail, specify your password and payment information. Another advantage of own account- it is the same for all Google services, and if you want, for example, to synchronize your smartphone with other devices, it will not be difficult at all.

Google Play is a great app store where you can find everything you like. It breaks records for the number of high-quality and free applications than Android and has won the hearts of many users.

Versions of operating systems for smartphones based on Android proudly bear the names of sweets, and experienced users know where to find “ Easter eggs", hidden in each of these systems.


All owners are familiar with this name Apple products and, despite all the shortcomings, they are devoted to this operating system. The fact is that it is of excellent quality, hence the price of the gadgets. The system is not familiar with the concept of lags and does not know what “slow down” means. Yes, exceptions sometimes happen, but they are so rare that no one pays attention to them. The OS is very fast and understandable, which has won the hearts of iPhone owners. But now about the bad. If, for example, there are more than enough variations of models and manufacturers of phones for Android, then iOS is tailored strictly for “Apple products”, that is, no one has the rights to use this OS for other equipment.

For Yablochka users

It is quite obvious that the system has not gained momentum in popularity due to its high cost Apple products. This "OS" is not tormented by viruses thanks to its unique program code based on Linux. All Apple devices They synchronize perfectly with each other, however, working with other operating systems on IOS is difficult. It is also very difficult to install the operating system yourself. You can even reflash an Android smartphone at home, but with Apple it’s almost impossible to do this.

All smartphone operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages, but the choice is always yours.