G sensor - what is it in the DVR. Sensors - devices that make the phone smart

There are a lot of nuances in the settings of complex DVR models that the device instructions do not explain in detail. Many drivers interested in the correct settings of the device are interested in the question: “g sensor - what is it in the DVR, how to configure the option correctly?”

General principles of sensor operation, use of G-sensor in various DVR models

Based on the principle of operation, the G-sensor is similar to a shock sensor, familiar to many car enthusiasts from the operation of anti-theft alarm systems. The sensor, located in the electronic board of the DVR, responds to sudden movements of the device body (together with the car body) in three planes.

Unlike the anti-theft alarm sensor, which turns on the alarm siren, during impacts or sudden road maneuvers (braking, lateral departure), the G-sensor can perform several actions:

  1. Enable video recording if the device does not have continuous recording mode enabled.
  2. Automatically record the date and time of emergency recording.
  3. Place the video recording in an “indelible” folder in the archive, protecting it from accidental deletion.
  4. Record the trajectory of the vehicle on video. This function is typical for expensive DVR models.

The disadvantage of simple models of G-sensors installed in inexpensive DVRs is the spontaneous activation of the mode and the lack of sensitivity adjustments. At the same time, the device can react to loud music from car speakers, road potholes, sharp turns, constantly overflowing the archive memory.

Setting G-sensor sensitivity

In cheap DVR models, the display may indicate a function that can be enabled or disabled (usually indicated by the symbols “on” and “off”).

It’s not difficult to figure out how to move the cursor to the desired menu line to enable the mode; simple models are equipped with an intuitive interface.

More complex settings of expensive DVR models allow you to adjust the functionality of the device depending on road conditions and the driver’s driving style.

There is no point in describing the adjustment of the device in detail; it differs for different models of DVRs. The sensitivity of the G-sensor is displayed by a digital scale (with numbers from 0 to 10) or a colored bar (for DVRs with touch controls on the display). When the scale reaches “0” or the color bar disappears, the function is disabled.

Expensive DVR models have the following G-sensor settings that need to be considered carefully:

  • Shooting interval. Varies from 5 to 60 seconds. To save space on the memory card, it is recommended to set the interval to 20-30 seconds; this is enough to record a traffic incident.
  • Date and time display. Recommended as a permanent option, it takes up virtually no memory space.
  • Excessive sensitivity indicators. When the maximum level is set, the sensor reacts to normal steering and braking movements. It is recommended to adjust experimentally, checking the sensor's response to normal driver actions.

Take the time to set up the function; it will pay off in the normal functioning of the sensor and the preservation of memory capacity.

In the video you can see how Russian drivers use the activation of the G sensor in unusual situations:

With a click of your finger on the DVR, you can include a recording of driving through a difficult section of the road or communicating with a gas station attendant into an indelible folder. When using this, you need to regularly transfer the necessary files to the computer archive, since the “unerasable” folder deletes old video recordings as the memory becomes full.

Correctly setting up this useful option will provide additional protection for your car in difficult road situations, in case of incidents in a parking lot, or in a yard.

A recording of a traffic accident with the trajectory of your car, provided to the traffic police inspector, insurance organizations, and judicial authorities, will become strong evidence that you are right.

The G-sensor is a very common device and can be presented in completely different types of equipment. However, the functions of all G-sensors are approximately the same.

Why do you need a G-sensor in a DVR?

Some recorders are equipped with a built-in G-sensor. This is a sensor that can sense and record a sudden change in the position of the car in space - for example, a push or impact. As you understand, the DVR records on video only what the driver sees ahead, while the G-sensor helps determine whether there was a push and from which side, which allows you to partially “see” what is happening that is not captured in the frame.

Why is a G-sensor needed in a computer hard drive?

This is where G-sensors are still rare, but their functions are no less useful. If in the case of a video recorder the sensor helps determine the culprit, then here it is designed to prevent trouble. Actually, it does the same thing - it records a sharp change in position in space. The fact is that the hard drive heads, when hit or shaken, can scratch the surface on which your information is stored, and it will not be possible to restore it. This is why the G-sensor exists - it makes sure that in such situations the heads are urgently removed.

Why is a G-sensor needed in portable devices?

The only case where the built-in G-sensor is simply for ease of use. Have you noticed that in many touch phones, tablets and other similar devices, the screen orientation changes depending on the position of the device itself? This effect is achieved using the G-sensor. In addition to convenience, the G-sensor creates opportunities for third-party applications - for example, there is software that can measure the speed of the device using the G-sensor, so with its help you can find out at what speed you are traveling on a bus, train or subway.

Sensor(from the English Sensor - sensor, from the Latin sentire - “to feel” or “feel”) - a term denoting a device (device, organ, unit) that monitors a material object, process, environment, their physical (physico-chemical) state, receiving information, converting it into a signal (form) convenient for storage, processing, control and transmitting it to external devices.
The first sensors appeared in the late 40s. XX century, and the first digital sensors began to be developed in the 60-70s. XX century
In Russia, the terms sensor and sensor are used, which essentially characterize one device.
a perceptive (sensitive) organ and one or more intermediate transducers. Often the sensor consists of only one sensing organ (for example, a thermocouple, resistance thermometer, strain gauge, etc.).
Output signals differ in the type of energy - electrical, mechanical, pneumatic (less often hydraulic), and in the nature of modulation of the energy flow - amplitude, time-pulse, frequency, phase, discrete (code). The most common are sensors whose action is based on changes in electrical resistance, capacitance, inductance or mutual inductance of an electrical circuit (rheostatic sensor, capacitive sensor, inductive sensor, etc.), as well as on the occurrence of emf when exposed to controlled mechanical, acoustic, thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical or radiation quantities (strain sensor, displacement sensor, piezoelectric sensor, pressure sensor, photocell). The sensor is characterized by: the law of change in the output value (y) depending on the input influence (input value x), the limits of changes in input (xmin - xmax) and output values ​​(ymin - ymax); sensitivity S= D/Dx, sensitivity threshold (the value of the minimum impact to which the sensor responds) and time parameters (time constants).
Sensors (sensors) are different: pressure sensors, flow sensors, level sensors, temperature sensors, photo sensors, angular and linear position sensors, force sensors, acceleration and inclination sensors, proximity sensors, gas sensors, potentiometric biosensors, optical sensors and many others. etc. Today, sensors are present in every attribute of our life and work.
Sensors differ in the type of external influence to which they are adapted to respond. Sensors can respond to almost all natural phenomena and events: electromagnetic radiation - radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, infrared (IR) sensor, various colors of the visible spectrum, ultraviolet (UV), vibrations, seismic waves, sounds of human speech, animal cries , music, noise, impacts, explosions, shots, clicks, claps, whistles, ultrasound and infrasound, even the passage of an elementary particle - electron, positron, neutron, neutrino and many other impacts.
Sensors differ in the method of converting the external influence for which they are designed: either direct conversion of the input signal into an electrical one (pressing a button, light entering a photosensitive element), or with intermediate conversion (for example, the passage of an elementary particle is recorded through the registration of a flash of light in a substance by a photocell, through which the particle passed).
Based on the type of design, sensors are divided into external and integrated into microcircuits. An external sensor requires additional elements to be included in control device circuits. Sensors integrated into microcircuits are more compact, but more expensive and specialized. External sensors are easier to adapt to original applications not intended by the manufacturer and are cheaper to replace if they fail. Examples of the development and application of sensors in the domestic sphere in 2010-2011. Capacitive screen
, used in modern devices - phones, tablet computers and others, most attention in 2010-2011. attracted the iPhone, in general it is a glass panel on which a layer of transparent resistive material is applied. Electrodes are installed at the corners of the panel, supplying low-voltage alternating voltage to the conductive layer. Since the human body is capable of conducting electrical current and has some capacitance, when touching the screen, a leak appears in the system. The location of this leak, that is, the point of contact, is determined by a simple controller based on data from the electrodes at the corners of the panel.
There are no flexible membranes on the screen, which ensures high reliability and allows you to reduce the brightness of the backlight. Unfortunately, you cannot work with them with a stylus or fingernail, since the command simply will not be recognized. Only with your finger. Such a screen also does not like negative temperatures: at best, the accuracy of determining coordinates decreases; at worst, it simply stops responding. Such screens are capable of reacting even to the approach of a hand (and therefore to a gloved hand) - it all depends on the sensitivity settings.

Microsoft Kinect
. The controller uses PrimeSense software, created by the Israeli company of the same name. The essence of the technology proposed by PrimeSense is to track the user's movements with a system of special sensors and use these gestures to control video game characters, as well as to control various device functions. For example, the user will be able to rearrange documents on the TV screen by simply moving their hands in the air. The system works with 25 control points located on a person to make the movements on the screen as close to real as possible.

human due to the external frame, the exoskeleton repeats human biomechanics to proportionally increase the effort during movements. Sensors installed in various parts of the exoskeleton record muscle contractions and other reactions of the body and the environment, and actuators that respond to incoming signals from the sensors and imitate the movement of muscles by the exoskeleton. Naturally, improved imitation occurs: the motors do more work than the muscles, thereby increasing the physical capabilities of a person.
Manufacturers and developers of sensors:
1. MTS-Sensor - linear position and liquid level sensors;
2. Wachendorff - incremental angular displacement sensors;
3. Roland Electronic - double sheet detectors and metal sheet thickness meters;
4. Pepperl+Fuchs - inductive, optoelectronic and ultrasonic sensors;
5. Honsberg - mechanical control of fluid flow, level, temperature and pressure control;
6. HAEHNE Elektronische Messgeraete - measurement and regulation of tension forces;
7. HL-Planartechnik - sensors of thin film technology;
8. Heinrichs Messtechnik - Coriolis mass flowmeters, magnetic-inductive flow meters, density meters and much more. others made of special materials for operation in a wide range of temperatures and pressures;
9. Phoenix Messtechnik - ultrasonic, through-the-tank level meters and high-precision magnetic-strictive level meters;
10. Fraba Posital
11. Seika Mikrosystemtechnik - sensors for measuring physical quantities, as well as electronic and mechanical components in the field of sensing, inclination angle sensors (inclinometers), acceleration sensors (accelerometers);
12. KRIZ SENSORS - high-temperature (from -50° to +250°C!) inductive sensors;
13. EGE-Elektronik - sensors and systems for automation, liquid flow switches, infrared, optical, ultrasonic sensors, capacitive liquid level sensors and light gates, inductive sensors;
14. JSC "Sensor" - contactless switches. Links to information about sensors:
1. Chemical sensors: edudic.ru
2. Exoskeleton: t-generation.ru
3. Let's look inside Microsoft Kinect:u-sm.ru
4. About touch displays: siriust.ru/info/sensor-display
5. Retrospective of Multi Touch technologies: iphones.ru
6. Five fingers are no longer enough. Give me all ten: iphones.ru
7. The iPhone is controlled by a sausage!))): webplanet.ru
8. Types of sensors, sensors and cameras installed in a modern city: aktau-business.com
9. Operating principles of optical mouse sensors, history of their development: ixbt.com

Sources used
1. siriust.ru.
2. ironfelix.ru.
3. kit-e.ru.
4. ferra.ru.
5. avto-nk.ru.
6. slovari.yandex.ru.
7. traditio.ru/wiki.
8. Eggins B. Chemical and biological sensors. Technosphere. M., 2006.

Two years ago, when I first started working on multicopters, I had to make a small one. Since the quadcopter was intended to be purely autonomous, all that was required of this remote control was to control the drone during testing and setup.

In principle, the remote control coped with all the tasks assigned to it quite successfully . But there were also serious shortcomings.

  1. The batteries did not fit into the case, so I had to tape them to the case with electrical tape :)
  2. The parameters were adjusted using four potentiometers, which turned out to be very sensitive to temperature. You set some values ​​indoors, go outside - and they are already different, they have floated away.
  3. The Arduino Nano I used in the remote has only 8 analog inputs. Four were occupied by tuning potentiometers. One potentiometer served as gas. Two inputs were connected to the joystick. Only one output remained free, and there were many more parameters to configure.
  4. The only joystick was not a pilot one at all. Controlling the throttle with a potentiometer was also quite frustrating.
  5. And the remote control didn’t make any sounds, which is sometimes extremely useful.

To eliminate all these shortcomings, I decided to radically redesign the remote control. Both the hardware part and the software. Here's what I wanted to do:

  • Make a large case so that you can stuff everything you want now (including batteries) into it, and whatever you want later.
  • Somehow solve the problem with the settings, not by increasing the number of potentiometers. Plus, add the ability to save parameters in the remote control.
  • Make two joysticks, like on normal pilot consoles. Well, put the joysticks themselves Orthodox.

New building

The idea is extremely simple and effective. We cut out two plates from plexiglass or other thin material and connect them with racks. The entire contents of the case are attached to either the top or bottom plate.

Controls and Menus

To control a bunch of parameters, you either need to place a bunch of potentiometers on the remote control and add an ADC, or make all the settings through the menu. As I already said, adjusting with potentiometers is not always a good idea, but you shouldn’t give it up either. So, it was decided to leave four potentiometers in the remote control and add a full menu.

To navigate through the menu and change parameters, buttons are usually used. Left, right, up, down. But I wanted to use an encoder instead of buttons. I got this idea from a 3D printer controller.

Of course, due to the addition of the menu, the remote control code has expanded several times. To begin with, I added only three menu items: "Telemetry", "Parameters" and "Store params". The first window displays up to eight different indicators. So far I only use three: battery power, compass and altitude.

In the second window, six parameters are available: PID controller coefficients for the X/Y, Z axes and accelerometer correction angles.

The third item allows you to save parameters in EEPROM.


I didn’t think long about the choice of pilot joysticks. It so happened that I got the first Turnigy 9XR joystick from a colleague in the quadcopter business - Alexander Vasiliev, the owner of the well-known website alex-exe.ru. I ordered the second one directly from Hobbyking.

The first joystick was spring-loaded in both coordinates - to control yaw and pitch. The second one I took was the same one, so that I could then convert it into a joystick to control traction and rotation.


In the old remote control I used a simple LM7805 voltage regulator, which was fed with a bunch of 8 AA batteries. A terribly inefficient option, in which 7 volts were spent on heating the regulator. 8 batteries - because there was only such a compartment at hand, and LM7805 - because at that time this option seemed to me the simplest, and most importantly, the fastest.

Now I decided to do the wiser thing and installed a fairly effective regulator on the LM2596S. And instead of 8 AA batteries, I installed a compartment for two LiIon 18650 batteries.


Putting everything together, we got this device. Inside view.

But with the lid closed.

The cap on one potentiometer and the caps on the joysticks are missing.

Finally, a video about how settings are configured through the menu.

Bottom line

The remote control is physically assembled. Now I am working on finalizing the code for the remote control and quadcopter in order to return them to their former strong friendship.

While setting up the remote control, shortcomings were identified. Firstly, the lower corners of the remote control rest in your hands: (I’ll probably redesign the plates a little, smooth out the corners. Secondly, even a 16x4 display is not enough for a beautiful telemetry display - I have to shorten the parameter names to two letters. In the next version of the device I will install a dot display , or immediately a TFT matrix.

Due to the quality of roads and not always careful driving in Russia, drivers often use DVRs, which makes life easier and saves nerves. However, before purchasing, you should find out more about the technical issues of the device. Today we are interested in G-Sensor, what it is in a DVR, what functions and capabilities it has.

Why is G-Sensor needed?

If we translate it into everyday language, then this is a kind of shock sensor. It monitors sudden changes in the car’s position in space, recording rapid braking, turning, acceleration and impacts. If something like this happens, the DVR records what happened in a separate folder. If the device is modern and not the cheapest, then separate information is recorded in the same file - time and date, the side that collided with the object.

It works at any time of the day, if you left the car in the parking lot at night, everything that happens will be recorded, as long as there is enough storage space. If someone hits or scratches the car, this fact will not pass your attention.

What settings should I pay attention to?

  • The shooting interval varies from 10 seconds to a minute; those who are saving storage space should take a closer look at it.
  • The period of time before and after the sensor is triggered. Usually it is set short - from 10 to 30 seconds.
  • Sensitivity adjustments (when turned to maximum, even a tiny deviation of the machine to the side will cause the sensor to react, but this is not necessary).

Each model has certain parameters, so we recommend spending a little time and setting everything up in a way that is convenient.

How it works?

Budget models write in the usual three-axis mode; more expensive versions draw graphic diagrams that allow you to determine at what point the impact occurred.

In practice, such a gadget will help you communicate with the police. A good sensor will be a significant argument and the culprit will definitely be punished. All you need to do is demonstrate the recording on the DVR screen, and then you will save a lot of time.

Cheap versions don't work the best. Remember that you are not purchasing it for pampering, but to protect yourself and property.

Count on a couple of years of active use, then you will still have to exchange it for a higher-class model with better technical characteristics.

Do not save money by purchasing the cheapest Chinese crafts; this will result in wasted money, which will become clear after a couple of months. If you have not yet decided what kind of DVR you need, then pay attention to the viewing angle; it should be at least 180 degrees.

Buy high-quality equipment - before purchasing, read reviews in large online stores. A reliable G-Sensor, purchased from a reputable manufacturer, will be a good protector.